44.44% American Fox / Chapter 16: 16

บท 16: 16


Tomoko Kuroki is a legendary high-school girl with over fifty years' worth of romantic experience and over one hundred male admirers... in the otome gaming world. In the real world, she is an unattractive, lonely, creepy fifteen-year-old Otaku schoolgirl with severe self-esteem issues, so much so that she avoids all contact with her classmates. When she enters her first year of high school expecting her life to suddenly turn around, she is stunned when absolutely nothing changes. This forces her to take a hard look at herself for the first time, and resolve to become more sociable and popular. Which all went down hill for her, even if she is hanging out with her old friend Yuu Naruse and her other friend Kotomi Komiyama more.


Now she found herself in the past of a Japan that never was in her world. Portals called events happen making people or sometimes large sections of land to appear in this world. She was lucky as she had her school backpack with her at the time with her smart phone and I-pad. It's more then what others had with them when they appeared in this world. Many of them from anime and mangas that she had watched or read. 


She has seen several people from fiction as she had traveled across Japan. She remembers seeing Morihiro Hatagai from the series Bokurano, dress in rags and very skinny digging through trash to find something to eat. She thinks she spotted Seishirou Sakurazuka from Tokyo Babylon working in a chain gang at a prison farm. Momoko from Telepathy Shoujo Ran being on display at a whore house. Then there were Hayate's parents from Hayate the Combat Butler who were being publicly beaten by some yakuza members for trying to run off without paying back the money.


She met Yoh Asakura from Shaman King who because of this world not supporting spirit, magic and other powers, was reduced to working at a fish gutting factory to earn money. He was the one who explained things to her and how because he didn't had any useful skills was left to fend for himself by the Dark Hand who are the ones in Japan who took care of people and items from other worlds. 


He wasn't the only one there working as a fish cleaner as there was the several cast members of different Yugioh series working at the fish cannery. She couldn't believe how the main cast members of the card game show have fallen so low, with some of the women having to sell themselves in the red light district to just have a roof over their heads. Seeing how their skills mainly dealt with a card game which had no value in this world and they're lucky that the fish cannery was connected to the Dark Hand due to being one of the front companies that help fund the Dark Hand and is the reason why they got jobs in the first place. Others who didn't take the fish gutting job, most found themselves struggling to survive. (1)


Tomoko Kuroki counted herself lucky that she wasn't alone when she found herself transported to this world. Android 16 the 10 foot tall giant and Android 21 were there with her. Luckily because of how this world doesn't support magic in it, the cells that came from Buu lost their magical nature, resulting in Android 21 not having the horror hunger she had in her world. But both of them still have powers thanks to them being android and their powers being tech base. 


Both of them were surprised in how much she knows about them that 21 is based on Dr. Gero's wife and 16 is based on their son. 21 took her along with her and 16 as they explored the new world they found themselves in. With 21 appearing as a voluptuous attractive woman with auburn hair who stands over 6 feet tall and is just as smart as she is powerful. Allowed her to take care of things easily, she either outwits people or just use her overwhelming power. Then there's 16 who is a giant who despite his intimidating size, monotone dialogue, and seemingly dangerous appearance, Android 16 is calm, friendly, and embraces nature and humanity. Due to how he looks most people didn't try anything when he's around. As for Tomoko she used her vast knowledge of anime and manga to identified people and object who like them ended up in this world. 


"So this is the Dark Hand HQ," Tomoko said as she, 16 and 21 followed a man name Shinji Ru. The HQ of the Dark Hand is a army base that was built after the Dark Hand became public knowledge. 


"It was built a couple of years ago," Shinji said. 


"There's many levels underneath us," 16 said.


"And there are a number of highly advance technologies here as well," 21 said. 


"Both of them are machines?" Shinji ask Tomoko.


"Androids," Tomoko said. 


"Same as you?" Shinji ask.


"No I'm flesh and blood," Tomoko said. 


"Me and 16 came from the same world, as for Tomoko she came from a world where both of us are nothing but fiction. And it seems that many of the people who appear in this world all came from worlds that in Tomoko's world is nothing but fiction and she knows much about them," 21 said.


