28.57% Jobless Transportation - The Honored One / Chapter 13: Gojo Satoru Desires Proper Bathing Arrangements

บท 13: Gojo Satoru Desires Proper Bathing Arrangements

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Satoru just completed his introductions and all the formal procedures required to be a waiter in the Inn he was staying at named "Sword Maiden's Inn".

It's a fairly old Inn passed down through 4 generations of owners and is named after the founder - A Sword Emperor lady, who was widely regarded as a fair maiden in her prime.

Hence her more known title: "The Sword Maiden".

As a side note, Satoru didn't bother memorizing the name of a long-dead sword granny.

Nevertheless, Satoru couldn't help but note how convenient and not "Formal" the process of getting a job here was.

Here, it was much more straightforward than back on Earth, going along the lines of:

(1) Ya fit for the job brat?

(2) Good! Now wear this uniform!

(3) Get to work!

And later on... (4) Here's your pay!

No - taxes yada yada, sign here yada yada, slave labour yada yada. Insurance that ain't insuring shit but takes more money out of you yada yada. And so on.

...Perhaps Satoru had heard too many depressing mumblings from the occasional Salarymen he passed by back in Tokyo.

Though taxes are still a thing here, but considerably easier to avoid and much more lenient and simple without many semantics.

Well, depending on the land you are at, it can really go both ways in terms of percentage and simplicity...


After that simple process of formal introductions and whatnot - The Tomboyish gray-haired receptionist now named Mel promised to teach Satoru reading and writing the next morning prior to his first shift.

Satoru was in no rush so he agreed without protest - Only to ask where he could take a bath, perhaps Mel had some enlightening secret local hot spring spot she could recommend for him.

Satoru would appreciate a hot bath over jumping butt-naked into a frozen river to clean himself as he had in his prior, less civilized state.

Now, Satoru is a new and progressive man!

...But he wouldn't complain either way, it's a matter of preference really.

Having taken a peek at the entirety of the Town with his Six Eyes, Satoru knew there was a Hot Spring in this Town.

And he's not one to miss details, especially ones this important!

Mel responded with a complicated expression, "They are probably closed by now since it's late... Either way, the Town's hot springs are near the entrance to the Sword God Dojo... If you can't wait for tomorrow you can wash yourself off with a bucket! I'll ask the owner to heat up some water for you she knows some Elementary Fire Magic! You seem like you wouldn't mind!"

A shame, no secret hot spring bathing spot for Satoru!

Go to the public hot springs you shade wearing ape!

Satoru shook his head at her in disappointment, "What a lack of faith!" He added with a confident grin, "I'll have you know I'm very persuasive~"

Mel hummed, "Well... Your problem! If you want to waste your time go ahead! I'm off to sleep my shift's over anyway. Don't cause the other girls trouble and make sure you arrive at the Bar at Dawn." She ordered as she walked away from Satoru waving goodbye as she headed upstairs to where her own room must be located.

With Mel's farewell echoing in his ears, Satoru stood alone at the reception table.

The as-yet-unnamed receptionist replacement took Mel's place and greeted him with a friendly smile and a nod.

Satoru returned the greeting and waved to the anonymous receptionist. He had more pressing matters on his agenda as he turned to walk away towards his destination.

-Scene Change-

Arriving at the entrance to the building leading into the Hot Springs, Satoru saw a shovel-equipped man with the standard sword on his belt clearing the entrance of any snow that had accumulated.

The building itself looked nothing like the Japanese style of architecture Satoru was used to, especially with something as classic as a Japanese Hot Spring Bath.

Although Satoru has pretty much nearly adapted to this medieval fantasy setting - That doesn't mean he can't appreciate it as someone completely new to its creations and wonders.

This building was consistent with the architecture of the town itself, but it had its own charming touch that exuded warmth.

...It was probably the steam coming out of the hot springs.

The snow-clearing worker noticed the still figure of Satoru observing him from a distance. In a neutral tone, he informed the visitor, "We're closed for today. Come back tomorrow." He cast a momentary glance toward Satoru before refocusing his attention on the snow-clearing task at hand.

Suddenly, the worker felt an arm encircle his shoulders.

He turned to find Satoru standing beside him, having seemingly appeared out of thin air.

It didn't take a genius - Especially a local worker of the Holy Land Of Swords to recognize that this white-haired man wasn't ordinary.

