73.46% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 35: A War We Never Belonged In

บท 35: A War We Never Belonged In

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Warning Extremely Brutal and Morally Questionable Stuff Will Be Depicted, Hinted at, or Shown. Read at your own discretion. Also Psychological elements, manipulation and other not so family friendly stuff. Really, read at your own discretion.)

(A special thanks to Glorious4EyedKing, Splingosplongo, and Honoured_Writer for the unpaid labor of reading this chapter beforehand. Unpaid because if I don't get money, then no one does... Without further ado! Enjoy the chappie!)

-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

Our hurried steps and leaps shook the very ground we launched from.

The sense of urgency, a recurring theme this entire operation, invalidates the need for obscurity or subtlety.

'Hurry. They in danger. Faceless Stronger. Than Before.' Whiskers reports.

... I know.

I nod stoically, commanding, 'Sacrifice yourself if necessary, I know where you are. All available nearby Whiskers head towards Naruto and Sasuke's location. Explode, distract. Anything that works to buy some time.' 

My words were directed at Kakashi who was beside me, yet my eyes never left the path forward, "We're a couple of minutes away... Kakashi-sensei be ready to cover me. Faceless has grown stronger, they're lives are in danger. I'll summon Rudolph to heal them immediately, any disruption will not allow me to heal them with the few seconds I've got."

"Obviously," Kakashi stated steely.

We ran for a couple more minutes, as the familiar sounds of combat echoed from afar.

Explosions, multiple of them.

'Sasuke knocked. Out. Sacrificing. Ourselves.'

My connection with Whiskers had also been lost at that very moment.

Several other Whiskers have perished as well.

...This is bad.

That was Kakashi's cue to speed up, surpassing me in speed as he left me in the dust.

He no longer needed my directions.

Without warning he threw Pakkun towards me, whom I absentmindedly caught.

"I'm also out of tricks, so I'll be in your care," Pakkun states with a hint of resignation, his tone betraying the weight of our situation.

I resist the urge to retort, instead silently placing him on my shoulder.

Roughly two minutes later, I find myself on the main street of Shintaku No Machi.

The aftermath of destruction surrounds us - An eerie blend of toppled stalls, charred remnants of homes, and debris strewn across the shattered pavement.

A loud explosion echoed in my ears, as the figures of Kakashi and a blonde woman blurred, fighting on the walls of a building.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHA! IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE WE'VE FOUGHT KAKASHI-KUN!" She roared with laughter, as Kakashi overwhelmed her with Taijutsu.

She was completely on the defensive, as Kakashi struck with silent, composed fury.

...She has a new face then.

I turn my gaze to be met with a knocked-out Naruto, his unconscious figure was sprawled on top of an odd circle with a triangle in it, drawn by blood of all things.

Shit... Whatever that fucking crazy religious fanatic did...

I shifted my gaze to search for Sasuke, finding his body embedded in a wall not too far from there, unconscious as well.

"Not good. Get them together and heal them." Pakkun's eyes narrowed as he advised.

"On it."

My muscles tightened and I blurred, I lifted Naruto out of that disturbing circle and lay his body beside Sasuke.

Two people.

Roughly 5-6 seconds.

Placing Naruto on my shoulder, my body stilled for a moment.

...I didn't feel a heartbeat.

Maybe, it was too dull?

Anxiety bubbled up.


A cold sweat formed on my face, as an incomparable sense of dread enveloped my body.

My breath hitched, and my heartbeat accelerated beyond measure.





It was too much...

"Concentrate, pup!" Pakkun's urgent command cuts through the chaos.

I force myself to focus.


He's right.

There's no time to speculate whether they died or not.

No time to check his vitals.

Any moment wasted, only makes it worse.

I need to heal them - That's all that matters.

And go from there.

"Round Deer," I muttered neutrally, as I formed the shadowgraphic handsign of a Deer head.

Liquid Shadows moved at breakneck speed and formed to four-eyed deer figure of Rudolph.

"Nose on Sasuke. Now." I command without pause.

Rudolph bent his neck to press his nose on Sasuke's forehead.

A glow enveloped Sasuke, as his arm began to regrow.

I had no time to observe.

I'm getting sick...

My head's hurting.

I pressed Naruto's unconscious hand on Rudolph's nose, whilst he was pressing his nose on Sasuke's forehead.

The very same glow enveloped Naruto as well.

Their bruises and wounds began to stitch themselves together and at this point, Sasuke's arm had regrown.

"Pup! Drop the Summon!" Pakkun warned as he observed my situation.

After a brief moment, thanks to Pakkun's reminder, I realized I had kept Rudolph summoned for longer than I should have.

With a quick gesture, I dismissed him, feeling the strain of maintaining the summon for an extended period.

The state of my Chakra was so severe that I'd dismissed even the dozen Whiskers Clones left.

The Original Whiskers still hiding in our cavern base back in the Land Of Mountains had been dismissed as well.

Dropping on my knees, the strain made itself evident, "BLEGH!" I puked on the ground, dropping the glowing and healing figure of Naruto to the ground beside me with a thud.

Hitting his head, he woke up with a gasp.

...Thank goodness.

He jumped to his feet, he scanned our surroundings with a perplexed expression, as he absentmindedly rubbed his head.

"Satsuki!" He roared, as he recalled the situation.

Only to turn around, and notice my weakened state and the unconscious Sasuke.

Noticing me on my knees, and extremely pale he turned to me, "Akira what happened?!"

Pakkun shook his head, "Good grief."

"A talking dog?! What's going on?!" Naruto pointed at Pakkun in bewilderment.

I grumbled impatiently, as I tried to lift myself up, "C-Check if Sasuke's breathing first. Pakkun's with me."

Naruto's eyes widened, as he seemed to recall whatever happened here.

He nodded stoically and lowered himself to check on Sasuke, his finger on his pulse.

A frown was plastered on Naruto's face, as he nervously shook and took a deep breath.

My face darkened at him turning quiet.

"He's okay..." Naruto exhaled in relief.

"...Don't scare me like that." I dropped on my butt, as my eyes twitched from the severe migraine.

"Take a breather, pup," Pakkun advised as he patted my shoulder.

I turned to look at the dog, "Kakashi, needs help, doesn't he? He's out of Chakra." I point out.

Adding, as I twitched, "I-If not me, then Naruto can help, I'm certain he's still got some Chakra in the tank." Pointing at the blonde.

He nodded fervently, "Yeah! I'm heading out. Take care of Sasuke for now." He left no room for argument, as he began to march in the direction of the battle between Faceless and Kakashi that was going on further ahead, a building blocking our vision of the scuffle.

