
บท 11: The Almighty Guild

I pushed the double doors of the guild under its archway with both hands. Breathing in the wonderful smell of bureaucracy working at its finest. 'For a group of people that have no Falna, they sure have the city by the balls'

I look around and take in the guild and everything it has to offer. On my right from the entrance are a set of green couches facing a table; a couple of them are around the whole floor. I look to the back wall ahead of me on my right, which is the L-shaped reception area for, I guess, questions and general stuff. Behind it seems to be the employee personnel area. On the left, it is more like a bank teller window but not glass. Probably the exchange center and place they handle the Valis.

I see there are a couple people, or maybe adventures, walking around. Not as much as I expected; it might still be early this morning. 'Works for me'. As I can't help but take everything in, I can hear whispers from other people. I stopped to look and saw a couple of them pointing at me.

I looked down, checking myself out. Let's see, sweet coat, check. Long gray pants, check. Plain black shirt, check. Shoes, Check. Last but not least,my travel backpack, double-check. I look back up, wondering why they are whispering about me. 'probably never seen someone so awesome before' not realizing it was because I looked like tourists and was just standing there looking around like a country pumpkin.


I get startled. Turning around, I see a group of people trying to get in, looking annoyed at me. I rub my head awkwardly, giving them a strained smile. I move to the side, gesturing for them to go ahead. "After you ladies and gentlemen," a few of them simply stroll past, sneering; some of the girls giggle; and some of them just give this look like I am an idiot. 'It's not the first time, and it's unlikely to be the last, that someone believes I'm a moron'

Shaking my head, I slapped my cheeks a couple times. Startling the people near me. 'Ok, Odr, focus. It's simple: just get in line, talk to the guild employees, and get out. Simple and easy.' Nodding into myself, I check out the right corner with the big desk with a couple lines for a couple Guild employees.

'Let's see, let's see, what do I remember?' I'm trying to recall what I know about the series. 'I knew I should have reread or watch it; it's been a while.' Checking out the guild employees, there are four people on shift right now. I start with the first one on the left, an elven girl with glasses. I think her name was Eina. 'Wasn't she a Bell advisor?' shaking my head. Not her, if I remember right; she overreacts to the slightest news, and I'm trying to keep a low profile. It's really a pity, she was the one who loved answering questions the most and seemed to have a lot of worthwhile information; however, I don't need someone in my business nagging me all the time.

Next to her, what I assume is a human girl with pink hair, 'what was her name again? I think it was something with an M. Hmmm, Mika, Mona, Michelle?' Oh well, it will come to me later. From what I can recall, she was the one with a curious and slightly irresponsible personality. A fellow lazy enthusiast who always tries to be dodgy with work. I think I can work well with her, personality-wise, outside of work, or we can bond over annoying her coworkers, but now I need someone serious. It seems like she would get tired of all my questions. I also remember that even if she likes complaining, she still does her job, although whether it was done correctly or not is up for debate.

The next is a guy with what I assume are dog ears. I don't know much about him, but I think he was the guild section leader. He seems like a serious and professional individual while working. If I look closer, I can see he's annoyed with the one on his right, the pink-haired girl. Probably because she is slouching and not doing her job properly. He's already nagging for her to focus on the people in front of her. 'Hang in there, Pinky; you can do it. I totally get you. Constantly working an office job. Trying to push your work out to others. Respect' I give an invisible salute to my fellow comrade who truly appreciates the art of laziness.

The last one, all the way to the right, is the one I was looking forward to meeting the most. A wild mane of red hair with cute wolf ears. The best guild employee, in my opinion. Rose Fannett. Outside, she may be an icy beauty with a tough personality, which I know is the result of experiencing the deaths of countless adventurers who were assigned to her. Making sure to be as emotionally detached as possible so she doesn't get hurt again. However, despite that, she still cares for adventurers, as she refused to tell a young Ais how to rank up because she didn't want to become a murderer, leading a little girl to her death.

