76.78% Kal Son of Odin / Chapter 43: Chapter 43 – The Dark World (5)

บท 43: Chapter 43 – The Dark World (5)

(Battlefield Graveyard - Svartalfheim - Morning November 15th 2013)

The vessel flew silently in the air, cutting through the darkness that was the realm of Svartalfheim as the orbs of light Loki had conjured illuminated the devastation all around. Whilst most of the company present had seen destruction of this scale before, Jane had not, and she looked around in horrified awe at the world they were in. Although it was clear time had also aided in the desolation of this place, it was equally clear that it had been ripped apart by a conflict that the mortal woman couldn't even start to comprehend.

In every direction she looked, there was annihilation; remains of cities crumbling into dust, great fields littered with what remained of the ancient dead, and great wreckages of ships both Dark Elven and Asgardian lying half buried in the earth like giant tombstones of the dead planet. It was the first time Jane looked at Thor and Kal and saw them not as heroes but as warriors, noticing their weapons and the armour that they wore. It chilled her slightly as she realised that the myths she had learnt about them, of Thor killing giants and trolls in great battles and Kal slaughtering men in rage, were likely true.

Jane turned to speak to Carol wanting to discuss what she was feeling with the only other human present, but found that she and Thor were deep in discussion talking in quiet whispers glancing at Loki and at her. As Thor met her eyes, he gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes which she forced herself to return knowing that they were talking about her and not wanting to worry him any more. She then felt another chill as a cold dark wind blew over the devastated landscape, and she shivered, drawing her arms to her chest.

"Here, this will help." She suddenly felt warmer as Kal draped a thick blanket over her shoulders and stood next to her. She found that his presence did more than the blanket. The man practically radiated heat, which she supposed was to be expected for a sun god.

"Thanks," Jane replied, giving Kal a smile, which faltered slightly when she met his eyes.

Although he smiled back and Jane could see the warmth in his face, there was darkness lingering further within that she didn't like. She had seen Kal on the news saving people, and all her interactions with him had led her to believe he was a good man, but even good men faltered when things went bad.

"…...We are not like them," Kal spoke, looking out over the devastated landscape causing Jane to look at him in surprise as if he knew what she was thinking. "Thor and I have fought in a great many wars and battles, but never something like this, if that is what concerns you."

"It is," Jane replied honestly, casting a glance at Thor before releasing a deep sigh. "There are stories…. myths on Earth about you two and some of them are…not great."

"I have read the sagas of your world and I can assure you most of them are false," Kal replied with a smile gracing his face for the first time since his mother's passing. "Loki made most of them up, truth be told, and the ones that are true….well, humans have embellished them over the years."

"So, like you being the father of Norway's first king?... or Sif being Thor's wife?" Jane asked quietly. She was curious if there was any truth to either, but was more worried about the second for personal reasons.

Kal started chuckling at her question, leaning forward so that he rested his elbows on the ship's railings. "Neither I nor Thor have children, I merely raised Harald for a time. He was a good boy and an even better man. As for Sif and Thor, that was mostly Loki's doing and humans mistaking their friendship for something deeper."

Jane smiled at that, pleased that her fears were unfounded but also found that she wanted to ask something that had been gnawing at her for a while now "…. What about Ragnarök? Is that a real thing?"

Her question again caused a response just like the one in the great hall before. The god in front of her went silent and shifted uncomfortably. He looked at her with what seemed to her eyes to be a mixture of hesitation and a little apprehension. However, just as she was about to apologise for asking the question he released a deep sigh and leaned forward.

"Why do you want to know?" Kal asked, his voice quiet as he cast a quick gaze over to Thor who he knew would not approve of the conversation.

"…Erik told me it's the Doom of The Æsir, The Twilight of the Gods, where all but a few die, and that fate says it'll happen…." Jane spoke softly, realising that Kal didn't want Thor to overhear them and knew the topic was something he found uncomfortable. "Thor's always so sure, so brave, fearless and…and I'm afraid for him, so I want to know….is he fearless because he knows this isn't when he's supposed to die?"

Kal was quiet for a few moments, Jane at first thought she had offended him but as she leaned in to apologise saw that he was deep in thought. For his part, he was trying to figure out how to explain the complex nature of Asgardian destinies to Jane, and Ragnarök was certainly not a simple one.

"…. Thor appears fearless because that is what is expected of him as a Prince of Asgard, and in truth, this is the first time I've ever seen him open his heart so. He cares for you a great deal." Kal stated, earning a blush from Jane he then went quiet, before trying to explain the twilight of the gods. "…Ragnarök…... Ragnarök is the doom of our people, but not as you understand it to be, with fixed outcomes and a clear path. It is said that when Odin first became King, he consulted the Norns as to the fate of his reign. None know what was said, and my father does not speak of it…all we know is that death will come to us, Surtr will destroy Asgard with flame, and many will fall…... but more than the knowledge is a kind of feeling, a lingering doom we all sense when we cast our thoughts to the future."

