98.68% Saiyan in Warhammer / Chapter 73: Mymeara.

บท 73: Mymeara.

[The webway, Segmentum Ultima, 991-M41]

Throughout the day-long journey through the webway, Bann stood steadfast beside Irelene, engaging in conversation and offering her companionship. Despite not possessing exceptional oratory skills and lacking a particularly affable demeanor, Irelene proved to be a kindred spirit for Thomas, the human that Bann once was.

Their discussions delved into millennia-old lore and mundane details rarely mentioned in the Warhammer 40,000 novels he frequently perused.

Bann found unexpected enjoyment in their exchanges, discovering a wealth of knowledge and perspectives he had never encountered before. Likewise, Irelene was pleasantly surprised by the depth of Thomas's insights, finding her initial misgivings about his character dispelled by his charismatic and eager attitude. As their dialogue unfolded, she found herself swept away by the diverse range of topics he effortlessly broached, each conversation revealing new facets of his personality and experiences.

She found the once dreadfully boring and tedious travel now engaging and enjoyable, the hours slipping away unnoticed as she conversed with Bann. Their dialogue was so absorbing that they only became aware of Urocain and Anáeth's arrival when the pair joined in the ever-increasing chatter.

Bann's eager and witty mind proved to be the most captivating source of entertainment for the Aeldari. Shaped by the rigorous Path they followed, they saw in him a whirlpool of emotions and opportunities for learning—or teaching, in his case.

His curiosity, even about the smallest and seemingly unimportant details, led the trio to contemplate the minutiae of their own lives as they endeavored to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. Each query sparked discussions that delved deeper into their own experiences and perspectives, enriching their understanding of themselves and each other.

As they neared the end of their journey, the previously relaxed and friendly atmosphere aboard the ship was abruptly shattered by the data displayed on Irelene's panels. Dozens of ships were converging on their location, their signatures unmistakably belonging to the Craftworld Mymeara. However, the absence of any communication on the channels left the warrior puzzled and uneasy.

Bann's diversion of their focus, coupled with their growing familiarity with his presence, caused Urocain to forget to announce their impending arrival beforehand.

The entire Craftworld stirred as explorers and guards alike beheld the sight of a colossal sun hurtling towards their position at breakneck speed through the webway. Bann's Saiyan spirit, radiant and powerful like a supernova, instilled fear in more than one heart within Mymeara, sparking a sense of dread and anticipation of impending catastrophe.

In response to the imminent threat, the Craftworld swiftly dispatched a scouting team while preparations were made aboard the planetoid-sized vessel to evacuate from their current position in real space. These actions were undertaken with a sense of urgency and pre-emptive caution, as the looming danger cast a pull over the once serene surroundings.

It was only when Irelene and Urocain made their presence known and stated their purpose, that they were escorted towards the Craftworld under the watchful gaze of the numerous ships encircling them. Despite their assurances and explanations, the tension in the air was palpable, with the specter of uncertainty looming over their every move.

In the silence that enveloped the cockpit of the ship, the four occupants strained their eyes to peer ahead into the passage of the webway, their breaths caught in their throats. As the walls of the webway morphed around them, forming a circular aperture, while every second stretched into seemingly minutes.

Bann's eyes fixed on the image of space beyond the portal, its appearance akin to a distorted reflection in a murky mirror, surrounded by an ethereal glow. The escorts at the forefront were the first to traverse the threshold, their ships vanishing from the webway as they transitioned into reality. Soon after, Irelene, Urocain, and Bann followed suit, stepping into the unknown with a sense of trepidation and wonder.

For Bann, the experience was once again indescribable, as the boundary between the webway and reality blurred, transporting them into a realm where the laws of physics and perception seemed to bend and warp with each passing moment.

As Bann's body traversed the pocket within the immaterium that was the webway, he felt a sensation akin to being stretched and compressed simultaneously, his consciousness expanding outward like the brilliant burst of a supernova. His ki, a manifestation of his inner power, overlapped with the vast expanse of the galaxy he now found himself in, extending hundreds, if not thousands, of light years away from Faradras.

