
บท 8: A Taste Of Power

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author Note Start-

Thank you to all the people who commented and gave their votes in the VERY short-term Question Chapter that I promptly deleted as I've come to a final decision.

I've reached a decision that I'll be keeping the Technique as close to Canon as possible, only translating it into Chakra. No asspulls or anything abnormal. All within the confines set by Gege Akutami himself! And a different power system but ya know.

To those who wanted a Revival system... Sorry! I've got an idea thanks to a response, on how to circumvent the prior issue that even made me think about introducing a Revival system for Akira's slain Shikigami.

This issue is no longer an issue. The story's the same, The technique stays as advertised permanently, and we carry on!

Also, This is the last author note that'll be at the start of the chapter

Author notes are moving to the bottom of the chapter, instead of doing 2 sections. Yeah.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

-Following the Entrance Ceremony At The Academy-

Around evening time, at the Nara clan head Household, we see a young boy of 6 years old, exiting the restroom with a blissful smile on his face.

There is no need for further elaboration on the source of his blissful smile.

Upon collecting himself though, he transitions it into an excited and hyped smile. Expecting something great to occur in the near future.

That boy is of course our protagonist.


-Akira POV-

Alright! Now that I've achieved freedom, it's time to go and play with my power!

Not a very responsible approach. But I've waited WAY too long.

I begin to make my way towards the door outside and on my way there I see, to my annoyance, Uncle Shikaku at the end of the Hallway.

"Hmm? Akira? I see you're already making use of your newfound privileges." Uncle Shikaku says with folded arms and a knowing smirk.

"Hmph, of course! Also... You and I need to talk when I'm back." I look at him with a glint in my eye, a threatening glint.

"What? Mad you almost lost to that Uchiha Kid?" He poked fun. His smirk widened.

"Shikamaru told you?" I asked incredulously

"Well, you being completely silent on the way home, responding only with, and I quote: "It was fine" and "I did alright" and refusing to elaborate. Made me worry a little" He shrugged

"That traitor..." I grumble under my breath.

"By the way, did you ask Shikamaru if he wanted to come with you? Or are you planning on going outside alone?"

"I did ask him back when we finished our Initiation. He refused me in a heartbeat saying he needs to... Recharge in his room after that entire debacle." I wave my hand at my cousin's lack of energy.

"I see." He nods

"Anyway, I won't be holding you up too long, Have fun outside. Make sure you be careful and get back by... 21:00, I honestly don't care when you get back, but Yoshino would kill me if I didn't give you a deadline." He says in a half-assed professional manner.

"Yeah, Yeah. Stranger danger and scream for help and some Jonin would magically appear and save me from whatever idiot has the balls to attack the child of a Clan Head. Again, I still think it's stupid that I needed escort up until I was 6 years old." I roll my eyes as I pass by my Uncle.

"*Sigh* Language Akira, who even taught you those words?" He wondered to himself

I felt generous and gave him a clue who could have taught me those words.

It'd be funny.

"Uncle Inoichi is rather foul-mouthed when drunk," I say innocently as I pass through the door and promptly close it. Not staying to observe Uncle's reaction to the information.

Throwing Inoichi under the bus is always funny. And I'm not wrong! He gets rather creative when complaining about his job at the Intelligence Division. Of course, this only occurs when he is intoxicated, usually, he is a rather composed and silly fellow.

Making weird faces at Ino and her friends, to try and make them laugh. And embarrass her, which I wholeheartedly approve of.

Moving on!

Alright... I take a look at the position of the sun, seeing it being around 18:00 or so. A skill I've mastered during my agonizing time as a reincarnated toddler. Also, I was too lazy to take a look at the clock.

Regardless, I've got 3 hours to try it out!

Onwards! To the Nara Forest!

-Time Skip-

I arrived at the Nara forest, without much trouble except the rather abrupt interrogation I was forced into by the guard at the entrance.

He was willing to let me in once he realized exactly who I am.

Privileges people!

I proceed to make my way towards the deeper and more secluded end of the forest.

-Short Time Skip-

After traveling off-road for a good 15 minutes, I stop and turn my head left and right to make sure the coast is clear.

