77.96% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 46: Ghost of the Past

บท 46: Ghost of the Past

Ice Clone gained 604.8 [3024/5] * 2 [Genius] * 120 [Minutes] = 145,152 EXP!

Ice Clone leveled up! LV 74 → 80

For reaching LV 75, you can now create up to 6 Ice Clones at once

 Tigra hopped off of Draeka before her feet hit the sand.

 "Alright, let's get going." She announced to her group as they slowly climbed off of Draeka's back.

 Tigra did stop and look back into Draeka's amber eyes.

 "Do you need to get something to feast on?"

 "It would be preferable. It will take me about-"

 Draeka stopped before looking in a direction.

 "Get whatever you need from here fast. We are in someone's territory and they have noticed."

 "How dangerous?"

 Tigra's question worried Lasher and Bleka, seeing as they were only getting her half of the conversation.

 "If it comes to a fight, I will need to ask for your assistance. While I can't tell who's territory this is, I can tell it is rather large. I noticed their territory about half an hour ago and we never left. In fact, the territory scent only got stronger here."

 "So we're closer to the owner's house then."

 "Go deal with the pitiful creature of metal and get ready to leave."

 Tigra nodded.

 "Alright folks, we're in a time crunch. Apparently we're in someone's territory and they know we're here. Let's hustle."

 Tigra walked ahead towards the ship before hearing some people catching up behind her.

 "Draeka! You have full permission to either engage or give a warning should they appear. You are under my protection; make sure anything here knows that."


 With that, Tigra stepped foot into the ship.


 They walked further in until Tigra's ears twitched.

 "-Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone."

 'The hell?' She thought, holding up a hand, stopping everyone.


 They approached where the sound came from and the voice got louder as others joined it.

 "Mara. I have so many questions for you. I don't even know where to start."

 'Sounds like Adora.' She realized.

 "I am Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone."

 "Uh, hi? I am Adora."

 "I am Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone."

 Tigra winced, realizing what she's confident Adora does as well now.

 'Who ever this Mara is, meant to leave a recording and either was telling someone that they're gone and won't be coming back…or their message got corrupted over time.'

 "That's unsettling." Someone she's never heard spoke.

 "Huntara." Bleka quietly growled out.

 'The other person I'll likely need to fight for control of the Waste?'

 "No, this has happened before. I needed a password."

 'The Ruins.' Tigra remembered the last time something like this happened.

 "I am Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone."

 "Eternia. I have the sword. I am She-Ra. Administrator detected! Speak to me!"

 Adora sounded as if she was growing more and more desperate as she spoke to it.

 "I am Mara, She-Ra of Etheria, and I am gone."

 And Mara didn't seem to care.

 Tigra stalked forward and entered the entrance, just as Adora started laughing.

 She was laughing while a purple version of She-Ra with flowing hair was in front of her. Bow and Sparkles were on either side of her.

 Behind them though was a muscular woman with purple skin, long white hair, a gray vest with gold trim, gold shorts with gold armor along the side of them, and two faded red combat boots. In her left hand was a bo staff.

 The laughing took her aback because of the type of laughter.

 It wasn't because she found something funny or anything similar. 

 This was the laughter of someone who had just been pushed to the edge. Found the last nerve that had been touched.

 "Of course it's on a loop. Of course it is." Her laughter slowly stopped. "Because why would a hologram ever give me a straight answer? Solve a puzzle. Train. Let go. I do everything they tell me, waiting for answers!" Her voice grew louder as she spoke. 

 "And all I'm left with is... is... Why was I taken from my family? Why was I forced to become a soldier? Why did I come here if this was nothing but another dead end?!"

 Adora slammed her hand onto a console, making Tigra more worried.

 'The heck happened between the Reach and now?'

 Only for something to beep from the console and a purple version of the sword's hilt to be planted into the side.

 Tigra and her group crept to the side of the room to avoid being seen if they turned around and were hidden, just as Adora inserted the sword where the hologram was.

 The room suddenly regained power if the blue lines glowing awake were anything to say.

 A blue light flickered over…a command chair in the middle of the room.

 The light gained power before forming into a shape.

 There were no colors besides white-blue, dark blue for outlines, and normal blue for what seemed like injuries.

