94.23% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 95: Chapter 89: Pre-battle preparations 2

บท 95: Chapter 89: Pre-battle preparations 2

Guys, one quick thing before reading the chapter (long chapter over 6k). 

I'm going through health and financial difficulties. I'm paying for an operation that I'm going to have in about a month.

I'm not going to stop writing and I'm not going to stop uploading chapter (at least 1 per week) but I ask that, if it's possible for you, you subscribe to my Patreon. Not only I'm 10 chapters ahead (almost finishing the gods arc) but I'm also going to start uploading a new original story called the Eyes of Destiny. 

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My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (10 chapters ahead)

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New Watchtower, June 22, 10:00, 2017

Once again, in the boardroom of the Watchtower, the second meeting of the Justice League was taking place, together with the Amazons, to resolve the issue of the rescue of Victor Stone, a.k.a. Cyborg.

This time, this would be the last meeting before the 'invasion' to Valhalla, since, fortunately for the heroes, they had convinced the god Thor to help them get there. Thor was sitting in a corner, amazed by all the technology he was seeing.

Humans can be criticized, but let there be no doubt that, in the short time of evolution they have had, they have come a long way in the matter of technology. And that was something that Thor, frankly amazed him. At the moment, he looked like a child in the body of a giant adult in awe of everything he saw. Quite comical if I may say so.

However, it was a different story with the heroes. They were all tense. Some because of the lack of sleep from the night patrols. Others because of the erratic thoughts flooding their minds.

Cases like Marie (Vixen), who only had concern for her beloved. Or cases like that of Martian Manhunter, who was still repeating the letter and the request that Batman had asked him, thinking about how he could solve his situation without compromising the bat detective.

However, this time there was no longer that cheerful and communicative atmosphere among everyone. This time, everyone was quiet and serious. And one thing was certain. The time of the great fight with the gods was approaching.

In less than 4 days, the dimensions would align, and Valhalla would be open to 'visitors', being the only opportunity for them, beings without divine energy, to enter this mythical city. That is, they had less than 4 days to prepare to rescue their friend and defeat the gods.

A task that, as far as they could see, would be equally or more difficult than the previous fight with The Light. Not because of the magnitude of the fight, but because of the restrictions.

Limited time to prepare. Limited resources. And, above all, they could only take a specific number of fighters on the mission.

In addition, the opponents were not mere criminals or metahumans. They were gods. Beings with thousands of years of experience, with powers that bordered on the universal scale. And in Valhalla, they would be at their peak. In other words, if the heroes wanted to win, they had to level the board. And that's why this meeting was quite important.

Batman approached the room, which was packed with all the superheroes on the League's payroll, plus the Amazons and a couple of guests, and quickly projected the files of all the research he'd been doing overnight. He had not stopped to rest at any time. He knew the importance of time on this mission. Every second counted for them.

Addressing everyone, he began to speak

"I am not going to stop to explain the details that we have previously discussed. You already know, from the files we have shared, who our opponents are. You know their average strengths and weaknesses. You know their power level. I'm not going to talk about that anymore. The important thing here, is to talk about this" the screen just changed for all to see. "These are the names of those who, I think, should go on the mission against the gods"

At that, Batman projected 17 names. 17 names that, according to the data he collected, plus the level of power they had and the experience, gave the most powerful group that the Justice League could send to the mission:

The names were Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Plastic Man, Zatara, Vixen, Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi), Metamorpho, Firestorm, Icon, Ghost Rider and Stargirl.

To everyone's surprise, neither Oliver (Green Arrow) nor Dinah (Black Canary) were in that lineup. Neither was Shayera (Hawkwoman), although her husband, Carter, was. Nor had John Stewart, the other Green Lantern, been cast. There was no shortage of protests about this situation. The first to speak out was Oliver

"Neither Black Canary nor I are on the list. Are you thinking of doing without an archer?"

"Green Arrow is right, Batman. I'm one of the best fighters in the League. No offense, but the truth is, everyone here knows I'm a much better fighter than Stargirl and Doctor Light. Plus I have more experience. And Hawkwoman wasn't included either and her husband was. I don't see that as fair"

"Yes. I go where my husband goes, Batman. We are a team. Together we are stronger" Hawkwoman replied harshly to the bat, as she took her husband's hand and clasped it between her hands. As she spoke, she showed her wedding ring to everyone, so they could see what she was referring to.