'That makes her the perfect advisor for me. She's very professional with her job, but she also wouldn't pry too personally into my choices while still putting in her input, which I will make sure she knows I take seriously and appreciate. I know it's cruel to take advantage of her fears, which play a part in my decision. I need her because she's not only smart, rational, and knowledgeable, but I don't have to fear her making a mistake with my information compared to Eina, who can't keep her voice down when surprised.'

I looked between all four of them, and I noticed Eina was the one with the biggest line. She seems to have the most people waiting for her. Ironically, they are all guys, though. 'Hmphs simps, probably because she is an elf. Or half elf. Whatever points still stands' If Rudra were here, he would probably smack me, calling me a hypocrite.

The pink one that I'm referring to as Pinky until I remember her name has a mix of women and men. While the only dude has the most women with a couple men. Rose literally has only three people in her line. Probably because a lot of people are afraid of her frosty exterior. I get in line, smirking, 'Perfect, less people, more time I can get from her' recalling what old man Rudra and Bob told me about the guild. I can request to have a private room for long discussions. While I waited in line, I tried to come up with the best way to greet Rosey here.

A couple minutes later, while holding my chin and running through different lines, I hear the words "Next." I look up to see a cold, golden pair of eyes looking at me. I get distracted for a second and focus when I hear her repeat, "Next."

I take a deep breath, letting it out. Holding my head high while putting on a winning smile. "Good Morning" a true classic.

"..." She just stares at me with an ice-cold frown.

"..." I can't stop my lips from twitching. "Um, hello," her stare is really getting to me. I haven't done anything.....yet.

She just sighs, pitching the bridge of her nose. 'rude, we just met'. She looks up. "How may I help you, sir?"

Coughing to my fist, I look at her and say, "Yes, I need help registering as a citizen of Orario. I was told by a couple friends that I can request to have a private session with a guild member to go over not only what it means to be a resident but also what I need to do to become an adventurer." Short, simple, and straight to the point.

"I can help you with the registration, and if you wish to be an adventure, you first need to get a falna." Wow, just hearing her talk sends chills down my spine—not even in a good way.

"Yes, I know that, but I'm new, and I was told I have the right to ask for a private session because I have a lot of questions regarding Orario."

"....." There she goes, back to staring at me with a frown.

Well, fine, two can play this game. I pretend to cover my face like I'm blushing, peeking through my fingers. "Please stop staring at me so intently; you're making me blush." You be the tough guy; I'll be the wise guy.

Her eyebrow twitches, and she whispers under her breath, "Great, another one." Hey, what's supposed to mean? She turns to her co-workers and says, "Eina, Mr.Rehmer, you want to take this one. He requested a private session." Wow, right to my face. Not even going to pretend you're not trying to pawn me off. 'Ok, feelings hurt, and self-esteem lowered.'

"I'm sorry, Rose; I'm quite busy with all the people in front of me," Eina says while working her line. 'Thank you, Omori.'

"Hey Rose, why didn't you call me? I'll do it. I'll happily do it." Pinky says this while raising her hand. Oh, Pinky, if I didn't know you were probably looking for an excuse to ditch work and probably half-ass my questions, I would be happy.

Rose gives Pinky an annoyed look. "Misha, I didn't call you because I know you would probably spend your time in the private session ditching work for as long as possible. Not getting things done." Wow, brutally honest, aren't you?

"Hey, I can totally do it and finish my work, you don't even want to help this guy. So, What's the big deal?" Pinky, now named Misha, turns to me, giving me a smile, ignoring the person in front of her, making them offended. "You wouldn't mind, right? Instead of that fuddy-duddy wolf, you prefer someone like me, right? I'll gladly help you."

Before I can say anything, the last Guild employee here, the male, named Rehmer, starts to talk. Not even looking up from the paper he's working on, he responds to Misha. "Ms. Flott, you already have a line of people to help. So focus back on the one you're already working on."

