80.55% Starks of Winterfell / Chapter 27: Chapter 27

บท 27: Chapter 27

Ned POV, 292 AC Moon 09

Shocked silence ran in the corridor, and I could see some gasps among the 20 or so people who followed us down here. Then, in a confused lapse, the entire corridor knelt to him. Feeling a tug to his side, I could see even Sansa, Arya, & Bran were kneeling, although their smile told him that except for Sansa, they thought it was more play than reality.

"Rise" Robb commanded, his voice older and surer. More confident, a voice used to command. As everybody stood up again. "Whatever you hear today should be kept in strictest of confidence. No getting drunk and babbling secrets outside." Robb continued.

"Father" Robb said in a strangled voice. "You have questions. Ask them." Robb had closed his eyes and was waiting for the question.

"Robb, what is all this? What is that Throne you are sitting on? What's this about you being King? Our King is King Robert?" I asked rapidly. "We will be called Oathbreakers if we secede from the Seven Kingdoms."

"Hmm." Robb made a guttural sound. "The throne I am sitting on Father is the original Throne of Winter. Our house founder Brandon 'The Stark' was the first King of Winter." As I tried to question it Robb raised a hand to stop me from interrupting.

"He was the Father to Brandon 'The Bloody Blade' Stark and Grandfather to Brandon 'The Builder' Stark. All three of them fought for our survival.

'Dusk' was gifted to The Builder by Edric Dayne, the founder of House Dayne. He also crafted 'Dawn' from the same meteors as it contained enough Sky-metal for both weapons. He also built his keep, Starfall, where the meteor fell.

How did White Walkers and Weights come to be? For that Shadow will answer it." As Robb said the last sentence he opened his eyes, (Fuck!! His son's grey eyes were shining. He could hear some men at the back grumble about magic.) and nodded to the Child of the Forest and closed his eyes again.

Every eye turned toward Shadow waiting for an answer. She took a breath and began to speak. "I think it is best if I give you context for that question. I have been told by my Grandmother, Leaf, that thousands of years ago, the Children of the Forest and the Giants were the only sentient species on this continent. We lived in peace. Peace with each other, peace with nature. Everything was perfect."

She looked out into space wistfully. Mournfully. Then her expression hardened. "Then humans came." She took another breath to compose herself.

"At first we didn't think too much of them. We tried to get on with them as peacefully as we could, just like we did the giants. Humans were cruel though. So cruel.

They started chopping down our forests. Our Weirwood trees. We asked them to stop. Practically begged them. They refused to listen. It wasn't long before they started killing my people. Hunting us down and slaughtering us for sport. Or because they wanted to be the only race. They burnt down our forests and killed us down to the last whenever they could!" She spat. Hate and fury boiled in her eyes. But underneath it all, I could see her sadness.

Unfortunately, he believed her about mankind starting a war with the Children. Mankind had always been a temperamental race. Quick to violence and anger. Quick to condemn those who were different. War has been waged for much less.

She continued. "It wasn't long before we started fighting back. Killing man whenever we could. To protect ourselves and our Gods. The Gods of the Forest, Streams, Rocks, and Earth. Your gods now too."

Her eyes shone with knowledge of countless ages. "We killed many. Thousands. Hundreds of thousands. It made no difference in the end. Mankind kept coming. Kept killing our people and destroying our Gods. So we destroyed the path they took to get to Westeros. Flooding it with massive amounts of water and sinking the land hoping it would stop them. That place is now known as the Stepstones."

She paused for a moment before continuing. "It worked for a time. Mankind stopped coming and we were able to live in peace for a bit more. It wasn't long before they came again though. On wooden ships, they landed on the shores by the thousands and began exterminating my people wherever they could find them. We warred with them for years. Centuries. For two millennia war continued between Us and Mankind."

She looked back into my eyes with a sadness that was almost painful to look at.

"It was no use though. We could kill hundreds for every one of us that died and we still ended up being pushed back. We Children are not as fertile as humans.