"Also, why are there so few of us. There are over 50 of us here in the Justice League. I understand that we can't take everyone, but only 17, that's too few" Crimson Fox added. She saw the team as only 17. That was too few for the large number of superheroes on the Justice League roster.

These and other protests were hurled at Batman, who remained unperturbed by the situation. At no time did he make any pretense of stopping the protests. On the contrary, he let them voice every opinion they had.

This went on for a couple of minutes, until, finally, the protests stopped, and Batman was able to speak again.

"I know you are unhappy, but let me express my reasons why I chose these people. Please don't interrupt me. If you have any questions, I will answer them when I finish my explanation"

Batman switched to the screen and began projecting the files of the 17 people. Specifically, he was projecting the information and the level of power they had.

Not to mention the more well known ones. There were a couple of names that were fairly new. Icon, as had been seen in the fight with Seth, showed why he was one of the most powerful superheroes the current League had.

His positron powers, which was pure antimatter, could nullify matter to a controlled degree. Coupled with the fact of his great strength and speed, which could rival Superman himself, made him quite a fearsome and respectable member of the new superhero community.

But the name that stood out as a newcomer, who was on the list of 17, was that of Stargirl.

Courtney Whitmore was a beautiful woman, with blonde hair, green eyes and a slim, lithe body, due to the fact that she had trained as a gymnast since she was a little girl. She was so good that her skills and flexibility won her numerous competitions worldwide. However, a fortunate coincidence made her leave gymnastics and become a superheroine.

Unlike the others who had metahuman powers, Courtney was a superheroine who had powers based on alien technology. Technology that, by an accident, she found.

Her powers were given to her by two artifacts of alien origin. A belt, which she called it a cosmic converter belt and a cosmic golden staff, which could project stellar energy. These artifacts also endowed her with superhuman strength, speed and reflexes.

She became a superheroine because she wanted to honor her father. Her father, who was a policeman and had been killed by a gang of mobsters, had shown her that the best she could do was to serve the community with her abilities. That, if she had the power to make a change, she would do it without hesitation.

She thought being a gymnast was her destiny, but with the powers she gained, she didn't hesitate a bit and joined the Justice League to use her new powers to make the world a better place. She was accepted into the League, and was currently in the Asia branch.

She was quite well-liked among her peers for her cheerful charisma and friendly manner with people. However, what Black Canary was saying was right. She had a lot of power because of her artifacts, but in terms of combat, she wasn't the best. She lacked a lot of field experience.

Batman seeing that the doubts were specifically with Doctor Light and Stargirl, explained.

"They have all been meticulously chosen. As you see from the files, Doctor Light and Stargirl have quite useful powers for the fight ahead. Doctor Light can manipulate, absorb, and convert any energy in the light spectrum, including non-visible light. Stargirl has power derived from cosmic energy. Energy that, from my collected data, is quite similar to divine energy, and, therefore, harmful to them. Her lack of experience, she makes up for it with her power. They are only 17, because that is the deal we made with Queen Hippolyta for the mission. We will only be able to take 20. 17 from our side and 3 from hers"

Batman finished. Just at that, however, Black Canary answered him.

"I understand that, Batman. But I don't understand why we weren't chosen?"

"Yeah, neither do I-"

Again the protests were about to begin, but Batman, unlike the other time, didn't let the complaints begin and, raising his hand, made silence reign in the room. This was why Batman was so respected. His very presence invoked respect in the group.

"I think you misunderstand something. This mission is not a prize, nor is it a privilege given. It's a SUICIDE mission. It's a mission where the success rate is less than 30%. In short, we are going on a mission from which we will probably not return. Those of you who are staying, specifically you, Green Arrow, John Stewart, Black Canary and Hawkwoman, are tasked with keeping the team afloat if something happens to us"

These words hit the assembled members hard. The protests ceased, as reality fell on their heads. This group, these 17 enlisted, were not going on a vacation. They were going to fight a lost war. They were going to what would probably be certain death.