"Hmm, looks empty enough!" I announce cheerfully

Okay... Now to make myself comfortable.

I make my way towards a nearby tree, prop down onto the ground, and lean in the tree for Maximum comfort.

I close my eyes as I mentally prepare myself and think through what I know and Don't know about my power: The Ten Shadows Technique.

The Ten Shadows Technique. What is it?

It is an inherited technique that uses Shadows as an intermediary to allow its user to summon TEN different Shikigami... Cursed Spirit Monsters so to speak. That's also why it's called: "The Ten Shadows Technique". Ten Shadows, no more, no less.

However, Cursed spirits don't exist in the Naruto world. The closest thing I can think of is the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit. It's a spirit alright, but it's not a cursed one.

Moving on...

The Chakra translation of a cursed spirit is... Chakra Constructs or Creatures.

That's the terminology of the creatures I summon so to speak.

This is a curious piece of information, as my initial understanding of the technique prior to obtaining it was that the Shikigami I summon are made out of Shadows.

This is wrong, they are Chakra constructs as I've mentioned. Summoned from wherever they originate from, using Shadows as the means of transportation. They are not shadows themselves.

Now onto the summons themselves.

When someone inherits the technique, hint, Me. They receive the first of the Shikigami, a duo of two dogs, called the Divine Dogs.

The user of the Ten Shadows uses the Initial Divine Dogs, to run the Shadow Gauntlet, as I term it, to obtain the rest of the shadows.

That's right. In order to get the rest of the 9 Shadows...

I must challenge them to mortal combat and defeat them in an exorcism ritual. A ritual that does not end unless one of us dies. Or some unique technique can invalidate it.

Real ominous.

The ritual itself can be performed around multiple people. However, defeating the Shikigami in that type of ritual will invalidate it. Ultimately resulting in... No reward. An exercise in futility if you will.

What's important to note though, is something I didn't know from the Manga.

It is that a victory against a Shikigami in a ritual only counts when it is defeated either by MY hand or by my Shikigami's hands. Any other means of victory will invalidate the ritual.

What this translates to is... I can't use external traps to cheese the fight. A warehouse full of explosive tags activated upon the summoning... Wouldn't result in a tamed Shikigami, even if I were the one to set them up all on my own.

Also, this is the limit of my information in regards to that. I have no way of knowing whether if I use a weapon to assist me in the ritual will invalidate it or not...

*Sigh* Damn it!

Once defeated though, the Shadows are mine to summon and use as I please, using Shadowgraphic hand signs to conjure them to reality. Conveniently memorized and ingrained in my head upon the technique's arrival.

Upon use, Cursed energy, or Chakra in my case is used to manifest the Shikigami from tangible liquid shadows.

It goes without saying that the Shikigami are versatile and they do differ from each other, there is a toad, there is a snake etc...

Also, the stronger it is, the more Chakra it'll cost to summon.

That's the basics.

Here's an important detail...

Shikigami Of The Ten Shadows CANNOT be summoned again when they are completely destroyed or killed.

That's bad, real bad. EXTREMELY BAD!

Or so I thought.

But in actuality, when a Shikigami of the Ten Shadows is destroyed. Its power is inherited by the rest of the Shikigami.

What does that tell me?

Not a lot...

It's extremely vague. I have no idea if the inheritance of power means strictly the Unique ability of the Shikigami being inherited. Or are the Physical capabilities also being inherited, Does the summoning of an inherited ability Shikigami cost more chakra? Etc...

The only example is from Megumi's Totality Shikigami.

A result of the Black Wolf inheriting its dead sibling's power.

Suffice it to say, I'm not really eager on testing that out any time soon.

All that means is I have to play safe with my resources and hope I don't have to learn the hard way, what happens when one of my only TEN Shikigami gets destroyed.

Grr... What a hassle!

Now, that's about the Main Function of the Ten Shadows Technique.

There's also another neat little ability it provides me.

It's actually the only thing I've been able to do prior to what I'm about to try now.

I can manipulate shadows to a small degree.

In manipulation I mean, I can hide and store things in shadows. As well as myself.