"Stop, Naruto," Pakkun called out to the blonde, a hint of recognition in his statement.

Naruto paused turning to Pakkun with a snarl, ready to argue.

Only for the sounds of combat to accelerate in their direction.

Out of the building's destroyed wall came the figure of Faceless, bruised, battered, and sent flying to the ground.

Kakashi stood above her, looking down on her through the hole in the wall she was launched from.

Then, she sent wind slices with kicks and a single weaved handsign.

All was easily maneuvered by Kakashi as he launched at her, without those attacks bothering him one bit.

Naruto's jaw hung loose, as I hummed.

Smirking, Pakkun stated, "Let your Sensei take care of this. This isn't his first fight with Faceless."

Isn't his first fight?

...I'll have to get back to that.


"But no. Don't intervene. Rest up for now." Pakkun rudely interrupted.

Being fully healed, on top of being a Chakra and Stamina Demon.

Rest is rarely necessary for him - Except for mental health's sake.

...I can see why he's irritated.

But I can also see Pakkun's perspective.

Seeing Naruto's unconvinced visage I added, taking a deep breath and flexing my limbs one by one yet failing to get good responses, "Let me get a hold of my bearings, worst comes to worst, all of us will help Kakashi. Go wake up Sasuke, he's taken a nap for long enough."

Still unconvinced, albeit understanding, Naruto nodded, "If Kakashi-sensei doesn't beat Satsuki by the time Sasuke wakes up, I'm joining him whether you guys join me or not!" He stated with finality.

Still incessant on calling her Satsuki to the bitter end.

I shook my head.

Pakkun voiced his curiosity, "Satsuki? Naruto, Faceless does not have a name except the face she dons at any given moment."

But, Naruto's not as stubborn as I'd expected him to be.

He's not rushing to help Kakashi.

Throwing a side glance at Naruto as he approached Sasuke and lowered himself, the bitten lip and clenched fists told me all I needed to know.

He's realized he's too weak to assist Kakashi against Faceless.

Is she that strong?

A deep inhale of air comes from Naruto as he reaches down to the steadily breathing Sasuke.

His mouth beside his ear as he...

"WAKE UP TEME! WE'VE STILL GOT WORK TO DO!" His voice scared away even the crows who had made their way here, expecting an easy feast.

A punch landed on Naruto's face, as his head bent a little from the impact.

"Oh... it's you Dobe." Sasuke mumbled weakly as he had been rudely awoken.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! YOU ALMOST DIED BASTARD!" Naruto yelled out in outrage, pointing a finger at Sasuke as he held his right cheek, a fist mark on his face.

My voice trembles as I speak, "Both of you almost died..."

Sasuke's eyes widen, a flicker of realization crossing his features as he comprehends the gravity of our situation.

"Where's Facele-" He asked before

"Over there," I answered, anticipating his question as I pointed my finger at a battle not too far away from us.

I turned my gaze to watch the exchange between her and Kakashi.

My eyes narrowed in concentration.

And all I could see was...

"I'm with the puppy. I think we'll sit this one out." I state evenly.

A one-sided beating.

She was certainly Jonin.

Without my stronger Shikigami, I'd be hard-pressed to be able to do anything other than be on the defensive against her and even then she'd dance around me.

However, she seemed to be of a lesser threat than Onri - Especially lacking those disgusting fucking arms.


She seemed more or less at Makoto's level of Taijutsu, lacking his cold and refined style whilst she held a more wild one.

Kakashi though?

He was cut from a different cloth.

It's hard to picture the fact that they're both technically Jonin Level.

Yet, the gap was this wide...

I've sparred with Kakashi before.

I've watched him from afar.

Nevertheless, it's still hypnotic.

I've got a long way to go.

"Been a while since I've seen him this worked up." Pakkun absentmindedly mentions as he observes the fight with me.

Punch after punch, kick after kick.

Faceless weaves out of those, blocks the other, redirects the third.

Yet, some punch or kick manages to connect.

Causing her to guffaw, and back away in a panic - Eventually, they stopped their airborne exchange and reached the ground, resuming their fight on the street.

Despite the pain coursing through her body, the smirk on her face was only growing wider and more mad.

"WATER STYLE - WHEEL O-" Kakashi's palm smacked her hands away, disrupting her jutsu.

She weaved out of a punch, yet he aimed at her shoulder-length hair.

Grabbing it, he pulled her close - Headbutting her and cracking her nose.

"GAH!" She roared.

"Now he's got her," Pakkun commented.

His grip hadn't loosened from her hair, as his other free hand tunneled into her gut in the shape of a punch.

Barfing blood, she clenched her teeth and spat water bullets at Kakashi point blank without a single weave of a hand sign.

Once again, it barely served to slow him down.

"He's angry," I state matter of factly.

The killing intent and fury radiating from him is reaching all the way here.

Ducking under the liquid bullets, he delivered an uppercut, his other hand still gripping her hair like a crutch.

Her body was denied the freedom to escape Kakashi's grasp as a result.

Finally, he let go of her hair, as he drew a kunai, aiming to cut her leg tendons.

She recovered and parried the strikes with her own kunai.

The loud metallic tang of metal clashing with metal resonated, as Kakashi dropped his kunai.

She reacted, throwing a kick towards his face.

Which he blocked with his forearm, only for his shoe, in an insane feat of precision and dexterity, to kick the kunai towards her face.

Her bloodied and messed up face gasps in realization and she twists her upper body to evade the kunai.

Only for Kakashi to use all of his strength and in a burst of speed push off the leg he blocked with his forearm and reached for the kunai.

Faceless could only barely react as Kakashi's kunai missed her head but continued its trajectory nonetheless alongside his powerful arm swing.

Slicing her naked right shoulder open, spraying blood all over his kunai and arm.

She gasps, and Kakashi kicks her in her unguarded chest, the sound of broken bone resonating even all the way here as her body is launched into a restroom booth, causing it to collapse onto Faceless.

At that, Naruto suddenly decides to opt out of our current role of being awed spectators.

In a burst of speed, he ran towards the collapsed booth.

"Oi! Naruto!" Pakkun warned.

Naruto yelled, "Don't worry! I know what I'm doing!" He exclaimed with a resolute expression, his movements not slowing down.

I grunted agonizedly, as my muscles twitched, tremored, and shook.

They decided that obeying my commands would be a tricky process.

It was not the muscle ache type of pain, the one that comes from over-exertion or injury.

I was unharmed and nearly at my physical peak.

...Except the fact my body was eating itself at the moment and I was extremely weak.

The problem is when you're this dangerously low on Chakra.

This thing happens - Chakra Exhaustion.

I've experienced this state a couple of times.

Sometimes worse than this.

