48% Leo A Journey Through Worlds / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Hugs, Fluff and planning

บท 12: Chapter 12 Hugs, Fluff and planning

Chapter 12

I woke up and saw the stars on the ceiling, and it made me happy. I missed them. I got out of bed and pulled out some new clothing from my inventory to wear. I got an oversized hoodie shirt with a Batman logo on it and put it on, and it was just way too big. I was drowning in it with my small frame. Dick thought it was a hilarious gift to give me for my birthday. I put on some normal clothing instead and went downstairs to eat.

I had come here very late at night, so I was not the first one awake, or Dad had just come back from being Batman, but I ran up and gave him a big hug, and as if this were planned, Alfred came with the breakfast, and we all ate together.

"Where is Dick?" I asked while looking around for him.

"Soon after you left, Dick said the house felt empty without you and started a hero team with some of his friends; they are calling themselves the Teen Titans," Alfred said.

Huh, I know about the Teen Titans, and I did not expect he would leave for them because of me. But this means that within two years or so, the next robin will join dad and later be killed by the joker. I am going to have to un-alive him or something before that happens. Maybe I can find Deadpool or something and let him do it?

"Ohh… Cool, I guess I have to go and meet him some day and totally not embarrass him," I said with a wide smile.

"You do so, master Leo," Alfred said with a chuckle.

"So what happened when you came back home, Leo?" asked Dad.

"I came home and got lots of hugs and kisses from mom and dad, then I got interviewed by the police, and then we got to go home." I said in between bites.

"Oh, and a villain tried to steal my powers for himself and bribed my kindergarten teacher," I said, like it was nothing.

"HE WHAT!" Both Alfred and Dad said it at the same time.

"Oh ehh… I got a power called special little snowflake. It makes it so no one can steal, copy, or take my power in any way." I said this while taking another bite.

"Is the police looking for this guy?" Alfred asked in worry.

"Ya, when mom picked me up, I told them of him and the caretaker, and she called the police."

"Did they catch him?" dad asked

I shrugged my shoulders. "This happened earlier today, but the villain is like 200 years old and has never been arrested, so I don't think so," I said. I know that dad would jump worlds and find All for One if he could.

I came here to take a break and to tell you all what had happened since I left. Two birds with one stone

After breakfast, we talked some more, and my dad gave me tips and tricks on what to do if this ever happened again, but it mostly boils down to running away and not getting captured.

The rest of the week was me mostly lazing about talking with dad and Alfred, but I started to miss mom and dad, so it was time to go back.

Later that night, at around 8 p.m., I said goodbye and went home to sleep in my own bed. I kind of had maybe forgotten that my rift's making sounds, and I might or might not be hearing my mom or dad's footsteps coming down the corridor to my room. The door flung open, and my mother stood there, very mad and not happy with me.

"Ehh hi," I said, shuffling my feet, not meeting her eyes, and looking at the floor.

"Did you open your rift? '' She said with a stern voice but also slightly relieved.

"I… I.. I visited Bruce again," I said while wanting to sink through the floor or maybe fight one for all. It would be preferable then being in front of an angry mom.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" Mom said with an exasperated voice.

"Why did you not ask us first what... what if something had happened to you?" and I could hear the sniffle in her voice, which made me feel even worse.

"I'm sorry" I did not know what else to say. I feel bad for doing it, but I won't stop traveling, and it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

I could not hold it in any longer and started to cry, and that's when mom could not be angry anymore and pulled me into a hug to calm me down. I hate crying. It makes me feel bad, but I really have a hard time keeping it in when it gets too much for my young body.

After I stopped crying, my mom pulled me away and told me that tomorrow we were going to see a quirk doctor to talk about my quirk and set some ground rules going forward. I nodded my head, and then she told me to go to bed.

The next morning, we went to the quirk doctor. It was boring to sit in the waiting room, but at least it could be worse. My inventory has a ton of stuff I can use to entertain myself, and my parents watched me as I pulled out drawing tools and started to doodle on a A1 paper. One of the other kids there really thought it was cool, so I let him draw on my paper.

I got interrupted while drawing when my dad called for me to come, and I saw them standing there with a nurse. I put away my stuff and quickly made my way to them. Inside the meeting room was a doctor who was going to help register my quirk into the quirk registry and do some small tests for them to understand how it works. Or so the nurse told us on the way to the doctor's room.

"Greetings, my name is Ono Masumi, and I am going to be your quirk specialist today." The man said it with a business smile.

"And you must be Sora," he said, giving me a polite wave.

