15.38% Finally got lucky. / Chapter 2: 2 "What in the world?!" Or "What world?!" Or "What the?!"

บท 2: 2 "What in the world?!" Or "What world?!" Or "What the?!"

Author's Note:

If you carbon-based life forms haven't noticed, this is a crackfic. I was feeling pretty shit one day and said "Fuck it, I'll vent my heart out" but in the most non-violent way i could think of.

I'm gonna go piss off now. Tell your granny I said hi. Wink. Wink.




I fell asleep. Oh damn, that was dangerous. But luckily for me, that old man wasn't a danger to babies. For now. I'm not dead yet, but maybe I will be tomorrow. I'll have to wait and see if the old man is some kind of cannibal or not.

When I woke up, I found myself inside a wooden house. The place smelled of poor, or maybe, the word historical site felt more correct.

No, I was wrong.

Judging from the lack of lightbulbs and the presence of a crackling fireplace, the thought that the owner of this place is rich cemented itself in my mind. Who else would have a fireplace other than rich people? Not poor people, that's for sure.

Speaking of the owner... it's the same old man. I guess he brought me here.


I looked to the side.

It wasn't just me he brought over. Even the other baby was here, chilling right beside me. That rules out the possibility that the old man ate the other baby first and was saving me for breakfast tomorrow.

Ah, he's coming right for us.

With a bowl in hand, he smiled in a way that only grandpas can. A tender, loving smile. And with the same smile, he fed the other baby soup from a bowl.

It was my turn after the other baby had its fill and fell asleep.

Yeah, no thanks. I'll observe to see if the other baby will explode or something.

*Grrrrrrr* (What sound do rumbling stomachs make? I'm not sure.)

...fine. J-just a little bit. I'll eat just a little bit.

I ate the entire bowl of soup before I knew it. It was only then that I started feeling really sleepy.

It really was drugged... shit...











I'm still alive. I realize that I merely suffered from food coma and not some kind of rooffie. I guess the old man is just nice. I mean, he did use healing magic when we first met.

Right. Magic.


Magic exists.

Now, I have a theory, considering that magic exists when that shouldn't be the case.

I've been reincarnated. Just like those fictional people who answered a survey or got hit by a truck, I've been reincarnated into a world with magic.

Fuck. Yeah.

I'm finally away from that shit hole of a world I call home, even if I got hit by a truck in the process.

Then comes the next problem.

Fuck. Just fuck.

Some of the surveys I answered had a question related to what kind of which world I'd like to go to. I of course answered them.

The thing is, I never explicitly answered that I wanted to go to a world full of magic. It's mostly because the majority of the works I've read regarding magic worlds has ooga booga technology. Like, no toilets or toilet papers or uber. Or no internet. No unlimited free reading of a shit ton of wish-fulfillment novels from the web.

I just have to live with it. I mean, it's not like it's been confirmed that the technology of this world sucks ass. And magic does exists. That's pretty cool.


Light surrounded my childish fists. It was the same healing magic that made me nice and warm when I first came to in this world.

I'm pretty talented is a thought that cemented itself in my mind. I performed magic on my first try.


The old man was shocked when he saw my greatness. Hell, even the baby beside me looked shocked as he/she/it stared at my magic hands, but that's probably just my overactive imagination.

This will be the first chapter of my greatness. The title shall be: The Rise Of The Broken Sigma. Yeah. That's it. That's the perfect title... NOT!

Goofy character arcs aside, my worst fears came true.

So, no internet.

It was just a suspicion before, but now that I've had time to look around, I'm pretty sure that there really is no internet. There weren't LED lights, or wires, or even a fridge to be seen.

Damn it. I can feel the tears well up in my eyes. To a man from the modern age, this is just way too much.

Fuck. I'm emotional since I'm a baby.

I burst into tears. I couldn't help it. Stupid baby shenanigans...

Fuck. I shit myself too. I'm sorry, old man, but can you possibly change me?

The old man must've smelled something since he proceeded to check my diaper. My bad.

After that embarrassing display, I went to sleep.


Woke up to another day. Still alive!

And since I'm still alive, I learned more magic. The old man just waves them all around the house, and when I see them shooting out, knowledge just appears in my head.

Lighting up the fireplace with fire magic? Now I can too! My ones came out blue for some reason, but nothing too serious.

Air magic because that's how the old man dries their dishes? Now I can too! The wall got ripped off through, but nothing too serious.