 They formed into a slim woman with hair styled up into a ponytail with the end inside a clamp. They wore a leotard with a belt over it and her pants, covered by a partial cape that only surrounded what looked to be her sides and backside. To finish it off, she clearly wore some kind of boots that seemed like combat boots but none Tigra had ever seen.

 Yet, there were markings on her face and her knees to indicate that she must have just come from a battle of some sort.

 "I don't have much time."

 Mara sounded almost broken. Not as in her voice was glitchy and clearly broken from lack of upkeep.

 But as if she couldn't stop the end of her world and she was the only one left alive. The kind of broken where you don't see yourself making it out of something alive.

 "I barely made it out…" She took a second to breathe. "If you are seeing this, it means you wield the Sword. You are the new She-Ra. It means I failed. I was supposed to be the last. And I am so, so sorry."

 Tigra barely withheld her surprise gasp at hearing that.

 She knew that there had been a She-Ra before Adora. After all, there were legends of She-Ra and legends like that would have been lost if they weren't real in any sort of way.

 And the woman in front of all of them was the previous holder who had no intentions of having She-Ra continue.

 'But why?'

 "I don't know what they told you, but it wasn't all bad at first. We were the first ones to settle Etheria, to really study this planet's magic. How could it go so wrong? Light Hope use the-- Can't-- Weapon-- The weapon-- Weapon–"

 At that one certain spot, the hologram of Mara was glitching out.

 "Bow? Can you fix it?"

 "I'm trying, but I think the message got damaged in whatever crash resulted in the ship landing in the Waste."

 "I opened a portal to a completely empty dimension and pulled Etheria in."


 Tigra couldn't believe what she was saying. That there were indeed other planets besides Etheria? That Hordak may actually be from a different planet than Etheria?

 "I hid us from the rest of the universe to keep everyone safe. This is the one place they'll never find us. I saw what they would do. What they have done."

 'Who are they!?' For a woman from 1000 years ago, she certainly knew how to not speak about whoever was chasing her and what they could do. 

 "The deaths that would follow. We couldn't stop them before, but we can now. Hiding is our only option. Maybe it's been a week. Maybe it's been thousands of years. I never wanted to be a hero. I won't be remembered as one. Especially after leaving them behind."

 From the hologram, alarms started to blare.

 "You have the Sword now. It is the Administrator Key to our planet. With it, you can activate a portal. So I'm begging you. Don't do it. Leave us here. If you open a portal, death and destruction will follow. For the good of the universe, Etheria must stay in Despondos. If not, everyone will–"

 The hologram shut off the video feed before the sound of crashing occurred.

 It was silent for a moment.

 "That sucks." Tigra spoke, seeing as the recording stopped.

 Several heads turned in her direction as she walked out.

 "Seriously, the woman had a bad case of not saying who."

 "Tigra? The heck are you doing here?"

 Tigra shrugged. "Eh, pissed off Hordak again. Sent me here alone to find some First One tech that Entrapta found. Which happened to be this ship."

 Tigra looked around the ship.

 "I don't think I need to say how problematic that is now."

 "Alone? But I thought the Horde believed the Crimson Waste was a death sentence?" Adora asked.

 "They do." Tigra confirmed with no explanation, continuing to look around the ship.

 "Then why were you sent alone?" Bow asked.

 "Unless Catra and a squad are around the corner?" Glimmer seemed suspicious.

 "Nah. Came alone due to his orders. Though, I gained a gang."

 With that, her group of three came out from the corner.

 "Lasher." Huntara growled out.

 "Huntara." Lasher narrowed his eyes.

 "I see you joined his gang, Bleka. What about Bau? You leave her behind or something?"

 "Don't speak bad about my minions." Tigra spoke up, sitting in the chair now. "Man, this is not comfy in the slightest. Feels like marble."

 "Hold up!" Adora cut in. "The Horde still believes that the Crimson Waste is a death sentence."

 "Correct." Tigra now laid on it with her feet hanging off of one of the sides. "Bit more comfy."

 "Hordak sent you alone to find something that you didn't know was a ship in the 5 million mile sized desert."

 "Two for two." Tigra answered, curling her legs into the seat. "Much more comfortable."

 "Why would he do such a thing?" Glimmer asked. "You're practically the Horde's She-Ra. They shouldn't have just thrown you to the side."