Batman turned to Hawkwoman, who no longer looked as determined as before. "Hawkwoman, you were not chosen not because you were not equally strong or speed as Hawkman. In fact, your data indicates higher levels of speed and agility than your husband. But I didn't pick you because your husband has more experience in strategy and coordinated combat. Something that is needed in the next mission. That's all. That was the key why he was chosen"

He then turned to look at Green Arrow and Black Canary, and with a tone that didn't indicate retorts, he commented to them.

"Black Canary and Green Arrow, you were not chosen because we don't have enough resources to augment your technology and suits. I am thinking of using the new metal alloy, created in the research department by scientist Ryan Choi, called Dilustel, to improve our technology. This metal, which can be made into thin fibers like cloth, is moldable and can absorb any kind of energy including magic, and is stronger than Promethium and Promethium Light. But there is not enough of it. That's why I chose this group, who, in terms of 'suits,' don't need it as much. Does that satisfy your doubts?"

With this explained by Batman, silence reigned. There were no more protests. Everyone, finally, was satisfied.

"Now, let's get on to other important matters. Thor, please" Batman turned to look at Thor. But, unfortunately, there he saw that the god so fearsome and powerful, was asleep. His eyes were closed, and his snoring was starting to get louder. Even a little drool was beginning to fall from his mouth.


"Wha... what... what... yes... I'm here... I'm not asleep"

Thor, who looked sleepy, sat up with a start as he wiped some drool with his hand.

"What happened? - Is the meeting over already?" asked the god, as he watched in embarrassment as everyone looked at him. Some were looking at him with surprise, as he was the biggest man they had ever seen. And others with annoyance, for not taking such a meeting seriously.

But how to blame him. These discussions reminded him of those boring meetings his father forced him to attend. He would fall asleep at those meetings, too.

"I want you to explain to us what awaits us in Valhalla. Strategic points in the city. Weapons, total territory. And where is the prison where Cyborg is being held. I don't know if you can support us" Batman, at that, projected the plan they had projected earlier of the city. It was a drawing pretty close to the data they had obtained from Madame Xanadu.

"Sure, but.... That drawing is wrong" Thor stood up, and became serious. He approached the drawing as he looked at it and saw that it had many flaws.

"What kinds of faults?"

"Well, here this shouldn't be. And this, this has been modified. This isn't like this either..." Thor was pointing with his big hand at each wrong spot on the drawing. Little by little he was explaining how the city of Valhalla looked like. Its strategic points. Defenses and weapons it had. Little by little, he was modifying the plan until it was 100% accurate to how the city was.

He even explained how the prison was a fortress. As the chains, that each prison counted, was an energy limiting chain that projected cosmic rays as a way of punishment. Something that made Vixen almost cry as she learned what torture Cyborg was in.

"As soon as the gods see us, they will try to prevent us from entering the castle. That's the only way to get to the prison. And I'm sure they will go in for the kill. There will be no mercy on their side. But one thing is certain. We gods are beings with a lot of confidence. Confidence that makes us blind. They will not expect us to rival them. We must take advantage of that" Thor finished.

Batman, from there, went on to give explanations of other details. For example, how technology was affected by cosmic energy. What weapons could be used and were most effective, etc.

The meeting ended with Superman giving some last motivating words. And with Batman making it clear that, if they did not return after a week of leaving for Valhalla, to be in emergency protocol and expect the worst from the gods. That the heroes who remained would be tasked with stopping the gods if they failed.

That they had the job of saving the world. Whatever it takes....


When the meeting was over, the others went back to their usual patrols or to have the long-awaited rest that awaited them.

But, the 17 who were chosen, stayed, for, until the day of the mission, they were going to have to stay at the Watchtower for joint exercises to get to know each other better. They were a makeshift team, and many of them had never worked together before.

Stargirl, for example, had never worked with Superman. Something she was frankly very excited about. He was everyone's idol. The superhero to keep in mind. She was ecstatic to be on a mission with him.

However, the exercises would have to wait until tomorrow. Today they would have to go to the development center to talk to Ryan Choi and analyze which components of their suit, weapons, and so on, could be reinforced with the Dilustel. It was essential to start working on these improvements today if they were to finish before the deadline.

However, not everyone went. Some stayed for various reasons.

