9.58% The Heretics (Gamer X DxD) / Chapter 18: Chapter 17: Freeing Eucliwood Hellscythe

บท 18: Chapter 17: Freeing Eucliwood Hellscythe

[Current Biome: Forest]

[Task: Defeat all of the undead (0/250)]

[Task: Defeat Judgement]

[All limiters removed]

[Good Luck]

"This is new" (Justice)

Justice muttered as she looked around their surroundings.

"No one has ever reached this seal, so this is the first time that the room was properly activated" (Lucifer)

"Don't run around too much Cerberus" (Beelzebub)

Beelzebub shouted towards the 3 demon girls roaming around the place with a large smile on their face, looking around the surroundings with interest.

"Survival of the fittest?"

Lucias asked while reading the notifications in front of him.

"It seems like we need to survive in this biome, when our seal was removed the sense of hunger and thirst came back to us" (Beelzebub)

"So in other words we either hurry up and hunt them down or we need to find food, water, and shelter to stay at until we finish the trial"

"Correct human" (Beelzebub)

"Can you please stop calling me human, I have a name you know"

"If that is your wish" (Beelzebub)

"Lucias!" (Cerberus)

Cerberus called out before all 3 of them pounced on Lucias who was talking with Beelzebub.

"There is a giant pig there" (Cerberus)

All 3 of them pointed at the huge forest in front of them before pulling him towards the forest.

"I don't think it's necessary to find food and shelter, I already got their location"

Tiamat said while kneeling on the ground and spreading her mana around the forest.

"Fantastic, it seems like we don't have to trouble ourselves with the picky eater known as Lucifer" (Beelzebub)

"I am not! If I have no choice I'll eat what is available!" (Lucifer)

"Really? I have no record of that kind of behaviour about you"

Azazel retorted while flipping her notepad at fast speed trying to find information about Lucifer.

"So you keep records about us? That's interesting"

Justice peeked at her notes and saw detailed information about her including her likes, dislikes, personality, and power.

"Aren't you a stalker at this point?" (Lucifer)

"How rude, I prefer to be called a 'researcher', I still have my limitations on what information I should write down"

Azazel proudly defended herself towards Lucifer who was giving her a disgusted look.

"Hee~ Is that so?"

Justice muttered as she found her three sizes and weird habits written down on Azazel's notepad.

"Of course" (Azazel)

"How can you say that with a straight face?" (Lucifer)

Lucifer said with a weird expression on her face while looking at the proud Azazel in front of her.

"Are there any information about Lucias?" (Modeus)

She asked as she went closer to Justice who was holding Azazel's notepad.

"There is but it's just basic information, it seems like Azazel have only met him not too long ago"

Justice answered while reading the records of Lucias who only had his name, age, and ability written in the notepad.

"That's a shame" (Modeus)

"We have captured a pig!"

Cerberus shouted while lifting a frozen 10 meter tall boar with Lucias following behind them.

"We don't have to worry about food for the time being" (Justice)

"What a large **** it has" (Modeus)

"I would appreciate it if you point out something else"

Lucias helplessly said towards Modeus while Cerberus ripped it's dick off of its body and threw it inside the forest.

"..." (Lucias)

"Don't worry Lucias, you have a decent size ***** for your age" (Tobiichi)

"..." (Lucias)

"Master, I have located every monster within the forest, I recommend splitting up for the time being to eliminate all of the undead" (Lily)

Tiamat reported with a serious expression on her face to break the awkward atmosphere created by Modeus, Cerberus, and Tobiichi.

"Ahem... Then let's split up for the time being, we will go by pair"

"How come I need to listen to you?" (Lucifer)

"You suck at managing your people Lucifer so I think it's only proper that he leads us since we basically belong to him now" (Justice)

"Belong to me? How come I didn't know about this?"

"You didn't notice? The seal let us create a trial for a reason, but we are forced to use all of our capabilities in those trials. So the only way to truly break the seal is to bind our souls with another individual who gave his/her blood to the seal" (Justice)

"You're situation is a bit special Lucias, since you didn't have to do all of the first trials by yourself, since the seal found several connections between you and other beings causing it to identify those beings as a part of yourself, so if they clear one of the trials, the seal will register that as you who completed the trail" (Justice)

"... Azazel isn't connected to me by any contract"

"Not really~ When you were trying to break me out of the crimson ice, some of your mana entered my body, so using that I established a Master-Servant contract with you so that I can use your mana to break the ice and... for personal reasons" (Azazel)

"So I'm a servant now?"

"No, I chose to be the servant and you are the master" (Azazel)


Lucias asked, confused about her decision of being a servant.