"So that's how you know about the ship," Shinji said.


"I couldn't believe it when I saw it suddenly appearing. Though it looks like what kept it in the air doesn't work in this world," Tomoko said. 


"You two made quite the scene when you two stop it from falling," Shinji said. 


"We couldn't let that fishing village be crush," 16 said. 


"Tell me how long have you all been here?" Shinji asked.


"4 months, 25 days, 14 hours, and 24 minutes, but who's counting," 21 said. 


"Computer brain," Tomoko answered the unasked question.


"How have you all survived?" Shinji asked.


"16 doesn't need to eat and 21 can catch and cook animals," Tomoko said. "And there is also the treasure that 21 found."


"Treasure?" Shinji asked.


"Off the coast of Japan there's ruins of a castle that use to float in the air. Making recordings and uploading it onto her I-pad showed her what the castle would had looked like intact," 21 explains.


"The castle turned out to be Aincrad which came from a game world. With most of the players dying when the castle fell into the ocean," Tomoko said.


"Aincrad... there's a story about people appearing after a great tsunami struck the coastline of Japan hundreds of years ago," Shinji said.


"Was there a black swordsman with women around him?" Tomoko asked.


"Yes a young man dress all in black with a group of women appeared shortly after the tsunami. A lord captured them putting the black swordsman to death after he tried to fight back. The women were made into wives or concubines. Which usually happens to people from other worlds in the past," Shinji said.


"Let me guess many times the people in the past thought that their powers or abilities or how their worlds worked would allow them to do what they wanted in this world. But quickly found out their powers don't work anymore or that them being able to jump high and punch through solid steel plates no longer work in this world. Not to mention that the old troupe of a single guy being able to beat people no matter what even if they have guns, just because they can punch really good," Tomoko said. 


"Yes that's right," Shinji said.


"I figured that out when we came across Kaolinite and the Witches 5 from the Sailormoon series. All of them no longer have their powers and are working at a tea house that also serves as a whore house," Tomoko said. 


"Sailormoon? I think I heard that name before," Shinji said remembering something he read about. 


"She was part of the Japan christens group that were slaughtered by the shogun at the time. Looks like her silver crystal still had the power to heal based on the tales told about her. Which made me wonder who else from Sailormoon also came to this world," Tomoko said. 


"I went and check Antarctica and found the remains of the Dark Kingdom who turn on each other once they no longer had any magic those monster women needed to feed. Some of them are still alive surviving on feeding on the penguins. There are also other things in the ice that are completely alien," 21 said. 


"There's life there?" Shinji asked.


"Mostly the ones who in their world somehow were able to survive. If a normal human went there without protection like Heero from Gundam Wing who just went there in a tank top and bike shorts, simply froze to death. As well as the home of Dr. Zorndyke and his creations who all froze to death, found their bodies under the snow. There's a race of snake people from 'A Centaurs Life' who survives because of their advanced technological level and frequent use of geothermal power. From Marvel comics the Savage Land, a tropical jungle complete with dinosaurs, created and sustained by alien technology. Which help the other dinosaurs who seem to be from Stephen Baxter's book, Evolution where the dinosaurs on the continent (being already adapted for long periods of darkness  without much food) survived the K-T extinction event and continued to evolve into cold-weather forms until the glaciers formed. 21 and 16 open a way into the valley for them to enter and forming a cold region where the ice dinosaurs can live in. From HP Lovercraft, 'At the Mountains of Madness' on a mountain range is the location of the last city of the Elder Things a race of starfish aliens, and something that 21 killed and wouldn't tell me what as it's something that would break my sanity. Then I pointed out how I'm use to such things and she gave in first telling me what it looks like then slowly reveal it to me which is a blob thing of parts. Which I seen enough horror movies and games where it didn't effected me as it would if I wasn't use to seeing gore and horror," Tomoko said. (2)


"Is there anything else there?" Shinji asked.


"21 and 16 also went and took care of the angel Adam, by throwing it into the sun," Tomoko said.


"WHAT!" a woman shouted down a hallway to their side. A purple haired woman and a brown haired woman in a lab coat rush towards them.


