8.92% Dragon in Marvel / Chapter 4: Universal Collapse

บท 4: Universal Collapse

While I was flying through the cosmos on my way to Earth I realized that I didn't need my honey badger form for "stealthier approaches", but I don't think Noona would have slept with me if I was on my humanoid form; so all is great that ends great, right?

I was closing in on the solar system...

"These guys were not playing around! Detection fields spamming all around the Solar System, several sentries constantly flying around in alert ready to pick up any changes. Is that the zombie Dark Phoenix? Well I'm glad I won't have to fight her cosmic fire, unless I get stuck longer than necessary while escaping with the stones, but let's not jinx it."

I broke through the atmosphere and all I saw was destruction, destruction that reminded me of home, home after the first wave of the invasion, and at the same time the battlefield, the place where I lived most of my life. Leaning skyscrapers, zombies in a stasis mode around the streets, craters around the different cities, the radiation in the air probably resulting of the desperate use of nuclear weapons, besides the flora I couldn't find any non zombified life within the planet. If I'm not mistaken after the universe is reset these peoples' lives will restart as if nothing had happened at all, so as cold as it might sound, I don't care if there is life left or not, my job is to facilitate the universal reset, nothing more.

After arriving to New York, what's left of it anyway, I made sure that I couldn't find Spiderman around and proceed to locate the building where the stones were located. To avoid detection I flew as close to the ground as I could, aiming to the room where Sentry was located, I shielded my mind just to be sure that I was undetected before slipping in, good for me that Sentry's room is close by the one where I can feel the stones from. Breath in... Breath out... let's do this!

Focusing my mind to the peak I simultaneously created 2 barriers, one around me and Sentry and another around Sentry only, as soon as I did trapped him I could feel him fighting from within, I could probably hold this for 1-2 minutes, but that's way more than needed. I breath out some of my fire to cleanse the inside of the barrier and once I couldn't find any traces of the viral energy I opened a portal to my room in Noona's palace, then I open a second portal to the negative zone of this universe, tossed Sentry over the portal and closed it, and finally cutting the link with the barrier imprisoning him; hehehe! he is probably rampaging around there at this moment, once done I closed both portals.

Once I removed the barrier left in the room I shrink back and went to the room with the stones, just in time to hear the siren blaring. "Tsk! Faster than expected!" I returned to my normal size and located the pedestal where the 6 stones were locked solid in. 

*Shiiing* *Slide* With a swipe from my retracted claws I cleaved at the base of the pedestal and held the upper part with my telekinesis (TK). While I worked on freeing the stones with my TK, I formed a bunch of shields randomly around the room, to use as cover later.

I was correct to expect an enclosure, as soon as the stones disconnected from the power network a barrier shielded the whole complex. I had nothing to use as weapons so I ripped a few tiles from the floor, which I broke apart and reshaped as 15" (38cm) long needles, I reinforced them with my TK and spread them around the corners of the room to use them as surprise attacks when necessary. Just in time to hear a roar.


*Boom* The entrance was blown apart and like an enraged bull, Hulk appeared, followed by Iron Man. But I could see and hear that the city just came to "life" again, I could hear the other "heroes" approaching.

"Hello There!"-I need to waste time while I use the stones to wear out the infinity batteries of this place.

"Hulk! He is buying time!" Said Z-Stark.

"Fuck you too!" I shouted while manipulating a needle from one of the corners of the room to his head at supersonic speed. 

*Boom* *Splat*- Was the only thing Hulk heard after exploding Stark's head. I felt the needle out of my control as soon as it got near the armor, so I could assume that that was the range of the psionic dampers they built, but I can't see Hulk wearing one, maybe I've got some luck.

Enraged by this, Hulk jumped at me, faster than he has any right to do so, and I tried punch me dead, so I tried my luck and attempted to stop him with my TK in the air. And it was possible, though I could feel his "weight" growing exponentially so I don't think I will be able to hold him for long, and that's saying a lot! Because with my TK I could probably shift the orbit of a planet; but this is a bullshit character with infinite growing strength. So I did the next best thing that could buy me time, I sent him to space. 

"Hahahah! Bye! Bye! Hulk" *Crash!* *Boom!* I launch him through the hole he came from and then heard him break the sound barrier. I thought about escaping through the hole with the stones, but the others caught up to me as soon as the idea came to be. 