Jane went quiet as Kal stared out over the dark world, she could swear she could almost see fire and battle raging in his eyes as if the cataclysm was something he could see. She was about to speak when she felt a hand on her shoulder and found Carol standing behind her. The cosmic avenger gave a friendly gesture of her head indicating that she wanted to speak with Kal alone which Jane smiled and then complied with.

Carol watched the other woman move to the prow of the ship, and then released a sigh leaning with her back to the rails, causing Kal to notice her presence. He stood up and looked at her but his smile turned to a frown as he saw the look on her face.

"What is it?" He asked, alarmed as she rarely looked this concerned.

"I get moving Jane off-world, I get protecting as many people as possible but…. this plan is reckless, dangerous, ill-planned, and mostly…. it's not you." Carol met Kal's eyes and saw she hit the mark when he glanced away from her. She released another sigh although glad she was right still disappointed at the same time. "I know you, and I know war. We should have stayed on Asgard, brought in more men, evacuated the civilians, then waited to see what Jor-El or your father had on removing the Aether."

"You're right…... I said as much to my fa-…..to Odin before we left." Kal swallowed the lump in his throat feeling the prickling of doubt arriving in his heart now that his rage was starting to diminish.

"Kal I'm with you till the end but that doesn't mean I'm going to follow you blindly. If you want that then this relationship isn't goi-" Carol started looking at Kal to ensure he heard her.

"I have no desire for that," Kal reassured her, earning him a smile but also a sigh as well.

"I know, but…we've all lost people Kal, but it doesn't give us permission, especially people like us, to ignore what is right. Or to get people killed because we want to make ourselves feel better." Carol said, placing a hand on his chest and looking at his crest before her vision went up to his eyes. "Just…. just make sure you remember our job is to save lives not take them."

Her words caused Kal to pause slightly as he thought on what she was saying. Seeing that her words had at least made him think, Carol gave him a small smile, placed a kiss on his cheek and then moved over to keep Jane company. Kal moved over to the deck of the ship where Loki was still piloting the vessel. His vision however was on Jane and Carol, not the horizon.

"What I could do with the power flowing through either of their veins," Loki smirked as he took a seat, his hand still on the ship's rudder, but his comment merely earned him a scoff from his brothers.

"It would consume you," Thor responded leaning against the ship's railings to Loki's right and crossing his arms as he gazed at his brother

"She's holding up alright," Loki said, gesturing with a nod to Jane who saw it and turned away feeling uncomfortable with his gaze. "…...for now, at least."

"Careful, brother." Kal joined his brothers standing to Loki's right, the rudder controls the only thing between them.

"Oh, forgive me Allfather, I suppose you're the expert now on channelling cosmic powers?" Loki quipped back with a dour expression as he turned his vision to the horizon again

"What are you talking about?" Thor asked.

Loki looked at the confused brothers, his eyes going wide before he started chuckling to himself trying to contain it before it became a full-blown laugh. His response only caused the other two to glare at him which helped him steady himself.

"Ah, sorry, sorry. It's just…..you don't know do you?" He asked, a smug smile on his face that Kal knew well, it was the look the trickster always had when he knew something another did not.

"I'm in no mood for games or ploys Loki." Kal sighed, looking disappointed that his brother had not changed his ways.

"…...The Odinforce, the power of the Allfathers, is leaving dear Odin, and guess where it has gone?" Loki spoke haughtily, then looked smugly at Kal before glancing at Thor raising his eyebrows, causing the god of thunder to frown. "Oh dear, turns out our daddy's promise of the Throne was all for nought, for it seems the universe wants the mongrels in charge."

"Your time in the dungeons has lessened your skills Loki, as this deception is pitiful," Kal responded, not even looking in his direction, just shaking his head in disappointment.

"Suit yourself, brother…... stay ignorant to the might you will soon command, it may take a few years to settle in but eventually you will have it." Loki shrugged his shoulders, turning his attention back to piloting the vessel.

"And how would you know anything about the energies of the Allfathers?" Thor asked, his tone was dismissive, but it was clear he could not help but ask the question.

"Because whilst you two dabbled in swords and martial pursuits I studied magic and true power. I have seen the old graybeard, the fool is weakening faster than he wants to admit…" Loki couldn't help but smirk at that fact as he turned around. "... and I have heard of the battle of Nornheim, your presence revitalising men, giving strength to the wary. It's the most common manifestation of the power, As the Allfather rises so too do we all, is how mother used to put it."