"But" Misha tries to say things, but Rehmer is not hearing them. 'Damm dude.'

"No buts, try being more like your fellow coworker, Ms.Tulle. You don't see her trying to push her work on others when she already has people to help. It's not only rude but also unprofessional. Now get back to work." Saying all that without even lifting his head for a second. 'I got to give it to him; I don't even work here, and I want to do what he says.'

"Finnnnnnne" Misha pouts but brings out a professional smile like nothing happened, turning back to her current client. "So what I was saying, sir," and there she goes.

"As for you, Ms.Fannett," Rehmer finishes writing, putting down his quill/pencil thing. Finally, he looks up, looking directly at Rose. "You are more than qualified to handle the private session. Seeing as how there is no one else behind him, you have the time. I know your personal stance about working with people individually; however, you're still a guild employee and obligated to do private sessions. Is that clear?"

And for the next couple seconds, they don't say anything, just having a stare off until Rose signs and looks away. "Very well." She puts a close sign on her counter and gets up to walk around. "Follow me," she says, after walking by me.

I just frowned for a second. Scratching my head, I turn to the rest of the guild employees, quickly giving off a quick "Thanks and have a good day" before running after Rose. 'Well, that gone well, I think'

I quickly catch up. "Um, Rose, was it?" grabbing her attention, she gives me the side eye while still walking to a different part of the guild. I walk side by side. "I don't know your problem with the private lessons, but I want to say thank you regardless." I gave her a gentle smile, showing I'm sincere in my thanks.

She stops for a second, making me trip and almost fall, but I steady myself. She fully looks at me. I don't know why, but it feels like she's judging me.

Awkwardly rubbing my left wrist, I stop and offering my right hand for a shake. "I think we got off the wrong foot. My name is Friggs. It's nice to meet you. And I'll be in your capable hands."

She just looks at my hand for a bit, making me sweat, but she reluctantly raises her right hand, grabbing and shaking it. "Nice to meet you as well; as you heard, my name is Rose Fannett. And I'll be assisting you with all your questions and registrations." Wow, you can at least talk without making it seem like you're walking a glacier. I know I was hoping for a serious employee, but it feels like I'm talking to a wall.

She starts walking again, bringing us to the private room. I try to make conversation while walking, "So Rosey."

Making her stumble for a bit; however, she recovers and keeps walking, but I can see her eyebrow twitching. 'Ha Got Em',. "It's Ms. Fannett to you. I do hope, Mr. Friggs, you can remember that."

I give her the okay sign, "Sure can do, Rosey," but ignore it anyway.

She suddenly stopped in front of a door to give me an annoyed look. Don't worry, Rosey. I told myself outside that we're going to be the best of friends. So I'll grow on you sooner or later. Work well on old man Rudra and Bob.

"I hope you're not going to be difficult during this whole session, Mr. Friggs," she tells me with a serious tone. While crossing her arms under her bust. 'No, bad Odr, bad, focus'

After giving myself a head slap mentally, doing NCIS Gibbs proud. I look her in the eye, smiling while shrugging. "I have no idea what you mean, Rosey. I'm just having a normal conversation."

We have a quick stare down, but she sighs, turning to open the door—not without making one last comment before we walk in. "Let's just get this over. I can already feel this is going to be a headache." I don't know if she was trying to say that quietly, but I clearly heard her.

'I don't know if that was her attempt at a joke; at least I'm getting somewhere, even if it was a dig at me.' I don't respond to her comment, just following her inside while still smiling.

Look around the room; it seems like a small library with a couple of bookshelves and a couple tables and chairs facing each other, probably where they have private discussions.

She first goes to a cabinet against the wall, grabbing some documents, and then to the bookshelves to grab a couple books. Then she takes a seat. I take the other one, so she's facing the door and I'm facing the window. After neatly setting everything down, she looks up. "I don't know why we couldn't just do this in the main area, that is what the couches are for. However, you have a right to request a private session. So to sum up, you wish to register not only as a citizen but also as an adventurer. Correct"

"Sorry, this is my first time here, and I have a couple questions. I feel it would have been more appropriate to do this privately. And yes, not only am I trying to register as a resident, but I also need information in regards to families I'm planning to join."

