100% Overlord: The Path of Sin / Chapter 46: Yggdrasil's Epilogue: The End of an Old World - Part 1

บท 46: Yggdrasil's Epilogue: The End of an Old World - Part 1

In the year 2138, the state of the world remained as bad as it had been throughout the entire century. This predicament could be attributed to the ever-increasing pollution, a consequence of enormous conglomerates relentlessly exploiting every available resource on the planet. Unfortunately, the plight of the world seemed hopeless; these corporations and conglomerates had immense power, and opposing them was akin to painting a target on one's back and risking certain death.

However, today would mark the beginning of something significant. While it might not hold true for the entire world, for a select few individuals, it was true to become a turning point in their lives.

The rain poured relentlessly from the sky today, but it was no ordinary rain. It was acidic rain, the kind that made life unbearable and miserable for those who didn't reside within certified Arcologies. Face masks, while offered some protection against the pollution, could only do so much. These corrosive downpours carried with them not just discomfort, but also the threat of diseases. Prolonged exposure could result in conditions like skin cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

One might assume that in an advanced world, ailments like cancer would have effective treatments. And indeed, they did exist, but the harsh reality of the world prevented many from accessing them. The cost of medical treatment had become so high that people often preferred death over bearing such expenses. Insurance companies no longer provided the extensive coverage they once did, leading to the untimely death of many individuals due to these diseases.

Despite the possibility of making treatments affordable for all, the immense conglomerates and corporations refused to allow it. Doing so would mean surrendering the most profitable sector of the healthcare industry, which was unthinkable. In the face of such power, the common person was helpless.

The world was in a state of decline, and this was no secret to anyone. The acidic rain served as a grim reminder of this impending doom. It was common knowledge that if something drastic wasn't done soon, humanity would be facing extinction, whether it was a rapid demise or a slow decline over the course of centuries.

Yet, despite being aware of this, very few were willing to take action. Most people were preoccupied with the daily struggles of life, just trying to make ends meet. Some, however, believed that the goals of the Evans Corporation were noble. They publicly supported this massive conglomerate, further promoting its efforts to be a guiding light in a world on the brink of destruction. As they say.

Regardless of one's stance on the issue, the unyielding human spirit was built on survival, preservation, and the natural desire to continue living. Giving up, even in the face of hopelessness and despair, was simply not a part of the humane nature.

In Tokyo today, the Arcologies faced a heavy downpour of rain, accompanied by loud lightning that grew stronger with each passing moment. Luckily, the Tokyo Arcologies, home to the country wealthy elites and powerful business figures, remained untouched. Their resistance was thanks to a protective dome that could endure even the harshest natural disasters. Considering the high-status residents within these Arcologies, it was clear that no shortcuts were taken when it came to their safety. The unbreakable dome was designed to ensure that even the most powerful natural disasters, such as earthquakes, would pose no danger, and even if they did, the damage would be minimal.

"Good thing you've made such good friends, but I think it's about time you decide about it," echoed the caller's voice in the young man's empty bedroom. With his beautiful long black hair falling behind his back and blue eyes fixed on the screen, Lucian listened closely.

"Yes, Dad, I heard you the first time," replied Lucian as he looked at the screen before him. His eyes blinked as he gazed at the blank profile, with only the name of the caller displayed as [Dad].

"Good, I can't wait to meet your friends. Take care until then, and make sure to take all your health meds properly. But I guess I don't need to say that, considering your maid is already there for that. I guess I can't compare myself to your maid; she's the one always taking care of you, after all," said his father with a troubled chuckle on the other side. Lucian winced a little in response; his long black hair fell to the side as he leaned back. His father had a knack for teasing him.

"Yeah, yeah, I have my Mei Mei for my needs. Anyway, how many times have I told you to stop answering my calls when you're busy? If you're in meetings, you could just text me to call you back or let me know when to call later," Lucian said with an exaggerated shake of his head. He did this because the caller could see his face, while he couldn't see his father's due to the ongoing meeting, or at least that's what he claimed.

"You're right. I guess I'll heed my son's advice then," replied the caller with a small chuckle.

"Indeed," Lucian responded with a confirming "umu."

