61.9% Degenerate Reborn In House Of The Dragon / Chapter 25: Ch 24 Feast For Dragons And Bastards

บท 25: Ch 24 Feast For Dragons And Bastards

(Four Months Later End of 114 Ac) 

Rhaenyra had pushed out her bastard spawn Jacaerys 'Jace' some time ago...ugh.

The Grand Feast was set to begin Tomorrow and I prepared my daughters for the event.

The Three of them could speak certain words now, "Papa" and "Mama" were two they used a lot.

Visenya could also walk a few feet unassisted while Sarella and Jasmine could walk if they held onto furniture.....it was nice being a Dad.

My women maintained their beautiful figures after pregnancy due to my magic so I'd always keep both of them in tip top shape....

I was also now 8 years old as of a few weeks ago..

My height is nearing six feet and apart from my slightly baby face and lack of facial hair, I seem like a 16 year old.

I had spent the last months Training with Ser Harrold and Arryk.

 Arryk and I had grown closer in these months, when we were alone he told me.

'I'll be alongside you when the Time comes to wear the Crown....I can see it already....'

I responded by giving the man a strength potion, he had thrice the strength of a normal man with much more speed and ferocity.

He was nowhere near Uncle Harrold but Arryk could kill dozens if needed since his swordplay had improved under the constant training with Harrold and Me.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 

(Two hours later)

We soared towards Kingslanding with a formidable force of Dragons I led the Pack with the Monstrous Cannibal, Laena on my right with Vhagar, to her right was Meleys.

On my left was Vermithor, and Silverwing.

Jasmines dragon was strapped to my saddle and I'd leave it in the keep during the festivities....it slept nearly the entire day so it wouldn't cause an issue.

The people watching below were in awe, the three largest dragons flying together under the command of the Evil Prince.....and the most sinister of all was his own mount.

Cannibal Roared his arrival and a the beasts in the Dragonpit responded with screeches of their own as we soared into the city.

Meleys deviated and headed for the Dragon pit while Cannibal, Vhagar, Vermithor, and Silverwing landed on the grassy field within the castle walls.

I dismounted along with My wives, Daughters, and Mother, we walked towards the castle while being escorted by Uncle Harrold and Arryk Cargyll.

I ordered servants to carry Jasmines dragon to my room after I gave it a mental message to behave.

My wives and Mother all wore my Colours....Black with Green accents.


I held Visenya, Laena held Sarella, and Hilde held Jasmine as we walked towards the castle.

All the lords and ladies in the gardens stared as we walked.....

After a bit of walking through the castle we were approached by a servant from the King.

We followed her to one of the many meeting rooms within the Keep.

When we entered a rotten odour filled out noses, it was covered by thick insence but clearly noticeable.

I looked upon my Father and saw that his entire arm was covered with bandages, most of his fingers were missing, his hair was thinning greatly in his head and his eyes lost some of their vibrance, but he still retained power in his body....the Blood of the Dragon ran in his veins as well.

"Maegor....come here my son." He called out and I passed Visenya to Mother before I approached him closely and stood before him.

"You have grown into a fine young man....you are far more than I was at your age....let me see my granddaughters I have waited for months to see them...." He spoke and I motioned for my daughters to be brought before them.

First Mother stepped forward with my firstborn. "This is Visenya....my firstborn.." I spoke.

"What a beautiful girl...she reminds me much of you when you were born....only she isn't trying to bite my fingers off." The King spoke and we all laughed.

Next was Jasmine who Hilde carried over. "This is my second born, Her name is Jasmine and she hatched a brown dragon In her cradle." I spoke and the King smiled.

"You have your mothers hair little one...and those vibrant eyes.....only they are gentle like your mother Hilde, and not sinister like your Papa." The King spoke and Jasmine babbled cutely at him.

Next Laena came forth with the youngest. "This is my youngest Sarella, she is the most energetic of the bunch..." I spoke.

"Aye.....you look exactly like your mother.....Thank you Laena and Hilde for giving me my first Grandchildren." The King spoke humbly, they both smiled and said their thanks.

We all sat down and talked for a while as I inquired as to fathers health....I can at least pretend to be a caring son.

Soon after we exited the room and walked to Otto's Office, he wished to see his Great Grandchildren when we were done speaking with the King.

We walked in and he immediately fell in love with all my daughters. 