In the case of the Amazons, they were waiting for the decision of the Queen, who had not yet chosen the warriors who would go on the mission. They were in the Watchtower, a little impatient, looking at the queen who looked at them coldly and calculatingly.

They did not know what had happened yesterday, but since the queen had arrived from their meeting with Thor, her demeanor had become colder and more serious. As if something was bothering her.

However, they did not inquire further or ask questions. It was not their job to know what bothered their queen, only to follow her orders.

"My queen, have you decided who to choose for the mission yet?" asked Menalippe, one of the Amazon commanders.

"Yes, I got it. It has been difficult but I finally made my decision. The ones who will go will be-" Hippolyta was about to reveal the names, but just at that, a voice interrupted her.

"Wait" it was the voice of Diana. The queen began to tremble and lowered her head in fear. She did not want to face her daughter. Not at this moment. "Before we choose, someone wants to talk to you... my queen" the 'my queen' part was said with a bit of venom. Something that made Hippolyta ache. She had a small hope that Diana had forgiven her, but, apparently, that hadn't happened.

But she didn't let that pain show, and quickly resumed her serious, regal character.

"Tell me... Diana"

"She wants to talk to you" Diana pulled Madame Xanadu closer, who looked determined as she approached the group of fierce warriors. "This is Nimue. She wants to ask a favor of you"

"Your majesty, my name is Nimue, I-"

"I know who you are. It is not necessary for you to introduce yourself. What request do you wish to ask of me?"

"I know you're going to take three warriors, but I want to be one of those warriors. Even though I don't possess the strength of an Amazon, I make up for it with my magical power. I know that what I am asking for is something strange, but I want to redeem my mistake. Because of me, this whole situation happened. I'm not asking Batman, because they already have reduced numbers, and he wouldn't allow me to go. But if it's with you..."

Nimue was asking to accompany the Amazons on the mission. Batman would never allow her to go. Not only was she suspicious, but also, she didn't belong to the Justice League. Practically, she was a civilian. A suspected civilian who could not leave the Watchtower without authorization until her innocence was proven.

Besides, Batman already had his group well limited. An ideal group for the mission. That wouldn't change it. Not with time so tight.

However, if he went with the Amazons, then Batman and the others couldn't complain. It was the queen's decision and right to take whomever she wanted. That was easily understood by Hippolyta, who looked thoughtfully at the beautiful chocolate-skinned woman. She felt that there was even a bit of divine power in her body, as if this woman was some kind of demigoddess.

She knew that Nimue was a good fighter, and an excellent mage, dating back to the time of King Arthur and the round table. She knew that, in terms of combat experience, she was similar to her Amazon warriors. And magic is a versatile thing that can help the overall group both defensively and offensively. 

"I see... Diana, you vouch for her?"

"Yes, my queen. She is a good warrior. Her magical abilities can be a great addition to the fight against the gods. She also has the mythical sword 'Excalibur' in her possession and Merlin's staff. Artifacts equal or more powerful than our own weapons. Edgar and I have also questioned her enough and her background is clean. She just wants to help" Diana commented to her mother. At this moment, she was behaving like just another Amazon, answering her with pure act of cordiality before her queen, not as her daughter as she normally would.

"I see..." Finally, Hippolyta came to a decision. "All right. You may join us"

"My queen, I don't think-" Antiope, the commander of the Amazon troops, was about to complain, but Hippolyta cut her off.

"My decision is final, Antiope. If my daughter believes in such a woman, then I will believe in her judgment. The other Amazon who is to accompany me on the mission is Artemis"


"My queen, but she committed a grave act against our guests. She doesn't deserve to go on that mission"

The most surprised by this, was Artemis herself, who thought she was still punished for her grave act committed against Vixen. She never thought she was the chosen one. However, she quickly knelt down and said.

"It will be an honor to accompany you, my queen"

"Sister, I don't understand. The one with the most experience, besides you, is me. Artemis is strong, but, she lacks experience"

"That's why I chose her, Antiope. She's expendable. You are not. If anything should happen to me, then you will be the next queen. And you, as my trusted generals, will be charged with supporting her new reign. Themyscira is in your hands. Besides, you forget that Artemis already fought against a god and even killed him. With help, but she killed him. Experience is not lacking. But when we are there, Artemis, I expect you to follow my orders to the letter, or else the worst punishment awaits you when we return to Themyscira"

"Yes, my queen. I will do as you ask"

With that said, the other Amazons no longer protested. Although their doubt in the queen's decision was apparent, none questioned her further. However, the conversation did not end there, but Diana said to the queen.