But right now, I'm teetering on the edge so to speak.

Yeah, no.

I need to rest a little longer.

I didn't need to worry too much though.

A click of the tongue beside me was all I needed to hear. Sasuke's figure dashed towards Naruto with a swift motion, his urgency palpable.

"With all that extra energy, it would've been much more effective if they'd gone ahead and searched for Kyokan," I stated with a shake of my head, my vision swimming and eyes threatening to close.

Pakkun hopped onto the ground, with a soft thud.

Whiskers have been dismissed.

I have no clue where and what Kyokan is doing and how he is.

Ah... I exhaled as I dropped onto my back unceremoniously.

I sink onto the uncomfortable, cracked ground, my chakra-induced exhaustion finally catching up to me as I lay there.

Normally, I wouldn't be this careless.

But I trust them.

...Except for Kakashi.

At things like these, however.

When things are dire and the situation calls for competence.

There aren't many people I'd rather have on my team than him.

"You mind waking me up when they're done?" I ask tiredly as a cloud passes below the sun, covering me in a comfortable shade.

My eyes were gazing at the wide blue sky, the sun covered by a large cloud.

"Hold on one second pup," Pakkun replies.

I felt a light weight on my chest, as Pakkun pulls out something from that tiny puppy shirt of his, a small soldier pill.

"Here, it's nutritionally dense. That'll stop your body from eating itself and hopefully avoid any long-lasting damage." He shoved the pill in my mouth unceremoniously.

I believe that Rudolph can heal that presumed long-lasting damage later on, but I'm not complaining.

Slowly chewing the bitter and awful tasting pill, I swallow.

Pakkun huffs, "It's a lighter Soldier Pill, so it'll take a couple of minutes for it to be absorbed and bring your chakra back so that you can at least move. But any Jutsu will be a bad idea."

I grunt in gratitude, "Yeah... Thanks."

"No problem, I'd only ask of you to heal my pack when all of this is done... They didn't walk out of this unharmed."

When all of this is done... Huh?

I huffed, "Sure." as my eyes closed.

Pakkun's voice only slightly startled me when a moment later he growled, "What are all of you glaring at? Scram!"

The sounds of a dozen scattering men and women echoed from afar.

Just one last push.

And we can go home.

That relieving and blissful hopeful thought was what managed to lull me to immediate sleep.


-Third Person POV-

At the edge of Kakashi's vision, Naruto's sprinting figure was visible.

His rage and internal self-blame had been quickly replaced with relief as he sighed.

'I almost failed, Sensei... Again.' The thought echoed in Kakashi's mind, tormenting him.

With a fast approach, he arrived before Naruto, causing the blonde to pause, "Kakashi-sensei! Let me talk to her!"

A smack on Naruto's head from the caught-up figure of Sasuke, elicited a pained grunt from him, "Oi!" He glared venomously at Sasuke.

"Don't intervene, Dobe." Sasuke chastised, glaring at Naruto with contempt.

Kakashi shook his head, his relief growing at his primary concerns being assuaged.

"Where's Akira and Pakkun?" He questioned, his gaze narrowing at the shaking rubble of the collapsed booth.

Sasuke answered, "He's taking a rest, he can barely move. The puppy is there with him. We should go get him after we're done here."

'Chakra Exhaustion.' Kakashi confirmed.

Naruto pointed at the collapsed rubble, "Kakashi-sensei! Be careful! Satsuki's crazy! She ran through fire and her face melted into that look of hers! And she got even stronger! if that happens agai-"

His warning was cut short, by Kakashi's own words, "That won't be happening again."

Pointedly asking, Sasuke responded, "How are you so sure?"

At Sasuke's question, out of the rubble, sluggishly came out the figure of Faceless.

She looked as if she'd seen better days.

Her entire right shoulder was cut open like a piece of meat, a river of blood seeping out of it onto the ground and the scattered rubble.

Her breathing was rough and coarse, as she held her chest.

Her fairly attractive face was unrecognizable, her nose broken and a degree bigger than before due to the broken bone. Decorated by blood and bruised from the multitudes of punches Kakashi had previously landed.

The snarling lunatic smile she held was a few teeth shorter than before, and yet the determination, sheer frenzy, and craze in her eyes never lost a degree of their luster.

Kakashi pointed at her, "That's her original look. Without a face. It's unreliable information since she's constantly donning someone else's, but it helps to confirm we've gotten her out of her disguise."

Sasuke glared at her, as his fists clenched, yet he hadn't moved, waiting for his Sensei's commands, "How do you-"

Naruto gasps, answering Sasuke's unasked question, "Right! The puppy said you fought her once before! Why hadn't you told u-"

"Enough," Kakashi commanded, his voice steely.

His eyes narrowed at the defiant figure of Faceless, who appeared to be on her last legs, "I'll answer that after I've eliminated her... More importantly, go search for Kyokan and assist him. If he's still following the plan, he's further on ahead. I'll catch up to you."

Naruto was about to argue, yet he seemed to have a better idea, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

With a puff of smoke, multiple Naruto clones were in sight.

"Spread out and search for Kyokan!" He commanded.

"YEAH!" They yelled as they all ran in differing directions, a trio of them ran in the planned route.

Turning to Kakashi, who caught a couple of shuriken thrown by Faceless, Naruto insisted, "I'm staying. I have to talk with her."

Kakashi sighed, turning to the stoic figure of Sasuke, "Could you at least listen?"

Shaking his head, his fists clenched as he responded, "No. I've got a score to settle with her as well. I trust the majority of forces have been dealt with... Right?"

Huffing, Kakashi agreed, "Yes. Akira and I took down the Iwagakure Shinobi. The Rogue Nin was taken down by an unknown third party. Fine, stay."

Turning to Naruto, Kakashi emphasized, his voice more commanding than usual, similar to his tone back in his ANBU days, "Regardless, the decision's made. She's taking her last breaths. Here. Today."

Naruto's expression twisted in displeasure.

A hand on his shoulder, and he was met with Sasuke's vengeful gaze, his tone quiet yet passionate. "We have to avenge all of those who suffered and died at her hands."

Naruto's fists clenched to the point they began to bleed.

"At the very least. Let me talk with her before we do." Naruto pleaded, his expression determined.

Sasuke gazed at Naruto neutrally but nodded his agreement.

Kakashi shook his head, "Mah, you'll see how pointless this talk will be."

Slowly, the trio approached the figure of Faceless, their steps reverberating amongst the destroyed and messed up street as the echoes of chaos in the city rumble in their ears.

"Look how much stronger you got Kakashi-kun! I'm so proud of you! You were so cute back then~! How Lord Jashin and I longed for that little face of yours!" At the approaching figures, Faceless ignored the pain coursing through her entire body as she taunted Kakashi.