 "Shadow Weaver." Adora answered.

 Tigra's eyes narrowed before sitting normal, as if she was sitting on a throne.

 "3 for 3. How would you…Horde damn it. She went to you." Tigra concluded with a curse. "She went to you for healing and, knowing your bleeding heart, you healed her."

 "I did heal her." Adora admitted. "But not without conditions."

 "Hope you've got someone watching her 24/7. Otherwise, she won't care about them." Tigra pointed out. "You remember how she got around our deals/situations with her."

 "I have the head of the sorcerer guild watching her while putting several magical sealing devices on her. She shouldn't be able to make even a flame you made at 7 years old."

 Tigra smirked at that. While slightly upset that Weaver escaped just to get back to Adora, it was majorly overshadowed by the glee of knowing that, even in escape, Weaver couldn't regain her magic.

 "Her knee?"

 "I'm afraid that She-Ra didn't want to fix her physical wounds. They were more focused on her magical wounds from decades passed."

 Tigra nodded at that before seeing something out of the corner of her eyes.

 "Huntara!" She commanded, making people look over at Huntara, who was glaring at Lasher. "Is there going to be a problem? I don't like when someone tries to threaten what is mine."

 Huntara snickered at that and looked at Lasher with a grin.

 "You lost your gang to her? The pipsqueak?"

 Tigra's eyes narrowed slightly, which set Adora's 'Tigra's-about-to-fight' sense off.

 "Huntara," Adora warned. "Please don't set Tigra off. Can't we have a civil meeting once in nearly 2 years?"

 Tigra frowned.

 "Archer, tell her some of the things you've seen me do."

 "It's Bow." Bow leaned forward. "Not like she'd believe us. She'd never believe that you're capable of giving She-Ra a hard enough time that you're one of the few people that she has to take seriously enough that she can't have anyone else help, less they get in her way."

 "Pipsqueak? Really?" Huntara did not sound impressed.

 Tigra breathed in with closed eyes.

 "Aw maaaan." Adora groaned.

 Tigra's eyes shot open, activating Dark Pulse.

 Huntara quickly took a step back at the sudden feeling of death.

 "You wanna keep talking, Hantura?" She questioned. "I still need to take control of your group. So, I'll ask you a simple question: Will you work under me? Or will I have to thin my future numbers?"

 Huntara opened her mouth several times but couldn't get anything other than a snarl.

 "Tigra, please." Adora pleaded.

 Tigra narrowed her eyes before releasing her spell.

 Huntara breathed in deeply before reevaluating her.

 "Anyways, are we going to get us out of Despondos?"

 "What!?" Several people exclaimed.

 "Did you not hear Mara?" Glimmer asked/exclaimed.

 "Yeah?" Tigra didn't know what the problem was. "She sealed Etheria to save us from something that could have killed what sounded like the planet. Light Hope wanted to use some kind of weapon against whoever Mara was running from. Yet she transported the planet with her sword acting as the lock. That's it?"

 "And you still want to do that?! " Bow's voice turned high pitched.

 "What are you thinking, Tigra?" Adora sounded curious.

 "Adora?" Glimmer asked.

 "Tigra wouldn't be saying such a thing unless she came to a conclusion or noticed something we didn't. What did you notice? Because Weaver said that Hordak is doing this to bring the rest of the Horde."

 Tigra rolled her eyes at having to explain something like this, specifically what she needed to.

 "Alright, these were problems Mara was facing, correct?" She got a few nods. "Light Hope - whoever the fuck that is - planned on using a weapon against some kind of enemy?"

 More nods.

 "Light Hope is a First One hologram that has been training me as She-Ra." Adora supplied.

 "Is she treating you like Rebellion or Horde?" She asked.

 "Mix of both." She admitted. "More like a soldier similar to the Horde, but we only train up to 3 hours a day, unlike the Horde's 6."

 Tigra nodded before returning to the main point.

 "Along with that, no one has seen a First One in nearly a thousand years, correct?"

 Adora looked to the side with a conflicted look, which immediately drew her attention.

 "Adora," She called out. "Have you seen a First One?"

 "Technically, you have too." She sounded confused, upset, and worried.

 "I have?"

 "Just like I've seen all your near deaths."

