
ตอน 37: Sworning-in Ceremony Speech

Right now, because there is no President, Satyendra Nath Bose, a renowed scientist who gave the world Bose-Einstein condensate was invited as the chief guest for conducting the sworning-in ceremony of the newly elected general government, as a show to mark a new era for India, where science will be given the most priority after more than two thousand years after the fall of the Gupta Empire.

In the committee meeting of the BJS party, it was decided to give the Rajya Sabha seats that a President appoints from the people of importance without election, which Satyankar will have the power to do for the first time before the election of the President, to give them to various scientists and JRD Tata.

Satyankar stood in the Parliament, and started his sworning-in speech.

"Mitron... After more than two centuries of humiliation, India has chosen her very first legitimate government, through the biggest election in the world where every adult participated.

The voter turnout was barely more than 50%, so I would request everyone to cast their vote in the next election. Every vote matters. If you aren't exercising your rights, then you and the country can't progress.

We have achieved where we are today due to the sacrifices of many people. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Gandhiji, Bhagat Singh, Birsa Munda, Alluri Sitaram Raju, Lal-Bal-Pal, and hundreds and thousands and lakhs of people sacrificed their lives so that our next generation can live in a free country. Every person's sacrifice should be a reminder for us that we can't take this freedom for granted.

Unity is everything. The moment a crack appears again, others will pounce on us without any hesitation. And, some within us are the ones who always have helped those wolves.

For power, people within us sold their humanity and genocided people to create a country to rule using the name of religion.

But why were they able to achieve it? Because we were foolish. We let cancer grow to the point we had to get a painful surgery to remove it.

But just because we have done the surgery doesn't mean that the cancer won't appear again.

People are prideful. They want to be in power. It is a normal human nature. But, morality is something many people don't have. They will use the name of religion, caste, language, anything but improving the lives of the people to get into power.

Voting doesn't just mean that you have to choose one of the candidates every five years. You have to keep an eye on who you voted is doing the work seriously. If they don't, you have to stand up in the elections yourself.

Some people will use false theories like Aryan Invasion, which was used by the British to weaken our culture, for their own benefit. Even a person of our own party, named Periyar was inciting violence, and trying to divide the country into so-called Aryans and so-called Dravidaians, now that division on the basis of Muslim and non-Muslim has failed.

Don't fight over things that are too ancient to determine with more than 90% of significance. Did Odias create Rasgulla or Bengalis create Rasogulla? We don't know, and we don't have the means to determine it, atleast until a century of scientific advancement.

Is the theory proposed by a British man without any sufficient proof true? No!

If you are going to trust a British, you might as well give a wedding card to a well-established thief who will not only steal all your belongings, but your husband or wife by spewing lies and half truths about an affair.

Will you and your cousin's kid have similar DNA? Absolutely. But does that mean that you are having an affair with your cousins wife or husband depending on your gender? No.

Because, the similarity in DNA wouldn't cross a certain significance. But, a quack does some DNA tests, finds similarity between Europeans and Indians, and says, "Viola! Since a European is superior, it must mean Europeans must have invaded India! Sanskrit and the culture must have been brought by us Europeans!"

What is true and what isn't is largely determined by the people having the upper-hand realising whether an incomplete and half-true half-false information can be used for subjugation or not.

What is the half-truth and half-lie in the theory?

The half-truth is that Europeans and Indians share lots of similarities, in genetics, in culture before European's native cultures were destroyed, and language.

Half-lie? That Europeans who falsely call themselves Aryan invaded India. That the so-called Dravidians and so-called Aryans are different people.

One of the first humans, not as Species, but as Families, originated in Africa. And outside of Africa, India was the first major settlement.

Now, where did the Africans settle in India? One place is be around Sindhu river, arriving via land.

And other is near the Malabar coast, arriving via sea.

Both regions of India, North and South, have come from Africans. Which is older, Tamil or Sanskrit? We don't know, and can't.

They aren't the oldest languages. They are the oldest languages that are written and spoken to this day. The language used in Sindhu civilisation is much more older than both the languages, but we can't read and write in it today.

Why do Tamil and Sanskrit have so less similarities? Well, first thing first, writing came way later than speaking. There are many similarities between the languages.

Krishnaswami. Kumaraswami. A lot more. Are they Sanskrit or Tamil? They are both! The pronunciations formed the languages in an age where writing wasn't common.

Add to the fact that, the Northern and Southern kingdoms weren't one for the majority of India's history. The brave successors of Cholas-Chera-Pandyas never fell to invaders until the British came along.

Anyway, why do Europeans and Indians share so much, when they don't do that much with Africans, where humanity originated?

Because India held the majority of the world's population 5000-6000 years ago. There was no more perfect place for inhabitation until now, when the technology is making things easier.

And, India was never a peaceful place. Violence is every organism's instinct. Even a tree fights other trees for spreading their roots more, unless they are a collective community.

Some communities won the resources, some were expelled.

Then those who were expelled went through the harsh deserts and mountains west of India and found a more inhabitable place in southern Europe like Turkey and Greece. Some went to Russia and Central Asia.

