19.48% Naruto : Hinata Hyuga / Chapter 15: Sometimes being too smart could cause unnecessary deaths.

บท 15: Sometimes being too smart could cause unnecessary deaths.

*AN~Long chapter again, around 3050 words, so enjoy and comment on photographs, it helps me to write more. 





"Phew…" I released a sigh of relief when I finally entered the library. I had been gone for almost 2 hours. Ren and Ritsu once again had retreated into the shadows, and one of them had fallen asleep. During their sleeping time, one of them always watched over me.

"Do you know how to control your heartbeat?" I asked.


"Yes, I know. Do you want to use it in a battle or assassination to calm down your heart?" Ritsu asked; he was the one who was not asleep at this moment.

"NO... No... No, it's quite the opposite," I chuckled. They had been trained by my father, and these little tricks came in handy sometimes.

"Show me," I said and focused my Byakugan on his heart. Soon, his heartbeat started to slow down. He had years of experience doing this. This skill was pretty useful during assassinations.

"That's enough," I stopped him after getting the gist of it. But I will do it my own way.


Using my internal vision, I focused on my heart, and then I examined the chakra pathways around it. Slowly, five different strands of chakra leaked out from the tenketsu around my heart and took the form of strings. My control over my chakra was extreme; I hadn't spent 3 and a quarter years for nothing.

When the strings connected to my heart, they began to increase the heart's pace, making my breaths slightly faster, and the blood in my body flowed at a slightly quicker rate.

*thump *Thump *Thump*

I did this for 30 seconds, and when I felt my mind starting to become dizzy, I stopped, retracting the chakra strings back into my pathways. 

If not used carefully, it could cause the blood vessels to burst due to increased blood pressure.

'I have found a way to control my blood,' I thought for a while, and the only solution that came to my mind was 'water manipulation.' Blood is composed of around 90% water.

"Blood bending, huh…" I thought about it, then picked up a book related to blood. If I want to do this, I have to understand blood and water to the finest.


'Another goal for that should be completed before graduating from the academy.'

Now that I think about the academy, how should I choose my team?

'Kiba? Nah, he is just pathetic. After being a clan heir, he couldn't even beat an orphan.'

'Shino… Nah, he is too weak to be considered for my team.'

'Forget about it, I will put two of my loyal boys in the academy, both of them with rare kekkei genkai.'


After planning for the academy, I refocused on the book in my hand.

'I am learning too much; I need some lab rats to perform medical ninjutsu and other experiments.'

'But who should I pick... branch members? Nah, they are in my favor... So who,' I thought.


"Hey, Ritsu, I want something," I said.

"Yes, Lady Hinata," he respectfully responded.

"Bring all types of poisons and their antidotes. Not even a single one should remain. You have one month."

"Okay, Lady Hinata."

"That's good."

'A good use of poison could make someone hate or love... hehe,' I laughed.


I finally completed the book. When I looked outside, it was already morning. Some members had started their training, while others were happily chatting with each other.

Standing up from the chair, I walked towards the bathroom.


When cold water hit my face, all of my sleep was gone. Looking in the mirror, "Do I have dark circles?"

'They just need some hours of sleep,' I thought and walked towards the dining room.

 When I reached there, it was empty. Only one person's food was served.

'Did they just eat without me?' I couldn't believe it.


'Did I care, did it hurt my feelings… meh,' I grabbed the sandwich and was about to take a bite when I heard, 

"Hoho… look who has graced us with their mighty presence. Princess, do you need anything?" My mother's sarcastic voice entered my ears.

"Mom," I muttered while gulping down the bite.

'You're supposed to be kind and motherly, so why are you behaving like a neglected wife?'


"So you still remember me. I thought you forgot about me," she said while sitting down in front of me.

I just looked at her, 'What did I do to receive such treatment'

"I am sorry for being late," I said in a dejected voice. 'Did it work?'

She just stared at me, and I did the same. "I was studying so you could praise me. I want to make both of you proud of me so you can brag about me with our friends. I don't want to bring any shame to you. That's why I don't go outside and play with other children. I am doing all this so you could be happy," I said while lowering my head.

'And it worked miraculously.'

She looked at me for some moments before speaking.

"Am I sorry for being so harsh on my baby," she said, grabbing my hand. "Can you forgive mommy?" She said in the most sincere tone.

"Hmph..." I huffed and turned my head away from her.


"Don't be like this, darling. I know I am wrong. Please forgive me," her voice became so sweet, and she started to feed me the food, which I didn't deny.

She fed me the whole breakfast with her own hands while whispering sweet things in my ears.

'There you are, my gentle, kind, and lovely mother,' I thought with a smile.


"Did you like it?" she asked.

I nodded with a smile, "You are the best mommy," I said, kissing her cheeks.

"There you are, my baby," she said while kissing my cheeks back.

To her, her daughter was very special. She didn't cause any trouble for her, behaved properly, but sometimes she just became too unreasonable, like breaking mirrors and other things. She was very easy to please. She was just too pure and innocent, just like an angel.


