92.1% Saiyan in Warhammer / Chapter 68: Thirst For Vengeance

บท 68: Thirst For Vengeance

The light filtering through the vast window adorned with delicate metal craftsmanship bathed the expansive chamber of the space station in a soft, ethereal glow. Dozens of individuals were arranged around the imposing throne where Bann sat, his expression stern and commanding.

Among them, I stood, a silent witness to the proceedings.

For what felt like an eternity, we listened to the accounts presented to Bann. From the station's personnel to those aboard the ships, each recounted their experiences. Even Inquisitor Gannicus was not spared, detailing our encounters from battling the Tyranids to our arrival at the station and the subsequent demands for reparations.

Throughout the proceedings, I endured the piercing gazes of those around me, aware of their scrutiny as Bann commanded me to remain by his side. His touch, though unwelcome, was insistent, his hands trailing over my body in a possessive manner.

As he caressed my bottom, a wave of embarrassment and shame washed over me, my cheeks burning with humiliation. I bit down on my lip, suppressing any outward signs of discomfort or distress, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing my vulnerability.

Despite my efforts to maintain a façade of stoicism, the unwanted advances of Bann stirred conflicting emotions within me. The desire to resist warred with the instinct to comply, each touch a reminder of my powerlessness in the face of his authority.

As Bann's commanding voice echoed through the chamber, his telepathic abilities weaving a facade of interaction with the inhabitants of the space station, I felt a sense of dread settle over me. His words, delivered with authority, were a stark reminder of his dominance and control.

Meanwhile, his hands roamed over my body, igniting a fire within me that I struggled to contain. Each touch felt like molten lava against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. I was painfully aware of the eyes upon us, their silent condemnation weighing heavily upon me.

Despite the turmoil raging within me, I remained silent, unable to defy him or speak out against the injustice of his actions. It was a stark demonstration of his power, a reminder of the extent to which he held us all in his thrall.

As I took a deep breath, a shiver ran down my spine, grounding me back to the reality. With a determined effort, I refocused my attention on the proceedings, pushing aside the cloud of distraction caused by Bann's manipulation. My senses sharpened as I listened to the reports being delivered by the station personnel.

"... The resources from nearby asteroids and other celestial bodies will suffice to replenish what was used to repair the Inquisitors ships,"A man that goes with the name Pert, quivered with a mixture of respect and trepidation as he addressed Bann. From my vantage point, I could see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his hands trembling as he attempted to wipe them away with the fabric of his pants.

'Oooh my~...' Feeling Bann's grip tighten on my buttocks, I suppressed a gasp as his thumb traced a path over my sensitive skin around my hole. Meanwhile, his booming voice reverberated through the air like thunder, sending shivers down my spine.

"The resources you are speaking of," he declared, his tone commanding attention, "are the very ones earmarked for the reconstruction of Faradras and the expansion of this space station. Resources that the Inquisitor will repay in due time, correct?"

His eyes, dark as a black sun, bore into Gannicus's armor, seeming to penetrate through it with their intensity. I watched as Gannicus gritted his teeth, his discomfort palpable, yet he nodded in reluctant agreement.

Exerting great effort to conceal my ragged breath, I stifled another moan from my throat. I closed my eyes, relishing his touches as he continued, "See? On the other hand, you will be passing on your knowledge to the younger generation back in Faradras, preparing them for the task of ensuring the continued strength of this space station. You will supervise their training and preparation on land." The sheer impact of hearing Bann's voice and feeling his gaze upon him was undoubtedly a harrowing experience for the man.

I couldn't blame him for trembling and nodding with great effort while forcing a smile upon his lips after being fired.

Gazing once more at the Inquisitor, Bann declared, "Inquisitor, now that we've settled on the amount you'll be repaying, I'd like you to spread the word: here in Faradras, any Imperium trader willing to engage in commerce will secure a contract guaranteeing the services of Saiyan warriors in their wars and battles. In return, we simply ask for the uninterrupted flow of trade goods into our system."

Unconcerned with the fact that he was using the Inquisitor as a mouthpiece for their marketing efforts, Bann flashed a toothy grin at Gannicus, who visibly swallowed any retort he might have had.

I saw him taking a deep breath before responding, Gannicus said, "Once the troops are delivered to their destinations, I will do as you ask. While I can't promise an influx of traders and merchants to this system, I will ensure word of your... enterprise is spread." Something flickered across his face, a familiar expression I've seen many times in the Acteron sector.