"Well then, I'll end the call and talk to you later," the caller said, and Lucian looked at the screen before displaying a radiant smile, a gesture reserved for the people he was closest to.

"Take care, Dad."

"You too, son," replied the caller.

The call ended, and the rain continued to pour while lightning crackled outside. Lucian sat in his seat, staring at the call screen. He couldn't shake off a strange, unsettling feeling as if what had just transpired wasn't entirely real. This sense of unreality lingered, but he couldn't quite put it into words. Nonetheless, he quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts. He didn't need any unnecessary worries at the moment; he already had three of them on his mind (referring to the girls).

At the same time, on the opposite side of the world, a private jet cruised over the now dystopian South America, gliding through the skies of the Brazilian Arcology. The private jet zipped through the air at an incredible speed, en route to its next destination, North America.

Within the plane, numerous attendants bustled about, attending to their duties. In the private quarter, the owner of the jet, one of the most influential individual in the world, reclined comfortably.

"Things aren't always as they seem," the owner mused with a soft voice, a glass of wine in hand. Sitting by the window, they took a sip and continued, "What's clear and obvious is just one side of the story. There's also a hidden side that might not make sense right away. Some truths come to light after we think about them, while others remain puzzling no matter how hard we try to understand. It's often when we look back, using our experience and knowledge, that we can truly understand the world and its complexities."

"Is reality truly what you perceive? Or is everything just a false illusion created by the brain..." the figure pondered, taking another sip of wine, a smile now gracing their lips.

"My dear son, what is this world in the face of reality? An illusion that will soon shatter, bringing you back to me...." the figure declared, bursting into laughter. Perhaps their own thoughts were too amusing, and they spilled wine all over the place, including the expensive seat. But to the wealthiest in the world, such mishaps were inconsequential.

"Lucian, I simply can't wait to see you again soon... my dear son," the figure purred, taking another deliberate sip of the rich wine. They paid no heed to the expensive wine splashing across their surrounding, their eyes sparkling with an unsettling fervor.


Time passed by in the blink of an eye, and years went by since Lucian started playing the DMMO-RPG Yggdrasil. Lucian was savoring every moment of his life, for he had his loved ones to share those moments with, finding joy and fun in their company. Although not everything unfolded as he hoped, Lucian accepted the twists and turns, and he kept moving forward. He made an effort to find joy in every little thing, whether it was indulging in a slice of cake, staying active through exercise, or enjoying comedy sketches. Each experience brought some measure of joy to his life.

Logging into Yggdrasil every day, discovering new monsters, items, and challenging bosses, exploring the vast lands of the Nine Worlds, and uncovering developer-added secrets; this was Lucian's method for escaping the monotony of his life. In the oceans of Yggdrasil, he encountered powerful monsters and stumbled upon valuable items, including discovering rare fish-like monsters along the way.

He also found enjoyment in conquering difficult dungeons, engaging in fierce PVP battles with top-ranked players, securing his place among them by achieving a straight 500 wins in the PvP arena. He invaded guild bases belonging to factions he disliked, aided by his loyal partner NPCs, thoroughly destroying them and branding many players as losers by destroying their guild weapons. His actions led to bounties being placed on him, making him a coveted target for those in search of substantial rewards and divine-class weapons offered as a bounty. However, Lucian reveled in hunting down legions of players alone, steadily expanding his collection of Divine-class items. Although irregular, his experience in Yggdrasil brought him genuine satisfaction, albeit in a twisted way.

His daily routine began with waking up, taking a refreshing shower, and enjoying breakfast with playful interactions with Mei Mei, Suzune, and Mizuki. After these enjoyable morning moments, he'd eagerly log into Yggdrasil for some gaming fun. Mizuki had recently reduced her in-game activities as she preferred spending more time with Lucian in the real world, seeking his warmth, a desire shared by Mei Mei and Suzune, who had also become less active in Yggdrasil. Lucian respected their choices, understanding that they had the freedom to live their lives as they wished. However, he couldn't help but feel that playing alone had become somewhat tiresome and boring.