It's been more than a month since the Kumo incident and over half a month since I met Naruto. I was currently reading another book, and no, this is not nighttime; on the contrary, it's noon.

"Little girl, you are still studying," an elderly voice said with grandfatherly love.

"Hey, Gramp, what brought you here?" I said. This old man was one of the five elders. Ever since the day I was born, they started showering me with everything they had. They played with me from time to time and showed me around the village. Sometimes, they even gave me money behind my father's back.


Due to my extreme talent and potential, they started teaching me politics, management, and manipulation, in which I was already leagues ahead of them.

In a nutshell, they were a bunch of overprotective grandpas.

'Now I understand how young masters are born. They get what they want from birth, and when something doesn't go according to their wishes, they whine like a 'bitch'.'


"So, how's your chakra control training going?" he asked, sitting beside me.

"It's good as always. I want to show you something cool, old man," I said with a smirk.

"I'm already surprised by your growth; you can't surprise me anymore, little girl," he said with a chuckle.

I raised my hand, and five strings started to come out of my fingers. Then, they began to entangle with each other. Like sewing threads, they started to take a form, and soon, a mask identical to my mother's face appeared in my hand with a single thread attached to my finger.

"So, what do you think, old man?" I asked.

 I could be considered a master of chakra manipulation.


"Good, very good," he said with a clap. Then I put the mask on my face, and the tenketsu around my face connected to it.

"So, how is it?" I asked, and I could see the surprise in his eyes.

"If I hadn't seen you with my own eyes, I would believe you were your mother," he said.

"It's perfect for disguise; only a Byakugan could see through it," he said.

"Of course, old man, nobody could detect it. Only after your chakra is exhausted, the mask will crumble. Even if you're in front of the Hokage, he couldn't see through it," I said with a chuckle.


I dispersed my mask and looked at him. "So, why are you here?" I asked him.

"I am here to inform you that the Hokage wants to meet you and your father," he said in a serious tone.

I put the book aside and asked, "Do you know anything about it?"

"I don't know, but you have to be careful. Nothing good comes after meeting that old fox," he said.

"Don't reveal anything about yourself, or he will try to brainwash you with his grandfatherly smile. He's been doing it for years, grabbing young talents and making them loyal only to him," he said.


"I know, Gramps... hehe... you don't have to worry about me," I said with a smile.

"So, when does he want to meet?" I asked.

"In one hour," he said.

"Okay, I will be ready," I said.

"Be careful," he said one last time before walking away.

"Hokage, huh? Let's see how good you are."


I was standing in front of my father. "Are you ready?" he asked.

I nodded to him, and he looked slightly nervous.

I raised my two fingers, and a chakra scalpel appeared on my finger. 

I started poking my body, closing my tenketsu points. There were two ways to block them: one was horizontally, and the other was vertically.


 In the gentle fist, horizontal blocking was used, which disrupted the flow of chakra. But vertical blocking was different; it also closed the tenketsu but didn't disrupt the flow of chakra. Instead, it blocked it from leaking out from the body. 

That's the technique Hyugas used when they had to go outside the village without being noticed by the barrier.

My father looked at me for a minute before commenting, "I almost forgot that you are smart."


"Now, let's go," I said, and I grabbed his finger, leading him outside the clan. People respected my father a lot, which could be used to benefit me.

Soon, the Hokage building started to come into view, just beneath the mountain. The security was very high, with ANBU ninja and Jonin patrolling around the Hokage tower.

'I wonder how Naruto was able to steal the scroll,' I thought, 'until it was done by Hiruzen.'

As soon as we entered the Hokage tower, many eyes locked on me. 

We didn't have to wait; a ninja respectfully led us to the Hokage's office.

*Knock *knock*

"Come in," an elderly voice said.

The door opened, and we entered. My eyes briefly met the Hokage's, and then I moved my gaze and looked at Danzo. 'what is this fucker doing here,'I thought. I also felt that many ANBU ninjas were hiding in the shadows.

'If they attacked all of a sudden, there's no way we could survive,' this thought came to my mind.


As soon as I felt all the gazes on me, I timidly shrunk my body and looked down, while grabbing my father's sleeves.

"Hokage-sama," my father greeted him respectfully.

"Hiashi, how have you been?" Hiruzen said.

"I am fine. Why have you summoned me?" my father asked.

Hiruzen laughed a bit. "It's nothing, nothing... I heard your daughter is a new genius, so I just want to see her," he lied. There was no way he knew about it.


My father squinted his eyes at him for a brief moment. "Oh, you have heard wrong, Hokage-sama. She is nothing like this," he said, and I lowered my head even more in shame.

"Haha... don't be harsh, Hiashi. She is just a child. What is your name, little girl?" he asked me with the most sincere smile, a love even my mother couldn't match.


I slowly raised my head. "H-Hinata H-Hyuga," I said while stuttering.