Keeping things in the shadows costs no Chakra. Only taking them in or out. Time also doesn't seem to pass in there.

The problem with this is the limit of how much I can store is in direct correlation to my... Strength.

Literally, how much I can carry.

Whatever is held in there, I feel the full brunt of its burden.

For example... That one time I stored a table inside the shadows. Nearly broke my back, and had to eject it out immediately upon registering the pain.

It's what I've been doing to pass the time and practice in my own room.

I've been moving from the shadow of one piece of furniture to the other. There is a Chakra cost depending on the distance I try and move as I enter the Shadows myself.

Curiously, this doesn't affect everything else. I can store something in the shadow of a Table and take it out from the shadow of a Pole a few hundred feet away without any difference in Chakra consumption.

I've also been trying to store as much as I can and trying to launch those things like some poor version of Gates Of Babylon.

Needless to say, that didn't work. At all. But it was a cool attempt nonetheless.

So far, haven't thought of any decent practical use of it.

It just seems like a really shitty inventory, with cool gimmicks.

As it encumbers me too much if I try and carry a whole set of equipment, then again it could change and be amazing when I'm stronger. I'll try and be optimistic here, not that it did me any favors in the past...

Well, it's pretty good for storing food and or hiding things I've stolen from Shikamaru just to annoy him.

He will never find his favorite Shogi piece...


"Guess this power is not as Overwhelmingly powerful as I expected and NEEDED it to be when I got it." I complain rather ungratefully, shaking my head.

"Anyways, Gotta work with what ya got," I say as my eyes burst open and I proceed to stand up, having finished my review of the known information regarding my gifted power. Patting myself off any leaves and dirt

"It's time!" I murmur excitedly

"Here we go!" I announce as I form the hand signs.

"Divine Dogs!" I shout aloud. My hands formed a shadow in the shape of a dog head.

At that, I felt an immediate noticeable dip in my Chakra.

Followed by Liquid shadows quickly moving to form...

Twin wolves. One of White Colored Fur and the other Black Colored Fur. Both in front of me, in a sitting position, observing me in curiosity.

Upon first glance, I notice that they are a bit larger in comparison to regular wolves.

The first major achievement of doing anything remotely supernatural and Useful, except that neat shadow storage trick, overwhelmed my mind.

"Oh yeah..." I let out a creepy pleased voice.

This proves to confuse the wolves, they tilt their head to the side at my leering gaze.

Now this is weird... I feel an unnatural connection between the wolves... It's like another sense has been added to me.

I can tell where they are, how healthy they are, and the basics of their unique ability as the Divine Dogs.

That is what I can tell so far.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" I ask the wolves who are gazing at me patiently

Both of them nod simultaneously.


"Okay... Let's try this."

I prod at the connection I feel between them and ask them in my mind

'If you hear me, shake your head.' I think as I focus on the connection between us.

A moment passes, and...

No reaction...

Must be a fluke haha! Let's try again!

Upon noticing my face turning a bit conflicted, they glance at me in worry.

I ignore this reaction to focus on something incredibly important.

'If you hear me, shake your head.' I repeat this time mentally gritting my teeth

Another moment passes and...

"NOW THAT'S JUST GREAT ISN'T IT?!" I roar as my face forms into an enraged expression, I grab my head in frustration.

Further confusing the wolves.

"Ah... Guess I'll mentally note the telepathic communication as a work in progress. I know I should be able to do it..." I grumble in reluctant acceptance.

Eager to move on to more exciting tests.

"Alright! Speed test! On my command, I'd like you both to run as fast as you can for 30 seconds" I announce with a newly formed smile, clapping my hands at the wolves.

They understand and immediately get into position, awaiting my command.

"Wow... Smarter than I'd expected! Okay!" I point at them.





As they, to my complete bewilderment, zoom past my sight.

Having lost sight of the wolves around 4 seconds into the run.

The only evidence of their existence, the connection between us, pinging me their location.

And they've gone really far...

My slackjawed expression need not be emphasized.

"T-That's Insane!" I rattle out, sweatdropping at the unexpected performance.