His inherent pragmatism.

Given all we've endured thus far, it was entirely justifiable for the Inquisitor to simply shrug off the matter. However, all present knew that the Xenos, who toyed with me as he pleased, was likely a one-man army, a being capable of aiding the Imperium and saving countless lives.

'If it were the Gannicus who took me as his Acolyte, I doubt things would have unfolded the same way.' I said to myself, recalling how rigid and stern he once was, and observing how he now acted subdued towards a Xeno who spat at his title.

As his hand transitioned from caressing the contours of my arse to teasing around my sensitive butthole, after edging me for a while, I heard him inquire, "Where will you be transporting these troops? Where might they be needed that even you will act as a ferryman for the Astra Militarum?"

Glancing briefly at Bann, I saw a slight grin on his sculpted and gloriously handsome face as he posed the question.

Only to look back at the people below, I noticed the hardening expression on some of the officials. 'The briefing given by the Astropaths had really put them on edge,' I acknowledged to myself as I heard the Inquisitor answering.

"A call for help has been made in a cardinal world a few days ago, a call that has quietened down. We have received orders provided by the Choir of Astropaths from the Sector Lord, to head over the origin of it and provide reinforcements." His countenance was plain as he stared at Bann.

"Mmmmmnh~" A sighing moan escaped my throat as I felt his fingers expanding and teasing my rosebud through the clothes, longing for his bare touch.

My face flushed as every inch of my skin burned in shame at my actions, aware of the stares of everyone fixed upon me and the reaction that Bann elicited from me. 'Instead of just looking and judging me, you could've helped me and freed me from his claws,' I silently lamented, hanging my head low in shame.

"Isn't this a heaven-sent opportunity for me, Inquisitor? Tell me, how does the Imperium pay the mercenaries that save worlds like this?" Bann's voice dripped with greed as he spoke, while I sensed him settling more comfortably into the throne.

The question left the Inquisitor momentarily silent, his expression one of deep contemplation—a nuance that might have gone unnoticed by those unfamiliar with him. After all, Gannicus was widely known for his cold and detached demeanor, a demeanor that seemed to thaw in the presence of the Saiyan.

After pondering for a moment, he responded, "... We've never had assistance quite like what you could provide. Normally, when a planet of this importance requires aid, it's not a matter for mercenaries. However, given the urgency of the situation and the potential threat... I daresay you could fetch a hefty sum."

Bann's interest seemed piqued by the Inquisitor's words, prompting him to ease his actions on my buttocks as he contemplated the information provided.

His eyes scanned the room thoughtfully, his hand now absentmindedly stroking his chin, the silence palpable save for the rustle of clothing being manipulated.

"Tell me, how distant is this world, and who is the enemy they face?" I observed that he had yet to reach a decision, even as his caresses resumed on me.

I glanced downward as the crowd parted for a scrawny, tall man adorned with various implants on his face and body. In his right arm, a data slate with a holographic projector captivated the attention of many, drawing their gaze away from his otherwise unremarkable appearance. With a raspy voice filled with utmost respect, he addressed Bann, "Sire, the Okassis Cardinal World is 148 light years away. And although the enemy remains unknown, given the recent events, we believe it may be the Tyranids..." His attention remained fixed on the data slate as he began relaying what he had observed.

Bann's hand came to a sudden halt, and I felt a suffocating air envelop the entire chamber. 'What's wrong!?'I wondered frantically, as the atmosphere grew heavy and stagnant.

I witnessed more than one person grimacing at this revelation, evident that whatever had occurred affected everyone deeply. My knees faltered, and I collapsed onto the ground.


More people followed my lead as my lungs strained for air. "Ugh," a sensation over my throat made it feel as if something was choking me, while a cold sweat descended my spine.

In the stillness of the air and the symphony of pained groans, we heard Bann's deep, gruff voice filled with pure hate and venom as he asked, "You said the Tyranids are heading towards that position?" I turned my head towards him, straining my neck to raise and catch a glimpse of his face. A dark shadow enveloped his visage, while the fire of hate ignited within his eyes.

His fists clenched, and his muscles, usually a sight to behold, now appeared tense and coiled, as if ready to burst forward.

The light in the room itself seemed to dim as I heard the man squeak with heavy strain, "Y-yes, sire, that's what we could assume after witnessing the phenomena surrounding that place..."

A wall of psychic presence washed over me, causing my head to feel numb. "UUUUGH!" I couldn't help but let out a groan.