Thor cast a glance at Kal who met his brother's gaze and simply shook his head indicating that he thought Loki's words were false and a poor attempt to drive a wedge between them. However, he was not so sure, although Loki lied and deception was his trade, this seemed too… shoddy for one of his schemes. The power of the Allfathers was ancient magic and commanded by rules few beings knew or understood, including their father.

It was supposed to go to the firstborn child of the ruler of Asgard, but in truth, given the realm's history there had only been one person to succeed the Throne at a time. Odin once had a multitude of brothers but when their grandfather died he had been all that remained. So, Thor wondered, if the Aesir king was weakening and if he was going to inherit the great power it would be something he surely would be feeling by now.

"Must you always stir trouble, Loki?" Kal, having seen Thor's thoughtful expression, turned to his wayward brother.

Loki scoffed at the question before shaking his head and then gesturing to the women his brothers proclaimed to love. "If anyone stirs trouble it is them."

"What?" Thor asked, Loki's declaration causing him to look at his brother.

"Oh come now, you two must see how these relationships of yours are pathetic. They are mortal. Might as well say goodbye now and be done with it." The words were delivered with a half snarl and a snide voice.

"Not this day." Thor declared bravely turning away once again trying to signal the conversation over.

"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing," Loki spoke darkly as he stood up glaring at his brothers. "It's a heartbeat, and even the mighty Captain Marvel will flicker away like that."

Loki snapped the air causing Kal to move towards his brother, a look of anger on his face that Thor matched. Carol and Jane, who had been quietly talking, turned and saw the confrontation growing, alarming both of them.

"WHAT? It's the truth, that no matter what neither of you'll be ready. The only women my so-called brothers profess to love will be snatched from them by time." Loki's words, although they caused Kal to be enraged, caused Thor to suddenly sigh and shake his head, breaking Loki's dark façade.

"And what? Will you be satisfied then?" Thor shook his head moving from Loki, who was not worth his anger.

"Satisfaction is not in my nature." Loki quipped back struggling to regain control, alarmed that Thor was now so dismissive of his words.

"And surrender is not in ours, so shut it." Kal declared let out a deep heated breath before he too turned from Loki.

"The sons of Odin…." Loki started snidely gearing up for another round before Thor cut him off.

"No, not just of Odin." The thunderer's voice was now angry as he pushed himself up from where he had sat and closed in, tired of the games that were being played. "You think you alone were loved by mother? You had her tricks, but Kal had her heart and I her trust."

"OH, TRUST?!" Loki fired back, abandoning the pretence of riling his brothers up in a storm of bitterness. "Was that her last expression? TRUST!? WHEN YOU TWO LET HER DIE?!"

"AND WHAT HELP WERE YOU IN YOUR CELL?" Thor fired back, shoving Loki hard enough that the ship rocked from the force.

"Boys, calm down, we nee-" Carol stood up alarmed to where this was going but was cut off as no one was listening anymore.

"Who put me there?" Loki responded, his words and tone dripping with poison. "WHO PUT ME THERE?!"

It was Kal who responded by lifting Loki up by the scruff of his neck and then slamming him into the back of the ship. The whole vessel jostled at the action resulting in Jane, Carol and Thor gripping the railings for support. The Kryptonian's face was one of wrath as his eyes ignited into twin orbs of red rage.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL!" Kal erupted at his brother, the heat in his eyes intensifying but Loki merely snarled back at his brother's attempt to make him admit his wrongdoing.

There was a pause as everyone went silent. The only sounds present in the dark air of the tomb world were the hum of the engines, the crackling of energy in Kal's eyes and the heavy breathing of the three brothers. Kal felt Thor's hand on his shoulder as his panting slowed to normal and the red glow faded away. He let go of Loki who slightly slumped to the floor, a hand going to his neck where his head had almost been squeezed off.

"She wouldn't want us to fight," Thor said quietly, his own storminess leaving him as he looked at his brothers, truly wondering how they had ended up here.

"You're right," Kal whispered back, nodding his head to the wise words.

"Well, she wouldn't exactly be shocked." Loki's reply caused his brothers to look at him.

He was being sincere as a small smile was on his face and genuine mirth was in his eyes. He chuckled slightly which to his surprise was joined by his brothers both of whom leant back and slumped to sit on the edge of the boat. It continued for a few moments, which earned a smile from both Jane and Carol who for the first time ever saw the brothers as brothers and a small glimpse of what used to be.

"I wish I could trust you," Thor whispered after a few moments once their laughter subsided, he then rose and moved away.

Kal had expected to see a dismissive look or even a scoff on Loki's face but was shocked to see a sign of hurt at the words. The god of mischief glanced to the floor for a second, sadness on his face before it vanished, and Loki straightened himself up and retook the controls.