And as the ancient people acted when the resources were scarce, they genocided all the males and kept the females. They carried over the underdeveloped language at that time which wasn't fully Sanskrit yet, and that's why Europeans have so much common with us, especially languages and genetics.

To hide their own insecurity, and to make us insecure, they call the common ancestor and have Aryans, a word they stole from Sanskrit, hypothetically invade India.

There wasn't much tools to fight at that time. You can't really make much wooden weapons from the deserts. You can't carry large number of rocks from the mountains. Not when you don't have as much food as India did.

Many tried to invade India from the Sindhu. For more than 7000-8000 years. They didn't succeed once until a thousand years ago.

Alexander tried, he was crushed by a chieftain Puru. The invasion wasn't even considered a big deal, since there are no records in Takshashila. When a thousand people try to attack a million of your population, constantly at regular intervals of times, you don't mention the battle which is so minor.

Genghis Khan rules a huge portion of the world, probably the biggest in history. But even he didn't attack India, since he knew that he would loose and we didn't care enough what he did outside our kingdoms.

Stop letting yourselves fall for propaganda. Every 'scientific fact' can be shoved forward if it benefits certain people. Unlike Maths and Physics, Biology and Chemistry aren't as accurate sciences, and are largely based upon a sample size of everyone to be accurate.

This election, I was very disappointed that we have fallen for propaganda again for the nth time, fallen for the Divide and Rule for the mth time, and have started fighting against ourselves.

Embracing false, separatist ideologies isn't going to solve casteism. A person in the 30s or more isn't going to change how he thinks. Less than 1% do.

The best we can do is to teach our children from the start that how bad, wrong, nonsensical and defective the caste system is.

The next generation may not be fully Anti-castist, but atleast 10% will be? The next generation of that generation will make atleast 40% atleast? Then probably the third generation will completely get rid of it?

Such things have been ingrained generations after generations. Calling for violence against so-called upper castes, to kill them, is only going make the next generations of both parties have hatred against each other. It will become a vicious cycle, and the situation will worsen.

That's why, stop falling for such tactics. Respect doesn't come from killing those who doesn't respect you. It only turns disrespect into hatred.

Stop giving power to the people who try to divide the country and her people!

How longer will we continue fighting against each other!? Was two centuries not enough!? Was not starving to death as a result of infighting not enough!?

British couldn't have ruled us without us. They weren't even 5% of our population.

If we keep fighting amongst ourselves like this, another British or something will take advantage of us and subjugate us!

This is the era of cold war. All countries have lost their mind. Korea just started its civil war over two systems of economy, both of which have their pros and cons. Instead of covering for each other's weaknesses and come out united to fight the aftereffects of brutal colonialism, they are hell bent on killing each other.

Those who were leading this bullshit movement, can you say with confidence that there was no one influencing you? That you were not influenced by a bullshit theory, your own past suffering, or someone else who will benefit from such separatism?

Focus on getting people out of poverty, making sure that each and every person can eat three times of healthy meals, that the next generation can get good education in a safe environment and develop a rational mind.

I know you have suffered. I have suffered in 15 years of Kaala Pani too. The ones who harrased you have suffered too.

Raise voice against suffering. Raise voice for self-respect. But, not at the cost of violence and suffering for the next generation.

Your kids aren't the means to project your dreams. They are the ones to achieve their own dreams that they will want on their own. They are the king in the chessboard of our country.

Just imagine, do you want your kids and grandkids to live in a country where there is no violence and riot, where they can eat their fill without hesitation, without having to worry if the food will be enough for their own kids. They will get good education, the means to get rich. They will be happy. Where each politician will have to improve their lives to be voted into the government again.

Or, do you want your kids and grandkids to live in a country where violence and riots will be a norm. Where politicians will use everything but improving their lives to get into power. So-called caste, religion, and the quack theories of quacks.

I am one man. My decisions won't always work the best. I would probably retire in 20-25 years, if I am even able to live that much.

A country is what who her people are. Even if the land beneath us gets submerged in the oceans and we are forced to move to the mountains, we will still be Indians.

Don't be insecure of our heritage. Every single place in the world has learnt most of the things from us. They are jealous of our heritage, and they will do anything to undermine, corrupt, and break our heritage and unity.

Be the change you want to see in our country!

I swear, as the first Prime Minister of free India, I will be the captain that our team needs. My duty is not to dictate your lives. My duty is to guide you for a united, strong, and happy team.

Teamwork is the key to the locks that has been on us in the centuries of humiliation.

Let's work together to build a robust base that the generations to come can build upon!

Have the Will of Stone, to be unshaken in the face of adversaries.

Have the Will of Wind, to cut through problems we are facing.

Have the Will of Lightning, to be alert and fast to deal with the problems before they grow too big.

Have the Will of Water, to be flexible with approach and be free in ideas.

And have the Will of Fire, so when our leaves burn away, our compost provide nutrients for the new leaves to flourish on our tree of India.

Bharat Mata ki!"


"Bharat Mata ki!"


"Bharat Mata ki!"


"Vande Mataram!"

"Jai Hind!"

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