35.66% Fate/DC Universe / Chapter 51: Humbled

บท 51: Humbled

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After their heartfelt reunion, Raiden was introduced to the team by Nightwing and Megan. Most members of the current team didn't know Raiden well, courtesy of Batman and the League hiding information about him from the League's computers. Raiden also introduced both Kori and Carrie to the team. They were surprised to see not only the first Blue Lantern on Earth but also the fact that Kori was a princess.

"Recognized Zatanna 0-25."

"Recognized Rocket 0-26."

The Zeta tube opened to allow the two girls in: Zatanna and Rocket.

"RAIDEN! You're alive!" said Zatanna as she, too, came to give Raiden a hug.

"Good to see you, Zatanna. How have you been? I hope Dr. Fate wasn't causing any troubles for your dad whilst I was gone," said Raiden.

"Silly Raiden, you asking about my dad when you have just arrived. I'm more worried about you right now," said Zatanna.

"Are you not going to give me a hug?" snickered Rocket.

"Of course I will," said Raiden as he leaned in to give Rocket a hug as well.

"We missed you, Raiden. It's not been as fun without your wild attitude," said Rocket.

"I heard you got a kid now, Rocket. Congratulations," said Raiden.

"Thanks. Must be really shocking for you, huh? We were just teenagers back then, but now I'm a mother," said Rocket.

"A little bit, yeah. I haven't even seen Wally or Artemis yet. Heard they retired to focus on college," said Raiden.

"I'll let them know as soon as possible, Raiden," said Nightwing.

"Please do that," replied Raiden.

"What about you, Raiden? Tell us about your journey. Where have you been? What happened that night?" a barrage of questions was released by Connor.

"Don't ask him so many questions when he just arrived. He should go and relax a bit, talk with Raven," said Megan in an annoyed tone.

"I just wanted to know," said Connor.

"It's okay, I don't mind. A lot must have changed, huh? Considering you lovebirds never even disagreed with each other before," said Raiden with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, about that, Raiden," said Nightwing as he placed his hand on Raiden's shoulder.

"Ain't no way," said Raiden as he opened his eyes wide.

"We're not a couple anymore," said Megan.

"Yeah, we broke up," added Connor.

"Nah? For real? You two? Things really have changed, huh? Well, I don't know the details nor do I care. I still care about you two equally as my friends," said Raiden.

"Now, where's Kaldur?" asked Raiden.

The mood turned a bit sour after he asked that question, to which Nightwing said, "One of our members, his friend Tula, died recently, and after that, Kaldur found out that his father was Black Manta, Aquaman's greatest nemesis. As such, he turned his back on the League and the Team and joined his father."

Hearing that, Raiden closed his eyes to think for a bit. 'Kaldur would never abandon his king or the League, even if his father was Black Manta. I know that for sure. He was too uptight and loved his king more than anyone. Aquaman practically raised him, even if Manta was his father. Which means one thing: Aquaman might have sent him on a secret mission. Interesting. Do Nightwing and Batman know?'

"I see, then that is unfortunate," said Raiden

"Recognized 0-03 Wonder Woman"

"Recognized 0-01 Superman"

"Recognized 0-02 Batman"

"Recognized 0-05 Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)"

"Recognized 0-11 Zatara"

"Recognized 0-13 Black Canary"

"Recognized 0-14 Green Lantern (John Stewart)"

"Recognized 0-24 Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)"

Hearing the plethora of League members entering the cave, Raiden sighed as he said, "Well, here comes the trouble. I had hoped they'd give me a bit of time."

"Thank the Gods! Raiden, you are back with us," said Diana as she walked towards him, placing her hand on his shoulders to check on him.

"Ms. Diana, good to see you again," said Raiden as he smiled.

"Raiden, it's good to see you back with us," said Dinah, aka Black Canary.

"Ms. Dinah, I'm back," said Raiden as he nodded his head towards her.

"I heard you caused a lot of trouble to get back," said Batman.

"Somewhat, yeah." replied Raiden

"It's good to see you again, young Raiden," said Zatara.

"You as well. I hope you haven't been facing any trouble," said Raiden.

"Nothing of that sort, all thanks to you," said Zatara.

"Alright, enough with the pleasantries, hotshot. I couldn't care less about your little buddy-buddy act. But here's the deal: that kid you're yapping about? He's on the Corps' radar now, and that means he's my jurisdiction. So do us all a favor and step aside, 'cause I'm gonna handle this my way." said the last entering member, a Green Lantern member with ginger hair and a fiery attitude.

