98.46% Pokemon and the Unchained Mind(Pokemon SI AU) / Chapter 63: Battles

บท 63: Battles

Cet - Golbat

Nia- Ducklett

Long chapter ahead, so buckle in.


The Tyrunt eyed Nia as she glared at it from the air.

"Water guns- Rapid fire," I called out.

"Rock blast," Brock responded.

'A Chance,' I celebrated.

The Tyrunt dodged the water gun sending a boulder flying towards Nia. 

She easily weaved around the boulder that bled speed as it covered the long distance between them.

"Double Team and keep firing."

Two Ducklett's appeared on the battlefield, making the Tyrunt choose one and continue its rock barrage.

"Awesome," I yelled as the Tyrunt chose the illusionary double and got face full of water guns for it.

"Up! Dive and Brine," I yelled.

Nia flew up as the little Tyrunt growled in frustration and dived tucking her wings, glowing.

Just as she reached the firing distance, she fired a powerful geyser of water at the Tyrunt.

"Dig," Brock calmly ordered.

The Brine barely missed.

"Tch! Release the Bubbles."

I expected the Tyrunt to go underground or dodge the Brine, but still, a hit would have been nice.

Nia filled the battlefield with clumps of bubbles after coming out of her dive.

"Come out and use Sandstorm, Tyrunt," Brock ordered.

"WP(water pulse)," I called out, wishing to interrupt the Sandstorm move.

The Tyrunt popped up behind Nia and got hurt by some bubbles that were floating around.

A Sandstorm stirred just as the Tyrunt was smacked with a powerful Water Pulse.

"Go down already," I muttered as the Tyrunt just shook its head and leapt to dodge another Water Pulse.

Nia capitalised on the air-born Pokemon and hit it with some water guns.

Bubble clumps on the battlefield burst as the Sandstorm picked up.

The sandstorm was not bad, it didn't obstruct my view and Nia wasn't showing much of a outward reaction to it.

Only powerful Pokemon's Sandstorm gets dense enough to obstruct vision, I guess.

The Tryunt picked itself up quite quickly and dashed around the battlefield making Nia work to damage the Pokemon.

Nia stopped the barrage and took some deep breaths flying up again.

The Tyrunt managed to evade Nia with only a slight brush with a water gun to show for it.

On seeing Nia getting out of its range again.

The rock Pokemon growled and looked like it was about to jump after Nia, only for Brock to order.

"Ancient Power."

Nia fired a Water Pulse at the waves filled with ancient power before diving down for the second round.

"Double Team, Water Pulse," I called out.

"Ancient Power, again," Brock called out.

The Tyrunt caught me off guard at first, but it seems like it only has physical, melee, moves. It makes sense with its powerful jaw, I guess.

'Flying type Pokemon rock!' I snickered.

The Ancient Power crashed onto the fake Ducklett as the real one fired multiple water pulses at the Tyrunt.

"Awesome!" I yelled as the Tyrunt stumbled after some of the Water Pulses hit home.

"Move in! Finish it, Nia" I yelled excitedly.

Nia's accuracy increases exponentially as she moves closer to the target, I was hoping to conserve her energy by not drawing out this match any longer.

The Sandstorm dispersed as Nia closed the distance.

A smirk graced Brock's face.

"Outrage," Brock ordered.

The little T-rex jumped and soared towards the Ducklett as the Duck and its trainer were taken back by its jumping power.

'A T-rex is not supposed to jump that high man,' I bitterly thought as the Tyrunt bit into Nia before Nia rained down watery hell.

The little Dragon fell, finally knocked out, but the damage was done. Nia's wing was hurt, making the Ducklett wince as she flapped her wings.

Just as I was cursing myself for being reckless a veil of water surrounded Nia, making me let out a loud whoop.

"Aqua Ring, Awesome," I muttered before noticing the mic in my hand.

I shrugged; I forgot the mic was letting the audience hear everything I speak.

"Agility," I commanded setting up for Brock's next Pokemon.

