68.26% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 68: Chapter 62: Doomsday 3

บท 68: Chapter 62: Doomsday 3



"Ghost Rider"



Ukraine, in the fight against Doomsday

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the molecule inside cells that contains the genetic information responsible for the development and functioning of an organism. These molecules are the means of transmitting genetic information from one generation to the next.

Throughout the history of the universe, millions of civilizations have tried to understand and explain this molecule that has become the best kept secret of life.

And no matter how many studies have been done or how hard they have tried to understand even the most specific. Every time they thought they had found everything, something more profound would emerge the more research was done.

Among the many civilizations that sought to understand this, and of which they went the furthest in this research, were the Kryptonians.

They were a race that dedicated themselves to the research, development and implementation of many advanced topics such as technology, weapons, combat, and other topics of interest in the galaxy. However, one of the subjects they took the most time and resources for, was the study of DNA.

Reaching a point where their technology and research allowed them to never conceive naturally again. Since they could generate strands of DNA so specific, they could artificially create a pure Kryptonian, giving them specific abilities and characteristics they needed at that moment.

Example: If they needed soldiers, they created them. If they needed doctors, they created them. If they needed leaders, they created them. Thus, losing free will.

Also, although they could not find even the innermost secrets of this molecule, they could learn that every species in the entire galaxy, even if they had different arrangement and form of DNA, could be classified into two. 'dominant DNA', and 'weak DNA'.

The beings that had 'weak DNA', were the so-called beasts or animals of the galaxies. Those that, even if millions of years passed, could never become thinking and evolutionary species.

This is not to say that they were dumb or could not evolve. Rather, these species would reach a peak of evolution in their lifetime.

The species with 'dominant DNA' were the 'intelligent' species of the galaxy.

Those beings that evolved over time due to their eagerness to survive, and to understand the secrets of life. There were many species, each with different physical and structural characteristics. But they all had one thing in common. Their DNA had no evolutionary limits.

Knowing so much DNA was one of the many things that made the Kryptonians a feared and respected species in the universe. However, knowing so much did not come without a cost. A terrible dark past that was hidden from more future generations.

To learn the innermost secrets of DNA, experiments had to be done, either on the species itself, or on others that were abducted and dissected. The Kryptonians became so cruel in their quest for research that the other species feared for their lives. A dark past, of which the Kryptonian people were not proud.

However, experimenting, and wanting to try to combine the DNA of many species, the Kryptonians saw that one could easily combine a dominant DNA and a weak DNA. But that you should never combine two dominant DNAs. At least, not by force.

If two different species had offspring. There was a possibility that the offspring would inherit the combined DNA of the two species, becoming a hybrid.

But also, there was a chance that, because of the low compatibility of the species, they could not conceive, or that the offspring would come out with more dominance from one DNA to the other, making an imperfect hybrid. That could not be calculated. It was a matter of chance.

However, if you wanted to forcibly combine the DNA of two species by artificial means to create a perfect hybrid, then everything went wrong. It seemed that life itself told you that to do so was against the natural order of life. And the Kryptonians learned this the hard way.

Madness and destruction.

The beings that came out of experimentation and the combination of two beings with dominant DNA lost their rationality and became monsters that only succumbed to the principles of destruction, madness, and doom. A being of chaos that, instead of preserving, sought to destroy.

The Kryptonians could do many things, but one thing that was taboo was to artificially combine the DNA of two species. Something that was forbidden for future generations until their extermination.

And unfortunately, with the experiments of Project Cadmus, Vandal and The Light had broken this taboo.

And Doomsday was the consequence.

Vandal, who sought to become the perfect being to save the world, never thought that, in doing so, he would become the being who could destroy the world with his strength and power.

This being, who had lost all rationality and had become an agent of universal destruction, watched in amusement as his prey felt desperate because of what had happened recently.

Jefferson's severed head lay skewered in his beak, while blood trickled down his arms, staining it a deep red color. However, this did not bother him. On the contrary. It made him feel a thrill of unparalleled joy.

The world could not understand what his eyes were seeing on the live broadcasts that produced these images everywhere.

The great hero Black Lightning lay dead. Mercilessly killed in an attack that no one could see clearly. In an instant they were all quiet, and now, this man lay mutilated, separating his body from his head. A horrible and instant death.