"Misato Katsuragi the tactical commander of NERV and the guardian of the pilots. Doctor Ritsuko Akagi the head scientist of NERV. But of course which cannon you two form I don't know yet," Tomoko said stopping the two older women in their tracks.


"You know us?" Misato asked. 


"Of course I do. The anime is the one that deconstructed the giant robot anime, showing how much stress and mess up children would become if they're force to fight and what kind of people would have to be to make said children to fight for them," Tomoko said. 


"What do you know?" Misato asked frowning as she glares at the young girl.


"From what I remember from the first anime. Misato Katsuragi is the beautiful late-twenties Genius Ditz who is appointed to be the guardian and personal tutor for Shinji and Asuka, as well as the pilots' tactical commander in battle. Misato is a study in contrasts. When she's on the job, she's a force to be reckoned with — tough, smart, cunning, hard-nosed, determined, ultra-competent in strategy and tactics (particularly as the series nears its end), and an all-around Action Girl. At home, it's a completely different story. She guzzles beer, wears extremely skimpy clothes, has a pet genetically engineered penguin named Pen-Pen who can beat her at chess, and is a borderline Cordon Bleugh Chef. She's cheerful, optimistic, ditzy, hedonistic, and quite the slob. She even has her own theme music for these scenes, which sounds like a sort of musical paraphrase of all the wacky 1960s sitcom theme music you ever heard. As the series progresses, it's gradually revealed that these contrasts in personality are two halves of a facade. Despite her age, Misato, like Shinji, is a broken-hearted child, striving to live up to crushing responsibilities, yearning for love and acceptance, and trying desperately to hide deep sadness, loneliness, and fear (by episode 21, after Ryōji Kaji dies, the mask cracks). She can be childish, touchy, and short-tempered (she loves to tease people, but loses her temper whenever anyone tries to tease her) because she is so insecure. Most of her problems come from conflicting feelings toward her father, who neglected her and her mother in favor of his work but sacrificed his life to save hers during Second Impact. She hates the Angels, blaming them for her father's death and her own near-fatal injuries in the cataclysm of 2000, and that hatred drives her to amazing feats of cunning to defeat them. Unfortunately, it also causes her to misinterpret the reasons why Shinji acts the way he does when he pilots Unit 01, and drives her to say the worst possible things at the worst possible moment to Shinji near the end of episode 24, in the aftermath of Tabris' attack on NERV, traumatizing him even further and pushing him into his final slide toward a nervous breakdown. She and Shinji become very close, perhaps even come to love one another, as the series goes on — though not in any openly romantic way. She even kisses him just before her own heartbreaking heroic death, though her motivations for doing so are subject to debate. It is very sad to watch, as the series goes on, that whenever Shinji is in the most pain and needs Misato the most, she's either wallowing in drunken self-pity, angry that he doesn't share her rage, or her efforts are misguided and seemingly inappropriate, and whenever Misato is in the most pain and needs Shinji the most, he can't handle seeing her in pain and tries to ignore her — not because he doesn't care, but because he doesn't know what to say or do," Tomoko said taking a breath after talking for so long. 


"Well thank you for bringing up painful memories," Misato growled keeping her rage in check.


"As for you," Tomoko said turning to Ritsuko. "Ritsuko is NERV's resident computer scientist, tasked with the development and upkeep of the MAGI supercomputers and research on the Evas. She, Misato, and Kaji have been friends since college, and she often acts as a foil to Misato. She is also something of a Crazy Cat Lady. She dyes her hair blonde — late in the series we see her in a Flash Back as a teenage girl with dark brown hair. Ritsuko is extremely intelligent and competent, but has a coldly logical and often cynical attitude, and can be callous and petty. She also doesn't seem to really understand human nature, and is in some ways childishly naive. Secretly, she is romantically involved with Gendo Ikari, as was her mother Naoko before her death ten years before the series opens. Despite Gendo's ambiguous intentions, she has convinced herself both that he loves her and that Rei is actually her rival for his romantic attentions, and she deeply resents Rei because of this. She also shows little concern for the lives of the pilots during battle, and is ready to sacrifice them should such a tactic seem necessary, a position Misato vehemently disagrees with."