Water magic because that's how the old man washes their dishes? Now I can too! I made sure to aim outside, and it created a column of water that stripped the leaves off of a few trees.

What else is there... oh yeah, earth magic because just cause? Now I can too! I made a dirt house like in Minecraft. It looked pretty shit, not gonna lie. I'll keep working on my architecture skills. I never was a builder in that game. I yearn for the mines!

All of those things are possible because of one thing: Imagination. The magic of this world isn't that complex. I only need to imagine what I want and it happens.

It's not like those complicated magic formulas and spells and Harry Potter stuff. This is pretty neat.

And it's because of how easy magic was to use that I came across a problem: My overactive imagination. It's hard to hold back when I've been saturated with all kinds of cool ass, dangerous magic from the modern world.

I don't want to accidentally make the old man's home explode by imagining a nuclear explosion—


Just kidding. I'm not that careless. My magic control will only get better from here on out. I can't control when I take a dump though, so there's that.





The old man talks to us babies everyday. I can't understand shit, but me and the other baby reply anyway. Why is it that I can get sudden magic knowledge outta nowhere but not this kind of knowledge?

If I can talk to the old man, I can ask him to teach me more magic. Like, tips and tricks, just as Ddovaah did. Man I miss that guy already.

"Aaaauuu~!" I said in a loud voice, successfully attracting the old man's attention.

"Maaaaaaagiiii... teeeeeeeeaaaaaaaach meeeeeeee...."

I still can't speak as well since I'm a baby, and I don't know the language, but maybe he'll know what I'm trying to say through the power of sheer will?

The old man checked my diapers instead.

That's not what I called you for! Sigh. I guess I'll have to grow up a little more. I might as well just practice on my own.

Once more, I played with magic under the dumbfounded eyes of an old man and a baby.

















"Thomas. Hey, Thomas."


My "brother" called out to me. What does he want?

"I'm going to... ▽◇□※ hunt... ☆※ come?"

He wants me to come hunt with him?



Shin broke into a sprint. He ran to our room to change into proper hunting clothes.

I checked out the clothes on my skin.

Pajamas. Comfortable to the touch. This is good enough hunting gear, I guess.

"You... ▽◇□※ didn't change?"

"I'm comfortable like this," I replied with a bit of difficulty.

I had yet to get the hang of this world's language. I still struggle with it, but I've learned enough to communicate with Shin and the old man.

By the way, the old man's name is Merlin. Like the King Arthur wizard. I must say, it's a fitting name, considering he is old and magical.

Merlin adopted us, so I guess it's more correct to call him grandpa rather than old man. Since he adopted us, his last name became my last name, and his last name is Wolford.

I, Thomas Wolford; my brother, Shin Wolford; my grandpa, Merlin Wolford, all live in the middle of fucking nowhere.

There aren't any butcher shops or groceries available to us, so we gather our food ourselves. For all the other stuff we can only get from society, we have a nice merchant that comes by sometimes who gives us whatever we want.

"Let's go, Thomas!"

"Right behind you."

"Stay safe, you two."

Waving grandpa Merlin goodbye, we went out the front door. I followed behind Shin since he knows the surrounding forest more than I do.

—From above.


A warning entered my head. I pushed Shin to the side.


Not even a second later, something fell from the sky, landing right in front of me with a heavy thud.

"Wha—!" I nearly pissed myself.

My soul almost left my body. I got fucking jumpscared. Even though I expected it, I didn't expect something like this.

The thing that fell from the sky was fairly big, bigger than my 5-year-old body. It was a bird, not like a bird of prey, but more like a chicken. A very meaty chicken. It looked edible to say the least.

If KFC ever sold chicken this big, they would have conquered the world...

Ehem. Anyway.

"Are you okay?"

"...That was close," said my rattled brother. I helped him up from the ground before pointing at the massive chicken.

"Shin. What is it?"

He was more knowledgeable than me in this regard since he hunts practically everyday. I only go with him when I feel bored.

"I think... ☆※... a Morning Crow. ☆※◇◎□○... very rare. I've never seen one before. Ask grandpa."


First things first, I poked the chicken with a stick. The Morning Crow didn't move despite poking it for a bit.

It did fall from the sky. Maybe it broke it's neck and died.

"Grandpa!" I called out. I even used magic to make my voice louder. Immediately, grandpa Merlin came rushing out of the house.

"What's the problem—a Morning Crow?!"

Even he was surprised by the chicken, and that's when it didn't fall from the sky and didn't jumpscare the shit out of him.

