69.38% Jobless Transportation - The Honored One / Chapter 33: Gojo Satoru Lacks Theory

บท 33: Gojo Satoru Lacks Theory

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

The Magic Academy's Classrooms.

They are not much different than any other classroom in any royal academy in terms of outward appearance - Coming in varying sizes depending on the lesson/lecture provided.

The only difference was the specialized and quite vast curriculum this educational institute provided.

Our focus shifts to one such classroom.

This one is one of the larger classroom variants - Large enough to host hundreds of students at a given time.

Currently, it was filled to the brim with students as a mandatory lecture was being taught to the Normal Students.

Specifically - The 4th year students.

An odd prospect for nearly all of them to attend at once - Considering that after three years of "General Studies" which amounts to learning Beginner Magic in all variants of magic; Students that begin their 4th year must choose a branch of magic to specialize and advance with.

An oddity that is all made clear once the purpose behind the lecture is unveiled:

Vice Principal Jinas Halfas - A man with a wrinkled face and short gray hair was the teacher in this current lecture.

Out of respect for the man or perhaps out of fear of the gentle Student Council President who was also present in the room - Even the biggest troublemakers had kept their silence.

His venerable and gentle tone echoed through the classroom, "Once again, students. This Lecture serves as a refresher and reminder for all of you. Advanced Mana Theory is essential to understand in order to advance in your respective research and studies."

With elegant swings of his chalk, he drew a diagram on the board, continuing his words, "This is a basic Magic Circle."

One of the troublesome Donkey Demon Race students coughed, "Basic my-"

Only for a chilling gaze from Ariel to loom over him, promptly shutting him up.

Unperturbed, Jinas turned towards the students sitting on the tables, gesturing towards them, "Can anyone explain what would be the result of its activation according to Advanced Mana Theo-" He questioned, only to be rudely cut off by the door creaking open quite audibly.

Everyone turned to the door, to gaze upon the brave late arrival.

Only to reveal...

A white-haired man clad in the Academy's uniform with oval black shades to hide his gaze stood at the door, his expression blank and unreadable.

"It's him!"

"He's already starting classes?"

"Look like it! But isn't this a little advanced?"

"He's a Great Power, he probably knows a thing or two."

At the chance to be audible, the students easily expressed their reactions.

The new arrival is...

Wiping off the blank look, a mischievous smirk formed on the new arrival, clapping his hands as he called further attention to himself, "Alright everyone~! Get in line for a Gojo Satoru autograph! Orderly lines! No need to rush!"

At that, the classroom turned silent, a majority of the students hesitating to adhere to Satoru's demand? Request? for whatever reason.

The reason was quite obvious - However, Satoru was still largely unaware of the dynamics and established pecking order of this Academy.

An awkward and suffocating silence took hold of the classroom, detached observers would admit.

An embarrassing situation and first impressions others would add.

Scratching his chin neutrally, Satoru shrugged, turning towards Jinas, his smirk kept its playful nature, undeterred by his failure to... Get an orderly line of fans, "Tough crowd, you got here." Satoru shook his head, his tone pitying.

Jinas wiped off his momentary surprise in favor of turning towards Satoru, with a gentle and reassuring smile, "We've just started, you may take a seat over there." He gestured towards an empty seat.

Jinas was completely unfazed and unoffended.

Satoru blinked at Jinas's politeness and lack of show of authority or even any type of snark, 'That's not usually how teachers react, right?' He scratched his chin.

Memories of Satoru's teacher's and past experiences flooded him in that moment:

His clan's strict and harsh teachings and training - Unforgiving and each and every one of them had a whole large stick shoved up their butt.

Yaga-sensei's "Gentle" fists.

The teachers of Tokyo Jujutsu High were much the same in their gruffness and heavy-handed method of teaching.

Gal-sensei's not-so-subtle attempts at decapitating him or disabling him.

The dwarf craftsman he built a house with.