"Hi," I waved back.

"Ok, let's get started. What do you know about your quirk?" He asked me.

"Ehh, I got an inventory," I said, holding up a crayon I pulled out of my inventory.

"That is very cool," he said while writing something down. But he did not sound that interested.

"Can you do something else with it?" he asked me.

"I can open a rift," I said while doing so on the side of the room.

"Fascinating," he said while writing in his notebook, and this time he actually sounded interested.

"Where does that rift lead?" he asked, and I just shrugged my shoulders. I had no clue it could lead anywhere, I guess. I had not really thought about anything when activating the power.

"Can you make your rift lead back here?" he asked me while fixating on the rift. I did what he asked, but I could not see another rift huh weird.

"Ok," I said, and I did what he asked.

"Hmm, let me try something," he said.

He pulled out a cage with a lab rat from behind the desk, walked over to the rift and pulled out the rat, gently threw it through the rift, and stepped away. We waited for a bit before another rift opened up beside the first one and a mangled, crushed body of the rat fell out, and it was really disgusting. My mom was quick to cover my eyes, but I had already seen it, but I pretended I had not to make sure she did not need to worry about me.

"What happened? '' I said lightly, pulling on my mom's hands to pretend I wanted to see.

"Nothing sweety… but can you close your rift, please?" My mother said, and I closed it as she asked. After a few minutes of this, she finally removed her hands, and I could now see that they had removed the rat and covered the blood.

"Well," the doctor said and did a fake cough.

"You need to make sure he never lets anyone near those portals," he said to my parents, and they both nodded before looking at where the rat had appeared.

"Anything else I need to know before we continue?" He said this while looking at us, and I just shrugged my shoulders. I'm never telling anyone about my shop; that's my ace in the hole.

"Ok, great, let's move over to the other room," and he showed us to the door on the other side of the hallway.

After getting into the room, I could see a patient table where he asked me to sit. We do several checks from reflexes, height, eyes, ears, pulse, and more, and after asking my parents for some clarifications, he gives us a quick overview of his findings, and it's nothing really new to me except what he said at the end.

"And after all the tests, I think I found the reason your son... had an accident at his kindergarten," he said while trying to say it delicately.

"From the scans and notes from the other doctors, I think your son's body could not handle that amount of energy that had built up, and without a release, he..." The doctor gestured with his hand, and my parents nodded. All of them, trying not to say it, exploded into bloody gore, I guess.

"And after the… release of all that energy, your son's body was reformed with this energy," he said while pulling out a monitor that showed my body.

"As you can see here, your son's body looks the same except for the white hair and green eyes, but that's only on the outside; the inside is where the bigger changes have happened. Your son is sustained by the energy that he produces, and if this energy were to ever be depleted, he could die… for good."

My mother was hugging me this entire time, but when she heard me die for good, it intensified tenfold.

"Dad, save me," I said.

"Darling, calm down," dad said, helping calm her down.

"Well, this is not all bad news." The doctor said he was trying to spin this to sound better, I guess.

"As long as your son's energy never depletes, he could potentially live forever. And well… This might be seen as a positive, I guess, but your son won't ever need to eat, drink, or anything else as long as he is producing this energy," he said while giving my mother a polite smile.

"Oh, my kid is going to stay young and cute forever," she said, cooing at me, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Well, when you say that he might not be able to well… Age" my mother stopped and looked at the doctor.

"Will my cute, darling son stay like this forever?" she said.

"Erm… yes," the doctor said.

"Oh, THAT'S WONDERFUL" she says while probably planning something annoying.

"Well, I think this is all we can do for now. If there are any new updates to the registry, you can come back and we will update it, but before you go, what do you want to call your quirk?" He said this while looking at me toward the end.

"Hmm," I thought to myself. I wanted something simple, so I said

"Nex," I said proudly. I was thinking of the word Nexus, but that's a big boy word, so I can't say it, so Nex it is until I grow up and can think of a real name for my quirk, as for now I had no idea what to call it.

"Nex?" all of them asked, confused.

They tried making me switch names to something else like Rift, or storage rift or anything else, but I would not budge, so they gave up, and my official name for my power is Nex for a few more years.

On the way home, my mother gave me ground rules for using my rift. Not letting anyone else go through the rift EVER. Almost half the ride home was her making sure I understood, and I promised that I would not let anyone through. And that I'm not allowed to use my rift without asking her or dad first.