 Quiet for a moment.

 "Huh. I have several questions that can wait. But the main point, the First Ones, as in nearly all of them, haven't been seen in almost 1000 years, right?"

 "Yees?" Huntara spoke this time, sounding annoyed at the roundabout questioning.

 "Then…why do all of you assume this 'enemy' is still around?"


 "Think about it. For this enemy that Mara is talking about to still be around, they would have to have been around nearly twice the amount of time all of the kingdoms have been around. Brightmoon is the oldest kingdom at 472 years, as of last month. Queen Angella II will be the oldest being at 271 in a month. You're talking about an enemy that would have to have been around nearly 4x as long as Queen Angella has been around. There's no real reason to believe that the threat is real anymore."

 "But the weapon-"

 "That with Adora and Entrapta, we could easily figure out what it is?"

 "Entrapta works for the Horde." Bow pointed out.

 Tigra withheld the 'not for long' comment as Hordak was still in charge. When the change occurs, she would have Entrapta's focus shift from weapons and drones to fixing up the kingdom and, as potential good faith, would allow Entrapta to work on projects for the kingdoms.

 'I don't want real conquest. I simply want my kingdom(s) to be happy, safe, and able to continue without me in the future.' She figured out. 'A kingdom will not stand if they are too focused on being connected to one person.'

 "Then Adora and whoever is your tech person."

 "You mean me?"

 Tigra blinked at him.

 "The Rebellion's tech person is a 16-17 year old?"

 "Your's is Entrapta." Glimmer pointed out.

 "She's 29 and Hordak is over 50." She shot back.

 "She's 29?" Adora asked, surprised.

 "3 months ago. Point is, if we were to focus enough on it, we could likely figure out what this weapon is that Mara clearly didn't want to use."

 "Why would we want to find it if we don't want it used?" Bleka asked.

 "If you put a blaster on a table and leave it there, even if you don't plan on using it, someone will. The more capable thing would be to place the blaster inside a safe, keeping it away from most people and knowing that, if someone has it, they plan on using it." She answered.

 "How's Thaymor going?" Adora suddenly asked, confusing several people.

 "Wouldn't know. Catra and I were supposed to visit it yesterday to have some talks with the locals, visit a few places, and determine the feasibility of the idea." Tigra listed.

 "How's Catra taking…this?" She gestured all around her.

 "No clue." Tigra shrugged. "All I know is that Hordak's threatening me with her."



 Very few people liked Adora's tone.

 "Yep. Falsely accused one of our own as a traitor, blatantly admitted it to my face after having me bring her in, sent her to Beast Island, made me choke to unconsciousness by depriving the room of oxygen, then told me to retrieve the First One tech or don't come back at all. If I left the Waste without the tech, he'd assume I left the Horde and would likely send Catra to Beast Island." She summed up, looking as if unbothered.

 Adora closed her eyes, yet Tigra could easily see hatred, fury, shock, and retribution leaking out of her.

 Her eyes did widen though when, for the briefest second, she swore she was looking at She-Ra before she returned to Adora.

 She glanced behind Adora.


 The Sword was still in the console.

 "Oooookay." Adora started. "So! When's the change in leadership happening?"

 "Huh?" Glimmer, Bow, and Huntara seemed confused.

 Lasher snorted this time.

 "You're telling me ya didn't see that outcome comin, Hunt?" He asked, wearing his own smirk. "It's ain't gonna be pretty either. Not when ya piss off a woman who can take out 70 shooters before the first blast reaches the target, blocking it with her spells."

 "70?" Huntara asked, surprised.

 "Why did ya think she asked if she needed to thin out her numbers? Because of that stunt, we're down to 500 members." He informed.

 "Get me a list of names, specialties, and faces." Tigra threw out.


 The area suddenly shook.

 "What was-"


 "The hell was that!?" Adora exclaimed at the sudden loud hiss that she swears vibrated through her.

 Tigra instantly was on her feet and glowing with lightning and orange.

 "Adora! Grab your sword!"

 Tigra disappeared with a bang.


 Tigra exited the ship in time to see Draeka crash into the ground near her.


 "I found out the territory and we're in for a fight."

 "For Horde's sake! Name, species, anything other than vagueness!" She exclaimed, having enough vagueness about forces that she may or may not have to fight.

