
บท 21: Team 7

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

Truth be told, as my new teammates and I waited in the room for our punctual Sensei, time seemed to stretch well beyond an hour. The clock on the wall ticking away each minute, making the wait feel even longer.

Sasuke was trying his best to practice patience as he sat with closed eyes and, an ever-present gloomy expression.

Naruto, barely containing his impatience, tapped the wooden table, on the verge of unleashing a thousand shadow clones to search for our elusive sensei.

Only to realize he has no idea what he looks like.

The tapping sounds were rather irritating, I'll admit.

But I still didn't get it.

What didn't I still get?

Why did I, who was logically supposed to get a private Jonin tutor, end up in a team instead?

The one who got the anticipated Jonin tutor was Haruno Sakura - Being taught under Mitarashi Anko.

Though, I'm pretty sure this is the better alternative than being taught under that publicly known Sadist lady.

...She is pretty hot thou - Woah, been a while since I've had these kinds of thoughts.

Interesting, my pure thoughts have begun to be corrupted by the wonders of puberty once again!


Look, I'm not complaining, and I am glad Sakura's academic talents which are often overshadowed by her fangirlish behavior were noticed, Top Kunoichi surpassing Hinata and Ino and all that, but I fail to see the logic in this arrangement.

My team's arrangement specifically.

It's far from being a balanced team, and that's a concern.

And this probably broke any and all known traditions of - the Top Rookie, Dead Last, and Top Kunoichi shtick.

I do have my suspicions though.

To not further isolate me, I have been placed with a team - To learn teamwork and value friendships and whatnot.

Which is still mighty strange - I believe I am way passed that point, i do have friends and people I care about in the Village, after all.

Another possibility - This Team has a clear purpose.

Pragmatically speaking, placing the Strongest Genin in Konoha with The Last Uchiha who is basically the 2nd strongest along with the Warden of the Nine Tails.

Under the mentorship of Hatake Kakashi, the Jonin closest in Konoha to achieving S-Rank status.

Barring of course the Hokage and Sannin who are already S-Rank.

To put it mildly, this team's a powerhouse.

Whichever the case it may be, this was most certainly something cooked up by the Village Rule in tandem with my dearest Clan Elders.

Makoto, that slimy bastard, assured me that I'd likely get a private Jonin Sensei, and I did believe him given the evidence, otherwise, I wouldn't believe him since he's clearly an asshat.

Well, it seems I was wrong.

Thankfully, I get to question both him and Eiichi later today, I smartly scheduled a meeting with them in advance.

A rare thing indeed, both of them being available at the same time for me.

Gonna have to think through the information I have on hand though, this sorta came out of left field.

As we waited for Kakashi, my thoughts drifted to the recent challenges Konoha faced – the devastating loss of the entire Uchiha Clan and the aftermath of the Nine-Tails incident.

These events had stretched the Village's Jonin thin, leaving little time for relaxation, let alone the training of young Shinobi.

The Village, it seemed, was still grappling with the aftermath of these crises.

...Letting Kakashi teach of all people.

Though, I couldn't help but notice a positive change in this year's graduation. A record number of Jonin senseis were available – an impressive total of 9 Jonin and 1 Tokubetsu Jonin, including Anko.

This was a notable increase from the usual 5 or 6 in recent years.

Political gossip, as always, provides me with random trivia like this.

The Yamanaka, despite being experts in interrogation, are surprisingly prone to gossip.

Shinobi and their quirks, I swear...

Nevertheless, the actual truth behind the abundance of Jonin available to teach us this time is speculative at this point since I don't have all the details.

I suspect they've been preparing for this situation for years, especially considering the coincidental presence of many clan head children in the same graduating year.

Naruto broke me out of my thoughts as he slammed his hands on the table, almost shattering it, and exclaimed, "ARGH! WHERE IS HE?! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR TOO LONG, DATTEBAYO! EVERYONE ELSE HAS LEFT! EVEN IRUKA-SENSEI!" He proceeded to grab at his blonde hair, a clear sign of his impatience.

"Shut up Dobe," Sasuke mumbled, eyes still closed.

"WANNA TAKE IT OUTSIDE TEME?!" Naruto turned towards Sasuke with a snarling expression.

I deadpanned, noting that it was impressive – the first time Naruto had threatened to clobber Sasuke in the last hour.

Must be a new record.

"Our Sensei is known for being late." I chimed in

Sasuke then directed a curious glance at me, "You've met him?" An unasked question also lingered in his gaze.

Shaking my head, I respond, "No, although he's the Hatake Clan head, I truly had no business meeting him just yet. To answer your question, he's the most capable Jonin in the entirety of the Village - He has quite the entries in some Bingo Books."