"Trust my rage, brothers." He declared honesty in his eyes as he gripped the rudder controls tight. "I will get you to Malekith, and to revenge."

(Top Secret Shield Ward - Maudsley Hospital- London, Earth - November 15th 2013)

"You must understand Agent Romanoff, Agent Olsen, this is highly irregular, and I must say I don't feel comfortable with letting someone with Doctor Selvig's…issues go." The SHIELD Doctor spoke with the trio of Natasha, Jimmy and Darcy as they walked through the closed-off wing of the hospital.

"We understand, but this is an emergency," Natasha replied, her voice cold and professional.

"I don't think you do, Selvig is on a very precise regimen of antipsychotics, along with daily controlled therapy sessions and a strict diet." The Doctor responded, not happy that she was being so easily dismissed. "The man is delicate, most days he is a rambling mess and on others, he can be dangerous…in truth I don't think he can help anyone anymore. We've had everyone try to help, even Professor Von Strucker from SHIELD R&D has seen him and nothing worked."

"That might be the case, but we have our orders. So while we understand your concerns and they have been noted, we will be taking Doctor Selvig." Natasha's tone sent a shiver down Darcy's spine and reminded her how behind the flirtatious smile and high cheekbones was a stone-cold killer.

"Fine!" The Doctor threw up her hands in disbelief as they reached the communal area where Selvig was, she then whispered something that only Natasha caught: "Don't say I didn't warn you."

As they opened the door, Darcy immediately smiled as she saw Selvig was on the right side of the room with a chalkboard scribbling away. She moved to get him but stopped when she saw that amongst the equations, he had scrawled crude drawings of shoes over shoes and… what looked like a tree on fire? However, as she stopped Selvig noticed her. Turning, his eyes squinted then widened as a massive smile appeared on his face.

"DARCY! Oh thank god, it's so good to see you!" The scientist exclaimed, rushing in for a hug and then suddenly pulled back, alarming her which was not eased when he turned to talk to thin air. "Of course, I'm going to ask her…well yes, but we have to wait, the one who wants us to wear pants is still around."

"Erik, buddy, are you feeling alright?" Darcy asked, slightly worried about her friend and thinking the scary SHIELD Doctor lady was right.

"Oh yes, I'm fine. Totally fine." Erik declared with a grin as his right eye twitched, earning him a very unsteady smile in return.

"Doctor Selvig." Natasha's voice caused both him and Darcy to look at her. "You're coming with us. We need your help."

Erik quickly nodded and followed the infamous Black Widow whilst Darcy held his hand, afraid to let go of him. Meanwhile, Olsen was looking very unsure of this plan as the SHIELD Doctor gave him a bag filled with medication and a booklet with "Selvig Medicine Schedule"written on the front. As he gave her a wry nod and made to leave, she gripped his arm tight and then thrust yet another bag of prescriptions into his hands.

Olsen looked down at the literal mountain of drugs he had been given and then moved off to catch up with the others. He was quickly reading the drug schedule and trying to pull out the correct bottle when he bumped into the back of them as Erik had stopped on the steps looking up at the sky. Before he could ask what was happening the doctor half-turned, reached into the bag and pulled out the correct bottle, and took three pills before shoving the container back into Olsen's hand.

"We will need to get my equipment back from those trouser fascists if we are going to solve this." Erik declared his eyes on the birds above them.

"Trouser Fascists?" Olsen stated in confusion before realisation dawned on him. "You mean the police?"

"Yes yes, them," Erik exclaimed, his eyes going wild and his demeanour changing. "Man tries to save the world, and he's suddenly arrested because you need your legs covered all the time!... Yes I know, pants just slow me down!"

Erik's last declaration was made to thin air causing Olsen to lean to the left, look at his fellow SHIELD agent, and raise his eyebrows. Nat too looked sceptical now and just shrugged her shoulders before talking.

"Don't worry, we have your equipment, it's safe," She spoke softly, a smile appearing on her face as her words seemed to calm Erik.

"It's happening sooner than I calculated." He suddenly declared, pointing up to the flock above them. "THERE! See it?"

Everyone turned to look at where he was pointing, but could only see birds flying through the air in a slightly unusual manner. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary.

"A bunch of pigeons?" Darcy questioned, now very concerned that asking Erik to be released to help her had been a really bad decision, and maybe he was actually crazy.

"They're starlings, it's called a murmuration," Olsen spoke out, causing Darcy to look at him surprised as he gestured to the birds' flight pattern. "My dad used to take me bird watching as a kid."

"Nerd," Darcy responded whilst giving Olsen a teasing smile before it disappeared remembering she was mad at him.

"Shh-shh-shh! Look." Erik pointed frantically, causing everyone to look up again.