Could this hero have retractors. Sure, even the villains who were watching this could dislike him for denying them their crimes. But no one wanted to see someone being mercilessly murdered in this way. Tears were falling from most to see these scenes.

The world, if it did not understand before, now understood that heroes did not seek fame or money. They were sacrificing their lives to seek justice and peace. But not without a cost.

Now they understood the harsh reality of the heroes who sacrificed so much to free the world from The Light.

Now they understood that the Justice League, despite looking so invincible, could also lose their lives at any moment doing their hero's work. This was made clear to them in this scene.

However, this horrible scene was also an eye-opener.

It made them see to the world that they NEEDED heroes. They were the only ones who could stop this threat. There were no others.




The world began to pray and ask for one thing. That the Justice League would win. Or else, all was lost.....


For the heroes, however, it was another reality. The world was asking them not to give up. But they were totally numb to what had just happened. Their friend... was dead.

Right in front of their eyes. And without them being able to stop it.

However, their numbness stopped when Doomsday started laughing.




These words brought the heroes back to reality. An unparalleled rage arose in the whole group to see this monster, deigning to laugh at their friend. If before they were fighting for justice, now they were going to fight for revenge.

The first to move was Superman. Who came flying at full speed and began to beat Doomsday. Right punch, left punch. Each blow he delivered produced sounds of thunder, as his hands, where the veins bulged from the force exerted on them, began to stain with blood. But it was not his blood, far from it. It was Doomsday's blood, which was starting to be a bloody mess.

Doomsday's skin began to evolve to a point where missiles could do nothing to him, but the force exerted by Superman, at this point, was wounding him as if his skin were made of paper.

Doomsday, having an unparalleled evolution and adaptation factor, derived from Vandal and the combination of Kryptonian DNA, began to produce protrusions on his face, covering him like a small helmet to prevent this Kryptonian from beat him to death.

These protrusions prevented Doomsday's already destroyed face from being further destroyed.

However, Superman did not despair at this. Instead, he charged up all his power and launched a powerful laser from his eyes. It was the time he exerted the most power in these attacks. He was not holding back one bit.

The heat and power of the attack was such that the protrusions began to melt. As if this wasn't bad enough for Doomsday, many green constructs held him back.

Chains, bonds, ropes and so on, began to coil around his large gray body, holding him unable to move. He began to struggle to free himself. But, just then, two green hands grabbed him and Martian Manhunter, who was holding him, materialized right in front of him.

Martian Manhunter grabbed Doomsday and invoked his ultimate mental power on Doomsday in order to turn him into a vegetable.

(AN: In the comics, Doomsday is immune to mental attacks. But not here. Well, at least not at the moment... keep Reading)

To hell with the Martian rules that told him never to abuse his telepathic powers. Martian Manhunter knew that this being should not be allowed to live.

Doomsday had adapted to many physical attacks. But he had never suffered a mental attack. Let alone with all the power a Martian wielded. He didn't stand a chance.

His red eyes went completely white, as his mind began to feel as if it were being crushed by the heaviest of weights.

Blood was beginning to seep from every orifice of his body. Nose. Mouth. Ears. Like a can of soda, this blood began to seep and release, derived from the brain hemorrhages Martian was producing with his power. 

If that wasn't bad enough. Aquaman and Wonder Woman arrived and skewered him right in his chest and neck with the trident and sword. The protrusions prevented them from reaching a vital point, but little by little, and with the rage exerted from the two, they began to hurt him badly.

Doomsday began to despair. He was the bloody hunter. And right now, he felt like the weaker prey. This was not possible. This was not to be.

Would he go down so easily?

The answer was NO. 

His survival instincts began to kick in. His adaptability began to work at its maximum to avoid his doom. Doomsday began to evolve in EVERY way. And all for one simple thing. Survival.

The temperature of the place began to rise. Doomsday's body began to heat up like an oven. His once gray skin began to turn red, as steam poured out of any of his pores.

Superman saw it with his vision. Doomsday was beginning to heat up to mammoth proportions and this did not bode well.

"Guys, move, NOW!" he shouted. Everyone, who saw this phenomenon and sensed the danger in their survival instincts, ran away.

However, Martian Manhunter, who was very focused on exercising this mental punishment, was unable to leave when Doomsday, who had broken free and destroyed all the bindings built by the Lanterns, held him tightly with his two large hands, restraining him with him.