But Lucian was not alone for long; he soon encountered a group of players who had lost over half of their guild members in the game. They eagerly wanted Lucian to join them due to his infamous ranking status in the game. Although Lucian didn't officially join their guild, he teamed up with them to complete various quests that required guild participation. Lucian's presence made their group's work easier and more efficient. He wholeheartedly played with them, going on adventures, discovering new things, and exploring the remaining of the nine worlds.

These experiences with his new companions almost reminded Lucian of the times when he was adventuring with Nines Own Goal. Those times had been filled with fun and camaraderie. However, as the saying goes, everything good must eventually come to an end. The end of Yggdrasil was drawing near.

Everyone was well aware of it. The time when Yggdrasil's servers would shut down was drawing near. Suzune had informed him that the game was no longer generating enough revenue to maintain its servers, and the shutdown would inevitably occur, sooner rather than later.

The news was heartbreaking, especially for someone who had invested countless hours in playing, building, and crafting in a virtual world. Lucian had devoted endless hours to building his legacy in the game, becoming the #1 player in Yggdrasil and the esteemed Guild Leader of Vice Requiem. All of these were now former glories, memories of a bygone era.

Soon, there would be nothing left of it once the servers shut down, and that reality weighed heavily on Lucian's heart.

Lonely nights and lonely days, was that what awaited Lucian every day now? Would he return to those similar mornings from before, a time when he hadn't discovered Yggdrasil, when his life was monotonous and devoid of fun?

The idea crossed his mind—why not buy the game himself and run the servers? Seemed like a perfect solution. But was it truly worth it? What's the point if there was no one to share in his joy? The player population had dwindled, and even the game developers had exhausted their ideas for daily quests and content.

Would Yggdrasil remain the same beloved world he had cherished if it were reduced to emptiness, filled with mindless data and mere corporate-driven concepts?

No, it wouldn't! Lucian would never tarnish the legacy of Yggdrasil. The game held a special place in his heart, and he couldn't bear to see it turned into a lifeless shell of its former self.

"Master, do you still think it's unfair?" Lucian looked up, meeting the gaze of his maid. She asked while gently ruffling his hair, his head comfortably resting in her lap.

"Unfair? No, I don't think so," Lucian replied with a fond smile. "Yggdrasil has given me so much joy, and most importantly..." He turned his head to look at the two girls engrossed in their own conversation, Mizuki and Suzune. They were chatting happily, like a pair of contented cats perched on the other side of the couch. When they noticed Lucian's gaze, they both smiled, their expressions genuine and brimming with affection—something rare in this broken world.

"Through Yggdrasil, I've found people who are dearest to me," Lucian continued, returning the smile, which radiated a hundredfold more brilliance. It was a smile that could light up the entire room. As he gazed at the white ceiling, he thought of the friends he had made in the game. At first, he was hesitant to form connections, but eventually, he had forged bonds with those who became cherished memories.

"I've found great friends too," Lucian replied, his smile tinged with both a touch of loneliness and a wealth of cherished memories.

"There's nothing unfair about it; in fact, it's unfair how good it was," Lucian added as he gently rose from Mei Mei's lap. He leaned in and planted a tender peck on her lips, which caused a faint blush to grace her cheeks. Her expression, however, didn't display embarrassment.

"Moreover, Suzune said she'd help me compress the data. I can create a virtual representation of the guild base in a VR sandbox. It won't be functional, but at least I'll have something to look at," Lucian mentioned as he got up, stretching his body. His long black hair cascaded down his back as he cracked his neck to relieve some tension.

Despite being 28, Lucian retained his youthful appearance; his charming face seemed as though he were still 18. It was a remarkable sight that might have surprised others, but it didn't faze the girls, including Mei Mei.

"Tonight, we don't cry; we celebrate!" Lucian exclaimed, raising his hands and shouting. The two girls on the other couch eagerly joined in.

"Yeah!" They chorused in unison, hands raised high in sync with Lucian, mirroring his celebratory spirit.

"We'll be in the game until the server shuts down. I want to be there till the end, for all the NPCs, and for one last experience of Yggdrasil... Perhaps, if there comes a time when there's a New Yggdrasil, we can use that base," Lucian expressed, looking at Suzune. She shook her head, seemingly hesitant to respond.