"Stop it, Guy. We agreed we would speak with Raiden first," said Hal Jordan.

"The kid just arrived home after a long journey. Can't you hold yourself a bit?" said John.

"Listen up, Princess! I ain't got time for your Amazonian rhetoric. This scumbag's on the Green Lantern Corps' radar, and that makes him fair game for me. So, unless you wanna get in the way of justice, I suggest you move aside and let me handle this!" said Guy Gardner as he flew up and his ring started shining.

To his surprise, however, the entire OG members of the team that were in the cave came in front of Raiden to defend him, completely ready to battle for his safety. Raven, Kori, and Carrie were first to step in, followed by Nightwing, Connor, Megan, and even the current League members Zatanna and Rocket. What was more shocking was both Wonder Woman and Black Canary also taking his side, with Zatara saying, "We won't allow you to take one of us, Green Lantern."

"Whoa, hold up! You lookin' to pick a fight with the Green Lantern Corps? This guy's a certified menace, wanted for a laundry list of crimes, including offing hundreds! So unless you're gunnin' for a showdown, step aside and let me handle this ring-slinger style!" said Guy.

"You have yet to provide any evidence of such claims. Unless you have evidence, we can't hand over a member of our team to the Lantern Corps," said Batman.

Surprising everyone around, it was Superman who replied, saying, "Do we not already have evidence of his crimes? He did kill Dr. Ivo."

"While that is true, that is outside the jurisdiction of the Lantern Corps," replied Batman.

Raiden was at a loss for words, not for the actions that the Green Lantern or Superman had taken, rather for the actions of his old friends and some Justice League members. Seeing them defend him so readily warmed Raiden's heart. He had believed they all would have hated him for the Ivo incident, but it looks like that wasn't the case.

The new team members were all shocked at this development. Most of them didn't even know who Raiden was, but seeing that controversy surrounding him as he arrived, they knew Raiden must have been a very important figure back in the day.

Raiden walked in front of his protectors as he said, "This is quite the development. I did not expect this."

He then walked towards the duo of John and Hal as he said, "Would one of you be so kind as to connect me to the Guardians of the Universe?"

"The Guardians? I don't think that's possible, Raiden," said Hal.

"A wanted criminal speaking with the Guardians will put us in trouble, kid," said John.

"I see, that's unfortunate. I had expected to pass this without fighting, but meh, it doesn't matter either way. You! Ginger."

"What the hell did you just call me, punk? You got a death wish or something?"

"Listen closely to what I'm about to say. You look like an idiot, so focus on my words. You and I fight. If you win, I surrender and you take me to the Guardians and start my judgment. If I win, however, you will use that ring of yours to connect me to the Guardians. Deal?"

"Why should I even entertain your offer? I could just lay you out right here, right now, and haul your sorry butt straight to the Guardians."said Guy.

"Are you afraid? If you are so confident, you wouldn't have hesitated to accept. Don't worry, I'm not a Yellow Lantern. I won't strike fear into your heart, at least not yet," said Raiden.

"Fine, I'll play your game. But here's the deal: it's just you and me, mano a mano, no interference. And once I start pounding on you, there's no tapping out. I'll keep going until I've had my fill." said Guy.

"Sure, why not? Let's use the cave's arena," said Raiden as he turned to walk towards the Arena

"Lantern! I'm warning you, surrender this fight immediately!" said Diana.

Hearing that, Guy smiled as he said, "Worried I'll turn the kid into pulp? Relax. I'll do my best to hold back the haymakers."

"I'm not worried about him, Lantern. I'm worried about you. Raiden is one of the few people I would have to go all out to fight him. May the gods protect you," said Diana.

Hearing that, a cold sweat dropped from Guy's head, but he was determined to fight Raiden regardless


"Fighting as soon as you got back. That's so like you," said Raven as she kissed him.

"After all of this blows over, I want to speak to you privately, Raven. It's about Kori," said Raiden as he lowered his head in shame.

"Yeah, I had a feeling something like that was going on when you arrived with a woman. Just focus on coming back to me. We can discuss what we're going to do about that later, okay?" said Raven.

"Hey Raven, I love you, and thank you for waiting for me," said Raiden as he turned to enter the training arena inside the cave


"Lantern, do you know anything about me, or did you pick up this fight just because?" asked Raiden.

"I've heard all I need to. Your heroes won't be swooping in to rescue you from the righteous might of the Green Lantern Corps." said Guy.