He was always a big supporter of me and now he's supporting my grandchildren in all things.

he also didn't discriminate Hilde for being Commonborn since he believed her to be the main reason why I grew so big and strong compared to my worthless brother. 

Soon after the two old maids walked in with Haelena and Aemond.

Immediately they both ran to me and I hugged the both of them tightly.

Haelena was six now, and Aemond was Five.

I introduced them to my daughters and they instantly fell in love.

they all played on a thick quilt that we set on the ground.

Soon after my grandfather took me aside and we talked in private on the balcony while my wives and Mother played with the kids.

He brought me into a tight hug.

"I couldn't be more proud of you Maegor...three healthy great-grandchildren at once....thank you..."

i hugged the man back and soon we sat down as I poured myself some milk and him some spiced wine.

"So many Dragons you have now...And all the most powerful.... Have you heard what the King has planned?" He asked.

"No....but I have a feeling I'm about to find out." I responded and took a sip on my cup.

"He aims to announce the betrothal between Visenya and Jacaerys." He spoke with a furrowed brow.

"I wish him luck....but I'll gut him, and that baby before I let my daughter wed a Bastard." I spoke and that brought a smile to his face.

"So you've heard the rumors as well...Harwin is the real father, I was wondering whether to expose it to the world..." He responded while looking out into the ocean.

"Let's wait..... The more black haired bastards come out of her rotten hole the better our case..." I spoke and he laughed.

"Very well.... Just so you know, Harwin hates your guts now." He spoke.

"Aye....I did break lots of his bones that day." I spoke and we both smiled at the memory.

Grandfather and I talked for another half an hour before it was time for Dinner.

We all walked together to the private dining hall for the Family.

I entered and spotted The King speaking to Rhaenyra and Laenor sitting beside her.

My twin Aegon was nearby as he eyed me with a snarl, we all greeted each other and I walked up to Rhaenyra who was holding the Bastard child.

Rhaenyra had gained a few pounds from pregnancy and her body was a little more plump than before....

still good, but not what it used to be.....My wives on the other hand looked as good if not better than before.

I greeted her. "Dear Rhaenyra....do you mind if I take a closer look at my dear nephew?" I asked as my eyes glimmered dangerously.

She handed over the baby with trembling hands.

I took a good look at the Boy....Brown tufts of Hair.....Brown eyes....

I looked at her sworn sword Harwin who stood behind Rhaenyra and a sinister smile appreared on my face.

I saw a shiver run down his spine as I eyed him murderously.

Then I looked back at Rhaenyra whos hands shook then I handed the Bastard back.

"What a handsome boy....May he grow to be as Strong as his father." I spoke then returned to my seat.

I pulled out the Golden Skull cup from Joffrey Lonmouth and placed it on the table as all eyes glued to it...

I took a gourd flagon that Hilde and Laena had filled for me and I poured the milk into the gold skull.....the beautiful white liquid poured into it until it was filled nearly to the brim.

"Maegor....what the hell is that?" Viserys asked me.

"It's Joffrey Lonmouth.....I had planned to make one from the Sea Lord but then no one would be sure it was his body....that made me a bit sad....but I still have Criston and Joffrey to drink from so it's all okay." I spoke and took a great big gulp from it and hummed in approval.

Laenor eyed me with anger In his eyes and I sent him a smile as the two glistening emeralds in it's eye sockets glimmered In the candlelight.

Laenor stood with Red eyes and drew his sword.

Immediately the Kingsguard moved between him and the King with swords drawn.

"Maegor!!!!....you Scoundrel Bastard.....I challenge you to a Duel for the honor of Joffrey Lonmouth....." He spoke as he pointed the sword at me.

The King yelled out. "Sit Down!!!! There Will Be No Duel!!!!" He shouted angrily....Laenor relented and sat down.

I smiled and sipped the cup before i spoke.

"I beg to differ father.....Laenor just called me a 'scoundrel bastard'.....Laenor....cut off your tongue and give it to me....don't make me ask twice..." I spoke as my eyes glimmered dangerously.

"Maegor....don't do anything...." The King spoke with pleading eyes.

{"A Dragon Does Not Turn The Other Cheek When Struck"} I spoke in High Valyrian.

Then I stuck my hand out and looked into Laenors eyes. 

"Ten.....Nine.....Eight...Seven....Six.....Five..... Four....Three.....Two.....Very well you have made your choice I hope you don't regret it."