Before he could fully immerse himself in the extraordinary experience of transitioning between the webway and reality, his eyes beheld a sight beyond anything he could have ever imagined.

Standing before him was a marvel of engineering, a sight that defied the boundaries of his most recondite and deep-seated imagination. Glimmering with its own ethereal light, the Craftworld Mymeara commanded the void with its imposing presence. Spanning easily the size of a satellite, it loomed before him, its pale teal hue standing out amidst the endless expanse of space.

As Bann gazed upon the colossal vessel, he couldn't help but be struck by its grandeur. The light from the system's star cast contrasting shadows over the ship's immense frame, which could easily dwarf entire continents of Earth. Its silhouette, reminiscent of an intricate and ornamental dagger, was adorned with dozens of spherical structures raised around its perimeter.

The architecture of the Craftworld was undeniably Aeldari in design, boasting sharp and sleek edges that exuded a sense of elegance and sophistication. Thousands of small dots hovered around the behemoth, while larger orbs escorted it, their movements graceful and purposeful.

Millions of lights adorned the starry canvas of space, their collective glow illuminating the body of the Craftworld and casting a mesmerizing spectacle that seemed to transcend the boundaries of mere mortal comprehension.

As Bann stood frozen in place, his mind and body unable to comprehend the enormity of what lay before him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and disbelief wash over him. Here, in this moment, he beheld a small glimpse of what once was the mighty Aeldari Empire, a fleeting reminder of the glory that had long since faded into myth and legend.

The realization hit him like a thunderbolt: what he saw before his eyes was nothing but a mere merchant ship of the fallen Empire, refurbished to accommodate the dwindling population of the Asuryani and the remnants of the Eldar. Yet, despite knowing this fact intellectually, the sheer magnitude of the Craftworld's presence left him speechless.

'How the hell could they build such a thing!?' His scandalized thought finally found its voice, echoing through his gobsmacked consciousness as he struggled to process the overwhelming shock of witnessing such an incredible feat of engineering.

"We are finally here," came the muttered words of Urocain, breaking through the stunned silence and bringing Bann back to the present moment. The sound of Irelene's voice, engaged in conversation with individuals aboard the Craftworld, filled the background, serving as a stark reminder of the reality of their situation.

With permission granted for landing, albeit after a lengthy discussion between Irelene, Urocain, and the authorities on the Craftworld, their vessel closed the distance, drawing nearer to the imposing structure until it dominated their field of vision entirely.

As they approached, Bann's ki senses gradually began to decipher the myriad signatures within the Craftworld. Among them were individuals whose power levels clearly surpassed even Urocain's, though the exact number eluded Bann without activating his scouter. Nevertheless, he knew instinctively that these were beings not to be trifled with.

'I was really underestimating the power of the Aeldari,' Bann thought to himself, his mind processing the implications of the overwhelming presence surrounding them. 'Not only is their technology formidable, but their strength as well. With these numbers and the radiance of their spirit... It's no wonder they've managed to survive until now, even after the fall of their Empire.'

With a serious expression etched upon his face, Bann turned his gaze towards the entrance of the Craftworld, mentally preparing himself for whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Bann's thoughts swirled around the impending meeting with the Farseer who foresaw their rise, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation creeping over him. How should he conduct himself in their presence? What actions should he take?

His change in countenance did not go unnoticed by Urocain, who observed Bann's demeanor with a knowing nod. Though Bann was generally approachable compared to his fellow Saiyans, Urocain understood the importance of showcasing proper etiquette in the presence of the Aeldari.

With a sense of determination, Bann resolved to approach the meeting with respect and deference, understanding the significance of the opportunity before him. Despite the uncertainty that lingered in his mind, he knew that presenting himself with grace and diplomacy was crucial in establishing a positive rapport with the Farseer and their people.

'And judging by how alert they've been until now, it's safe to assume they won't take him lightly and will be cautious around him... heh, just like he wants it.' Urocain reflected, a smirk playing across his lips. Having spent time alongside Bann and observed his actions back in Faradras, Urocain had begun to recognize some of the Saiyan's quirks.