A blush on her face as she reminisced pervertedly, her gaze not escaping Kakashi's face.

"You're still as pathetic as you were back then. Will you drop to your knees and beg for your life, swearing to reform like you had back then to my Sensei?" Kakashi's tone held no warmth or sympathy for Faceless, as his head tilted, his approach undettered by conversation.

A frown etched onto her face for a moment, as she muttered, "That man was a fake monster. So close to Lord Jashin's heart, yet so far from it..."

Scoffing, as she held her shoulder and coughing blood, she answered Kakashi's inquiry, "P-Pfft. No~! Lord Jashin has told me that my end has come. Resistance is futile."

With a loud painful crack, she seemed to ignore the pain outright and spread her arms wide, a manic glint in her eye, "Lord Jashin's words are gospel! If it is my time to die! Then so shall it be!"

She added, her tone filled with pride at her achievements, "Unlike the other dumb fuck apostles who run around senselessly murdering, my path held wisdom! My path held a greater purpose! My path held thorough planning! Heh, something those other idiots can barely manage."

'She's going mad. Uttering her last words and achievements to validate her pitiful existence.' Kakashi quickly surmised.

Naruto roared out, his fist extended towards Satsuki, "I don't know who that Lord Jashin guy is and I don't care!"

His eyes radiated mercy, he begged for her, "Satsuki! Surrender! Give up! Live the rest of your life making up for the cruel bastard things you've done! Don't listen to him! The only one to decide when and how you get to die... Is only you!"

Smiling, she looked at the expressions of Sasuke and Kakashi, as she pointedly asked, "Your teammates don't look like they agree~! Will you stand against them~? To keep me alive if I agree to your offer~?" Her very tone was enjoying every minute of this as her face was steadily growing paler.

Frowning, a silent moment passed for Naruto and the others.

The sound of Faceless's blood dripping and pooling below her acted like a metaphorical clock.

As Kakashi and Sasuke gazed with mild curiosity at the stilled figure of Naruto.

Would Naruto, stubborn in his ways, take into consideration the best interests of his teammates? Even if it goes against his newly formed resolve?

Even if it goes all logical and healthy arguments?

Would he?

And then... He answered, his gaze profound as it seemed to pierce through Faceless as a thin line crossed his face, "Are you going to change your ways?"

She hummed, with good humor, and she replied, "Yes~! Please save me~! Ruto~!" Mimicking the voice of her Satsuki form.

Naruto's gaze didn't bother her, as he replied to her statement with a silent and depressed mutter, "You're lying... Faceless."

He made his approach, only for Kakashi's hand on his shoulder to pause his approach, "I'll finish this." He reassured Naruto, marching toward Faceless in his stead.

Seeing Naruto's gritted teeth and pained expression, that held a reluctant determination.

Kakashi had to act, as he was, after all, his Sensei.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

Perhaps this wasn't Faceless's second chance, perhaps it was the third, the fourth, and maybe even the fifth chance.

Still, Naruto - He still had to evaluate her and whether she was worthy of being spared and saved.

Some people... Just couldn't be spared or saved - And he knew that.

Some would call Naruto's judgment naive and even arrogant.

Who was he to judge whether someone was worthy of saving or sparing?

Who was he to judge whether a crazed, mad, lunatic of a murderer should or shouldn't be killed?

Who was he, as weak as he was, to even have the leverage and time on his hands to judge someone like that?

He was...

No one.

Uzumaki Naruto.

An orphaned Leaf Genin with the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed inside of him.

A boy who dreams of becoming Hokage.

So that the whole village that loathes and ignores his very existence would recognize him.

He was...

No one, for now.

If Faceless truly held truth in her words, if she truly begged for her life and was determined to change her ways.

Naruto wouldn't have let Kakashi and Sasuke kill her.

He knew he couldn't stop them, but he'd try his best to stop them.

Because despite it all...

Despite his awareness of just how weak he was, a lesson he was taught thoroughly in the massacre of Yumemori.

Despite his awareness of the nobody he was.

Uzumaki Naruto will always be...

A naive, and stubborn fool.

A selfish idealist.

It was with this self-awareness, that Naruto hadn't let his determined gaze leave Faceless, even when Kakashi had swept his kunai with grace.

Beheading the mad woman, that had disguised herself as one of the children she had brutally murdered back in Midorimachi.

All of their time together was fake.

All of it.

As her head deftly rolled on the ground, creating yet another bloody pool beneath it.

Gazing at the progressive loss of light and madness in her eyes, Naruto reminded himself.

"Some people... Just can't be spared or saved." His tone came out weak, yet determined nonetheless as he gulped.

His state of mind managed to ignore the last words whispered from the detached head of Faceless.

Her lips moved slowly as she uttered, her gaze fixed on Naruto.

"Lord Jashin Are Many."

Sasuke's stare was filled with satisfaction and righteousness, as he nodded to himself, "That's one of the bastards..." He growled, reminding himself that there was just one last issue to deal with.

Kakashi nodded, "Satsujin, come on Naruto. Let's go." He patted Naruto's shoulder, his tone reassuring.

Thus, the three of them ran toward the slumbering figure of Akira.

Naruto and Sasuke thoroughly ignored the distant loathing and contempt-filled glares from the bystanders as they ran.

Except for Kakashi, whose lone eye narrowed at them for a moment.

Sighing reluctantly as a thought crossed him, 'They'll hate what I'm going to have to do...'


-Akira POV-

"Ow," I muttered in a deadpan.

The impact of something small and solid on my forehead forcefully awoke me.

I jumped to my feet in pure instinct, and I was greeted by the figures of my Team and Pakkun.

My eyes caught the rolling of a small stone, on the ground beside me.

...Who threw that?

"Looks like you can move now, did Pakkun feed you a Soldier Pill?" Kakashi's voice drawled nonchalantly.

I slowly nodded, as I flexed my muscles.

Still a bit rough.

"They are still a bit awkward feeling, but my Chakra's returned to a level where I can move around in moderate effectiveness," I noted aloud.

Kakashi nodded, "Your chakra's still at a precarious level, any more jutsu will bring you back to exhaustion."

"How long was I out for?" I directed a gaze at Pakkun, who hopped onto Kakashi's shoulder.

He replied lazily, "Barely nine minutes pup."

I turned to look at Naruto's somber frown and Sasuke's vengeful yet determined gaze.

I hummed, "I take it Faceless has been dispatched?" My head turned to Kakashi.

He nodded, "Yes, we've only got Satsujin to take care of now. Narutos are searching for him and Kyokan as we speak."