We were fighting on the losing side of the war. We fell back again and tried to stop them by flooding The Neck. It hardly made a difference at that stage. Before long that had pushed us further and further North. There were less and less of us. It wouldn't have been long before we were hunted to extinction. We were growing more and more desperate."

She swallowed thickly. "So we made a weapon. We took a man and used magic to create a creature that would hunt men for us. That would allow us to change the tide of the war."

My eyes narrowed. "The White Walkers. " Everybody froze at what I said.

Shadow eyes lowered to the floor. "Yes. The Night King specifically. In the beginning, we thought it had worked. The White Walkers were pushing the humans back. The more humans that died the stronger they got.

We were ashamed of what we did. It was the vilest of magic, Blood, and Necromancy.

But we were also relieved that we were no longer being hunted to extinction."

Then she looked at him and a tear escaped out of one of her eyes and rolled down her cheek.

"The Night King was smarter than we thought though. It wasn't long before he slipped out of our control and started hunting everything. Everything that lived was his target. Mankind, animals, my people, or giants.

It made no difference. He would kill us all the same. The more of the living that died, the more dead would be added to his army and the more powerful he became."

She took a shuddering breath. "Thanks to our folly, everything was dying. We had no choice but to ally with humans to fix our mistake, and they had no choice but to ally with us to survive the Night King's forces.

Many wanted to exterminate us at first but 'The Stark' held them back. He listened and apologized for the crimes his ancestors had committed. 'The Stark' was a well-respected and the most powerful warlord so when he spoke people listened. And they also did the same because humans had already forgotten why we were fighting in the first place.

As a respect to us, 'The Stark' started following the Old Gods—the first human to do so.

'The Pact of Winter' was formed on the Isle of Faces, and 'The Stark' was crowned king, we became allies and ceased our wars with each other. So that we could focus on our common enemy. 'The Stark' led us to many victories and he had already claimed back Southern Westeros from the Others.

But it was his son 'The Bloody Blade' that brought us real victories. There were many mutinies and dissent amongst our rank too. Many had started worshiping the Night King, calling him The Great Other. 'The Bloody Blade' intervened, he bathed the Blue Lake in the blood of the Humans, Children, and Giants so much that to this day it is called the 'Red Lake'.

After years of war and death, we finally managed to push the Night King back into the far North. Regardless of how much we tried we could not pin the Night King down to finish him off and he went where we were unable to follow. Into the far North, known now as the Lands of Always Winter. There he changed the weather freezing everything completely, making it impossible to hunt him down.

We knew he would be back though. So we then worked with the giants and your ancestor Bran 'The Builder' to build a wall."

Sansa then asked, "Why do the records say that 'The Builder' was Garth Greenhand's grandchild and that the Long Night was supposedly eight thousand years ago and not ten?"

Robb responded to the question, "Well, the Citadel and the Faith preferred to explain that the Starks went North because they didn't have a place in the prosperous Reach instead of explaining that we could wield magic.

We weren't called the Kings of Winter for nothing. And seeing that the majority of the Houses in the Reach were created eight thousand years ago they had to say that 'The Builder' was from around the same time when the truth is that when Garth was ruling the Reach was the time when Brandon 'The Breaker', the thirteenth King in the North, allied himself with Joramun and destroyed the Night's King and his white walker wife the Night's Queen.

And what better way for the Faith and the Citadel to reward the prideful turncloaks Reachmen who welcomed the Andals with opened arms and to humiliate the northerners who refused their Faith than to say that 'The Builder' created House Stark and was not even Garth's child but his grandchild?"

"If we have to establish a timeline for all this, It would be like 12 millennia ago the humans came to Westeros. 10 millennia ago the Long Night ended.

From what we had learned from Robb, the Starks lost the Thorne of Winter eight millennia ago. Before learning this we thought that House Stark had forsworn its legacy. So four millennia ago, when Andals came to Westeros and started hunting us we fled beyond the wall." Shadow clarified.

