46.85% Fate/DC Universe / Chapter 67: O' Sun, Abide to Death

บท 67: O' Sun, Abide to Death

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Black Beetle held Lagoon Boy by his neck and threw him away, smashing into the ship's walls. "Their power has increased. For some reason, these pathetic creatures are still fighting. It's almost like they have unlimited vitality," thought Black as he punched Connor. Before turning to face Cassie, he used his laser to aim at Robin and Batgirl. Surprisingly, Connor recovered quickly and punched him, followed by Cassie tying him up and slamming him against the ship's wall.

"Yes, I was right. They have definitely gotten stronger. It's the work of that Bitch. If I get rid of that Blue Lantern, I'll be able to deal with them easily," thought Black as he recovered, grabbing the robe and punching Cassie. Then he turned towards Carry and started releasing his laser cannons.

"He's targeting Carry! We have to protect her!" said Batgirl as she threw multiple smoke grenades under him. As he swept the smoke away, he was met with Bumblebee releasing her small beams right into his eyes, blinding him. Due to the pain, he started swatting away, accidentally hitting her.

"This is our chance!" screamed Connor as he ran directly towards him. Black recovered fast, and the two locked hands, with Black proving to be much stronger. "Even with that bitch's support, you're still pathetic. You can't hope to stand against me," he taunted as he swung Connor up and then slammed him down.

With both Cassie and Connor incapacitated, the main powerhouses of the team were beaten. All that was left was to deal with the others. "I don't wish for our products to go defective. Why don't you kindly go back to your—AGHHH, BITCH!" Black was interrupted as Carry punched him, taking down her reinforcements. She regained her super strength and her Lantern powers. "Megan and Nightwing should be coming soon. I have to hold out until then. I've only got about 20% of my power left, and I won't be able to charge while fighting him," thought Carry.

Seeing that Black was regaining his foothold, Carry conjured up two hammers and slammed them into him from each side. Black guarded against the first one and blasted the second one with his laser. He then created cannons on his shoulders, surprising Carry as they attacked her, sending her flying.

"I'm going to incinerate you," said Black as he connected his hands together, forming a massive cannon. A blue beam was released from it. Carry created a massive shield that deflected most of the beam, but not all of it, leading to her defeat. "I've run out of energy. Reinforcements aren't here. Barbara and Tim can't deal with this alone. Should I use that?" she thought.

But as if the heavens themselves had heard her prayers, the door that Black Beetle had locked was smashed, and a man walked forward. He was wearing regular civilian clothes and had blonde hair. The man walked towards Carry, not giving Black much thought. "Are you all right? Looks like you worked really hard. I'm proud of you," he said, confusing Carry. "Who? Who are you?" she asked. The man had a blank expression as he said, "Oh... Sorry about that," reverting back to his original appearance. "Brother Raiden!"

"Why is Raiden here? Did Dick call him?" thought Batgirl, and Tim thought, "Can he win this? All of us were beaten."

"Meat, more meat keeps coming here, and you are ignoring me? Perhaps I should skin you alive to make you know your place," said Black, but in reality, his thoughts were different. "He broke the ship's walls. They're very durable. That half-Kryptonian could only dent them, but he completely destroyed them. I was warned about him, but let's see if he lives up to that."

"You there, are you the Reach's Ambassador?" said Raiden as he pointed at Black. This got Black to slightly twitch his eyebrows as he said, "Meat that knows too much. No, I am not the Ambassador. But how do you know of my race, and that we have an Ambassador?" Raiden sighed and said, "Oh... That's disappointing. So you're just some random soldier? That scientist did say that the Ambassador has left. I won't get to complain about them being here uninvited."

"He even knows about the invitation law? Who is this human? Why does he know so much? The Light never told me that he's that informed. Wait, no, he said scientist. That bitch," thought Black. "So it was that scientist that told you about us? That traitorous bitch. I'll kill her after dealing with you, meat," said Black. Raiden simply raised his hands and said, "I don't think you'll have to. I've already snapped her neck. She was a nuisance. Anyways, you keep referring to others as meat. Is that supposed to be some sort of insult? You do realize that you're a beetle, right? On Earth, beetles are crushed beneath boots."