Later that day, I heard mom and dad talking about the villain with the white hair and red eyes who had gotten away, and the caretaker was arrested. My mom wanted to pull me out of the kindergarten, but dad talked her down from it and said there was no other one, and the police said they vetted the other caretakers as an apology for not arresting the man.

A year passed, and it was my birthday again. Not much had happened, and my life went on. I visited Alfred and Dad every other week and learned more about Dick's new team. The teen titans were doing great. I met him a few times, and it was always fun. He really got that big brother vibe down while being gone. But the pranks were still going on between us.

I had a few more failed jumpers, but after learning to check my bookmarks, I rarely stayed for long, but I did wave to a blue monkey once. I also learned that I could control when I appeared. I always thought my own world froze when I was gone, but after some experimenting, I learned I can time travel. I never tried going backwards in time to a point I existed at before. That's not something I want to deal with until I understand it better. But being gone for a week and appearing at home after telling my parents I would not be gone long was not a fun experience. After telling them what had happened, they were relieved. But I was grounded from using the rift for a while after that.

I got two birthdays, one with my mom and dad and one with Alfred, Dick, and dad. And I was going to have double the fun. And I decided to "accidentally" summon my fluffy fox companion today as a gift for myself. I had almost enough points to buy the basic skills and the fluffy fox companion both at the same time, but I guess I got to wait one more week, and maybe it's not the best to increase my base powers at a birthday party when I think about it.

I had talked with my parents beforehand, and they let me sleepover at the wayne manor and have my birthday with them first so I could come back to the exact time I had left, so they were not worried. I left the night before so I could sleep and wake up in the Wayne Manor for my birthday. Then leave at night and come back to my own home universe and sleep to wake up to another birthday. It was a genius plan.

I woke up, got ready for the day, and walked downstairs to eat breakfast. Both Alfred, Dad, and Dick were all home today to celebrate my birthday. I told them that I had a surprise to show them after breakfast.

After breakfast, we all went to the living room for me to show them my surprise. I thought of doing this by myself, but then I knew dad would be angry for not doing it safely with everyone there, so I forced myself to wait.

"Ok, what do you want to show us, little baby, bro?" Dick said with a teasing smile. I was still the same short kid, and he grew even taller. It's unfair. I did not care about growing taller, but how smug he was about it, I wanted to wipe the smug smile and throw a pie at that smug face. I did, in fact, not have a pie or anything else appropriate to throw at him, but I am writing it on my list of stuff to do… It's getting longer every day, even if I cross out things I've completed.

"Well, I got enough points to buy a power... That's way cooler than Dick," I said, hands on hips, and in the smuggest tone I could manage.

"Hey little bro, there is nothing cooler than me." Dick said it in a challenging tone.

"Now, now kids stop fighting." Alfred said with a fond smile that he probably missed having the both of us here together.

"So what did you want to show us, Leo?" my dad said to distract me… and it worked.

"Oh yeah, I got enough to buy a fluffy fox," I said with a big smile. I was already vibrating in eagerness to see the fluffy fox.

"A fluffy fox, huh?" Says dad thoughtful

"Yupp," I said as I navigated to the basic power section and held my finger above the button.

"Without further ado," I said as I pressed.

At first, nothing happened. And I looked around for anything when I started to feel a new connection forming. It started with a headache. It grew and grew as I held my head as I went down in a fetal position, crying from the pain. The pain only lasted for a short time, but it hurt so much. Then I felt a warm, loving sensation coming from the new connection. I opened my eyes and saw a white-furred fox cub holding its head toward mine. It had piercing green eyes and a diamond-shaped patron on its forehead, with a line going through it and continuing through three arrow heads pointing downward. I instinctively reached out and grabbed the fluffy fox towards me, and I felt whole again, like everything was going to be alright.

Right after I took the fox and held him against me, I could feel Alfred, Dick, and Dad rushing over to check if I was all right. I heard several versions of Are You Okay? They helped me sit up, and I wiped my eyes with one hand while holding the fox with my other hand.

"I'm ok," I said as I fully whipped away the tears when I heard a childish voice.

"I'm sorry," I looked down at the fox in my arms.

"Did you speak?" I asked the fluffy fox.

"Yupp," the fox said, raising its paw and giving everyone a wave.

"You are such a cute, fluffy fox," I said, hugging him closer to me while burying my face in his fur.

"That's not my name," the fluffy fox said.

"It is now," I said with a big smile.

"No!" The fluffy fox said it with a whine.

"Wow, the fox can talk," Dick said while kneeling beside Dad.

"Ya! Fluffy can talk," I said, holding the fox toward Dick.