At that, both Sasuke and Naruto gained a gleam of interest, only for Naruto to scoff, "Most capable my butt! Look how late he is! Might as well go find him ourselv-" He cut himself off.

A metaphoric lightbulb appeared above the blonde menace as he directed his gaze at me, "Akira! How about you summon your Shakra Detecting Do-"

"Chakra." I corrected.

"And, no."


I playfully shook my finger, wearing a mischievous expression. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Naruto, don't you sense an opportunity as we wait for our impolite and tardy Sensei?"

Naruto, at my words, wore a confused expression, "Opportu - What? What are you talking about... Ohhhhh~" Suddenly, his inner prankster awakened, and he sported a Cheshire grin.

'Work is done, I won.' I nodded to myself sagely.

Naruto quickly hopped on his feet, as his mind worked at lightning speed to figure out the ideal prank.

"Here, let me help you," I gestured to Naruto, who looked at me perplexed.

I usually watch his pranks, not assist him in them.

The difference between a Loyal Fan and a Partner/Accomplice.

So this was odd in Naruto's eyes.

I shoved a hand into the shadows and brought out a bucket of green paint, placing it on the table.

I could clearly hear how Naruto's jaw slammed on the ground as he in a gobsmacked tone pointed at the bucket, "W-WHA? YOU JUST SHOVED YOUR HANDS INTO THE SHADOW AND... WHAT DATTEBAYO!?"

The loud tone, spooked Sasuke as he turned to look at me, seeing the bucket that appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

I raised my arms in a calming gesture as I smiled, "Well, since you guys are my teammates, and we're finally Genin, it's time this little secret of my Kekkei Genkai sees the light. Familiarize yourselves with this ability of mine so we can coordinate better in the near future if necessary. I'd appreciate it if you kept this to yourselves for a while, though."

Handing out a nibble of your hand, but not the entirety of it is pretty much the basics.

Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino have done a wonderful job at keeping the Shadow Storage a secret in our open outings, not that I had many situations where I could show it off without any actual purpose.

Nevertheless, I see no downside to this. Whether I like it or not, this aspect of my Kekkei Genkai, the shadow storage will be revealed by my estimate in around 2-3 months if I don't hold myself back unnecessarily now that I'm officially beginning missions.

I have enough cards in my deck to allow myself to reveal this, after all.

...Although I should organize my Shadow Storage - The miscellaneous section has been a grand mess for over 3 months now.

"THAT'S SO COOL DATTEBAYO! I WISH I COULD DO THAT!" Naruto roared aloud in praise as he did the physical equivalent of a Shunshin and appeared in front of me with a dash grabbing the paint bucket.

His Cheshire grin threatened to split his face as he went towards the door to begin setting up his prank.

Sasuke looked at me mildly surprised, "You haven't been using that in our spars." He mentioned with a raised eyebrow.

I raised an eyebrow back, "You expect me to use my Kekkei Genkai in our spars? That'd be overkill. Besides, now that we're teammates I have nothing to hide from you, or else we'll unnecessarily risk our lives."

That's right, for the last year and a half or so, once a month - Sasuke approaches me for a spar.

Could you believe the disbelief on my face when he formally requested that?

As long as I wasn't busy with my own stuff or stiff politics I'd accept the spar.

What difference does it make from the usual Academy spars?

Well, we have free reign to teach each other stuff, and do it for a prolonged period and not, like 5 minutes as we do in the Academy.

Though it's only him being taught anything honestly.

Sasuke can walk on walls and water!

All me!

Also, I'm way beyond the point of being taught something by him.

Furthermore, being the victim of his emotional rage as he awakened the first Tomoe of his Sharingan in a spar wasn't on my ever-growing to-do list but it works I guess.

Huffing at my blatant statement that I'd beat him, Sasuke accepted my words at face value, directing his gaze in irritation at the gleeful Naruto.

The plus side is that this guy has grown some humble bone on his Uchiha Pride.

His growth rate though, is scary.

Majorly scary.

For someone who hadn't had the resources and experiences I had, as well as specialized training for so long and could only train on his own and on occasion spar with me.

He'd probably be able to take on Iruka comfortably on his own.

Just the addition of my monthly spars and perhaps existence has managed to make him that much stronger than his Show counterpart.


Not even mentioning the Sharingan - That thing is ridiculous.

"Hehehe..." Naruto chuckled maliciously as he had set up his immaculate trap.

Paint bucket hanging above a door.

"Do you really think a Jonin, let alone someone close to S Rank would fall for something like that, Dobe?" Sasuke deadpanned.

Shaking his finger with a proud expression Naruto responded, "My pranks even worked on those Animal Mask guys! SHAMBU! And Old Man Hokage!"

"ANBU. How do you even get that wrong?" I corrected and was pretty perplexed.