 Then, as if a mechanism was triggered, his skin began to emit a temperature so powerful that the Martian felt as if he were in the most powerful of bonfires.

The worst part is what happened next. Doomsday had no mental barrier. Nor did he have telepathic powers. And yet, derived from his evolution, he began to develop such powerful mental barriers that they immediately expelled Martian Manhunter from his mental punishment. This was what frightened Martian Manhunter the most.

It was one thing to adapt to the physical. But to the mental as well? This had never happened before.

Martian wanted to become intangible and break free of his grip. However, that's when his fear intensified, because even though he became intangible, Doomsday was still holding him with his hands.

'It's not possible' he thought. His intangibility was his greatest defense, and, yet, this being was denying it.


He no longer knew what to do to free himself. The others saw this and wanted to help, but it was too late.


An energy was released from Doomsday's entire body. The energy was such that the power it carried was considered greater than an atomic bomb. The shockwave spread throughout the city, as the heroes and some straggling soldiers ran to avoid being caught by this attack.


However, the only one who could not escape was Martian Manhunter. He had received such an explosion directly and it was unclear if he had survived.

When the smoke stopped, and the blast wave subsided, there the heroes saw him. Doomsday was lying there as if nothing had happened, but Martian Manhunter... was nowhere to be seen.

The worst thing was that for the Martians, the fire was very dangerous. The temperature exerted by that attack could practically be considered the worst of fires. They had no hope that he would have survived.

For them, Martian Manhunter was dead...

Not even 5 minutes had passed. And for them, they had already lost another friend.

What was worse was what followed next. Doomsday's body began to undergo a complete metamorphosis.

Giant spikes erupted from his body. If before the protrusions looked like armor. Now, these spikes, which completely covered his skin, looked like the worst of weapons. His skin, too, began to turn black, while his size began to grow and his muscles began to widen.

His height increased to 10 feet tall. And his muscles now looked full of power and strength. If he looked menacing before. What was left now, looked completely like a total nightmare.

(AN: image)

If that wasn't bad enough. Doomsday released, right at that moment, unparalleled pressure. Steam poured out of his body, as the ground, destroyed, cracked again. The pressure he was exerting began to suffocate everyone present. And it only announced that this monster, only meant their doom.

This finalized Doomsday's transformation. His final form.

There he moved.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived right where Aquaman was and, threw a punch so powerful that even the wind seemed to crack. All Aquaman could do was put up the trident as a shield and protect his face and chest from being hurt. 

Aquaman was thrown away. However, thanks to his trident, he was able to avoid misfortune. However, the power of the blow was such, that it left him unconscious, with his hands completely broken, and the trident, that trident that should not have been damaged, was dented from the force of the blow.

Doomsday did not stop moving. His prey lay on the ground, so he decided to strike again. However, a red blur was faster, and carried Arthur away. Doomsday didn't even chase that prey again, as the hawks arrived just then, and attacked him with their maces. However, Doomsday saw it as if in slow motion.

The speed of the hawks was SO slow for him, that he quickly grabbed them by the head and, in one swift motion, smashed them into each other. Head to head they collided, as the Nth metal helmet, dented completely from Doomsday's grip.

This metal was the only thing that prevented a tragedy from occurring, as they would have died quickly without this protection. The blood seeping from their faces was a clear warning that the pair of hawks had narrowly escaped having to reincarnate again.

So far, Arthur, Shayera and Carter had been saved from misfortune. But they had been badly wounded.

Superman and Wonder Woman were next to attack. But Doomsday was no longer the same as before. If before his speed and strength were in the same league, now he had no rival.

Superman wanted to strike with all his strength, but, to his surprise, his blow was easily parried by Doomsday's hand. Then, Doomsday held him tightly and headbutted him, sending the Kryptonian flying.

Diana wanted to attack with her sword, but Doomsday released a spike from his hand and intercepted the sword. Then he turned and, at a speed that was impossible for Diana to react, he slammed his large hand into her face, sending her flying as well.

At that, many green bullets attacked him, completely distracting him and diverting his attention.

However, these bullets no longer gave Doomsday a scratch, far from it. A large green hand, too, wanted to hit him, but Doomsday who saw this, struck the hand and destroyed it easily.

Hal again created green chains with his power. He wanted to restrain Doomsday again, but every time he tried to do so, the constructs were instantly destroyed. Doomsday's spikes were so hard, they destroyed all these attacks at his touch.