I concentrate on my hearing, and besides the surrounding chaos, I can't tell if anything else is going on.

Naruto stated, "We'll go the planned route. We should at least find Kyokan there."

It was the obvious course of action, so we all agreed to it.

With that, we all burst into a sprint heading further into the main street that leads to the Daimyo's estate.

We were all keeping relative speed so we stuck together.

The street seemed to be more and more void of people, and we came across some Naruto clones who yelled, "There's a big crowd of people heading further ahead in the main street!"

I frowned as I expressed my thoughts, "Don't you guys think it's odd we haven't caught a single glimpse of Satsujin this whole time?"

An inkling of what he's been doing during this assault began to form.

Naruto and Sasuke mirrored my expression, as they wondered as well.

Our concerns only grew exponentially at Kakashi's rather cryptic words, "It is odd, but I reckon the big crowd is headed by him. He's been gathering them during our assault."

Sasuke's teeth gritted, "Why? To use them as human shields?"

At Sasuke's words, Naruto's expression darkened, "That bastard..."

Kakashi replied steely, "I doubt that's the reason. Either case, our questions will be answered when we get there. So stay on guard guys."


Speculation will only get me this far, the answer is within our grasp.

We'll see who this Satsujin guy is.

And what he's prepared for us while we were dismantling his forces.


-Third Person POV-

It was near the gates of the Daimyo's estate - The ending of the Main Street that cut through the entire city of Shintaku No Machi.

An area of the city whose damage only amounted to the previous takeover of the Radicals around a month ago and self-incurred damage from the panic of the civilians due to the sudden, unwarranted assault from Leaf Shinobi.

There, a crowd was beginning to form and gather.

Large collections of civilians marching together to converge in this one spot, alongside the loosely lone parties of civilians heading there simply because others were going there as well.

The largest collection of people making their way there was headed by one man surrounded by four guards.

It was without trouble, that they arrived before the large gates leading to the Daimyo's estate.

The crowd converged under the leadership of the man.

They made a large half-circle of men, women, and children.

All, to surround the troubled figures of...

Three Narutos and Kyokan.

The man who had assembled the crowd stepped forward, entering the circle and forcing all eyes to glue onto him.

A man of average height and a slim figure.

A man in his early thirties with dirty brown hair, and hazelnut eyes with the lower half of his face burnt.

His clothing, as was customary for him in this time of day, was of mourning.

His voice rang out, melodic, calm, and melancholic, as he shook his head, addressing the crowd and the invaders, "It is a shame, that I must cease my mourning for this."

The words only fueled the crowd's rage as they pointed fingers and roared at the Naruto Clones and Kyokan:





The words had made Kyokan and Naruto flinch, as their fists clenched.

Directing his hazelnut gaze at the furious figures of three Narutos and Kyokan he questioned simply.

"What is it you desire by causing mayhem and death in our city? Leaf Shinobi?"

Naruto's voice cut through the tension as he stepped forward, accusingly pointing at the man, "Are you Satsujin?!"

With a tilt of his head, the man's demeanor remained composed yet inquisitive, "And if I am? Would my life be enough to satisfy you and put an end to this chaos?"

The crowd's anger boiled over, their voices merging into a cacophony of chants and insults:



Naruto and Kyokan recoiled at the ferocity of the collective outburst, their fists tightening in frustration.

Satsujin raised a calming hand, his voice cutting through the uproar, "It is fine, my brothers and sisters. I shall negotiate with the Leaf Shinobi." He smiled weakly at them.



As the crowd absorbed Naruto's passionate words, three more Leaf Shinobi appeared behind him and Kyokan.

They stepped forward as one, their presence a silent reinforcement of Naruto's resolve.


Despite the intensity of their words, they were met with an awkward and frustrated silence from the crowd.

Akira held a conflicted expression on his face as he whispered to his teammates, "They're rallied against us. It's some kind of collective Genjutsu. We need to break the crowd out of i-"

Kakashi's lone eye narrowed at Satsujin, as he shook his head, "No. It's not a Genjutsu. It's worse."

Satsujin's expression grew confused as he repeated, garnering the rapt attention of all.

"Free this land?"

"Evil clutches?"

"Reinstate the Conservatives?"

His voice echoed in the crowded street.

A tense silence enveloped them all, as Naruto was about to elaborate, Satsujin elaborated.

"There is nothing needing to be freed, from any evil clutches."

"Reinstate the conservatives..."

He directed his gaze at the blonde Naruto, "Tell me, boy, do you Leaf Shinobi truly desire that we stay helpless and weak?"

Kakashi's expression hardened, yet he kept his silence.

Naruto frowned, "What do you mean by tha-"

At Naruto's confusion, the crowd grew enraged.



"ENOUGH!" Satsujin yelled.

He looked at Naruto and those on his side with an expression of pure pity and sympathy.

"Do you know the reason why we are called Radicals and those we have reluctantly overthrown are called Conservatives?"

At that, simple, fundamental question.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Akira's eyes widened.

They didn't know why.

It never mattered to them.


"Oh, but it does." His gentle voice cut through Naruto's own.

He gestured widely, his voice saddened, "Believe me, what we had to do is truly unforgivable. I mourn each and every day for my actions."

His voice, then hardened, "But it was necessary to take them down. I am ashamed of what those we hired had done, they held no mercy and only darkness in their hearts."

Akira chimed in, "You're redirecting blam-"

Satsujin ignored his words and resumed his speech, gesturing at the mesmerized crowd, "The foolish, desperate, wicked, and sly Conservatives named us Radicals."

"I despise that title. Pioneers is a more fitting title."

He gestured at Team 7 and Kyokan, "And to the foolish Leaf Shinobi who are clueless as to our goals and ambitions. To the foolish cruel Leaf Shinobi who had sided blindly with the Conservatives."

"Allow me to present you the simple difference."

He lifted a hand, "The Conservatives - People who lived in blissful ignorance. Content with their weakness and the weakness of the Land. They were completely against the formation of a proper Shinobi Village and the teaching and procurement of Jutsu. Leaving it all to the hired forces of the Daimyo, outsiders, and the Prajna."

Akira and Sasuke's eyes widened.

"The Jutsu scrolls we were supposed to deliver to the Conservatives... The hypocrisy. Or... was it desperation?" Akira mumbled in shock.

Satsujin continued, lifting the other hand, "The Pioneers - People aware of the cruelty of this world and the unforgiveness of it. The Land Of Woods is a weak land, that requires reformation. The formation of a proper Shinobi Village and teaching of Jutsu."

Sending a knowing look at Kakashi he added, "A competent military force that would not be dispatched and brought to its knees on the whim of a single A - Rank Shinobi."