However, this time the sceptical look on their faces disappeared as the starlings disappeared into thin air. The only evidence of their flight was a thin wave-like ripple as they passed through… something. Darcy's and Olsen's eyes went wide whilst Nat's narrowed, not liking the result at all since her recent experiences made her wary of portals as a general rule.

"Where did they go?" Darcy asked after a few seconds twisting her head in every direction.

As if answering the street beneath them rippled causing everyone to jump away as suddenly the flock of starlings burst back into existence. Like a geyser, they streamed upwards and then flocked in every direction scattering in terror.

"What the hell was that?!" Darcy screamed, standing up and looking at the ground which was now solid again, as she looked up to Erik for answers she saw he was smiling madly. "Why are you smiling?!"

"There's nothing more reassuring than realising that the world is crazier than you are," Erik exclaimed with a chuckle before he moved over to Olsen and took the bags of medicine. He hurled them both over his shoulder with a smile on his face as he turned to Romanoff who gave him a cold look. "Don't need those anymore! Now, take me to Jane's lab!"

As the oddball scientist stormed off Darcy was quick to follow him. Meanwhile, Olsen looked at the bags of discarded medicine, then the patch of street before shrugging his shoulders and then also throwing away the schedule he had been given. He gave Nat a tilt of the head and followed the rest of the group. The infamous Black Widow just sighed and trailed behind whilst tapping her comm device.

"Tony, it's me. Suit up, I'm sending you the coordinates" She spoke with a sense of urgency that prevented the billionaire from making a joke, she then released a huff before forcing herself to add "…..and bring the rookies with you as well, looks like it's getting hot."

(Svartalfheim - November 15th 2013)

"Thor." Kal's words caused his brother to look to his brother who pointed upwards to the sky.

Thor and everyone else looked up to see black thick clouds of the Dark World part, briefly revealing the gaping maw of the black hole that the planet was suspended in front of but their focus was on what was parting it. Gliding gently down towards the surface was the great Ark ship that had devastated Asgard, its mere sight caused Kal's knuckles to go white as he balled his hands into fists. However, his rage was momentarily halted as he saw Jane stand up and move forward as if towards the vessel.

"Malekith" Jane whispered, as she moved towards the edge alarming without care and only stopping when Carol gripped her.

She turned Jane around who was blinking and was dispelling whatever had come over her. However, not before everyone saw the glow of red in the veins of her arms and her eyes became solid black. Thor looked at Kal with great concern, earning him a brotherly grip on the shoulder and a reassuring nod. Kal then turned to Loki whose knuckles had whitened too as he looked at the vessel.

"You know what needs to be done, set us down brother," Kal ordered, earning him a dark smile from Loki who all too happily complied.

As the Ark landed and a small party of Elves exited the vessel, the group waited on a ridge overlooking them. Thor, Kal and Loki stood together, as Malekith became visible Thor could hear his brother's muscles tensing and the heat swelling beneath his skin. He turned to look at Kal and placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, when their eyes met Thor gave him a nod that promised vengeance was at hand.

"Are we ready?" Thor asked the group as a whole his eyes only leaving the approaching elves to look at Jane.

"I am." Loki's declaration caused Thor and Kal to turn to him, the god of mischief for once did look ready, there was no smirk nor sly smile, only focus and dark intent in his eyes.

The three brothers then moved forward leaving Carol to walk with Jane behind them, as they crested the ridge they paused as the dark elves below them did too. Thor readied Mjolnir, Kal unsheathed Gram and Loki rolled his neck around then with a gentle flick caused the cuffs he had been wearing to fall to the floor. That action caused his brothers to look at him with surprise and raise their eyebrows at him.

"What? You think I couldn't get out of a pair of cuffs when I wanted?" Loki shrugged his shoulders looking disappointed in his brothers thinking such simple chains would hold him. "You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed?"

"Yes, possibly," Thor replied, shifting where he stood slightly not wanting to focus on that fact, then he eyed Loki suspiciously.

"You still don't trust me, brother?" Loki asked a small smirk on his face as he started to move forward.

"Would you?" Kal replied to Loki's question as he started to follow Loki down the ridge.

"…No, I wouldn't" Loki stated softly.

Before anyone could react he suddenly twisted around and with a glowing red blade made a sudden slash across Kal's neck. The world stilled for a moment before a river of blood started following from the deep wound in his neck. Gram fell to the ground, and its owner followed, bringing his hands to his throat to stem the tide of red leaving his body only for Loki to suddenly knee him in the face and cast him down the hill.

"LOKI WHAT AR- AHHH!" Thor's moment of shock was followed by rage but his moment of hesitation allowed the deceiver to act first. A second dagger quickly drove deep into Thor's chest.