After hearing the second part, she assumed I wanted to be an adventurer. I think I saw for a second a sad look on her face, but it was gone the next. If I didn't know her backstory, I would question it.

Giving me a judgmental look, she shakes her head, pulling out the first piece of paper she gathered and sliding it over. It seems like a classic registration form. Thank Omori, I was able to learn the written language when I had the time. It was close enough to the regular alphabet to decipher it.

• Name: Odr Friggs

•Age: 18

•Gender: Male

• Previous residents: cabin on the outskirts of Wishe Forest

• Next of Kin: None

• Reason for coming to Orario: looking for work, preferably joining a familia. I haven't decided yet if I want to focus on being an adventurer, but there is a high probability.

After looking over the sheet one more time, I nodded my head. There's no point in hiding my full name now. Since, when I registered as an adventurer, there wouldn't be a point. Since they checked the status for authentication and foul play, the falna doesn't lie. They'll see my name regardless. Everything else was basic information. I just listed Rudra's place of residence since I stayed there. The reason for visiting is a no-brainer.

Giving her the sheet back. She looks it over, raising an eyebrow at the reason for visiting. She pulls out a stamp before she stamps it, she says, "It seems you filled it out well. There'll be a small fee of 1,000 valis for processing. You can either pay now or before you leave."

I pull out the pouch of Valis coins. Exactly 1,000, since there's no point doing it later. After taking it, she stamped the registration form and pulled out a small card with my name and age. Neat

Moving my registration to a file with my name on it, she puts it down. Folding her hands, she said, "Now that we got that out of the way, In regards to the process of joining a familia. First, choose what type of Familia you want to join. Most families are exploration-type families, though there are other types such as business-type, industrial-type, and medicinal-type. Each familia is given a rank ranging from I to S based on size and achievements, which is taken into account in determining how much money each familia has to pay the guild during their monthly taxes. When an exploration-type family reaches rank D, they are required by the guild to start going on expeditions." She finishes. It was an info dump; if I didn't know any better. At least she's doing her job properly, which I can respect.

"If you can provide me with a list of available families and the ones that are actually looking for current recruitment, I would appreciate it. Also ones that are okay without prior experience since I don't want to keep going to each one and be rejected because I didn't have a falna before." Since that's what happened to Bell,

"It wouldn't be a problem." She gets up to retrieve something from the cabinets. I can't help but notice her fluffy tail attached to her lower back. 'God, I just want to play with it. It looks so goddamn fluffy.' I snap out of it when she calls out, looking through the cabinet. "Since your requirement is just for those that are okay with accepting new adventurers, is there any particular type you wish to join like I listed? It would be easier to narrow it down."

"No, I haven't decided yet, just the level requirement if it's not too much trouble." I take a couple seconds to think about something, weighing if I should ask. 'Screw it, go big, or go home, I guess. "Hey Rosey, by any chance do you know the goddess Hestia?"

She stopped looking through the files, probably thinking, but goes back to looking, "Hmmmm, a goddess named Hestia. I don't think there's a god or goddess with that name in Orario, or they haven't registered with the guild yet. Deities, do it so people will know they're looking for familia members." She shuts the drawer and turns around, walking back to the table. "Why is she a goddess from outside of Orario?"

"No reason, no reason; don't worry about it; I was just curious." I tried to brush this topic under the rug so she wouldn't ask me questions. 'So Hestia probably still hasn't descended yet, which means I'm more than 6 months out from Canon. It means right off the bat I can't join her family, and I don't plan to wait for her. I know time-wise, she's been descended for more than six months before Bell came to Orario. I need to keep a lookout for her, because when she does, I'll know for sure how long until that adorable rabbit gets here, and I'll be ready for it.'