"Both me and Misato have been here for a couple of years now," Ritsuko said. "We're no longer like that anymore."


"Alone? Just the two of you? And seeing how you two responded to what I said you two must be from the first anime. How far? All the way to the end where NERV was invaded?" Tomoko asked.


"Yes both of us are from that point where NERV was invaded. And we weren't alone," Misato said. 


"I tried to blow up the base but mother still picked Gendo over me. All three of us appeared in a field. Misato seeing Gendo pointing a gun at me fired and killed him," Ritsuko said. Remembering what really happen after Misato disarmed Gendo by shooting his hand. Her grabbing a rock and beating his face with it and finally jabbing her thumbs into his eyes.


"You should know the Gendo from the new anime is worse," Tomoko said. 


"Adam is dead right?" Misato ask 21 an 16.


"Me and 16 hit it with enough power to destroy this planet 10 times over. It couldn't survived that and the blast sending any remains into the sun," 21 said. (3)


"Good," Misato said wishing to have seen it.


"You really are a source of information," Shinji said seeing many other staff members stopping what they have been doing to listen on in.


"I spent more time reading an watching fiction then interacting with the real world. Looks like in this world that skill is useful," Tomoko said. 


"Do you know me?" Akane ask.


"You're Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2. Who is short temper and can never trust Ranma no matter what and will always take the word of someone else above his. Like how you think Ryoga Hibiki is sweet, gentle, kind-hearted person and her best friend. When he transforms into P-chan the small black piglet who you sleep with and uses Ranma's honor before reason mindset to keep him from telling you about it," Tomoko said stunning Akane.


"That sounds right," Abelia said.


"You're Abelia of the warship, Hellywood. Hamdo's second-in-command and as he claims, the only one he can trust. You aren't anywhere near as monstrous as the king but she's completely devoted to him and will follow his orders without question, even if they are needlessly cruel or tactically inadvisable. And at the end you watch as he drowns," Tomoko said. 


"So my world is nothing but a show in your world then," Abelia said. 


"Seen you and others at your worse and best, strong and weak," Tomoko said. 


"What about me?" Abelia ask. "Something that will really sell that my world is a show in your world."


"You were woken up at an ungodly hour of the morning by Hamdo, had to listen to his rant and then get to work waking up Hellywood to do some complicated and unnecessary task. When you hangs up the phone, you sat and stare at nothing for a few seconds with a look of utter despair. Then you smacks yourself in the face and gets out of bed with your usual expression," Tomoko said. 


"That... that...," Abelia said with a look of shock on her face which for many is the first time anyone has seen it on her face before.


"Very useful for us," Chiyo said stepping into the hallway from a side room. "It's been a very long time since I could even remember what my world is like and who I was before. Do you know me? Chiyo Mihama?"


Tomoko stared at Chiyo before she finally recognized her.


"Chiyo Mihama , usually called Chiyo-chan, is a child prodigy, having skipped five grades to 10th grade (first year in Japanese high school) at the start of the series yet is still top of the class. Such grade-skipping would be unthinkable in Japan, and the series humorously explores its potential consequences. The other characters find Chiyo amazingly cute, but sometimes take advantage of both her youthfulness and her scholastic abilities. Her diminutive stature leads to her having  a lack of confidence, particularly in sports where she fears she is a burden to others. Chiyo is frequently viewed with jealousy by fellow students, initially because of her intelligence, but later also because of the discovery that her family is exceedingly wealthy (they own an enormous mansion and a summer house which Chiyo invites her classmates  to visit on several occasions). The stylistic rendering of Chiyo's pigtails allow for several visual gags in both the manga and anime: Osaka often imagines them to be flapping wings, or as entities independent of Chiyo herself. At home, she can almost always be found in the company of her enormous dog, Tadakichi-san. Of all of the girls, she is the only one who does not sit through college "entrance exams" as  she intends to study overseas, possibly in America," Tomoko explains.


"I... I remember... it's coming back," Chiyo said as memories long forgotten resurfaced after so many years being lock away, bringing tears to her eyes. 


"You'll be very useful indeed," Shinji said Tomoko before turning to Misato and Ritsuko. "The group from the ship are still on their way here but there are 3 children found that you two should see."