He shook his head, "But alas, it seems that, like a self-fulfilling prophecy, what I had just cited has unfortunately occurred."

Pointing a finger at Team 7 and Kyokan he announced, "Congratulations, Shinobi Of The Hidden Leaf, you have achieved your goals. You brought this country to its knees. And now, it is doomed to fall."

Fury engrossed the crowd, as they yelled in outrage and shamed Team 7:




Naruto shouted at the crowd, his voice bulldozed through the spiteful booing, "ALL OF YOU! SHUT THE HELL UP! WHATEVER GARBAGE HE'S SPOUTING IS IGNORING THE FACT THAT HE'D DONE UNFORGIVABLE THINGS!"

Satsujin shook his head, "I shall repeat my words. I am not ignoring the unforgivable deeds. They were necessary, and some of them were cruel beyond belief. I had no choice but to hire those sick men who had unleashed their depravity onto the ignorant and spiteful Conservatives."

His voice was laced with sorrow, "Why did I have no choice but to hire them?"

He met eyes with each member of Team 7, "Because, I have received intel that the Leaf Village has been assisting the Conservatives behind the scenes."

Spreading his arms wide, he directed the crowd, "Years of no progress, pointless bloodshed, lands laid waste... All because of the Leaf's support of our long-gone enemies. I had no choice but to procure assistance from Iwagakure, to promise great wealth and lordship over sections of our land to less than savory individuals and otherwise."

"All of this responsibility falls upon the meddlesome and cruel interested party of the Leaf. This could of all been avoided were you to not involve yourselves." Satsujin shook his head as he gestured his hand at Team 7.

Satsujin's steps echoed silently as he approached Team 7 and Kyokan.

Bubbling rage and utter confusion took hold of Sasuke, Naruto, and Kyokan.

Kakashi and Akira were silent.

Eventually, Satsujin reached within arm's length of Naruto and Sasuke as he bent his upper body, his hand pointing at his heart.

"Now then, end it," Satsujin stated, as the crowd fell into a tense silence.

Naruto whispered in a growl, "What are you..."

"Here. Pierce my heart with your kunai and twist it." Satsujin elaborated.

His expression darkened as a thin, barely noticeable smirk took hold of his expression.

"Just like you did to this land and its people."

A tense, fearful, and anxious silence enveloped the crowd once again.

Now one drew a breath, as a steady wind blew over them all.

Then, a powerful slam echoed in the street.

Sasuke's fist met with Satsujin's face with a resounding impact, causing him to stagger backward into the crowd.

His Sharingan blazed ominously, sending shivers down the spines of all who witnessed the confrontation.

"YOU BLIND FOOLS!" Sasuke's voice thundered, his rage palpable.

"Have you forgotten the atrocities he committed?"

Sasuke pointed at the crowd, who protested and ran to assist Satsujin:




Sasuke's fist clenched, as he glared in pure hatred at the rising figure of Satsujin, whose face was bruised.

"I won't repeat myself anymore, but I'll present you the situation. Leaf Shinobi-" Satsujin stated coldly and professionally, ignoring the pain on his face.

A man who seemed extremely loyal to Satsujin bowed his head at the man, who reciprocated the gesture as he whispered some information in his ear.

Nodding, Satsujin continued.

"The Iwagakure Shinobi are dead." He lifted a finger.

"The Tsuchikage will be interested in investigating this issue and will pause our agreements and support until further notice. Perhaps indefinitely." He lifted a second finger.

"The Iwagakure Shinobi have eliminated the less-than-savory Rogue Shinobi that mostly belonged to them that we hired and have paid back the cruelty they'd unleashed upon this land with their deaths." He lifted a third finger.

'So they were responsible...' Akira noted mentally.

"Our remaining forces, consisting of barely any Shinobi have been moderately to heavily wounded by your aggression." He lifted a fourth finger.

He directed a gaze at the silent figure of Kakashi, "Surely, you knew this would be the outcome?"

He hummed, "What was the reason? I am curious."

"Minimizing embarrassment to your Kage?"

"Taking down a potential Iwagakure outpost or vassal?"

"Maybe simply eliminating as many foreign Shinobi as you can, simply for the sake of it?"

"Something as irrational as vengeance perhaps?" He threw a knowing look at Naruto and Sasuke.

At Kakashi's contemplative silence, Satsujin shook his head in frustration, "You Five Great Nations. You can't help but use other Lands as your playing ground to clash with each other."

"Once again, congratulations. This playground has been thoroughly decimated and will cease to exist soon."

He smiled, "But, I am to be the bearer of good news for you! Even if Iwagakure decides to ally with us, we'll be nothing more than a small, starved, husk of an outpost with no purpose."

He contemplated, "If I may hazard a guess... A bold move from Onoki would be warranted. An idiotic one, likely."

"So... Will you end it now?" Satsujin's voice grew cold as he threw the ball to Team 7 and Kyokan.

The crowd was enveloped in a palpable mixture of shock, despair, and resentment.

Their eyes brimmed with a complex array of emotions - Hatred, disgust, embarrassment, and sorrow intermingled in their collective gaze.

Naruto's gaze grew determined, as he stepped forward, his fists facing forward, "I'LL SAVE-"

Kakashi's swift movement caught Naruto off guard as he delivered a precise strike to his nape, rendering him unconscious.

He effortlessly hoisted Naruto onto his back.

Sasuke's and Akira's incredulous expressions mirrored each other.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" Akira's tone dripped with disbelief.

Kakashi's voice held a steely resolve. "We're leaving. There's no point in arguing or words. Even if we're in the right. All their fogged eyes see..."

He gestured at the crowd.

Once again, the eyes of the crowd were sickening.

Sasuke's body shook from the sheer hatred and disgust their eyes held.

His fists clenched to the point that blood was drawn.

'It's as if... I'm irredeemable scum.' He grits his teeth.

Akira nodded, his eyes narrowed, "Is that we're the Devil's spawn... I should have pieced it together from the start."

The three of them exchanged a brief glance, filled with frustration and resignation.

"Let's go," Pakkun stated with narrowed eyes.

As Sasuke hesitated, Kakashi repeated, "Leader's orders. We are leaving, Sasuke."

He then directed a gaze at Kyokan, "I take it you won't be coming with us to Konoha?"

Seeing Kyokan's gripped blade, Kakashi added, "If you're going to try something, this time, we won't be assisting you."

A metallic tang echoed in the crowded street, as Kyokan's sword fell to the ground, alongside it, the man himself fell down to his knees as tears glided down his expression.


Kakashi hummed, as he replied indifferently, "When he exaggerated and manipulated the truth."

