32.87% Evil Degenerate Reborn In Vikings / Chapter 23: Ch 23 Day Of The Damned

บท 23: Ch 23 Day Of The Damned

(Two Days Later)

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The church bells rang loudly for all to hear as a string of peasants began to file into the beautiful church.

We all readied our weapons as my men seemed to froth at the mouth.

I gathered all of them around me once we were armed and armored, I had called for the warriors guarding the ship to join me as well.

"We approach in absolute silence, anyone steps out of line and ill cut them in half....do not wander anywhere, the first place we will head to is the temple." I spoke and everyone agreed.

"Very well, Follow me." I spoke and we all moved toward Whitby in complete silence except for the sound of our mail armor and crunching of twigs underfoot.

No one manned the walls and we heard no sound coming from the town as we approached.

Soon enough we reached the walls and five men with grappling hooks came forward and launched the hooks up at the walls.

Within a few tries all were locked in place and we all began to make our way up the walls.

Before long I reached the top and climbed over and stepped down lightly as my men did so as well.

Before long we were all over and walked down a flight of stone steps to the ground below.

All my men looked around in confusion as to why there were no people around, just a flock of ducks and a few stray Pigs and horses were spotted.

We walked further through the town and toward the Abbey.....the beautiful Abbey had a Roman wall around it but the front gate was wide open so we walked forward to the holy building.

When we stood just outside of the Abbey walls my men noticed the spears, swords, shields, bows, and arrows that lay rested against the sacred building.

They all smiled wickedly at such stupid enemies....they were all sheep ready for the taking after all.

I stood before the Large double doors of the church with my Great Axe as my Men lined up around me with their shields held I'm front of them.

I stepped forward and gave the door a violent kick which sent it swinging open with a shower of splinters.

A scared cry Resounded from inside at the loud noise and surprise of the residents.

They all turned to look at the door in anticipation of what would come....

I stepped inside and people immediately made the sign of the cross, I was huge, completely armored and wore a bearskin cloak over my shoulders with it's head as a hood which added another foot to my height.

I seemed like a Monster from a fairytale which immediately caused a few children present to cry in fear while the adults held their breaths in terror of what would happen.

My men began to step in behind me, all of them had blackened faces which made them appear like demons to these medieval era people.....I could see the fear in everyones faces as I stepped forward, each heavy bootstep Resounded throughout the Hall and made the more fearful people flinch.

I noticed more than a few of the churchgoers draw daggers, mostly those of the town guard that wore chainmail and boiled leather armor.

I looked around and noticed the men and women were all standing on different sides of the hall, and so did my men who eyed the women hungrily and snarled at the men.

Soon enough one senior looking guard stepped forward to stab my face with his long dagger but I swung hard sideways and split him into two clean peices as his blood and guts spilled all over the hardwood floor.

A dozen women fainted at the sight while dozens others screamed out at the horrendous sight.

The men with daggers responded by moving forward to attack desperately as my men charged moved forward methodically and chopped the men apart like wheat to a scythe.

Screams Resounded as blood sprayed I'm all directions and limbs began to thud onto the floor along with writhing screaming men as my warriors did their bloody work.

We chopped through less than half the room and about seventy corpses before the head preist dressed in gaudy white and gold robes stepped forward and shouted for the violence to stop while raising his hands in submission.

{PLEASE!!!.... NO MORE VIOLENCE!!! THIS IS A HOUSE OF GOD..."} He pleaded in their language which my men didn't understand but I did.

I stepped forward closer and closer to him as my men intimidated the people that remained, none of the guards or armored men still lived.

I spoke aloud for my men to hear in Old Norse "YOU WILL TIE THEM ALL UP ...THE FAT RICH ONES AND THE PRETTY WOMEN WILL BE SET ASIDE....MOVE ONLY ON MY COMMAND." I spoke and my men acknowledged it.

I reached the head Priest and spoke. {"If they do not resist I shall not harm them, I swear it in Jesus's name."} I spoke through my veiled helmet while looking down at the trembling priest who clutched the golden cross that dangled on his neck.

He nodded and spoke aloud for all of his congregation to hear. 

{"Do not resist! Give them what they want and it will end with no further bloodshed...."}

He spoke aloud to the completely silent room apart from the crying of small children who hid in the corners of the room.

"GO TIE THEM UP." I ordered and my men moved to snatch up and tie everyone in the room and separate them into two sections.

