69.44% Starks of Winterfell / Chapter 23: Chapter 23

บท 23: Chapter 23

Robb POV (Age 11), 291 AC Moon 08

Lord Wyman Manderly, his heir Ser Wylis Manderly, and Ser Wendel Manderly, all 3 were bald men with bushy walrus mustaches. Lady Leona was a stern but kind woman, who kept a short leash on her husband and goodbrother. 

Finally, Lord Manderly's two granddaughters. Wynafryd was a young girl who looked to be the same age as Robb, with brown hair bound in a short braid, pinkish skin, and blue eyes. Wylla seemed to be just a few years younger than Robb, possibly 10 or 9. She had blond hair in two pigtail braids, pale skin like her mother, and blue eyes like her father.

As per Robb's request, Jojen was given a room right next to Robb to keep an eye on the boy. Not that Robb thought Manderly or his family would do anything to Jojen. From what Robb had heard Lord Manderly was a just lord, fair to his people, and hard only when the need arises. 

Last night's dinner, Robb learned more about Lord Manderley's family.

Robb found Wylla to be the most interesting. She was a year younger than him, but always spoke her mind in a way that wasn't childish, but simply her way. Such as how she said both Robb and Jojen had pretty hair, making Robb laugh while Jojen blushed. In the end, Robb thought Lord Manderly had a lovely family and was looking forward to getting to know them more.

He had read that even in the dead of winter, White Harbor remains operational albite not as full as during summer. Robb found himself walking next to Lord Manderly with a small escort of guards in White Harbor to check on ships transporting books that Iron Bank offered.

As they walked through the market towards the docks. Robb couldn't help but look in awe at the market. It was large with dozens of people selling everything from foods to wines, furs, tools, and anything imaginable. There were also people of all shapes and sizes, most were from the North, but others looked to be from the South and Essos.

For the next few hours, Robb watched Lord Manderly talk with several captains and merchants about various topics such as trade, ships, and news from both Essos and the South. All of which Lord Manderly handled with ease, shocking Robb a bit. Robb knew Lord Manderly was smart, but to see it firsthand, Robb wouldn't be surprised if Lord Manderly could become Master of Coin for the king easily.

"Well, if it isn't Tycho Nestoris," Lord Manderly said with a wide smile to a well-dressed man who looked to be from Essos from his clothes.

"Greetings Lord Stark, Lord Manderly," Tycho said with a bow, smiling at Robb.

"So, what brings you to White Harbor Tycho?" Lord Manderly asked while folding his fat arms. "Here to check on book shipment."

Tycho waved his hand at Lord Manderly. "Well Yes, even after doing a deal as big as book shipment. I am still not promoted because I have to find a regular client. The higher-ups think that it was a fluke. They say whoever went Winterfell could have made the deal." The man said, but Robb could tell from the small sigh that he was disappointed.

"Perhaps I can make this trip more fruitful," Robb said, making Tycho look at the young wolf with interest, greed gleaming in the man's eyes.

"House Stark has come into a great deal of gold due to this deal. There are a few other business ventures that I could think of and it would require me to be a regular client of the Iron Bank. Of the 5 million to be paid to House Stark, I would like to open an account in the name of Stark of Winterfell and deposit 2 million gold in it." Tycho wrote it all on his notepad.

"Now, it is a large amount I would like a trustworthy person to be our Account Manager. And you are the first person from the Iron Bank that I saw. You also seem like the person I am looking for. So, you will be our manager." As he finished Tycho's mouth was wide open but he soon recovered and smiled wide even showing his yellow teeth.

"I thank you for the opportunity, my Lord Stark." He said while giving a respectful bow. "Now what is this business that you spoke about?"

"There are Quartz and Obsidian mines in the lands of Mountain Clans," Robb explained and Tycho gained a look of interest. "House Stark would like to request the Iron Bank to arrange for professional jewelers to come to the North and work the gems into a finished product, preferably after winter. If they could settle permanently in the North that would be great. But if they decide not to, they can live here temporarily for five years, take some Northmen as an apprentice, and teach them what they know. In both conditions, they would be paid handsomely."

Tycho's smile grew wide as he nodded at Robb. "The Iron Bank would be more than happy to assist in your request. Just know that such a request may be expensive."