"Where... ※◎□○... come from?" he asked.

"Fell from sky," I answered while pointing a finger upwards.

Grandpa Merlin used some sort of appraisal magic on the chicken. I quickly learned it like all the other types.

"※◎○... heart attack?" he muttered with a questioning look. Is that so unbelievable?

Hmm, so even the animals of this world can die from a high cholesterol diet.

Grandpa smiled. "Today's food is going to be delicious. We are quite lucky... ☆◇□... Morning Crows meat is rare, delicious."

"Nice!" Shin was excited. Well, so am I! Good food is good!

I'll have to worry about my cholesterol levels from now on though. Don't wanna end up like that chicken.

"Alright. Good luck on your hunt boys." Grandpa dragged the Morning Crow back into the house.

Hehe. You better save us some when we get back, old man! I expect an absolute banger of a meal!

I didn't quite know how to say all those words out loud, so I kept them in my head.

And so, Shin and I went on with our hunt.


Two birds. They looked pretty normal compared to the chicken from before.

"Thomas, you take the one on the left and I take the other."


I was hiding inside a bush. So was Shin, but in his own bush ten meters away. Magic allowed our voices to silently travel back and forth between one another. It's pretty weird to suddenly hear voices like a schizo, but you get used to it at some point.

There was a disturbance in the magic around Shin. He must be casting his spell. I decided to copy him and coordinate our attack.

Birdie, my grandpa will make a nice side dish outta ya.

Vacuum Wave

Two magical air attacks came from different directions. The birds tried to fly away, but in their panic, they bumped into each other. The Vacuum Waves swiftly cut their necks.

Muah. 10/10. Can't get any better than that.

Shin and I quickly rushed over. We worked on handling the birds so that the flesh remained good to eat. Things like draining the blood and removing the organs—all that fun stuff.

"Nice shot dude." I complimented my brother while holding a dead bird by the leg. Blood dripped from its cut neck, slowly pooling into a hole I made in the ground with magic.

My compliment was genuine. I doubted kids our age could use magic the same way. Although, when I asked grandpa Merlin about it, he said we could use more practice with an odd look on his face.


I didn't press him though. Since magic was pretty easy to use, maybe it was true that other kids our age can do the same. Maybe they can do even more.

"You did good as well, Thomas." Shin smiled, similarly bleeding a dead bird dry. Apart from the corpses and the gore, it made for a heartwarming scene.

Once done, I handed my bird to Shin for him to store in his spatial storage. I know the same spell too, and it can fit a lot of things in it, but I thought letting Shin have more practice is better for him in the long run.

Nah, I wasn't being lazy. Definitely not.

We already hunted some kind of rabbit earlier, making our total animals hunted three. That amount is enough to feed us all. We didn't need to hunt anymore.


It took a while, but we safely arrived home.

"Grandpa, we're home."

"Oh, welcome back. Had fun?"

"Always. Nothing less fun than hunting!" Shin was the one who said that. I think using magic to hunt is what makes it fun.

Hmm? There's someone else in here?

"Hey there kids." Uncle Michel waved at us. He was a young-looking man with green eyes and short blonde hair. He wore armor and had a sword by his side, so he looked like a knight. More than that, he taught Shin and me martial arts, swordsmanship, archery, spearmanship, and all kinds of things whenever he came by.

(Anime Michel is different from light novel Michel. Yes, I did my research. I did more than I would've thought, so, you know, join the bird superiority club.)

I like him. Apart from using magic, I can now beat up people without it. SO JUST IMAGINE THE POWER OF BOTH COMBINED! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

"Hohoho... ○※▽... what did you hunt?"

Shin answered Grandpa like always.

"Today's catch are two ☆◇※▽ Birds and a ○▽▽△ Rabbit."

Man, I really need to study the language more.

Michel's eyebrows rose when he heard my brother. "Hunting two ☆◇※▽ Birds? That's impressive... ▽◇□※..."

"I used a knife to hunt the ○▽▽△ Rabbit, but we had to use magic for the birds... ☆◇□▽... too hard to hunt," said Shin. For some reason, his face had gone stiff.

"That only means you need more physical training. What do you think, Master Merlin?"

"Hohho~ They'll be in your care then."

Oh, right. Shin hates Uncle Michel's training. But I don't! They aren't that bad!

Getting stronger feels good man...










Tis' I, Thomas Wolford, speaking. It's been three years since a chicken died of a heart attack and became our delicious dinner. I am now eight years old.