The rich men and beautiful women and girls on one side while everyone else was dragged to the other side.

After about half an hour they were all split so I spoke again.

"All of those on hooks." I spoke while pointing at the group of Men, Ugly women, Children, and The Elderly.

My men moved forward like ravenous beasts and began dragging them outside and running Hooks into their spines while their screams echoed back into the church.

I walked forward to the Priest and grabbed the Golden Cross from around his neck and yanked it off before placing it in my pouch then I shoved my hand into his chest and pulled out his still beating heart as the screams and cries of those around me entered my earch like a beautiful orchestra of suffering and violence.

Once I finished eating the heart I turned to the group of women and rich people, I called Ragnar over while he was carrying gold ornaments to the loot pile.

"What do you need Thenn?" He asked and wiped some blood off his face.

"Take four men and begin interrogating those fat rich people as to the location of their treasure....you're the only one who speaks Saxon apart from me so do this well." I spoke and he nodded happily and moved to his important task.

I then shouted to all my men. "Ransack every fucking inch of this place!!! You break the floor under the pulpit!!! You and you start stripping the corpses and those women of their valuables!!! Balgrud!!! you can play with those boys later, focus on your work!!!" I Shouted and my men scurried quickly to follow my orders.

I moved deeper into the Abbey to where my senses took me, before long I had reached a room with a thick steel reinforced door....I could feel the wealth hidden behind it so I kicked it with all my strength three times before it broke off the hinges and blasted forward.

I stepped in and was immediately awed by the chests upon chests of loot.

I tore open one lock and flipped the lid to reveal a few hundred gold coins which I quickly moved to my inventory.

I continued until I ran out of space and had still moved nearly nintey pounds of gold coins and bars into my storage.

After that I grabbed the handful of chests which still had coins and lugged them outside and back to the ever increasing pile of plunder which we had.

Ragnar had taken his torture to another room where he would extract the location of the person's wealth.

they'd leave to retrieve it then set the person aside still alive....the belief that one they gave up what the men wanted would get them lenient treatment got more and more rich men to speak of where their gold and silver was buried to keep from getting their feet cooked or their fingernails ripped off.

I stepped out of the Abbey and saw hundreds of screaming and crying people dangling from hooks all around.

Once past the Abbey walls I spotted dozens of people dangling from hooks while more were being dragged out while kicking and screaming from their homes.

I continued walking and killing anyone who was hiding until I came upon what I was looking for, Hasta who Knut would try to rape....

I knew he'd tried this with Lagerta so I had to keep my awareness on point.

I heard the grunting of Knut in one home and the crying of some poor woman he'd started raping in front of her son's corpse.

I saw Hasta walking just outside of the home when she peeked inside, Hasta stepped in and shouted. 

"Knut!!! Leave her alone." She shouted at the man who was still humping away at the sobbing woman.

Knut backhanded Hasta hard and sent her tumbling into a table. "WHY DO YOU CARE WHAT HAPPENED TO A SAXON YOU BITCH!!!" He spat and kept humping the woman beneath him hard.

Hasta responded by clobbering him on the back of his head with her axe but it failed to kill him due to his steel helmet.

Knut turned and struck Hasta with the back of his axe hard then buried the sharp tip into the crying Saxon woman who he was raping.

He moved to the stunned Hasta and punched her four times hard then slammed her face onto the nearby table which left her dazed from the impact.

Knut began stripping her forcefully bent the bruised and battered Hasta over the table to rape her with his back to the door.

It was at this moment that I walked in with three other men, he heard our footsteps and turned around in a panic when he realized someone was watching.

He saw my face and his eyes went wide in fear. "WAIT!!! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!!! IT WAS HER!!!!...." Was all he managed before I crushed his wrists with my hands then snatched him up by his pencil neck.

I turned to my other men and spoke. "Guard the door until Hasta recovers enough to dress herself....hands to yourself or you'll end up with the same fate as Knut will have." I spoke and they both nodded and moved quickly to the doorway.

I tied up Knut then walked over to Hasta and patted her face gently a bit, she looked in my eyes and spoke. "T...Thank You...Th...Thenn..." She spoke with a shaky voice and I just smiled then picked up Knut and carried him outside.

I reached the Abbey again and two of his Guards approached. "Why the hell is the Earls brother in that state Thenn!!!" One shouted.

" He Attempted to Rape Hasta, I stopped him before his little cock could enter however....now get out of my way." I spoke and they both quickly moved and reluctantly returned to plundering.