 "Young Behir!"

 Something landed on the sand harsh enough that Tigra couldn't see.

 When the sand started going away, Tigra's eyes widened as a hand the size of her entire body appeared a foot away from her.

 She zoomed away, just before the hand hit the ground, exploding the sand once more.

 When she got away, she managed to get a good sight of it.

 It was roughly 85-100 feet in length, dark blue like the ocean, four large arms on each side of it with one being where she had just been, a tail about 25 feet long. Each arm held a hand with claws as long as about half her body. It also had curled horns on its head, suggesting that its purpose was to ram something.

 'Strong enough to easily lift and throw Draeka. Long enough that distance would just cause it to focus on Draeka. Enough hands that it is meant to catch something much bigger than Draeka and keep hold of it.' She thought as she activated Raiju, boosting her current speed to Mach 61.

 'Status - Behir.'

[Young Behir | Age: 32 | Level: 88]

[HP: 227,040 | Armor: 90%]

Behirs of this age are now looking for mates or looking for food for their mates. Behirs are known to be able to completely block up to three elements but more commonly only block up to 1 or 2. Their number of limbs make it hard to capture and its strength makes it impossible to fight with strength alone. Whichever element(s) they can block, they can also attack with.

A Behir, when fully grown, will often be between 120-160 feet long and will have grown into their full 12 arms, along with their scales being some of the strongest thing in Etheria's history. They can live up to 400 years old before their bodies start to give out on themselves.

 'Lordy. And it's still Young!?'

 With a shake of her head, she charged forward and created a Lightning Falchion . She dashed up to it before slamming the falchion into it.

 The lightning danced along its scales before she noticed something.

 The scales on its back briefly glowed blue before she looked up and saw it staring at her.


 Draeka's yell was too late as a bright blue stream of energy slammed into where she was.


 She-Ra had just bounded out of the ship when she noticed a large snake hiss out loudly towards…

 'This blasted desert is just full of monsters.' She thought as she eyed the giant creature whose mouth glowed blue.

 Her eyes widened at the target being Tigra and being blasted by the energy breath. The area acted as if a major bomb went off and she had to cover her face.

 When the sand settled enough to see, the monster was laughing a deep chuckle, something that could almost be felt.

 "You…" She growled.

 She didn't care if Tigra had some bullshit power to come back from the dead or somehow be immune to this shit.

 This thing tried to kill Tigra.

 "Rah!" She yelled out as she jumped in the air and slashed her sword through one of its legs.

 It yelled out in pain as she found herself smacked away by another arm.

 She slid across the ground before shaking her head and charging back into the fold.

 It threw a hand at her.

 She threw her own.

 The giant creature is no match against the power of She-Ra.

 Her fist entered its hand and grabbed onto something solid.

 She yanked outward, tearing something out.

 It was large, white, and…

 She-Ra had just pulled out a carpal bone for the creature, rending that hand immobile.

 She heard a charging up sound and looked towards the source and saw the creature opening its mouth to shoot the energy at her again.

 It fired at her, just as she turned her sword into a golden shield covering her.

 It kept firing for what felt like ages.


 "Hey garden snake reject!"

 She felt the beast stop firing at her.

 "Don't fuck with what's mine!"

 She-Ra smirked, knowing just who that was.


 Tigra snarled as she shot 24 blue fireballs, each costing only 8 MP at the Behir, none of them missing due to the size of the creature.

6237 damage * 0.1 * 24 = 14,969 damage dealt!


Fireball gained 14969 * 16 [POF, Genius, Pyromaniac] = 239,504 EXP!

Fireball mastered!

[Fireball LV MAX - Using fire magic, you can now hurl fireballs at a target. Upon hitting the target, everything within two feet of the target will also be hit. Damage is INT * 2.25 [Mastered] * 3.75 [Fire_Bonus] with surroundings taking 75% of the initial attack.

Base Damage: 3248 | MP: 4]

For mastering Fireball, INT + 5 and Magic Control + 5%

INT: 378 → 385

Magic Control: 342% → 347%

 It cried out in pain before trying to swat her with its tail.

 Normally, she would just keep leveling up combat spells but there are a few exceptions: Lightning spells don't work on it, so she's practically out of combat spells she can level up.