Inside a lab -


Fran Madaraki entered her lab with her sisters Veronica and Gavrill following her. Ever since coming to this world has given Fran a spark in the work she does. She isn't able to do what she did back in her world, in bringing people back to life. She tried and it doesn't work like it does in her world. It's just how this world works, with what she was able to do no longer working in this one. Her job is to do research and testing on new tech that falls into her field. She and her sister learned very quickly that what they use to be able to get away with in their world no longer happens in this one. Fran had seen what happen to the last person who had her job. Mayuri Kurotsuchi was his name from Soul Society a land of the dead. He wasn't happy with the lack of test subjects which were prisoners and people from other worlds who committed crimes. He used his fellow agents and civilians till he was caught and imprison. He wasn't put to death, he was operated on with pieces of his brain cut out leaving him nothing more then a shell of a man. 


The reason why they came to the lab was to put another test subject into his new home. His name is Johan Liebert who according to that Tomoko girl was already a monster in his world. He was arrested causing a man to go and kill his wife, by talking to him into believing she's cheating on him. And the man and woman had taken him him after he had appeared as they know about the reward being offered to report anyone who just appeared out of nowhere from other worlds. Which is how soldiers who came found them and found out what happen.


"Here's your new home," Gavrill said as she shoves him into the cell. 


Liebert tried to speak but no words came out of his mouth. His neck having fresh stitching as his vocal cords were cut. 


"Sorry but I know about how you mind rape people with your words thanks to help from our new agent. So that's why I simply removed your ability to talk," Fran said. 


Liebert banged on the bars of his cell door.


"At least you're not alone as there are other monsters here to keep you company," Veronica said as she began placing new paper notes on the sides of the cell doors showing the name of the person inside as well as which world they came form. Tomoko knew all of them and is glad that those monsters are suffering. 


Sousuke Aizen from Bleach


Prime minister Honest from Akame ga Kill!


Hiroto Minaka from Sekirei


Orochimaru from Naruto


Ragyo Kiryuin from Kill La Kill


Nui Harime from Kill La Kill


All of them having be experimented on by Fran to test out new medical tech and test out drugs. Many things appear in the past and kept in storage by the old Dark Hand, with knowledge of how they work being lost. And now with Dark Hand playing catch up with the Americans, one of Fran's jobs is to find out how they work and do so by using live human test subjects. And with how many monsters appearing in Japan from other worlds there are plenty of test subjects.


"There you are," 21 said as she walks into the room with a clipboard with some papers on it. "I went and scanned the machines in the research lab and know what they do and how they work."


"What?" Fran asked as she takes the clipboard from 21 and looks over the papers. 


"My scanners allow me to identify what a machine does and how they work. There are some machines that are only parts so I cannot tell what they're apart of but can tell what it was used for. So all there is left to do is figure out how to use them and how to make them with the limited current technology that this world currently has," 21 explains. "Now excuse me I'm going to be helping in building the Major a new body."


"Wow her first day and she's already doing so much," Veronica said. 


"I been trying to figure what that metal ball does and it's just a camera that most likely had ran on magic," Fran said.


"Well at least you're still useful as a medic," Gavrill said patting her little sister's head.


"Hey cut that out!" Fran growls.


"Make me shrimp," Gavrill said smirking.




Elsewhere -


Inside a warehouse a group of people were lead inside to be sorted. The people came from the ship that appeared in the sky which fell from the sky after losing power and were caught Superman style by the man and woman who could fly. They were rounded up by Japanese soldiers wearing outdated uniforms and were informed what happen to them. They're one of many groups who suddenly were teleported to this world set in the past like so many others. The reason why the ship no longer worked was because Unit 1 no longer had it's power source. The two women appeared in the plug and are now with the group from the ship. They were all transported by trucks to this place.


"Welcome to the Dark Hand HQ," an old woman said standing on a walkway above them. She isn't alone as she's with a woman dress in a uniform, a young girl also in a uniform and a giant of a man who is wearing yellow-green armor over a black bodysuit. "My name is Chiyo and the leader of the Dark Hand who deal with people and objects that came from other worlds."