Nevertheless... Stubbornness, steadfastness, and hardheadedness are notable characteristics of the locals.

"No matter how strong you are, if it's closed then it's closed. No entry, unless you're from the Sword God Dojo at this hour. And you're not, I'd know." He pushed off Satoru's arm from his shoulder and a bead of sweat formed on his forehead as he refocused on shoveling the snow.

The shoveling man was nervous, the reasons are obvious.

'He's a new guy... And I couldn't even react to him' The shoveling man thought to himself nervously, as he mindlessly - One of his eyes going back and forth between the easygoing white-haired man and the snow he was shoveling.

Satoru, wearing an expression of feigned gloom, posed the question, "There's no way I can get in~?" His tone was soft and sad.

With a gulp of bravery at Satoru's innocent, "sad", and yet threatening demeanor he responded, "No, Sorry you'll have to wait for tomorrow." He shook his head as he made eye contact with the shade-wearing teen.

A sigh of sheer disappointment escaped Satoru's mouth, "Aww... Well, no biggie~! Cya!" He returned to his cheerful and nonchalant self as he turned 180 degrees and left the snow-shoveling man alone, walking away at a casual pace.

Confirming that Satoru left his field of vision he let out a sigh of relief, not without adding, "...Thank god he's one of those more amicable odd fellows."

it's impressive that the snow shoveling man was able to figure out that Satoru was an odd man from barely a minute's worth of interaction.

...Upon further reflection, a minute's worth of interaction is more than enough to figure that one out.

-Scene Change-

At the Sword God Style's Main Dojo - A swordswoman was evidently exhausted.

Training harder than she ever had, all so she could get an advantage and surpass that irritating, tactless, and barbaric girl who beat her.

This girl is the Daughter of the Sword God Gal Farion - Nina Farion.

Dark blue-haired, well-toned body and a dignified appearance were what stood out to the common eye.

Behind that dignified appearance, was a well-respected Sword Saint.

Also an envious and bitter self-proclaimed rival to Eris Greyrat.

The bitter part comes from being embarrassed by Eris, a mad dog monkey girl who couldn't even use the Longsword Of Light and yet bested Nina.

...Unfortunately for Nina, any attempt to embarrass Eris whether social or physical proved ineffective.

Sparring with Eris?

Oh! She's constantly busy training with Sword King Ghislaine Dedoldia and her Father!

Socially isolating Eris?

Eris has shown no interest in making friends and rarely talks to anyone unless necessary!

What a pain it was for Nina.

How she wanted to pay Eris back for the humiliation she experienced nearly a year ago!

But for now, Nina can do nothing but work on herself, and eventually - She'll spar with Eris and humiliate her.

Just as she did to Nina.

...Or find a more creative means of humiliating Eris.

Nina shook her head and wiped the sweat off her face as she let down the wooden sword she had been swinging.

Nina let out a sigh, "If only she'd have met with an unfortunate accident in that Patrol Duty."

Do not be alarmed, Nina does not truly wish for Eris's untimely demise.

She only wishes for Eris's humiliation and embarrassment.

An expression of sorrow, hopelessness... Anything!

But most importantly of all... A victory over Eris wouldn't hurt...

Nevertheless, Nina was disappointed at the news that Eris returned practically unharmed from a Patrol that involved a Snow Dragon of all things.

For Eris, Relna, and Alistair to come out without even the slightest hint of a frost burn or any form of injury when facing a Snow Dragon?


Since Eris didn't care to make conversation with Nina... Nor answer a damned simple question, Nina and the other curious students had to ask Eris's teammates in that impromptu Patrol Duty about how it went.

According to Relna, when they arrived it was killed by a passing half-naked barbarian mage who had accompanied them back to town.

An image of such an odd and yet powerful individual who is at least on the strength of a Sword King judging by his feat only piqued the curiosity of Nina and the other gossiping students.

Someone capable of such a feat and is equivalent to a Sword King, perhaps a Mage of the same ranking would surely be well known.

As such it was only natural to ask what the individual's name was and what he looked like - As he had apparently also arrived in this town together with Eris, Relna, and Alistair.

Relna wasn't too eager to share information about this individual.

"It is for your own safety nya! Leave me alone nya!" She said.

But such an obsolete warning could never snuff out the curiosity of gossiping men and women in their 20s with nothing better to do than swing a bloody sword.