Shin and I are out on a hunt again. This time, with far more magic skills than we used to have.

Physical Enhancement Magic, learned through the training given by Uncle Michel, is a must have if you wanna get up close and personal. Now I'm super strong both physically and magically. I feel like a god.

Of course, compared to Ddovaah, I'm nothing but dogshit. Ah, but compared to my previous, survey-scavenging self, I guess I might as well be a god.

Shin and I also have a bunch of new gear—magic gear, and they are fucking sick.

Magic Gear/Tools, created through Enchantment, and taught to us by Grandma Melinda Bowen.

Grandma Melinda was as old as Grandpa Merlin and looked like a witch—a good witch, not a bad witch bitch. She's kinda like the old lady witch from Harry Potter.

Grandpa didn't have as high an aptitude with enchantment magic, so we learned from Grandma Melinda instead. The good thing is that I believe Shin and I are very, very talented in this regard.

After learning enchantment, we were making some pretty cool stuff really quickly.

Enchanting isn't really that hard. I'm not saying this as someone who does really well at it, but just in general, enchanting isn't that difficult to do.

You only need two things: A good imagination and a certain method to write/apply the magic enchantment to the item. That's it. Ez peazy.

There's also another method of transferring phenomenal words written by one's own understanding. This method is easy to do as well, but there's a limit to the number of characters I can write down to enchant an item with. The material decides the limit. Items made with cheap materials have a low character limit while expensive, sturdier materials have a high character limit.

This world's language is pretty similar to English. This made it so that one word can have multiple characters. It's reason why using this phenomenal words method is kinda bad since you usually hit the character limit really quickly.

So then I thought, what if I used another language that uses up less characters? For example... Dragon Language?

The result is the lightsaber in my hand.


Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Vmmmmm. Wuuuum. Wmmmmmmmm.

It's fucking beautiful.


A high pitched squeal entered my ears.

Right. Shin and I were hunting. I almost forgot since my lightsaber is just too beautiful!

Our target, the huge Wild Boar, charged at me. The earth shook with each step it took, and it looked like a boulder that was about to squish me flat.

"Watch out!" Shin prepared to use his own magical gear, his handmade magic gun, but I stopped him.

This is my and my lightsaber's bonding time, dear brother. Don't be a third wheel.

"It's okay, bro. Come at me, pork chops!" I twirled the lightsaber in my hand, leaving behind a flashy trail of crimson light. I've never felt so cool. I can die happily now...

*Thud* *Thud* *THUD* *THUD* *THUD!* *THUD!!!*

Soon, the beast was before me, completely enraged. It probably saw me as nothing but a little shit with a glowing stick. I was about to prove it wrong.

"I am one with the Force and the Force is with me..."

I raised my hand.


The Wild Boar stopped in its tracks, as if colliding with an invisible wall. Confused, it charged again, and once more, it was stopped by my epic awesomeness.

I walked up to its head. It tried to back away, but it found itself trapped in an invisible cage.

You're dead meat!

Vmmmm. Wmmmmm. Vrmmmmm.

With a wave of my lightsaber, the beast fell on the ground, headless, but undoubtedly amazed by my spectacular weapon.

As hard to believe as it may be, I don't have Jedi powers. It was just an application of magic.

"That was awesome, Thomas!"

"Hehe, thanks."

"Say... can you make a 'lightsaber' for me too?"

I grinned. I predicted this would happen.

After all, no man can resist the temptation of wielding one of the coolest weapons in the universe!

"Yeah, sure. I'll give you one later."

"Hell yeah!"

After handling the Wild Boar, we went back home.


"Welcome back, children. Did you go hunting again?"

Both Uncle Michel and Grandma Melinda were there.

"Yep. We both hunted down a Wild Boar on our own."

Aside from my 1v1 with a Wild Boar, Shin used his magic gun called "Rifle"—an interesting naming coincidence—to snipe a Wild Boar dead. It's a pretty cool weapon that can cast magic instantaneously with a pull of a trigger.

"Wow~ you two are even capable of hunting Wild boars now."

"Uhh, yeah. I used my Rifle though. I couldn't have done it without my super powerful weapon."

Shin's face went stiff again. Wait, could it be...?

Michel spoke up. "Come on, Shin. There's no need to be humble. Being able to kill a Wild Boar, even with your Rifle, is no ordinary feat. I'll have to make your training harder if you can defeat a Wild Boar already!"

Aha! So it was about training!