Okay, calm down. Don't get overexcited Akira, you may have been underestimating them too much.

Seeing they've stopped exactly after 30 seconds,

I shake my head as I try to ping them to come back.

'You did great! Now come back!' I think as I focus on the connection between us.

A moment passes, and their location has not changed.

... Should have thought about telling them to come back after they're done.

I'm an idiot...

I reluctantly break into a sprint towards the wolves.

Why am I in a rush you ask?

Well, there isn't much time left. I hope I can get another test in before I'm out of juice.

Oh? How could I?

I forgot to mention this teeny tiny detail.

Summoning the Divine Dogs does cost a decent amount of Chakra at this point.

Oh, but it doesn't end there!

It costs me Chakra to maintain them summoned as well!

Haha! So fun!

...God why? Just a small movement to the left on the Wheel and I would've gotten: "The Almighty" From Bleach, instead of this...

Although, a turn to the right on the Wheel would've gotten me: "Pop-Off" From My Hero Academia, and that would of definitely not been good.

Complaining aside, I'm back to see the wolves standing regally and patiently!

"What good boys you are!" I compliment them as I make my way to pet them both.

I stretch my hand to reach their heads and pet them, painting a strange picture.

Soft fur~

Perhaps I was too harsh in my criticism of this technique... This fur's amazing~


"Alright, last test boys before I have to dispel you two! I want you to strike that tree with all your strength! NOW!" I point at a tree as I command them.

They burst into speed without hesitation.

Taking a bite each respectively at the tree's bark.

Their jaw struggles a bit, but eventually, they manage to tear through a piece of the tree each. Spitting out a large piece of bark out of their mouth.

"Hmm, stronger than regular wolves alright. Tearing through the Hashirama Tree like that wouldn't be possible for a regular wolf. Faster is also a no-brainer." I mumble my observations

"Okay! It was nice to meet you guys! I'll be dispelling you now, I'll pass out in a minute if I don't!" I smile at them.

They give me a nod before I dispel them with an intended thought.

They begin to melt in front of me, painting a rather disturbing and gruesome picture.


"Might've gotten a little sick at that..." I grimace.

I shake my head

Okay, time to form my conclusions!

I move towards a nearby tree to begin mentally noting down. I sit back down once again, collecting my thoughts.

Firstly, I need a notebook for this. ASAP, there's no way I'll remember every detail I learn through this, except the basics I've already got etched into my psyche.

Secondly, Chakra Drainage is a problem and flaw of the technique, I can maintain as of this point the Divine Dogs for around 5 minutes before I'm out of Chakra.

This is 0 to 100 mind you. If I were to use other jutsu, not that I know any right now, I'd probably be able to keep them active for a minute or two.

I don't know how much Chakra jutsu use so this is mere guesswork at best.

I just hope this will be an issue that is solved through natural progression in the future...

Thirdly, The Divine Dogs themselves.

They are intelligent, I haven't had enough time to test exactly how capable they are, but I've got time to test that out, so no pressure.

Strength and Speed-wise, so far they... Are obviously stronger than me. By leaps and bounds, if I may add.

My real question, though, it'll not be relevant until the far future. Can they get stronger? If they can... How? Do I infuse them with Chakra? Do they automatically get stronger in relation to me? I know Sukuna in Megumi's body was able to strengthen the Shadows if I recall correctly, it was not really explained how though.

Relative to the average Genin... How strong are the Divine Dogs? I have absolutely no idea.

Maybe they could maul a Genin or two.

Or maybe a Genin would demolish them. No clue to be frank with you.

I'd have to sick em at a Genin to find out.

And I'm not really a big fan of that plan.

Considering they can die permanently and they're not an expendable resource...

A lot of questions, but not enough answers.

Fourthly, Telepathic communication between me and the Shikigami needs some work... It's possible I'm certain of it, I guess it's just something I need to train and eventually figure out.

Fifthly, I have yet to test their unique ability to track. It has been translated from being able to detect curses and notify me when one is close, to...

Capable of detecting Chakra-dense areas and individuals and notifying me when one is close, in addition to their enhanced sense of smell as wolves. The range of this ability is also something I have no clue about.