"Yeah! Those guys!" Naruto agreed as he quickly moved back to his desk, his patience reinvigorated by the chance to prank our rude Sensei.

Not to sound sadistic or anything, but it was extremely entertaining to see how Naruto once again lost his patience in a progressive manner every additional 5 minutes we had to wait.

It was only 40 more minutes, to the point even the normally stoic Sasuke was at gritting teeth level that I heard footsteps approaching the door.

Shortly after, Sasuke and Naruto managed to hear them as well, Naruto's downcast expression which was glued to the table exploded into motion, as he gazed at the door in anticipation.

Sasuke gazed at the door in curiosity, thoughts along the line that surely, Hatake Kakashi wouldn't fall for such measly pranks.


With a creak, the door opened, revealing a Jonin Flak vest-wearing masked silver-haired man, wearing a headband that blocked his left eye.

He didn't keep that silver hair the same color for long as it turned green alongside the rest of his upper body as the green paint washed over him.

The unceremonious sound of the empty bucket falling dramatically on the floor once its mission was complete rang out in the otherwise silent room.

The silence was quickly broken by the loud guffaw of Naruto, "BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! H-HE FELL FOR IT! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!"

The sheer disappointment at their Sensei could not be hidden from Sasuke's cringing expression.

'Is this really a Jonin on the cusp of S Rank? He doesn't seem very reliable...' Sasuke thought in slight concern, as he cringed, despite Akira's words.

"Pfft - HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!" Sasuke's expression of pure disappointment which contrasted heavily with his usual straight-faced gloomy and stoic expression, along with the success of the prank was the last straw as I also burst out into a guffaw alongside Naruto.

As we laughed, our sensei, stood still - His expression and stance unchanged as he waited for us to quiet down.

'Mah, why did I sign up for this?' Kakashi momentarily glared at the ceiling as he sighed, internally suffering, and yet outwardly completely unfazed.

Once Naruto and I ran out of breath from the laughing, our green-colored sensei stated casually, completely unbothered by the green paint on him. "Hmm.. How can I say this? My first impression is... I don't like you guys!" He eye smiled as he expressed his dislike.

Meh, worth it.

-Scene Change-

Leading us to a rooftop for the sake of formalities he is obligated to follow, our green sensei gestured for us to take a seat on the stairs, he stood in front of us as he coughed, "Okay... Let's begin with some introductions."

"What do you want to know?" Naruto scratched his head as he stared skeptically at the green Kakashi who had yet to acknowledge the fact he looked ridiculous painted green like that.

Kakashi then grabbed his chin in contemplation, never having expected to get this far or something as he came up with stuff on the spot, "How about your likes, dislikes, dreams for the future... Hobbies stuff like that"

Naruto scoffed, "How about you introduce yourself first! Bakakashi!" He pointed at Kakashi in demand.

Woah, a degrading nickname this fast - As expected of Naruto!

Unpertrubed, Kakashi responded, "Oh... Me? My name is Hatake Kakashi. Don't feel like telling you about my likes and dislikes. Dreams for the future? Hmm... Well, I have lots of hobbies. Hehe." He chuckled perversely in the end at the mention of his hobbies.

Ah, the smut book.

All of us deadpanned at his response, even myself having expected it.

"Now it's your turn, from the right." He pointed at Naruto who sat to my left, his spiky blond hair and orange jumpsuit making him stand out whether I liked it or not.

The mix between Chihuahua and Golden Retriever excitedly introduced himself, "Me! I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I like Cup Ramen! What I like even more are Ichiraku Ramen and my friends! What I dislike is waiting 3 minutes for the Cup Ramen to cook."

He then stood up to announce his dream as he pointed at himself confidently, "My dream... is to become Hokage and surpass all the last Hokage! And then have all the people of this village acknowledge me!"

Sitting back down, Naruto then finished his introduction, "Hobbies? Pranks and skipping class I guess."

After observing that information with an expression even I couldn't read, Kakashi then scratched his head as he gestured at me who sat between Naruto and Sasuke, "Next, you." 

A gleam of recognition flashed momentarily in Kakashi's eyes, a gleam I managed to catch before he returned to his nonchalant listless expression.

I do wonder what's going on in that guy's head, real professional guy - Can't get a read on him.

"My name's Nara Akira. I like my family and friends, so as to not go into detail. I like fishing, good food, chilling, and avoiding stiffy marriage proposals and fangirls. I dislike fangirls, marriage proposals, Makoto-sama, and bloody politics although thankfully I don't handle much of that anyway... that's it? Can't think of anything glaring right now. As for Dreams... To Survive. To become strong and live a good fulfilling life I won't regret with my friends, family, and close ones, nothing more than that. Hobbies? Training to put it mildly and fishing I guess." Like going through a list, I introduced myself thoroughly.