Carol moved to react, pushing Jane behind her and was about to roast Loki alive when suddenly to Jane's horror her protector slumped forward, falling to the ground. Jane screamed as she saw a dagger lodged squarely between Carol's eyes. Loki had contorted around Thor, and he had his hand outstretched from a throw. Jane watched with horror as Carol's body also slid down the hill only stopping when the Kursed warrior of the Dark Elves put his foot out and stopped it from moving.

She then rushed forward trying to reach Thor only to be stopped by Loki who grasped her hair and twisted her head painfully. She let out a painful shriek which was drowned out by his hideous cruel laughter, as he held her and then kicked his brother down the ridge with glee. He then turned seeing that Kal was stumbling to his feet trying to move to Jane whilst clasping his cut bleeding throat. With a mirthless chuckle, Loki merely sidestepped his brother and placed his leg out, tripping Kal down the ridge so that he stumbled leaving a trail of blood behind.

"Did you really think I cared at all about Frigga?" Loki mocked as marched forward still clutching Jane like a prize by her hair. "ABOUT ANY OF YOU?! All I ever wanted was to see you, Kal and Odin dead at my feet!"

Loki accompanied each of his hateful words with a kick to his brother's face only stopping when he was out of breath. Thor, whose face was bloodied and his nose was bent looked up to see the blurry haze of his hammer. He raised his hand to summon his weapon and restore his strength only for Loki to grasp his hand and cut it off with a satisfying snarl escaping his lips. With his foes vanquished Loki retook hold of Jane and stood triumphantly stepping over Thor as he dragged Jane with him, over to the Dark Elves who were watching the events with narrowed eyes.

"Malekith of Svartalfheim! I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I bring a gift!" Loki declared, shoving Jane to her feet before the dark elf leader, a look of pure dark triumph on his face. "All I ask only one thing in return, a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn!"

Malekith made no move to answer, merely tilting his head as his eyes narrowed in suspicion of Loki. Although he had witnessed the betrayal, he still did not know why this thing wanted to aid him. He had learnt long ago the only ones his people could trust were themselves; every single piece of filth from the light-infested dimension was not to be trusted. However, as he was debating what to do when his second in command, the now-Kursed Älgrim, kicked the now lifeless Captain Marvel and walked back over to them.

"He is an enemy of Asgard," Älgrim explained as he re-joined his master's side, gesturing at Loki with one hand "He was a prisoner in their dungeons, he had many guards and strong walls."

Malekith listened to his second's words and thought for a moment before he nodded, accepting the bargain. He then moved over to where Kal was laying having gone pale from blood loss and still clutching his throat, Kal managed to cast a glare at Malekith as his eyes flared red but nothing more than that. The dark elf merely cast a single glance at Thor but did not want to waste his time with a lesser being, not when he saw the symbol on Kal's chest, a symbol he thought never to see again. Surprising Loki who had expected the dark elf to insult Kal or strike him, the dark leader instead knelt down next to Kal and placed a gentle hand on his chest.

"So, this is what remains of mighty Krypton, and a member of the House of El no less? I know of your house, if only you had been born in another time. What wonders you could have achieved, what power you would have wielded. But instead, you will die here, betrayed, on the world your ancestor created to be our prison." Malekith spoke softly and his voice held a deep tone of respect as if he was trying to comfort the dying Kryptonian. "Still, I think this is better than the end I might have unleashed on you, for I once found a weapon of your people long ago, buried deep in the darkness. I had thought I might be forced to unleash it, to the horror of all…. perhaps this doom is greater than that one. Now you will watch as my people triumph at last."

Malekith then turned as he rose to his feet, and Jane suddenly felt herself floating off of the ground before then gasping in pain as she felt her insides boil. As the dark elf lifted his hand her gasp turned to screams as she felt as if fire was being cut into every single inch of her skin with blunt knives. The Aether jerked her body and caused her to bend backwards, almost until her spine snapped, as it forced its way out back to its master.

The Aether pooled in the air hanging still, as the pain suddenly left Jane's body. She had a moment suspended in the air and saw the scintillating red fluid she had glimpsed briefly in the dark cavern hovering before her. It was beautiful, dark, deadly, and foreboding, but a haunting beauty was still beautiful. However, her admiration ended when suddenly she dropped to the floor, as the liquid began pouring into Malekith.

"LOKI, NOW!" Thor suddenly sprang up, reaching out his severed hand causing Mjolnir to fly back to him.

Reacting to the signal Loki twisted his hands out in front of him causing a green light to shine over the area and shatter the illusions he had weaved. Carol sprang back up, alive and well, Thor's bloodied face and his missing hand were restored as his hammer returned to him, and Kal rose like a phoenix shining as brightly as the sun. The trio, restored, unleashed a collective blast against the Aether as it hung in the air, Loki darting forward and shielding Jane with his body as the area suddenly exploded with light.

