
ตอน 40: Chapter 30 - The Sultan of Sapient Non-humanoids





Some people are confused on which POV is taking place so as of now I shall be adding the POV whenever it switches. Sorry for the confusion.

As for the main character. Chaos and Order are both the main characters. If you recall how earlier in the story when settling for what to do with the bloodlines it was chosen to make a "first and secondary bloodline without negatives."

In order for this to happen the personality of the main character was split in two with both bloodlines embodying the split parts.

Order became one half and Chaos became the other half. "The Crimson Prince" is a fusion between the two of them with Chaos being the main body due to him having "The Crimson Monarch" bloodline.)


(Third POV:)

Right as the prince was about to blast forward, all of his eyes changed to an orange color. With his newfound control, he blasted forward.


With the domain changing its effect, he knew exactly what to do. This new effect would now make the impossible possible.


The insanity caused by Order and Chaos's personalities being unable to merge was no longer present.


The avatars of Arceus appeared in his way, yet with the new effect of the domain, he completely sped past more than half of the ones that tried to catch him.


In reality, you can never reach the speed of light, as the closer you get to it, the more energy it takes. With the active effect of the domain, the prince could speed past that law of the third dimension and keep going.


Because this was his domain, this law only affected him, and with his speed, he was approaching Arceus's true body quickly. He was going so fast that it appeared as though he started sliding through space.


Normally, Arceus's avatars would be able to catch him, but when his speed was multiple times the speed of light, there was really nothing they could do.


Getting hit by a multi-light speed punch would erase any avatar that came into contact with it. As the prince finally made his way to the true body of Arceus, he paused.


His eye color was flickering with different colors in rapid succession. "You see, Arceus, the creature that is fighting you, is only a fragment, as I didn't fully materialize him due to the time constraint."


The prince held a smile on his face as his eye color went back to orange. "I don't have enough time, so I'll leave you with a gift!" With all eyes closed, the prince brought his hands together.


"With this treasure, I summon... The Recalcitrant Prodigal Son, The Sultan of the Sapient Non-Humanoids, Atanti-ql-Paneu!" The reality inside the domain began to bleed as an indescribably huge entity wrapped in chains was summoned.


"Using a special power, I made this a ritual and invited you to partake in it!" The smile on the prince grew as the snapping of chains sounded out, and as each chain was broken, more and more of the Spawn of Crimson perished under the weight of the power it brought.


"In this ritual, I would have to kill this entity in order to bring it to reality any time I want, but I'd much rather do this just to spite you." The prince stared at Arceus, who was now free due to the materialization of Atanti-ql-Paneu disappearing.


As reality was bleeding, all light was suddenly sucked into new beings being materialized in front of Atanti-Ql-Paneu. There were dragons, lizards, eldritch humanoids, and more. They promptly disappeared, and soon after disappearing, the entity began to wake.


As the chains broke, a large mouth formed and opened. A claw materialized on the creature, only to open and close. The entity, once it confirmed itself to be fully formed, didn't even look downward as it broke from its prison.


"I'll be dying now. Good luck." The prince said sarcastically as a massive claw slashed into him. The claw killed on impact and put the body in a state similar to that of being frozen in time.


But this was the prince's plan, as either Arceus kills Atanti-ql-Paneu or Atanti-ql-Paneu kills Arceus. Either way, once the ritual was over, the prince would be free from his dormant state and regenerate.


(POV: Order)

As the fight continued, a piece of the prince's body broke off and formed a mouth with an eye above it. The prince would be in a frozen state, but Order was not.


Order proceeded to teleport the body of the prince back to his domain. The now-blobby Order personality was about to teleport back as well when he felt something.


Turning around to see the battle, the blob saw Arceus turn his eye on him right before he could teleport. "What the?…" Order didn't get to finish as he was cut in half and teleported in a completely wrong direction.


'Well, at least I didn't bring all of me to do this. You'll have to live on without all of me being there, Chaos.' That was Order's last thought, as he promptly blacked out due to the weight of the attack.