The hilariously easy-to-infuriate mage who tried to teach him magic for a bit, before abandoning that effort after Satoru had painted his cape pink and had to leave.

Mhm... By all accounts - This is an unprecedented case.

Exiting his momentary introspection, Satoru nodded, his smirk exchanged for a more neutral expression, "Yeah, sure." He responded nonchalantly and began to make his way towards his seat.

With each of his steps, eyes followed him.

As he settled into his seat, Satoru's attention remained fixated on the diagram drawn on the board.

Despite the passage of time, Jinas had not resumed the lesson, the room was still abuzz with curiosity regarding the new arrival.

Who didn't really pay them any attention.

A bothersome thing that Ariel decided to put a stop to.

Rising from her chair audibly, all the eyes that were fixed onto Satoru immediately gravitated towards Ariel as her magnetic voice rumbled in the room despite its slow and concise tone, "Let's not trouble the new student any further. It is very disrespectful of us to ignore Professor Jinas in this important lesson. If need be, and should he agree to it, you can approach him after the lesson."

She delivered her words with a smile, directing her hand towards Satoru.

...Who didn't bother responding as he was busy having a starring contest with the diagram drawn on the board?

Hearing Ariel's fine suggestion, a majority of the students nodded and turned back to Jinas who was standing silently.

Directing a thankful and warm smile at Ariel, he thanked her, "Thank you, Ariel-sama."

Causing Ariel to grow sheepish and lift her hands in a placating gesture, "Oh no, that won't do. We're all equal here, Professor Jinas. I've told you before if anything - Just call me simply as Ariel or Student Council President if you need to address me formally." She reciprocated the friendly smile.

Nodding, Jinas continued, "Very well. Ariel. Now then, back to my prior question..."

Thus, half an hour passed by as Jinas lectured and questioned students, answers being given back and forth.

With the odd gaze or more aptly relayed as gazes directed at Satoru.

Who still had a concentrated visage all this time.

Only to be broken out of by a tap on his right shoulder.

He turned to his right, his shaded eyes were met with a fiery curious amber gaze.

A girl with cascading brown almost red hair and a playful smile on her face clad with the Academy uniform that wrapped her moderate figure.

Satoru tilted his head, his tone casual and expression uninterested, "Yes?"

The girl whispered, her tone bold and teasing, "Say, say. Since I'm sitting close to you, I'm calling dibs."

Satoru's thin smile transformed into a playful smirk.

However, his body language shifted, wrapping his body with his hands as if he were protecting himself. "I-I can't! I'm taken~! E-Even remembering it sends shivers all over me~!" he mock-stuttered in response.

The girl, caught off guard by Satoru's reaction, quickly recalibrated her approach, realizing her teasing might have been misunderstood.

She internally questioned, 'Didn't think it was that bad? What Uncle told me wasn't an exaggeration?'

Despite her uncertainty, she swiftly decided, 'Or maybe he's just joking? I can't tell... Well, better safe than sorry as Mother taught me!'

Determined not to offend, she smoothly transitioned to a more formal introduction, eager to establish a respectful rapport with the renowned Gojo Satoru of the 7 Great Powers.

Shaking her head, she faced Satoru with renewed composure, her hand waving in dismissal, "Sorry if it came out that way, but that wasn't what I meant. I'm calling dibs on getting your autograph and questioning you first!"

Continuing in a more formal tone, she added, "It is an honor to meet you, The Anomaly Of The 7 Great Powers. My name is Clarice Redbat." She concluded with a small curtsy, mindful not to disrupt the ongoing lesson.

Satoru quickly jogged up his memory, 'Hmm, from Alistair's unwelcome lectures - She's from a nobility in Asura.'

His smirk grew diabolical as he looked at her, Satoru replied, "Yeah yeah nice to meet you too. Don't worry~! I'll sign your autograph and answer your questions after the lesson." He easily complied with her requests.

Why did he easily comply?