 It also attacked Adora while she had been stuck inside melted sand that was clumping into glass.

 Luckily, her Azure Flames boosted Lava Armor is hot enough to keep that glass liquid and her to get out of it.

 It did require a bit more effort to get her arms out of the melted material, but nothing a stronger yank couldn't help. She did feel lighter though, as if a pressure was released off of her, but that wasn't important right now.

 She growled before activating YAS and Cheetah.

 Boosting her 112,954 DEX by 4.5, increasing it to 508,293 | Mach 276.

 To make sure it stayed down in the next hit though, she boosted herself forward with Fire Charge, easily avoiding the tail and positioning herself to move across its back.

 With the extra 50% increase in DEX, it boosted to 762,439.5 | Mach 414.

Hidden Quest Completed!

Faster than Light(ning)

Your speed has reached a level only a select few living beings are capable of. You are now faster than the strike of a lightning bolt.

Rewards: [Flash] title, 25,000 EXP

[Flash - With this title, you have proven yourself faster than the original strike of a lightning bolt. With this, you can now avoid lightning spells with ease]


Leveled up! LV 67 → 68

15 attribute points and 3 skill points awarded.


INT + 15


INT: 385 → 404

 Tigra moved faster than a brain could send a neuron signal to reach one's eyes without magic helping them [13 ms].

 Her claws dug into the scales of the Behir with ease, as if they were gliding through water.

 She ran up its back, leaving four massive gouges along its back from its tail joint, through the back, through bone, caterlige, muscle, and anything else with ease.

 Until she reached the head and simply pulled back her arm and, ignited with Azure Flame boosted Fire Fist, slammed her claw through the head, into the mouth, and tore it out the side of the head.

(147,580+140,228,049) * 0.1 = 14,037,563 damage inflicted!


H2H gained 168,571 EXP!

H2H leveled up! LV (4)30 → (4)33


6000 EXP awarded for eliminating a Young Behir

 To (almost) everyone there, Tigra was about to be hit by the tail of a Behir one second…

 The next with her standing over Adora as the Behir collapsed onto the ground with a large piece of its head torn off, its back practically torn into five slices, and not looking at all like a creature that was throwing Draeka around like a doll.

 Anyone who came out was greeted with that sight and Lasher seemed to sigh deeply before shrugging at his situation. He knew that he'd never be able to take control of his gang again as long as she lived.

 He'd rather not meet the person or creature capable of killing her though.

 Huntara actually shook for a moment. Of everyone there, only Lasher, Bleka, and Huntara knew the threat of a young Behir. How a single one would need almost all of her gang. Heck, the Elder Behirs were left alone and they typically had to move when one was spotted.

 The fact that a young one was brutally murdered with what appeared ease, seeing as 'Tigra' and Adora were largely unharmed, along with a Basilisk who had closed its eyes while making its way over to Tigra cemented one thing in Huntara's mind.

 Tigra is and will never be one that should be underestimated.

 "You alright? I know that you aren't lightning proof like I am." She asked.

 Adora shook her head before returning back to her normal self as the sword turned into a bracelet on her right arm, intriguing Tigra.

 "I'll be good. Arms are a bit tense from holding up the shield, but nothing good rest and some ice won't fix. You?"

 "Perfectly good. The worst thing was being stuck in some sand that was heated into a mix of glass and sand."

 "Are you going to eat that?" Draeka asked, taking Adora back as she changed her bracelet back into a sword.

 "Nah. Go ahead and eat it, Draeka."

 Draeka slithered to the corpse and started to eat pieces of it.

 Tigra stared at the corpse before creating 11 Fire Clones who went around the body and started tearing off pieces of it, such as a claw, a couple of scales, a few teeth, before ripping the body into smaller pieces for Draeka.

 "So…you have a giant pet snake?"

 "Not a pet."

 "They'd prefer companion." She found a work around. "But yeah. Apparently, Basilisk pride themselves on strength and their ability to inflict temporary paralysis. Both I overpowered."

 "Always something absurd when I see you again." Adora shook her head.

 "Well, guess I'll have to head back and tell Hordak that I physically can't bring this ," She swept her arm up to the ship. "Back by myself. You guys are probably done in the desert so you should be heading back to civilization and-"

 "Hey, Boss?" Bleka cut in.

