12.08% The Heretics (Gamer X DxD) / Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Harem Plan

บท 24: Chapter 23: Harem Plan

Modeus's POV


"What's strange?" (Kotori)

"Look at Origami... She looks different..."

I answered while looking at Origami who has a wide smile on her face. Something's strange about her... I just can't put my finger on it...

"It is strange... Why does she look more youthful than before?"

Kotori looked at shining Origami at the corner.

"Hmmm... Oh! I have read this in a novel before"

"A novel? Those are works of fiction... Why would you believe them?"

"That's where your wrong Kotori, most of the novels comes from the first hand experience or emotions of those who wrote it... most of it. So there is some truth that lies behind those works of fiction"

"Hehh..." (Kotori)

"So... according to what I read, a girl will show this signs when..."

I pulled Kotori closer to me as I whispered the my next words close to her hear to avoid the others from hearing it.

"...she's in love"

"... That is obvious even before you came here" (Kotori)

"No, something's different... It's like her love has bloomed towards its peak"

"What do you mean?" (Kotori)

"It only means one thing... She confessed was accepted by the one she loves"

"... Really?"

Kotori asked with a slightly excited expression on her face.

"Yes... maybe they even tenderly kissed, look at her skin... It feels like it became more soft and glossier than before"

"How does that connect?" (Kotori)

"I don't know... maybe her hormones?"

"... you're right, so she was accepted by Lucias?" (Kotori)

"So it seems"

"... Finally, he accepted someone... we can finally operate the plan" (Kotori)

"What plan?"

"Oh, the original members have formed this, since we all have feeling for him, we planned to make him accept someone first and try to open him up using that person for him to accept his 'unwanted harem'. This plan was formed by Asia and Kuroka" (Kotori)

"why haven't you informed us of this plan?"

"Well... A lot of time has passed without any progress so we just forgot about it" (Kotori)

"How long exactly?"

"... Since the spirits joined... 5 months, I guess" (Kotori)

"So it took him 5 months to finally open his heart to someone"

"...Yeah" (Kotori)

"It's too slow!! But don't worry I'll join, with me helping, this plan will be executed faster"

"For some reason I feel more worried with you joining in"

"How rude, I have seduc- I mean have made multiple men fall in love with me in the past. I am a veteran in this area"

"... Just don't do anything that could mess up our progress" (Kotori)

Asia's POV

"Asia! We want pancakes!"

The 3 demon triplets shouted as they entered the kitchen.

"You can't it's almost lunch time"

Iris who was beside me, helping cook our lunch said to the triplets.


"No buts" (Iris)

"You can have one later, Cerberus. Just behave for the time being okay?"

Iris comforted as she patted their heads before continuing chopping the meat that we will use for the 'Yakiniku' that she suggested.

"I have good news!"

Kotori shouted towards the two of us as soon as she entered the kitchen which earned her a smack on the head from Iris.

"Don't run in the kitchen" (Iris)

"Sorry" (Kotori)

"So what's the good news, Kotori?"

I asked her while gently caressing the bulge in her head as I took off my apron and placed it on top of the table.

"We made progress" (Kotori)


"You know 'that' plan"

"Oh! 'that' plan, so we made progress"

"What plan?"

"The plan that we formulated to make Lucias accept a harem"

Kotori answered Iris who had a confused expression on her face as she stared at the two of us.

"Hmm... I doubt that Lucias will just accept one though"

She honestly said as she placed her own apron on top of mine.

"We know, that is why we made this plan"

"How are you planning to make him accept one?"

Iris asked out of curiosity.

"Well, we plan to make one of us to actively pursue him until he opens up to her and accept her. After that we plan to convince him in taking a harem through that girl that he chose... We actually have no idea if this will work, but its worth a shot" (Kotori)

"Hmm... It is possible since he is still young and is easy to convince, but since he came from the church I guess having a harem is inexcusable for him"

"Not really, nobody thought him what's right and what's wrong, he just learned everything by himself. He doesn't know anything that concerns love, even though it looks like he loves me, it is more of a love that a brother gives to his sister"

I explained with a smile on my face while looking at Iris who had a contemplating expression on her face.

"How about lust?"

"He knows... a lot ever since he saw the head priest of the church lie and take advantage of the nun and the maidens back when we were still staying at the church... This caused him to avoid any sexual confrontation that he encounters... That is why he mostly avoid Modeus, and Miku"

"... So he doesn't understand the feeling of love, huh?" (Iris)

"Yes, he loves us all, that's for sure but he thinks that this love that he feels is the love that allies have to one another"

"So in short, his confused" (Iris)


"That's why we need to first fix this aspect of his personality before we can succeed in convincing him" (Kotori)


"So who's the girl that Lucias accepted"

I asked Kotori with a curious expression on her face.