Humming, an unreadable look on Kakashi's nonchalant exterior he then gestured at Sasuke, "I see, alright! Now you!"

Edgy Ducky Time!

...Is what I would say, but this is dead serious, this guy is on that revenge train 100%.

Sasuke's face darkened as he began his introduction, "My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I dislike many things, and I don't have particular likes. However, I don't want to use the word "Dream", it's more of an ambition. I aim to revive my clan and..." His expression turned downright hateful to a frightening degree, a hint of killing intent radiating as he continued, "To kill a certain man."

Naruto seemed to misunderstand as his face darkened in concern, 'He better not mean me!'

Having expected this, my face showed no surprise at his statements.

Kakashi's expression simply hardened momentarily as he stared knowingly at Sasuke.

He then huffed, sitting on the railing of the roof, and said, "Well, that's enough of that. We will start our duties tomorrow."

Naruto cheered as he saluted, "Yay! ...What kind of duties?!"

"Missions. Dobe" Sasuke commented degradingly.

Before Naruto could bark out a response to Sasuke, Kakashi cut it off, "Mah, not that. Not yet at least. First, we are going to do some survival training just the four of us."

At that, my teammates gained a confounded expression, "Heh? Survival training?" Naruto mumbled out.

Kakashi continued, "I'm your opponent, but this isn't normal training."

Sasuke and I kept silent as we listened to Kakashi, Naruto being the one to play along, "So?! What is it?"

Lowering his head, Kakashi let out a chuckle.

"Oi! What's so funny! Bakakashi!" Naruto yelled out in bravado at the wicked aura Kakashi let out.

Calming down, Kakashi lifted his head as he gave an eye smile, "No... Well... it's just that when I tell you this. You guys are definitely going to flip."

Sasuke's expression hardened and Naruto's dumb clueless expression made its return.

For the purpose of, from what I assume is to scare us and create a more dramatic effect, Kakashi exerted his Chakra slightly and leaned in as he told us, "Of the 27 graduates, only 9 will be chosen as Genin under the guidance of a Jonin, statistically this training is a super difficult exam with a 66% failure rate. The rest will be sent to the Academy or Genin Corps depending on your choice."

Sakura was excluded?

Hmm, I guess the traditional test wouldn't fit a single Genin under private tutoring.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" Naruto yelled out

Sasuke simply sweatdropped as he carefully considered this fateful exam.

Upon seeing my unsurprised expression Kakashi thought, nonchalantly, 'Not surprising considering who he is.'

The Jonin Sensei Exam is a notorious yet poorly kept secret in Konoha.

The Genin Corps, for the most part, is comprised of individuals who failed this challenging examination - Although not a strict secret, the bitter members of the Corps curse at their "former" Jonin sensei who failed them.

Thus, the information is easy to come by.

Thanks to the scarcity of capable Jonin available to train the next generation, a meticulous screening process is essential to determine who is worth investing time and effort into.

The decision is made through the classic Jonin Sensei Exam.

This brings us back to a crucial point, at least in my Graduating Year's case.

Jonin Senseis, unless recklessly brash, cannot afford to fail the Clan Head's children, even if their performance is devastatingly poor.

Such a failure would be a political headache for both the Jonin and the Hokage.

Thus, they must all pass, requiring available Jonin Sensei to teach their politically sensitive Genin.

While other talented students in the same year also deserve a chance to secure a Jonin Sensei, unfortunately, they don't enjoy the luxury of guaranteed passing.

Like my very own team, for instance.

...Or apparently Sakura for that matter.

Still curious if she gets her own test thingy.

Knowing Anko's reputation, odds are that she'd make her own exam for purely sadistic purposes.

...Yup I don't envy Sakura at all.

Kakashi chuckled, "Haha! I told you you'd flip!"

Naruto yelled out, "What's the point of graduating then?! We worked so hard to get to this point!"

Kakashi hummed, "Oh... That? That's just to select those that are thrown to the Corps."

"WHAAAT?!" Naruto yelled, screaming into my ear this time a bit too loud for comfort.


"AH?! YOU WANNA GET CLOBBERED AS WELL AKIRA-TEME?" Naruto pulled his sleeves back as he glared at me.


Sasuke simply glared at the sky, as if cursing whatever Deity brought him to this situation.

Coughing to stop our rambling, and gaining a sharp glint in his eye, Kakashi continued "This test judges whether you have the potential to become Chunin or perhaps more..." Getting up he cheered, "So~! if you pass it, you'll have a Jonin to teach you how to become a staple Shinobi! And if you don't! Well..." Kakashi gave a thumbs up and eye smile

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "Being late is called being a staple Shinobi?"