"Your majesty. I want to ask another request"

"Tell me, Diana. I am listening"

"I want to take the 'trial by fire'"

The trial by fire was the test that the Amazons did in order to get the golden armor, that armor created by Hephaestus that it is said that only the chosen one will be able to wear it. However, this test was dangerous, where many Amazons tried and died. The queen quickly said with authority,


Diana, however, was unfazed by this refusal. For she had expected this answer. So, to Hippolyta's surprise, Diana reached over and took her mother's hands. Almost whispering, she said to her.

"Mother, I can't say that I forgive you, but I want to tell you that I understand why you lied to me. I understand that you only wanted to protect me. Protection like you want to give me now. I understand that. But you heard it yourself. There's not enough Dilustel to reinforce our weapons. And Amazonium is not enough against the gods. The Golden Armor is the only answer to fighting Ares on level ground. Let me give it a try"

Hippolyta bit her lips hesitantly. She was going to say no, but she saw a lot of resolve in her daughter's eyes that made her hesitate to say anything. At this moment, Diana looked like the most determined warrior, who would not wait for a 'NO' as an answer.

'My daughter has grown up' thought Hippolyta to herself. With a long sigh, she said.

"All right, I accept it. Tonight you will take your trial by fire in Themyscira. And Diana... sorry for lying to you. Sorry for being a bad mother. I-"

"I still won't forgive you for the lie, but... I also won't accept the lie you tell that you were a bad mother. You were the best mother. That's a certainty. I don't know if I will forgive you soon, but I can assure you that I will work to do so"

"Thank you... daughter"


"Am I the last one?" asked Edgar, to a scientist of Chinese origin. He was Ryan Choi, a 27-year-old head of the Justice League's research division.

He was 1.72 meters tall, fair complexion, slightly slanted eyes, lassie hair, handsome, and slim but slightly muscular. He wore a scientist's coat with his name embroidered on it, which made him look serious and intelligent.

All the heroes had gone with him to leave their specifications of what they wanted to modify with the Dilustel. Edgar was the last to go, but it was because he said goodbye to Diana before leaving for Themyscira. An ordeal awaited her, but he believed in her.

"That's right, Mr. Bones. The others have already left me their specs. You are the last of the men to apply Dilustel to your suit or weapons - what do you want to modify?"

At that, Edgar pulled out his chain and pistol, and a pair of light knives. They were his most prized weapons made with Promethium.

"These, please. The chain is priority. If the Dilustel can absorb energy, then it can get to boost my fire by 30 to 40% more. That would be a great advantage against the gods. The knives and pistol don't need that much treatment. I'd just like you to modify the trigger on the pistol to boost my fire, please. The suit doesn't matter. My jacket can regenerate with my heat" Edgar said. To him, his suit needed no modifications. But the weapons, if they could be upgraded, would be great.

"I understand, Mr. Bones. That will be done" Ryan took note of each component and noted it in the Watchtower's log. He quickly took with robotic tweezers the given weapons and placed them in a box to be analyzed for weight, proportion and so on. "By the way, let me tell you what an honor it is to meet you. Even to this day, I still replay on 'VideoTube' the Justice League fight against you, and it's great. Your moves were calculated, cool, taking advantage of every strength you had. Also, your research is amazing. The genetic pacemaker you generated is the most advanced and modern in the biological field. Complete genius"

These words brought a smile on Edgar's face. "Thanks for the compliments, man. And call me Edgar. And I've heard great things about you too. I heard you did your PhD with a proposal on nanobots at Beijing University. Nanobots that could operate from the inside. That's something Ray Palmer, my friend, proposed at the time but was unable to effect"

"Yes, Mr. Bo... Edgar. My greatest scientific idol was Dr. Palmer. His shrinking technology was magnificent. And when I learned he was the superhero Atom, my respect for him only increased. I am still saddened by his death. In fact, I applied for this position with the goal of being able to work on Doctor Palmer's technology, but here I realized that his technology was in the hands of his wife and not of the Justice League. But, to honor him, though, I manufactured the Dilustel. A metal that could absorb even magic, which, to me, is just chaotic entropic energy from the universe"

Edgar nodded. He liked this person. He was level-headed and didn't mince words when he spoke. Besides, his intelligence was no small joke. He was a freaking genius, one of the best the world had in the scientific field. An idea popped into his mind.

