72.11% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 72: Chapter 66: New World Order 1

บท 72: Chapter 66: New World Order 1

This chapter is dedicated to the great Akira Toriyama. Revolutionary of manga, bringing us several works that will remain in our hearts for a lifetime. 

Although his death was several days ago and only yesterday was made known to the world, that does not make it less sad. 

"Los muertos no mueren, solo cambian de piel y siguen viviendo en nuestros corazones"





The Oblivion Bar, February 28, 21: 36, 2017

'He certainly is someone very peculiar...' thought Edgar, as he magically returned to the corridor he had entered. As much as he would have liked to go back and continue talking to Lucifer himself, he couldn't, because the door leading to that room had disappeared. 

But Edgar could not cry over what had happened. As had been mentioned. Next to Lucifer, Edgar was a mere ant. His power was immense. Even for the race of angels created by God, he was the most powerful. If Edgar angered him, perhaps he could wipe him out of existence itself. 

Well... actually this wasn't quite true. 

In Lucifer's warning to Edgar, there was one part that Edgar didn't take into consideration but that was key to why Lucifer couldn't help against Trigon. And the fact is that, in reality, HIS HANDS WERE BOUND.

Lucifer, along with his twin Michael Demiurgos, and The Spectre, were known as the Trinity of the Multiverse. 

The three most powerful beings in this entire multiverse, who were created to keep reality itself intact. God did not want a repeat event like the one in the primordial universe and they were in charge of keeping the multiverse stable. 

(AN: this is not true in the comics. But in this fic, I'll put the three of them as the most powerful and power-equivalent)

Trigon was an evil being. The epitome of destruction itself. But that was his nature. As long as he limited his power and his 'destruction', and did not affect the stability of the multiverse, there was nothing Michael, Lucifer, or the Spectre could do about it. 

Edgar was saddened by this. He thought that maybe he could get help and for once, this whole ordeal would end without any fighting or death of his friends, but his hopes were in vain. If they wanted to avoid all this, he had to fight to safeguard the Earth from all the beings who coveted it.

"So, how did it go?" asked Richard, who had reached the corridor when he felt Edgar's signature leave the room.

"Sigh. Better than I thought. Although I would have liked him to answer more of the questions I had. Before I could ask, I was already here in the hallway"Edgar commented with a heavy sigh. Richard just smiled slightly and patted him on the shoulder. 

"Don't worry, Edgar. In the end, I'm sure everything will be fine" said Richard with a rather confident tone. Edgar was curious about his tone, so he asked him. 

"How are you so sure, Richard?" 

"A hunch" he said as he held up a talisman he had tied around his neck. 

The talisman he held was a rather ancient looking silver object that had an engraving of a heptagram with various Hebrew symbols on it. 

This was the talisman called the 'Mystic Symbol of the 7'. An object so powerful left by Jesus of Nazareth himself, that it is said to be able to predict the future, even with more certainty than Dr. Fate's helmet.

"But let's stop the useless chatter. I'd better take you to private room 4. Your guest is already waiting for you" 

"Yes, let's go"


Edgar entered the room that Richard had pointed out to him, where Constantine and the 'guest' were waiting for him. However, when he entered the room, he was greeted by a heavy smoke that spread throughout the room. 

Even without having the highly developed senses he had, he could tell that all this smoke was too much. The worst part was that the smell was not from the normal cigarette, but from special herbs that were used to relax a person (AN: you know what I mean)

'Damn it, Constantine. I'm gone 5 minutes and you've already drugged our guest' thought Edgar as he coughed and tried to chase away the excess smoke that reached his nostrils. 

"Oh, Edgar. Join us. Our guest was a bit stressed and I asked for some weed to have a more pleasant conversation" 

"Damn it, Constantine. That's a lot of smoke, even for you" 

Constantine wanted to retort to Edgar, but the guest's voice interjected. 

"Don't blame Mr. Constantine, Dr. Bones. My lungs are larger than those of an average human. The excessive smoke was my fault" the voice was slightly thick and raspy, but that didn't affect the kind and polite tone with which the guest spoke. 

