21.15% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 19: Chapter 17: Madness 2

บท 19: Chapter 17: Madness 2

AN: You're going to hate me for this chapter....



'Ghost Rider'


National City, April 21, 21: 38 UTC, 2015

Edgar POV 


My mind had gone blank after that surprise kiss, until I reacted, I could easily notice that I had been gawking for several minutes.

'Come on Edgar, it's not time to make a fool of yourself' 

Now I knew the reason for the pressing feeling, certainly the present events were not favorable at all.

'damn crazy' I thought as I remembered the words heard by The Joker. I knew He was out of his mind, but this was certainly another level of madness.

As I learned to control my powers. I knew that my purpose as a soul punisher was just that, it was not avoidable, and the more I avoided it, the more the voice in my head and my bloodlust would increase.

So, throughout this time, and with the advent of superheroes. I decided to take on gangsters, drug addicts, drug dealers, people who, in the eyes of the heroes, who handled super-threats, were police-level cases. And they certainly weren't wrong.

 The League worked in favor of governmental laws, existing in symbiosis with the other centers of justice. So that this fine balance was not lost, there were cases that the League, although dangerous, should not handle. Among them cartels, minor traffickers and gangsters.

Which, were the perfect victims for my punishment, being minor cases, the League simply could not intervene, and, therefore, I avoided unwanted attention.

As such, the League villains were out of my punishment book, however, that crazy clown, I think has gone over the top, definitely the world would be a better place without that madman in it. At the end of this, I would deal with him.


The voice in my head started to get impatient, my bloodlust increased. I had to start breathing hard and deep to calm down.

After a long minute trying to appease the monster inside me, I decided to do my next action, the feeling of tightness in my chest was still latent and as strong as before, and would probably stay that way until the whole situation was over. 

'Come on Edgar, focus' thinking about what I had to do, I no longer hesitated.

In bomb situations, the government cuts the phone lines, so external communication becomes impossible. So, if I wanted to avoid a more desperate situation, I had to act quickly 

I took my cell phone and with the speed dial I dialed the phone number of my friend and colleague, Dr. Samuel Jones.

Besides the fact that he was a work maniac, and therefore it was a security that he was at the center at this time, he was the only one of the research group that always answered calls and messages.

The others were so into their work that they ignored the rest of the world, and I don't blame them, the advances in each respective area of the research group were... impressive to say the least.

"pi, pi, pi... What's going on Edgar?" replied Samuel in an impassive voice. 

"Samuel, have you seen the news, do you know what's going on?" 

"emm no... What's going on, another invasion?" 

"No, bomb threat from the Joker, how many people are in the center right now?"

"well it's 21:40 so... everyone. Everyone here loves their job. They practically stay late into the night"

'Damn it, this was bad' "and of the bosses, is it just you?"

"Just Kimiyo and I. She's studying the meteorite her parents sent her. She says she'll find substantial evidence soon. Ray was here, but he shot off a little while ago, to who knows where. And Helen is in India, visiting her family. But ya, what do you need me to do?"

"Okay, listen to me. Activate the external anti-threat protocol. Warn everyone, but don't alarm them. Activate the emergency protocol and get everyone to the conference room, just for one hour. And when I get back to you, deactivate the protocols, got it?"

"ok, I will, I will wait for your call then"

"ok, see you brothe- pip, pip, pip, pip"

'Just in time' I thought, since at this moment they had just cut the network


'Why do I feel so bad?' even though my priority was to protect all my employees at the center, I felt this feeling that even the danger could not be avoided. On the contrary, the feeling of danger was getting stronger 

"Sir" a deep male voice interrupted my thoughts. My sensor could distinguish the official attire, indicating his character of police or transit.


"This is police officer Carter, the area is not safe, we have just received word that all persons are to be taken to the west park, I need you to come with me"

'damn it', I don't want to make a scene running away. I also don't want to cause trouble for the officer, for the moment I will have to cooperate 

"yes, if you show me the way I'd appreciate it. I'm blind" I said as I raised my cane 

"Of course sir, it will be a pleasure. This way please"

The feeling of urgency was still growing....


General POV

"He's hung up" Samuel said, as he looked at the two men in front of him.

One had a rather expensive bulletproof elegant suit, he exuded power and royalty, but the most striking thing was his bald head, this was Lex Luthor, billionaire and member of the group The Light.

The other was a man dressed in a black and orange armor, he had a mask that exposed only one eye, this was the best assassin and mercenary in the world, Deathstroke. 