"My name is not fluffy." The now-dubbed fluffy complained again.

"Well, I love our new… Fluffy companion to our family. Please everyone introduce yourself to Fluffy," Alfred said in a voice that told them to do as they were told.

"Hello Fluffy, my name is Dick Grayson."

"My name is Bruce Wayne," my dad said with a smile.

"And my name is Alfred Pennyworth."

"And my name is Sora Nakamura, but I use the name Leo when traveling to other worlds."

"My name is [redacted]." Fluffy tried to say his name, but nothing came out, and he glared at me like it was somehow my fault.

"What?" I said, looking confused.

"This is your fault." Fluffy said, giving me the cutest death glare.

"I don't get it," I said, looking confused.

"You have to say my name," Fluffy said.

"Fluffy!" I said

"NO! That's not my NAME!" Fluffy said getting annoyed at me.

"Now, now kids stop fighting," Alfred said in a voice that told you to listen to him or else.

"Sorry," we both said.

"That's better. Why don't you tell us about yourself, Fluffy?"

"Oh, ok, well, my name is [redacted], and I am bound to Leo for as long as we live. I was created to be his other half, a Yin to his Yang. Put me down for a bit, and you all go and sit on the couch," Fluffy asked us as we were all still on the floor where I had collapsed. We all moved to the couch, and Fluffy stood where I had put him down. He looked so small, but he was just the right size for me to carry him comfortably. It gave me the feeling of a safety blanket; it made me feel complete, and I already wanted to pick Fluffy up again and never let him out of my sight.

"Ok, first I can change my size from a chibi version where I am small, cute, cuddly, and easy to carry around. Then I got two more forms." He started to grow rapidly to a bigger dog size where I could totally ride on him.

"This is my second size, and let's me help if something were to happen or if I need to defend Leo. Then I got my final size." Fluffy said it with a grin.

His second form looks more intimidating but can still be called domestic, but as he transformed, he went from being dog-sized to as big as Dad but longer, and he looked like he could shred a car. This transformation looked really scary—a lot more sharp and deadly—and I don't envy anyone who would be on the other end of this size.

"This is my big form," he said with a growl, and the voice was not childish or cute any more but sounded like he was one step away from tearing someone limb from limb. After giving us a devilish grin, he reverted back to his chibi size and trotted up to me and jumped on my lap, and I pulled him close to me again.

"Wow, that was terrifying," Dick said, looking at the small, cute fox I was holding now.

"That's not everything I can do,'' Fluffy said smugly.

"I have twice the strength of Leo. This doesn't just mean strength, but his power's also if he can fly, I can fly twice as well," Fluffy said, giving everyone a foxy smile.

"I can also communicate with Leo telepathically and share a connection; we will always know where one another are. And I can do this." Fluffy said as he disappeared right in my arms.

I could feel Fluffy had appeared in a mental landscape within me, but before I had time to explore, he appeared in my arms again, and I gave him a loving squeeze.

"Any Questions?" Fluffy asked everyone

For a while afterwards, Fluffy was asked a bunch of questions like, What do you like to eat?, Do you go to the bathroom?, and Do you have any likes and dislikes? Fluffy said he did not need to eat or sleep but liked it and didn't need to go to the bathroom. No, he did not shed his fur, and he loved to get petted, scratched, and pampered. No, he did not smell. Thank you very much. And if Dick did not stop poking him, he would bite him!

After a while, Alfred said it was time to get ready for the birthday boy and that technically, Fluffy was born on the same day as my birthday. We have two birthday boys to celebrate today. Me and Fluffy had a ton of fun together. He really liked the cake and sat on the table beside me, eating his own cake. At first, Alfred was against this, but let it be for today, and he would get a special chair for Fluffy to sit in and eat in.

Later that night, I opened a rift back home, waving goodbye, but before I jumped in, I asked Fluffy if it was safe for him to travel with me, and he only rolled his eyes at me and said he got all my powers times two and was therefore safe. I jumped through the rift, and we soon landed at home.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home," I said.

"Welcome back, sweetie." I heard my mother call from somewhere else in the house.

"Welcome back, son," I heard dad say just a beat after mom.

"I'm also here, Mom, Dad," said Fluffy.

All of a sudden, it became really quiet.

"Did you call mom and dad mom and dad?" 

"Ya, they are my parents to" He said it like I was the stupid one

"Oh, I never thought about that."

"Who was that mom shouting back?" As I hear both of them stomping towards my room, oh, no time for round two of questions and answers, I thought to myself. And before I had time to answer, both my parents stood in the doorway, looking at me and Fluffy.