Another half an hour goes by, and there's an hour left for the lecture and the students are released to go for lunch.

Currently, Satoru is still engaged in listening and analyzing the diagram; now diagrams.

And after a long time of intense concentration, Satoru arrived at a simple conclusion.

'I see. I don't get it.' He nodded in confirmation.

Despite his proficiency in utilizing Cursed Energy, Satoru found himself struggling to grasp the intricacies of Mana Theory.

While he excelled in analyzing practical applications, his theoretical knowledge remained lacking when it came to Mana, especially in comparison to his expertise in Cursed Energy.

His understanding of Mana was mostly composed of how it works to form Battle Aura.

Something he had managed to mimic with Cursed Energy as a substitute.

Mana in general? Sure he can see how it behaves and what it can do when moving and combining in different methods.

But commanding Mana to become fire or water?

Or any of the other elements?

He can see how that happens.

But he doesn't understand why that happens.

Essentially, he lacked theory and understanding of what Mana actually is.

Observing it and piecing it together with his Six Eyes wasn't enough.

Sure, maybe he could do it eventually - But that's a waste of time.

Usually, Satoru avoids learning things step by step or advancing from the basics.

He prefers to reverse engineer and try to piece together the advanced stuff without the basics.

In this case, however, it appears he didn't manage to do that.

'I get some of the things he says, but I'm missing the point...' Satoru grew somewhat frustrated as he missed a piece of the puzzle, like an itch he could never scratch.

One would think that following this profound understanding - Satoru would resolve to start from the very basics and learn like a normal student in the proper order.

...Think again.

'Intermediate Mana Theory is only tomorrow.' Satoru, having memorized the timetable of the classes he found interesting and or useful thought of his next move.

And that is...

Teleporting outside of the Main Academy Building and heading to town to grab something to eat.

And maybe find Nina if she happens to cross his path like she always does.

She owes him that Adventurer Card he Didn't lose.

And no, he hadn't issued a new one... He was too lazy.

Having teleported outside of the building, appearing in a large courtyard where duels usually take place - Satoru headed towards the main road leading outside the campus.

His leisure steps echoed on the rough ground, and he soon passed by an intersection and headed towards the exit, waving with a goofy smirk on his face at those who recognized him.

Most kept a polite distance and greeted him with a hint of fear and respect.

While others, mostly women of the Academy giggled and called out to him.

All this without him having even done anything.

Reputation is a scary thing, isn't it?

Or as Satoru would dub it- "My unparalleled aura and looks~!"

Luckily for Satoru, he managed to avoid quite the scary thing.

Just a few minutes ago - At the very road he walked, was a six-armed immortal and very eager Demon Lord.

...Or was it lucky for the Demon Lord?


The main road that leads to the Magic Academy.

At this time of day, just before the usual lunch hour of the Academy, this road is almost empty.

With the few exceptions of delinquent students, employees/staff members, and carriages that carry necessary goods to the large campus.

Currently, two individuals are walking side by side on this exact road.

Very close to each other, one could tell.

A closeness that hinted at a level of intimacy between the two.

Their steps echoed on the cobblestone road, and the cold wind could never bother them.

A warm atmosphere wrapped them, as they both smiled warmly.

These were Rudeus Greyrat and Silent Fitts.

Though Fitts isn't this stoic young elf's name.

Her name is Sylphiette.

Rudeus's childhood friend and crush from their hometown of the once prospering Buena Village located in the Mana Calamity destroyed Fittoa Region in Asura.

Reunited once more in the Magic Academy.

Or so Sylphiette assumed.

Thanks to the passage of the years, her shades and her formerly green hair now turned white.

Rudeus was unable to recognize Sylphiette in their informal reunion.

A heartwrenching reality that had depressed Sylphiette for months.

A deep concern had buried itself in her young woman's heart at that.

If she revealed herself and he still didn't remember her... How could she live with that?

She loved Rudeus.