"We figured that out quickly. The world isn't like ours," Misato said. She's still trying to figure things out after suddenly finding themselves in this world. Not to mention the pilots besides Mari and the old Rei. Speaking of which the Rei Ayanami has been asking what happen to Shinji as well as Yui Ikari. Both of whom regain their form after coming to this world. 


"This world works differently from your world and is the reason why the AT-field no longer works. Worlds of magic, ghost, making energy appear in your hands, simply don't work or not as they use to be able to do in this world. There have been plenty of gods who once in this world became mortal," Chiyo explains.


"You know about AT-fields?" Ritsuko asked shock like the others.


"You also should know that in some worlds we're nothing but fiction. Tomoko world is one where many who appear in this world from events as we call them, are nothing but manga and anime. With her knowing just about everything about us," Chiyo said turning to the young girl at her side. "Tell us all about them."


"You are all from the world of Rebuild of Evangelion which is a new cannon of the first anime series of Neon Genesis Evagelion. Which are a series of movies instead of a TV series, with all of you coming from the end of the movie 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo. You are all apart of WILLE which is a new organization appearing in Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, which serves as an opposing force to NERV and is dedicated to prevent future impacts. It was created after the Near Third Impact caused by Shinji Ikari and is led by Captain Misato Katsuragi and its main ship, the AAA Wunder. With the exception of the Captain and the Eva pilots, the crew of WILLE is characterized by wearing a blue bandana, or in the case the marines a blue beret. After Evangelion Unit-01 is successfully recovered from space and employed as a power source for the AAA Wunder, the fleet becomes airborne. The crew of WILLE at Misato's disposal is somewhat of a rookie team. Despite having Aoba, Hyuga, Maya, Ritsuko and Asuka as former members in their ranks, the rest of the team complains about Misato's choices as a leader and about the protocols and duties of each member. The bridge crew is extremely unsure of Misato's and their own abilities prior to the battle with the Nemesis Series, but after their victory, they seem somewhat more confident. It appears that Kaji Ryoji is connected to WILLE in some manner, as a bridge crew member references his description of Misato's reckless strategies. It is stated by Ritsuko that the fleet is not properly equipped and has very little resources and supplies at the very beginning of the movie. Ritsuko also mentioned that WILLE had little understanding of AAA Wunder's capabilities as of yet. WILLE is made up of ex-NERV staff, remnants of the UN Government and Military Forces, civilian personal and other," Tomoko said stunning the crowd below her.


"What happen to Shinji?" Yui shouted out.


"You're Yui, Shinji's mother and next to you is Rei. Which I'm guessing once in this world the power of the Eva went away and you two came back," Tomoko said. 


"Tell us what happen. No one else will tell us," Rei said. 