"It's Origami, according to her she got caught up with the atmosphere from before and confessed her feeling for him, and according to her Lucia's unconsciously became extremely happy, causing him to run away without even answering Tobiichi while holding his chest... is what Origami said" (Kotori)

"Hmm... So he is confused. His own feeling for her bloomed when she confessed but he doesn't know how to respond... is what I can conclude" (Iris)

"Knowing him, this is likely the case"

"So we only just need to fuel the flame to make him accept her love"

"If that helped his feeling bloom, then why won't the other girls confess to him as well? Since according to you two, he loves each and everyone of you, and if he isn't educated by the church of 'only having one wife is appropriate' that there's a large chance that you might corner him and make him accept" (Iris)

"... You're right" (Kotori)

"I guess, it does, I never considered his lack of education in relationship as a way to make him accept"

I nodded my head in understanding.

"But... take it slow, you'll overwhelm him if you all confess at once" (Iris)

"Then what should we do?" (Kotori)

"How about, each one of you confess to him when it's your turn to sleep with him"

Iris suggested with a large grin on her face.

"I guess we should" (Kotori)

"Kotori, do the others know yet?"

"No, only Modeus, Me and the 2 of you know"

"Then we should inform them so they could come up with their own plan of approaching him"

"Yes, but after lunch, alright? Gather everyone when he is inside the training room so he wouldn't be suspicious about our movements"

Iris said before putting on her apron once again and continued preparing the ingredients on the table.

"I'll tell them right now, and thank you, Iris-san for your suggestions"

Kotori thanked Iris before running out of the kitchen which made Iris somewhat angry since she didn't take her scolding seriously.

"That girl..."

I smiled at their interactions as I helped her prepare our lunch.

Timeskip (3rd POV)

"Everyone's here?"

Kotori asked while counting the number of girls that were gathering inside the top floor of the castle.

"What's going on, nya?"

Kuroka who was covered in scratches asked in confusion while one of the Cerberus was biting her head.

"First... Where is Flandre?"

Kotori asked as she searched for the small figure of the girl in the room as she sighed in relief when she couldn't find her inside.

"She is sleeping right now since she got tired from playing around too much together with Cerberus" (Iris)

"Good" (Kotori)

"So what happened and why are we gathered here?" (Lucifer)

"It's about the 'plan'"

Kotori answered with a serious expression as the original members and Modeus immediately listened to her seriously while Azazel, Cerberus, Beelzebub, Tiamat, Yuu, Justice, Judgement and Lucifer looked at her with confusion.

"What plan?" (Beelzebub)

"The harem plan nya!" (Kuroka)

"Harem? For Lucias? He doesn't look like a person who would agree on having a harem though" (Lucifer)

"No, it is possible, we just need to follow the 'plan'" (Kotori)

"Sounds fun" (Justice)

"Harem!" (Cerberus)

"Harem, huh? Brings back memories doesn't it Judgement" (Lucifer)

"Indeed, well... even though he never really touched us, we were still part of his harem" (Judgement)

"Who's he?" (Kotori)

"Oh, she's talking about Helltaker, our past... lover. He is a very powerful human that barge in the demon's territory just to build his demon harem" (Lucifer)

Lucifer answered with a nostalgic smile on her face as she crossed her arms and sat down on an empty chair.

"Do you still love him, Lucifer-san?" (Asia)

"Hmm... Do I still love him... I honestly don't know, I don't feel the same love that I had for him in the past, well it is to be expected when your sealed for millions of years without seeing or meeting him. I guess my love for him faded when I heard that he didn't even bother looking for us as he enjoyed his life together with Malina, Pandemonica, and Zdrada" (Lucifer)

She answered with a slight remorse in her tone as she said the last sentence.

"But he is still an important person to me who thought me a lot of things and introduced me to new emotions that I never once thought I have, so even if I held no more feelings for him, I still felt devastated when I heard that he died 1000 years ago during the Great War" (Lucifer)

"I am the only one among us who held deep love for him in the past, so it affected me the most when I heard this news" (Lucifer)

"I-I'm sorry for asking such a sensitive topic, and I'm sorry for your lose" (Asia)

"It's okay, I had fun staying here along with the others, and that was 1000 years ago, I already got over it"

Lucifer patted Asia's head with a smile on her face.

"Says the girl who cried every night for 50 years" (Beelzebub)

"Shut up, Beelze" (Lucifer)

Lucifer angrily shouted at Beelzebub before calming down and looking at the others.

"Enough of that, the atmosphere inside this room is getting heavier thanks to that, so what's the plan?"

