
ตอน 14: Peter's 16th Birthday

The video opens to a close-up of Tony's face, as he sets the camera up and backs away. 

"Okay," he says, taking a deep breath. "So, today is Peter's sixteenth birthday, and Pepper and I… have a bit of a special surprise for him. As most of you know, Pepper is pregnant, and we told Peter by telling him he was going to be a big brother." 


"I'm going to be a big brother," Pepper says. 

"I'm going to be a big brother," Peter says. 

"Yes!" Pepper nods. 

"Did I get it?" Peter asks. "I got it? Yay!" 

He reaches up and takes off the headphones. Tony and Pepper share exasperated looks, as it appears that Peter did not understand the message. 

"Peter," Tony says, looking at him seriously. "Say the sentence again, and really think about it." 

Peter gives Tony a strange look. "I'm going to be a big brother? What, does it mean something?" 

"Peter," Pepper says gently, reaching out and grabbing his hand. "You're going to be a big brother. You." 

Peter looks at her for a moment. "I'm going to be…" realization seems to hit. "...a big brother? I'm going to be a big brother? You're pregnant?" he shrieks, leaping to his feet. 

"Yes!" Pepper nods. "Yes, Peter, I'm pregnant." 

"Oh my god!" Peter shouts. "Oh my god, you're pregnant!" 

Tony and Pepper share a worried look, as they can't tell if he's excited or not. 

"Yes…" They say in unison, sounding cautious. 

"This is the best day of my life!" Peter shouts, jumping up and down. "Oh my god, is it a boy or a girl? Do you know yet? It doesn't matter, I'm going to be the best big brother in the world! Oh my god!" 

Peter suddenly sits back down on the table, and drops his head into his arms. He appears to be crying. "Oh my god," he says again, looking up, his eyes teary. "There's… there's a baby. Inside of you! I'm gonna… I'm gonna be a big brother!" 

Pepper and Tony both stand up and hug him tightly. 

"Yes, you are," Tony says softly. "And you are going to be the best big brother ever." 


"And that brought on a lot of questions from all of you, wondering if Peter was my son." Tony says. "And… he's not. Until… almost a year ago, he would come over here all the time, but he lived with his aunt. But a while ago, Peter's aunt was in a car accident, and… she didn't make it. So he came to live with me, and Pep and I took temporary guardianship of him. And Peter's been trying really hard to act as though things are normal. He kept making these videos, he kept going to school, hanging out with his friends… but I know he still feels like he's intruding, because all the papers and stuff label me as his 'temporary guardian.' So…" 

Tony lifts up a packet of paper. 

"I think it's time to take the 'temporary' off of that title. And, you know, if he wants… formally adopt him. So Pepper and I were talking it over, and we thought… what better time than his birthday? So we've sent him out with Natasha for the day, and we're going to throw him a surprise party. And once all the gifts and things are opened, we're going to bring this out and give it to him, and… see what happens. So… yeah. Let's get cracking." 


Peter and Natasha are standing outside, by a busy street. 

"Hey guys, welcome back to the Ironfam!" Peter says excitedly. "So, today is my sixteenth birthday, and first, a lot of you guys have been commenting on my social media, telling me happy birthday and stuff, and I just… thanks, guys! I'm not actually sure how you all knew, but whatever. It's nice!"

"I feel like you should be more concerned that they all know your birthday," Natasha says. 

Peter shrugs. "Eh, whatever. I don't care all that much. Anyway," he turns back to the camera. "Mr. Stark sent me out 'grocery shopping' with Nat, and he's trying to make me think that he and Pepper and everyone forgot it's my birthday, but Nat told me happy birthday as soon as we got out here, and also, I know he set an alarm on his phone just to make sure he didn't forget. Plus, he had to write it down, like, a million times when I came to live with him, so… I'm pretty sure he knows when it is. Which means he and Pepper are probably doing something secret up there that I'm not supposed to know about, but… that's their fault. They should be more sneaky." 

"Give them a little credit," Natasha says, laughing lightly. "They're trying." 

"Yes, I know they're trying," Peter says. "And I think that is very nice of them, and I am very excited to see what they come up with. I was merely pointing out that I don't know they're doing something because I snooped, I know because they're not sneaky." 

"Alright, fine," Natasha rolls her eyes. "Why don't you just tell them what we're doing today?" 

"Well, Mr. Stark told us to go grocery shopping, which we're gonna do," Peter informs the camera. "But first, we're going to go get lunch and ice cream, and then we're gonna go check out this farmer's market that's happening in this little park a couple blocks over. Then we'll get the groceries Mr. Stark told us to get, and that should be enough time for them to do whatever it is they're doing. So, let's get a move on!"