Sasuke and Akira's eyes widened at that statement.

Kyokan's gaze lifted suddenly to meet Kakashi's, "What are you trying to say...?" His glare was filled with fury.

Answering tiredly, Kakashi stated, "Mah, I'm not saying that Satsujin's not despicable." He gestured at the seemingly brainwashed crowd.

He continued, "What I'm trying to say is, that even without Satsujin's elaborate brainwashing of all the residents here, I doubt the Conservatives could ever be brought back."

"It was a desperate exaggeration by your father when he tried to convince us to help him." He stated with finality.

Sighing, Kakashi thought, 'Whichever the case, the situation is confirmed, we've got nothing left to do here. We've done what we could.'

Kyokan's face darkened and truly succumbed to despair as he whispered, "...I shall stay here. I will keep an eye on things."

Akira chimed in, "They can easily execute you."

Kakashi placed his hand on Akira's shoulder, "They won't. Isn't that right, Satsujin?" His voice rang out.

Nodding, Satsujin smiled, "There would be no point... Unlike you, I am not unnecessarily and illogically cruel. Whichever the case, we all shall perish on this land soon. For now, any able hands would serve to delay the inevitable."

Nodding, Kakashi gestured to his Team.

With Naruto unconscious and draped over Kakashi's shoulder, the team turned away from the crowd and began their departure, leaving Kyokan behind.

Sasuke's Sharingan still blazed, his gaze lingering on Satsujin with a mixture of loathing and contempt.

As they disappeared from view, the crowd's murmurs grew louder, the atmosphere thick with unresolved tension and uncertainty.

Satsujin stood amidst the crowd, his expression unreadable as he watched the departing shinobi, his gaze lingering on the unconscious form of Naruto as he roared orders and commands.

As the crowd slowly dispersed, the echoes of their anger and confusion faded into the city's bustling streets, leaving behind an air of lingering turmoil and unanswered questions.

Intending to escape the illusioned city, they went to the roofs and ran.

A somber quiet atmosphere enveloped them as they dashed.

Only disrupted by the booing and cursing of passersby who noticed their rushed and noisy rooftop run:





Debris and projectiles rained down upon them, forcing Team 7 to swiftly dodge and weave through the onslaught as they ran.

Most projectiles failed to reach them, as they were on the rooftops.

Akira held an unreadable expression as each of their steps resonated on the cobbled roofing.

Eventually, a tomato was thrown with pinpoint accuracy, hitting the sleeping figure of Naruto.

A gleeful adult passerby yelled, "STRRIKE! HOW'S THAT SHINOBI!? NOT SO IMPRESSIVE NOW ARE YOU?!" He spat the ground.

That was when Sasuke's body trembled as a cold wind blew before them.

A lingering question brought by the spur of the moment weighed heavily on Sasuke's mind, prompting him to come to a sudden halt.

His abrupt action caused Akira and Kakashi to pause in their melancholic yet rushed run, their attention drawn to Sasuke's contemplative stance.

"Sasuke? What's wrong?"

Sasuke could not point the question to his enigmatic Sensei who had been keeping quiet.

This was one of the possible outcomes.

A pyrrhic victory.

Nevertheless, it turned out worse than any of them could have imagined.

They've missed many things and disregarded others.

Which resulted in this pathetic result.

Was all of this pointless?

The question echoed in their mind.

From a pragmatic and interest standpoint...

Akira and Kakashi would firmly answer - "No, but it could've gotten much better."

Was the possible demise of an entire country on their hands?


The entirety of Team 7 barring the unconscious Naruto now realizes the answer would be - "Yes."

How each of them digests that questionable conclusion is inconclusive.

'After all, Satsujin presented an exaggeration. The Land Of Woods won't cease to exist, likely only to lose a lot of territory. The ball is in Iwa's hands though. Will they help Satsujin?' Kakashi judged mentally.


Sasuke seems to have reached a boiling point regarding that.

"Akira." His voice trembled with emotion.

Akira's eyes met Sasuke's Sharingan, his tone quiet, "Yes, Sasuke?"

Sasuke's gaze hadn't left the gleeful and hate-filled bystanders as he proposed something outlandish.

"Should we just kill them all?" Sasuke's tone trembling with rage.

Kakashi's lone eye narrowed in worry at Sasuke, his eye was set between Akira and Sasuke himself.


Akira's eyes widened at the unexpected question, his tone bewildered, "Sasuke... Are you hearing yourself?"

Sasuke blinked, as he appeared to be shocked at his own utterance.

Calming down, he shook his head as he replied, his eyes wide and confused, "Sorry."

Akira slowly shook his head, with a sigh, "It's fine... Besides, there'd be no point."

He elaborated, "There's no point in killing them. They're weak and innocent in their ignorance and brainwashed state. I feel less anger than pity towards these guys."

"How can they be swayed by the words of a man who's committed atrocities against his own people? What depths of naivety and weakness must they possess?"

Akira's expression hardened, "Though, we, the Leaf hold some responsibility for this as well. I don't know how much Satsujin exaggerated his words, as he looks to be quite the manipulative scoundrel."

Patting Sasuke's shoulder, Akira flashed a sad smile, "We just have to grit our teeth and get out of here. We've done all we could."

Ignoring the infuriating mutters, shouts, curses, and otherwise.

Kakashi sighed internally in relief, though his worry regarding Sasuke skyrocketed with that emotional utterance.

Akira's voice broke through Kakashi's reverie, his words laden with frustration and resignation.

"More importantly," he began, his tone heavy with the weight of their collective guilt, "We may have minimized damage to Konoha, but the responsibility ultimately rests with Lord Third and Kakashi-sensei, despite our insistence on remaining."

Kakashi's gaze fell onto Akira.

"That was the intention, wasn't it? To minimize damage to Lord Third and Konoha, right?" Akira bluntly questioned.

Sighing, Kakashi replied, "Mah, more or less."

Akira sighed in agony, as he pinched his brows in frustration, "I lost Nue for this... Would you quit being enigmatic? If you'd been straight up with us, maybe that and all this could've been avoided."

Shaking his head, Kakashi replied evenly, "Being straight up would've been detrimental, I was only taking into account all the worst case scenarios, Akira. I was uncertain as to the outcome and certain information myself."

Patting Akira's and Sasuke's heads, he elaborated, "That is why I hadn't mentioned anything, senseless worries, and anxiety are for the Leader to worry about, alright?"

Huffing, Akira sighed in pure agony, "...Let's just go home, I'll deal with you when Naruto wakes up."

It was on that note, that Team 7 ran through the walls of Shintaku No Machi and began their march home.