So it's the first on my list for the next set of tests. Which won't be happening today of course.

Sixth, There's absolutely too much detail missing in this technique...

An example would be the lack of mentioning anything about me being able to use a Shikigami's power without summoning it.

Sukuna was able to do it when he took over Megumi's body.

Summoning Mahoraga's wheel without it being manifested, or I'm just missing something...

Either way, it's unknown whether this is something I'm capable of doing. Or it's just something possible to achieve only when you are Ryomen Sukuna.

Which I am not. Unfortunately.

Seventh, on a more optimistic note, I'm a 6-year-old child capable of summoning deadly wolves at the first sight of danger... Fear me!

Anyways that's that.

There's just one thing I've been contemplating for too long.

Trying out the technique for the first time and experiencing the reality of how troublesome it is, forces me to ask the question once again, a fate-changing decision depending on how this goes.

Should I reveal the ability to my family? I have no idea how Chakra works. This technique has now been translated to Chakra. Something I have no idea nor familiarity about, except knowing I have it and how much. That's it. No applicable option except the Ten Shadows itself as of now.

What I mean is... I need guidance. It's obvious.

The question is... Would I get stronger and learn how to utilize this technique better if I revealed it to my family?

Get specialized training because I have... What could be termed, a brand new Kekkei Genkai? Chakra theory, training etc...

Of fucking course I would get stronger and more adept if I were to get training.

Eventually, whether I like it or not, this power will be revealed. So why prolong the inevitable?

Looking at it from this angle, it's the obvious decision.

However, I need to look at the cons.

First, As someone who has been in this world for 6 Years. I've learned that brand new Kekkei Genkai, are BIG news for Shinobi Villages. There have been multitudes of attempts to obtain coveted Kekkei Genkai. The most notable and recent are the Hyuga Affair and the related Kumogakure.

There's also the bloodline purge In Kirigakure... Now that would have been an atrocious place to reincarnate into.

Moving on,

If the village discovers that a new Kekkei Genkai has appeared.

There is no larger spotlight imaginable than that being directed straight at me. I can't even begin to fathom what'd be the reaction and subsequent treatment I get.

I've thought about excuses to cover my power's identity. But it isn't possible until I'm much older and capable of making use of those excuses.

That takes time.

And time is money as they say.

Why am I explaining this?


There is a chance my Uncle/Aunt will reveal this technique to others outside of the close family.

Most notably, Nara Clan Elders. They aren't as prideful and egotistical as the Uchiha and Hyuga, to my knowledge.

But, you never know. They might want to flex a little, and announce the coming of a new Kekkei Genkai to the Nara.

Honor to the clan and all those abstract and pathetic concepts that might make you lose a significant advantage.

I have checked for a Kekkei Genkai policy or something like that in the Nara clan. And there's nothing of the sort.

Nothing. Zilch.

So I'm clueless about the overall reaction to such a reveal.

That in addition to not having any prior contact with the Nara Clan Elders.

Besides that one time, they came to greet and congratulate Shikamaru on his 5th birthday and survival in this world.

I'm not much of a people person, so I couldn't really tell what kind of people they were at a glance.

Though I could tell Uncle tolerates them but he doesn't explicitly like them.

Not a good sign.

And at this point. I am weak and unable to defend myself.

I would be guarded, sure. In such a case.

But this attention may have unseen consequences.

It's a risky move, certainly.

However, all those cons, break down before the question I present and simultaneously respond to.

A simple question with a simple answer invalidates the entire argument and allows me to reach a final answer as to whether or not I should reveal the technique now.

Can I trust my family?

Memories of the last 6 years of me being adopted into them and living my life with them. Nurtured and up to admitted to the Academy, flash before my eyes as I think of all the times, good, bad, and embarrassing I've had and will continue to have.

The answer, comes up to the front of my mind, crashing down like a thunderbolt.

"Of course, I trust them." I say with conviction

It'd be downright disrespectful and disgusting of me to not trust them.

I have been nurtured for 6 years from a baby to a kid by them, and if God or that Reincarnation Dragon will let me have this one thing - It'll continue until I'm independent.


