22.22% In blood but not spirit. *New / Chapter 2: 002

บท 2: 002


A crowd of people all yelled amongst each other, arguing over a subject that would forever change the lives of themselves and many others.

The group cried out in viciousness at one another. Some cried in foreboding and others looked away dejectedly expecting their fate.

"No, we must not carry on with this. I have a wife and children!! I want change, but this? What if th-" His rambling was cut off by a crazed extremist.

"Get involved? Open your mind they already are! the moment we've been under the surveillance of our own. The moment we've been questioned, harassed, neglected. They've been involved, it's just a matter if you take change!!"

"Change won't make any use when we're dead!! Don't you understand this isn't just a simple tantrum a child has, this will erupt in death and mourning. Mothers will cry for their sons and the young will become orphans. We cannot be sure if thi-" Once again, the pacifist was cut off by another extremist.

"Don't you all see those people are driving us apart, we need to be civil, not becoming what they've seen us as. Monsters, blood-thirsty, freaks! We must stand together, not push each other apart!" Exclaimed a neutral.

"ENOUGH MEETING IS ACTIVE STARTING NOW! Please rest yourselves, our Lord is here." Yelled an elderly man. His voice was rugged as his grumble quieted the room.

"Thank you elder Yamamoto, They were starting to act out again. Things have already been decided, this is the fate we've been succumbing to. Haha…talking about such fate like those stuck-up Hyuga. I know some of you might be afraid for your loved ones, but they will be safe...I promise. But what does matter is change. All of history change has been our reckoning, but, this is where that changes!"

"You all will witness...THE EVOLUTION…OF THE UCHIHA CLAN!" Lord Fugaku bellowed, throwing his hands up in a suspenseful manner.

"RAHHHH" "YESSS" " FOR THE CLAN" "AHAHHHA." Several extreme clansmen rang out as they found new resolve in their ideals.

In the back, a young man stood…no he was not a man, but justice himself. Half of his face was illuminated by the glittering flame, lighting the room where they all stood. Tears streamed down his glowing red eyes, as he looked at the cold floor below, as if the answers he'd been searching for were under his blade all along.

'Why father, why did you do this to me? I thought you loved me, but to force me to..to take matters into my own hands couldn't be further from love. It's all my fault… Yes mine, I should've seen this coming. No, I cannot tell the future like a seer. This is all your fault, is it…I don't know what to think anymore. Mother, Sasuke..help me, what do I do.' His thoughts mixed like hot soup each option becoming colder and colder the more he stirred.

'Itachi Uchiha, The Uchiha prodigy, No. Perhaps Itachi Uchiha…

Suddenly, the scene changes before Itachi's eyes from the Clan's secret entrance room to the dark night of the Uchiha clan gate.

His gaze bored into the white animal-like mask in his palm. On the other, he held his simple blade which felt heavier than usual, like the weight of all of his troubles stood on the tip.

The clan killer…yes..haha that's fitting..much more fitting.' Dead fish eyes looked up. In front, he held his mask evenly with his face. He stopped before he put it on.

'How did it come to this father? ….Oh yes my brother talked about this happening. Ahhh, if only he was born before m- no, I shouldn't think like that. He's my dear little brother, my only light left in this world. Let me think of my light before I diminish his flame..just a little….

-Sixteen (16) Hours before-

"Hahaah! Big brother? Where are you going today? On another mission eh." I look back to see little Sasu playing with..a cat and lightning?"

"No Sasuke, just on a walk, Want to join me?" Just a walk...

"Ahh, sure why not my test dummy needs a break." What?

"Sasu, you weren't really testing your lightning jutsus on that cat we're you."

"Yeah I've seen it all, finally the great Itachi Uchiha cannot see past a joke. Is this a genjutsu? It must be. Or perhaps those old coots have finally stuck their personalities in your head as well." …Ouch

"And don't call me Sasu, it's too cute." But you are haha.

"Sorry, let's just go. Your humor is becoming more and more mean Sasuke it hurts you know." Faking tears.

"Yeah yeah, hurry up brother, you'll be alright."


"Hey, do we have any ingredients left for the week? I think Mother was planning to buy some….hmm maybe we shoul-"

"Itachi! Sasu! it's nice seeing you both here huh it's been a while ahaha!" A hearty laugh broke my little brother's musing. Turning my head came into view of two middle-aged couples.. no Uncle Tio and Aunt Tina.