"Hi Mom and Dad," both me and Fluffy said at the same time.

"Ehh, hello, sweety, who is that?" mom said, pointing towards Fluffy.

"This is Fluffy!" I said, holding him out to show him off like my favorite teddy bear, Mr. Fluffels.

"Hi mom and dad!" Fluffy waved towards them.

"Sora, please explain... now!" Mom said she was looking at me like she was done with me throwing curve balls at them. I pulled fluffy closer, like it would somehow save me.

"Well, when I was at da… Bruce I had enough points to buy a new pow… Quirk from the store, and I bought a power called Fluffy Fox," I said excitedly.

You… you bought a new Quirk from a store? in that world? Dad asked for clarification, I presume.

"No silly… I bought it from my power; you know my store," I said now, looking confused.

"What store?" mom asked.

"You know the store?" I said.

"We never heard anything about a store," dad said.

"Oh… d… did I forget to tell you guys about it?"

"Apparently yes! You got a lot of explaining, young man," mom said.

Mom told us to follow her to the kitchen, where we sat down, and I had to explain, with the help of Fluffy, what my shop was and how I could use these points to gain more quirks over time. Both mom and dad listened to what I had to say before they started asking questions about the shop and Fluffy; some I could answer and some I could not. I was still learning about my quirks and their workings. But I soon got tired and was ushered to bed, and we would talk more in the morning.

As I was walking away, I heard them talking about how my quirk had diverged so much from theirs, but I think it made perfect sense. My dad had the power to teleport, but instead of it being teleportation, it was some sort of shifting plane or something, and my mother had the power to phase in and out of reality instead of making herself intangible. These two powers could become my powers, or it could be someone meddling to make it just work. I did not really know, and I had no one I could ask about... I looked at Fluffy. Well, hello there.

As I got to my room, I put Fluffy on the bed as I got changed into my All Might onesie and heard Fluffy snicker from the bed.

"Wow, you look cute in that."

"Ya, I like it too," I said.

"I was being sarcastic," Fluffy said.

"Ya, I figured, but I like it," I said, giving him a smile.

"You are no fun," Fluffy said, giving a foxy pout towards me.

"I love you to Fluffy," I said, getting into bed and holding out my hands towards him to come to me. Who needs Mr. Fluffels any more when I got Fluffy. He rolled his eyes and trotted over to me as I pulled him close to me, and everything just felt right.



"Do you like me?" I said it a bit nervously.

"Well ya… You are alright for being a human, I guess," he said in a teasing tone.

"Are we best friends now?" I asked him.

"I guess so," Fluffy said thoughtfully.

"Let's have a lot of fun together," I said, giving Fluffy a loving hug and squeeze.

"Ya." Fluffy said, holding up a paw.

"Now go to sleep; we have a second birthday tomorrow to celebrate."

We soon fell asleep together. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and I was ready to eat more cake and play with Fluffy.

I soon woke up and felt Fluffy pawing me in the face, prying my eyes open like an annoying little brother who did not care for boundaries and felt if you are awake, everyone should be awake.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey," Fluffy said. I know I have become a morning person ever since reincarnating, but I generally wake up by myself, not some enjoying fox waking you up early in the morning. What is the time, even? And how is Fluffy so energetic?

I groaned and rolled over to see the clock. It was 6:30 in the morning, and I normally wake up around this time, but now I just wanted to mope about, but Fluffy did not let me by talking to me and walking around on my back as I tried to ignore him.

"Ugh, fine, I'm awake," I said to fluffy the fox from hell.

"I figured you would soon see it my way," Fluffy said in a smug tone.

"How are you so energetic?" I asked him.

"I don't need to sleep; I just like to sleep, so I am always at 100%, unlike you," Fluffy said, jumping down from my bed.

I got ready for the morning by putting on some finer clothing for the birthday. And I picked up Fluffy and walked towards the living room when Fluffy piped up.

"Want to wake mom and dad?" He said it with an evil, foxy grin.

"Hmm," I said, thinking about it. I would generally not do it, but sharing the pain of getting woken up early by Fluffy would make a really funny prank.

"Ok," I said as I turned to my parents door, opening it slowly to peek inside.

"Let's jump on their bed on the count of three," I thought to Fluffy through our mental link. as I creeped closer to the bed.