"Haha, What a waste of time... Pros, cons. I was asking the wrong question. The answer was really simple at the end of it all." I chuckle at my usual overcomplication of issues.

And with that, I come to terms with my plan of action.

I will reveal my ability to my family. Ask for training and guidance, they'll help me learn and use my power. I'm certain of it.

Because I trust them.

It was just that simple.

And whatever happens... Happens I guess.

I open my eyes, satisfied with my course of action as I proceed to pat myself off and get up, deciding to make my way back home.


"Hmm, still a bit of time left before my deadline," I comment upon seeing the night sky, the sun having recently set.

Around 20:00? Enough to try that!

My excitement renewed, and I made a change of plans to go try something I'd been dying to try for way too long.

It baffles me as to how could it be that I haven't tried it when I've lived 6 years in this village already.

I make my way toward my intended destination, a skip to my step along the way.

-Time Skip-

"Good, I'm here," I announce having arrived in front of a rather unassuming building with an open booth in front, 6 seats in total.

A big sign at the front reading: "Ichiraku Ramen"

Finally, the chance to taste the infamous ramen!

All those times I nagged at Auntie to go here.

And the housewife always responded with: "Why would you want to eat that unhealthy stuff? We have perfectly good food at home!"

Darn her and her semi-correct logic!

Still, it couldn't have hurt to try it at least once?!


Calm down, Akira. You are free, you may now indulge in Noodle goodness, Auntie nag free.

I make my way inside passing through the sheets that block the way.

"Sorry for intruding!" My squeaky voice echoes through the establishment as I am met with the infamous Ramen Booth.

Wow, it's exactly as I remember it.

"Welcome!" A welcoming tone of voice is heard and I turn my head and stare up at the Owner of the establishment.

A brown-turning grey-haired individual, garbed in a Chef's whites. A kind and welcoming smile was directed at me, as well as his weird closed-eye look.

How does he see me? Real weird.

But he seems like a jovial guy.

"Oh, you are a new customer. Did you come with your parents?" He asks kindly as he seems to be multitasking with some soup. Cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Ah, no I've just heard a lot about this place and I wanted to try it out." I explain

"I see my reputation precedes me Haha! Alright, you can sit down, take a look at the menu, and tell me what'll you have. You can take your time."

"Okay." I nod as I move towards the rather tall stools.

Ah, the struggles of being short.

I climb the stool like a tree, as I'm too short to get on it.

An amused look is sent at me by the Owner.

Having successfully sat down on the stool I take a look at the Menu.

Spying what I wanted to try I ordered immediately.

"I'd like a Miso Ramen with pork please."

"Coming right up!"

"Ayame! Bring me a bowl!" He barks out an order

"Yes, Dad!" A squeaky and nervous voice responds

"It's "Chef" when we're working!" He chastises

"E-Ermm Yes Chef!" She nervously corrects herself.

I take a look over beyond the booth to see a little girl.

Well, objectively Little girl, in my eyes she might as well be a giant.

Around 11 years old or so, struggling at even bringing a bowl properly.

Poor girl...

-Short Time Skip-

*BAM* A bowl of Miso Ramen with pork is set in front of me.

"One Miso Ramen With Pork!" He announces happily as he sets it down.

And boy, what a daunting mountain to climb...

It seems like Ichiraku Ramen is rather generous with its portions.

This bowl could probably feed 2 grown men.

Let alone a 6-year-old child like me.

This might be the standard though, Shinobi burn an excessive amount of calories. This might as well count as a snack.

"What's wrong kid? Something not to your liking?" He notices my reluctance to dig in.

"Ah, no no. Sir, it's just that it's... A lot of food." I answered his question.

"Oh... Hahaha! Usually, my Shinobi regulars complain it's not enough! And no need for formalities kid, my name is Teuchi. What's yours?" He chuckles at my unusual response.

"I'm Akira Nara, nice to meet you." I nod

"Nice to meet you as well, but A Nara? The compound's quite a distance away from here. You came all the way here to try my Ramen?" He asks genuinely curious with a hint of being flattered.