The latter of the two put Sasu in his arms hugging him close while pinching his cheek. Hahahh. A smile crept on my face watching them both..!

My eyes widened in surprise as Uncle Tio put me against his chest with his arms around my shoulders.

"You know Itachi, you're just a child. Acting all old and such, lighten up will yah? Hehehe-yaouch!" The man suddenly exclaimed.

"Or maybe you should start taking lessons from him, you're older than Ita, but act like a child compared to him dear." I turn my gaze at Aunt Tina as she has a helpless expression on her face, still holding Sasu close…I'm a child, right? I turned 13 not too long ago. I act my age…do I? People say I don't so perhaps not. It feels nice, the weight I always feel..where is it? It's peaceful being hugged, emmm I like this. Where has it been all my life?

"Ita-" huh, what are you talking about auntie? "Itachi! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Did someone hurt me?

"You're crying you know, what's wrong?"

My fingers touched my wet…face. 'I'm crying? But why do I feel so happy? It's so sunny…but I'm inside.

'And it smells.'

'And there's blood everywhere.'

"Auntie? Uncle?" Why are both of you on the floor dead?


"ITACHI W-HAT AR-E YOU DOING!!" Little brother, why are you crying too?

Oh…both Uncle Tio and Auntie Tina are…dead.


"Ughhh Mother gonna kill me, I'm late again she doesn't like me staying out late." After the last incident of me being attacked, Mom has been more strict on my training regime. And as in strict, I mean limiting my time out by myself! I can only hope she doesn't stop teaching me lightning release as she pro-

Wait, why is there no one home? I can't sense any more people in the compound, and everyone is running away out of range so fast.

"!!!" What is this feeling? Why does it feel like this? So…depressing.

"Hello? Is anybody here, big brother are you here?" The young raven called out.


*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*

The gravel at my feet sounds louder than usual. Is it the strange silence or the nervousness I'm feeling? …I'm nervous?

*Dwip* *Dwip*

"Huh? What's that so-"

My boots were painted in dull red liquid, and a putrid smell invaded my nostrils. The leading trail of blood was like a treasure hunt for my eyes. Turning the corner of the blood trail was a house, inside were the bodies of…of.

"Aunt-ie..U-Uncle..wha- …what's going on." Sasuke's voice trembled as his eyes followed a sound that seeped into the air


Big brother? And his sword is …

"ITACHI W-HAT AR-E YOU DOING!!" Itachi looked up and stared at Sasuke for a brief moment before his eyes flashed light again

"Foolish little brother, with how much you praise yourself a genius. Could you really not foresee this happening?" Itachi replied in a cold tone

"THIS ISN'T LIKE YOU BROTHER, YOU'RE KIND AND, AND PEACEFUL NO-" Sasuke's voice was cut by the clan killer.

"Not cruel hmm? What do you really know about me Sasuke? How much have to really seen the real me? Always so smart yet so dense…just like Shisui."

"N-No, you didn't….you couldn't have." Tears erupted from Sasuke's face as he finally pieced the situation together. Of the death of Shisui Uchiha, his bigger bigger brother.

"Yes, I could. He was weak, but he served his purpose. Sasuke, do you know how I received these eyes?" Itachi's crimson eyes switched from tomoe-like markings in the form of a triangle, to a dark black shuriken formation on both lids.

" Yes, these are good eyes. So much power and all you have to do is kill your most cherished...your best friend. HAHAHA" 'I'm so sorry

"SASUKE, SEE MY POWER. TSUKUYOMI" 'Please forgive me

"Auntie Tina, Uncle Tio, Noo no no!! Grandpa Kyi, Grandma Tamo, Stop it!! Big sister Kaori, little sister Choi, BROTHER PLEASE S-STOP. Izumi, AGHH. Father….MOTHER. ITACHI STOPPP."


The sound of glass erupted in the fake world as pieces of glass contorted the images before Sasuke. Each piece fell down revealing the sight that Itachi never thought he would see now.

'N-No..What are you Sasuke?!' Itachi's watery eyes turned into shock as he looked at the head of his little Sasu.

Red. Blood-red swirling eyes, gaining the last tomoe then twisting around his pupils in the form of a spiral. He could lose himself in those hypnotic eyes of his brother. The raw, untamed power in those eyes brought awe and never-ending fear into Itachi.