Doomsday saw the attackers in the distance. The two Lanterns were in the sky, as they tried with all their willpower to create attacks to hold back, destroy or do something against this monster. Their next victims were chosen.

Doomsday, in a single leap, arrived where the two were. The speed and power of the jump was such that both John and Hal could not react in time. Both tried to fly upwards to avoid the monster, but Doomsday managed to grab them both by their feet, and they were sent crashing to the ground, creating a crater.

They, on the ground, wanted to activate their powers again, but, Doomsday, in a quick movement, took their hands where the rings were and with an audible "¡CRAG!", completely crushed the bones of the hand of both of them. The pressure was such that the rings of both were shattered into a thousand pieces.

Once again, John had lost his ring. The difference was that now it could be fixed. Well, by putting together all the pieces scattered on the ground. The Lanterns had been neutralized by this monster. And easily.

Doomsday, being the monster that he was, wasn't going to stop at the sight of his enemies dressed as mere civilians and defenseless. He again raised his hands to smash their heads like watermelons, but Superman, fortunately came flying in like a projectile and took Doomsday away.

Superman saw that this monster had no way to stop. At this rate, he would continue to destroy everything in his path.

It must be said, soldiers were still there, running for their lives. Many wounded from the previous blast attack, or from the attacks before the heroes arrived, were still nearby, and were trying as best they could to move.

Worst of all, civilians lived nearby. Doomsday had come so close to the capital that the big city of Kiev was just a few kilometers away. If Doomsday were to be there, many would die.

The heroes had diverted Doomsday's attention, but, even so, the work of evacuation was still going on. Superman, seeing this, understood that they had to move. So he thought the best way to avoid a massacre was to take this monster away. Specifically into space.

Superman began to fly high and fast, taking Doomsday higher and higher with him. However, Doomsday would not let himself be so easily carried away.

He began to hit Superman's back hard, to loosen his grip. Each blow he delivered made Superman feel the bones in his back feel totally sore. Superman didn't let go, however. He kept climbing, ignoring his pain.

There, Doomsday changed strategy. And, pulling out a protrusion from his hands so sharp and sturdy, he thrust it into Superman's back.

"AGHHHHHHH" Superman screamed in pain. The spike had gone through the middle of his back, and into his stomach. There he couldn't take it anymore. Thanks to that, he had to let Doomsday go. The worst thing is that the attack left him in pain, and even stopped him from flying.

Both began to fall like a projectile....


Wonder Woman arrived just then, and saw her injured friends. She saw in the distance how Superman was trying to fly over Doomsday and take him out into space. However, she was under no illusions that he would do so, as Doomsday was pounding on Superman's back and every blow he landed, caused Superman's grip to loosen.

Then she saw the city in the distance. Soldiers doing evacuation work to the city that was the heart of Ukraine. At that, Flash came to her side. She said to him.

"Barry, take them away, away. In fact, take them all away. This fight is no longer on your level"

"I won't leave you alone, Diana"

"It's not that, Flash. Look around you. Look at all these people. You're the only one who can help them evacuate the capital. You're the only one who can get all the people away. You're the only one who can save them and prevent more death"


"BARRY. TAKE MY WORD FOR IT AND DO IT. Believe me. What will happen next will not be good for the civilians and the straggling soldiers"

"All right. But... don't die, Diana. I won't stand it anymore if I see any more of my friends die" Barry said, as a small tear ran down his face, remembering Black Lightning and Martian Manhunter being killed.

He didn't want to see any more tragedy. But he understood that what Diana said was right. He was the only one fast enough to get everyone out of there.

"I won't. I can't. Edgar is waiting for me at home and I promised to come back. I don't intend to break that promise"

Flash saw absolute resolve in Diana's gaze. He wanted to retort something, but just then, two projectiles came hurtling in and crashed several miles away, shaking the earth. It was Superman and Doomsday.

"Come on, Barry, you have to do it or more will die. Run, Flash, run!"

Flash no longer hesitated, and ran to evacuate everyone.

Diana saw in the distance that Doomsday was starting to hit Superman hard. Even being far away, for Diana, these blows could be heard clearly, and made her see how this monster was about to kill her friend.

She had to use all her power if she wanted to avoid it.

Diana did the unthinkable. Something she never thought of doing in her entire long life. She removed her bracelets.