She stares at me, making me nervous. Luckily, she just shakes her head and hands over a list of available gods who fit my criteria. "I also included the Hephaestus Familia, one of the top Familias, since they accept those without Falna but must have some blacksmithing experience and present an example of their work to get in. I don't know you that well, so I just thought it would be good to have it as an option." I just nod my head along, paying half attention while going over the list.

After taking a couple minutes to go over the list, I put it down. "This will come in handy, particularly since I need to stop by the Miach Familia. I have business with the god Miach in regards to a mutual acquaintance of ours. I was asked to deliver him a letter. Seeing how he's on the list, I'll check it while I'm there."

"Well, at least you have a potential familia to join, if anything. If I recall, they only have two members now. The god and the captain, after an incident a couple years ago that caused nearly all members except out the current captain to leave. They used to be a mid (D) rank family before, but now they are ranked as low (H) rank familia. The Miach Familia home also known as the Blue Pharmacy. Miach, from what I hear, is a kind, compassionate, and friendly God. Their captain is Naaza Erisuis, a level 2. That's all I currently know in regards to that familia." 'Damn, I only said I was going to deliver a letter; I didn't ask for their whole bio.' However, thank you, encyclopedia Rose. I wonder if I ask her about a different God, would she'll give me the exact same type of information. 'Hmmm, not worth it now; maybe later.'

"Do you mind if I request a detailed map of Orario?"

"That won't be a problem; give me a minute." She goes once again to one of the cabinets to pull out a folded piece of paper, which I think is a map. She brings it to the table, flattening it out. I take a look. "Before you ask, you can keep this; we have plenty of copies." It's actually a good map with a lot of detail.

"Hey, do you mind if I have a piece of paper and something to write with?"

"Here," from her seat, she takes a blank piece of paper from the couple she has and hands me a pencil. I started drawing on it while looking at the map as a reference. I know she says I can keep the map, but it has a lot of unnecessary details, so I'm trying to make a simpler version. Occasionally, ask her to point out places. While looking down and drawing, I stop a second to look up. I see she's looking through some papers, so I asked her a question, contemplating if I should ask her about this one: "Hey Rosey, Where is the hostess of fertility? I actually have another letter to deliver to someone named Mia." Not like I actually want to go there; I just want to know where it is, so I can avoid it.

She puts down what she's doing to frown at me, probably from the great nickname 'keep frowning, you might get wrinkles' her eye twiches again, wait why. Wait a second "Did I say that out loud?" She doesn't say anything, but she gives me a look, which means yes. I clap my hands together and bow, almost hitting the table with my head. "I'm very sorry. You're very pretty, and you will never get wrinkles. Please forgive me, kind and benevolent Rose. Have mercy on this poor soul."

I don't look up, but I can hear her sign, "Just get up," taking the pencil out of my hand to mark the map, both on the detailed one and mine.

I get up, looking at them rather than her. I give her a soft smile. "Thanks, Rose. I appreciate it." Reaching over to take the pencil from her hand. I took a minute to finish my simple map. Holding it and the original map, I showed Rose like a kid showing their parents their art drawing. "Done. What do you think?" I am eagerly waiting for her response.

She looks baffled, probably amazed by my sketching skills. My head held high, and my chest puffed out in pride.

"....." She keeps looking, asking herself if I'm serious. "I don't get paid enough for this," she says, muttering under her breath. I'm right here, you know. She takes both from my hand to look them over. "It's fine, not great, but fine" shots were fired. You could have just left it at fine; there's no need to add that it's not great.

Pouting, "It's not my fault; my drawing skills are not all that." After drawing circles on the table, depressed, I look up to see her giving me a disgusted look. "What? What with the face?"

She fixes her face, coughing into her fist. "My apologies, however, Mr. Friggs. May I recommend not pouting? It isn't a good look for you." She says that while giving me a small smirk, probably a jab for all the nicknames.