 Seeing Tigra looking at her, she continued.

 "Were your bracelets important to you?"

 "Kinda? It relates to…"

 Tigra looked at her left arm.

 The bracelet was gone.

 She looked at her right arm.

 It was gone as well.

 "They are broken over there in the solidified glass. Looks as if you tore your way through them." She analyzed them.

 "Oh no. No no no." Tigra repeated.

 "Tigra? What's the matter?"

 She spun towards Adora.

 "How do you think Hordak would know if I left the Waste?"

 "I'd assume…a tracker." She realized.

 "And if the tracker suddenly broke, Hordak would believe you left the Horde." Bow finished.

 "Meaning that-"

 "Catra's in danger now." Tigra finished. "I can't show up empty handed, otherwise he'd think it was a trap to rescue Catra and get away, which would send the Fright Zone into lockdown. Anyone seen helping us would be declared a traitor, which would include the rest of the Squadron more than likely."

 Her eyes landed on something.

 "Adora," She looked her in the eyes. "Do you trust me?"


 Back in the Fright Zone, in the Sanctum, a red light started flashing as a door slid to the side, leaving a tall figure shrouded in darkness looking at the light.

 The figure frowned before the door slid close, cutting off all light, save a slowly flashing red light.


Tigra Py'ra Blureclaw| 18

Level 68 (10005/17000) | 58.85%

HP: 11,100 | HPR: 4995

MP: 8080 | MPR: 4331

SP: 5550 | SPR: 2498

STR: 165 | DEX: 724

CON: 555 | INT: 404

WIS: 321 | CHA: 154

Skill Points: 7

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 0

Speed: 100.6 MPH

Magical Control: 347%

Carry Capacity: Normal - 309 lbs. MAX 413 lbs


[H2H LV (4)33], [Run LV (2)45], [Dash LV (4)84, [Blades LV (1)49], [Spear LV 50]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 105], [Sneak LV 48]

[Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 87]

[Magic Res LV 42], [Earth Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 35], [Security LV 18], [Hacking LV 27], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Clone-Fire and Lightning

Fire Step, Fire Breath, Flame Dive, Lava Armor, Flame Charge, F. Shield, Crimson Slash,

Flame Fists, Fireball, F. Dagger, F. Arrow, F. Falchion, F. Spear

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws LV 20, L. Falchion LV 61, L. Spear LV 44,

L. Arrow LV 3, L. Dagger LV 54, Lightning Slam LV 23, L. Clothing LV 21

Chill, Ice Armor, Ice Clone LV 74

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Shadow Spy LV 72, Shadow Armor, Dark Pulse


Bubble, Stream, Wave, Water Armor LV 63

Haste, Heal, Regeneration LV 18, Truth LV 18, Lie LV 18


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Durable - Multiplies final CON by 1.15]

[Intelligent - Multiplies final INT by 1.3]

[Wise - Multiplies final WIS by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3]

[Maniac - EXP x2: Fire, Water, Pure, Electric]

[Unburnable - You can't be hurt by fire or heat through fire. Period.]

[Proof- Can be hurt with ill intent: Physical, Electricity, Ice, Shadow]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Grimm - Decreases damage taken by 75%, regenerations + 200% but Light attacks deal 3x their regular damage. Works for 30 minutes a day]

[Yuki-Onna - Touching something with HP will do INT*100 ice damage per second. Can be used for 10 minutes a day]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 7 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 4 minutes later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%]

[Control - Allows the use of 4 continuous spells without causing pain]

[Princess of Fire - Multiplies MP by 2, MPR by 1.5, and Fire spells gain 4x EXP]

[Azure Flames - You can use 50% more MP to increase a fire spell's power by 100%. Doing so turns your flames into a brilliant blue]

[Bonded: Draeka - LV 77 Basilisk]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Brilliant - All spells do 25% more damage]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Eagle - You can now run on air as long as you remain undisturbed]

[Diamond Body - Decreases damage taken by 60% after resistances]

[Meditated - MPR remains active at 15% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]


Dark Flame - A Jian that can channel fire magic to increase its power ~ 4690 damage with no added MP

Shadow Piercer - Dual Daggers dark enough to be hidden in shadows ~ 4360 per dagger

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C46
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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