"Just in time. Right now I have no signal anymore, good thing Mercy is already waiting for me downstairs. Well, you know what to do Samuel. I want all the files decoded and downloaded into my database"

"At least let activate the protocol Lex, please" Samuel pleaded pleadingly. He had no choice but to keep working for Lex because of the threat to his family.

Lex was so dangerous that they had him monitored 24/7, so he had to spy, steal and commit treason towards his colleagues and friends. But it didn't matter. His family was the most important thing.

"It won't do any good that protocol Samuel, when the threat will be here"

"What do you mean by that.... Damn you Lex, do you want to kill everyone?!" Samuel spat, but a hard blow that knocked him to the ground and left him with his cheek burning, interrupting his tirade

Crouching down, Lex grabbed the back of Samuel's neck tightly and matched his eyes with his.

"I don't like being yelled at, Samuel. You've been pretty helpful up to this point so I'll let it go. Now, if you don't want your family to die, you're going to shut up, and keep downloading the files. You'll also give me the activation codes for the protocols, understood?"

"...understood" said Samuel reluctantly, if looks could kill, Lex would be buried three meters under the ground by now

"Well, unfortunately I have to go. An appetizing steak awaits me at my mansion and I can't miss my flight. Always a pleasure to see you, Samuel" before he left, he turned and whispered to Deathstroke 

"You know what to do Deathstroke. No witnesses, got it? Oh, and change the codes just in case"

"Understood Lex. What about Dr. Jones?"

"Kill him. He's no good to me anymore..."

"You don't want a mole in the organization anymore?"

"It used to be my dream to acquire this, my competition. But now, when this is all over, Revenger Group will be nothing. His heart is here. Without the heart... It's useless. Now, I don't need it anymore. Lex Enterprises will grow like no one else, we will be the undisputed power. Well, my flight is waiting, see you Slade. Ah, and when you are done, please hide. Don't contact me, or anything. Be a ghost. When it's time, I will contact you" saying this, Lex headed for the exit.

Normally there were several security protocols that would have stopped him, but he had every code, plus Samuel's security card. He simply walked as if he was at home.

He walk to the parking lot, where a rather elegant Bentley was waiting for him. The driver?, his beautiful secretary and right hand, Mercy Graves.

"To the airport, Mercy"

"Was everything okay, sir?"

"Excellent" Lex said with a confident smile

'Revenger Group, if you didn't want it the easy way, it will have to be the hard way'

"Oh, and Mercy, remind me to pay for the whole funeral event for the Jones family. Samuel did a good job after all"

"Of course, sir"



"Ready. It's done. here's the hard drive" said Samuel, as he handed the hard drive

"is everything here?"


"Are you sure?"

"Do you think I would gamble with my family's life?" 

"you're right...Bang bang" Samuel didn't register as he ended up on the floor again. His chest hurt, and his gaze was starting to become blurry. His body slowly started to cool down.

"You've done a good job Doctor, Lex thanks you for your services" Deathstoke said as he raised his pistol, and turned around, but not before firing another couple of shots into the mainframe command center, which he had it shut down and disconnected. 

'Now to stick these bombs' the number was three and they were off. As soon as they were stuck, the sensors would be activated. But he had to find a good spot to avoid any inconvenience or threat. 


[00: 31:36]

"What do you want here, who are you?"

"My name is Ra's al Ghoul, Dr. Stone. I am a great admirer of your work. I have lived for quite some time, and let me tell you, that minds like yours are rarely seen. Naturally I would like to meet people of your status at more... pleasant times, but unfortunately sometimes one has no choice"

Silas Stone turned to look at his work team. Behind each of the five scientists was a man dressed as a ninja. At the necks of his collaborators was a sharp kunai at their throats. Silas needed to be cooperative, lives were at risk at this time.

"I am flattered Mr. Ras but, there is nothing here of interest to you. if you want the Motherbox, it is heavily secured by the League. We have nothing else of value...."

"You misunderstand me doctor, I don't want the motherbox" said Ras with a small smile. "Such a tool certainly is something that would get my attention, but right now I'm not looking for that, no.... Ghost Project, that's what I'm looking for"

Silas's eyes widened at this

'How do he know that?!'

That project was top secret. The research he was asking for was a totally secret project that involved only the highest echelons of the government. Not even the League was aware of this. Silas was one of the few that had hands on that project. Not even his son had been told about it.

"I don't know what you are talking about Mr. Ras"

"Oh Well…, how about we clear your memory, Doctor?" 

At this, one of the ninjas with a nimble motion slit the throat of one of the scientists.

"There are four left, Dr. Stone. Their lives are in YOUR hands, so, I'll ask you again. Ghost Project, Will you hand him over to me?"