"Money won't be an issue. Lannisters and other free cities will be coming to buy books from us to have a Citadel of their own. On that note, Should I just tell them to deposit money at Iron Bank?" He asked.

"Yes, That would help us both. We can just convert them to Westerosi coins and then deposit them in your account or bring them here."

"Follow the same distribution of coins as during this deal. Send 3 million to us and deposit 2 million to the account."

Afterward, they signed a contract to make the deal official. Iron Bank would take 0.1% & same 0.1% for Tycho. For any special commission, the Iron Bank would take 2% of the total deal.

Robb POV (Age 12), 292 AC Moon 03

Winter had been abnormally short ending in just 4 moons. The good thing was that despite heavy snowfall in a short time, snowstorms were rare and people could still work. This winter felt more like summer just with more snow. Some scholars at Knowledge Hall created something called Skis and Sleds after watching kids slide on a snow hill with a wooden board to sit on.

That children's pastime had been an inspiration for the thing that could help in reaching the farthest corner of the North faster than a horse rider in summer.

Asymmetrical wooden logs formed the Ski. On one leg, the skier wore a long straight non-arching ski for sliding, and on the other a shorter ski for kicking. The bottom of the short ski was either plain or covered with animal skin to aid this use, while the long ski supporting the weight of the skier was treated with animal fat. Skiers used one long pole or spear.

Sled is of the same idea, but with a large board to hold weights mounted on two skis of equal size pulled by hounds. He had commissioned several of them for easier transportation. He had enough time to prepare due to the letter containing schematics arriving before winter started.

They were tested for the moon in Winterfell and then sent out letters to every lord in the North. The letters contained instructions on how to build skis and sleds, and how to ride them. Lord Manderly had read the letter, laughed, and organized a feast. The next morning orders were sent out to create enough skis and sleds.

With means of traveling in winter, a moon before the new year, his group had started taking short trips to nearby keeps of Oldcastle, Ramsgate, Hornwood, and Widow's Watch. They have reached these keeps in a record time of a week on skis whereas on horse it would have taken 2-3 weeks.

On the eastern coast, visiting only Karhold and Dreadfort remained. Dreadfort was a place that weighed heavy on your soul. Thus, it would be the last place to visit on his tour.

Alys had sent a report on developments throughout the kingdoms through a warged bird. Little Finger and Olena Tyrell had sent bandits to wreak havoc in the North and if an opportunity presented itself to kill me. The men trained for the spy network by Lord Reed were making short work of them. No single bandit group had been able to cross the neck.

Thus, a fortnight after the new year, he and his companions left White Harbor to complete the tour of the West Coast. The tour of the North which would have normally taken 1-2 years on horses was done in 4 moons. They had traveled throughout the West Coast, resting when necessary and staying a week each at the Borrowtown, the Rills, Torrhen's Square, and Deepwood Motte. He had even visited Stoney Shore and Sea Dragon Point.

From Deepwood Motte, they had taken a ship to Bear Island. From Bear Island, the plan was to visit the Wall, The Mountain Clan, Last Hearth, Karhold, and Dreadfort at last and then back to Winterfell. During his travels, his companions have increased. Artos Dustin was the eldest son and heir to Lord Dustin. He was the same age as me. On Bear Island, Smalljon Umber and Dacey Mormont decided to accompany him for the rest of the trip as well. Smalljon and Dacey both were 5 years older than him.

He suspected that they suspected something about his plans to travel beyond the Wall but he hadn't told anyone about that. When Maege Mormont saw him wielding Dusk, it was like her mother bear instincts were set on fire. She had beaten him black and blue in the training yard. When they left for Shadow Tower, he had rejoiced but Lady Maege had instructed Dacey to train me the same way, or she would have hell to pay when she came back.

He has had no respite since the moment he stepped foot on Bear Island and even after leaving he would not have one.

A day before leaving Bear Island, he had received a report from Alys that ships had returned from scrying the known world. All items are in such quantities that Scholars had divided them into two portions, one is kept at Winterfell and the second at Knowledge Hall, Scholars are going through all these items trying to identify how they would best serve North's needs.

'Well, things will be in good hands for a few more months' I thought.

The Wall was a majestic sight. Have you ever seen one of those things that just makes you stand in awe? Understand just how small you are? Looking at this massive construct of ice, nearly touching the clouds themselves, and stretching far off into the distance in either direction, I felt inadequate.