I nod wordlessly.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Try it out! Tell me if you like it! Haha!" His mood is now even more jovial than before

"Alright here goes." I nod


*Slurp* I taste the soup

... This is really good.

I keep my poker face intact, as I sense his judgmental gaze.

Okay, let's try the whole package now.

I grab the chopsticks and grab a few noodles with the pork.



Holy Guacamole this shit's insane?!

Alright, I have to give proper feedback.

"Teuchi-san, this is insanely good. Why is this place empty right now?" I compliment and ask in genuine curiosity.

Like, honestly how is this place not crowded right now?

"Mhm, just the reaction I expected." He nodded, a pleased and rather prideful expression now on his face.

"To answer your question, well, most of my Regulars here are Shinobi, and they are most likely either on a mission or generally busy." He responds neutrally.

"What about Civilian customers?" I ask as I eat while we talk.

His face twists into a pained and rather furious expression.

To my confusion

"I used to have a lot of them, a few years ago, at this hour it'll be crowded with Civilian customers." He answers

"But, recently they've stopped coming because they are afraid of a mere harmless and innocent 6-year-old boy I'm serving! Absurd! What did that boy do to deserve such treatment?! So to spite those fools, I feed him for free whenever he has nothing to eat. I much rather idiots like that never come to my business ever again!" He roars out in rage.

"Dad calm down!" Ayame comes to pull at his leg to placate his now angered expression.

Oh... Now it makes sense.

It's Naruto, isn't it?

The mere association with him causes people to lose business it seems.

Teuchi seems to be lucky because he has a loyal Shinobi customer base and his product is of genuine quality, I can attest to that.

Damn, that's really sad...

"S-Sorry for bringing that up." I apologize as I lower my head.


"It's fine, I just get heated whenever that comes up. I'm happy the idiots never come here and grumble about the poor kid." He sighs and flashes a renewed smile, as I bring my head back up.

"Speaking of, you seem to be his age, you in the Academy as well?" He makes conversation.

"Yes, I just joined today." I nod.

"Oh! What a coincidence, have you met Naru-" He starts

But I interrupt him.

"Naruto Uzumaki, yes I've seen him but I haven't really talked to him," I respond quickly, not really interested in moving the conversation in his direction.

He noticed my reluctance to speak about him, so a rather awkward silence formed.

Luckily, I was not planning on staying here long enough for the awkward silence to really suffocate me.

*Slurp* I stop eating after consuming around a quarter of the entire loaded bowl.

I silently take my wallet out of the shadows that form inside my pocket. Making it seem like it was there all along.

"It'll be 90 Ryo right?" I confirm the price.

"It's free for you. Consider it an investment for the future." He winks at me

Weird, but okay. I'm not one to complain at the prospect of a free dinner. I pocket my wallet back into the shadows.

"Thanks, it was really good! I'll be coming back!" I announce as I hop off the tall stool.

"It was a pleasure to serve you Akira! Do come back!" His voice becomes a bit muffled as I exit the establishment, back to the nighttime streets of Konoha.

I was in there for too long... I hope I make it in time.

That Naruto business really killed my mood though...

-Time Skip-

I arrive at my home's door, only to open it and be met with a... Pissed off Auntie blocked my way in.

"Nara. Akira. Where have you been?" She states with a voice sending shivers down my spine

"Look Auntie, I know I'm late to the deadline Uncle set me. Sorry, my bad. I was eating at Ichiraku's and I was paralyzed by its exquisite flavor." I quickly admit my wrongdoing and bend my body 90 degrees to apologize.

A moment of silent contemplation passes as she seems to arrive at a bone-chilling response to my plea for mercy.

"Kitchen Duty. 2 Weeks."

"No... You wouldn't." I reply flabbergastedd

"One more word of complaint and It'll be 3."

"Yes, Ma'am," I reply downtrodden

"Good." She nods as she moves aside, letting me pass.

"Auntie, Is Uncle home?" I ask from a distance, turning my head back towards her.

"Yes, though he won't be able to save you from Kitchen duty." She says with a sadistic smirk

I wasn't planning on asking for any help...