I tossed the groaning Knut beside the slaves then walked forward and grabbed a decent looking virgin woman, I dragged her kicking and screaming to a small room and bent her over the table.

I ripped apart her dress and pulled my throbbing cock out and lined it up with her hole, I wasn't an asshole so I spat on my cock and her pretty hole a few times then I thrust inside.

Her precious Hymen tore and blood gushed out as my monster cock stretched out her Virgin hole to it's limits as she sobbed in pain and fear.

After an hour of enjoying the crying Saxon woman I orgasmed deep inside of her and thick hot cum swelled inside of her bloody hole.

I pulled out and wiped my cock off on her dress before putting my cock away and walking out, I didn't bother to bring her back to the other slaves since if she manages to escape from here she would have earned it.

I could hear the grunts and screaming of dozens of Women as my men violated every hole they had to sate the post battle urges they got from killing....nothing gets the blood flowing like a little murder after all.

I walked out and found Floki lining up heads around the church like decorations while my other men rode the captured women hard.

They all greeted me as I walked out and I looked at the loot which was being move into bags and chests by my more diligent warriors.

Ragnar sat with Hasta holding her tightly while some of my men kicked at Knuts broken wrists and laughed at his suffering while his guards stood by helplessly.

I stepped forward and everyone turned their attention toward me.

"Alright everyone....I know we all want to enjoy the fresh Saxon Women we just captured but there is a far more important matter to discuss...I along with Hafnir, Boral, and Bvenn found Knut about to rape Hasta, we were lucky his finger sized pecker hadn't touched dear Hasta or I'd have killed him then and there....we will hold a small trial to decide his guilt and punishment." I spoken and everyone agreed out loud.

My men stepped forward each and gave their testimony and anything Knut said wasn't enough to dispute the swollen bruised face of Hasta or her torn clothes which were being displayed...

When it came time to vote in his guilt even his guards looked at him with disgust and voted guilty.

When it came time for punishment everyone had their own ideas but I came up with people's favorite and we soon walked outside while a few men brought firewood.

The fire was raging and I walked up to the tied up Knut as he trembled in fear.

I pulled my dagger as men held him down and began making a cut into his belly.

I reached inside and pulled out a length of Intestine then pulled out another two feet until I could reach a nearby tree stump.

I took the Intestine and Hammered in a nail to keep it snug on the tree as we allowed Knut to stand upright with his hands tied behind his back and a strip of guts connected to the tree.

"DANCE YOU BASTARD!!!" Balgrud shouted angrily.

We had decided that Knut would dance his guts out for our entertainment but he didn't want to move any more as every movement caused a bit more of his intestines to spill out of the small hole.

"Floki, make him dance with a burning stick." I spoke and Floki giggled and ran to the fire as my men began singing a happy song for Knut to dance to.

Eventually with a few prods of the flaming wood knut began to sob while he hopped on one foot to the other as more and more of his guts spilled out and left a haunting ammount of guts covered in dirt as they trailed on the floor.

Eventually Knut fell over from shock and he turned completely pale as he lay there.

Floki walked up and kicked him lightly. "Dance some more funny man!!! Come on!!! Do it now!!!" Floki shouted madly at the crying and trembling Knut.

When Knut didn't get up Floki grew even more upset until a mischievous smile crossed his lips.

Floki looked at the huge flaming sitck in his hands then at Knuts gaping wound and brought two and two together.


the burning wood and pushed into Knut's stomach gash as a sizzling sound and steam rose from the hole as the burning embers were shoved into his body.

Before long the light faded from his eyes and everyone giggled at the funny show Floki put on.

Soon enough my men moved to the tied up women for another round of breeding.....

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At the nearby village of Ruswarp one Sargeant on a Horse rode hard toward Middlesbrough nearly thirty miles away.

He had warned the villagers to evacuate and run off into the woods to hide from the raiders who were wreaking havoc on the Abbey nearby.

His horse moved fast along the old road to get reinforcements since he knew Ealdorman Wigea and Edgar were stationed there with a hundred Men after the King ordered it.

His horse moved swiftly with heavy breaths along the road as the man cried deeply.....his wife and daughter were in that Abbey and he'd seen the start when they'd began placing screaming people on meat hooks while still alive.

He wiped his face and whipped his horse again....he needed to make it on time, it'd be the only way to avenge his wife and daughter who were surely being tormented by those demons even now.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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