"ITACHII I'LL KILL YOU" The younger ravenette's anger in his words weighed heavy on Itachi. Suddenly, Sasuke's arm flew up with palm open and fingers curled. Coming out was a pure white sharp bone, pointing at Itachi.


At astonishing speeds, the bone flew at the elder brother. Piercing through his chest, just missing any vital points and being slowed by his armor.

"GAHH!!" Itachi Grimaced as the protruding bone tore through his flesh. Preparing for another, Sasuke shot a deadly bone toward the downed man in an act to finish his life.


The death of Itachi was interfered with by a vortex of gravity. "I think you're at a standstill Itachi Uchiha...perhaps I should take the boy instead of you, The Shikotsumyaku (Dead Bone Pulse) is very intriguing to attain. They're such rare treasures nowadays." A deep playful resonance dragged out.

Sasuke changed his view to the newcomer, clad in a long dark robe with a white sash across his waist. His long black, spikey hair played in the wind, as its face was hidden from his eyes, wearing a bright orange mask with black tiger-like stripes as a design. One eye hole was visible as it showed a single glowing Sharingan with an odd pinwheel-like design.

"N-No, I was just caught off guard that all, I never would have foreseen Sasuke having that bloodline. No one in our family tree has had this ability to my knowledge."

"Emm. I hope so, or else I was wrong in choosing you. Oh well, let us leave we've been here long enough as it is. Goodbye Sasuke Uchiha, I look forward to seeing where we cross paths in the future..." The voice mumbled as he left with Itachi in a cyclone.

His eyes shifted from red to coal black, as Sasuke collapsed on the floor from both mentally stress and physically. Pain was searing in his palm which he used to attack his elder counterpart.

'Why were you crying Itachi? You speak of your betrayal, but your inner feelings also betray them secretly. I could feel your turmoil inside I wonder…No that doesn't matter, whatever your reason is, your true reason for all this death means little to me. You made your choice and I've made mine, which is you dead at my feet..'

'big brother.'

Before darkness overtook him.


As soon as he woke up, the unpleasant smell of antiseptic rushed into his nostrils, causing him to scrunch his nose in cringe. The taste the air gave was a little bitter; the dark-haired boy's eyes strained as the bright surface light glared into his irises. Sitting up, he sat up and dimmed the lights via the controls by the bed rest. Now getting a clear view of the area around him, Sasuke could see that he was in those hospital rooms. He's always hated them, if he has to say it's one of the places he hates the most. Ironic really, the one place you're supposed to feel secure and healthy is the place you deeply loathe.

'I wonder if…that really happen- who am I kidding why else would I be in here.'

sighing, he brought up his hand and watched in fascination as he focused chakra into his palm, and slowly a bone-like object drew out, Stopping mid-way, Sasuke analyzed his newfound power.

"That's a strange ability you have young Sasuke…I wonder where you could've retained such a thing."


Sasuke quickly shot his eyes at the elderly man who appeared in his room.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"L-Lord Hokage, why?.. how d-"

"Calm down young one, your heart rate is still being monitored. I will answer your questions soon and I hope you'll answer some of mine as well. Now, how much of the events last night do you remember and how much did you witness?"

"I remember everything and I've seen everything," Sasuke replied flatly.

"Ahhh, yes I'm sorry for what happened…dark times indeed. Do you think there is anything worth mentioning that occurred, other than your new bizarre abilities of course?"

"Other than…him and that masked man who attacked, nothing at..? Lord Hokage?" The elderly wrinkles on his face twisted from seriousness to shock and alertness as he quickly put up his index finger for a sign to stop.

"Masked man? We've received no such report on this issue. Please, elaborate."

"Yes, he was a Uchiha too with one eye, he had long dark attire with an orange mask with black markings. He..participated in the massacre along with…Itachi."

"Headache after headache. Ahhh, troublesome for sure. Any more questions? The old man rubbed his index and thumb along his nasal bridge.

"Why did Itachi do what he did, and don't lie to me. With all due respect Lord Hokage, I saw my brother crying clearly in my memory! A power-hungry person doesn't just do that after already killing his family." He needed real answers now, the word 'why' had been tearing his mind apart. He needed to fulfill those rambling thoughts.