Also, they hold the respected rank of Sword Saint.

Again, nothing better to do than swing a bloody sword.

Moving on...

With enough Sword Saints ganging up on yo - I mean convincing you with the widest array of persuasion skills, Relna eventually relented and revealed a bit about the mysterious half-naked barbarian mage.

Male, Tall, with White Hair, and equipped with odd shades that completely block the view of his eyes.

Relna, regardless of any continued beatin- Persuasive attempts refused to utter the individual's name, as if it called upon her deep-seated trauma or something of that sort.

Drama queen - Everyone concluded.

"GO FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF NYA! YOU CAN'T MISS HIM NYA!" She yelled out in sheer terror and hysteria.

...Perhaps he really was that disturbing of a person?

As curious as Nina was about this oddly powerful individual, he was of no concern to her current goals nor was he a security risk.

This town had the Sword God and the Sword Emperors.

In addition to the fact that Nina trusts Alistair's judgment as well. That also has a part to play in her disregard for the mysterious mage.

Alistair, like her, was one of the rare few who had some semblance of intellect was properly educated, and wouldn't have led someone dangerous into town.

...What Nina fails to recognize in her conceited folly, however, is that "Properly Educated" usually constitutes basic literacy.

Something Nina sorely lacks.


With theatrical flare, Nina turned and made her way out of the Dojo intending on cooling down in the freezing outside, and then following it up with a dip in the Hot Springs that the members of the Dojo have the privilege of enjoying even after closing time.

-Scene Change-

After walking downhill, Nina finally arrived at the Hot Spring's entrance building.

"Thank goodness, a familiar face...Nina! Come to take a dip after a hard day's work? A genius like you working hard just makes other swordsmen's lives hard you know!" The shovel-equipped man, responsible for upkeep and tidiness of the Hot Spring and its surrounding area heaved a heavy sigh as he greeted Nina with a friendly smile - Her being one of the regular guests of the Hot Springs during the night.

Nina mirrored his expression although a bit more beaming at the praise, "Ah quit it! I appreciate you for the hard work Geralt!" She waved back as she entered the building, excited to relax in the Hot Spring.

Inside the building, there is a decently sized lobby and two doorways, with clear signs in the Human Tongue that state on each door respectively: "Men" and "Women".

Nina, of course, enters the women's section and finds herself in a locker room-esque place, where belongings are stored, clean towels provided by the Hot Spring's staff are placed and a bench to take a seat.

Taking off her clothes, leaving herself as naked as the day she was born she grabbed her sword and took off towards the Women's hot spring.

...Interestingly, in the Holy Land Of Swords carrying a sword everywhere is basically mandatory for all wise practitioners of any of the three Main Sword Schools.

It isn't a law - but it's practically an unspoken one.

It cements your identity and recognition that you are, in fact, a threat and someone who can defend himself.

On the other hand, it allows you to defend yourself in otherwise defenseless circumstances.

Like... Relaxing butt naked in a hot spring among others.

Thus, Nina passed through the door separating the changing room and the Women's hot spring, with a creek the door opens - leading into a steam-filled environment.

A narrow field of vision is created thanks to the contrasting temperatures of the ambiance and the heat emitted from the Hot Spring.

Nina could barely see anything.

But she's used to that, after all... What is there to see here exactly?

She's here to relax and enjoy the hot spring. Nothing else.

Entering the hot water slowly, her feet first and then her entire body - She releases a moan of pure bliss.

"Ah... This never gets old~" Nina couldn't help but utter

After a few moments in the water, Nina decides to take a swim in the spacious hot spring towards her favorite spot where she can lay and relax.

As she swam, and the hot steam narrowed her vision, she began to sense shifts in the water's movements.

Shifts that didn't solely source from her, hell the more she swam the closer she seemed to approach the source of these shifts.

'Someone's here...' Nina thought with a pout.

Nina likes her alone time - Which is now.

Although other girls going for a midnight dip like Nina aren't too farfetched, it certainly is rare.

As thus, Nina has almost consistently been enjoying the entire Hot Spring in her lonesome.

'As long as she's not going to bother me, it's fine... I just hope it isn't Eris somehow...' Nina thought to herself as she swam towards her favorite spot, uncaring whether she had to pass the other girl that was there.

She swam and swam, until...

