71.73% Overlord: The Path of Sin / Chapter 33: Nuwa Mending the Heaven and Earth

บท 33: Nuwa Mending the Heaven and Earth

The rumor that a player had become a world enemy didn't take long to spread throughout the entirety of Yggdrasil, no longer confined to the world of Niflheim.

The entire Yggdrasil wiki was filled with questions, and 2 channel was buzzing with players discussing the matter. It had been six days, and the devs hadn't given a response to the situation. The only information available was that; many players had banded together to defeat the world enemy player, and in the end, they were able to kill it with the help of a powerful Samaritan demon player who had cast a super-tier spell.

On the seventh day after the world enemy player's defeat, the devs finally replied to the Yggdrasil page. They posted a reply on the forum where they apologized for everything that had happened and explained that the chaos had been caused by a player who used a world item. This revelation stirred up the players even more, increasing their determination to find world items.

If one player could find a world item and turn into a world enemy, then there was a chance that others could do the same. Players began searching for clues and locations related to other sins, hoping to unlock another path to becoming a world enemy by using cardinal sins and sacrificing them in places related to sin.

Additionally, it was revealed that the player who had become the world enemy was the former world champion of Muspellsheim. The fact that the Muspellsheim champion had disappeared from the servers had become widely known among players. In response, an announcement was made that a new world tournament would take place in Muspellsheim to determine the successor to the defeated champion. This news added even more excitement and anticipation to the Yggdrasil community as players eagerly awaited the upcoming tournament.

[Apocrypha099: Are they really holding another tournament? Does this mean we won't have the world champion tournament where all the world champions would battle until the most powerful one is decided?]

[Kkekekek188: The player was definitely banned for life from ever playing Yggdrasil. I kind of feel bad, though, that he got banned for using the world item that was supposed to break the game. He got banned for that.]

[Smurfcat77: Nah, he deserved it. Why would you do something so stupid as to announce your presence to the world? If I got that class, I would keep it hidden until I encountered more world enemies and probably solo some dungeons to get massive rewards for my guild.]

[SocialCredit-999: Are you stupid? The devs would obviously find out sooner or later. It's dumb.]

[ShadyKnight_X: Honestly, this world enemy player thing is a total game-changer. Makes me wonder what other epic secrets Yggdrasil's got stashed away.]

[DarkNinjacian511: Totally agree, bro. Who knows, there could be more of those hidden world items just waiting for some lucky player to stumble upon.]

[MasterGunner09: Yeah, it's a risky game. I mean, look at what went down with that Muspellsheim champ. You've gotta tread carefully, no doubt.]

[Gigabyte_453: It's like the ultimate thrill, right? Imagine the power!]

[StraightQueen_GamerGrill: I'm all about playing it safe. Yggdrasil's meant to be fun, not a ban fest. Let's keep it enjoyable without going overboard.]

[Return_to_monke: Agreed, but I can't help but be curious about those world items. Imagine the possibilities!]

[Waifu_for_laifu22: As tempting as it is, I don't think I'd want to turn into a world enemy. I'd rather explore the game with my friends and build a legendary guild.]

[PlayerXploder: Each to their own, I guess. Yggdrasil always has something new up its sleeve, and I'm here for the adventure.]

Some players were discussing the possibilities and what they would do if they were in a similar situation, along with other topics that the discussion had sparked their curiosity about.

Soon, the time for the world tournament of Muspellsheim came, and many players who had missed the chance for the world champion class before once again participated in the Muspellsheim tournament.

This time, the tournament lasted only one day instead of three, and all the players were thrown into an arena to fight until only 100 of them remained.

As the tournament began, everyone's eyes were fixated on a single player. The player cleaved through opponents one by one with their scythe, which glistened with bloody red ferocity as they swung and killed players left and right.

"Hey! That player, she looks gorgeous! Do you think it's a female behind it? Or just fatass with a his fetish avatar?" one of the players asked as they watched the battle in the arena.

"Whatever the case might be, this player is definitely very powerful. Look, there are even rankers in the fray, yet the player isn't afraid," the other player replied.

In fact, even the commentators were talking about it.

The player had wild, long silver hair cascading down their back, with arched eyebrows, long eyelashes and an enchantingly androgynous face that made others perceive them as female. They wore armor that resembled more of a coat and noble attire. Their ears were slightly pointy, resembling a vampire. Who else could this player be but Lucian?

Lucian participated in this tournament because he wanted the world champion title, even though he already had the class. When the Devs deleted his player profile, they also erased his status as the world champion. Despite having the world champion class, they removed the Muspellsheim champion spot from the server. This led to the creation of a new tournament to determine the Muspellsheim champion.

Usually, Lucian wouldn't have considered participating, but he decided to join to acquire more world champion items. Plus, no one could even challenge him, as he effortlessly progressed through the finale without taking a single point of damage.

In his final battle, he was greeted by a very familiar monk player, although he had changed his build slightly and improved. However, Lucian effortlessly defeated him before acquiring the title of world champion, which was the class he already possessed. The Dev responsible for the world tournament was Suzune, making it quite easy for Lucian to obtain the world champion class items he desired.