"I already knew your ability even when I was not released from the ice, I wanted to know more about you, so I made sure that you won't leave me alone by binding myself as your servant, if I am the master, your ability would be limited and sealed, I can't study your ability in that condition" (Azazel)

"... So in other words..."

"We're going to follow you whether you like it or not" (Justice)


"Please take good 'care' of me Lucias~ ❤️❤️" (Modeus)

"I would prefer to have one less pervert at my house though""Too late" (Modeus)


"What's this?" (Cerberus)

The 3 demon girls Cerberus asked while they were holding a 20 meter long python above their head.

"It's a python"

"Can we eat it?" (Cerberus #2)

"Yes but later"

Lucias answered while placing the python in his inventory. The pairing has already been established by drawing lots. The resulting pairs are Lucias and Cerberus, Lily and Justice, Tiamat and Beelzebub, Azazel and Tobiichi, and finally Lucifer and Modeus.

"Boo..." (Cerberus)

"Don't worry you'll get to eat something delicious after this"

"Really?!" (Cerberus)

"Yeah, Lily will be cooking and I can guarantee that her cooking is top notch"

"Then my two heads!" (Cerberus #1)

"Hai!" (Cerberus #2 & #3)

"We will split up and kill all of those walking corpses!" (Cerberus #1)

"For food!" (Cerberus)

All 3 of them shouted in unison before splitting up to hunt.

"... Well, I guess it's okay, the undead are just lvl 600 anyway"

Lucias sighed as he was left alone by the 3 demon girls who went with him before using Darkness Magic to travel through the darkness of the forest.

-With the Cerberus #1-

"Oh! It's one of those pigs again!"

Cerberus #1 said before charging mana at her claws as she sliced through the air creating blades of mana as it launched towards the giant boar, horizontally slicing it into 8 pieces.

"More food!"

She shouted before grabbing the meat with her mouth and running on all fours towards an empty spot that she found while searching for a prey.

After dropping it on the ground she went back to gather the rest but stopped when she saw a pale looking boar with several severe wounds on its body, walking aimlessly at the forest.

"Found one!"

Cerberus #1 shouted excitedly as she sniffed the scent of death coming from the giant boar.

She slowly went closer to the zombie boar, avoiding it's attention before jumping out of the bush, grabbing the giant boar with her bare hands and smashing it to the ground repeatedly until it was barely recognisable before throwing it towards the empty spot that she found earlier.

"Not enough"

She muttered before running back to the forest to hunt for more.

-with Cerberus #2-



"I'm hungry"

She muttered while pouting as she searched for another undead while leisurely walking through the forest.

"There they are"

She stopped and hid on top of the tree, looking down at the 5 Boars and 1 undead boar facing each other as they got ready to charge the other.

"My kill"

She jumped out of the tree and landed between them as she poured her mana on her two feet before spinning her body in a circle, launching a circular wind blade towards the 6 boars, slicing them all vertically in half.


She said before standing straight on the ground, walking towards the corpses and stacking all of it on top of each other before lifting it all from the ground as she goes back to the spot where she found multiple corpses of normal and undead boars.

She then ran back to the forest on all fours, sniffing the air to try and find more prey that she could hunt.

-with Cerberus #3-


Cerberus #3 used [Predator's howl] towards the group of undead bears causing them to stop in their tracks from the [paralysis] and [fear] status given by the skill.

"Hehehe I hit jackpot"

She said as she charged towards the group of bears while manipulating the wind around her to form several saws that followed her as she ran.

As soon as she got closer towards an undead bear, her saw ripped them to pieces causing their dark blood to splatter at the surrounding trees.

One by one she ran pass the bears as quickly as she can while the spinning saws around her ripped their flesh off of their body, killing them instantly as soon as she passed them.

"There is no edible meat"

She muttered to herself before searching for a live bear in the forest.

-Back to Lucias-

After a few minutes of traveling Lucias stumbled upon a mountain of corpses from different kind of animals with a mixed of a few undead piled up in front of him.

"What the hell..."

Lucias muttered in shock while observing the pile of corpses as he slowly walked towards it but stopped when he heard a powerful explosion behind him, he quickly turned his head and saw Lucifer with her 12 Blood red wings flying at the sky while firing multiple crimson spears at the area below her.

"Something must have happened..."

Lucias said before another figure with 12 blood red wings flew to the sky and tackled Lucifer who was firing her spears at her.

"... Maybe pairing them together is a bad idea"

"We're back!"