"You want to join as well, Lucy" (Beelzebub)

"Yeah, he has caught my eye, I want to watch what he can accomplish through his lifetime by his side... I don't really know since when such feelings started to develop inside of me, but it felt comfortable so I just accepted it" (Lucifer)

"You're not the only one, Lucy" (Beelzebub)

"You girls as well?" (Lucifer)

"Yeah, it started when I was alone with Lucias in the guest room" (Justice)

"His lack of Karma also intrigues me, so I started to take interest in him... until it developed into something more" (Judgement)

"For some reason our feelings of interest towards him has been amplified by several folds... is this the work of his ability?" (Azazel)

"It is, but it doesn't forcefully implants the feeling of love towards us, but it amplified what we felt towards him" (Kotori)

"Hoh... So that's why I was so flustered back then" (Justice)

[I also somewhat want to be by his side] (Yuu)

"..." (Tiamat)

"No need to be so guilty, Lizard, we already noticed that you were hiding your true personality from Lucias" (Beelzebub)

"What?! How did you know?!" (Tiamat)

"It was pretty obvious, Tiamat, especially when you secretly look at him with lust ~❤️" (Modeus)

"W-what are you saying, I don't remember ever staring at him like that!" (Tiamat)

"You don't need to lie, Lizard. You're pretty easy to read after all" (Beelzebub)

"So you're, searching for, a mate" (Ophis)

"Ugh..." (Tiamat)

"I forgot there is only 7 years left until Tiamat's mating season comes in" (Nia)

"H-How did you know?!" (Tiamat)

"I know everything, Tiamat" (Nia)

"Interesting, why did you choose Lucias, Tiamat"

Azazel asked as she took out her notepad from her pocket and stared at Tiamat with anticipation.

"T-that is"

"I never, knew that, the rumors, were true" (Ophis)

"Rumors?" (Kaguya)

"Rumors, of her, searching for a, strong yet, caring mate, only Lucias, fulfill all, of her criterias" (Ophis)

"And now, it's possible, for Lucias to turn, into a pure-blooded, dragon making him, more attractive to, most female, dragons" (Ophis)

"Ara Ara~" (Kurumi)

Kurumi smiled in amusement as Tiamat turned beet red from being found out by everyone.

"You don't, need to, worry I'll, share my, mate to you" (Ophis)

'how are they able to convince her to share her mate?'

Tiamat thought as she remembered that Ophis would normally be possessive to her mate.

"Even, baka-red, agreed" (Ophis)

"What?! The true red dragon emperor accepted him as 'his' mate?! I never knew he was interested in the same sex as him" (Tiamat)

"Shh, Baka-red said, she doesn't want, my mate to know, that she is, originally a male" (Ophis)

"So that's why she transformed himself into a little girl" (Tiamat)

"Yes" (Ophis)

"So... When did you two made up? I thought you hated him" (Tiamat)

"I don't, hate him, anymore, I'm just annoyed, by her personality, but I talked to, him when I, after I met, my mate" (Ophis)

"Why?" (Tiamat)

"Because, my mate wanted, me to, make up, with him" (Ophis)

Ophis honestly answered while munching on some donuts that she stole from the fridge found in Cerberus's room.

"Our donut" (Cerberus)

All 3 of them cried while staring at Ophis, unable to do anything due to the instinctive fear that they felt towards her.

"... So when are we going to talk about the plan?" (Lucifer)

Lucifer interrupted them causing all of the girls to stare at Kotori who was listening to their stories with an amused expression on her face.

"Ah! Sorry I got distracted" (Kotori)

Kotori shyly scratched the back of her head before explaining to them the change and progress of their plan.

"Finally ~" (Miku)

"Agreement: It has been quite a while" (Kaguya)

"L-Lovers..." (Tohka)

"I can, finally mate" (Ophis)

"You can't until he reaches the appropriate age" (Iris)

"Nothing, will stop, me" (Ophis)

"Ophis, don't be impatient alright?" (Asia)

"...Ok" (Ophis)

'It's unbelievable to see the great Ouroboros Dragon getting tamed by a 9 year old girl'

Tiamat thought while looking at Asia who was talking to Ophis.

"Then, we need Lucias to accept Origami's confession before we can even think about confessing to him, since it might confuse him, right?" (Miku)

"That's right" (Kotori)

"Hmm... How will we do that?" (Kaguya)

"The best thing we could do is to make Origami sleep with Lucias alone until he accepts her" (Kotori)

"I shall not-" (Ophis)

"please?" (Asia)

"Ok" (Ophis)

"Then the operation starts now!" (Kotori)

Meanwhile with Lucias


"Is someone talking about me?"

Lucias asked himself as he rubbed his nose while holding Murasame with his right hand.

MissRias MissRias

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