"Fourteen years after the worldwide cataclysm called Near Third Impact, Asuka Langley Shikinami and Mari Illustrious Makinami, pilots of the Evangelion mecha, retrieve a container carrying Evangelion Unit 01 and its pilot Shinji Ikari. When Asuka grabs the container with her Evangelion unit, it releases attack drones. Unit 01 awakens after she calls out for Shinji to do something and destroys the drones, then deactivates and descends back to Earth. Kaworu Nagisa who is an angel watches and says he has been waiting for Shinji. Salvaged from Unit 01, Shinji is fitted with an explosive choker and sent to Colonel Misato Katsuragi, who now leads WILLE, an organization intent on destroying her previous employer NERV, the paramilitary organization that deploys the Evangelion units. As more drones attack, Misato launches the flying battleship Wunder, powered by Unit 01, to destroy them. Shinji is warned that he will be killed if he pilots any Evangelion units because of Near Third Impact, which has also prevented Shinji and his peers from aging. The other previous occupant of Unit 01, Rei Ayanami, was never found. An Evangelion unit, Mark.09, intercepts the Wunder. Hearing Rei's voice, Shinji escapes with the unit. Wasn't a hard thing to do as no one took the time to explain things to him and all resented him for causing the impact. Even if they did help in causing it in the first place. Rei takes him to the ruined NERV headquarters. Gendo Ikari, Shinji's father and NERV's leader, informs him that he is to pilot a new Evangelion, Unit 13, with Kaworu. Shinji befriends Kaworu as they practice piano duets together, but discovers that Rei is unable to remember anything and only follows orders. Kaworu shows Shinji the ruins of Tokyo 3, explaining that Shinji's awakening of Unit 01 caused Near Third Impact. He also reveals that Gendo plans to force humanity's evolution by triggering a mass extinction, removing humanity's individuality and reuniting with his deceased wife Yui Ayanami. Gendo's assistant Kozo Fuyutsuki invites Shinji to play shogi and reveals that Yui is within Unit 01 as the control system. Rei is one of several clones of Shinji's mother; the Rei who rescued him is only the latest. Shinji is distraught by this revelation. Kaworu removes Shinji's choker and wears it as a sign of trust. Shinji and Kaworu pilot Unit 13 on their mission to use the Spears of Cassius and Longinus, two ancient weapons, to undo Near Third Impact; Rei follows in Mark.09. When Unit 13 reaches the body of the alien lifeform Lilith, Kaworu realizes that the spears are not what he expected. Kaworu, Asuka and Mari attempt to stop Shinji, but Shinji removes the spears. On Gendo's orders, Mark.09 decapitates Mark.06 to release the Twelfth Angel, which is absorbed by Unit 13. The awakened Unit 13 rises into the sky, starting another cataclysm, the Fourth Impact. Kaworu reveals that as the First Angel, he is now "cast down" to the Thirteenth. Rei loses control of Mark.09, which boards Wunder on its own in an attempt to take control of the ship. Rei ejects from her unit and Asuka blows up her own unit to destroy Mark.09. To stop the Fourth Impact, Kaworu stabs Unit 13 with the spears and allows the choker to kill him, to Shinji's horror. Mari ejects Shinji's cockpit from Unit 13, and WILLE recovers units 02 and 08 and retreats. After rescuing Shinji, Asuka drags him through the remains of Tokyo-3, with Rei following," Tomoko explains to the horror of Yui and Rei.


"Shinji," Rei said as she almost fell but was caught by Yui who held her.


"The movies are worse then the tv series. With how much of a buttmonkey Shinji is treated in them. So confused and no one telling him anything when they had the chance too, it's no wonder he latched onto the first person who actually talked to him. Not to mention how the people who he cared about refused to admit their own mistakes," Tomoko said. 


"What do you mean by that?" Misato asked.


"Misato in the Rebuild movies, starts as a Lt. Colonel and the Second Impact looks quite different. In 3.0., she has become the leader of WILLE, an anti-NERV organization that she formed after Third Impact. She has become considerably colder in the 14 years that have passed, to the point where she fully blames Shinji for the Near-Third Impact, unable (or perhaps unwilling) to acknowledge or admit that she herself bares a good amount of  responsibility for her pushing and encouraging his actions which caused the event," Tomoko explains causing Misato to glare at her and tighten her fists. "You are the worse cannon version of yourself."


"She certainly is," Misato's voice called out as she steps onto the walkway. Stunning everyone below in seeing two Misato's.


"Meet Misato from the first anime," Tomoko said. 


"Yui, Rei," Misato said. "You two go through the doors on your right."


Stepping out of the door is Asuka still dress in her plugsuit and her eyepatch and behind her shoving her through is Shampoo and Ukyo. 


"Follow the two women and they'll lead you to where Shinji and Rei Q are being kept at," Misato said.


"Yes," Rei said straightening herself out hearing that Shinji is here and lead Yui to the side door. 


"Boss," Misato said turning to Chiyo. "Forgive me if I leave this sorting to you. I have some personal matters to get to."


"You're excused," Chiyo said. 


"You're just leaving?" the other Misato asked.


"I have nothing to say to you," Misato said to her counterpart as she left.


"What's this sorting?" Mari ask.


"The sorting is to see if any of you are valuable to keep around and work for us the Dark Hand or another government agency. Of course we do have standards and try our best so that we don't have any troublemakers on the payroll. Of course this sorting is all voluntarily on your part, if you don't want to work for us. You're free to go and make do on your own, there's an outreach program to help people like you all but only for a limited time and afterwards you are on your own," Chiyo explains. 