"While I don't need to repeat it let me say it regardless and as clearly as possible. The Children of the Forest, are the Old Gods emissaries on this land, their messengers. And they have also bent the knee of House Stark. They are now citizens of the North. We are honor-bound to protect them." Robb commanded.

"House Giantsarm & House Haltija have been raised to the position of High Lords. I repeat, Both are under the direct protection of House Stark. A crime against them is a crime against me and mine." Robb added.

Everybody nodded at that even I did. After a few minutes of silence, Arya asked.

"Robb, even in my earliest memory, you have always worked tirelessly and have always been honest to us. Big Brother, something happened or it is like you are preparing for something. Tell us what it is, will you?" Arya asked but from the looks in her eyes, I could see it was more of a demand.

Robb in return sighed loudly and said, "It's Both. The Others are back, they have woken up. In a decade or so, Second Long Night will come.

When Lord Rayder informed me of this, I did the only thing I could back then. I went to pray for guidance. The Old Gods answered, they told me to find our Ancient Throne and set out some tasks for me to achieve which I already have."

"Which are?" I asked interrupting him.

"First, to bring knowledge so I went to Citadel. Second, taking command that I did when Ironborn rebelled. The third task was to save our allies from beyond the wall.

The fourth task was to perform a ritual to claim these lands for our family. The ritual created a barrier that would act as a shield against magical attacks. No Faceless Man, Shadowbinders, or any other can even set foot in the North without our permission. The barrier will also help mana to concentrate and strengthen our magics.

The fifth task is to write the history of our world with the help of the Three-Eyed Raven. Bran will learn from Lord Bloodraven during his fostering.

The Sixth task is to plant more weirwoods which The Children can do.

The Seventh and final task is to achieve peace or burn the South. I have chosen to let them destroy themselves and even help with it.

Three other tasks were added to them recently by Lord Bloodraven. The first is to save Daenerys Targaryen. Second, to kill Viserys Targaryen. Third, to go to Valyria with Daenerys."

Robb finished and as I heard the task I couldn't help but shake in anger.

"Madness. I can't let you do these, what do you mean by let the South burn? King Robert did so much for us, he --" I spoke with anger lacing my every word.

"Stop, Father. If you want my reasons I will give them to you, but only a handful of people know them. We are Stark. Our words have meanings. We have never betrayed someone's trust. It is the burden and curse of our house when you don't betray the others.

Marwyn, bring Lady Alys here at once by now she would've finished taking care of my outburst previously. Wait a few minutes." Robb interrupted him standing up from the Throne.

Robb's POV, 292 AC Moon 09

As Father stood there stowing in anger at me. Jon Arryn was like a Father to him, and King Robert Baratheon had been his brother in all but blood. As I was indulging my thoughts Marwyn came back with Lady Alys and her kid.

"My lord, I have brought Lady Alys." Marwyn kneeled.

"Good Work, Grand Scholar. I apologize for running you around like that. Lady Alys, come forward and tell everyone why I have decided to let the South burn."

"At once, My Lord." Lady Alys came in front of the Throne and turned to face the people.

"We will go from the oldest to the most recent ones." Lady Alys spoke in a soft voice.

"When Lord Robb returned from Citadel he tasked me with investigating crimes against the North from the time of his grandfather, Lord Rickard Stark. Anything before could not have been investigated as there was no trail to follow.

From the personal journals of Archmaesters brought from Citadel, we have uncovered that before Aegon the Conqueror, maesters would entice the Southron Lords to fight the North. Many reasons were stated like expanding their kingdom or bringing the light of the Seven to the North."

Immediately the corridor descended into chaos, many were calling for Maester's head. "Quite down. You will listen, if any of you interrupts her again you can go back up there again." As I roared everyone quieted down.