"Sasuke you've lived your whole life with Itachi yet he's tricked you so much so that you don't believe what happened was true to his own words. Itachi has made a person that you look up to and for that all at once to collapse down can be traumatic to many. perhaps you should let your thoughts settle down first before asking yourself again if there really were any lies in his words and emotions. Monsters like those are the hardest to kill, making your own beliefs become as fickle as a story." His lordship finished.

'No, you are wrong and I know it clearly as well, I feel your emotions becoming unclear and disrupted. You know the truth.'

"Y-Yes Lord Hokage, maybe your right." 'I will get those answers sooner or later whether you like it or not.'

"Good, now I must be going I need to search more about this masked man. If you will excu-"

"Lord Hokage, will you…tell anyone about my new ability?" Sasuke had a creeping urge to keep it a secret, even knowing that it would be ammo for the Hokage to use against him to win favor would hurt his pride, but having no problems against him right now was worth it in the end.

"No Sasuke, your secret is safe with me." He replied with a grin.

Moving towards the door, the old man's cane touching the floor reverbed around the room, before he trapped the knob in hand and opened the door, but not before stopping and turning to face the little raven.

"Oh before I leave, I think you would like to know that…your mother, Mikoto Uchiha …she's alive Sasuke.

"Wha- Where is she?! I need to go now she must be worried for me! I-I.."

"Sasuke!! ...Sasuke, she's in the trauma unit right now, I-I don't know if she'll surv-"

"Stop it. That's enough. Thank you for your time Lord Hokage, but I really must rest now."

"..Very well, I wish you good health Sasuke for both you and your mother." He said before exiting the cold room.


Sasuke sat in silence thinking about his next moves. A lot of eyes will be on him now, no doubt. And that'll bring unwanted attention that may become hindrances in the future.

'I will kill you even if it's the last thing I do Itachi' What about Mom?

'I'll get stronger to protect her too, no matter what she will never be hurt again."

'Yes, with my new eyes and power, I'll keep everyone I love safe, I may not like the village, but being an important asset will keep them safe. Taking into account, the pros outweigh the cons.'

Sasuke's Sharingan flared brightly, as they spun revealing a ripple patterned eye. 'These are the so-called powers Itachi achieved, I will become the strongest mark my words. Strong enough to kill Itachi, strong enough to bring peace in my life. And no one will be able to take it away…not again.'


Ever since the change in Sasuke's life, his newfound desire to avenge his clansmen, his utter hatred for his brother, but also the dream to keep his mother safe. She is the last thing he has in this world and he doesn't like to think what would happen to him if she died that night.

His determination blazed as he increased his training and studying daily, only using the weekends off to rest his body. The raven pushed his body to the limit to achieve his goal. Studies doubled as he spent hours creating new stronger and potent jutsus for his arsenal. Consisting of six (6) newly formed lightning releases, and two (2) fire.

Speaking of fire, sometimes bizarre events happen in his flames, whenever he tried to push further in his manipulation, he'd see flickers of dark black. Sasuke usually couldn't keep it up as it was too chakra-straining, but note-worthy nonetheless.

Each day his muscles tore with his vigorous grounding his body became faster, stronger, and pain-resistant. It's almost as if something woke up inside of him, whispering in his ear and corrupting his own brain to ignore the suffering he's undergoing both in body and mind. The raven's unusual regeneration progressed further at a bit higher degree as time went on.

On that fateful night, he received his Sharingan, he's been training with them with the help of Shisui. But now he felt like her could do anything with his new optics, it was almost like time stopped completely when he utilized them.

'As much as I am fond of these eyes, they shouldn't be seen to the outside. There was a reason why most of our clan never knew of this power, endless bloodshed would erupt and we would've no doubt annihilated ourselves."

Aside from torturing himself every day, he would find time to visit his mother in the hospital. It hurt his heart continuously when his eyes looked at the sickly-looking woman who was once cooking and laughing alongside him. She was pale, deathly so, almost like her body was painted in tinted flour. Her fully beautiful lips could be compared to dried sand, with her cheekbones in prominent effect.

Sighing, Sasuke set down the flowers his always mother loved on the cold table. The same antiseptic smell lingering in the air answered his question of why he hated hospitals so much.

"Just wait Mother, I will become strong enough to protect both of us. All you have to do is get better, and worry about yourself." He whispered to her while petting her hair softly.

Standing straight he walked towards the door of the cold room.

'This is one of many reasons you'll die Itachi. You along with that masked man will answer my questions, no matter what happens.'