"You do know there's going to be no Yggdrasil 2. The company is creating an Over Space simulator. The game has never even been considered because of that," she said with a shrug. Suzune had tried to pitch the idea to the developer team but was met with rejection, even though Lucian had the means to invest in creating the game. However, Suzune understood that Lucian valued the unique artistic contributions in Yggdrasil, and simply throwing money at a new project wouldn't replicate the same charm. Despite her efforts, she couldn't resist her desire to see him smile and tried to find alternative ways, perhaps within the bedroom.

"I know, but you never know," Lucian replied with a hopeful smile, holding onto the belief that he might discover another game that would capture his heart as much as Yggdrasil had.


The stars shone brightly in the clear skies of Helheim, Niflheim, and Muspelheim, worlds cloaked in perpetual darkness, engulfed by fiery flames, and veiled beneath frigid skies where not even a ray of light could penetrate. Only the faint illumination of the moon provided a slight glow in the sky. On this particular day, these dark worlds saw a miraculous sight—the appearance of nine constellations of Yggdrasil, comprised of a total of 200 stars. They sparkled, gleamed, and gracefully tumbled, each one descending like a falling star. The spectacle was nothing short of magical.

One star descended with a brilliant light, accompanied by a melodious sound. The music shifted in harmony with the falling stars. The game developers had a special surprise in store for the game's ending. They dispelled the darkness that had long enveloped the night skies of Niflheim, Muspelheim, and Helheim, a heartfelt gesture that filled every player with appreciation for the devs.

Yes, it was the game of Yggdrasil, the DMMO-RPG that had revolutionized the world of VR games and taken Japan's gaming community by storm, and today, it was shutting down its servers.

After a twelve-year journey, this legendary game was reaching its final moments. For over a decade, its servers had faithfully run, contributing to the creation of countless unforgettable memories for it's players. Regrettably, the once-vibrant world and the game itself had now lost all their former glory and were on the verge of closure, as they approached their end today.

Out of the 72 major servers, 68 had already been shut down due to the inactivity of players. The only viable option for the developers was to close these servers to reduce maintenance costs.

Only four servers remained active, with only a handful of players logging in each day. Many players still held deep affection for the game. For some, it had been their whole life, while for others, it was a way to connect with friends, forge bonds, and create unforgettable memories. Everyone who had played Yggdrasil had their unique experiences and cherished memories in the game.

Another of the 200 stars left in the sky fell in a brilliant blaze, briefly illuminating all the Nine Worlds. Although the appearance of the sky varied across different worlds due to in-game programming, today, everyone shared the same sky. All Nine Worlds felt connected as they gazed at the bright night sky.

"Time passes so quickly," the young man muttered to himself as he walked through the fiery landscape of Muspelheim. The ground beneath him was a writhing mass of flames and magma, the charred surface eager to burn anything in its path. Each of his footsteps caused lava to surge and create a chain reaction of flames, but his immensely high defense stats made all the damage ineffective.

His gaze shifted to the sky, and he pressed his feet firmly into the ground before leaning backward and launching himself into the air.

With a sonic boom, he ascended high into the sky, leaving behind ripples in his wake as he soared towards the sky, as if reaching out for the stars that adorned the breathtaking celestial sheet. His outstretched hand seemed to be trying to grasp those distant points of light.

"Someday it had to end... And nothing can be done anymore," he mumbled once again as the momentum of his jump came to an end. He began to freefall from the sky, his eyes fixed on the heavens where another of the falling stars left a mesmerizing trail, creating a beautiful effect. The accompanying melody rippled through the air, and the young man closed his eyes, allowing the familiar music to wash over him, reminiscing about the times he had spent in his homeworld of Muspelheim.


In the now clear sky of Muspelheim, a magnificent crystalline castle stood atop a white circular platform connected to an arching structure surrounded by multiple vast rings encapsulating and circling around it. It was aglow with a brilliant blue hue, and an orb at the top center of the castle shone brightly in an amethyst color, suspended and similarly encompassed by smaller rings that encircled it. Amethyst threads connected the orb to the castle and the surrounding rings, emitting bright amethyst light. The castle radiated like a star, gradually illuminating the sky, adding another star to the ones already shining across the world, effectively mirroring them.