After clearing her throat to bring the attention back to her. Alys continued, "After Targaryen came to Westeros, maesters focused on them. While many factors contributed to the Dance, poison the maesters fed the Targaryen, and their Dragons were one of them.

After the Dance, dragons died and maester focused back on House Stark. When Raymun Redbeard attacked, they were the ones who advised the Southern Lords to not interfere as Lord William Stark fought off the invasion. House Stark at that time only had three members, Lord William, his brother Lord Artos, and his only son and heir, Lord Edwyle. The maesters were hoping that we would go extinct.

Oh, and the infighting between King Aegon IV's children, spreading that Daemon Blackfyre was the true heir, and the subsequent Blackfyre Rebellion was also the work of Citadel.

Lady Lyarra Stark, Lord Eddard's mother was assassinated by Maester Walys on the orders of Lady Olenna Tyrell and Citadel. Lady Tyrell's reasoning was to hike up the food prices but Lady Lyarra Stark wouldn't let her do it.

Maester Walys was also the one who was guided Lord Rickard, who in his grief couldn't see the deception. Lord Stark's Southern ambition started from there.

Dorne is the land of Oathbreakers thereby dooming them. Their ancestors or even them at some point in their life have broken their oaths and did so without missing a heartbeat if it would benefit them. House Martell had signed a contract with recently deceased, Ser William Darry. The terms of the contracts are that in exchange for helping with Targaryen restoration Arianne Martell would become the new queen of Westeros.

Orys Baratheon felt he was more worthy of Dragon's bloodline than Durrandon's bloodline. Baratheon's have always wanted to usurp the Targaryens, always hiding their ambition. As soon as The Rebellion started Robert Baratheon capitalized on it and presented himself as future King. I have also uncovered a missive sent King Robert to Lord Tywin, that states that 'If he sings Rains of Castamere to the Targaryen, he would make Cersei his queen'. I believe he would have kept Lady Lyanna as a mistress and would have given reason that it is keep the Realm at peace.

From a journal of Elbert Arryn recovered in Eyrie by my spy. Lord Jon Arryn also provided Lord Eddard with an heir's education, stating the reason that it would help King Robert but the truth was the alliance of Stormlands, Riverlands, and Vale had decided to kill Lord Rickard and Lord Brandon making Lord Eddard take control of the North.

In the journal, it said that the education provided to Lord Eddard focused on breaking him away from traditional Starks. The concept of 'honor above reason' was constantly preached to him. The idea was that Lord Eddard's descendants wouldn't be able to hold the North causing it to fracture from the inside. Also his last entry provided some insight that he didn't went willingly with Lord Brandon, but he couldn't just deny him as Lord Brandon had lost all reason and was ready to attack anyone.

From my other spies I got information that even with all this false education being forced upon Lord Eddard, when he presented himself as a Great General during the Rebellion. Lord Arryn was alarmed by the strategies employed by him, people may have called it Robert's Rebellion but it was Lord Eddard who devised all the war strategies. Starks have waged countless wars to unite the North and secure its borders, it showed House Stark brilliance at war.

The reason why no Small Council position was offered to Northerners was to weaken us and keep us away from the state of the realm. Lord Arryn has become increasingly worried that our newfound wealth would help us break away from the Iron Throne. He already had asked King Robert to censure us and to order us to pay the Crown's debt.

Lord Petyr Baelish, our Master of Coin, was fostered at Riverrun. He now claims that he took the maidenhead of both Tully's daughters. That is false, he only took it of one, Lady Lysa. She became pregnant with his child and Lord Hoster fed her moon tea.

When Lord Brandon was at Riverrun, it was Lady Lysa who told him that Lady Lyanna was kidnapped by the Crown Prince and that he should go to King's Landing and demand justice. This was done on the orders of Lord Baelish.

When Lord Rickard was passing through Riverrun, he was fed false information that it was his son who started the conflict. Lord Hoster, did that, he did. And as everyone knows Lord Hoster blocked the Northern host from coming South unless Lord Eddard agreed to marry Lady Catelyn.