When the smoke cleared, the guest finally came into view. Rising from his seat, a five-foot-three chimpanzee approached Edgar and held out his furry hand. The chimp wore a detective's suit with a hunter's cap. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Bones. Bobo T. Chimpanzee, at your service"

(AN: Image) 

Edgar was unfazed by this and held out his hand without hesitation. The soul of this chimpanzee told Edgar that he was a mere animal. However, being one of the victims of the experiments involving Ultra-Humanite and Gorilla Grodd, he understood why this chimpanzee had a more advanced intelligence than the average ape. 

Bobo T. Chimpanzee, as this chimpanzee called himself, was one of the survivors of the inhuman experiments that were carried out on different species of apes to see if they could increase the intelligence and evolution of these animals. There were not only Gorillas, but also Chimpanzees, Baboons, and Orangutans. 

The Gorillas were the most numerous survivors, with a couple of dozen surviving the cruel experiment, and they became more intelligent to the point of being able to create a city in the middle of the jungle.

It was not known whether this was because their bodies were more resilient or perhaps because they had stronger immune systems, but the chimpanzees, who outnumbered even the Gorillas, were not so lucky. Out of a little over a hundred chimpanzees that were there, only 2 were left alive and they were a 'success' in the experiment. 

A chimpanzee named Caesar, and Bobo. Caesar was sadly killed by hunters a couple of years ago. 

Ultra-Humanite, being the good primate that he was, offered Bobo to join them in Gorilla City, but Bobo declined. He, instead, followed another path and forged a new life as a detective. Specifically, as a paranormal detective. 

Perhaps to the 'normal' world, the name Bobo T. Chimpanzee meant nothing. But to the paranormal world, this chimpanzee was one of the best detectives in the world with a 95% success rate on his cases. A detective of the calibre of Batman himself. 

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Bobo. Constantine may have already mentioned it to you, but we've come to ask for your help" 

"Let's sit down and talk more quietly" Edgar nodded and they both sat down on the couch. Constantine had extinguished the herbal pipe and became serious. The time had come for the long-awaited meeting, and time was running out.

It wasn't that they couldn't enjoy the drinks or the atmosphere more. But time moved differently in this place, and an hour here was more time outside. They couldn't spend much time here as they were busy with other things outside. 

Bobo continued the conversation, 

"I understand you want me to help you find the Obscurus organization's hideout, or am I wrong?" asked the chimp, "However, I'm curious as to why you didn't ask The League for help. Batman is an even better detective than I am" 

The one who answered was Constantine

"The Justice League has its hands full with everything that has happened because of The Light. Even we have had to help to establish the new order and end the chaos caused by all the uncertainty that was left behind"

"Constantine is right. However, although the world has ended the riots and established a 'new order', The League is still too busy and they don't have the resources to support us against the Obscurus. Not at this time" Edgar sighed heavily and put his hand to his forehead in exhaustion. Rubbing his forehead, Edgar slumped sadly. At this point, he looked like he had aged at least a couple of years for all the fatigue he was showing.

"Look, Bobo. Unlike the others in the League who have spent all these months trying to solve every world conflict. I've been searching with my team (Outsiders) for those damn cockroaches. And you know what I've found? That's right, NOTHING. I don't know where they hide. I don't know how powerful their forces are. I don't know ANYTHING. And that scares the shit out of me. I'm asking you. I need your help. You have many contacts in the supernatural world. I know that with your help I can find these fuckers... before it's too late"

Edgar felt guilty. He had fought Doomsday and failed. His fellow Riders and everyone else had trusted him to destroy that monster, and even though it had burned his entire body without leaving a living cell, his head had survived and been taken away by an outsider.

But Edgar knew. That magical signature was similar to the portal they made on Azarath. Sabbac was involved. And if his suspicions were true. Then he was now in possession of that monster and he didn't know what he was capable of with such a weapon of mass destruction. If the Obscurus organization was dangerous before. Now it was on another level.

Edgar was desperate to find one small clue. Anything that could lead him to this elusive organization. But it had been five months now, and they hadn't found a speck of dust on them. 

Frankly, at this point, he was very tired. And worst of all, Inza or Nabu were no longer there to help or advise him. 

As Inza had promised. After a little more than a month of fighting Doomsday, she had settled everything that Kent had left her and left in peace for another plane in search of her beloved. Another funeral had taken place for Edgar and his friends, adding to the many tragic deaths that this whole event had produced. 