"What a sweet name," he praised.

"If there is anything else, or should we go?" my father said.

"There is one more thing," he said, and everything in the room tensed up.


"There was a murder one month ago, and I want to ask where your daughter was at that time," he said, his voice becoming commanding.

Feeling all the eyes on me, I quickly hid behind my father.

"What does it have to do with my daughter?" my father asked, and I could feel he was ready for a fight.

"This happened around your clan," Hiruzen said.

"And what does it have to do with us?" my father said, directly looking at him.

"They were Kumo ninja," he said.

"And?" my father seriously asked him.

"They were about to kidnap your daughter," he said.


"Good," my father's Byakugan turned scary as he looked at Hiruzen, and I could feel his anger. He didn't hold back when it came to me.

"Are you telling me that enemy ninjas were roaming in our village, and you did nothing to stop them? And now you're telling me they were about to kidnap my daughter? What is the meaning of this, Hokage-sama?" my father asked in anger. He was not dumb enough to believe in his lie.

'It's time to act.'

"I am not saying; I am just asking where your daughter was at that time," he asked calmly.

My father was on his last straw. "She never goes outside the clan without anyone guarding her. You can confirm," my father said.

Hiruzen then looked at me; I was silently crying. "Where were you at that time, little girl?" he asked with the same smile.


"Father, I-I didn't do anything. I-I always play with b-brother Neji. T-Then why is he saying something like this? I-I don't want to be here. L-Let's go home." I grabbed my father's hand and tried to pull him out of the room.


"I hope this answers your question, Hokage-sama. And by the way, she hadn't even started to train. She couldn't even kill a bug," my father said.

Hiruzen nodded in satisfaction when he saw my pathetic and cowering side. "You can go now," he said.

I looked at him with fearful eyes for the last time and exited the door. From the corner of my eye, I could see a bug fly off from my shoulder.


"So what do you think, Danzo?" Hiruzen asked his friend.

Danzo thought for a moment while his face remained the same.

"I think old age is getting to you, Hiruzen. She is just pathetic, even for a Hyuga," he said and walked away from his office. He wanted to confirm his suspicion, but what he met with was disappointment.

He had bigger things to do, like framing the Uchihas and getting their Sharingan. Two of the most promising Uchihas were in his grasp, and he would use them to his benefit.

'Two more years, and there will be no Uchiha,' he thought while walking towards his ROOT base.

But it's not like he didn't gain anything; now he knew Hiashi loved his daughter, and he would use it to exploit him later. But first, he had to deal with the Uchihas.


"So, how was it?" Hiruzen asked, and Shibi came out from the shadows with a bug on his finger. He thought for a while.

"Hiashi was telling the truth. I could only feel a vague amount of chakra leaking out from her. She hasn't even started her training, and this is an entirely different chakra signature from what we felt that night," Shibi told Hiruzen the truth. He didn't find anything suspicious about the little girl.

"Are you sure about it?" Hiruzen asked.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Shibi said with full confidence. He trusted his bugs more than anything else, and he knew they didn't lie.

"Okay, you can go."


After Shibi was gone, Hiruzen looked at Shikaku. "So, did you find anything suspicious about her?"

"Now, I have two opinions," Shikaku said.

"Do tell."

"First is that she has nothing to do with this, or second, she is extremely talented at deception," he said.

"No, I don't think so. Her heartbeat was normal as it should be. It was going up and down with every sentence we spoke. This is how a child should behave," Hokage said.


"Don't you find her too perfect? Her facial expression, her heartbeat, even her body language was perfect," Shikaku said. He had a feeling they had missed something important.

"You are thinking too much, Shikaku. How many children do you think, at her age, could do the things we are blaming her for?" Hiruzen asked.

"There is no one," he said.

"But you should monitor her for some time; maybe we could find some clues," he advised him.

"Okay," Hiruzen said.


"Do you believe me, Father?" I asked my father.

"Of course, Princess," my father said with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about anything," he reassured me.

'It's time to plant another seed.'


"Father, don't you feel he is lying about something?" I asked.

"Oh... so you also noticed," he said.

"He was expecting you to know the truth," I said.

"But this was my first time hearing this," he said.

"Hmm... Hokage knew everything from the beginning. He was just waiting for your mistake and framing everything on you," I slowly said.

'From this point, the enmity between Hokage and the Hyuga clan will start.'

'And the Uchiha massacre will only act as fuel.'


"But we were not interested in politics, nor in his position, so why?" he murmured.

"But he didn't think that way, Father," I told him.

Tilting my head, I looked at the Hokage's office where Shikaku and Hiruzen were talking. 'If he meddles in my way one more time, I won't hesitate to make Shikamaru fatherless.'

'Sometimes being too smart could cause unnecessary deaths.'

"We should talk about this issue in the clan meeting."

"Yes, Father."




End of the chapter. How do you like it? Tell me your thoughts about the blood bending should I do it or not… 


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