"Oh, come on." I get up from the table and walk to the corner, where there's a mirror. "This is the second time someone has a problem with my pouting face. Is it that ugly?" I look at my face side to side and say, "Nah, can't be. Not with this handsome mug." I left myself be a little narcissistic looking at my face. I turned back to Rose with my hands on my hip. "So what's the issue?"

With her elbow on the table and her hand under her chin, she looks at me with a judgmental look and says, "May I speak honestly, Mr. Friggs?"

"You can, and please, no Mister stuff. Just call me Friggs, or preferably, darling or honey. Those options are acceptable as well." I attempt a joke while giving her a thumbs up.

Snorting, she responded, "Cute, but no. I'd rather shave my tail before I call you any of that." Wow, why don't you just gut punch me again? A simple no would have been fine. Wait, she's not done. "It's not that your appearance is bad per se; just when I saw your pouting face, I had this urge to smack you. I don't know why. I hope that relieves you of your worries."

"..." just taking a second to form a response, "I think I prefer it when you were just a cold beauty and silently staring at me like I'm beneath you." I just lower my head, walking back to the table, but when I sit down, I just look at her like victory is mine; surprisingly, her "At least I got you to unwind and talk to me normally. That's a win in my book."

"....." She's probably reevaluating what she thinks of me. She folds her arm again, doing wonders for her bust. 'Fujino Dammit, is she doing this purposefully or not?' Making sure to use all my willpower, I focus on her eyes. "If you're done with your charade, can we go back to the session? I have other work to do, and as much fun it is to see you make a fool of yourself. I prefer we finish our business." And back to Ice Queen. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Raising my hands in mock surrender, "Fine, you win. You win, ok. I have a couple questions in regards to Orario City laws and rules for being an adventurer if I choose to pursue it. If you don't mind answering," just get back on track.

Well, folding her hands on the table, I could see her lip twitch when I said adventurer, but she fixed it quick. "I'll be more than happy to answer all your questions. So where should we start?"

"Ok, first off," and that begins our quick Q&A for the next 30 minutes.

Timeskip a ton of questions later.

Roses gathered up all the documents and books that were used to help with answering my inquiries. After getting them up and putting them back into their proper places. She turns to me "Well, Mr. Friggs, if that is all, I think we're done here today."

With a tick mark on my head, "I said you can stop with the mister; just call me Friggs."

Now she also sports a tick mark. "I am sorry, sir, that will be unprofessional."

Fine, I can be petty too. "Fine, keep calling me Mr. Friggs, and I'm just going to keep calling you Rosey." You won't win.

We both lock eyes at each other. Having a stare down, trying to make the other one concede. However, our game is interrupted by a knock on the door. Makig uses both look away. "Come in," Rose calls.

Opening the door, slowly sticking her head out, and we see Misha. She shrinks back a little when she sees us both staring at her with a frown. Nervously, she starts to talk. "Um Rose, Rehmer ask me to check if you're almost done with either your private session or if you'll need more time. More and more people are starting to show up." She says, still only sticking her head through the door.

Rose sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose. "Yes, Misha, you can inform Mr.Reimei that I'm done and was about to show Mr. Friggs" "Friggs, Rosey, just Friggs" her eye twiches, but she finishes speaking anyways, "the way out. Now run  along."

Misha looks between us back and forth like she's seeing something fascinating. She turns to Rose, giving her the okay sign and a wink. "I got you; take your time though," she says, well smirking, closing the door on her way out.

'Rose, is that a vein on your forehead?'

"Nice coworkers you got there. I think she misunderstood something, but she seems nice." trying to calm her down.

Once again, sign, but walk to the door as well. "Pay, it no mind, Mr. Friggs, that's how she is usually."

I follow her out, walking with her until we're at the entrance of the guild. Turning me before I leave, she say "I hope I was able to answer all your questions and give you all the necessary information you needed. If you do choose to become to Adventure and apply for a guild advisor, make sure to look for Eina; she is a wonderful guild advisor, and I recommend her."