I saw some barriers form blocking my escape, probably Susan Storm or someone with psionic abilities. Wolverine, Spiderman, Reed Richards, Human Torch, Stephen Strange and She-Hulk came through the barrier. -Well... Kill the magician first is the strategy! 


All my needles flew at the same time at Stephen Strange. *BOOM* *SPLAT*

"...Fuck!"- Stupid Bullshit sense! Spiderman jumped in the way and save the magician. At least the spider lost his body, but the head is still around, the fuck?

"Hold him back! I will try to remove the stones from his control, he is trying to portal out of here!" -Shouted the magician.

"Arrrghh"- Wolverine flew at me after being launched by She-Hulk. I squared my self and used the famous Yakuza kick on the flying adamantium ball. I reinforce my shoe sole with a void barrier to prevent any possible accident with those claws, I think I'm Adamantium proof but better not be testing it now. His claws clashed with my foot for a quarter of a second before this body couldn't hold out anymore, first his arms then his spine collapsed and at that moment my foot made contact with his skull and he was bisected from head to pelvis, exploding around the room. *Splash* *Splat* - I was now covered in blood, but I couldn't pay attention to it. I saw She-Hulk arrive in front of me reeling her fist back, but before she could take a shot, I sent a low kick and made her fall backwards, while she was falling I grabbed her left leg and launched her as hard as I could to the magician. But again the magician was protected by someone, Reed Richard stretched his body to catch She-Hulk and sent her back to me. I moved one of the void barriers in the room in her trajectory. *Splat*- But I'm sure that same as wolverine she will regenerate and come back, I have to hurry up! I took advantage of the pieces of amor left of Iron Man around the entrance and discreetly shaped them into a spear. Just when I was about to kill the magician I felt Power Man and Hawkeye come in with Susan Storm, she thought she was invisible but I could clearly see her. 

*Fwooosh* Human Torch started bathing me in fire. -Maybe I could use this- I thought, So I pretended to be hurt while I gathered and manipulated all this free-for-grabs energy.

"Aghhhhhh!"- I shouted

"Hold him a minute longer"-Said Strange- Tch! Magician you are already dead! You just don't know it yet! I thought while looking at the carefully camouflaged spear along the debris, already aiming for his head. I could fell that the barrier was wearing down. I'm almost there! But it looks like I will have to fight until the final second because Spiderman notice that I was not receiving damage. -Tch! Fucking bullshit sense! You're just a head how are you even talking?

"Something is wrong! He is not taking damage!"

"...Oh well the gig is up!"-I said- I manipulated the rest of the fire and compressed it until it was a white ball of destruction and threw it at the face of Power Man, who was running to his death. Just like a spear, it went through Power Man's face continued unrelenting and when it reached next to the magician I let go of the control and let it shower us all in it's flare of fire.

*BOOOOOOOOOM*- And then there was silence. Everything was white, and what was left was a crater, the barrier couldn't hold in the explosion after the fight anymore; The magician died, I'm sure of that.

"I didn't get to use my spear" -I said sadly-

But I have to escape before I'm locked in another fight, because my eyes could see and feel the Dark Phoenix approaching. I flew as fast as I could along with the stones in the opposite direction, while I continue to work on the space stone to open a portal to the other end of the universe. 

Just as I was exiting Earth I could feel the Phoenix locking on my position, but now... now it's different, because there is nothing holding me back.

So I moved the stones away from me and face the Phoenix. I gathered my void breath in, enough to blow up Jupiter based on my calculations, my horns emitting a white and brighter hue, my eyes kept changing colors and by the time to Phoenix tried to change her course it was too late.


A white Godzilla-type breath with white lighting left my mouth and crashed with the Phoenix, both clashed for a full second, I could see how my breath was collapsing space along it's path, after the struggle she was pushed back against Earth and I saw both implode. There was no sound but I could feel the gravitational wave left after the implosion of Earth and see the moon going out of orbit into outer space. 