Embarrassed, conflicted, angered, frustrated, and the whole cacophony of emotions storming in their minds.

An anticlimactic ending to the invasion and their C - Rank Mission turned Unofficial S - Rank.

Ambiguity and uncertainty enveloped Team 7's actions.

But ultimately only one thing was for certain:

Team 7's actions had only delayed the inevitable.

Team 7's actions had served to eventually hurt and perhaps doom the Land Of Woods.

That was indisputable.

In the end, it appeared to be...

A War They Never Belonged In.


It was a dozen days following the Leaf's sudden invasion and departure from Shintaku No Machi.

As darkness settled over the landscape, Satsujin lay in bed, his eyes snapping open at a sudden sound.

His window had opened and on it sat a man with an animal mask.

Satsujin had a thin smile on his face, as the man sitting at the window questioned with a cold, mechanical, lifeless tone, "Had you achieved your goal?"

Chuckling with mirth, Satsujin, "Is that what your Master had in mind as a first question?"

Shaking his head, Satsujin replied, with a radiating smile so unlike him, "Yes. It is thanks to the Konoha Shinobi that the Prajna have met their end."

Tilting his head, Satsujin questioned, "Now then, has your Master decided I am of no use to him anymore?"

The masked man nodded, "You have served your purpose. You will not be continuing any attempts at diplomacy with Iwagakure."

Satsujin nodded, not a hint of regret or resistance in his tone, "Very well... Tell him that I am grateful. Thanks to him, I have managed to liberate my people."

The masked man was silent as he nodded mechanically, a blade flashed and it decapitated Satsujin, his head rolling on the ground.

His life flashed before his eyes.

The images of the Jutsu Scrolls he had managed to hide and procure, were the symbol of the country's future.

However, beneath it, the true purpose flashed as tears fell from his eyes for the first time since he can remember:

The heads of the deceased Prajna that were slain by Kakashi and Satsujin's own forces.

And finally, the image of his life's purpose.

He whispered with bliss, "Mother... I've avenged you."

The mechanical voice rang out in the quiet room, as it began to gain a crimson tone, "Lord Danzo stated you held much promise. This was an unfortunate outcome. But, this is the ideal move to maximize damage to Hiruzen Sarutobi's name."

With that, Satsujin's eyes slowly lost their light and he perished.


It was a couple of troubling months later that...

The Land Of Earth Declared War On The Land Of Woods.

And A Five Kage Summit Had Been Scheduled.


The Hokage's Office.

Hiruzen was currently reading through some paperwork, as usual.

His door was slammed open.

The ANBU hidden in the room hadn't reacted, as this was a usual occurrence.

The one who entered was one of the Hokage's secretaries.

Though, oddly, her expression was nervous to a disturbing degree and her face was full of sweat.

Hiruzen's gaze lifted from the paper and floated towards the individual beside her, as his eyes widened.

"Kaneko-sama?" Hiruzen exclaimed aloud.

In front of Hiruzen was a familiar and aged figure.

A man with small, circular eyes and dark pupils.

Wearing a signature headpiece.

This man was the Fire Daimyo.

Gesturing with his fan, Kaneko replied, "Hiruzen, how are you?"

Blinking, Hiruzen replied, "I've seen better days, however, what warranted this unannounced visit?"

Kaneko's voice was gentle, "Pardon my intrusion, but this was of vital importance, that I had to come here myself."

Kaneko's words sent shivers down Hiruzen's spine, and he wasn't feeling very good.

Slowly approaching, he placed a letter on the table.

Silently taking it into his hands, Hiruzen's eyes widened once more, as he mutters, "Land Of Demons?! With the Seal Of The Priestess?!" His eyes boggled at the signature seal, meaning the priestess herself had a hand in writing this letter.

Kaneko hummed, "Color me surprised when suddenly, one of my guards ran up to me with a letter from the Land Of Demons Daimyo, with Priestess Shion's own involvement."

His eyes darkened, "I have read the letter myself, but I expect a proper response, Hiruzen. Otherwise, I'm afraid some missions will fail to find their way to Konoha." He threatened thinly.

Hiruzen's polite smile twitched at the threat, as he nodded, "I'll do my utmost, Kaneko-sama."

Kaneko grunted, "Hmph! See that you do." He began making his exit, followed by the nervous bowing of Hiruzen's secretary who guided the man out of the office.

A silent moment passed and Hiruzen barked, "Kuma!"

A bowed masked figure appeared before Hiruzen, "Tell me, why am I discovering that the most powerful man in The Land Of Fire has made his way here from the Capital... Now?!"

Sweat glistened on Kuma's skin as he hesitantly responded, his tone embarrassed, "Y-You were too preoccupied with the scrying orb, Lord Third!"

Hiruzen's expression hardened, as he nodded, changing the subject, "Good point. Be at the ready, I might need you to call someone."


Gently opening the letter, Hiruzen is greeted with its writing.

Reading it through, with a cold and unreadable expression, he folds the letter back into its container.

A tense moment passes and he sighs.

"Kuma. Fetch Iruka, immediately." Hiruzen ordered without a hint of warmth.

Kuma nodded, "What do I tell him?"

Hiruzen replied, "Tell him I need his input on a creative punishment for Naruto."

'As for Kakashi, that'll be a different matter.' Hiruzen noted.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

I feel like this might just be the first chapter I'll have to rewrite, but I hope it's been good if you've read this far.

This, hopefully, ties up all loose ends and answers the questions presented in this arc (The ones I want to be answered, lol).

We've got a pyrrhic victory on our hands, and perhaps a feeling of helplessness and that this was all pointless.


Though, hopefully, the ending was to your satisfaction.

I'm a bit done with this Arc myself.


It served the characters well for the future, so I'm satisfied on that front (The most important one).

As well as a little stirring of the pot in terms of the world itself.

Some future stuff has been stated and hinted at.

Now, next chapter's more chill as they are returning to Konoha.

After that, we start the Chunin Exams Arc.

So look forward to that.

Cause so am I.

Akira's decision regarding what to do with the Chunin Exams has also been made.

During the 1 month trip to Land Of Woods, if you want pinpoint accuracy.

As for who inherits Nue's power is to be seen soon :P

And Omakes are making a major comeback!

I've cooked up a couple nice ones so yeah.

Although this sounds ambitious af and kinda outrageous coming from me.

But I'm hoping to get to the Shippuden timeline by the start of the next year.

Also, the funny thing I've noticed is that it's been just about over a year since I started writing.

Wanted to do something special for the occasion a while back, but just forgot about it lol.

Maybe I will do something later idk.

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

Mcdonald's Nuggets are the superior item. You don't eat the Burger, you eat the Nuggets. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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