Snickering a little bit "You're trying to get rid of me, Rosey. I thought we bonded. Yet, you're already trying to ditch me for your coworkers. I don't know if I should feel offended."

Giving me a fierce frown due to calling her Rosey in public, "I have no idea what you mean, Mr. Friggs. I was just making a suggestion: you're more than welcome to choose your guild advisor. Now if you are done, I have work to get back to, and I don't have time to entertain your foolishness anymore," she says while walking back to the employee reception counter.

I'm about to walk away as well. I stopped for a second to smirk. I turn to Rose while her back is turned, giving her a big wave, and speak loudly so everyone can hear, "Well, Rosey, this has been fun, and I can't wait to talk to you again later when I join a amilia. So don't miss me too much, my new besto friendo."

She stops almost tripping; seeing people staring, I finally get a blush out of her. With her tail standing on end, she points out the door. "Just leave already," she says with a fierce growl. Chuckling, I hightail it out of there.


"What a bastard." I can't help but say it to myself. "I'll remember this," letting out a couple more curses, I turn around to get back to work but lean back in surprise because of my two coworkers, Misha and Eina. One is giving me a devious smirk, and the other one is giving me a confused/concerned look.

Misha opens her mouth propably to say something stupid; however, I raise a finger, making her shut it. "Say even one word, and I swear to you, I will triple your workload. I promise you, you'll never have a moment of rest. Do you understand?" She's nodding her head rapidly.

"Umm, Rose," Eina calls out. I turn my frown to her, making her nervously gulp. However, it wasn't enough to deter her from asking a question or questions. "Are you okay? Was the person you helped that bad? Did he do something to you?" She says this while looking at the door, frowning, where the idiot ran off.

While rubbing my temples, I answered both of them. "Look, both of you. I'm only going to say this once. I wouldn't say it was bad; it was just exhausting. He wasn't a bad person per se; he was just really annoying. Take this as a lesson; you'll get people like this occasionally. We'll probably be seeing him really soon anyway if he's planning to join a familia, like he said. And there's a chance either of you can end up as his guild advisor. So just be prepared for a ton of questions and dealing with his eccentric personality." After that, I give them both a sharp look, making them hug each other. "Enough lollygagging around and get back to work. Forget everything you saw before our conversation, and if I hear one word about it from anyone, I swear, I'll make both of your lives even harder. And if either of you attempt to call me Rosey like that idiot, mark my words, you will pay. Now run along." Then don't move for a few seconds. "NOW!" That got them going.

I turn to look at the doors one more time. Shaking my head, I walk back to the reception counter. I can't help but complain silently, 'Idiot, what the hell even is a besto friendo? Does he mean best friend? Like hell, not even if he was the last person alive. Rather, be friends with a monster.' Letting out a helpless sigh, "I pray to all the gods for the unfortunate Familia who gets this annoyance. You have my sympathies." I mutter, 'I wonder what the idiot is doing now. Hopefully, he doesn't get lost. I don't need him coming back.'


"I think I'm lost." While pulling up my map, I started looking for the Blue Pharmacy. I also make sure not to bump into people. I hold the map up while looking around. While my face was on the map, I suddenly got this weird shiver. Like a tingle all over my body. I stopped for a second to let it pass. I just ignore the feeling for now and begin walking again, looking back at my map. 'Huh, what was that? Am I catching a cold? Hmmm, probably nothing' disregarding the strange incident. "Now, Blue Pharmacy, where are you?" I head down in this direction, which will take me straight there. Thinking to myself, 'it was not such a bad start in Orario so far if I say so myself. Hell, I think I gained a new wolfy besto friendo.' Indulging in my delusions, I keep walking happily.

Not knowing how lucky I was. I had no idea how close I came to running into the one thing I wanted to avoid at all costs. I just moved merrily along, none the wiser.