"Why don't you give it a try then, meat?" As soon as Black said that, Raiden met him with a kick to the face, sending him flying and smashing him into the walls. "I used reinforcement magic, but my leg... it's absolutely broken. This guy... he's actually strong. Fine, no more playing around," thought Raiden.

Getting up, Connor and Cassie looked at Raiden. "You seem to show up at the most random places. Is this coincidence, or did Dick call you?" Raiden shrugged. "Definitely a coincidence. I was as shocked as you guys are. Guess great minds think alike," he said.

"Great minds, huh? Well, let's hope that great mind has a great fist. I've got your back," said Connor. Raiden looked at Beetle, who was getting up, and said, "I can't afford to play around with this guy. Throne of Heroes!"

"S... Servant, Lancer. My true name is Karna. Nice to meet you," the voice in Raiden's head spoke, belonging to Karna, the Hero of Benefaction.

Raiden's figure changed as usual, but this time, it was phenomenal. It boasted a majestic presence with his golden armor adorned in intricate designs. His flowing red cape billowed behind him, adding to his regal aura on the battlefield. His eyes filled with determination, spoke of his unwavering resolve as a warrior. Beneath his armor lay a powerful, muscular physique, emphasizing his prowess in combat. With his divine lineage and legendary spear Vasavi Shakti, Raiden now stood as a formidable and imposing figure, radiating an aura befitting his heroic status. The Son of the Sun God.

'Shit, this is insane. This power... Screw me, I've summoned many servants, but this guy is... Destructive. He reminds me of Scáthach, but much more destructive. It's like I'm made to erase everything. This flame... It's almost the same as Aśvatthāman, but instead of chaotic, this flame is calm, but calm in a dangerous way. It's much more powerful,' thought Raiden, as Karna's powers started to swirl around him.

"YOU SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TO ME, MEAT!" screamed Black as he used his hand cannon to release a massive blue laser. But Raiden didn't even look at it. He just moved his hand a bit to make the laser not hit the spear, and his armor absorbed all the attack. It wasn't even powerful enough to leave a scratch on it.

'I hate to say it, but this is boring... No, I'm sorry. It's my fault, not yours,' said Karna inside Raiden's mind, to which Raiden agreed. This was just too much. Black was not someone that Karna needed to fight. After all, Karna could incinerate him in a second. But the problem arose. If Raiden were to go all out, then his friends would be in danger. They were still in the middle of the ocean. If Raiden were to release a single powerful attack from Karna's arsenal, the ship would be destroyed, and water would start to seep inside.

'But if I don't go all out, I won't be able to satisfy Karna, and I might not get his skills. Karna is an [S] class servant, one of the most pinnacle servants in the throne. I have to get one of his skills.'

"Connor, take everyone and leave. I'm about to destroy this ship. Whoever's from the team that's still in the ship, make them leave. I'll buy you three minutes. After that, I'm turning everything to ash," said Raiden. Hearing that, Connor nodded as he said, "Everyone, we're retreating. Get all the hostages out." He then started running with everyone as he turned to Batgirl and said, "Can you communicate with Dick? If so, tell him that Raiden is going all out and has said that we have three minutes before he destroys the ship."

"Is that even possible? We weren't even able to dent this ship. Is Raiden that strong?" asked Bumblebee. To which Connor said, "Listen up, you all might be new to the team, but there's one thing you should understand. The reason why Raiden does a lot of things and gets away with it is because he's undefeated. Out of every battle I've seen Raiden go through, he has lost none. Today will be no exception. And if you still don't believe me, you'll see in three minutes why he's scary."

'Now that they're gone, I should toy with this guy a bit,' thought Raiden as he looked at the determined Black Beetle. As the confrontation ignited, Black Beetle wasted no time unleashing his full arsenal. His hand cannons blazed with deadly precision, sending a barrage of energy blasts toward Raiden. Dodging with agility, Raiden deflected the projectiles effortlessly with his spear.

'I can't afford to play around. He's strong. I need to kill him now!' thought Black Beetle. Undeterred, he activated his shoulder rockets and released his hidden beetle wings, propelling himself into the air with tremendous speed. From above, he rained down a torrent of missiles, each aimed with pinpoint accuracy at Raiden's position. Yet, Raiden remained steadfast, weaving through the onslaught with ease.