As the news spread about the first female winning a world tournament and becoming a world champion (avatar-wise), it created quite a buzz in the Yggdrasil community.

Since they had never heard the player's voice to determine whether it was male or female, numerous theories and conspiracies began circulating about this mysterious, overpowered player.


"I can't believe the ocean is this much fun; otherwise, I would've explored the oceans of Yggdrasil way earlier," Lucian muttered to himself as he swam through the water. His entire body was covered in a blue light, and instead of legs, he had fish-like fins, resembling a mermaid. His beautiful blue scales glistened with an azure shine, and with each flap of his fin, he moved at a rapid speed, breaking through water barriers.

Lucian gracefully maneuvered through the water, his fins creating vortexes as he traveled through the vibrant and clean ocean. Monster fishes swam around him, along with various plants, trees, and other elements to explore on the ocean floor. Some underwater cities existed, but most were rarely explored or entirely uncharted.

This was another of Lucian's Sea Lancer class skills that allowed him not only to breathe underwater but also grow fins to negate any agility and maneuvering differences.

"I wish the water of the real world could've been as clean as this too," Lucian muttered. The oceans of the real world were hopelessly polluted, and this beauty only existed here. As Lucian continued exploring, he spotted a huge green crab-like monster, with a body resembling a turtle. Its eyes glowed green, and it had four crab-like legs, two enormous claws, and a tough, deep green shell. Sharp teeth adorned its mouth, and it was swimming with a group of similar creatures, all heading straight for Lucian.

"My first underwater kill. Nice."

[Deep Clawshell Terror]

Level - 74

HP - 75/75

MP - 23

"Oh... They're high level," Lucian muttered as he reached into his inventory and pulled out an intricate bow.

"Just a little," Lucian whispered as he notched an arrow created from a spinning water vortex onto the bow and took aim at the Clawshell Terrors before releasing the arrow.

The arrow immediately shot forward, transforming into a bursting vortex in the water, sucking in everything, including all the Clawshell Terrors and other low-level monsters around.

Immediately, Lucian was bombarded with a burst of notifications about the loot he had acquired. However, this time, there was another interesting item that he had been looking for all these days but hadn't expected to obtain. Finally, it had happened!

[Shui Keystone]

Type: Accessory

Description: A Keystone of unknown origin. It is said that something mysterious will happen when the conditions are right.

"Found you!" Lucian exclaimed with a grin as he gazed at the blue stone in his hand, which was radiating with anticipation as if waiting for something to happen.

Lucian had never expected to obtain this stone, considering that Suzune had mentioned the chances of a single player finding all the keystones were less than 1 in ten million. Yet, here he was, breaking those odds.

"Maybe I really am lucky," Lucian muttered to himself. While he often felt unlucky in some aspects of his life, perhaps there was more to his luck than he had previously thought.


Standing in the grounds of Muspellsheim, Lucian gazed at the menu before him. It was his inventory menu, and his eyes gleamed with excitement as he examined the five specific items.

However, before he could proceed, he needed some assistance.

Turning around, Lucian directed his attention to the two players who eagerly awaited his words.

"Mei mei, Suzune, I need the two of you to form a clan with me," Lucian said, first meeting Mei mei's black swirling eyes and then shifting his focus to Suzune's pink eyes.

Suzune, also started playing the game, and her avatar had pink eyes. She had an appearance of an angel, with pink hair and eyes, adorned in a beautiful white one-piece outfit that covered her body, complemented by stockings. Two pink wings sprouted from her back, with white feathers gently falling from them, giving her an aura of purity, quite the contrast to Mei Mei, whose beauty was akin to the dark night.

"What? Aren't we already in a party together? And it's not like I'm playing with anyone else, so why the need for a clan so suddenly?" Suzune questioned, her eyes fixed on Lucian.

"Are you so obtuse that you can't grasp that Master is planning something significant?" Mei Mei chimed in, speaking to Suzune as if she were an outsider.

"You're talking as if you're the only one who understands him. Obviously, I can tell he's planning something," Suzune retorted in a competitive tone.

"I don't want any arguments right now. Just accept the request and keep it simple," Lucian said firmly, prompting immediate responses from the two girls.

"As you wish," Mei Mei replied in her usual tone.

"Okay," Suzune responded, her voice reflecting a hint of surprise at Lucian's seriousness.

Lucian sighed with excitement as he faced the screen before him.

[Would you like to create a clan?]


Opting for "Yes," Lucian was immediately presented with a new screen.

[Please choose a clan name]


Lucian pondered for a moment before deciding on the name.

[Vice Requiem]

Following his choice, the option to send a clan request appeared before Lucian, and he promptly sent invitations to Suzune and Mei Mei. To create a clan, a minimum of three members was required. Since Lucian initiated it, he automatically became the clan leader, with the option to designate a co-leader.

Both girls quickly accepted the request to join the clan.

"Vice Requiem? Really? Couldn't you come up with a less tacky and cringe name?" Suzune remarked with a scoff.

"I think the name is quite fitting, Master," Mei Mei responded, ignoring Suzune's comment.