"So," Tony says, walking down a hallway. "The whole team is in the tower today, except for Thor, he's off doing something on Asgard or something, and Wanda and Vision are off doing whatever weird couple things they do. But I've got Steve, Bruce, Clint, Sam, Bucky, and Scott here. I'm not sure why Scott's here, he really doesn't know Peter, but whatever, help is nice. Plus, I think he's brought Cassie, and Peter will be thrilled to meet her, he loves kids. I'm heading down to the living room right now, Pepper and Steve just got back with a bunch of decorations. We're going with a Star Wars theme, because Peter loves Star Wars. Ned and MJ will be here any minute, they're gonna help set up, too. Natasha just texted me, she says they're going to lunch, ice cream, a farmer's market, and then grocery shopping, so we've got four hours, tops. Peter's a fast shopper, he doesn't like shopping, and he's a fast eater. So, we've got to get started!" 


"We're at Delmar's!" Peter exclaims, leaning back to show the sandwich shop. "This is my favorite place, can you believe Natasha's never been here? I used to go here every day after school, but then there was that mishap with Spider-Man and those robbers, so they had to rebuild it, but it reopened last week! Anyway, in we go!" 

Natasha goes in first, Peter close behind. 

"Hello, Mr. Parker!" Mr. Delmar calls from behind the counter. 

"Hey, Mr. Delmar!" Peter exclaims. 

"A number five?" Delmar asks. 

"Yes, and with pickles, and can you smoosh it down real flat? Thanks," Peter smiles. 

"And what will the lady take?" Delmar asks. 

"I'll have same as Peter, but not 'smooshed,'" Natasha says. 

"So, Parker," Delmar says, as he begins making one of the sandwiches. "What's with the camera? You taking surveillance of my shop?" 

"Oh no, no, I'm just making a YouTube video," Peter explains. "It's my birthday today, and Mr. Stark kicked us out of the tower, so I'm just filming what me and Natasha do while we wait to be allowed back in." 

"Ah, happy birthday," Delmar says, handing him two bags. "Have a good day, you two!" 

"Thanks!" Peter waves, as he and Natasha leave the shop. 


Steve, MJ, and Ned are visible on camera, wrapping presents. 

"Steve, would you handing me the ******* ribbon?" Tony snaps from off camera. 

"Would you be patient?" Steve snaps back. 

"Hi, I'm Captain America," MJ and Ned say in perfect unison, their tones mocking. "Here to talk to you about one of the most valuable traits a soldier or student can have: patience." 

"Excuse me?" Tony and Steve exclaim together. 

"Sometimes patience is the key to victory," Ned says, wisely. 

"And sometimes it leads to very little," MJ continues, nodding sagely. 

"Where did you hear that?" Steve asks, horrified. 

"Oh, they play it at school all the time," MJ shrugs, going back to the package she was wrapping. "Every student has a ton memorized because they won't turn them off." 

"So, you got detention," Ned says, his voice even more mocking than before. "Maybe you thought you were being cool." 

"But take it from a guy who was frozen for sixty-five years," MJ sneers next to him. "The only way to really be cool… is to follow the rules." 

"Steve, why is this the first I'm hearing of this?" Tony asks, coming into view, sounding massively offended. 

"Because you were never supposed to know!" Steve says, his voice filled with panic. "How many of those have you seen?" 

"All of them." MJ and Ned say in unison. 

"Pepper!" Tony shouts. "You have to add something to tonight's agenda! We are watching every Captain America PSA ever!" 

Steve groans. 


"We just finished getting ice cream," Peter says, as he and Natasha walk down the street. "We're on our way to the market."


"Hey, we met some fans!" Peter says brightly, turning the camera to show two teenage girls. "This is Caitlyn, and this is Isabelle!"

The girls wave at the camera. 

"So, um, Peter…" Isabelle says slowly. "Can I, um… can I have your phone number?" 

Peter turns bright red, while Natasha laughs. 


The camera is on MJ and Sam, standing on stools to hang a banner that says 'Happy Birthday Peter!' above the windows. 

"SCOTT!" Steve bellows from the kitchen. "GET YOUR ******* ANTS OUT OF THE ******* KITCHEN! THEY'RE ******** ALL OVER THE CAKE!" 

MJ starts laughing. 


"You know," Natasha says teasingly. "I think she was really into you. She looked so disappointed when you wouldn't give her your number." 

"Yeah, well…" Peter hesitates, still very red. "The only girl I want to have my number already has it, so...." 

"Oh," Natasha nods knowingly. "Is it Michelle?" 

Peter turns, if possible, redder. "Pfft," he scoffs, his face contorting with dishonesty. "No. Where on earth did you get that idea? Pfft. Michelle." 