'This bastard! He's just not fazed by anything! I'll have to use that. I'm going to erase him.' With a battle roar, Black Beetle swooped down, unleashing a devastating energy beam from his cannons. He combined both his hand cannons and released his full power. The blast engulfed the battlefield, but Raiden stood unfazed, his armor glowing faintly from the impact. 'Damn Karna, this armor is a joke. Wearing this, I'm almost invincible. I doubt even Superman can destroy this.'

Sensing an opportunity, Raiden closed the distance with remarkable speed, his spear poised for a decisive strike. In a swift motion, he delivered a powerful slash that shattered Black Beetle's defenses, sending him crashing to the ground, looking around, Black beetle realized that it was hopeless, his armor was half broke with one attack, how the hell was he going to win 'I've got to Run'

Taking his chance, Black Beetle escaped the room they were fighting in, and using his Authority, he closed every door behind him, just in case that Raiden chased after him, but what he didn't know, is that Raiden wasn't even chasing him

'I'll let him escape, he should be important, he'll make that Ambassador know that I'm here, he'll be a warning, now let's see, it should be a little over three minutes' though Raiden, he then activated detection magic

Looking around, he noticed that everyone in the radius of five kilometers are either aliens or Manta's man, 'I can't sense Kaldur and Artemis, and the Team has left, nothing is stopping me now, oh and look at this, seven ships like this one are closing in, they're probably back up to the aliens, good, good'

"Karna, Are you ready ? we're going to be having some fun" said Raiden, to which Karna said 'You're a pretty eccentric Master, you know that? ...But, don't worry about it. I've never found your commands to be inadequate. Use me as you please'

"Good to know, than, Let's test it shall we" said Raiden to which Karna said 'I've never seen it before, It's meant to be an attack that makes me weak after using it, I usually die after using it, even if I win the battle, but with you, it might be different'

Raiden's body glowed as he flied to the skies, destroying the ship and flying underwater, he went to the skies, everything in his way started to melt due to the skill {Mana Burst (Flame)} making his Mana flammable as he reached the skies, Raiden looked at the ground and started his chant, for the strongest noble phantasm his ever used since he came to this world

"Know the mercy of the King of Gods.

Indra, open your eyes.

This single strike is extinction itself!

Burn it all.

Vasavi Shakti!!!"

His golden armor and core melted away in flames as an eye appeared behind him, an eyes that was created by the flames, his spear that was pointed upwards unleashed it's true form, turning into a massive black spear with a purple middle, he then pointed downwards as he thought 'O' Sun, Abide to Death'

The spear released a strong flame that covered the entirety of the five kilometers as the entire ocean was engulfed by it, incinerated, to the point that not even the steam that was supposed to come out was there, everything turned into a dark hole in the ocean, all the ships there, the backups and the original, disappeared, as if they were never there, no trace left

After few seconds, the surrounding ocean started to flow inside as it covered the hole Raiden has made

'This was insane, I restricted it, and it was that destructive, if I hadn't restricted it, ten, no twenty kilometers could all be incinerated' 

'Once a certain Master told me that my problem isn't that I say too much, but rather that I say too little. Since then I've been trying to do something about that; That was Amazing Master, I'm happy that I've witnessed that, thank you, uhmm... Do you think it's working? Have I said enough ?'

'AHAHA YES Karna, thank you as well, you've said enough'

Raiden's energy went back to normal as he floated around with his magic, looking at what skill he'd chose

{Bond Increased!

Karna Bond 1 → Bond 7}

{Host Can Choose an Active Skill:

Knowledge of the Deprived A

Mana Burst (Flame) A

Uncrowned Arms Mastery }

'I'll take Mana Burst (Flame)' said Raiden

{Duplicate skills detected, Combining skills

Mana Burst A + Mana Burst (Flame) A = Mana Burst (Chaos) A+++}

{Mana Burst (Chaos): Functions the same way as Normal Mana burst, in that it increases in performance caused by infusing one's weapons and body with Magical Energy and instantly expelling it, however, with Chaos, the user can tap into different abilities that are part of the Mana burst skill tree

Currently Unlocked: Flame, Lava, Magic, Light}

'Now this is a fucking Skill, As of now, I'd compare myself to a B or an A Class servant without the throne of heroes, it might also be the reason why the servant's I've been summoning lately are all insanely strong'


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