Shin looked like he wanted to sink into the ground. Then he suddenly looked at me with pleading eyes.

Jokes on you, I'm into that shit!

"Let's go train! Uncle Michel, come on, I want to improve on, uhh, everything!"

Michel was happy to oblige. "Good on you, lad! Then let's meet outside! Shin, stop pouting! We don't have all day."

"C-chikushō..." Shin said a word that I didn't know the meaning of. I'll ask him about it later.

Training! Time! I love training!











Yes. It's that time again.

Days quickly passed, like scrolling down to the end of a novel chapter. I'm already ten years old. So was Shin. As for Grandpa Merlin, I don't know how old he is. I'd believe it if he said he was a thousand years old though. Ddovaah was much, much, older than that, so I wouldn't be as surprised.

Anyway, today is a special day.

"♪ Nuz aan sul, fent alok, fod fin vul, dovah nok... Fen kos nahlot mahfaeraak ahrk ruz! ♪" (But a day, shall rise, when the dark dragon's lies, will be silenced forever and then!)

I was singing a very special song. No one but I could sing it, perhaps, in this entire universe. Ddovaah sang it sometimes, and it just stuck to my head. If I'm remembering correctly, it's the Dragonborn Theme from Skyrim.

Is Skyrim real? Therre's a dragon that speaks the language, but who knows? Maybe the game developers were actually Nords in disguise.

I sang to pass the time as me, Shin, and Grandpa Merlin walked through the forest together.

Today is the day when Shin and I will hunt our first demon.

Demons, creatures that absorbed mana excessively and lost control of it, were creatures beyond anything we have hunted. They were either man or beast, but mostly the latter. The first I've heard of them came in the form of a bedtime story.

"Humans received the gift of mana. We have the ability to control our mana with our will, and is the reason why magic flourished in the land."

"However, even humans can lose control of themselves. It was then that I, along with your grandma Melinda, faced a demon like no other."

"A person turned into a demon and wreaked havoc with their uncontrollable magic. Towns and villages were destroyed one after the other, and it threatened to put a whole kingdom into ruin."

"Your grandma Melinda and I had faced countless demons in the past, but this was our greatest adversary yet. It was in a league of its own. It was... a Devil."

Yeah, I had a nice sleep afterwards. I'm not some pissy little kid, so nice try trying to scare me, grandpa.

That's what I thought then, but now I'm pretty fucking nervous. Devils aside, demons are supposed to be strong, and I'll be meeting one pretty fucking soon.

If Grandpa Merlin can beat one, I should be able to as well since I'm stronger than him, right? But he's old, way past his prime...

Ah, screw it. I'll blast it with my shouts if need be. Better to go all out than die idiotically.


"We're here."

We stopped before a cliff. From here, I could see miles and miles away. It was all green with no civilization in sight.

"Now," grandpa turned to us, "it's time you learned how to search for demons."

He raised a finger.

"The first step is to thinly spread your mana to the surrounding area."


"When a creature with mana touches the mana you have spread, you can detect its presence."

"Oh~" "Cool."

"All creatures have mana inside them, and because of this, it allows for the usage of what is called Search Magic."

Huh. Huuuh. So Shin and I didn't have to run around tracking animals and all that for the past few years? What the fuck?

When I mentioned it, Grandpa Merlin chuckled. "Hoho, that is also training. Besides, this magic cannot be used if you don't possess good mana control."

Damn. Fine. I did enjoy tracking animals during hunting so I'll let this one slide.

Sighing, I decided to get on with this search magic.

The magic wasn't of a particular element. It was pure, concentrated mana. Slowly, I pictured my magic move. I felt it leave my body in a wave-like manner, kind of like a droplet of water dropping in a calm pool.

Imagination. I have the perfect image in my head.

With a reference to use, my mana began to spread much quicker.

So many animals... no, so many animals with mana... I guess it's true that everything living has mana...

Some were super weak. Some were not as weak. Pretty much all of them were weak though.

Grandpa's and Shin's mana felt much weaker than mine, but definitely stronger than anything I could feel from the forest. Oooh, is that Grandma Melinda? I can detect her mana from here...

Then, there was a disgusting presence.


I found our target.

But it's weak like everything else. Do I really need to be on guard against this weakling? It reminds me of a disgusting cockroach more than anything.

Shin must've felt it too as he stared at me. I gave a nod of affirmation.

"Indeed, that is a demon's mana," confirmed Grandpa.

"Welp. I guess it's time to go. Let's kill this thing, Shin!"