"Thanks, Mei Mei," Lucian replied, not paying much attention to Suzune's words as he delved into his inventory.

"Hey! I also think it's pretty good! It's, umm, cool!" Suzune chimed in, attempting to convey her approval.

"Thanks," Lucian replied, more focused on searching for the items he needed.

Soon, shining stones began to materialize in his hand, one by one.

First, a red stone appeared, floating in his palm (Huo Keystone), followed by another.

A brown stone emerged, radiating a similar gleam (Niantu Keystone), and it joined the red one, forming a mesmerizing dance as they circled each other.

Then came a green keystone (Guang Keystone), adding to the mesmerizing display of swirling stones.

Following that was a luminous white stone, radiating a brilliance that seemed to come from the stone itself (Shengming Keystone).

Finally, a beautifully glowing blue stone appeared (Shui Keystone). All five stones began to spin and chase each other, creating a breathtaking sight that resembled a circular rainbow.

"No way!" Suzune exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the five stones chasing each other above Lucian's hand. She had a hunch about what these stones were when he brought out the first one, but the appearance of the last stone left her utterly shocked. She had never expected him to acquire all the stones so quickly.

The stones continued their mesmerizing dance in a circle, and a notification appeared before Lucian.

[You have met the requirements to acquire a world item]

[You have acquired the world Item «Nuwa Mending the Heaven and Earth»]

[Nuwa Mending the Heaven and Earth]

Class - World

Type: Consumable

Description: A fallen leaf of the world tree that has been transformed into an item holding the power of Nuwa. This world item was scattered in five pieces left in the hearts of random monsters in all nine realms. By collecting all five stones, one is able to obtain this item.

- This item is a one-time use item that allows a «Leader-Player» to mend (Fuse) together multiple guild base dungeons, as long as they have acquired ownership over them.

- This item can be used to fuse multiple dungeons, bases, and places together.

- This item can be used to mend any 'Property' with «ownership» of the player. However, the number can't exceed five.

"I got it..." Lucian said as he held the five stones now circling each other. They were no longer five separate items but one united world-class item, and a very intriguing one at that.

"Lucian! I never thought you'd be able to get the last keystone so early!" Suzune shouted in excitement and hugged him.

"I guess my luck is good," Lucian replied, throwing Suzune away from him playfully. She flew toward Mei Mei, who skillfully dodged her.

"Traitor!" Suzune shouted, flying back toward them.

"So, what's this item, master?" Mei Mei asked, curious about Lucian's plans.

"This item is a world item that allows the player to fuse their properties, including any place they have ownership of in the game," Lucian explained with a hidden smirk.

"And why is it making you so excited?" Mei Mei inquired. Suzune, unable to resist, commented on Mei Mei's lack of knowledge.

"Despite claiming you know everything about him, you don't even know how many guild-based dungeons your master has conquered. The so-called perfect maid..." Suzune taunted.

Mei Mei stared at Suzune for a moment, her eyes spinning in a hypnotic effect. Suzune initially expected a sharp rebuttal but was surprised when Mei Mei remained silent.

"Just leave it, guys!" Lucian interjected, drawing their attention.

"You can both log out. Your work is done, and you'll be rewarded appropriately," Lucian said, his words carrying different meanings for both of them.

"Well then, master, I'll be going. I still have some chores to do," Mei Mei said, then logged out and disappeared.

"I hope you keep that promise, Lucian!" Suzune stated, her pink eyes glaring at him, before logging out and vanishing.

"Fuhhh~ finally some peace," Lucian sighed in relief. He looked at the world item, which now consisted of five stones chasing each other in a circle.

Lucian tapped on the item's description and examined the options.

[Would you like to use the world item «Nuwa Mending The Heaven and Earth»?]


Lucian immediately selected "Yes," and the five stones, which had been one unit, began to chase each other in a circle once more, before suddenly, they scattered, transforming into shooting stars that vanished into the sky. They departed in five different directions, as if returning to their respective world's.

[You have used a World Item]

[You can now «Fuse» all the «Properties» you have.]

[Available Locations]

- Sylvan Light Forest of Freya

- Castle of Valhalla

- Lust's Abode

- Wrath's Dominion Chamber

- Citadel of Sin

All the properties Lucian had ownership of appeared in his vision, followed by an option that he immediately selected.

[Would you like to «Combine»and create a new Haven?]



Another seemingly useless chapter? I know it might feel that way. To be honest, I have more plans for the ocean part of Yggdrasil. The small part I wrote was originally meant to be just one scene before diving into a three-chapter story of exploring the ocean, encountering one of the Eight Dragons (a world enemy), and obtaining a world item. However, I guess I'll either add that in as flashbacks or write it separately as an extra after I've started the new world, so people don't find it boring.

I had plans for the Five Rainbow Buddhas too, defeating them, and obtaining world items that I created, such as [Three Marks of Existence]. However, I'll likely include this as a side chapter after the new world begins or present it as a flashback.

Also, suggest some NPCs for the clan base.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

Let's aim for 500 Power Stones by tomorrow!(You'll do it, right?)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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