Cerberus shouted at Lucias who was watching the fight between Modeus and Lucifer as they pulled him towards the small mountain of corpses before puffing out their chest in pride.

"We have hunted down all of the undead" (Cerberus)

"Reward!" (Cerberus)

They said in unison before clinging to Lucias, asking for him to praise them.

Lucias patted their heads causing them to rub their faces on his body as one of them lifted him up to the ground before running back towards the entrance while ignoring the two fighting demons above them.

"Oh you're back!"

Justice greeted them as soon as they left the forest.

"Did you have fun?"

She asked one of the demon girls who was carrying Lucias on her hand.


All 3 of them shouted in unison with a bright smile on their face.

"You're already done, Justice?"

"Yep, most of the undead are quite easy to deal with since they are weak compared to us"

She answered before looking behind him with an amused expression. Lucias followed her line of sight, turning back to see Lucifer and Modeus covered with injuries."So what happened?"

Lucias asked the two demons who was hatefully looking at each other.

"I just teased her a little bit and she suddenly attacked me with her magic" (Modeus)

"Tch" (Lucifer)

"So what did you say to her that made her react that way?"

"Hehehe~ Its about yo-"

"Shut up will you Modeus!"

Lucifer cut her off as she covered her mouth with her two hands.

"Mnnhpmm mnn"

Modeus who got her mouth covered licked the palm of her hands to make Lucifer let go.

Lucifer who felt the wet sensation on her hands immediately let go before smacking her head to the ground.

"You're disgusting, you know that?"

Lucifer said as she wiped the palm of her hand on coat of Modeus who had her head buried in the ground.

"Nice" (Justice)

Justice gave her a thumbs up before sitting down on the ground.

"Oh, it seems like we're the last one to arrive" (Beelzebub)

Beelzebub along with the other girls returned back to the entrance, pulling a pile of corpses behind them.

"Why did you have to bring the corpses back here?"

"For research purposes" (Azazel)

"Master, I don't want to be alone with that fly anymore"

Tiamat who immediately clung to him cried on his chest while pointing at Beelzebub who had a slight smile on her face.

"It's so much fun to tease her so I couldn't help myself" (Beelzebub)

"Please do it in moderation or else she might develop a trauma from this" (Lucias)

"Master why won't you just stop her?!?" (Tiamat)

"Can you stop her Tia?"

"No" (Tiamat)

"Then what makes you think I can stop her?"

"Use the command seal on her!" (Tiamat)

"... I don't plan to force any of the girls that is binded to me by a servant contract to follow my command, Tia"

"Why?" (Tiamat)

"Because it's against my morals"

"Grrrr... You win this round you damn fly" (Tiamat)

"Have you ever won against me, Lizard?" (Beelzebub)

"Master~" (Tiamat)

"Even if you look at me with puppy eyes, I will still say no"

"Lucias! Lucias! Come and eat with us" (Cerberus)

"Alright, Alright, you don't have to pull me"

[Eucliwood's Trial has been completed]

[Eucliwood's seal has been destroyed]


Lucias muttered in daze from the sudden notification that bombarded him as a giant portal appeared on top of them, alarming all of the girls from the sheer mana concentrated within the portal.

"What's going on Master?"

Lily asked with a panicked expression on her face.

"I don't know"

"Why does this feel so familiar?"

Justice muttered while rubbing her chin with her right hand.

"Oh! I remember this mana signature, its from that girl"

Justice said in a sudden realization as she let her guard down.

"Are you sure about that?" (Lucias)

"I think Justice is right Lucias, the portal has the same mana signature as the undead that we hunted in the forest... based on the concentration of mana within the portal, I guess that she is transporting herself to us" (Lucifer)

"Based on her personality, it doesn't seem like she came here to fight with us... Then that means that we have cleared one of the task?" (Beelzebub)

"Didn't you girls get the notification?"

Lucias asked them in confusion since they should've received the notification by now.

"Oh, sorry I ignored it" (Justice)

"Too annoying" (Cerberus)

"I totally forgot from teasing Tiamat too much" (Beelzebub)

"That thing? I thought I was only imagining it" (Lucifer)

"I noticed it, I just didn't say anything" (Azazel)

"Oh, mine came in late" (Modeus)

Modeus said as a notification appeared in front of her.

"You girls are just..."

Lucias smiled wryly at the 6 demons in front of him as a girl with long silver hair and violet eyes wearing a striped outfit with gauntlets on her arms came out of the portal, staring at the people around her as she grabbed a large drawing pad behind her.

[Thank you for freeing me]

[My name is Eucliwood Hellscythe, it's nice to finally meet you]

MissRias MissRias

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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