As she did so her eyes glowed completely blue in a sign of power. The sky began to cloud over and lightning began to strike. Unparalleled power surged from her body as blue veins appeared all over her skin. 

"AGH" She grunted in pain from all the raw power that manifested in her body, but she tried to endure it. It was the only way to do it.

She was a daughter of Zeus, but she had been born with unparalleled potency and power. So much so that they had to put these bracelets on her to keep her power from spiraling out of control and consuming her.

If she could describe what was happening right now, it would be like when Edgar accepted the full power of Zarathos.

Just like that time, she could wield unparalleled power, matching and surpassing the Greek gods themselves, but she couldn't resist it for long or her body would succumb.

The pronounced blue veins on her skin were the sign that she would not resist for more than a couple of minutes.

However, despite that, this was her only answer to defeat this monster alone...


Superman and Doomsday had crashed hard on the ground. The bad thing, the injured one was Superman who had an open wound on his back, and was bleeding deeply. Still, he got up.

However, Doomsday was quicker and grabbed him hard by the face and started to beat him up.

Blow after blow, Doomsday began to make him leave a bloody mess on the Kryptonian. Blood was pouring all over his face. Worst of all, Clark's consciousness was beginning to waver. His mind began to cloud the more blows he took. That he stayed awake despite it all showed just how much willpower he had.

However, Doomsday showed no mercy for nothing. He continued to beat the Kryptonian with a maniacal grin.

When he finally had enough, he reached up and pulled out another spike like the one he had used earlier and aimed right at his chest.....

But just before he could pierce the Kryptonian's chest and kill him, Diana arrived at incredible speed, and sent Doomsday flying.

"Sorry I'm late, Clark"

"I'll leave it to you, Diana... save everyone" with that said, Superman couldn't take it anymore, and succumbed to his exhaustion. Clark had passed out. 

Diana watched from afar as this monster got up as if it was nothing. However, she wasn't going to let him breathe. She moved and arrived just in an instant where Doomsday was. Doomsday also moved to intercept.

A big black fist against a small fist collided, creating a large tornado from the force of the blow. However, Doomsday felt it. He thought he had no match anymore, but this woman had matched his strength.

He struck again, but Diana was faster. She moved and rolled, and cut a vulnerable part of his ankle with her sword, bringing him to his knees. Then she jumped up and struck hard at his face. The blow was so hard, it made him turn his face completely around. A little blood came out from this blow.

Doomsday had an almost invulnerable skin and, even so, this Amazon managed to hurt him. Diana continued to strike. Strong and strategic blows were delivered to the areas that were the most vulnerable on Doomsday's body.

Each blow she delivered was more powerful and painful for Doomsday.

He, for all his evolution, did not understand how this woman had matched and surpassed his power and strength.

Doomsday summoned several spikes, but Diana just at that jumped and, taking her lasso, she tied Doomsday's neck and made him look up.

Then, she spun at full speed and grabbed her sword, and, in one swift motion, she skewered the sword into the most vulnerable place Doomsday had, namely his eye.



For the first time, Doomsday screamed in pain, as Diana completely destroyed his left eye with her sword. As if that wasn't bad enough, she summoned her Zeus power, and began to imbue her sword with this power, burning the skin and tissue of it.

There Diana saw that, even if he had an almost absolute regeneration factor, Doomsday could still be wounded without the possibility of healing. Since his eye did not regenerate again due to the dead skin and nerves derived from the attack.

'Got it' thought Diana. If she started slashing and burning his wounds, Doomsday would start to weaken.

She summoned all her power and, clasping her hands together in a loud 'CLAP' she released a blue aura so powerful it sent Doomsday flying.

Doomsday wanted to get up, but that's when the beating started.

Diana flew and grabbed him hard by the head and smashed her knee right into his face. All the bumps were destroyed due to the power of the knee. Diana didn't let him breathe.

She began to exert more power and started to deliver a beating to Doomsday.

"This is it" right punch

"For my friends" left punch

"This is it" right blow

"To save everyone from you" left punch.

"Die, you fucking monster"

Diana again summoned more power and brought her hands together again to release a powerful energy. However, Doomsday's survival instincts kicked in and he just created armor to protect himself from the attack.

However, the attack was such that it left Doomsday completely injured. He quickly began to heal, but he knew it. This attack by this woman could have killed him.

For the first time, Doomsday felt fear.

Diana looked at him menacingly.