No illusions were active today, no defenses were turned on, and the Great Luxuria wasn't hidden beyond reach. Instead, the Great Luxuria, the base of Vice Requiem, radiated brightly like a star, possessing a radiance as brilliant as its master.

Vice Requiem was a guild that had once reached the highest rank. The guild leader was shrouded in mystery and rumored to possess over 10 world items, rendering him unbeatable. It was said that he had successfully raided the entire base of an alliance known as Trinity, defeating all three guilds within the alliance and stealing their precious items. Some doubted the guild's existence since they had never encountered any of its members, and the idea of a guild operating with only three members seemed implausible. Many believed it was a prank orchestrated by the game developers, except for those unfortunate enough to have experienced the might of Vice Requiem firsthand.

The rumors remained unverified, and nobody knew whether the Guild Leader actually possessed 10 world items or not. However, the indisputable fact was their victory over the Trinity alliance, an achievement that resonated throughout the Yggdrasil community. Trinity was a guild that had held the second position, second only to the 2ch alliance in the rankings. But after defeating Trinity and ascending in the guild rankings, Vice Requiem's progress appeared to stall, which allowed Trinity to regain its position at the top of the Yggdrasil rankings after the 2ch alliance disbanded. Nevertheless, in the present day, very few Trinity players remained active, and their guild had fallen to the 6th place, as numerous smaller yet highly active guilds claimed the top positions.

Vice Requiem had also dropped to the 12th rank, and very few players knew much about Vice Requiem. So why did it still maintain a position in the top 20? The answer lay in Vice Requiem's substantial maintenance cost. Even the minimum monthly gold allocated for maintenance was enough to secure them at rank 12, despite the guild's inactivity. A guild's ranking was intricately linked to its maintenance fees and related factors. In fact, Vice Requiem's maintenance cost exceeded that of any other guild because it wasn't limited to a single base. In the end, Vice Requiem remained one of the seven wonders of Yggdrasil.

Now that today, the game is coming to an end, and the servers are finally shutting down, many players have logged back in to reminisce and enjoy the once-familiar feeling of being in this game world once more.

The Great Luxuria stands as a testament to its past might, and it's still the mightiest base of any guild in the game.

Many players have fantasized about infiltrating the Great Luxuria, but none have been able to discover it, as it's hidden in locations that only certain players can access at specific times.

The Great Luxuria's main base, the castle of Valhalla, once again touched the sky with its crystalline structure. The two enormous gates leading to this grand place were breathtaking, almost appearing as if they were carved from precious crystals, each adorned with unique depictions of Valkyries.

Today, none of the Valkyrie mobs circled the base, as they had been given the day off and were positioned at their respective home bases. After all, the castle's beauty wouldn't shine through if Valkyries were constantly flying around it like mosquitoes.

Inside the Great Castle of Valhalla lay a magnificent throne room, nestled at the innermost sanctum of the Castle. This was the Throne Room of the Aesir, a place that held the most precious items in the game, crafted from magnificent and powerful materials. On this important day of the game's closure, three players remained online, awaiting the shutdown of the servers.

The circular throne room was spacious, having nine seats. This peculiar number was chosen by the Guild Master to preserve the beauty of the place, as it appeared most appealing with nine seats.

Above, grand chandeliers adorned with beautiful dragon motifs hung from the ceiling. The towering pillars, intricately carved with depictions of Valkyries, supported the room. However, only five of these pillars bore any distinct features, while the other eight remained plain, adorned only with gold swirls, as if they lacked any special powers.

Seated upon the eight golden and intricately designed seats were the Personal NPCs, each bearing a distinct personality that set them apart from one another. At the center, atop the thirteen steps that led to a grand and magnificent throne, one throne stood out above the others. Its sheer beauty overshadowed the previous golden thrones. This particular throne had a golden frame with a white marble seat that, at first glance, appeared uncomfortable, yet it radiated a silvery hue. Two large throne handles were connected to it, capable of accommodating two more people. The throne was grand in size, with its back almost touching the ceiling, its rear resembling a radiant sun. Golden spikes radiated from the back, extending in all directions and giving it the appearance of a sunburst.