It was a few moments before the air cleared and the dust settled, Thor was standing hammer in hand with a grin on his face as he saw his plan was working, he looked over to Kal and Carol giving them a nod. However, his grin disappeared as he noticed that the air around him was sparkling red with shards of crystal dust that seemed to defy gravity. Suddenly, as if drawn by a magnet, the crystals shot over to where the elves stood. Thor's face fell as he saw the Aether sink into Malekith's skin, the Dark Elf's head snapped back and before anyone else could react Kal suddenly shot forward with a fist raised to end the fight.

However, just as his fist was about to connect with Malekith's face Kal froze in the air suspended like a puppet from strings. He looked down to see the Infinity Stone-empowered elf had raised a single finger which was glowing red, then with a careless flick the digit pointed down and the mighty warrior felt himself slam into the ground.

"KAL!" Thor and Carol yelled rushing forward as the area exploded into a crazed battle.

The dark elf contingent around Malekith surged forward, rushing Thor who started to dispatch foes with blows from his hammer. However, these elves were the elite of their kind and whilst he usually dispatched foes with a single strike, Thor was slowed by having to hammer away at each one before they fell. Carol had soared forward to save her lover but found her route blocked by the Kursed Algrim, who stood in her path before the two entered a struggle as they wrestled for the upper hand.

Kal meanwhile merely laid prone on the ground feeling as if the weight of a million Mjolnirs was pressing down on him. His tormentor merely basked in the reality-warping powers the Aether was providing him, however, he suddenly stumbled backwards feeling weakened. The Aether gave him power, yes but it also drained his lifeforce the more he used it. His stumble halted the effect on Kal, who shot up and slammed a fist into Malekith's jaw. The terrific blow was hard enough that the mere sound of it cracked the ground beneath them and sent a shockwave knocking everyone down.

However, Kal's eyes widened as he saw that his target had neither perished nor flown off into the distance, his deafening strike had only caused Malekith to take a single step back. Kal tried again but this time the dark elf raised his arm and blocked the blow then delivered a vicious headbutt, causing the prince to slide backwards. Kal then unleashed a torrent of heat vision onto his target hoping that where physical power had failed him, pure energy would succeed. However, as the blast struck Malekith it did nothing.

The heat and power merely coiled around him and forced Kal to dig deeper looking for something, anything that would aid him. As he did so he felt it, a spark deep within, a small crack leading to something that he couldn't describe. Suddenly Kal was glowing brighter and the red blasts of death turned golden as he felt himself becoming stronger. Thor's eyes widened as he saw the battle between his brother Malekith, it almost appeared as if Kal was channelling the radiant light of Gungnir through his heat vision.

Despite the increase in might, Kal felt whatever connection he had to this newfound power was tenuous at best and although he pulled everything he could from it, the Aether was stronger. Malekith skidded back slightly before he halted and roared, shoving both arms outward as he unleashed a blast that ripped through the area. The ground cracked and shook, forcing Kal to his back and Carol who was winning her fight to be thrown off balance.

The dark elf then raised a single hand and signalled for the Ark to depart as it started to charge up its engines, he turned and started rushing towards his vessel feeling the fight was draining too much of his strength. Kal rose back to his feet and spotted his prey he was about to shoot off in pursuit when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw Loki standing next to him panting from the fight and scarred from the explosion that Malekith had just unleashed.

"Brother, no," Loki stated firmly looking at where Kal's eyes had gone, and then back to the Krused warrior who was getting up. "We can't win this fight; we have to regroup."

Kal looked at his brother, then turned to see the monster readying himself; however, as he turned back to look at Malekith he remembered Frigga in his arms. Emotion overrode logic and he ignored his brother, again charging at the Elf blasting off of the ground in a lust for vengeance. His eyes were glowing red and a roar was bellowing from his mouth as he charged, intent on destroying his enemy.

"MALEKITH!" Kal's scream of rage was met with the Elf turning just as he jumped onto the ramp of his departing ship.

Kal's world then slowed as he saw Malekith take in a deep breath and raise one of his hands, a pool of dark swirling blackness in his palm. Kal knew instantly he had made a mistake and that the blast would end him, his enemy was pouring the full strength of the stone to undo his existence and there was no chance Kal could take such a blow. However, as he closed his eyes he felt something connect with him and shove him out of the way while the beam of black death blasted past him. As he crashed to the ground he saw that it had been Carol who had saved him. Whilst Malekith's blast missed him instead fired into the heavens and obliterated one of the black moons hanging in the sky.

Malekith cursed as he felt pain shoot across his body as the Aether drained much of his strength for that action, forcing him to retreat into the vessel that quickly disappeared. Although he had failed to kill his enemy at this moment, he had what they needed and soon his people would triumph regardless if the Kryptonian lived this day.