Kakashi waved him off, "Mah, a black cat crossed the road and I had to take an alternative much longer path here." The three of us Genin deadpanned at Kakashi, yet he continued undisturbed, "Anyway, tomorrow you will be graded on the training field. Bring all your shinobi tools. Oh, and skip breakfast, you'll throw up otherwise."

At that, Naruto gained a determined and yet nervous expression, whilst Sasuke's expression was intense.


It was another Tuesday honestly.

Approaching us he took out a few printouts from his vest pockets, handing them out to us, he stated, "The details can be read on this printout. Don't be late!"

"Back at you." I made eye contact with the lone eye of Kakashi who simply eye smiled at me in response.

At that, Kakashi waved us goodbye, "Well, thanks to a few annoying brats, I have to go take a shower. See you tomorrow!" He weaved the Tiger hand sign for Shunshin and blinked out of sight.

Leaving the three of us alone.

Breaking the contemplative and nervous silence I stated simply, "Well, that was definitely something."

Sasuke grunted as he got up, giving me the classic Sasuke look that conveyed - 'Akira I'm going to train now, would you like to join me?'

Something like that, my Sasuke Translator is a bit rusty if you could excuse me.

I shook my head at Sasuke, "Not today, I have a meeting scheduled pretty soon that I must attend."

"Hn." He grunted back his understanding as he, with his hands in his pockets, walked away with that edgy flare of his.

Leaving me alone with Naruto as he asked, "So... Wanna get some Ramen?"

Considering it for a moment I sighed, shaking my head, "Personally I like to savor my Ichiraku, with the time left for my scheduled meeting, I'll be able to get there on time by basically inhaling my Ramen. Not letting me savor it."

Nodding sagely, Naruto agreed, "Mhm! I totally get ya! I savor it by inhaling a lot of it!"


Disregarding the financial incompetency of that statement.

"I don't think that counts as "Savoring" it." I gazed at the enigmatic Naruto.

He shrugged, as I offered, "Why don't you go find Sakura? I'm sure she'd be delighted to join you for some ramen!"

He clicked his fingers, "Hey, not bad Akira! Thanks! I'M COMING SAKURA-CHAN!" He ran off at the speed of sound at the slightest mention of Sakura-chan dearest.

Ah, the things I do for young love.

...How would he find her though?

Meh! His problem.

A minute passed as I casually strolled out of the building, noticing a sea consisting of a few spiky blondes in the distance.


Are those well over a thousand Narutos over there?



-Scene Change-

It was midday, a specific hour of the day when Makoto and Eiichi's schedules were both free and I arrived at Makoto's home.

Eiichi and Makoto already there sipping some tea.

Cracking my neck, I internally prepared myself.

More so for Makoto than Eiichi.

I always gotta be on guard with that guy.

Though, admittedly, he's made me quite proficient in dealing with passive aggressiveness as well as using it.

Makoto greeted me, gesturing for me to take a seat, "Oh, Akira! How was your day? Tell me who your team is! Eiichi and I are on the edge of our seats!"

I rolled my eyes as I approached, "Spare me the jokes, Makoto. I'd love to hear it from you! Why'd you guarantee me that I'd get a private Jonin-sensei, and yet I didn't?" I said with a hint of threat, my chakra leaking

Makoto put a hand in front of his face in surprise, "My! What accusations! How threatening, Akira! Eiichi, my good friend, I believe we have let loose a monster!" He mocked.

I deadpanned, "You were simply jesting. Got it. Let's just get down to business." Seating myself, I directed my gaze at the easygoing Makoto and the stoic Eiichi. "A team with me," I raised one finger, "The Last Uchiha," indicating the second finger, "And the Warden of the Nine-Tails," the third finger joined the gesture, "All under the guidance of arguably Konoha's strongest Jonin, Hatake Kakashi." The last fourth finger smoothly descended.

As I let them absorb my observations, I added, "Care to explain?" I gazed accusingly at them.

Sipping his tea, Eiichi responded easily, "Team selection, is ultimately, under the jurisdiction of the Village Rule - Specifically the Hokage."

I nodded my agreement, "True, it is under the Hokage's jurisdiction, and yet, the three of us know well that there exists political pressure from the side of the clans, correct? I mean, come on. Ino-Shika-Cho. And no, that is not the exception to the rule."

Makoto chuckled as he commented, "Look how far he's grown Eiichi! Making demands of us! That's pretty ungrateful, Akira~!"

Eiichi responded to my statement, "Akira, why do you think your team was composed as it was?"

Hmm... Why?

There were too many uncertainties for me to give a concrete answer for why.

But, considering my own position and the influence of both the Hokage and the desires of my Clan Elders and Uncle...