"So it's either work for you people or we all fend for ourselves," Misato said.


"Yes," Chiyo said. 





"Sunset! Mom!" Lila shouted as she runs over to them on the newly built train station of Gravity Falls. Lila was easy to spot in any crowd thanks to her being over 8 feet tall.


"Lila," Barbie said as she hugs Lila.


"So which one are you mom?" Lila ask as it's hard to tell which of Barbie's copies you're dealing with even for her children.


"Tour Guide," Sunset answers.


"It's been awhile since I got to be out and about with my girls," Barbie said. All of Barbie's copies take turns being able to walk around, expect for the ones working on a long term job. The ones who are once their job is done lose their turn for a couple of cycles depending on how long it was for them. 


"Mom just came long to get me and Naruto together," Sunset said.


"Well you two do have a thing for each other. Just make him your mate already," Lila said. 


"Lila you been living with us long enough that you know that's not how things work," Sunset said. 


"You are the only one who has someone, you and Naruto have dated," Barbie said. 


"Mom those were state dinners and events," Sunset said. 


"That's not what you wrote in your journal," Lila said.


"You read my journal?" Sunset ask glaring at her sister.


"Of course not. I don't live at home like you anymore. Our little sister is the one who does that," Lila said.


"Vanellope is so dead," Sunset growls.


"That's what happens when you just leave it out for your little sister to find," Barbie said.


"Mom did you see Vanellope reading my journal and did nothing to stop her?" Sunset said glaring at her mother.


"I was till she showed me the page with the picture of you and Naruto together," Barbie said causing Sunset face to turn red.


"You really should just make your move already," Lila said. "You and Naruto are an item and you wrote how cute you think he is."


"I don't think he's cute!" Sunset snaps.


"Nope you think he's a hunk," Barbie said.


"Mom!" Sunset snaps.


"Now, now dear you two do like each other and it be nice that you give it a try with Naruto before someone else get's him," Barbie said. 


"I'm willingly to give it a shot. He is a nice guy after all," Lila said smiling.


"HEY HE'S MINE!" Sunset snaps. Then she realized something as Lila is still smiling and looking at something behind her. "He's standing right behind me isn't he."


"Yes dear he is," Barbie said smiling as well. 


Sunset turned around to see Naruto has been standing behind her for awhile now.


"Hi... Sunset," Naruto said really not comfortable right now.


"We'll leave you two lovebirds alone," Barbie said as she and Lila walked off with the bodyguards who are carrying the luggage and been watching as well.


"Hi Naruto," Sunset said not knowing what to say right now. Leaving both of them just standing there and unable to look at each other. 


"This is going to be a long mission," Naruto said trying to break the ice.


"It is just like the last time we were together," Sunset said. 


"KISS ALREADY!" Lila shouted out causing both of them to blush and once again being uncomfortable with each other again. Which has always happens when they're together and Sunset's family is with them trying to get them to admit their feelings for each other.



Author's Notes -

1 - Those from game base worlds where everything is about the game where there are big schools that teach it. They wouldn't have that much other skills that would be useful in a world where the game they trained for isn't played.


2 - The Lovecraft monsters are horrors on a cosmic level but how much of it is just how people when Lovecraft wrote the books weren't use to things like it before. Like how music like rock and pop that we're use to in our time, had people fainting when they first heard it. Which did happen look it up. So just seeing a cosmic horror would be scary but wouldn't make people who watch horror and gore alot lose their minds. Unless it gives off a mind altering brainwave or it's psychic.


3 - I don't care how powerful an angel is. Something that can destroy a planet ten times over will kill just about anything. And even if it could regenerate the pieces were pulled into the sun where the heat and pressure of a star will finish it off.


First appearances of fictions in this chapter -




Dragonball Z




Tokyo Babylon


Telepathy Shoujo Ran 


Hayate the Combat Butler


Shaman King


Sword Art Online


Gundam Wing


Blue Submarine 6


A Centaurs Life


HP Lovercraft






Akame ga Kill!




Kill La Kill


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Stone -- หินพลัง








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