"1, 2, 3," I said to Fluffy mentally as I threw him higher up on the bed. He started to run around and sing wakey wakey eggs and bakey as if it were a song, and I jumped around by their legs to shake them awake. I can say that the plan worked perfectly, and now I have two enjoyed but awake parents in the kitchen making coffee and grumbling about energetic children. And that they wished I got as energetic kids when I grew up and got my own children.

The rest of the day was fun. We had lots of cake, and with my abnormal physiology, I did not get a stomach ache like my mom warned me about. I don't even think I can get fat, so I could eat cake all day long, I guess.

It was now the next week, and I had enough points to buy all the basic powers at the same time. I know I maybe should wait and get one at a time, but... YOLO and all that. And it doesn't help that Fluffy is all for it, even if he seems to know something I don't, but I don't care. My parents now know about my shop and told me to notify them when I could get a new power, and so I did. We were all in the living room together.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, get on with it," Fluffy said with a foxy grin while lying down in my mom's lap.

"I will," I said, sticking out my tongue towards him.

I navigated towards the basic power section and bought all the basic skills one after another in quick succession.

Basic Powers

Enhanced Physical Strength: 

Cost: 30 points

This power grants the user increased physical strength, allowing them to lift heavy objects and engage in powerful melee combat.

Enhanced Speed: 

Cost: 30 points

The user gains the power to move at superhuman speeds, making them faster in combat and enabling quick evasion.

Enhanced Durability: 

Cost: 30 points

This power provides increased resistance to physical harm, reducing the impact of attacks and injuries.

Enhanced Agility: 

Cost: 30 points

The user becomes exceptionally agile, capable of acrobatic maneuvers and dodging attacks with ease.

Enhanced Senses: 

Cost: 30 points

This power enhances the user's natural senses, such as sight, hearing, or smell, making them more perceptive and aware of their surroundings.

At first, nothing happened, but then everything got really loud. I could hear my parents' heartbeats and the smell of our breakfast, and I was getting overwhelmed by it all. I do not envy Superman, who can hear everyone in the entire world. I sat down, plugging my ears. I did not think this through enough. My mother wanted to rush towards me but was stopped by Fluffy, telling them to wait.

"Listen to my voice, take a deep breath, and focus on one thing." I could hear Fluffy through our mental link.

I tried focusing on only one thing, my mother's heartbeat, to drown out everything, and it worked as I got myself under control after breathing slowly, but when I opened my eyes, I saw the time and it had only been 10 minutes. My eyes were so much sharper; it's like I went from 20/20 to 100/100. It was amazing.

"Nicely done, Sora," Fluffy said, giving me his foxy smile.

"You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?"

"Yupp," Fluffy said.

"Why didn't you warn me?" 

"Learning experience" Fluffy said, jumping down from my mom's lap.

"First of all, your agility should negate most of the problems you would have gotten if you only had taken enhanced strength or any of the other powers, but by taking agility, it's giving you enough fine control to not break an egg unless you want, so I guess at least you got something for buying all of your powers at the same time." Fluffy said through the mind link

Mom ran over and started to fuss over me, and I had to explain what had happened. When nothing else seemed to be wrong, she finally let me go and turned her anger toward Fluffy, and it was a balm to my soul listening to my mom give someone else a lecture about safety and not being reckless instead of me.

I now had powers and wanted to play with them, but using quirks in public is illegal, so I just have to go to another world. I feel I am at a point in time where I can travel to other worlds that can be a bit more dangerous without the fear of dying by having someone sneeze in my direction, so that's what I will do next.

Me and Fluffy were sitting in my… our room and talking mentally to one another. We had to keep some secrets from mom and dad.

"So you're saying that my mental age is affecting me more than I thought?"

"Yupp. Why else do you think you have such a hard time not to cry?"

"Ohh… I… guess you are right."I said, thinking about my new life so far I had been acting a lot more like a kid, but that was because I was embracing my new childhood, right? Maybe I need to learn to mentally step back and look at what I'm doing. I can't act like a kid if someone is in danger or start crying if someone yells at me… I can imagine it big cry baby hero cry's after the villain screamed insults at him. It gave me a shiver. Ya, no, got to work on that in the future… and now it's tomorrow's me's problem. 

"If I ever start to act like a kid when it's important, warn me, please," I said to Fluffy.

"Will do"

"So what world do you think we should go to and play in?"Or should I go for a hero suit first? I can't decide," I asked Fluffy.

"Hmm, it's up to you; I'm having fun whatever you pick."

I got out of bed, picked up Fluffy, and Shouted to mom I would be going out for a bit. She knows it means I am going to Dad's place, but I was going to a new world intentionally this time.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C12
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