The Jamaican Blur: Island Superheroes! The Jamaican Blur: Island Superheroes! original

The Jamaican Blur: Island Superheroes!

นักเขียน: AuthorsDread

© WebNovel

ตอน 1: The Coco Mosquito Bite  

Ten years ago, the island of Jamaica shook violently when a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the land. Deep fissures split open across the countryside, spewing plumes of mosquitoes from the ruptured ground. Panic and confusion gripped the population as swarms of the strange insects emerged, quickly blanketing towns and cities in a living haze.

These were no ordinary mosquitoes. Larger, with swollen stomachs and iridescent wings that gave off flickers of rays in the sunlight. The aggressive bugs zeroed in on any humans in their path, biting relentlessly as people screamed and swatted futilely at the endless hordes. Within minutes, thousands had been bitten, crying out while their bodies began to violently convulse and contort, completely overcome by the potent venom.

"Rhaatid! What kind of mosquito bite make mi feel sick suh?" shouted Josef as he clutched his swelling neck before collapsing to the ground in convulsions. 

"Jesus Christ!" Nearby, a mother wailed the Lord's name in vain as her young son foamed at the mouth in her arms, his small body wracked by seizures from the toxic reaction. 

All across the island, similar scenes of chaos unfolded. Emergency lines flooded with calls, hospitals overflowed with the injured and dying. Entire neighbourhoods were quarantined due to the swarms that persisted for hours, inescapable. Many perished that day. Those with weak immune systems succumbed quickly while stronger individuals endured days of agony as the alien toxins coursed through their bloodstreams. 

Eventually, the ruptures sealed and the swarms receded, but nothing would ever be the same. The island had been forever altered, its people were infected by an unknown force. In the coming weeks, strange phenomena began occurring across Jamaica. Survivors of the mosquito attacks started exhibiting unusual abilities that defied science and medicine.

Yoan was astonished when his skin transformed into solid rock, enabling him to lift a tipped gasoline tanker barehanded to rescue a pinned driver. Maria cried tears of joy as vines sprouted from her palms, growing tomatoes within minutes to feed her hungry little sisters. Andre screamed when spectral figures emerged from his shadow to assist with the post-quake rebuilding.

The earthquake had awoken something deep within the genetic code of the Jamaican people - a long-dormant potential for supernatural abilities. Dubbed 'Coco Powers' after the island's mystical life force, these talents soon reshaped society. Those blessed with strong powers rose up as heroes and protectors. Others used their gifts for personal gain or violence, becoming outlaws and villains. 

Coco Cores sprouted from seedlings to mighty oaks overnight. Their bioluminescent coconuts were found to enhance Coco Powers when consumed. Ital Stalks - jungle vines bearing odd neon flowers - were discovered to mark hidden portals into dangerous dungeons teeming with treasure, traps... and monsters known as Duppy Rots. 

A new age of wonder and adventure had emerged on the island of Jamaica.



The sun beat down on the rust-red track. Devon crouched down in the sprinter's stance with his elbows locked, knees bent and body coiled like a spring. He took a deep breath, visualizing the 200 meters of worn rubber and painted lines that lay ahead. 

🏃‍♂️ Whoosh! 💨

At the whistle blast, Devon exploded forward! His powerful legs were churning as his lean, muscular frame uncoiled in a blur of motion. He pumped his arms hard, accelerating with each long stride, chest-bursting as he gulped down breaths. His back straightened and his hips swivelled while he drove out of the turn, spraying crumbs of red track in his wake. 

Devon's lean six-foot frame cut through the air, back straight like an arrow now. His knotted, waist-length dreadlocks whipped behind him like an ebony fan. As he neared the finish, Devon gritted his teeth and dug deep, calling on every reserve of strength and speed. 

 "C'mon Devon, is that all yuh have?" his friend Kamau yelled from the sidelines. "Yuh legs got rubber chicken in them?" 

Devon couldn't spare the breath to retort as he raced to the finish, due to the burning sensation he was feeling in his legs. 


With a final desperate lunge, he broke the tape at 18.82 seconds on the 200m, gasping for air.

"Not bad, but yuh can do betta," Coach Adams said, glancing at his stopwatch. "Go hydrate, we'll run some more trials after." 

"Alright, coach." Jogging to the bench, Devon gulped water and sprawled on the grass, catching his breath. At 17, he was the fastest sprinter at Seacrest High, consistently placing first in regional competitions. Some even compared him to the legendary Usain Bolt, much to Devon's embarrassment. He had a gift for speed, but constantly pushed himself to shave milliseconds off his time. 

Devon allowed himself a short rest before preparing for more sprints. While he sat listening to the ambient sounds of the track - other students training, birds chirping in the bushes beyond the chain-link fence - something caught his ear. A strange buzzing was coming from a section of vegetation just past the bleachers. Devon wandered over, curiosity piqued.

"👀Hmm, a wah this?" Peering into the bushes, his eyes widened at the sight - a swirling insect mass with an iridescent stomach and wings hovered amidst the leaves. Devon had only seen such creatures in old videos from the dark times after the quake. Yet here, not 20 meters from his high school track, hovered a swarm of Coco Mosquitos. 

"Yo Kamau, Rayon, come check this out!" Devon called to his friends excitedly. The other boys joined him by the bushes with their mouths falling open as they spied the shimmering swarm.

"I neva see them Coco bugs in real life," Kamau said.

"Me either, mama tell me to stay far from them," Rayon replied. "But these ones seem tiny and harmless." Emboldened, Rayon grabbed a fallen branch and poked at the oblivious swarm. 

BuZzz! 💢🦟💢🦟

Suddenly, the mosquitoes dispersed in all directions angrily. Before the teens could react, they were engulfed by the small swarm. 

"Ow! 😫 Them biting me like crazy!" Devon yelped, slapping at the bugs attacking every exposed bit of skin. The boys swatted and flailed but couldn't escape the frenzied mosquitoes.

Coach Adams heard the commotion and came running over. "What yuh rascals doing in the bush—" He stopped short, face draining of colour at the sight of the boys being swarmed. 

"Everyone get inside now! Hurry!" he hollered. 

Students began screaming and fleeing from the track as the liberated swarm pursued. A school bell rang out urgently as faculty tried corralling panicking teenagers into buildings. 

"Run fi yuh life!" Devon and his friends sprinted for the gym while covered in bites.

Already, Devon had been bitten over a dozen times and was feeling feverish, his arms leaden and vision blurring. He stumbled through the doors and collapsed onto the polished floorboards. Around him, other students who had been bitten also fell ill. Kamau vomited violently nearby. Coach Adams rushed to Devon's side with his face drowning in worry.

"Just stay with me Devon, the ambulance soon come," he said. "How much of them bite yuh?"

"Mi...nuh know," Devon slurred. "Feel... 😓 sick." 

His dreadlocks felt like they were writhing with electricity, subtly sending jolts of pain through his scalp. Devon's eyes rolled back as he began to seize. Foam bubbled from his mouth as his back arched off the floor. All around, other students convulsed and thrashed in the grip of the Coco toxin. 

Coach Adams cradled Devon's head while muttering a prayer as the teen lost consciousness. Sirens wailed outside, but he feared help would come too late for some. 

Darkness swallowed Devon's mind. His mother's smiling face was the last image that flashed through his fading thoughts.


AuthorsDread AuthorsDread

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