Now, and forever.

it would be a torturous reality - But her closest friends encouraged her to take the risk anyway.

To take that leap of faith - And should the worst come to pass, they'll be by her side.

...Also Ariel had started losing her patience and threatened her to do it.

But that is beside the point!

With the help of her royal entourage, a plan was formed to reveal her identity to Rudeus as well as seduce him.

A meticulous plan, crafted by the hands of the most brilliant self-proclaimed seduction artists - Luke and Ariel.

Judging by the peaceful and content smile donned on both Rudeus and Sylphiette's faces.

The plan had...

Sort of worked?

It had gone stellarly, honestly - Sylphiette tearfully confessed and Rudeus did as well, officially cementing themselves as lovers.

Just, the most important, manly part... Was still malfunctioning.

Luckily for Rudeus, Sylphiette truly loved him so that was only a hopefully temporary problem.

And now, here they are, making their way back to the Magic Academy as a happy and content couple.

'I still can't believe this was Sylphiette all along. Almost a year, we could have been together.' Rudeus was still starstruck, lamenting the fact this could have all developed much sooner.

Turning around and grabbing Sylphiette's hand, her face tinted red, she smiled at him warmly, her gaze loving.

'I'm going to cry... I'm so happy I didn't resist going with her.' Rudeus's smile only widened and he squeezed her hand, his happiness having peaked for the first time in years.

Like so, they walked for another five minutes.

Only for Rudeus to freeze as Sylphiette donning her shades already in her persona of Fitts turned around to face him, "Rudy? What's wrong?"

He stood still, gazing at the leisurely approaching figure, whose hands were in his pockets and his posture laid back.

Sylphiette did much the same, her eyes widening alongside Rudeus upon recognizing the approaching figure.

"You couldn't miss him, even if you tried."

This was one of the rumors associated with the approaching man.

There was no lie in that rumor.

A tall man, clad in the Academy's uniform, with an easygoing expression on his face, white hair, and oval shades that sealed his eyes from the world.

His sheathed rapier was missing.

However, he was unmistakable.

For the man approaching them was none other than Gojo Satoru.

The Delirious Sword Emperor.

6th Of The Great Powers - The Anomaly.

And to Rudeus he was...

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello my dear readers!

Hope the chapter was to your enjoyment and up to snuff in quality n stuff.

You may notice Satoru is a bit less goofy / more mellow in this chapter/setting as in comparison to when he arrived in The Holy Land Of Swords.

This is intentional.

As for why, figure it out, I hope I made it obvious (Nothing major, just nuances).

Also, something I'd like to clarify right now since we're technically at the "Intersection Of Major Characters".

The Magic University basically holds all the "key" side characters alongside Rudeus for the main plot with the obvious exceptions.

The point I'm trying to make here - Is that while they'll also be Key Characters in this Fic.

This isn't Rudeus Greyrat's Story.

This is Gojo Satoru's Story.

What I mean is that for example - While Nina Farion is a small side character in Rudeus's Story, she has a bigger role in Gojo's.

Or vice versa - Zanoba and Cliff are Rudeus's best buddies and play major roles in his story.

While they might play somewhat of a role for Gojo.

They won't be nearly as important.

I can't fit puzzle pieces that don't fit - That'll just feel forced.

Just because Gojo and Rudeus maybe sounds like a cool and fun duo - Doesn't necessarily mean that they'll actually fit together and logically be good friends or friends at all.

I am not predicting the future, mind you.

These are strictly examples so you get a picture of what I'm trying to convey.

Some events will somewhat follow Canon - Gojo won't be involved. I am not forcing him into anything that doesn't make sense.

Some definitely won't - Gojo will be involved.

Some new event will form - Cause Gojo.

There you go!

I was sensing the comments/questions with my 6th sense in the future so hope this clarifies my thought process and the direction of the fic for you.

Again, I'm open to suggestions of course.

Anyways! Most importantly! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter?! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Woohoo! Feedback! Yes! 

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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