"Now class quiet down, I know these past couple of weeks have been…heavy due to some events, but we can only give our prayers and carry on the safety of this village. Since it's been three weeks from the incident with no outer casualties from the tragedy, the Hokage has deemed it okay to continue classes. However, we'll be starting off slow for the time being, only for a bit so we can hop back into the flow of things. Okay, let's…" Sasuke tuned out the rest of his introduction, it seemed that Iruka-Sensei was back to his usual self.

'Ahh, perhaps I should skip these classes. I've been studying various village's history from both the past and present. Along with their structural importance throughout the nation's clans, and their specialties to add more ideas to my weaponry.'

The idea of graduating early stuck with the raven on multiple occasions including now, but he needed to use this time to gain more knowledge and experience before entering a world of responsibility and time-consuming shinobi work.

The remaining weeks, he had for his clan's mourning, were instead utilized for implementing more advanced Taijutsu techniques into his regime. Accompanied by training his close fighting style, he also worked on improving his chakra sensitivity.

He started to dissect his sensing abilities by trying always keep them on constantly. At first, it was overwhelming as his nerves cringed at the high frequency of people around him with chakra. But slowly he managed to find control in his power. Though it wasn't absolute it was acceptable for now.

Although it was limited, he could expend quick intervals of chakra around him to sense his surroundings now, up to 30 meters with minimal use to his reserves.



My eyes removed themselves from the window that showed clear blue skies onto the voice calling my name. "Yes Irkua-sensei?"

"Are you finally back from the dead? I'm asking you what you should do when escorting a client with your team members. Care to explain?" The scared man replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Whenever traveling through unknown areas, always form a delta formation with each member on three sides. Sensory ninjas stay either on the back left or right with the other a long-range or supportive shinobi, while the front should be the best at close combat as well as fast. Should the situation arrive where the team is unqualified for a fight, the supporting ninja should be the ones to leave and report back to Lord Hokage, while the others should try their best to survive by any means." Indra finished talking, he saw the pleased face of his sensei.

"Very good Sasuke never expected less. Now class, keep what Sasuke said instilled in your brain, You can never be sure of how a mission will turn out so always be quick to think."

"You can expect these types of questions on your exam in a couple of weeks so be prepared to answer. With that our time is up I'm afraid, Have a fine day, students. I will see you next week." With that chatter erupted from the room as he packed his guidebook and materials and walked out to the teacher's office.

'Exams in a couple of weeks huh, I wonder how difficult it will be. Ahhh, whatever me passing is fate after a-'


Squealing sounds of fangirls almost ruptured his eardrums. Looking away in disgust he quickly left the building.

'Haaah, thank goodness I'm becoming a genin, I cannot bare this any longer.' The raven thought in a depressing manner as a downcast expression fit his face.


-Konoha, five years later - Academy Graduation

"Next up, Sasuke Uchiha. Please follow me." The black-haired boy sat up and followed the instructor by the doorway.

It's been a progressive five years since his world turned into hell. The only thing that has brought a smile to his features is the awakening of his mother.

From what she told him, Mikoto was out late with her friends and came to the compound littered with corpses. She set out to find me since she always knew he stayed past sunset to train even against her wishes. While the ravenette was leaving, she was attacked by Itachi and fought him to a standstill with experience alone. Until sadly, her rust caught up to her skill and succumbed to a fatal wound. After receiving a death blow, the traitor left without a word leaving her to die. However, Mikoto had other plans and utilized all of her kneaded fire chakra and cauterized the wound on her abdomen, which so happened to puncture the woman's lung.

After those events, she blanked and couldn't recall anything else.

Soon the doctor came in and reported the injuries she received. Miserably, she now cannot build elemental chakra in her lungs at risk of reopening the wound, and or damaging her airways completely. Overstimulation of the nerves ruptured them, causing numbing along her abdomen, luckily on top of the wound. Other than that she was perfectly healthy, which was all Sasuke needed to know.

Ever since then, they've stuck together like puzzle pieces, only finding comfort and happiness together. They still did the things that they cherished before; cooking, reading, and talking about other villages. The raven helped her train to achieve her lost skill set considering the woman's bedridden time, and injuries have decreased them.

Sasuke told her about his experience with the massacre, along with the awakening of his eyes. Although she was mesmerized by the beauty of them, for the second time that day she felt like a failure for allowing him to achieve that power.