(Image Here)

Eight seats were arranged in a circular pattern on the circular platform, with four on the left side and four on the right. The magic circle threads intricately connected all of these seats to the ninth, the most magnificent throne, causing it to shine with brilliance, making the throne resemble the sun. This dazzling display occurred every few seconds.

A World Class Item, [Throne of Nyxhelios], the throne, was gifted after the defeat of a world enemy, one of the eight Dragons - Apophis. It was a boss found by players who aimed to acquire the rare Dragon materials from this world enemy. However, they couldn't defeat it. Before they could devise a new strategy, it was already defeated and claimed by the owner of this base.

Seated on the left side handle of the throne was a lady with slightly long dark hair, intricately braided and falling gracefully to her side. She wore a black maid outfit, its hem reaching just above her ankles. A white apron adorned her maid uniform, along with a white blouse hidden by a neatly tied black blazer, forming a cross. A delicate green bow was tied around her neck, along with a golden button at the center. On top of her head, she wore a frilly white headpiece, further enhanced by the two red ribbons that highlighted her beauty.

Her hands were adorned with two silky white gloves, an essential part of her maid uniform. Long leggings gracefully covered her legs, leading down to sleek knee high black boots with sharp, blade-like heels. The maid uniform she wore was a treasured gift from her master. Her eyes, as black as the night, had a mesmerizing swirl within them, as if darkness itself beckoned them to consume all in its path, like an endless night. She sat on the left side of the throne, leaning closer to a figure, her beauty was delicate and beyond what one might encounter in the real world.

(Image Here)

Seated on the right side of the throne's handle was an angel, a stark contrast to the dark and dreary maid on the opposite side. Her eyes were a beautiful pink, each one twinkling like a star. Her hair, in vibrant pink, flowed beautifully, complemented by a white flower crown adorning her lovely locks. She wore a pristine white dress that draped over her entire body, adorned with delicate white flowers. The dress appeared simple but had intricate floral patterns at the edges, giving an aura of elegance.

Her legs were clad in white stockings with similar flowery patterns. Her attire was not only visually beautiful but also of Legendary Class. A small pink halo hovered just above her head, casting a soft, radiant glow and illuminating her silky hair. On her own, she radiated beauty, resembling an unrealistic yet fantasy anime girl, much like her rival seated beside her.

(Image Here)

And seated at the main seat of the Throne was the Sin of Lust.

His lustrous, long goldish-silver hair flowed wildly like an unnatural waterfall, shimmering beneath the chandelier's lights. His visage resembled a serene river, a canyon of beauty, so vibrant, fragile, and enticing that it had the power to captivate anyone—he was, after all, the embodiment of the sin of lust.

His eyes were a deep, bloody red, with starry motifs, but they glowed with such radiant gold that they almost seemed to have a golden hue. A golden tiara adorned his forehead, swirling in design with a red gem at its center.

His attire was noble and elegant, consisting of a white shirt with intricate golden linings, complemented by trousers that extended all the way to his feet. His feet were encased in white knee-high boots adorned with cross golden symbols and laces, featuring a red gem at the boot's apex. Over this finely crafted ensemble, he wore a white academic robe embellished with golden and blue carvings. The robe's long sleeves reached down to his hands, culminating in slightly tighter cuffs. Near his chest, a red crystal adorned the robe, casting a red glow and accented with golden laces. At the mantle's lower edge, golden metallic crosses were embellished, each featuring a central red gem.

His hands were encased in black gloves with intricate golden designs and a central red crystal, leaving his fingers exposed, his long nails painted red as if freshly stained with blood. (You can imagine him however you like, even as the cover picture.)

(An IMAGE Here)

Above his head floated a single, magnificent golden crown with the heads of five dragons, each clutching a radiant orb of different colors. These orbs hovered freely, and the crown itself spun above Lucian's head, creating the illusion of a radiant halo.

"Where the hell is Mizuki?" Lucian asked, leaning back dramatically and tapping the air in front of him with his slender fingers, causing a golden menu to appear.