On the ground, Kal looked up from where they had crashed seeing Carol laying a few feet away from him. He looked at her only to be met with a glare that told him she was not pleased with his recklessness and was about to speak when they heard a yell. Scrambling to their feet they saw just as Loki dispatched the few remaining Dark Elves Thor was being pummelled to death by the Kursed warrior who had gotten the upper hand.

The yell had come from Jane who, despite knowing she could not fight such a creature, had thrown a discarded dagger she had found on the battlefield at the creature. However, her lack of skill was evident as the blade stuck with no force and harmlessly bounced to the ground. What it did do was draw the creature toward her, abandoning its murdering of Thor for a moment it charged at her. Jane stumbled backwards in fear and tripped over a stone, causing her to become sprawled on her back.

The creature moved to kill her but as Jane flinched raising a hand in a vain attempt to shield herself, she saw a blade pierce through the creature's back. The Kursed Elf warrior turned and saw Loki panting out of breath as he had just run at full speed trying to save Jane. He smirked as he saw the foolish dark creature stumble, but his eyes widened as the creature suddenly grasped him by the arms and shoved him onto the blade sticking from his chest. Loki's scream of pain was drowned out by the union of his brother's screams.

"NOO!" Kal and Thor's voices shattered the air and cracked the ground as they watched the blade go through Loki's chest causing blood to begin pouring forth like a fountain.

Kal tried to shoot forward to get to his brother but found himself slowed as his body protested the movement after having exerted so much effort in the battle with Malekith. He could do nothing but watch in horror as Loki groaned and writhed with pain as the creature twisted him on the blade before pushing him off. Loki landed next to Thor who was trying to force himself to aid his brother but whose body like Kal's refused to move due to exhaustion. The creature roared in triumph at having slain his foe only for him to be cut off by a dark more ominous sound.

Loki's laughter.

"HA! HA! HA!" Loki chuckled as he convulsed on the floor, before bringing his paling face up to smirk at the creature, a mad grin on his face. "See you in hell, monster!"

As Loki's laugh finished it was replaced by a high-pitched whistling noise from the creature's torso that he had been drowning out. The creature's eyes went wide and moved to the black hole grenades on his belt but it was too late. Thor moved forward and threw himself over Loki, preventing his brother from being sucked into the black hole that erupted into existence where the creature stood. The Kursed warrior crumbled in on himself with a guttural shriek before he finally imploded, leaving nothing behind.

Loki let out a triumphal shout or as close to one as he could manage as blood sputtered forth from his mouth and Thor cradled his brother. Kal managed to stumble into a landing near them and rushed over to Loki, his hands hovering over the wound that went clear through his brother. There was nothing they could do. The stab was clearly mortal, it had destroyed everything in his brother's chest and it was all Kal's fault. He had let himself be blinded for revenge, he had rushed off and not listened, thinking himself the avenger of their mother only to do exactly what Carol had warned him of, he had traded lives to which he had no right.

Loki's life gone, for a chance at revenge.

"No, no, no, no, no," Thor muttered, a look of fear in his eyes as he tried to make Loki comfortable in his arms. "Oh, you fool, you didn't listen. You never listen, I told you to stay safe."

"I know…" Loki managed to sputter out as he coughed up blood using the last of his strength to grip Thor's shoulder. "I'm a fool…. I'm a fool."

"Loki, come on, stay with us," Kal spoke, his hands hovering over the wound trying to figure out what he could do and coming up with nothing.

"I'm sorry." Loki's words caused Kal and Thor to still as he looked at his brother, the light starting to leave his eyes. "I'm sorry…. I'm sorry for everything."

"Shhh…save your strength, it's okay," Thor stated trying to sound calm as tears welled in his eyes. "It's alright…I'll tell father what you did here today."

Loki's face went still as he looked at Thor.

"I didn't do it …...for…. him…." Loki's voice started to fade as his eyelids grew heavy. He then opened them one last time to look at both Kal and Thor, a smile gracing his face "…..My brothers…"

Loki's head then fell back, as his hand dropped from Thor's shoulder, signalling his spirit's departure to join their mother in Valhalla. As Loki went cold, Kal could do nothing as he just stared at his dead brother's face whilst Thor unleashed a roar that shook the mountains and the ground itself. There was no other way to signal his grief that his brother, a son of Odin and a child of Frigga, had died.

Luke5921 Luke5921

(Authors Notes)

So I am back from my camping trip and back to civilisation. I hope everyone has had a good week and is ready to get back to our regularly scheduled programming. :) I really hope everyone likes this one and please let me know what you think.

For those who are also fans of my other story Supe of a Man, I am currently working on that chapter as well as the next one for this one...its going a little slow.

As always please Review, Favourite and Follow.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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