With her help, he's learned four (4) more lightning-release jutsus under his mother's guidance. Mikoto gave him an in-depth introduction to the "Mangekyou Sharingan" which is what she called it. The ability to see all and everything, but with the price of deterioration of the user's eyesight. Sasuke was upset by that fact, but she later told him one's blindness could be cured by receiving the eyes of another blood relative. After hearing that, he already knew whose eyes to take if such a need was documented, and was very willing to do so. After all what kind of traitor deserves peace?

Eyes aside, the raven's taijutsu was perfect nonetheless, with the speed increasing of a standard beginner Jonin, and the strength of one around that range. Intense training molded his body to receive and withstand heavy blows, Indra could subconsciously expand his chakra in short intervals to always be aware of his surroundings, which could spread up to 50 meters and further if powered.

His swordsmanship skills have evolved close to mastery, finding kenjutsu his strong suit, he's trained harshly with himself, clones, or his mother. Already adding to his unnatural affinity for the art his proficiency with a blade increased to newfound heights in a shorter amount of time it takes most.

Currently, his body has grown over the years to a height of 5ft 7in. The raven now wore similar clothing as before, but now had a lighter grey instead of a cloud white kimono with black In color magatama along his collar and familiar purple branches on the bottom. It was loose for combat flexibility with open sleeves and front. Below he wore black shinobi pants strapped with a kunai and shuriken pouch with boots under. On Indra's right was a medium in length, with a dark purple scabbard that was 40.5 in. in length. The blade was almost pure white, nearing 30 in. Its handle's color could be compared to night, coming close to 10 in.

Sasuke's long raven hair stopped right below his shoulder blades, tied into white clothing keeping them together. The dark strains framed his developing face, leaving way to his trademark eyebrows that made him seem like royalty. Indra's usual stoic demeanor, along with his air of regal, made him appear attractive to most of the female academy students and some of the village population. Although it was a curse on some occasions as peace wasn't included, it did benefit him when it came to social status.

"Haaah, this is the day where my revenge truly begins. Itachi, and that masked bastard will die before me. Mark my soul that I will be the one to kill them both. No matter what supportive reason you have 'big brother', I will take you down for the betrayal of our people and causing the suffering of Mother." The raven whispered, as he walked towards the academy to complete his exams and finally become a shinobi of the Uchiha clan.


Zekeian Zekeian

[His goals will change and there will be meaning in everything he does. He won't just show off for no reason but will be sensible in his reasoning, even if they're flawed.]

[I will be definitely using abilities from other characters in other animes/mangas, so you might recognize some. Nothing too over the top.]

Lightning Release: Powerful Breath}: B?-Rank: The user creates a condensed surge of lightning in their fist. Upon doing so, the user thrusts it forward, unleashing a powerful lightning bolt

{Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder}: B-Rank: A basic Lightning Release technique that allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands.

{Lightning Release: False Darkness}: B-Rank: Emits lightning in the shape of a spear from its mouth, which then pierces the enemy.

{Lightning Release: Shadow Clone}: A-Rank: Technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning.

{Lightning Release: Angel's Spear}: A?-Rank: Allows the user to form a spear from hand, with accuracy it pierces the enemy injuring them greatly or even killing them if powred enough.

{Lightning Release: Thunder Wall}: A-Rank: Forms a lighting constricted wall that can act as a deterrent for elemental and physical attacks. It could also bind as well.

{Lightning Release: Lightning Rat Violent Quake}: A-Rank: The user releases a discharge of electricity that fires several destructive disks of electricity which home in on the targets.

{Lightning Release: Feather Murder}: A-Rank: Charges a murder of electric crows that impacts the victim at incredible force, shocking them in the process.

{Lightning Release: Senbon Torture}: A-Rank: Fires a torment of electric blue senbon at specific nerves, causing immense pain to the recipient.

{Lightning Release: Heavenly Rage}: A?: Rank: Launches a deadly storm of lightning down on the earth from the sky. Destroying countless lands and habitats.


{Fire Release: Flame Whirlwind}: B-Rank: Fire erupts around the user's body in a spiraling manner which is then launched with his hands toward the target.

{Fire Release: Stream}: A-Rank: The user gathers chakra in their lungs and emits it through the mouth, blowing out a considerable stream of flames that can travel across far distances.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C2
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
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  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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