"She said she'd be here in 10 minutes. Apparently, she met a friend of hers whom she needed to greet," Mei Mei explained while checking her menu. Mizuki's status was online, but she had yet to log into the guild base.

"I thought she'd be the first one here, especially considering she met Lucian in the Yggdrasil, didn't she? She should have some fond memories, at the very least," Suzune said, leaning forward and resting her head on Lucian's shoulder.

"She is with Akemi," Lucian stated as he pinched the screen in front of him, causing it to close, and then he gazed at the two with his blood-red eyes radiating a golden glow.

"Akemi who?" Suzune inquired, trying to recall, but she couldn't quite place the name. Mei Mei quickly clarified the situation with her next words.

"It's Akemi, the sister of Master's friend," Mei Mei explained, leaning her head toward Lucian, partly mirroring Suzune's actions.

"Yeah, Akemi is Yamaiko-san's sister, but she's quite the weirdo. It's probably better that she's not coming. Mizuki said she'll be here in 10-20 minutes, and we still have 30 minutes until the shutdown," Lucian explained. He rose from the magnificent throne, causing the two leaning girls to tumble into the now-empty seat. Mei Mei swiftly jumped back and took her position near her master, displaying professionalism, while Suzune found herself seated.

"Wait, where are you going?! Wait for me!" Suzune called out as she saw Mei Mei and Lucian descending from the throne area onto the circular platform that housed the 8 personal NPCs belonging to Lucian.

Lucian stood at the center of the magic circle on the circular platform that connected the 8 thrones to the elevated 9th one. Suzune quickly took flight and positioned herself beside Lucian, mirroring Mei Mei's stance.

"What are you going to do?" Suzune asked, her curiosity piqued because Lucian hadn't mentioned this earlier.

"Just a final show I want to put on for Yggdrasil. There are only 30 minutes left, and the world will end soon. So, why not break a few things before that?" Lucian replied with a smirk. His enchanting face revealed no emotion, and he conveyed his feelings with an emoji of a similar nature.

"Wha—" Suzune was about to ask what he was going to do, but before she could say anything, she was caught by surprise and left speechless. Lucian raised both of his hands, and his gloved hands, along with his tiara and the Crown of dragons adorning his head, began to shine simultaneously. The magic circle situated at the center of the circular platform emitted a brilliant light, and threads started to emerge from it, forming a 3D magic circle instead of the one in the flat 2D surface. These threads began to coalesce around Lucian, who floated amidst the spinning magic circles and hieroglyphs of various kinds. Within a matter of seconds, two handcuffs-like restraints appeared on Lucian's hands, similar to the ones on his legs, yet he continued to move freely in the air. The enchanting spectacle was truly breathtaking, with Lucian floating, his hair wildly swaying, and his eyes now shining even more brightly in gold.

"[Activate - Great Mecha Luxuria Mark 99]," Lucian commanded as a new menu of consoles appeared before his eyes. His entire vision was soon filled with options and controls. He tapped an option, and then the entire castle, or rather, the entire Great Luxuria, began to shake.

Outside the base, the glowing amethyst orb at the center of the castle, with rings circling it, emitted an immense brilliance. As Lucian's command took effect, the entire orb shone with a brilliant amethyst light, shooting towards the sky in a radiant pillar. The rings encircling it expanded and began to spin around it as they traveled upwards. With a resounding sound, a metallic body started to take shape around the Great Luxuria at its center.

This mechanical silhouette, formed from the amethyst glow, stood about 25 times the size of the Great Luxuria with the base at its core. It featured two jet-like wings behind it and mechanical hands. The entire Great Luxuria became invisible as it was covered by amethyst metallic plates. The amethyst light once again shone brightly as the finished mecha stood there, resembling a colossal robot.

"What the hell is this?!" Suzune shouted as she observed the incredible sight of the transformed mecha outside the base using the administration system, which was accessible to everyone.

"I told you I'd be able to use the World Item's energy effectively," Lucian replied with a smirk as he skillfully maneuvered the controls. Within a few seconds, he became well-versed in operating the colossal mecha. He guided it to move forward, albeit at a slow speed due to its immense size.