Dr. Fate was no more. Well, at least not like before. For there was no Avatar who could wear Nabu's helmet and wield his power like Kent or Inza did. Zatara wanted to try, and wear the mantle of Dr. Fate, but Nabu wouldn't let him.

The problem was not that he was unfit. Or that he didn't have a fair heart like Kent had. For Zatara met all those requirements and more. The problem was that he had to give up everything to carry the mantle. And for Zatara, that was something he couldn't do. 

Kent had Inza. They were happy, together. But Inza knew that Kent's duty as Dr. Fate was everything. Even putting his duty ahead of his life or his love for her. And she accepted that. 

Zatara, however, could not accept that. To him, his daughter, Zatanna, was the most important thing. Even more than protecting reality itself. And that was why Nabu could not accept him as his new Avatar. 

Zatara might be a great wizard with great potential, but until he shed those fears of losing his daughter, he could not become the new Lord of Order.

The helmet had been left without an owner. But the advantage was that Mordru was already dead and would not return, so without a Lord of Chaos to threaten the Earth, then a Lord of Order was not as necessary. At least not at the moment. 

The helmet had been left without someone to wear it. But that wouldn't stop it from moving when the world needed it most. That much was certain.

Bobo sensed the desperation in Edgar's tone. What he was asking of him was one of the most difficult missions he had ever been given, for he had heard of that millenary organization and knew how difficult it would be to find them.

Nevertheless, he also thought about the near future and understood that, if this organization, which had accumulated strength for thousands of years, moved at this time of uncertainty in the world, then disaster was certain for all of them. Thinking deeply about all the pros and cons of this request, he finally said.

"I accept your request, Dr. Bones. I will help you find this organization. I have a couple of contacts who might be able to help me find information about them"

"That's great-" 

"But" Bobo interrupted the gleeful responses. "With one condition" 

"Which one?"

"Protection. I want to be protected. Unlike my superior intelligence and detective skills, in reality, I am a mere primate in physicality. Yes, I'm stronger than perhaps an average human, but that's all. I am not resistant to bullets, let alone the dark spells wielded by demons. Don't get me wrong. I knew the dangers of my job when I became a paranormal detective. But this request goes far beyond my quota and experience"

Bobo took a wooden pipe from his pocket, lit it, and began to smoke from it. 

"Look, gentlemen. If my knowledge does not fail me, then the Obscurus organization is the largest not only on Earth, but in Hell itself. Demons, are beings that are governed by hierarchies and are divided into factions. Each faction has a territory and each territory is guarded with suspicion. Nevertheless, they also have one rule in common. Follow the strongest. And for the demons, Trigon has always been the strongest.

There are many, MANY, who want his coming. But there are also others who don't want it, as that would eliminate the hierarchies currently in place. I am just saying that the organization is powerful, but it is not infallible. It can be found, but you have to be cautious doing it"

"We understand. I will protect you. You can come to my house and you'll be safe" Edgar suggested. 

"Your house?"

"Well... the house they left me in charge of. The Tower of Destiny" 

One of the things Inza left settled before she died was the ownership of the Tower of Destiny, and all the magical artifacts in it, to Edgar and Diana. They were not magicians. But they had the magical authority to command it.

Besides, Inza knew no one better who could protect that Tower, which served as Earth's protective barrier, as a Rider and the strongest Amazon in history, guarding it. 

Practically Inza, and thus Kent, left the baton of protecting the Earth to Edgar and Diana. And they did not disappoint the trust placed in them, and accepted. There may not have been a Doctor Fate, but Earth was not unprotected. Practically, Edgar was now the guardian of the world. 

"I see... so, if you'll receive me, I'll be your guest. And also, if you are in such a hurry, we can meet tomorrow with my contacts, to find clues to the organization" 

"Yes, Constantine will be your escort tomorrow. I can't, as I will be busy with tomorrow's event" 

"Oh right, I didn't remember that tomorrow was 'that event'" 

"That's right, tomorrow is the event to decide the new order of the world. Tomorrow will end all the uncertainty left behind by The Light" 

'Tomorrow ends it all'


World Legislative Ceremonial Center, Kiev, Ukraine, March 1, 11:55, 2017

In the city of Kiev, which had almost been destroyed by Doomsday, thousands of people were gathered for the inauguration of what would be considered the base of the new world legislative committee. 