The referee announced the reset of the clock and declared Nia as the winner.

Brock toyed with his Pokebelt for some time giving Nia enough time to recover some of her health even after she finished using Agility.

'What is he doing?'

'Whatever! It doesn't matter his next Pokemon is also getting knocked out,' I thought arrogantly.

Just when I was about to order Nia to prepare a water pulse for greeting Brock's second Pokemon, he tossed out a Pokeball.

An Aerodactyl roared whipping the crowd into a frenzy.

"Hey! That's too much," I squeaked as the cruel eyes of an ancient predator scanned me before zeroing in on Nia.

"It is what it is, Trainer," Brock answered nonchalantly.

Nia was not even as big as the Aerodactyl's head, the size difference between them was too huge. 

In Earth's terms, Nia was like a plump dragonfly buzzing around a large vulture.

"Dragon breath," Brock ordered.

I quickly got my bearings. 

"Drop and Feather Dance."

The Pseudo-Dragon not shimmering with a barrier made me release the breath I didn't realise I was holding in.

The fiery breath barely missed Nia as streaked across the battlefield releasing feathers that homed in and attached themselves to the Aerodactyl.

 "Double Team, surround it and use water pulses."

"Scary face," Brock ordered, making me grimace.

Nia and her double bravely surrounded the ancient Pseudo-Dragon and prepared to use a water pulse.

The Aerodactyl glowered at the Ducklett in front of it ignoring the one on the back.

It seems luck was on my side as the real Duckett fired two consecutive Water Pulses making the Aerodactyl turn around, shrugging off the super effective move like it was a mosquito bite.

The second one hit straight on the Ancient hunter's face.

'Nia, not now!' I grumbled at the audacity of the little Ducklett.

The horrid eyes of the Aerodactyl got crueller as it bared its sharp teeth, each nearly the same size as Nia.

"Double Team, WP(Water Pulse)" I called out not seeing any other option.

Two Duckletts blurred and surrounded the giant Pseudo-Dragon again as it used a scary face again.

The agility I used before was the only thing that was stopping the Flying Predator from butchering Nia, otherwise we would have been toast.

The Aerodactyl moved with the speed and grace of Predator that was in its element, unlike Nia whose primary element was water.

The Aerodactyl hit home as it chose the real Ducklett to glower at this time.

Nia shimmered with aura the tell-tale sign of successful debuff getting applied.

"Take Down," Brock called out, clever bastard instead of chasing after the Ducklett fruitlessly he used the side effects of the debuff move to find out which Ducklett was real while at the same time reducing its speed.

The Aerodactly streaked across the air towards Nia, making me palm her Luxury ball in fear.

"Bubble beam," I ordered, with Nia's speed returning to the normal the chances of her successfully surrounding the Aerodactyl were even after using Double team were nill.

Nia fired the bubble beam though it hit home, the Aerodactyl continued towards the Ducklett like it didn't even register the move.

The Aerodactyl closed in like an unstoppable Dragon, which it was partly, as the gym grew silent everyone anticipating the Ducklett's defeat.

Nia briefly glowed just before the Aerodactyl slammed into her.

Three Ducklett's surrounded the pre-historic hunter from above, below and left. Another Ducklett shimmered into existence before taking up the empty spot- the right side of the Aerodactyl.

Nia has awakened and it reflected in her double team move.

"Excellent, Nia. Let's show the overgrown lizard its place," I yelled in excitement making the said overgrown lizard growl and bare its teeth at me.

I showed my teeth right back, confident about winning this.

We just have to let the timer run out.

Or I could use Cet to finish the Aerodactyl, but I am partial to getting a full sweep with Nia now more than ever, seeing she got awakened.

"Spam, Agility," I called out.

The Aerodactyl used a scary face on one Ducklett before moving to bite another.

Nia finished using Agility and two more Ducklett's popped into existence as they glowed using Agility again.

"Rockslide," Brock called out.

The Aerodactyl dived and flew parallel to the ground, its wings cutting the ground like tofu before blasting the loose rocks at the Ducklett.