Silas' eyes had a conflicted look in them, one of his teammates and associates had just died right in front of his eyes, but he couldn't tell him, he couldn't let him take him. Taking a deep breath, he stiffened his temper and with a firm look he replied. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" 




"Kill them all"

"NOOOOOOO" but Silas's screams were useless, each one of the scientists lay dead, covered in their own blood. 

"come on, make him talk, we don't have time" Ras commented to his subordinates.

"Father, if I may, let me do it, I am the most experienced in terms of torture" a woman who could only be described as beautiful and seductive dressed in a one piece leather suit spoke. Her hair was dark brown and her dark green eyes were striking and seductive. She was Talia Al Ghoul, daughter of the demon, and heiress to the Shadow League organization. 

"Alright daughter, but make it quick, we don't have all the time in the world" 

"Yes Father"



"Sorry for the delay father, it took a long time to bend" Talia said to her father while on her knees

"That's ok daughter, We finally got the information. Is it all downloading yet?"

"Every encrypted file has been downloaded and secured" at this, Ras's smile increased. Today his men did a good job, a proper reward had to be given. 

"Excellent, good job. You and you, go and stick the bombs. The rest of you, pack everything up, we're leaving"


Ra's approached Doctor Silas who had a dead look on his face, he had blood and vomit on his shirt, and his arms were turned at irregular angles. Only his breathing indicated he was still alive 

"I'm impressed Doctor, my daughter is quite...meticulous at the torture job, you held out longer than I expected, you earned my respect" With a swift movement he lifted him by the neck, hitting him against the wall. 

Silas had a dead look on his face but his lips moved whispering something, Ra's moved closer to hear said whisper 


This made the demon's smile grow, and grabbing a kunai he stabbed it right into Silas' neck. However, he put him in a position that would not cut his neck, just keep him stuck, bleeding to death in a few minutes. If he could describe the image, it would be that of a slaughtered pig in the slaughterhouse.

"My love will find out about this, father" Talia said at her father's side. The gruesome image didn't faze her one bit 

"Bruce will certainly hear of our involvement, And I'm counting on it daughter..." Ra's said with a sly smile. 

"But why. Why now. Didn't The Light want to hide?"

"Wrong, The Light never wanted to hide daughter. It NEEDED to hide. But no more. Our strength has grown, our plans have been achieved. From today, we will declare war on the world daughter, and we will be victorious, as we always are... now let's go" 

"Yes, Father"


Edgar POV


I was on the main lawn of National City. Here were, if my sonar didn't fail me, thousands of people of all ages. Most were scared. Some wanted answers from the cops, who said nothing. There was panic and terror...and I don't blame them.

However, I needed to move. I felt something bad was going to happen. I needed to make sure my center was protected. It sounds bad for not caring about the other people here, but I knew the cops and heroes had things under control here. 

However, I couldn't move, because the cop who helped me get here, had me watched like a hawk. Every time I wanted to creep stealthily he would approach me thinking I needed something, or requesting his assistance thinking I needed help. Frankly, at this point, it was already annoying, so I came up with a plan. Approaching a teenager standing near me, I said.

"hey kid, you want 20 bucks" 

"emm...sure, what do I need to do?"

"there's a cop right in front of us, do you see him?

"yeah, I see him, so?"

"Distract him for a minute. Make him lose the focus he has on me" 

"that's it?, it's all right... but I want 50"

'Today's young people, no longer respect adults'

"well 50"

"make it 100..."

"Don't press child!" 

"Okay, 50"

Giving him the money, the boy approached and distracted the policeman. I moved quickly into an alley, and, after several minutes, I opened a portal to my house.

Why my house?, you might ask. Well, the external threat protocol had an extra protection to all that cutting edge technology that existed in the Revenger Group. It had an anti-teleportation matrix. There were things that technology could not handle and among them was magic. Not even Duke with his shadows could teleport at the Center.



"wof wof" (what's up boss?)

"there's a problem, Duke" 

"Wof wof wof?" (then there was no bang bang with the princess?).

"I told you to stop watching South Park Duke, and it was just a date okay? Now listen to me, this is serious"

At this, Duke's playful expression changed, he could joke around with his master, but when things were ugly, he would be the first to act to help and protect him, that's how great his loyalty was

"wof" (tell me boss) 

"Bombs all over town Duke, knowing the matrons, they surely stayed at the mansion. Go and protect the children at the orphanage, if there's trouble let me know" 

"wof?" (and you?)

"I will go to the Revenger Group. I feel a premonition and need to rule out dangers at the Center"

"wof wof?" (do you need help?)