I mumbled out my observations and laid out the options, raising a finger. "Knowing you, Makoto, it's probably to create more meatshields than if I were alone with a single Jonin."

I lifted a second finger, "To gain more hands-on experience working with other Shinobi at the Genin and Chunin level - especially until I become Chunin, given that the exams are not too far off. It'll be a decent amount of time to experience the Genin team life, so to speak."

Adding the third finger, I continued, "Knowing you, Eiichi, it's to foster a deeper bond and friendship with individuals of influence, regardless of their future strength. The Last Uchiha and The Warden of the Nine-Tails have great potential, and their future political influence is a genuine asset, especially the Last Uchiha. Not even mentioning Kakashi Of The Sharingan -his connection as a Sensei is worth its weight in gold."

Taking a breath, I raised the fourth finger, "Also, your desire for me to become Hokage. I suspect this team was crafted by Lord Third for the purpose of fostering the three of us into this generation's iteration of the Sannin - S-rank Shinobi, in short. This simply acts in both your and the Hokage's and Village Rule's favor, hence your proposal or even agreement to this setup."

Lifting my last finger, I uttered, "And lastly, all this political influence for the sake of strengthening the Nara and making the creation of the Sister Clan as smooth as possible."

Yes, I will be the clan head of the new Sister clan, as it formed - Thanks to the "Eight" Shadows Bloodline.

Of course, they've taken measures some even I don't know that my sister clan will be even closer to the Nara than both the Yamanaka and Akimichi.

There was a bit of resistance apparently from the other higher-ups in the Nara, who protested the idea of a Sister Clan and wanted my Kekkei Genkai to be integrated into the Nara as fast as possible with multitudes of wives on my part.

The inner protest was quickly shut down through logic and then with authority.

Once the plan was confirmed and communicated properly in the Nara's upper echelons I finally had the "Privilege" of hearing what they had been plotting about me.

When I heard of their intentions half a year ago, I was bewildered honestly.

It makes no sense, why wouldn't they want to secure the bloodline in the Nara itself?

The answer... Was quite dark, honestly.

Nara are not generally jealous and they are very lazy people.

But they are still people.

Capable of envy, greed, and all the lovely sins we humans have to deal with and avoid.

Simply put, it's to avoid a Hyuga Clan situation.

Where the "Eight" Shadows users are the superior bloodline and whatnot.

It'll unbalance the strong foundations of the Clan that have existed for generations.

It simply isn't worth introducing it, considering not much is known about how common the Kekkei Genkai appears in my alleged future children.

Or so went the explanation.

Thus, a Sister Clan deeply tied to the Nara will be formed, eventually to be a loyal and powerful eternal ally to the Nara.

Who also fills the power vacuum the Uchiha Clan's destruction made.

Talk about long-term thinking, huh?

My wife, will of course be from the Nara and once I have Children, they'll have to be educated in a certain way.

Nara loyalty brainwashing or something - I'd wager.

Something Future Akira will have to figure out.

Present Akira doesn't really mind.

Of course, this is an A-Rank Nara Clan Secret, which has been revealed to me for the sake of not being so surprised about it.

Why A-rank?

Since the other powerful Clans won't be big fans of this idea, not at all.

Barring of course the Akimichi and Yamanaka who will also be allies of the Sister Clan - Not on Nara's level of closeness but you get the point.

Speaking long term, this will eventually solidify into a situation where the 3 Major Clans in Konoha will be the Allied Akimichi, Yamanaka, and the Nara supported by the Sister Clan.

Something the Hyuga, Aburame, and much more won't be appreciative of.

And the added bonus of me becoming Hokage, not that I have any intention of doing so, would only further enhance the likelihood of success for this plan.

All this is completely fine and to the benefit of the Village Rule, both long-term and short term as it minimizes conflict internally and the other Major Clans truly cannot do much to stop it unless they take drastic measures.

But they won't.


Because they are all underestimating the Kekkei Genkai itself and focusing on my skill alone.

Once my Sister Clan is announced and has begun formation, it'll be too late already.

Well played, truly.

Of course, these plans are heavily reliant on my compliance - Which they haven't really given me a reason not to provide, I owe them at least that much for everything they've done for me.

Getting back to the conversation at hand, Eiichi hums at the points I've made, "Very astute, Akira. Yes, those are more or less the intention." He agreed.

Rubbing my forehead, I mumbled, "Thanks for the confirmation. Now, onto the points of the meeting. First, as Yukiko most certainly hadn't bothered reporting to you, I have tamed the Ox."

Makoto shook his head in disappointment, "A shame to lose such a valuable subject for experimentation for your Kekkei Genkai."

Eiichi interjected with a measured tone, "That leaves the Tiger, correct? Have you endeavored to challenge it?"