Also, in addition to all the spectators, the place was packed with cameras, journalists and broadcasters who were monitoring and presenting the place and the event for the whole world. Millions were tuning in to this event that would mark a before and after in modern world history. 

More than 5 months away from the whole event of The Light. Finally, the heroes, like the world in general, could say that the chaos produced was over. The quarrels and riots were over. And finally, a general consensus had been reached as to what direction the future would take for the world. A new beginning. A new world order. 

After the tragic events with Doomsday, as the social networks called him for being a machine of mass destruction, the countries, seeing live how the Justice League risked their lives against this monster, finally gave them a free pass for them to act and help solve all the conflicts originated by all this. 

The weapons left behind by The Light, which were of the latest generation, were confiscated and placed in reserve in case of events of catastrophic magnitude. ONLY for such events. In other circumstances it was forbidden to use them.

The alliances were respected, as long as they acted for the good of the world and there were no illegal events like those in The Light. That is, no inhuman experiments, human and arms trafficking. 

A common coin was created, that is, a coin that would be an intermediary in the exchange of world currencies and would act as a mediator so that the different world currencies would not be so unequal.

Of course, it was wrong to compare countries and their economic stability. But one thing that was learned is that inequality because of this could bring about such radical thoughts as those of The Light. So this regulation was very wise. 

Now, although the dollar was still superior to many currencies of other countries, the difference was no longer so great. And that was appreciated by many small or resource-poor countries. 

Also, in addition to these regulations, a general basic food basket was sought. In other words, there were foodstuffs, products and other things that did not vary in cost. This was intended to ensure that no one lacked bread and drink, so that people could live in better conditions. Inequality also had to be tackled. Poverty could not be eliminated from the world. But it was possible to try to help in the legislative to shorten that poverty.

Finally, new world laws were erected. Above all, world laws that would help and judge the whole metahuman phenomenon. 

Each country had its laws and punishments derived from its culture. But something that many countries did not have or rather, did not know how to carry, was the punishments to metahuman people. 

Clearly, a robbery by a civilian was not the same as a robbery by a metahuman. And clearly, the prison where these people were to be locked up should not be the same. But, one thing that was learned from all of this is that the Justice League was not correct in just locking up these 'criminals' and that was it. That wasn't the solution at all. 

They had to try to reform them. See if their crime or their 'villainy' was because they were really bad or if there was something behind it. 

One example was Giganta. Who was locked up and put prisoner in Themyscira. She was not evil. She stole because she had no other way to earn money. Even if she had a good resume, and good work experience, to the companies she was considered a freak because she had gigantic powers. She was driven to be a villain.

But the opposite and most famous example to compare was the Joker. He was crazy and it had already been shown that he had no way to reform or return to 'normal'. He was evil. 

Each case was different. And that would be addressed with these new world laws. If there was a chance to reform, the case would be dealt with as such. If not, even the death penalty had already been approved if warranted. 

But also, metahumans were to be supported. The Light's experiments had brought many new metahumans into the world, with 15-30 year olds being the most numerous, and these new laws would shorten and help these people fit into today's society in the best way. And also, it would punish the discrimination of these people in the labor and social sphere. 

In short, these new laws would try to shorten the social disagreement for these people with powers. 

Not everything was perfect. But it was the best that could be done in the short time they had and everyone agreed. This ceremonial center was the culmination of all these agreements. 

The place was beautiful. A ceremonial center equipped with all the technology based on the design of the famous Hall of Justice. It was built with the most modern materials, but the design had Renaissance touches that gave it a classic and elegant feel. Inside, there were offices equipped with the best of technology provided by Cyborg himself. Unhackable, and secure.

In the main hall, which was outdoors, and where people were gathered today, the 'wall of remembrance' was erected. A reinforced glass block where every name of every person who died in the events for The Light was engraved. 

The mood was bittersweet. On the one hand, it was joyful because this day would finally put an end to all the martyrdom that was experienced because of the events at The Light. But it was also sad, since many tragedies happened because of this whole event. And that was remembered for everyone on this great wall. 