"No, I'll be enough. Stay at the orphanage. When everything happens, I'll let you know"

"wof" (got it boss)

After barking for the last time, Duke merged with the shadows and disappeared from Edgar's home 


I took my motorcycle to move as fast as possible towards the Revenger Group Center. I couldn't open a portal through that matrix, and I didn't know the surroundings well enough to open a portal nearby.

So, I only had to ride my beautiful motorcycle, although this was also a good option, because with its modified speed it would take me less than a couple of minutes to get to the research center. 

However, as I was riding along, a strange smell made me stop

'titanium, iron, plastic and... lead?' it was a strange combination, plus the smell of lead in it. I got off the bike and approached the smell. 

'What are the odds?'

I certainly didn't expect that on the way I would run into one of the bombs. How do I know? Well, the smell of gunpowder gives a good indication. Besides, I could easily analyze that this bomb was not simple. The vibrations were absorbed by such a device. In short, they had sensors.

I could have ignored this and moved on. It was not my job. But, just for today I would do the heroes a favor.

'Now, I must think of the best way to destroy it'

The bomb had sensors, and I didn't want to risk thinking that the Joker would be stupid enough not to know that the League easily had people who could burn such a device.

So the most ideal answer would be to destroy it internally, but only the wires, and the digital component...

Only saying it is easier than doing it. I would need to trick the machine into thinking it wasn't burning. I needed to generate a fire that didn't emit heat. For a normal fire, it would be impossible, but, for my hellfire? 

'Well, it remains to be seen'

Concentrating to my maximum I put a finger delicately on the device. Fire came out of the finger and went through the cracks of the device. In a short time, the machine began to emit smoke, and burning from the inside out. When I was done, the machine was useless, it was scorched and could no longer detonate. 

But then, my senses catch the same smell several meters away from me. Another bomb was nearby. I got on my motorcycle, and drove to the next bomb, knowing that dismantling it would be quick, and after doing so, I would head to the Revenger Group. 



In the end I ended up dismantling 5 bombs, and if my sense of smell did not fail me, the only five in the area.

When I arrived at the parking lot, I could notice that the security protocol was activated, as the titanium doors were closed. 

'That's good, well done Samu-' however I stopped my thought when my super sense of smell picked up a characteristic and singular smell. Lead, iron, titanium and gunpowder.

'Damn, there are bombs inside'

I had to help get everyone out. I needed to dismantle the protocol but I could only do it from inside the place.

I quickly made my way to the east wing, and with my hellfire. I opened a hole, big enough for me to get in. 

Inside the place I headed towards the reception. In this reception, there was a command post where I could use the override code.

My surprise was enormous when the override code had been denied. Someone had changed the codes. I turned to the receptionist, who was on guard.

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"Doctor Bones, how do you get in?, the doors are locked"

"That doesn't matter, now tell me where everyone is"

"emm... working, Doctor"

"They weren't informed of anything?"

"Informed of what..."

'Damn it, Samuel'

"Okay, listen to me carefully. There are bombs in place, we need to get everyone out, but the door command is not working. So, there is a hole in the east wing where everyone would get out. You understand me?"

The woman receptionist had a blank stare, she could not believe the Doctor's words. If it was true, then they were all going to die. She began to panic.


"CALM DOWN! Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Are you calm now?" the receptionist nodded her head, "Good, then do as I say, go to the east wing and help everyone out, okay?" the receptionist nodded again

"well go now, go, go, go" the woman shot off towards the east wing. A part of her was still in shock, but the rational part urged her to move and act. She would follow Dr. Bones' instructions. She would help everyone get out. 

 When the receptionist left I went to the intercom. Pressed the number on the speakers, I spoke

"To everyone listening, this is Dr. Bones. There are bombs in place and the doors are not responding. I repeat, there are bombs in place and the doors are not responding. There is an exit in the east area. Everyone head there. East wing. There will be a support person waiting for you" 


People, who had heard this, started evacuating quickly. I made my way to the upper floors. I needed to talk to Samuel. I was quite angry with him, he hadn't followed any of my instructions. But it wasn't time for yelling at this point, I needed his help to evacuate everyone safe and sound, while I went and dismantled the bombs.

However, when I reached the fourth floor. I could not believe the sight that greeted me. Samuel Jones, my colleague and friend lay there on the floor, bleeding to death. Yet, he was still alive, albeit barely. I quickly ran to him on instinct

"Samuel, samuel, answer me, who did this to you?" I quickly inspected my friend's wounds. Two wounds in the chest, the bullet had pierced one, but in another it was still lodged.