Meanwhile, Bann's voice growled in the background as I heard a beeping sound echoing like thunder in the chamber. "Tell the Eldars that I wish to meet them as soon as possible. Something important has come up," his voice commanded through the device beside his ear.

A throaty and chilling laugh began to resound from his position, one that made every hair on my body stir with sheer fright.

"You're someone loved by fate, Inquisitor. Always remember to be thankful for it," his voice made the bones of men shake as I heard the tapping sound of his footsteps approaching the Inquisitor, his voice and movements carrying momentum.

"It seems I'll soon be heading to this planet and lending you all a hand, all without your needing to intervene, Inquisitor. Aren't you glad? Your only task will be to spread the word and repay your debt," the sarcasm and distaste were evident for everyone to hear. Slowly, the pressure that filled the room diminished, allowing us to breathe once again.

And made me raise my neck to witness him towering over Gannicus.

"Tell your little Astropath to inform the Sector Lord that Bann of the Saiyans will be saving that little planet of yours and exterminating the Tyranid menace from there. I expect proper compensation for it," his eyes then scanned the rest of the people, pausing briefly to inspect each of their expressions.

Receiving lowered gazes and submission from them.

Shaking his head sideways, he stated, "Now that we Saiyans will take care of this matter, ensure you finish your preparations to move away from here. You're all dismissed," his command was heard and complied with relieved expressions as everyone hurried away from the chamber.

As he turned around and looked over me with a dangerous glint, a slight smile perched upon his face, he spoke to me in a voice that sent shivers down my spine and nearly made me squeak, "Now, my little Augusta, you've been a bad girl in need of correction." His lightning-fast body appeared in front of me, and I felt his big, sturdy hands grabbing my waist.

The same hands that could destroy a whole Tyranid ship were now tenderly caressing my skin, causing my breath to become ragged as my eyes were consumed by his powerful stare.

His hands slipped behind my butt, grabbing each cheek with gusto, eliciting a muffled groan from my throat as I made a great effort to resist his advances.

While his voice made me melt, he said to me, "I tried to punish you there, but it didn't seem enough. I guess I need to take matters into my own hands and be more thorough with you." His hands carried me with a force that left me no choice but to comply as my body surrendered under his large and towering frame.

"Mmmmh~ What are you planning to do~?" I tried to prevent myself from sounding sultry, but his actions proved to be more effective than I first thought.

Moving his head towards my neck, I closed my eyes as I felt his warm breath on my skin. He whispered in my ear, "I'll be taking you to that planet, while you'll be punished during the journey. Making sure you serve me well..." His words were followed by the pulsating and iron rod pressing against me.

Its towering and powerful presence threatened my womb as I instinctively pushed hard against it, as if taunting it to follow through with its actions and words.

My hands clasped around his neck as I strained to speak, "I-I guess it can't be helped then..." I felt kisses trailing around my neck as I purred under his machinations, yearning for his fingers to find their place around the curves and crevices of my ample bubbly rear. As my hips moved of their own accord, seeking his warmth.


Before we could be carried away, his device resounded through the chamber, and amidst my dazed mind, I heard a voice crystal clear.

"I've just sent them towards the station, what happened?" The voice belonged to the large and tall Saiyan with a goatee, as he inquired.

Bann, letting out a large lick around my neck that forced my voice to be muffled under a lick of my own against his neck, moved away before answering, "Thanks for telling me. A chance has appeared for us. One that I won't let pass at all. I've been informed about the location of more Tyranids, and I'm planning to go there and bring hell on earth."

With my mouth latched onto his neck and my body surrendered to his embrace, I let him hold me tenderly and possessively as he uttered those words. 'I'll need to put on a fresh pair after this,' I pondered to myself, feeling my panties dampen with anticipation.

The promise of his vengeance and my punishment proved to be a potent mix, sending my unwilling mind into uncharted territory.

The sheer thrill and anticipation of witnessing what this Xeno was capable of stirred emotions I never knew I could feel.

While plans for the doom of the Hive Fleet Kraken were being brewed in the conversation I witnessed, my mind was consumed by another matter—the overwhelming lust this man could evoke from me.


A.N: 15 chapters in advance on my Patreon. /Sr_Devoxero

SrDevoxero SrDevoxero

I wish for the same luck as Gannicus.

Good news to y'all, I might be buying this month my PC, which means more chapters!

And finally I'll be able to draw my own art from the story, so please cheer on me with those power stones.

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