The Ducklett couldn't follow the Ancient Pokemon on account of using Agility as the move restricted a Pokemon movement.

Nia let out an adorable quack, buffed and healthy as the aqua ring patched her up. 

Four Ducklett darted across the gym trying to remain in its blind spots.

"Feather Dance, two times," I called out.

Beautiful glowing feathers floated before zooming onto the Aerodactyl's body.

The Pre-historic Predator quickly eliminated two Duckletts using Scary Face while diving towards the one below it.


Dark fangs grazed into the real Ducklett as she dived, before the illusory dark teeth that followed the Crunch move bit onto Nia.

The Ducklett cried, before using Double team again.

"It's okay, the Aerodactyl attack has -4 debuff," I muttered assuring myself.

"Create Distance and use water pulse," I ordered.

Instead of circling the Aerodactyl, the 4 Ducklett flew away from it.

Three Water Pulses hit the Aerodactyl after it tried to cook an illusionary body of the Ducklett with Dragon breath.

The Aerodactyl followed the direction of the Water Pulse which did some damage and flew towards real Nia.

The Ducklett hit it with another Water Pulse before creating 3 doubles near it.

"Scary face," Brock ordered.

'He got me.' I thought as real Ducklett glowed with Debuff.

"Water Pusle and Brine," I ordered.

This Water pulse hit home too. It's like the Aerodactyl was thinking it wasn't worth the effort to dodge.

Nia glowed with a water aura before letting out the attack.

I instantly knew that Brine wasn't the powered version.

That means the Aerodactyl wasn't even half tired or its health wasn't even down by half.

'Damn! I knew letting trainers face a Pokemon out of their league was Brock's strategy for his second Pokemon but wasn't an Aerodactyl following a Tyrunt too much,' I wondered glaring at the Aerodactyl as it clawed Nia with Dragon claw before catching her between her talons.

Damn! I am finished, how did Nia get caught even after the debuff she still had +2 on her speed due to agility. I underestimated Aerodactyl's aerial prowess.

'Stupid Pokemon born to hunt in the air,' I cursed.

The pure physical difference made the scene look like a vulture was clutching its food in its claws.

I raised Nia's luxury ball, not seeing a way to get out of the Aerodactyl's claws.

The Prehistoric predator's teeth glowed dark as it lunged at the Ducklett between its teeth.

The physical difference wouldn't mattered this much if Nia was stronger, a water pulse would have freed her.

But if a long-range - special attacker- Pokemon was caught by a Pokemon with opposite typing, like an Onix and Pidgey then the match would have been over just like how it was going to be over now.

"Time over, Match ends!" The referee called out surprising me.

Brock quickly recalled the Aerodactyl, making me run into the battlefield as Nia slowly descended onto the ground wobbling.


Leon watched a Crobat and a Tyranitor communicate, standing 20 feet from the Wild Elites.

The Crobat, Cet's mother, kidnapped and dropped him here when he asked if she could point out a spot where Larvitar are present.

"She says she will try to catch you only using her physical powers and you can use your whole team to stop her from doing so." The Crobat voice rang in his head as she vanished and reappeared before him.

He knew it was not teleportation but a high level of speed and she could use said speed without any normal repressions like huge sound, wind displacement etc due to her control of the flying aura.

And yes, she can talk.

Using Hypnosis as a Zubat or using telepathy through the use of the same Psychic energy was not very different for a wild Elite Crobat it seems. 

"What's the time limit for my win? And what happens if she catches me?" he asked nervously, releasing his Pokemon.

Cet just like always didn't care that a pseudo-legendary Pokemon was eyeing it and dashed towards his mother only for her to freeze him in place.

'Seriously, I just asked for places I can find a Larvitar not a death game of chase with a Wild Elite that too a Pseudo legendary Tyranitor,' he grumbled inwardly as he anxiously waited for the answers to his question.