(Third POV: ???)

As the fight between Arceus and Atanti-ql-Paneu continued, the reality around them could be seen to be forming and melting.


As Arceus was creating, Atanti-ql-Paneu was destroying. The realm that was holding them could no longer hold together and broke apart under their power.


They were being sent through universes as they battled. The billions of light slashes all hitting Atanti-ql-Paneu seemed to do nothing as he adapted.


Arceus made bindings of light so numerous that the entire light of the universe seemed small in comparison.


The light slashes continued to rain down as Arceus appeared to speak up for the first time: "Creature who knows not of death, I say, now die and be silent. Let the cries and screams of those you slaughter know peace." A massive veil of light appeared in multiple universes before converging right above Arceus's head.


Atanti-ql-Paneu began breaking from the chains as the billions of slashes turned into trillions and more chains began to bind him.


The chains were breaking at the same rate they were forming, and soon enough, they wouldn't be able to hold him. Behind Arceus, numerous unknowns appeared in a form similar to his symbol.


Atanti-ql-Paneu was finally breaking free from the binds as numerous slashes of all kinds ripped at him. This only fueled his regeneration as he grew back any mass destroyed.

Arceus spoke once more as his attack was finally ready. "Judgment (light)." Right as all the light in the multiverse converged on him, everything suddenly went black.


One light appeared, and it was the attack Arceus had formed. Atanti-ql-Paneu broke free from the chains and lunged at Arceus, even while being attacked by trillions of slashes.


The attack Arceus had formed disappeared, and right as Atanti-ql-Paneu got close, a blinding beam of light struck down from the heavens. The beam was strong enough to cover multiple universes.


Atanti-ql-Paneu's body seemed to break under the weight of the attack, but he kept crawling toward Arceus. Seeing as Atanti-ql-Paneu would regenerate, Arceus pulled out one of his invisible hands.


Right as Atanti-ql-Paneu seemed to be able to almost handle all the attacks constantly coming his way, Arceus snapped.


Everything seemed to disappear until a scorching light washed over Atanti-ql-Paneu. Arceus grew over the lizard, and with a tap of his foot, light began to be sucked into Atanti-ql-Paneu.


No, it wasn't being sucked into him, but right on top of his location. Atanti-ql-Paneu began to grow to rival the size of Arceus and attacked. The thousands of slashes were all being redirected as Arceus knew he shouldn't take on his enemy in close combat.


As Atanti-ql-Paneu opened his mouth to take a bite out of Arceus, all of reality began being sucked into the sphere above him. This included Atanti-ql-Paneu, as Arceus was using the space of a multiverse to make this possible.


It was a convergence event. A new big bang was forming, yet this one was for a multiverse-sized universe. As Arceus's enemy was holding on from being sucked into the point of no return, he slowly adapted and attempted to crawl away.


Arceus wouldn't let this happen, as a massive beam of light accompanied by trillions of slashes of uncountable manipulations came and knocked Atanti-ql-Paneu to the point of no return.


Once it was done absorbing all that energy, the singularity disappeared. The light that followed was so blindingly bright that the space around it burned.

The matter expelled from the singularity was pushed out at such a high speed that it almost reached the speed of light.


Arceus stood tall in all of this, as he knew he would be victorious. As he disappeared from this new massive universe, an eye began to open in the blinding light.


The body around the eye is reforming into something greater to counter light-based creatures and attacks.


Playing games of keep-away with Atanti-ql-Paneu wouldn't help Arceus, as the massive lizard disappeared to chase after its target with a menacing smile.


(POV: Chaos)

"█ ▄█▀ █☰ █☰ ◣▌ ⬤ ▐▄█ . "

My eyes opened as I felt tears running down my face. I'm sure I wasn't crying when I touched a tear that had fallen on my face.


Slowly looking up, I saw it was Nyarla who was crying, but with a blank face. She had laid me down on the bed and seemed to have placed my head on her lap.