She froze at a bizarre and rather concerning sight.

Beyond the barely see-through steam, she saw a... white-haired man with shades who had his entire body except his head submerged staring straight at her, unmoving, his face expressing no emotion.

Before she could even register and process the fact that a Man was invading the Women's Hot Spring and react properly, the shades sporting pervert had a say on the... Matter.

Said man was, of course, none other than Satoru.

Satoru's expression turned genuinely apologetic, "Ah... My bad, I can't read and there wasn't anyone to tell me which ones the men's side. So I had to take a guess. I'll be going now. Sorry!"

As he said that, the statuelike figure of Nina turned a deep shade of crimson red when the floating head now came out with its entire bare body outside.

Satoru, disregarding the fact that Nina was completely naked and the fact that he was completely naked, passed by Nina who gulped in fear and... Anticipation?

As he passed her by, Satoru exchanged his apologetic and neutral expression for his more, signature smirks, "Excuse me~" perhaps having noticed Nina's transparent reaction.

Nina, for the better part of a few seconds, had seen Satoru's "Gojos" in full display.

An image that in the future, would be worth thousands of Asuran Gold Coins were they to have the technology to produce images.

Unfortunately, Nina wasn't a wise investor.

Nevertheless, The image of Satoru's "Gojos" was forever burnt into her mind.

Whether it was placed in the "Trauma" Folder or the Folder corresponding to Nina's less-than-savory fantasies was another argument altogether.

Safe to say, Nina maintained her dignity and withheld her embarrassment up until Satoru left.

Upon his exit, she managed to process the situation and she couldn't relax the entire dip in the Hot Spring.

The relaxing activity had resulted in the exact opposite.

A storm of emotions.

Things haven't seemed to have gone Nina's way these days.

'I've been sullied...' Thoughts of that nature danced in Nina's mind.

However, when her emotions, embarrassment, and well-hidden curiosity no longer held her in a vice grip - She managed to figure out that the alleged pervert, wasn't actually a pervert. Only a clueless first-timer in the Hot Springs.

But the kicker wasn't that innocent discovery - In fact, it was that this individual's looks were unique enough to fit him with the identity of that mysterious mage that did Eris's job for her.

Despite understanding that Satoru wasn't really a pervert and wasn't purposefully trying to leer and partake in Nina.

She couldn't just let such an embarrassment fly by, now could she?

Thus... Was the birth of one of the many Gojo Satoru Rumors.

"The White Haired Shades Wearing Man Is A Hot Spring Pervert."

Which later on evolves into its final form upon the discovery of Satoru's identity:

"Gojo Satoru Is A Hot Spring Pervert"

However, the real question at the end of the day was... How did Satoru get permission to enter the Hot Springs after conceding to the cleaning staff earlier?

As you may have expected, in true Gojo Satoru fashion - He didn't get any permission.

The moment Satoru left the shoveling dude's field of vision he simply used short-range teleportation to arrive inside the empty Hot Spring Building he had scanned with his Six Eyes before teleporting there.

...I guess it beats trying to convince the poor staff member to let him in through typical forceful means, right?

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hey people! Here's the newest chapter!

How was it? Hope you liked it!

Waiter Gojo will appear next chapter though... Be patient!

How many chapters until we finish this Arc? By my estimation (Evidently not a trustworthy source) Around 8-15 Chapters. Could be less, could be more.

Depends on how much I want to develop this specific town.

I want to do a lot, so it's probably leaning on the latter.


I'll appreciate feedback on how I wrote Nina! I hope she comes out in character! I've written her to be a little LESS Naive than the source material, Though it's still a major part of hers. I'll try my best to stay true to her character as well.

Also, you may notice tiny divergences from Canon - Nina knows about Rudeus but doesn't go after him here just yet. It isn't clearly stated she's aware of Rudeus, but from prior chapters of this fic you can tell that Rudeus's intimate connection with Eris is quite common knowledge amongst the Sword God Dojo members.

I'll elaborate on my reasoning and slight change later on.

Nevertheless, it changes absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things and series of events so don't worry - I'm just making it a little more logical. Creative leverage so to speak lmao.

Anyways! Most importantly! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter? I'd appreciate feedback on this on each chapter! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Woohoo! Feedback! Yes! FEEDBACK YA BASTARDS GIVE IT TO ME!

Have a nice day!

-Author Note End-

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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