I stopped for a second to turn to see the stranger that just passed by who was so engrossed in his map. For a second, when I passed by him, I thought he shivered. As I stare at his back, which keeps getting further away, I can see a lackluster gray light, symbolizing his soul. "Hmm, gray, how utterly boring," I whisper. I stop looking in distaste when I hear my name being called.

"Hey, Syr, why did you stop? We have to bring the groceries before Mama Mia gets mad," said a green-haired elf in a waitress outfit.

"It's nothing, Ryuu; I just saw something, but it was nothing interesting," pushing that person out of my mind. It was probably nothing; he's not worth pursuing. I can't help but sigh while catching up to Ryuu. 'When am I ever going to find my Odr?' Shaking my head. I quickly walk up to Ryuu, wrapping my arm around hers and giving her a bright smile. "Come on, Ryuu, let's hurry; I don't want to get scolded again." I say that after tugging on her arm to pick up the pace.

"Wait, Syr, slow down. I'm going to drop the bags." I ignore her, pulling her along. I occasionally look at all the colorful souls around me. Fondly looking at my arm link with Ryuu and her tired expression that is used to my antics, I can't help but wistfully wish, 'One day, Odr, I wouldn't mind walking hand in hand with you. Resting my head on your shoulder. Wouldn't that be the best?' I think happily and fantasize about all the things I can do with my Odr later.

Not knowing the person she wrote off as boring and not worth it was literally the closest she could get to her Odr since they shared the same name. If she ever remembers this encounter in the future, she would probably smack her past self and tell her dumbass to turn around and get him at all costs.

It was literally a lucky break for one and unlucky for the other. Now we wait and see.


[Word Count 6,500]

Oh, poor naive Odr, when will you learn to pay attention to your surroundings? You were so close to blowing it. Your top priority, and you almost failed. I mean, come on. The only reason you weren't caught was because of your unique soul, which keeps you hidden from others. I wonder how long that will last. So make sure to be extra careful from now on. Because you're definitely not ready to face Freya or Syr yet.

Well, anyway, sorry for the late chapter. I have been busy with work and dividing my time with this. So I went the extra mile to make sure the word count was over 6,000, so you guys have a little bit to read. So if I'm sometimes late posting a chapter, I hope you guys can understand. If there is ever an issue where I can't post a chapter for a while, I will make sure to notify you guys.

In regards to certain comments, I know the story is going slowly with each chapter, but I have a plan and an idea of where it goes. So I'm asking you guys to be patient. I'm not trying to rush it. However, I promise two or three chapters will focus on the dungeon.

I know it might seem like a lot to some people, but I want to make sure I cover my basis, story-wise, for Odr. So I apologize if there's not enough action for some people. I'm trying to work on my action writing on the side so I can give more to the story. Again, I appreciate everyone's feedback.

However, do you have some ideas about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

Well, stay tuned for next time.


If you have noticed, I have been writing mostly from the first point of view. Since this is my first work, I felt it was easier to write with. So I'm going to try my hand at writing in the third person. I'm going to look it over and ask my fellow authors on Discord to check it out on my behalf, and if it works, I'll post a chapter from the third point of view.

Also, a couple questions:

 How do you guys think I'm handling the original characters personalities from the series? As I said before, I might have trouble with them, so I want to hear what you guys have to say. However, just know that this is fanfiction, so there might be a few differences.

What do you guys think of the dialogue? You think it's working between my MC and them.

I would appreciate it if you guys could comment so I could know what to work on.

RikuKage RikuKage

It's getting harder to write character dialogue. While also trying to stick to the original personalities of the characters in the series. I'm trying to take the story step-by-step. It's going to be 2 or 3 chapters before he visits the dungeon. I want to make sure that Odr is well established before he goes dungeon diving. I am trying to divide my work time with this. That's why I went with the extra word count this time, in case I'm a little bit late on the next chapter. So please, people, tell me how I'm doing.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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