"Ryan, I'm thinking of creating a new Research Center like the Revenger Group, but better. More advanced. I asked Jean, Ray's wife, to allow me Ray's research so it could be completed. She agreed. I don't have any team to work such research yet, but if you want, I'd be happy to invite you to be part of the team"

"I...no...ah...really?" the proposal rendered Ryan almost speechless. He couldn't believe it. To him, this was like winning the damn lottery. Edgar just nodded in a sign that he wasn't kidding. "Of course, I'd love to work on Doctor Palmer's technology. I'm in!"

"Well, we're still in the negotiation phase. But when the Center is made, I'll let you know more information"

"Sure, Edgar. I'd like that. By the way, Wonder Woman hasn't come. I don't know if you can tell her to come before the end of the day. It's paramount to take her specs today"

"She... she won't be coming. But don't worry. She doesn't need to upgrade anything. She's on a journey to get a new armor. A better one than the one she already has. One that will make her lethal against the gods..."

'You can do it, Diana'


Themyscira, June 22, 18:21, 2017

In the farthest part of the island of Themyscira, there was a dark cave far from the city of the Amazons. Its location was secret, and only a few Amazons could reach it without getting lost, since, where the cave was, a small mountain range distorted the area, preventing unexpected visitors from arriving.

In the cave, a couple of hooded figures arrived with torches, illuminating the darkness that the place presented. Thanks to the fire of the torches, it was possible to reveal numerous cave paintings painted on the surface of the walls. These paintings told the story of the Amazons, from their beginnings as nomadic hunters to becoming the elite force of the Greek gods.

The two figures removed their hoods, revealing the beautiful features of both women. They were Diana and Hippolyta. Diana stared in awe at the cave paintings, as she tried to read the entire history of her lineage. Hippolyta, although she had been here a couple of times before, still could not help but be amazed at how little the cave had changed over time.

It must be said that her last visit was hundreds of years ago, and the cave, its paintings, and so on, were still the same. Not a single rock, even the smallest, had changed. Sadly, the last visit to this cave was one she would like to forget, as it was a tragedy for the Amazons.

The trial by fire, which was what they came for, was a tough test where your willpower, your warrior spirit and your thirst for justice were put to the test. Each Amazon had a different test, but equally hard. And none of them had been able to overcome this test.

Hippolyta and Antiope tried and failed. Although their failure was not serious, they were incapacitated for a couple of days in an induced coma. When they awoke, they were fine, but had no memory of what had happened. And that was the problem with the test. If you failed, then everything about the test was erased from your memory.

Some were worse off. Other Amazons who tried were physically incapacitated, without the ability to fight again. They became bakers, cooks, farmers and other trades, but no longer warriors.

Others, sadly, died. Simply, their ordeal was so hard that they could not endure it and lost their lives. That was the last case of the last person who tried.

Her name was Pemma, older sister of General Menalippe, and an excellent archer. When the test was over, she was found dead, without any physical wounds, but without her heart beating anymore.

That's why Hippolyta didn't want Diana to try it. Even with her demigoddess strength, it was very likely that she would fail or even, lose her life in the attempt.

"Diana, I know I gave you permission, but it's dangerous. Amazons died because of this test. I was also incapacitated for a few days. Are you sure you want to take the test?"

"Yes. I have no doubts. It's what I need to do. It's my destiny"

"Sigh. Now I know why Edgar said you were very stubborn. It's not easy trying to convince you when you already have an idea in your head" This made Diana smile. However, that smile was erased when she felt a presence approaching them. Hippolyta also sensed the presence, but motioned Diana to do nothing.

"Visitors" a gruff, old, and tired voice spoke in the shadows. From there, a torch with a purple-colored fire flared, revealing the features of a small, but lively-eyed and wise old woman.