"Edgar, is that you? I'm sorry, cough, cough, I'm so sorry, cough".

"it's ok don't talk, we'll get out of this, come on buddy. I'll get you to the hospital and you'll be good as new soon"

"My family.... Protect them, please. Tell them that I'm sorry... cough"

"Your family will be fine buddy. You'll be back with them when it's all over, don't talk anymore" I started cauterizing the wound on his chest. On the other one, I couldn't do much, the bullet needed to be pulled out and I, unfortunately didn't have the tools to do it without killing him. The blood loss had was quite considerable. His life was hanging by a thread at this point.

"Cough cough, forest, forest, Edgar, forest cough...ahh" saying this to me, Samuel gave his last breath.

As much as I wanted to do something, I couldn't. Right at this moment, I was useless. I couldn't save him.


I couldn't believe my eyes, my friend was dead. Tears were streaming down my face.

Now it all made sense. The bombs. The attack. Everything. It was all a bigger plan. Someone had killed Samuel, and changed the codes. Someone wanted to destroy this place, and surely, they stole information....

I approached the central computer. There I could see how it had also been destroyed by bullet shots.

I will make them pay. I will make them all pay. When I know who the culprit was, they would suffer my fury. 


The temperature began to rise, my face and body also began to heat up. However, the long awaited transformation did not happen, I managed to calm down at the last moment.

'it's not the time, first I have to get everyone out and defuse the bombs'


I quickly moved towards the nearest bomb that was a few meters away and with my hellfire defused it. The other bomb, however, was on the other side, so it would take me longer to get to that one.



After defusing the bomb I headed for the last one. However, the last one I could not dismantle. At least not with the little time I had.

The last bomb was stuck in the dome of the roof. I could reach it with my chain, but I couldn't move it or it would explode. So I had only one option left, let it be. However, I would make sure that every single person would come out of this alive. 

'The heroes are here'

I could feel outside presences arrive on the scene. The heroes surely in their investigation would have found that we were the target. However, one signature caught my attention the most, as it put a slight smile on my face

'She's here'

Well I would be sure to help the heroes. I need to move everyone from the fourth floor, to the first floor. If I'm not mistaken, and I hope I'm not, only Kimiyo's apartment is here.


Arriving at Kimiyo's office, I was met with an unusual sight. As all of Kimiyo's co-workers were grabbing their things, and they were coming out

"Everyone get out people, I don't want to see you here!" shouted Kimiyo. However, she was still operating a laser machine cutting piece by piece the large meteorite that was in front of her. A strong white light was emanating from the rock as the laser worked.


I stopped one of her associates who was also coming out, she was an older looking scientist.

"What's going on here?" I asked, however, I was surprised by her enthusiasm and joy. 

"Doctor Bones, history has been made today!, Dr. Hoshi has found a new element, it's a brilliant, brilliant breakthrough!"


"Well, that's excellent, but you have to go ma'am, take the stairs, to the east wing"

"yes, Dr. Bones" her smile never left her older face, clearly she was still happy about such a discovery. 


'well, she's the last one'

"Let's go Kimiyo, a bomb will go off shortly" 

"Bones, what are you doing here? You need to get out!" 

"Not without you Kimiyo, turn everything off and let's go"


"And lose the discovery of the century? I certainly won't. Don't you get it?,This is an organic element loaded with electrons and photons. If we can condense this.... Infinite energy Bones. This is too big, don't ask me to stop!" 


"Kimiyo, it's great, but we have to go, the bomb will explode shortly"


"I'm almost done, one last cut and that's it" said Kimiyo as she maneuvered the laser. Her face was one of concentration, unperturbed by the situation.


"You go and come out, Edgar, don't wait for me... I made it!", a quite powerful and condensed white light could be seen "now I need to contain it. Edgar be good and pass me The Promethium's Box, only its properties are able to store such energy"


"fine, but hurry, there is no time!"


"yeah yeah, just make way for the robotic hands and that's it"


"Be quickly..."

'shit it's too late' A smell of gunpowder came to my nose. The bomb had been activated. I quickly ran to Kimiyo and grabbed her. 


"Bones, let go of me right now-"

But her anger was interrupted when a powerful explosion sounded.


The fire wave engulfed us....


AN: Happy day of the deads (was yesterday but still counts). Hug your loved ones and pray for those who are gone. Life is ephemeral, live it to the fullest!

Today, we finish volume 1 on Patreon (Chapter 22)

And the prologue to Volume 2 is also published. If everything goes well, I will start uploading two chapters a week


Tio_Iroh99 Tio_Iroh99

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C19
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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