Among the many traits that made Bann an intriguing individual in Urocain's eyes was his penchant for keeping others on their toes, his unpredictable nature adding an element of excitement to their interactions.

As their craft passed through the energy barrier separating the void from the atmospheric interior of the Craftworld, they beheld a scene below decks that spoke volumes about the Aeldari's preparedness. Rows upon rows of Craftworld Guards stood at attention, alongside countless warriors led by the Autarchs—individuals who had delved so deeply into the Warrior Path that they had become lost within it.

All eyes in the hangar bay were fixed upon the three formidable figures standing at the center of the formation. Among them, the one positioned in the middle commanded the most attention, adorned in regal garb befitting a Farseer, with intricate ornaments and equipment that spoke to his formidable abilities. Taller than his companions, he exuded an aura of authority and wisdom that demanded respect.

Urocain's countenance shifted into one of utmost reverence as he recognized the figure before them. Bel-Annath, the leading Farseer of the Craftworld Mymeara, stood as their master and leader amidst the dark times that loomed over them.

"Prepare to descend, and mind your manners and actions," Urocain reminded his companions, his tone cold and authoritative. With a sharp nod, he gestured for them to follow as he made his way towards the door of the craft, his solemn demeanor setting the tone for the rest of the group.

Anáeth cast a brief glance at Bann before stepping closely behind Urocain, while Irelene finished landing the craft and powered down the engines.

With a deep sigh, Bann gathered his resolve and walked forward, following in Urocain's footsteps until he reached the two Aeldari standing before the craft's door, patiently awaiting his arrival.

Positioning himself beside Urocain, Bann stood in the middle of their formation, feeling the weight of their expectant gazes upon him. With a nod from Urocain, signifying his readiness, Bann watched as Urocain deftly manipulated the control panel at the side of the doors, decompressing the ship and lowering the ramp for them to descend upon.

A cool breeze washed over Bann's body as he stepped onto the ramp, the artificial illumination of the Craftworld causing him to squint against its brightness. As they moved forward, surrounded by guards whose weapons were poised and ready, Bann felt the weight of their watchful gazes upon him. Their faces obscured by battle helmets, their teal and blue armour gradient matched that of Urocain and Irelene, who walked closely behind in hurried steps.

The insignia of Mymeara, resembling an eye to Bann, was prominently displayed on their armour and other adornments, serving as a testament to their allegiance and loyalty.

As Bann's eyes adjusted to the light, he took in the surroundings. The towering roof loomed hundreds of meters above them, while a large domed window provided a glimpse of the void beyond. The grandeur of the Craftworld's architecture left him in awe, always reminding him of the advanced civilization that the Aeldari once were.

Bann took note of the smooth surfaces of the buildings and walls that surrounded them after exiting the expansive hangar bay.

'There are various snipers hiding around,' he observed briefly after his initial scan. The wariness displayed by their hosts did not unsettle him; rather, he found it both expected and understandable given his own capabilities. After all, he made no effort to conceal his ki, fully aware of its radiant intensity and the effect it had on those who encountered it.

His mere presence had been known to make daemons cower in fear within the Immaterium—a fact that both intrigued and unnerved him in equal measure. But here, in the physical realm of the Craftworld, he remained undaunted, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead with resolve and determination.

Bann's gaze shifted towards the three figures clad in traditional Farseer attire, their entourage trailing behind them in a display of deference and respect. Though their faces were obscured by helmets, he could sense the intensity of their scrutiny piercing through every inch of his being.

With a proud flourish, Bann unfurled his tail from around his waist, the symbol of his Saiyan heritage. Meeting the deep gazes of the Aeldari with a steady stare, he allowed his ki to pulse in a low, humming tone, resonating like a heartbeat throughout the space around him. For a brief moment, every being present felt the palpable energy of his ki wash over them, a silent declaration of his presence and power, before he retracted it back within himself.

The effect of Bann's display was palpable, as the already tense atmosphere seemed to intensify with each passing moment. Nervous eyes now lingered on him, and the tension in the air became so thick it could be cut with a knife.