Natasha tries to hold back a grin. "Oh, of course. Silly me." 


MJ is sitting in front of a computer, looking directly into the camera, a pair of headphones on. 

"You know, Peter," she says, laughing lightly. "You're a really terrible liar. And you seem to have forgotten that I edit these videos. Wonder how long it'll take him to see this. Nobody tell him." 


"Would someone take this dog out of here?" Clint yells, stalking past the camera, holding Lady out in front of him. "She's crawling all over the decorations and she keeps trying to play with my present for Peter!" 

"I'll take her!" Cassie shrieks, sprinting over and taking Lady from Clint. "Come on, Lady, let's get away from the big mean man and go play on the roof." 

"Cassie!" Scott yells from off camera. "Do not take that dog onto the roof! Go play with her in Peter's room!" 

"Okay, okay," Cassie yells back, huffing. "Come on Lady." 

She sets Lady down and walks away, Lady happily trotting after her. 


"Natasha, look at this!" Peter exclaims, standing at a table at the market. 

Natasha looks up from the display she was looking at, and walks over to Peter. 

"Look, look!" Peter says, excitedly holding up an action figure. "They've got one of you! And of everyone else, but look! It's you!" 

Natasha smiles. "It's a very artistic rendering, too." 

"I know, right?" Peter says, smiling brightly. "We should get one. We should buy one of all of them. Everyone on the team needs to have an action figure of themselves. Oh my god, they have a Spider-Man-" 


"They're back!" Tony shouts, running into the living room, where everyone is gathered. "They're back, everyone hide!" 

Everyone immediately scatters from the living room. Lady runs around, barking madly, as Tony turns the lights off and crouches behind the couch with part of the team. 

"Lady, shut up!" Clint hisses. 

Lady barks a few more times, before she quiets down. 

The elevator dings, and Peter's voice carries into the room. 

"I can't wait to show everyone their action figure," he's saying. "I think they'll all like them, especially Mr. Stark, but-" 

He enters the living room and turns on the light. He blinks for a moment, stunned by the over-the-top decorations, before everyone leaps up. 

"Surprise!" They all yell. 

Peter puts on a very fake looking surprised face. "Wow! A surprise party? I had no idea!" 

"What?" Tony asks, pouting slightly. "How'd you know? We were so careful! Natasha, did you tell him what we were doing?" 

"No, she didn't," Peter shakes his head. "You guys just aren't very sneaky. I saw you set the alarm to remind you the night before my birthday, Mr. Stark. Plus, you're too nice to forget someone's birthday." 

Tony scowls. "Fine. Well, come enjoy your not-surprise party." 

"This is amazing, though!" Peter says enthusiastically. "Everything looks awesome!" 


Everyone is sitting in a circle on the floor in the living room, a plate of cake in their laps, a wrapped gift in front of them. 

"We're going to go around the circle," Tony explains. "Everyone's going to give you their gift." 

"You know you all didn't have to get me anything," Peter says, looking a little awkward. "Really, just the party is… is amazing, you didn't have to do anything else." 

"Yeah, well, we wanted to," MJ says, dropping a box into Peter's lap. "Just open your presents and be happy like a normal teenager, loser." 

Peter grins at her, and unwraps her present. 

"Oh my god," he breathes, staring down into the box. 

"What is it, Peter?" Tony asks. 

Peter pulls another box out of the original one, but this one has a picture of some high-tech, fancy camera on the side. 

"This is exactly the one I've wanted!" Peter exclaims. "How did you-?" 

"Well, you told me you like photography," MJ shrugs. "And I sort of snooped through your phone when you went to the bathroom a few days ago, to figure out which camera you liked." 

"I love it, MJ, thank you!" Peter says, reaching out and giving her a hug. When he pulls away, he's gone a little pink. He catches Natasha's eye, who smirks at him, and he turns redder, turning away from her. 


Tony hands Peter a very small box, which Peter takes, and very carefully pulls the wrapping paper off of. It turns out to be a small, velvet box, like a fancy necklace would come in. Slowly, Peter opens it, and reveals a car fob. 

"Keys?" Peter asks, giving Tony a questioning look. 

"Think about it, Pete," Pepper says, grinning. "What would a key like that go to?" 

"Mr. Stark, you did not." Peter exclaims. 

"He did," Clint says brightly. "It's bright red and it's down in the garage." 

"Mr. Stark, I don't… I don't even know how to drive!" Peter says, but he looks delighted. 

"Well, then I'll just have to teach you, won't I?" Tony shrugs. "Come on, kid, don't fight me on this, okay? I wanted to do it, and I can see you're excited about it, so… just take it." 