Jefferson Pierce

Roy Harper 

Raymond Palmer

And more names were visible on this great wall. Thousands of flower arrangements were placed in memory of these fallen heroes. Those who gave their lives to free the people from their oppression. 

It must be said, that the struggle was not only in Ukraine, but all over the world. Millions had taken up arms and fought against the Liberation Front at the call of Superman. Unfortunately, not without a cost. For tens of thousands had perished in this great struggle.

Those names were engraved. Those who proved that, even without having a cape or having a special costume or remarkable skills, it was still possible to fight for freedom and for justice. 

This wall commemorated and reminded of what a true hero should be.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be requested to take your seats. The event is about to begin" 

When 12 o'clock struck, the event finally began. Everyone took their seats and waited for the new world order to begin. 

"As the first protocol act of the day, we will give a moment of silence in honor of all those fallen heroes who gave their lives in this event" 

A sepulchral silence was felt in the place. All the thousands of souls in the place stopped talking and showed the respect due to all these fallen heroes. Some shed tears as they remembered their dead comrades. 

"Thank you. Now, we invite the representative that the Justice League has brought today. Please give a round of applause for Bruce Wayne"

The crowd applauded loudly, as a smiling Bruce approached the podium to speak. He wore an elegant black suit that highlighted his great physical attractiveness. At this moment, Bruce looked like any woman's dream. And perhaps, to most, he was. Smiling, he began to speak.

"Thank you, thank you all. First, I'd like to start by offering my deepest condolences to all the families of these people, NO, of these heroes, immortalized on this wall. This wall will live on for years and will be etched in the history books as the greatest act of bravery there has ever been in the history of the modern world.

But friends, just as we remember the sadness, we must also look forward and learn from it all. And what I have learned, is that the world, no matter how different our cultures may be, is that we can become one. Unite and fight for a common cause. To fight for our land. Even though the names of the deceased are on this wall, to me, you are ALL heroes. On behalf of the Justice League, we thank you for all your hard work and efforts. Thank you!" 

Everyone applauded for Bruce's emotional speech. Very curious, as Batman would never give such a speech. Batman was a man of few words. Or dry words. He did thank and know how to give speeches, but they were not as inspiring as the one he was giving right now.

One would think that Batman and Bruce Wayne were not the same person. Unfortunately, on the internet there were already millions of proofs left by The Light confirming this. Although it was hard to believe, and he behaved very differently with the mask on, Bruce Wayne was Batman, of that there was no doubt. 

Bruce raised his hand and all the applause ceased. 

"Nevertheless, as I said. We must move forward and learn from our past mistakes. And today is the day we will see the results of those lessons. This Center is the working answer, not just from the Justice League, but from every country in the world to have a new beginning. A better beginning-" 

"And who assures us that it won't happen like The Light?" Bruce wanted to finish his emotional speech, but at that, a voice interrupted with that question. 

As everyone was engrossed and silent listening to Bruce's speech, this question was clearly heard by all present. The person asking the question was a journalist in the press area. 

Clearly this was disrespectful to Bruce, as it had been previously explained that the questions were to be asked afterwards. But the reporter had already interrupted and cut off the emotional moment. The presenter, who was directing the program, was the one who responded. 

"Excuse me, but the questions for the press are at the end of the opening ceremony. We ask that you- " wanted to say the presenter, but Bruce interrupted him.

"No. It's okay. I understand why the question and I understand your concern. Please, let's give him a microphone so that everyone can hear his words better" someone handed a microphone to the reporter, who became nervous when he started to feel the hostile looks from his colleagues. 

It was not his intention to speak, but the truth is that he was very curious to know how they would solve the whole corruption issue. It was a valid concern and question, although it was not the time to have asked it. 

"Please, gentleman. Repeat the question for us" 

"Emm, yes, emm, well my question was, who assures us that the same thing that happened before with The Light will not happen?, well, many are afraid that The Justice League will become another The Light and abuse their power" 

"I understand everyone's concerns, but that won't happen" Bruce replied with an assurance that surprised everyone present. Although it was rude of the reporter to ask that at this time, the truth was that most had the same doubt. 