"Yeah. We can't leave that thing alone!"

As soon as he said that, we jumped off the cliff. Shin had boots that basically made him fly like Iron Man. I didn't have anything like that, and that's because I have something even better.

With my search magic giving me the demon's exact coordinates, I turned my lightsaber on and spoke.

"Wuld!" (Whirlwind Sprint)

The world turned blue and blurry. The Thu'um propelled me through the air in speeds no man has ever reached. No sound barrier was broken, but that's because the shout made me ignore air resistance altogether. For all I know, I could be moving several times faster than the fastest aircraft ever made.

In the blink of an eye, I was already before the demon.


The Thu'um was still taking effect.

I was hurtling forward too fast. I couldn't even swing at it before flying past the demon.

I crashed through a bunch of trees, stopping only when the Thu'um lost power.

"I need to work on my landing. Hehe..."

That fucking hurt. I'll have to hold back next time. My body can handle it though, so maybe I can add more oomph? I just need to work on my accuracy more than anything.


The demon, a Red Grizzly Bear that towered over me a few times over, gnashed its fugly ass face.

"Come at me if you can, dickhead! No balls!"

My taunt worked as the demon charged at me with apparent hostility. I stood still, wrapping myself in physical strengthening magic.

Uhh, where did my lightsaber go?

I noticed it too late. I wasn't holding my lightsaber but a broken branch.

From the right.

The demon bears claws came hurtling from the side. I stepped out of its range, making use of the footwork I learned from Michel's lessons.

Straight punch.

Then there was another attack, aimed straight for my head. I Neo-dodged that shit by bending backwards. That was a bad idea.

A groundslam from above.

My screwing around made me open for attacks. I couldn't dodge with my crappy Neo posture.

Left with no choice, I coated both my arms in it and braced for impact.


My arms blocked the bear's downward smash from above, rattling every nearby trees with it. The ground below me shattered and I had to hold myself up with magic.

The demon's sharp claws were scraping against my arms, but it didn't draw blood. My clothes got torn though, but apart from that...

I'm alive and well, baby!

I finally confirmed it. This guy was a fucking weakling compared to me.

I don't even need magic for this joker. Using my Hak—


The demon ducked, just in time to avoid a vibrating sword aimed at its neck.

Shin came flying in, wielding his vibrator—ehem, Vibration Sword.

"Oh. Uhh. Yeah? I'm okay." I skedaddled away from the demon bear. It didn't bear me any mind. (Pun most definitely intended) It's aggro was on my brother now.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, DEMON!" Shin screamed. For some reason, he was really pissed.

Shin zoomed left and right, way too quick for the demon to follow. The latter tried to hit Shin but only ended up swinging its arms around like an idiot. The demon never hit its target.

Seeing an opportunity, Shin stopped flying around and went straight in.

After all, the demon was just another animal. Unlike a trained person, it was full of openings.


With his ultrasonic sword and fast-as-fuck boots, Shin successfully beheaded the demon in one mighty swing.

Noice. I would've been surprised if it didn't die against Shin. The bear was literally too weak. Even my ten year old brother is stronger than it.

"Thomas, you reckless idiot!"

Before I knew it, Grandpa Merlin was tugging my ear.

"Never do that again! Didn't you hear what I said about how dangerous demons are?!"

"But it w-was weak though—Ow!"


Grandpa looked like he had a lot more to say. But all that came out was a sigh.

Then, after a brief pause, he hugged me.

"...I'm just glad you're safe."


I felt a warm feeling in my chest.










Night time. The babies were fast asleep.

Merlin had a lot in his mind.

A baby that can use magic. Magic requires sufficient magic power and magic control, none of which a baby should possess.

Merlin wondered what it could mean.

A genius... or a reincarnator? What am I harboring in my home?

Merlin stroked his sagely beard. Then, he spread his magic and directed it to where the babies slept.

He probed one of the sleeping children, assessing the magic power in his body.

Simply extraordinary.

Merlin was certain. That day he found him in the rain, his magic was practically non-existent. But as soon as he used healing magic on the baby...

It's higher than mine.

"Mmmmm." The baby shifted, clearly disturbed. Merlin retracted his magic before he woke something he shouldn't.

...I'll wait and see.

The Magi spent the entire night restless, incapable of sleep.

But by morning...


"Hoh~ such a cutie. Hoho~"

Merlin forgot his worries in a heartbeat. The babies were simply too cute.

Iamdelicious Iamdelicious

Woof woof

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