She was playing with my hair but looked dead inside as she did it. I sat up on the bed and fixed my appearance. Wiping off her tears, I then fixed my clothes.


"Why? Why didn't you just stay with me?" Nyarla whispered it, but I heard it just fine.


"What are you talking about? You'll have to be more specific." I continued checking over myself as I spoke to her. I wasn't facing her, so I couldn't see what face she was making.


"You... Died. Truly died." Nyarla sounded as if she were truly dead inside, with a bit of insanity stirring. So much so, that I actually turned around.


When I died, my avatar stopped working, which means I, who was playing games with them, suddenly fell over. I could imagine what that felt like to everyone as I literally dropped dead.


Because it was an avatar and my real body wasn't there with them, even if they tried to revive me, it wouldn't work.


"Yeah, I died. Not much lost though." I had expressed my true thoughts. Not much had been lost, and I had actually gained a lot in the exchange between Arceus and me.


"You said... That you would always be here. You'd always be waiting... Always ready to play games with me." Nyarla smiled as she cried, even while speaking to me. The smile wasn't a smile of happiness, though.


It could be described as desperation mixed in with someone at their lowest point. The mixture of heavy tears coming down her face, combined with her creepy smile, disgusted me.

She quickly stopped smiling and looked at me in horror. My face displayed my true emotions.


I went to open the door to the room, only to feel a tug at the back of my shirt. "You're not going to leave me again, right? You'll stay with me, right?" Nyarla had slowly wrapped her arms around me from behind as she was speaking.


I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hands, only to remove her grasp on me. Turning around, I looked her in the eyes, and because of our height difference, I was looking down at her.


"I'm leaving you. I have better things to do than stay here and play video games with you. You disgust me, creep me out, and are everything I detest. To be completely honest, from the bottom of my heart, Nyarla, I've always detested you." I could see her heart visibly crack into pieces as I expressed my true feelings.


"I'm finally free of the shackles holding me down, and I won't be slowing down for someone so desperately weak." I poked her forehead lightly, and as she heard my words, she seemed to stumble on nothingness.


She couldn't catch herself, not due to her legs not working but due to her inability to properly process what to do next.


Eventually, she fell to the ground, clutching her chest like she couldn't breathe. "The being attached to me has disappeared, and so has my tolerance for you. With him gone, I can finally leave you behind." My disgust grew as I spoke to her, but I finally decided to leave the room.

Walking downstairs, I was met with Karasu being the first one to see me, and before anyone could say anything, I already gave them jobs to do.


I gave them the ability to be called by me and come back to me at any time, while also giving them the ability to travel the multiverse.


Each of them had different jobs. Anos had disappeared almost instantly after he nodded.


Giratina looked like she wanted to ask me something but just disappeared with a look of disappointment.


Karasu was the only one to stay, as his task would be different from the others.


"I'm not one to butt into things, but... Even I know what you said to her was fucked up. Seriously."


"That's none of your business, nor should it concern you."


"That's all of my business, actually, and when you finally realize that what you did was counterproductive, I'll rub it in your face." Karasu placed his hand on his face and shook his head. He disappeared seconds later.


I gave them their tasks mentally so they wouldn't be confused. Karasu's job was simple. Keep an eye on Order.

I went back to my domain and finally let myself break free into the next tier of power. I then used 800,000 eldritch souls to boost my power until I was ready to break through again.


Yet for some reason, I couldn't break through, and when I checked my stats, I understood why.

Name: Eren

Title: The Crimson Prince, Bringer of Ruination, Bringer of Chaos, The Crimson One