"It's time for you to die, Monster!" she took her sword and imbued her blade with all her power. White and blue lightning began to cover the metal blade, as Diana created a rudimentary version of the famous 'Master Lightning of Zeus'

Either way, this meant danger for Doomsday who was healing from the previous attack.

Diana was about to move, but, just at that moment, her worst fears were realized.

Her body... couldn't take it anymore.


Diana had to kneel down to vomit blood.


'No, don't do this to me body. Please, I beg you, just hold on a little longer.'

That's right, Diana's body started to fall due to that great power. She hadn't made it. Her time had run out.

Doomsday smiled when he saw this. He was looking for ways to defend himself from such dangerous attacks, but this... this was like a godsend.

He didn't waste it and moved to attack.

Doomsday put his hands together and attacked Diana. Diana put up her hands as a shield, but, even so, the power of the blow was such that it sent her to her knees.

Doomsday suddenly threw a knee to the Amazon. Diana rolled to dodge it, but Doomsday, who had already calculated where the Amazon would roll, grew a spike from his arm and attacked



Doomsday skewered the spike into Diana's arm, who could barely lift it just enough to avoid being attacked in another vulnerable part.

That spike was headed right for her head. If it had gone through her, then she would be dead.


Doomsday grabbed her by her hair, making her grunt in pain, and lifted her up. Then, with a swift motion he propelled her to the ground, crashing her hard. Worst of all, Diana's body was beginning to weaken as she could no longer do without her bracelets.

She was beginning to feel blood starting to leak from her nose and mouth, and that, if she did not put on her bracelets soon, then her body would succumb to her great power. She tried to punch Doomsday to break free of his grip, but Doomsday wouldn't let her.

He began to use Diana as a rag doll, smashing her anywhere on the ground, or with anything.

Finally he had enough, and summoning a spike, he aimed it right at Diana's neck.


'I'm sorry, Edgar'

Doomsday moved to slit Diana's throat, but just at that moment, a loud


The beak snapped completely averting the tragedy.





More and more shots were thrown at Doomsday who had to move to avoid being hit, as he felt that these projectiles could damage him, releasing Diana.

At that, a loud engine sound was heard.


Diana, hearing this, smiled. That sound was the most beautiful thing for her, as it meant great news. Edgar was here.

Edgar arrived at full speed with his motorcycle and quickly brought her the bracelets.

"You were reckless. You shouldn't have taken the bracelets off. You don't control your power well, yet. Put them on" 

"I know, it's just... there was no other choice. I'm sorry" Diana felt like a scolded child at Edgar's words.

However, even so, she still did as he asked and put on the bracelets. Quickly all that energy that was consuming her began to diminish. She felt her strength diminishing as well, but at least she would no longer succumb to this power.

When it was all over, she would have to begin extensive training to control this power. That was a promise.

Only Edgar, Hippolyta and a couple of the Amazons close to Diana knew of her power when she took off her bracelets. But they also knew that she did not control this well. It was unwise for her to have done so. But Edgar understood that she did it with good intentions.

"However, how did you get your power back?"

"Inza. She gave me back my power and we also planned a strategy to defeat this monster. It's time for us to kill this thing once and for all" 


"Yes, us. I brought some allies who will be very useful against this being" 





At that, they both heard a loud sound of a trumpet. In the sky, the clouds began to clear, as a large silhouette began to project before everyone.

Out of the sky, a large flying Viking ship that moved on its own began to visualize itself, as if it was sailing the clouds themselves.

It had dragon designs, with oars on the sides, but there was something that set it apart from other ships. On the sides, as well as on the dragon's head, there was fire, propelling the ship, and making the image totally badass.

(AN: image)

On the ship were four figures. They were four Riders like Edgar.

One wore a Templar outfit, while only his hands, and his face looked like that of a skeleton. That's right, they were Ezio Auditore.

The other was Carter Slade, wearing his cowboy outfit, while his features were those of a skull.

The other was dressed in Viking armor, with a fur coat and a characteristic helmet with horns. It was Lagertha in all her splendor.

And finally, the last one looked the most frightening. He wore only Jaguar attire, while showing his almost completely skeletal body, set ablaze with blue fire. It was Moctezuma.

Edgar had not come alone. He had arrived with the other 4 Riders from the past. And they were ready to defeat Doomsday.....



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (9 chapters ahead)

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