I responded with a shake of my head, "No, I'll do so prior to the closest Chunin Exams. I have no time to prepare for whatever it is capable of."

In a nod of understanding, Eiichi conveyed, "Ensure that at least two Nara Jonin are in close vicinity should Shikaku-sama, Makoto, and I be unavailable during that time. Otherwise, do not attempt it."

I affirmed, "Mhm, that goes without saying."

Makoto, wearing a smirk, inquired, "Anything else on the agenda, "Akira-sama"?"

I maintained a smile as I hummed, "Yes, indeed! I was here to review marriage prospects with you gentlemen and seek your advice before I approach Uncle for the final evaluation. However, it seems my contemplation of marrying a certain Elder's granddaughter has met an unfortunate end. What a lamentable turn of events!"

It was a small win, in hindsight - But I couldn't be more pleased when I pressed Makoto's weakness and his smirk fell.

...Oddly, I have yet to meet his granddaughter.

The evidence for her nonexistence is stockpiling...

Attempting to change the topic, Makoto quickly collected himself as he asked, "Regarding the Tamed Piercing Ox. Have you given it another one of those humorous names you like to give your Shadow Creatures?"

Humorous name for a powerful being such as Piercing Ox?

Well, considering it's so dumb that it can only charge in a single line, I gave it a fitting name.

A perfect name, I dare say.

...Yes, I know it isn't charging in a single line by choice.

My expression turned dead serious as I uttered the name of the tamed Piercing Ox, with all the dramatic flair, "Beeflejuice."

-Scene Change-

The sun hung high in the sky, marking the late morning when Naruto, Sasuke, and I gathered on the grass at Training Ground Three, patiently awaiting Kakashi's tardy arrival.

The training ground offered a scenic view of small mountains and a meandering river that cleaved the landscape.

Our spot, nestled in the glade by the river, set the stage for our fateful Exam.

I, being the smart cookie that I am, arrived two hours after the specified time, much to the dismay of my contrastingly punctual teammates unfamiliar with the Hatake methodology.

Nevertheless, even arriving this late... I've been here with these guys for 30 minutes and Kakashi was still MIA.

We were so bored, that we somehow got into this argument.

Naruto, with an unexpected burst of passion, proclaimed, "No! Ramen is a gift from the Gods! A divine dish with no equal."

Sasuke, sensing the escalation of our food debate, sought solace by leaning against a tree, distancing himself from the impending chaos.

I sighed, attempting reason, "I get it, Naruto. Ramen is delicious - Ichiraku Ramen easily lands in my top 5 Konoha foods. But it depends on your craving. Yakiniku's the better choice 80% of the time. Or even a good grilled fish from MizuKono!"

Naruto, folding his arms, dismissed my obvious culinary wisdom, "Blasphemy!"

The fool is clueless as to what clan I am closely allied with!

How dare he dismiss my culinary expertise?!

Shouting across the distance to Sasuke, I rallied support, "Sasuke! Back me up! Ramen's good but not the best option every time!"

Sasuke, barely keeping his patience in check, shot us a glare, "Shut up, morons."

Naruto and I exchanged glances, prompting him to suggest, "Wanna throw him in the river?" Pointing confidently at Sasuke.

Sasuke, having caught wind of the plan, glared back at Naruto, his smirk conveying the certainty that Naruto would regret any attempt.

I hummed in contemplation, "You know, Naruto, that's not a bad idea. Let's do it." Getting up, I saw Sasuke's eyes widen at the unexpected turn of events.

As Naruto and I approached the apprehensive Sasuke, the rustling of grass diverted my attention.

As I turned around, Kakashi, who looked considerably less green today, strolled towards us with a casual wave, "Hey guys, Good morning!" he cheered.

Naruto, hearing that, roared, "YOU'RE LATE!"

Stepping in before Kakashi could offer his usual excuses, I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, you got lost or something. Let's get on with it."

Kakashi, with an amused eye smile, gestured for Sasuke to join us, "Impatient, are we?"

He's not wrong.

My anticipation bubbled.

The prospect of facing someone other than Makoto, someone unfamiliar with my fighting style and Kekkei Genkai, fueled my excitement.

How well would I fare against a Jonin of Kakashi's caliber?

Passing by and placing a clock on one of the three tree stumps in the glade, Kakashi initiated, "This clock is set to ring at noon. Give or take 90 minutes from this point. Your task is simple."

Dangling two bells, he continued, "You have to take these from me before noon or when this clock rings for the less intelligent of you." He shot Naruto a noticeable glance.


Undeterred, Kakashi laid out the consequences, his demeanor turning grim, and chakra subtly leaking, "You only need to get one bell. Since there are only two, one of you will definitely be tied to a stump. And... The person who doesn't get a bell gets sent back to the Academy or to the Genin Corps, your choice at that point." He shrugged at the generous options offered in case of failure.