Bran the Builder raised this thing without any special knowledge, no advanced science just ingenuity, magic, and muscle power. I could feel my hair stand up on end. He built this thing before steel was even invented, and only bronze weapons and tools were available!

'Castle Black' just felt wrong to be called a 'Castle', it was lined with disrepair wood and stone walls on the three sides in front of the massive piece of ice. There was only one thing not wrong with it and that was the massive ironwood gates. I could see the Lord Commander Joer Mormont waiting at the gates, behind him, Uncle Benjen was standing.

"Lord Stark, it is an honor to have you here at Castle Black. Please, allow my steward to show you the way to where you will be staying, and some of the boys can take your horses to the stables." The Lord Commander stated, looking at me. I just gave him a nod as an answer.

"It is an honor to be here, Lord Commander. House Stark has long been a supporter of the Night's Watch." I responded.

"We shall be having a small feast to celebrate your arrival in a few hours, a steward will be sent to fetch you then. And till then First Ranger Benjen will escort you." Lord Joer told me, motioning to his men to follow his orders.

As he knocked on the door to Lord Commander's Solar, a gruff voice sounded from inside. "Come in." When he came inside he saw there were Lord Commander Joer, Uncle Benjen, Maester Aemon, and Ser Alister Thorne inside.

"Lord Commander," I said sitting down.

"Lord Stark. Do tell how can Night's Watch be of your service?" Lord Joer said quickly.

"I don't mean to sound rude but my name is Stark. I am here to see the structure that my ancestor built and the state of Order oathbound to guard it." Ser Alister made to rise from his seat but Maester Aemon quickly put a hand on his arm.

'For a blind and old man, he is surprisingly quick.'

"Lord Commander, the Wall needs to be properly manned but you are already doing your best. I am not questioning you or your men. Don't worry, soon the Wall be properly manned. Walls have risen in my priority. And you know my reputation?"

I started strong as I needed to negotiate a passage to the North of the Wall. While theoretically, I could pass through and nobody could stop me from doing so. We still needed to navigate the lands.

"A thief and a little shit is what you are." Ser Alister couldn't control himself and spoke, I quickly gestured to Uncle Benjen to let me handle it.

Without turning toward him I replied, "Ahh, Ser Alister Thorne, last night when you were staring dagger at me during feast I tried remembering what I had read about you. But it just came to me when I heard your ugly voice." Shifting my eyes toward him I continued. "Why don't you find some another Rapist Prince or a Mad King to serve? Stark's will make a quick work of them too." I said to him mockingly.

He just remained sitting and clenched his hand. I ignored him from then on, removed Dusk from the belt, and put it on Lord Commander's desk.

Lord Commander recognized the mace, looks like every Umber, Mormont, and Reed knows about me wielding it. Otherwise, everyone remained silent for me to continue. After a few moments. Maester Aemon spoke up, "Forgive our Master-At-Arm, How could Night's Watch help you in properly manning the wall?"

As I looked toward the maester, he was staring at me. It makes one doubt if the man was blind. "Forgive me for my words about your family, Maester Aemon. It was unsightly."

Taking a deep breath, "I want help with two things from your end. First, a passage for me and my companions to travel North of the Wall. Second, the First Ranger and a few of his men to guide us. I have two places to visit, The Fist and Hardhome."

"Does Lord Stark know about it?"

I take out a letter that says, Lord Stark has permitted me to travel Beyond-The-Wall. What it doesn't say is who this Lord Stark is. After reading the letter Lord Commander grunts and says, "Make preparations First Ranger, you and two of your men will escort Lord Robb Stark north of the wall."

I nodded picked up my weapon and left the room, hiding a smirk all the while. 

I was having dinner in my room with Jojen, Artos, Smalljon, Dacey, Jory, and Mullen.

"Alright, I am not going to lie. This is honestly going to be the stupidest thing I have ever done, and probably the most dangerous. I will be leaving for North the Wall on the morrow. Our names won't mean shit and the people will be more likely to kill us for our armor and weapons than be scared of them. In the lands, Beyond-the-Wall, honor is nothing more than Southron frippery.

I will not force you to come with me but my true purpose for touring the North was to travel beyond the wall." I said seriously, looking them each in the eye.

To their credit, not one backed down. They squared their shoulders and met my gaze evenly.

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