Breaking through the stifling atmosphere, Urocain cleared his throat and spoke, his voice carrying a weight of reverence and deference as he addressed the figures before them. His eyes darted between Naer-Lyoc and Bel-Annath as he began, "I am honoured to receive your presence upon my return, alongside my companions and our new friend." His hand gestured towards Bann as he spoke.

Continuing, Urocain added, "We are truly glad to see you all—Farseer Bel-Annath, Master Naer-Lyoc, and Esteemed Yvrat Faire. Your presence after our long journey is a heartwarming sight." With each word, Urocain's gestures and posture exuded respect and deference, acknowledging the authority and importance of the Aeldari leaders before them.

As Urocain received small nods from the three Farseers, their unwavering gazes remained fixed on Bann's towering figure. Despite not being as tall as some of the Aeldari present, Bann's broad and powerful physique stood out conspicuously among the crowd, drawing attention like a beacon in the darkness. The sight of his swaying tail elicited deep frowns from some observers, further accentuating his presence in the room.

Breaking through the tension, a sharp and wise voice cut through the air, answering Urocain's words. "As I told you before, we would meet again, and in a fortuitous encounter at that, with good news. Isn't that why you're here today, Warlock Urocain Rhain?" Naer-Lyoc stepped forward, his hands moving in a gentle and soothing manner as he addressed Urocain with a calm authority.

Naer-Lyoc's gaze finally shifted away from Bann, moving to meet the eyes of Anáeth and Irelene, whose expressions and demeanors seemed to hold a hint of transformation compared to what he had observed before. Just as he had expected.

With deliberate movements, Urocain began to remove his helmet, revealing his features beneath. As he let out a deep sigh, his black hair, tied in a ponytail, flowed freely behind his shoulders, swaying gently in the breeze.

"I have indeed brought good news with me," Urocain responded, his voice steady despite the weight of the moment. "Although our presence here today is also one of urgency."

Following Urocain's lead, Irelene also removed her helmet, her actions imbued with a sense of respect and deference. As her white hair, cut in a bobcut, cascaded around her face, the wind teased it, causing it to flutter gracefully in the air.

As Anáeth stared at the ground meekly, feeling intimidated by the imposing presence of the individuals before her, her thoughts swirled in her head. She couldn't help but feel conflicted as she eyed the familiar sights of her home, grappling with a mix of emotions.

Naer-Lyoc's question cut through the tension, his subtle grin hidden from view as he addressed Urocain. "What could possibly be so urgent for you to come here and mention it before the good news that you carry? It may perhaps be tied with the individual at your side?" His gaze shifted towards Bann, who met his stare with a steady gaze of his own.

Nodding solemnly, Urocain replied, "It has indeed. The reason why we're here is closely tied to the good news I bring." With purposeful strides, he walked forward and, with a sweeping gesture of his right arm, presented Bann to the assembled group.

"Allow me to present to you all The Ruler of Faradras, Redentor and Harbinger of Doom, He Who Greets with Fire, Bann of the Saiyans, our ally and friend," Urocain's words thundered through the hangar bay, commanding the attention of everyone present. All eyes turned towards Bann as he stepped forward with a powerful and resounding stride.

With a confident grin on his lips and a glint of danger in his eyes, Bann exuded an aura of charisma and wit. His deep voice, a stark contrast to Urocain's gentle tone, sent shivers down the spines of those who listened as he spoke. "It is a pleasure to meet you all," he began, his words carrying weight and authority. "I am honoured to be received in such a manner in the Craftworld Mymeara. Like Urocain said, I am Bann, and I am here to discuss important matters with you all."

Bann's words, presence, and voice left more than one person trembling at his presentation. His bright spirit shone with a fervent blaze that reminded the Farseer of another radiant figure amidst the Immaterium. Yet, it was Bann's smile and words that set the gears turning in Bel-Annath's mind.

Meanwhile, Naer-Lyoc could barely contain his own smile as he witnessed the grandeur of the man he had seen in his visions.

An historic meeting had taken place, marking the first encounter between the heads of two powerful factions in the galaxy—the Saiyans and the Aeldari of Craftworld Mymeara.

SrDevoxero SrDevoxero

He finally meet the leaders of the pointy ears... well one of them.

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