Peter gives him a sheepish look. "Alright. Thank you so much, Mr. Stark!" 


Peter unwraps a large box from Ned, which turns out to be-

"A litter box?" Peter asks, giving Ned a strange look. 

Ned shrugs. "Eh. You never know, it could come in handy." 

Peter gives him an even stranger, confused look. "...thanks? I think?" 


There's a timelapse of Peter opening a cat bed, scratching posts, cat foot, kitty litter, and various cat toys from everyone else. 


The time lapse ends with Clint handing Peter a large box, with a removable lid. Peter carefully takes the box into his lap, and opens it. Immediately, he gasps, and reaches inside to pull out a tiny white kitten. 

"Barton, you did not," Tony gasps, looking at the cat. 

"What?" Clint asks innocently. "Did you not see everyone else's presents? It was a team effort! Only you and Pepper didn't know about it, and MJ had already gotten the camera." 

"Oh my god, it's so cute!" Peter exclaims. "Is it a boy or a girl?" 

"It's a little girl," Clint explains. "She's a balinese, about nine weeks old." 

"Her eyes are so green," Peter whispers, cradling her in his arms. "And she's so tiny. I love her so much! Oh my god, everything else makes so much more sense, I was so confused! Thank you so much, everyone, this is the greatest birthday ever!" 

"Do you know what you're going to name her?" Natasha asks. 

"I'm going to name her…" Peter holds the cat up, looking into her eyes, a thoughtful look on his face. "Chloe." 

Everyone laughs lightly, surprised. 

"Why Chloe?" Tony asks. 

Peter shrugs. "I dunno," he says. "I just like that name. And it fits her." 


Peter is sitting at the kitchen table, playing a card game with the team. MJ is cradling Chloe, while Lady is sleeping in Peter's lap. Tony is holding the camera, as he and Pepper enter. 

"Peter?" Tony says, setting the camera down on the counter so everyone is visible. "Pepper and I have one last thing we want to give you." 

"No!" Peter groans good-naturedly. "You all have already given me too much!" 

"One last thing," Tony promises. He and Pepper sit down next to Peter, and Tony pulls a folder out from behind his back, and sets it on the table in front of Peter. 

"What's this?" Peter asks, giving Tony a strange look.

"Well, open it and find out," Tony nudges him. "Go on." 

Peter slowly opens the folder, and lifts out the first paper. "It's a form…" he says slowly, looking at Tony questioningly. "It's some sort of form?" 

"Read the top, honey," Pepper says gently. 

Peter looks back at the paper. "Report of adoption..." he reads. He stares at it for a moment longer, before he drops the paper, folds his arms, and puts his head in them. His shoulders start shaking; it's apparent that he's crying. 

Tony and Pepper sit in terrified silence for a moment, before Tony gently rests a hand on Peter's back. 

"Peter…?" he says hesitantly. 

Lady jumps from Peter's lap as he turns, throwing himself onto Tony, wrapping his arms around his neck and sobbing into his shoulder. Tony sits still, shocked, for a moment, before he wraps his arms around Peter. Peter looks up for a moment, tears streaming down his face, to reach out and pull Pepper into the hug, before his face returns to Tony's shoulder. 

"I love you, so much, kid," Tony says quietly. "And… if you want to, we want you to officially be our son. You don't have to change your last name or anything, but you can, if you want, and… you've always been our family, Pete, we just wanted to make it official." 

Peter begins saying things that are incoherent, but 'I love you' can be heard repeatedly. 


Peter, Tony, Pepper, Lady, and Chloe are sitting on the couch in the living room. Peter is between Tony and Pepper, who both have an arm around him. Both animals have squished themselves into Peter's lap. There are still tears on Peter's face. 

"Well…" Peter says, wiping his cheeks. "That happened." 

Tony and Pepper laugh. 

"I've already decided," Peter continues. "In case any of you were wondering, that Parker is going to become part of my middle name, and Stark is going to be my official last name. And I just… this has been the best birthday ever, you guys! Thank you so much to everyone who was involved, and I just… I'm officially going to be Baby Stark's brother, you guys. I'm so excited." 

Tony laughs. 

"So…" Peter continues. "Like and subscribe if you all want to see more of… this. You'll see Chloe in future videos, and eventually, a Baby Stark gender reveal! See you all later!"



PeterParkerFan001: This was sooo cute! Peter with the action figures, and then his crush on MJ, and Chloe, and then the adoption papers… I'm overwhelmed with cuteness! I'm dying!

IronFam27: Gah, so cute!

KittyKatrina: I was already in love with Lady, and now we've got Chloe??? Plus some wholesome family fluff. This is my favorite YouTube channel!

DoritoGod: #Irondad

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