Naruto gulped, and Sasuke's expression twisted in contemplation. He shot me a glance.

'It's going to be Akira and me, in that case. The dobe has no chance,' Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Naruto with that thought.

As my teammates were absorbed in the fateful info.

Kakashi noticed my unsurprised expression, as he gave me a momentary saddened look.

Noticing it, I raised my eyebrow at him, eliciting him to react with a helpless shrug.

'No fun with you.' Or something along those lines is what I'm guessing went in Kakashi's head.

I really gain nothing by acting surprised here, except maybe better practice - But it's better to be honest and not act fake with my team... For the most part.

Nonchalantly, Kakashi added, "With that said, you may use any and all Shinobi tools against me. You won't succeed unless you come at me with the intent to kill."

Naruto scoffed, as he put his hands behind his head, "It'll be too easy! You can't even dodge falling pai-"

Swiftly cutting him off with a sharp tone, I warned, "Naruto, don't underestimate him. Deception is Shinobi basics, remember what I told you guys? He's arguably one of the strongest Jonin in Konoha."

Kakashi eye-smiled at my remark, "Someone's done his research."

Naruto's face fell, about to argue, but Sasuke chimed in, "Akira's right, Dobe. You have no chance against him. Let me and Akira grab those bells and..."

Shaking my head, I intervened, "Okay. Stop. No fighting over those two bells. Let's figure out how we beat this guy." I pointed at Kakashi who already pulled out his Smut Book to read a quick chapter or something, "Without the three of us working together, let alone grabbing two bells, we might not even get one. We'll figure the distribution out after we get them. What do you guys say?"

Kakashi's expression, or whatever part of it was visible, showed a hint of satisfaction at my words, only to dissipate as he resumed his Smut reading.

Lone eye peeked out of the book as he was speed-reading whatever stuff was on there.

Talk about efficiency...

Naruto, for once, carefully considered my words and nodded in agreement, "Beating this smug Bakakashi together sounds like a plan!"

Smiling at Naruto's agreement I directed a look towards Sasuke who nodded silently as well, seeing the logic in my words alongside the fact that he respects my insights.

At our unity, Kakashi gave a genuine eye smile as he said with faux regret, "Guess I'll be reading my literature after lunch." He proceeded to pocket the Smut Book he'd been reading for a few seconds.

Cracking his neck, Kakashi stated, "We'll begin when I say "Start"."

Slightly on guard, Kakashi's body language betrayed the notion that he might be throwing us off.

Or not, it can really go either way with someone of his caliber.

What I was certain of, though, was that his gaze was almost exclusively focused on me.

...He's wary of me, isn't he?

Well, that'd be the correct move in all circumstances.

Unfortunately for him, though.

He's getting jumped.

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

Title - Prank Gone Wrong

-Akira POV-

As we waited for Kakashi to arrive, his approaching finally indicated his arrival.

The Green Paint Bucket that was about to spill looked ready for some ripe Kakashi coloring.

The door opened with a creak and the bucket fell only...

For Kakashi to quickly grab it, catch all the falling green paint, and then...

Throw it at me.


Coloring my entire body in green paint, the steel bucket hit my head with a thud.

Causing the formation of a bump.


"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!" Naruto roared out in laughter as he pointed at me, who was currently slowly reaching my boiling point.

Sasuke grunted, "As expected."

Kakashi mumbled, "Mah, that was a cute attempt... My first impres-"

Cute attempt my ass!

Nice to meet you!


"With this treasure I summon..."

-Author Note Start-

Yo people! sorry for the delay!

The chapter was harder to write than anticipated and I had to scrap the Team 7 Vs Kakashi scene so I could incorporate it into the next chappie so it won't feel rushed or mediocre in my opinion. (Also so I can end it on a cliffhanger, why not?)

Also, we got a little bit of bonding and slice-of-life stuff at the team formation which is nice.

Enjoy it while you can because we'll be having a lot of action.

A lot. (Or so I intend)

Oh and politics but that'll be a lil later.

Anyway! I'd love to hear what you guys estimate is Akira's Relative Level at this point.

I have it written down, but I'm curious as to your own opinions, regardless of the fact I've yet to show his progress just yet.

You'll have to see that next chapter and their first biggie mission.

Also, Expect Noticeable Canon Divergences from this point onwards. Duh

Opinions on Sakura-Anko apprenticeship anyone?

We don't give a fuck about Sakura, BurgerNoTomatoes! You say!


-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

In the animal kingdom, otters hold hands while they sleep to prevent drifting apart. This behavior is not just adorable but also serves a practical purpose, helping them stay connected in fast-flowing rivers or seas, ensuring the otter family stays together. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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