"What are you even planning to do with this monstrosity?" Suzune asked, clearly puzzled about the capabilities of the gigantic mecha. Mei mei provided the answer this time.

"Master wants to destroy the world," Mei mei stated in her usual monotonous voice.

"What!?" Suzune exclaimed, shocked by the revelation.

"Yes, my dear Suzune... I'm going to destroy a world. And my target is Asgard," Lucian said with a hidden smirk beneath his avatar's stoic visage.

"We're in Muspelheim, you know? Just traveling there would take over 30 minutes! By that time, the servers would already be shut down," Suzune exclaimed, waving her hand in the air.

"Why are you so stupid?" Mei mei asked with her monotone voice.

"I'm not!" Suzune retorted.

"Suzune..." Lucian said, beckoning her forward with his finger.

"What?" Suzune ran forward, immediately jumping onto Lucian, unconcerned about getting banned since the game was ending, and a ban took an hour to take effect – they would be way past shutdown by then.

"What class do I have?" Lucian asked.

"What do you mean?" Suzune asked, confused.

"Idiot!" Lucian scolded, attempting to create a mysterious scenario to answer her question, yet she inadvertently ruined it.

"Just wait and watch, we don't have time," Lucian said, and with a swift motion, he threw Suzune by the cuff towards Mei Mei, who displayed inhuman reflexes, catching her midair without using any skill or ability.

"[Valkyrae - Sigrdr]," Lucian muttered as his form transformed for the 'last' time. His body took on an amethyst hue, his hair changed into a beautiful amethyst color, along with his eyes, his gear changed color, and the crown on his forehead had all their gems change to amethyst, as the crown was designed to work in tandem with his available Valkyraes.

"[Activate - Arcane's Muse]," Lucian manually activated the ability of his Valkyrae Sigrdr, his gloved hands busy on the console, maneuvering the Mecha Luxuria to fly forward.

[Source - 9.9/10]

He could already see the Source energy, the energy of the world item, [Neutron Aether Ever-Star], accumulated slowly into the base's Source using the rings. However, it was depleting quickly because the mecha Lucian designed for the use was extremely powerful, and it took a significant amount of energy just to manifest and control it. The only reason it was possible was due to the multiple world items, as creating such a colossal mecha would have been impossible otherwise.

Lucian's body began to glow as the ability took effect. An amethyst aura surrounded him as he cast a super-tier spell using voice command.

"[X-Gate]," Lucian said, and a magic circle expanded from his body. However, before it could fully expand, Lucian used a skill.

"[Temporal Excuse]." The magic circle, which had just begun to expand, broke apart. The effect of the magic immediately took place outside of the castle.

A golden light appeared, searing through the sky from one direction, while another golden light approached from the opposite direction, also tearing through the sky. The two lights intersected and formed an X-shaped pattern as they expanded, spinning and creating a massive golden circular portal.

"I see..." Suzune muttered, watching the unexpected turn of events. She hadn't anticipated that Lucian would use [X-Gate] to travel to Asgard, given that [X-Gate] required an enormous amount of mana, and its casting time couldn't be reduced with cash shop items.

"You are still a long way from completely understanding Master," Mei mei said with a mocking tone, shaking her head.

"Wha—of course, I have my entire life to learn more about him," Suzune replied with a chuckle, making it evident that she was currently smiling.

"We all do," Mei mei agreed with a concealed smile.

Lucian ignored their interaction as he remained focused on controlling the massive mecha as it sped towards the spinning X gate. Its amethyst body mitted brilliant green rays, heightened by Lucian's skills due to their connection. Eventually, the mecha passed through the golden spinning gate and vanished, leaving the gate to continue rotating without a care. This process would continue until the spell's effect wore off, which was after 5 minutes.


Happy New Year!

This is my New Year's gift to all of you and also an apology.

I know not much happened in this chapter, but I don't want to rush anything, so please bear with it.

Next chapter on the way(next week), ends Yggdrasil finally.

Anyway, if you wanna read ahead, you have my Patreon you can join.


AzazelGrim AzazelGrim

Need some motivation.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C46
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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