No one could be sure that the Justice League would not abuse its power. Although Bruce, at this point, by his confident tone, made it appear that they had already taken measures for this.

"First, The Light was politically involved in all the aspects of the world. The League was not, and never will be. One of the agreements of just this new legislation is that League members will NEVER take political sides in any aspect of any part of the world. We are only an independent security agency, and we will only move for the good of the world, and we will abide by the new rules established today.

Another point that ensures that we will NOT abuse this power, is that we will not be directing the world's laws. Rather, a particular committee, where each person has been handpicked for their 'righteous' background, has been chosen to run this center. It has already been approved by the world leaders and by us, The Justice League"

Bruce smiled slightly and continued

"Actually, your question, has been quite timely as it gives me the opportunity to bring in the one who will be the new head of this Center. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause to the one chosen for his fine credentials, Michael Holt" 

Everyone stood and applauded, as a man stood up and approached the dais. The man was tall, with an athletic build. He had dark skin, and cropped black hair with a military hairstyle. Although he didn't have Bruce's or Clark's level of beauty, he could be considered quite handsome.

However, contrasting the image of the event, this man was not dressed in an elegant suit as Bruce or the others present were. In fact, this man was dressed quite casually. Wearing simple dress jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket that had an embroidered 'Fair Play' emblazoned on it. This indicated that this man did not like to follow social trends and was a pretty simple guy. 

He was Michael Holt. A genius among geniuses. At the age of 24, he already had a staggering 14 PhDs in many subjects such as physics, chemistry, politics, law, technology and so on. In addition to his great brilliance, he was also a natural athlete. He even won gold medals at the Olympic Games in athletics. 

(AN: Image)

He did not come from a wealthy background. Nor did he have any shortcuts to get where he was. Sure, he was born super gifted, but that was about it. He had to work to bring those gifts to the level they were at today. Above all, always following the motto embroidered on his jacket of 'Fair Play'.

A hardworking and fair man in simple words. 

At the time, Edgar recruited him for the Revenger Group. Also, Bruce and Lex bid for him to take him to their respective research and development companies. But, contrary to everyone's expectations, Michael did not accept any of the offers. 

He wanted to start from scratch. To work and start his own company. And he succeeded. Holt Industries may not have had the money of Wayne Enterprises, but it was slowly gaining worldwide recognition. Unfortunately, he never made it far because The Light attacked and he was kidnapped along with hundreds of other scientists. 

Michael was forcibly forced to work for them. Something that frankly repulsed him, but he had no choice but to do it. He was a simple man. Super gifted, yes, but powerless next to The Light. 

And that's why, when offered this position, he accepted without hesitation. This was his way of atoning for the sins committed by The Light. His way of making a difference in the world.

Approaching the dais, Michael nodded to Bruce in thanks and addressed everyone. 

"Good afternoon. Forgive my attire, but I'm allergic to fancy suits" these words brought a slight chuckle from those present. 

"For those of you who don't know me, I introduced myself again, I'm Michael Holt. But for you, I AM NOBODY. I am not a politician. I'm not rich and I don't have a powerful background. I'm just a slightly smarter man than the rest. But that's about it. However, I stand by these words, gentlemen" he said pointing to the embroidered "I promise, that as long as I am running this Center, then I will always work for transparency and fairness in the world. That is a promise. Thank you" 

Everyone applauded Michael's words. Perhaps, in the world, the only person who could claim to be totally transparent and fair was him. His credentials said so. 

Every step, from his creation of his technology company, to his passage through the various educational schools that took him in, was clean. He was a person of high moral righteousness. Worthy of being the leading person of this center of transparency in the laws of the world.

"Now, we will give way to the opening of the 'надія' Center. Please stand up" (meaning: 'Hope', in Ukrainian) 

Everyone stood up, while several people brought a red ribbon to perform the inauguration. Michael was given a pair of scissors, and, looking smiling at the camera, he cut the red ribbon as a sign of the opening of this Center. 

Everyone applauded for this. The atmosphere was joyful. However, just as they were about to start celebrating and following the protocol, there was a loud 


A bullet was headed right for Michael Holt's head....



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (9 chapters ahead)

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