"I see. Unfortunately, I won't need any heroes today, you're not worth it" said Raiden.

Immediately, Raiden activated one of his skills: {Sabotage A+}. This skill allows Raiden to sabotage enemy forces up to 60% before going into battle. In this case, the skill reduced Guy's ring charge to 40% without him even realizing it.

Raiden then activated two other skills, as a dark blue aura started circling around him. The two skills were {Determination of Steel EX} and {Robust Health EX}. The former increased his magic regeneration to the max, making it so his latter skill lasts longer, as it was the skill he needed the most, increasing his endurance from D to A++. In this state, Raiden can withstand blows from Superman like they were nothing.

With his skills activated Raiden looked at Guy then said, "What are you waiting for?"

Getting annoyed by Raiden's taunts, and the aura that has surrounded him, Guy created a massive baseball bat and attacked Raiden with it, but the bat dropped on Raiden's head, cracking immediately after.

"What!" said Guy as everyone else was shocked to see Raiden do nothing.

The entire League never expected him to grow this strong without activating his powers. They didn't know this, but his Robust Health skill was broken. It would make him almost invincible, however, only for four minutes. Even with Determination of Steel active, it consumed too much mana. However, Guy didn't know that, and Raiden took advantage of the info.

"Looks like your willpower is pathetic. How did you even qualify for a Green Lantern? I've fought multiple Lanterns, from Red to Yellow, but you're literally the most pathetic one"

Raiden was clearly lying to Guy. He was actually quite a capable Lantern, but he knew that the best way to beat a Lantern is to emotionally play them. With a Red Lantern, it was easy if you calm them, with a Yellow Lantern it was easy if you don't fear them, and with a Green Lantern, it was easy if you show them that their will was weak.

"DAMN IT!" said Guy as he created multiple swords, maces, and spears, releasing them all to attack Raiden. Once again, as soon as they impacted Raiden, they cracked immediately.

"Hey, your willpower is like glass. What's up?" said Raiden. "Hmm, maybe this will motivate you."

Multiple purple magic circuits were created behind Raiden as he looked at Guy and said,"Machia Hecatic Graea"

With his High-Speed Incantation passive, the magic circuits were endlessly spawning behind him without having to draw or chant them, each and every single one was releasing a volley of rapidly fired beams of light, each with an A rank power of attack

Unfortunately for Guy, the massive green shield he made to protect himself was useless.

Raiden had fought multiple Lanterns during his period with the Blue Lanterns, and one thing he learned was that the rings' energy was incredibly vulnerable to magic, especially high-ranking magic from the Fate universe. The light rain dropped on Guy, hitting him different times, even when he tried to dodge and evade it

 by flying, weakening him to a degree that he couldn't handle.

"AGHHH DAMN IT!" Guy went on a small child's rampage, creating massive boxing fists and dropping them on Raiden, trying to punch him over and over again, then creating one large school bus and trying to ram it into Raiden's face, but Raiden simply punched it as it cracked completely, to which Guy created multiple other weapons, guns, swords, knives, and maces.

Feeling bored, Raiden said, "Hmm, are you throwing a tantrum? Just how pathetic is your willpower? *Sigh* I supposed I'll have to end this."

Wondering Tales of Shana-Oh. Dan-no-Ura: Hassō Tobi.

A katana emerged in Raiden's hand as seven versions of him emerged, each looking more real than the other. They all jumped on different constructions of Guy, using their unified skill, Art of the Swallow B+, that granted them incredible agility, closing the distance.

The katanas were about to strike, but each and every single one of them was stopped: one by Diana and her sword, one by Superman's fist, two by the Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart, each with their respective shields, one by a loud scream from Dinah, one by Zatara's magic shield, and the last one by Batman and his shield that was somehow hidden this entire time.

Had he wanted to, Raiden was confident he could have gone through most of them and slashed Guy, but he simply realized that it was worthless and his point was already made. Each Raiden disappeared except the one facing Diana as he said "Well, that was boring."

Everyone who had witnessed this realized one thing: Raiden was now strong and a danger. He was classified as a danger even before, when he could only summon his servants for mere minutes, but now, he can fight on par with a Lantern and defeat him effortlessly without even transforming.

Whatever had happened in space, Raiden was now a formidable enemy, that would take the entire League to take him down.

The magic and skills that were activated were all shut down as Raiden walked past Diana towards the exhausted and collapsed Guy whose battery had run out and said, "Charge your battery and then come to me later. You owe me a meeting with the Guardians."


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