She was the Oracle. An old woman who, although she did not belong to the Amazons, was well respected in the village because of her gift to 'see the future'. Her gift, bestowed thousands of years ago by Apollo, made her respected since ancient times. The Amazons had the role of guarding her safety, as she was the last living oracle on Earth.

"Greetings, Oracle. We come for Diana, my daughter and princess of the Amazons, to take the trial by fire"

"Come closer, child. Let me get a good look at you" the Oracle requested. Diana approached and was quickly spotted by this old woman, who looked at her intently as if she could see Diana's very soul. "I see much potential in you, child. I see greatness and strength in your actions. I also see a stagnant but great destiny. You will be great, of that there is no doubt... Okay, you can take the trial"

As if by magic, at that, the cave was illuminated in a brilliant white light, and from there, a kind of door materialized before the eyes of those present. The light dazzled and could not be seen well, or reveal its details well, but if it could be described, Diana would describe it as some sort of magical portal.

"Go, child. Enter the 'door' and face your destiny. But that is. The test that awaits you will be the hardest you have ever experienced. A test designed to make you fail. When you pass, there will be no turning back. Either you win or you get beaten. There is no middle ground. And I hope, whatever happens, you survive"

Diana nodded at the old woman's words. She then turned to look at her mother who was clearly holding back her concern so that it didn't show on her face. Diana, nodded to her and she nodded back. However, before she took a step, she turned around again, and, to Hippolyta's surprise, Diana hugged her tightly.

"I'll be back..."

"I'll wait for you here, daughter"

With that said, Diana walked through the 'door' into the unknown....


The light dimmed, revealing to Diana a kind of marble platform. The platform was open, where Diana could see everything around her.

In the distance, a majestic city could be seen, with marble houses with bronze and gold adorning them. Further in the distance, a white and gold Greek castle could be seen. It was majestic. Altogether, the view was breathtaking.

"The view is great, isn't it?" at that, a voice interrupted, causing Diana to snap to attention. The voice came from a man behind Diana. How he had gotten there without Diana noticing him was a complete mystery.

The man was extremely attractive. He had light brown hair, and a thick but well-groomed beard. His sky blue eyes, and friendly smile, just made people let their guard down. Like that person you couldn't hate for the world. However, Diana didn't let her guard down, but instead took a distance and asked.

"You are..."

"The owner of all this" even though Diana was on guard, this man behaved as if he didn't care. On the contrary, taking a slight distance, he quickly pointed out to her several points in the city.

"There you can see a river that supplied the city with water so clear and crystalline that it purified our bodies. The castle, large and majestic, commanded respect just by looking at it. I worked hard on this city, and I see that my efforts were not in vain"

"You still won't answer my question - who are you?"

"You can't recognize me. How sad. I think my hair was white and a bit of wrinkles flooded my face when we last met. But I was hoping that your blood would react to my blood when you saw me. That you could recognize me even in my youthful appearance"

Diana's eyes widened in surprise as the realization hit her.


"Hello, daughter. It's good to see you again" Zeus said, as he smiled kindly. "You have grown up well. And I see that your potential has been unleashed. Soon you will reach a power that even I could not reach at my peak"



"Why did you create me? - Why did you want a weapon?"

"To protect the city. Olympus. My legacy. You can't blame me. A king has to do what is necessary to protect his decaying people. You were my plan when all was lost. You still are. You are my ultimate weapon, Diana. To protect the world. To protect MY KINGDOM"

"I am not a weapon. I am not YOUR WEAPON...I AM ME"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that remains to be seen..." Zeus stopped smiling and became serious. The sky, that beautiful sky that lit up the city, began to darken as thunder and lightning began to erupt from the dark clouds. "Your TRIAL OF FIRE is ME. You have to kill me. And I will tell you that, right now, I am at my peak of power. My BEST moment. Oh, and one more thing. If you die in this test, you die outside. There's no middle ground. It's kill or be killed"

Zeus summoned his power and launched a mighty bolt of lightning towards where Diana was standing. Diana dodged it by rolling away, though the speed and power of the attack was such that it left a small crater in the marble floor.

"Let's play, daughter…"

Tio_Iroh99 Tio_Iroh99

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C95
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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