I spoke and leaned back in my chair as three monstrous roars were heard oustide as I whistled 'Hoist The Colours' sweetly.

All eyes looked to the large windows and spotted Cannibal flying towards the Dragonpit with Vermithor and Silverwing In tow.

Laenors eyes widened when he realized what would happen. "NO!!!! PLEASE!!! I'LL GIVE YOU MY TONGUE!!!!" He shouted frantically as he ran to the window while looking at the three dragons land outside the Dragonpit.

"I don't want it anymore.....I gave you plenty of time....now I want your wings, thank your Sweet sister that I'm not taking your head!!!" 

I yelled at the pale faced man.

"Sister!!! Please tell him to stop!!!" Laenor screamed at his sister frantically.

"My husband is kind and forgiving....but he is not someone to be insulted.....maybe this will be a lesson in humility." She spoke as she sipped on a glass of apple cider..... And never had a great relationship with her brother and after she married me he treated her coldly..... She knew who loved her more.

Vermithor and Silverwing crawled into the Dragonpit and frantic screeching was heard for a few minutes before The Bronze colored Vermithor crawled out with the Blue-Gray Seasmoke by the throat in his Jaws as the smaller Dragon screeched in fear and anger.

Seasmoke was a third the size of Vermithor and completely dwarfed by Cannibal who waited outside with saliva dripping from his massive jaws.

 thousands of people watched on in equal parts wonder and horror at the sight.

Silverwing was biting at the dragons legs and wings while they dragged it out.

Once outside the screeching and crying Seasmoke was released by Vermithor then Cannibal Stepped on the smaller dragons neck before it chomped twice, tore off its wings and swallowed each whole as blood spurted everywhere and painted the marble floor outside the Dragonpit with dark blood.

Once the wings were ripped off Cannibal Roared into the air...

"Laenor.....Cannibal is asking permission for the rest....what do you say? If you say yes I'll give you Joffreys skull back..." I told him with a smirk.

He glared at me before looking at his screeching and bleeding Dragon in the distance.....

He nodded his head solemnly as tears fell from his eyes....

I hummed and drank all the milk before throwing the Golden cup at Laenor.

Once he caught it Cannibal began to tear apart Seasmoke viciously as the Dragons blood spattered everywhere....

I sat there sipping milk as everyone watched on in horror except for Mother who had a faint smile on her face as she walked over and kissed my cheek.

Then she walked back to her chair and sipped on wine.

Laenor left the hall while crying profusely as he held Joffrey Lonmouth's head...I turned to Rhaenyra and smiled sinisterly as her hands trembled a bit.....Harwin let out a growl when he saw my gaze.

I turned to him and spoke.

"Harwin....you big dumb Oxen....it's rude to make noises with your disgusting voice when my women are eating...watch yourself because I won't allow it a second time...." I spoke as I looked at the Giant armored man...

He growled again then took a step forward and instantly Rhaenyra turned. "Stop!!! Don't do it Harwin....I order you!!!" She screamed and the big man stopped and looked away.

Rhaenyra knew I loved to hurt people so she stopped her Lover from losing something as her Husband did.

"Good job Rhaenyra....you know how to control your Giant Useless Oaf pretty well....its to be commended that you have a knack in training animals..." I said with a smile as Harwin face contorted angrily.

Then the King interrupted.

"Stop causing problems Maegor...just relax and eat.....I don't want any deaths or maimings while you are in Kingslanding....Please..." Viserys spoke and I relented.

"Very well father.....I'll do my best not to break any bones or turn skulls into cups while I am here.....but I make no promises...." I responded.

"Good....at least try...." He said then poured a few drops of Milk of the Poppy into his wine and drank it all in one go before serving another.

"Father.....it's nearing time for Aegon to claim a Dragon....even my nine month old daughters have Dragons." I spoke and father nodded.

"Very well, can you give him a ride on your way back?" He asked.

"No.....it's a right of passage to take the ship to the island and leave on dragonback, I don't want him to miss out." I responded and my father nodded I'm agreement.

"Thank you for convincing him Brother!!! I won't forget it!!!" The little Rat yelled out...

"Of course dear brother.....anything for you...." I spoke as I imagined just how I'd get rid of him....I didn't want to kill him, but I didn't want him alive either.....I wanted him to suffer... maybe something in between....

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