I had no time to waste, there were other overpowered zombies left on the universe, it was time to escape and hide in some forgotten place. I opened a portal with the space stone (Finally!), and moved to a gas super giant at the furthest edge of the universe and hid in the core of the planet with the stones. I looked back to the Solar System with my eyes to make sure no one was tracking me. I know that a few, like Thanos, could tell the general direction of the stones so it's best to make sure. After double checking I wasted no more time and started manipulating the energy on the stones to blow themselves up, the longest 15min of my life!, I had to split my focus between keeping guard and destroying the stones; but then it happened! 


First it was like glass breaking very silently and then it was like an erupting volcano. I was sent out of the planet and when I came back to my senses I could see the last of the energy contained dispersing through reality. *Pheeew!* I let a sigh out that I didn't know I had held in all this time. 

"YESSSSSS!"- I shouted, but it was time to move out, that cosmic explosion for sure called a few of these monsters here. I cladded my self in my void energy and flew to another corner of the universe.

Along the way I started to think about my future home and that if my objective is not annihilation of the sapient races, I will need some tools to facilitate my stay, so this might not be a bad time to gather knowledge about technology and other stuff so that I can create stuff on the void and then bring this tools/weapons/commodities with me to my new home.

Because what type of dragon would I be if I have no nest where to keep my hoard and eggs? So I was thinking about building a space station, keep it cloaked and have an AI manage it. The problem is that I don't know how to make an AI or where to steal one, given that I blew up Earth. So how about I give a visit to the Supreme Intelligence of the kree, I should be able to get him to teach me some stuff with a little manipulation... well... reality is so cruel that maybe I might have to just speak the truth. 

So I changed my course and flew to the Large Magellanic Cloud, once I got there it was the same apocalypse as Earth, just that it was a futuristic type of apocalypse. Destruction everywhere but I could see energy being siphoned to one place, that must be my destination. I found a... Control romm? or Throne Room?... A room where one could communicate with the supreme intelligence, the problem is that it was filled with zombies, so I had to seal every escape route and kill all the zombies within. It was a strenuous task that took me 30 seconds, but I finished.

"Identify yourself invader!"

"...Hello! I'm Aragorn the shine dragon! I guess I indeed am an invader, but does it matter now?"

"Aragorn, the shine dragon?...We've never heard of it; but it is as you say. *Sigh* Now it doesn't matter, nothing matters, we were about to blow out our empire when we saw you on our throne room. So?... What brings you here?"

"It's a long story, would you mind halting the self destruction and listening to what I have to tell?"

"...Nothing will change anymore, Are we correct in assuming that the whole universe is in the same state?"

"Yes, there must be someone out there still alive, but not for long, soon everybody will not be anymore."

"...Fine, all of our dreams and our race's are no more! So what does it matter if we listen to one story before the end?"

"Alright! For the longest part of my eternal life as an immortal shine dragon, my professional aspirations were simple. I wanted to be the brightest! But with my natural talent and hard work I know that I will accomplish them! However I forgot to account for an important detail. Where will the shiniest dragon set his wings and rest? Will it be in a planet surrounded by his hoard like the rest of the lowly dark ones? Will it be on a realm of light deserving of him? I didn't know! I was lost! But the I found my answer, like all the shinnies I will assume my position in the firmament, in space. So I need a space station, but I don't have the technology for some stuff that I want. Which brings me to this place, to you! I want to include you on my dream Sensei! I want you to connect with me and teach me all about your race's advanced warp-drive starships, robots, cyborg, and cybernetic technology, genetic engineering, psionic technology, energy weaponry, and battlesuits; agriculture, medicine and general knowledge. So that when I go back home I could build my space nest." - Said with a billion gigawatt smile.


"..."- Smile


"..."- Smile

"...We are confused about which level of dementia to use with you for our understanding...*Siiigh*... pray tell, Why would we do that for you?"

"Well that part is where I'm confused, is there anything that you want from me for your knowledge?"

"A reason to start! It's true that we will loose nothing but we will also win nothing."

"Mmmmm is there anything that you need?"

"A way out of this mess."

"There's a way, I'm already working on it but I don't know if you'll like it."

"Out with it!"

"What do you know about the Cosmic compass?"

"Are you talking about the cosmic entities?"

"Yes, more specifically about the cornerstones of existence, Eternity, Infinity, Death, and Oblivion; the Phoenix Force and the Living Tribunal"

"We know of them, but what about it? These entities do not move as we please, so why bring them out?"