Lord Hoster while not overly religious still saw this as a chance to increase trade in his lands and in his words 'Bring the light of the Seven to the Northern Heathens'. Lady Catelyn doesn't know her of her Father's scheme. We have already confirmed that.

Lady Tyrell and Lord Baelish, after hearing about Lord Robb's achievements decided to send a score of sellswords and bandits to North. With a single task to ravage the land of the North and draw out Young Lord to kill him. The Crannogmen along with my spies eliminated them.

After the Greyjoy's Folly, House Hightower had schemed that Lady Lynesse would marry Lord Jorah and bankrupt and sow discord among House Stark and one of its most loyal bannerman. That scheme fell through due to his arm being cut off.

Our biggest problem won't be Southern Lords, No, it would be House Blackfyre. Lord Varys real name is Daemon V Blackfyre, he was the one due to which King Aerys lost his sanity. He whispered in the Kings ears to have Lord Rickard executed. His spies had already uncovered the Alliance plot, which he used to further his own goal of destroying House Targaryen.

He final plot is to ignite Westeros in a new war and give the crown to Aegon Blackfyre, son of his deceased sister, Sierra Blackfyre and Magister Illyrio Mopatis. The plan is to present Aegon Blackfyre as Aegon Targaryen, son of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia. I am also currently investigating where is this Aegon Blackfyre is being kept."

As Alys finished talking she stepped aside and I saw Father crumble on the floor and start crying. His heart ached to hear his Father cry but it was necessary. Sansa, Arya, and Bran ran towards Father and hugged him. Everybody else was shocked after hearing all this.

There were approaching footsteps in the back of the corridor, and as he watched his mother was coming toward them with Rickon in her arms. Two guards followed behind her. She walked up to Father and placed a hand on his shoulder. Her face showed no emotion but in her eyes he saw the horror of learning all this information.

"Robb, how soon can we break away from the Iron Throne?" Her question brought everyone's attention back to the conversation.

"While we could do it right this moment. I would not recommend that." As I spoke I stood up from the Throne and walked towards them. "Do you trust me on this Father? On everything you've learned today."

"Yes. Do whatever's is necessary." Father said looking in his eyes, anger burning them.

"Mother, I will cause a War, a war in which House Tully has a high chance that it won't survive." He said looking at Mother.

"A mother will do anything for her children. My children are the future of House Stark and my Lord Husband is Lord Stark.

Family. Duty. Honor. Are our words, my family is right here." Mother said with a sad smile.

I nodded and walked back to the Throne. "There is one other matter which concerns us. Jojen, tell them?" I commanded.

"Our ancient enemy has woken up again. Second Long Night would descend. With the help of my Father and other Children searching our records. We know that the First Long Night happened 9989 years ago.

Elder Leaf suspects that in 11 years when 10 millennia would be completed, the Night King would start the attack on the wall. Going by the modern calendar it would be 303 AC." Jojen finished and stepped back.

"We will prepare and we will be ready", I said and people nodded, hope in their eyes. "Innovation from Knowledge Hall will be used to increase our wealth and spread knowledge. For my 13th nameday, every Lord of the North will be invited to discuss our future dealings. And after my 15th nameday, I will sail for Essos to find and deal with the Targaryen."

I looked over to Shadow and commanded, "Inform your Grandmother too, my Lady. As there are many development projects in my mind I would like the Children to be involved too before they start planting Weirwood Trees."

"Yes, my Lord" Everyone chorused and started exiting to prepare for the changes coming to North.

As only Father and I remained, he walked up to me. "Robb, your Grandmother used to say: 'A Great Man Doesn't Seek To Lead. He's Called To It.'

You, my son, have been called to lead our people. I will support you with everything I have." Father patted my shoulder and they exited the crypts too.

'The North would not bow down to anyone. Be it Southern Lords, our Ancient enemy beyond the wall, or Dragons in Essos.' I thought.

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