Race: Eldritch

Bloodline: The Crimson Monarch

Eldritch Name: Urdal Amhuthatl Taallist Cnyggdot Harak… Zasakrth

Form: Toddler

Hierarchy: Peak of The Old Spawn

Attribute: Chaos, Disorder, Boundlessness

Strength: 50,000

Speed: 50,000

Magic Energy: 50,000

Activity: 50,000

Loaded Materials: None

Skills: Ultra Speed Regeneration, Hollow Crimson, Gravity Defiance, Custom-Made Avatar, Soul Protection, Boosted Gear, Shape Mold, Unbreakable Mind, Outer God Soul, Time Manipulation Resistance, Founding Titan (Source of All Living Matter), Domain Expansion: Infinite Crimson Expanse, Eldritch Parallel Thought Processing, Me and You, Concept of Crimson, Body and Soul, Fate Manipulation Resistance, Reality Manipulation Resistance, Existence Erasure Nullification, Soul Manipulation Resistance, Mind Manipulation Immunity, Calamity Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Space Manipulation, I Am Crimson, Inner Universe, Instant Death Immunity, Atomic Breath, Radiation Manipulation, Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, Understanding Resistance, Respawn, Paradoxical Entity, Revive, Undying, Second Wind, Regenerative Immortality, Commands of Power, Imagine Breaker Resistance, Fiction Resistance, Perception Manipulation, Neutron Star Collapse, Fission Reaction Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Higher Dimensional, Above Mortal Existence, Storm Manipulation, Concept of Freedom, Unity, Domain Expansion: Omniversal Law of Order (Locked), Domain Expansion: Omniversal Law of Chaos, Domain Expansion: Unstable Unity of The Demented (Locked), Chaotic Order of Crimson Instability (Locked), Treasure, [???].

Talent Ability 1: Eldritch Spawn

Explanation: Being an eldritch spawn, you can do a lot of things, but the basics are seeing souls, being able to travel to The Outside, Understanding resistance, and many other minor effects.

Talent Ability 2: Eldritch Blood

Explanation: The eldritch are a race of chaos and destruction, and it is very easy for them to destroy their surroundings just by their presence. Eldritch Blood gives you a better affinity with disorder, death, and destruction.

Talent Ability 3: Chaos Addiction

Explanation: The eldritch are bringers of chaos, disorder, and depravity. The eldritch are attracted to chaos so much to the point that they actively seek it.

Talent Ability 4: Crimson Prince

Explanation: As the crowned prince of The Scarlet King, you are not without identity, and the crown on your head shows that! The crown boosts all stats and abilities by 75 times and will continue to increase as you age!

Talent Ability 5: Awakening of The Prince

Explanation: When Order and Chaos throw away their differences and merge together using unity, they awaken the Crimson Prince. The Prince is more than just the sum of his parts, and because of this, once he becomes whole again, he shall bring ruin to his enemy. Multiplies power by [???] and currently lasts six seconds. (Locked)

Items: None

Number Of Souls In Possession: 8,192,733,542(Human), 18,829,025,031 (Lesser Eldritch), 12 (Creator God (Arceus) Fragments)

Evaluation: You are only half of the being you were before, but fret not! You are still a force to be reckoned with!

Damn that Order! When he left, he took his half of the abilities! I was missing the qualifications I needed for more power.


I realized I either needed to work harder or get Order back. I am finally free to grow, but my growth is still stunted by him.


I needed another title for my name. When Order left, he took not only his half of the titles but also the title given by Nyarla.


Even while not here, he continues to fuck me over in ways I cannot fathom until the effects arrive later on.


I couldn't even use Order's half of the skills, and I was locked out of my true form. It seems I would need to put Order back together again.


For now, all I needed to do was get another title and grow in power. Once all was put in place, I would be far stronger than Order and I put together ever were.


How will this affect Order? We will see it in my other stories! Order is the protagonist of all of them, after all!

Chaos ain't got to do Nyarla like that... It's going to make me cry. Order is definitely going to have to get his get back!

(Future me. The reason Chaos isn't able to access his transformation is because he isn't strong enough. "The Crimson Prince" is Chaos but the only way to get there currently is by having Order feed into him.

Those asking the stat point questions: the reason it was growing by two times each instead of slowly is because Order was also feeding off of that. So when you say "He should be able to win against these guys with his stats." I understand what you mean and I've tried to keep things on the low but I should explain a bit more.

This was all going to be explained in the future but I guess I did it now.)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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