"She agrees with me that it is too unfair for you. So, she will give you a boost before the chase begins, how much you can benefit from the boost depends on you." The Crobat said, totally ignoring his questions.

But before he can ask again the world suddenly dimmed.

Leon was startled as colours started to erode from his surroundings.

Then sound disappeared, and the howling the wind made as it entered the labyrinth of tunnels disappeared.

Then went sight, pure darkness swallowed everything. The Darkness was so thick he couldn't even see his nose.

Then went touch, he suddenly couldn't feel his body, he couldn't feel his eyes blinking nor his breathing.

If it was someone else they could been on the verge of madness their sanity crumbling.

But Leon felt right at home.

'What's happening?' He wondered.

Then went thought.

He was suspended in a reality that was void of anything. 

Time became meaningless when you couldn't feel it or even think.

He was nothing more than a blob floating in an infinite chasm unaffected by everything and unable to affect anything.


A thought thundered in the stillness of the void.

'Wrong.' The same word repeated infinite times in his mind.

He was not feeling at home anymore, something was wrong -he was not just a blob, he was not mindless.

'I think, therefore I am,' The famous saying of a philosopher flashed through his mind increasing his struggle against the void.

But he was just a human in the end, an Anarch (dark aura user) or not.

The void was not something humans could change.

The void, the home of dark aura, the physical representation of the dark aura was not something humans can influence, just like the reverse world.

The Dark aura abhorred change, thus it abhorred death, the end of living, the change that every living thing Undergoes, the fundamental aspect of the universe. Unable to control death, the fundamental truth, it violently dominates it whenever they clash.

The Dark aura abhorred change, thus it dominates thought, which is the root of change and was everchanging itself.

But thought was the root of life and life fought back explosively with passion and determination.

Thus, Dark aura was weak to Bug, Fairy, and Fighting aura.

Leon fruitlessly struggled against the Dark aura until he remembered that he was loved by it and it was part of him as much as he was part of it.

An epiphany struck him.

As his senses slowly returned the epiphany ended.

Just like that dark aura formed a barrier around him before sinking into his body.

His hair turned into ethereal smoke that got stuck in time. His eyes were so dark and eerie, resembling two gouges in reality itself.

Leon grinned, he could feel the Dark aura working with him. He can feel that he left reality, as reality was the construct for those with life, thought and death.

And he willed it.

The shocked cries of Cet and Nia proved that he escaped reality.

'This is the shit,' he thought and punched himself lightly on his face.

'Awesome the barrier is working,' he thought as he couldn't feel anything touching him.

He winded his arm and punched himself in the face again, this time without holding back.

His head didn't move an inch though and the expected pain didn't come.

"Awesome," He grinned.

He turned towards the Tyranitor, thinking he won the challenge as he was unperceivable, cut off from the fabric of reality.

The Tyranitor staring directly into his eyes dashed his bubbling excitement quickly though.

The 3-meter-tall beast grinned exposing its sharp fangs before taking a leisurely step towards him.

He shattered his barrier and shouted.

"Cet, Nia, attack the Tyranitor with everything you got."

Leon reactivated my ability and vanished from the dark tunnel, at least from the perspective of his Pokemon.

 Underestimating a Wild elite was a mistake he was not going to make. So, he leaned against the wall near a corner. Ready to book it if necessary.

He was not running like a madman already because the Tyranitor was only taking slow but steady steps towards his direction.

Cet used an air cutter while Nia was raining down water pulses, though the Tyranitor didn't even look like she noticed those attacks.

Nia was even shooting the knee joint of the Pokemon while its other leg was in the air, though the Tyranitor didn't even wobble on receiving the attack on her unprotected, unstable leg.

He deactivated his ability and shouted.

"Nia, feather dance. Cet swap between, screech and Supersonic."

Cet screeched as glowing feathers dashed towards the lumbering Tyranitor.

The Tyranitor continued walking towards Leon ignoring his Pokemon.

The feathers weren't able to stick onto the Tyranitor, nor did the light show that followed a successful debuff happen, making Leon curse.