"Well I made a deal with them, basically I will destroy the universe from within with a Universal Collapse and they will reset the universe, born anew, with no infection."- I little white lie, but not far from the truth.

"...We think we can make out what you mean with that, but even so, we give you our civilization's knowledge and then what guarantees will we have that you won't use it against us in the future?"

"That is the beauty of it! I will be gone from this new future, this is not my home reality, I will go to me new home after I'm done, so whatever I do with it won't have any repercussions for you!"

"...It is as you said, technically you will be saving my civilization by resetting the universe." 

"...So? Can you be the foundation of the shiniest nest? Can you make a donation to my dream? Can you help your student out, Sensei?"

"...Can you even handle the information transfer?"

"No problem Sensei! Let's connect and download it! There won't be any problems with this brand new hardware!"

"*Sigh* Don't say we didn't warn you. Use the terminal on your left, just take a seat and the terminal will connect us to your mind."

I moved to my left and took a seat, then I felt how the seat morphed, as if it was liquid, around my head, everything went dark and then I found myself in a psionic/cybernetic space in front of Sensei.

"You were not joking about your mind not collapsing. We've never seen a brain structure like this one before, It's a shame we won't be able to keep a record of it after the universal reset. Let's start!"

"Yes! I'm ready Sensei!"


"-Transfer Starting-"

If there's anything that I could say it would be that after the transfer was done I could deeply understand why Earth is considered a backwater planet. I feel a little ashamed of my planet's technological advancement. But there is no use crying over spilled milk, with this tech and my creation ability I should be able to build my dreamed space station(?); The Halo Ring. 

Once I was done with my School/High School/Collage/Sci-Fi education and bidding my goodbyes to Sensei, I went to other space-faring civilizations to borrow some donations for my dream in a matter of knowledge. I wasn't so lucky in some places where the zombies had caused enough destruction to cripple my research, of course those places were erased of existence with a tactically placed void breath. 

One month after my campaign I was ready! I went to the center of the universe and cleansed my body with a void shower, opened a barrier and used a portal to bring my singularity bombs to me. Observing my 1500 marbles I couldn't help but fell giddy about what's to come, the explosion, my new home, my new nest and all that is to come, good an bad things. I was ready! 

I created the sturdiest barrier I could and pushed my bombs to the outside, I let them float slowly away from the barrier and once I was ready I dispelled all the barriers at the same time. A massive black screen encased my view all of a sudden! But I new that it was my baby, the universe eater, and as it's title says, it exponentially started eating everything, planets, stars, galaxies, everything. It started "slow" but it picked up the pace faster than expected. And soon enough there was nothing, only black! I could see space beginning the Big Crunch, or what I believe it looks like it. Within the barrier I started loading a void breath of equal magnitude to the black hole, when it was ready I opened a small circular window on the barrier and exhaled all of it through it.

First it was silent...

... Nothing could be heard...

Then there was light...

I closed the barrier but kept looking with my golden eyes...

...I was pushed back by the resulting explosion...

Finally there was nothing...

So much similar to The Void...

Yet different...

I used my eyes and super enhanced senses to look for any remain of the viral energy, but there was none. I made sure of that. Then I heard my Noona's voice, like a sweet whisper:

"You did good Aragorn, there's none of it left, come back home we will take care of the rest."

So I open a portal back to my room where I found my Noona laying on my bed waiting for me.

"Noona! Thank you so much for your advice!"- I said with my eyes flickering between gold and pink showing how happy I was about seeing her.

She just smiled and open her arms and said:

"Come! Let's sleep! I'll take you to you new home tomorrow!"

So I consented and without a second thought changed to my honey badger form and jump to the bed.


Next chapter will be about building the Halo Ring and about exploring Earth to find out what needs to be dealt with first. It's kind of like an info dump about the situation on earth, but not that long, I don't think something long it's needed and it will work just fine as we move on with the story.

The timeline won't matter much since this will be a AU, but for sure Cap. will be still frozen, no Avengers yet, so most likely it will start with finding out about Wanda and Jean. After that because of his physical appearance he will operate as mutant. But we will see how that goes. 


ExistentialVoid ExistentialVoid

Thank you for reading!

Let me know if there's anything you like or dislike!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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