"Supersonic, Cet," He called out before running, activating his ability, hoping that it would hinder the Tyranitor from sensing him via vibrations.

Just as he was cursing why a wild elite wanted to play a game of chase with him.

He heard a booming sound followed by the rock wall beside him crumbling revealing a grinning Tyranitor.

'Cet was right, Life is a game of chase,' he thought sarcastically.

Leon's Pokemon followed the Tyranitor.

The Rock Pokemon looked at him and jumped towards Nia, with nimbleness belying its size.

It landed again with Nia grasped in her claws.

Leon quickly recalled and stared at the Tyranitor.

 He slowly moved backwards knowing that he couldn't outrun a literal hulk.

The Tyranitor easily caught Leon.

She raised him to her level by holding his neck.

He was panicking hard and almost called the Crobat for help, but his emotions got dampened making him go activate his barrier and stare into the Tyranitor's eyes with his pitch-black ones.

With him being one with his dark aura now, he can see that the emotion dampener worked on any emotions that ran high, not only negative.

The only reason he didn't sense his positive emotions getting smothered was because he didn't have anything to compare the happiness he felt when he won his first match or got his first batch. If he didn't notice how calm he was in life and death situations or stressful, how his rapidly beating heart quickly returned to normal he wouldn't have noticed the dampening effect of dark aura at all. That too he was only able to notice them when he thought back on those moments. When his emotions got nullified his actions became extremely rational, concentrating on things he could do and ignoring everything he couldn't control or didn't have answers to, like the way his heart abruptly calmed down.

'I can control the emotion dampener now, happiness or sadness I don't mind fully experiencing them,' he thought, rubbing his butt as the Tyranitor abruptly dropped him.

The rock walls around them shifted and 3 Larvitars came running towards their mother.

They played with their mother biting her and pushing her. The Tyranitor raised an eye at Leo, before looking at her children.

Taking that as her implicit permission, Leo cleared his mouth.

"Hey!" he called out.

The little Pokemon looked at him before going back to pestering their mother.

Leon took out a treat, making one Larvitar dash right at him as the other hesitated at approaching the hairless Mankey even though a delicious smell wafted from his arm.

Leo kneeled and opened his palm with a treat in it towards the Larvitor.

The Larvitor stopped in front of him and sniffed before chomping his arm.

He activated his barrier instinctively saving himself from an injury.

Leon looked at Tyranitor before tossing a luxury ball at the Larvitor stuffing itself.


A/N:- Make sure you read the full note!!

Yeah, as you would have noticed the chapter wasn't properly edited, I am sorry for that. I would have liked a more refined version of awakening the aura. But....

Anyways, this fanfic already crossed 100k words even though I feel like I just started writing it.

I started this fanfic as an experiment to get a feel for writing before I wrote a Harry Potter fic.

The time has come for me to move on to writing the HP fic, so I am going to drop this fic.

Sorry guys, I knew I wouldn't be able to write until the MC wins the championship, but I didn't think I would drop this just after the second gym. I have vague plans until the fourth gym but it doesn't matter as I didn't think it was going to take 61 chapters to finish the second gym.

I think I learned something by writing this fic and it is going to be reflected in my next fanfic.

I have great ideas for a Harry Potter and Marvel SI. Though I am going with HP.

What do you think I should write: (Just for fun, will not influence my decision...maybe)

1)Harry Potter


3)Shut up and finish this Pokemon fic first.

So, with a heavy heart, I officially pronounce this fic as dead.

OR maybe I can fast forward to the future and write a battle against a Legendary or a snippet of war(which will open many people's eyes to why being a defence(tank) specialist in the Pokemon world is crazy) and label it as complete. What do you think?

If you would like that, let me know. I can't quite guarantee when it will come out, though.

Can be on the day I release my second fic or sometime later.

So, Dear readers, I am grateful for your continuous support. 

And keep this fic in your library if you want to get notified when I release my second fic- Harry Potter fic.

Hope to see you again!!

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