God that woman is scary...

I think as I turn around once again, to make my way through the hallway and towards my Uncle's office, I've got important things to discuss with him, after all.

I'll get mad about that Kitchen duty punishment later.

-Short Time Skip-

Having arrived inside Uncle's Office he starts.

"What is it Akira, you wanted to speak with me?" Uncle Shikaku asks as he is midway through some... Troublesome clan-related paperwork as he terms it.

"A couple of things. I warned you beforehand that I'd be coming to question you. But first I wanted to ask. Why haven't you trained us in Taijutsu and Sparring?" I asked, my eyes narrowed at my Uncle who wasn't even giving me eye contact.

"*Sigh*, Honestly, I'd hoped you would taste defeat in your initiation, at the Academy. It's a shame you beat that Uchiha kid." He sighed as he raised his eyes to look at me, his tone disappointed.

"What?! You wanted me to lose? Why?!" I respond in bewilderment

"It's simple really, so you become more motivated to train and be serious in your efforts at the Academy, especially to not get conceited that you are above everyone else just because of your familial advantages." He explains easily

"B-But that doesn't even make any sense! You know me! That's a pointless act!" I roar out

"Tell me Akira, after you nearly lost to that Uchiha Kid. How did you feel?"

"What does it matter? It doesn't justif-"

"Just humor me, answer the question." he cuts me off as he gestures to me to answer his damned question

This damn old man...

"I felt pathetic, embarrassed even. I wanted, nay I want to get stronger, so such an embarrassment never occurs again. The fight was way too close for comfort." I recall the memories of today's fight. It really grated on my nerves.

"Mhm, And if you were to win the fight easily, thanks to advanced training what would happen?"

...I think I see his point.

"I'd get overconfident and expect the rest of my fights to be extremely easy?" I hazard a guess

"Bingo. Exactly that, and that's something critical to avoid in the career of a Shinobi. You are young, so losing, especially during the Academy is important for your development. So you won't lose in the future when the stakes are much greater." He elaborates patiently

"I see..." I reluctantly begin to accept his words, seeing his logic and thought process.

He notices my look and explains further.

"Us Clans like the Nara, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Aburame, and so on, are much more mellow in comparison to the Uchiha and Hyuga. Don't tell anyone I said this, but training your child in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu when he's very young just so you can take pride in them beating other less-trained children in an Academy scuffle is pathetic. It's been proven time and time again that the arrogance, ego, and sense of invincibility the children of these clans get as a subsequent result of their effortless victory over other children, comes back to bite them in more high-stake situations. Even costing them their lives." He goes on a tangent, to further prove his point.

Wow... It's that deep?

"Akira, who do you think has the highest statistical mortality rate on the battlefield for young Genin among the clans?" He questions me, cutting me out of my thoughts.

"No idea." I shake my head.

"The Uchiha, only followed by the Hyuga. Interesting statistic isn't it?" He puts the nail in the coffin of my argument.

His point has been made completely clear.

"Though, I'd wanted Shikamaru to lose as well. But I know that brat well enough that it wouldn't really do any good for him. If he somehow gets conceited, then I'm a balding Hyuga." He jokes around.

"Okay... I understand, thanks, Uncle." I thank him for the explanation, my rage now dying down and slowly being switched into slight apprehension and nervousness in regard to the next topic.

"Any time... You seem like there's something else you want to talk about?" He notices my nervous look, raising his eyebrow at that.

...I might've not thought through exactly how I'll be revealing this properly.

"Uncle, I need help and training," I say simply to start it off.

"Training you'll be getting at the Academy. Clan-related Ninjutsu and training you'll be getting after you learn how to mold Chakra at the Academy." He says with finality and a touch of impatience.

"No, not that Uncle. I don't know how to explain this..." I hesitate

I trust them. I do. Spit it out.

"Well, spit it out." His patience now wearing thin.

"I think I have a Kekkei Genkai." I say, trying my best to keep eye contact.

"Elaborate." He says with narrowed eyes, practically piercing me.

That's not an expression you give to a 6-year-old, Uncle!

"I'll show you." I give a nervous nod, as I form the hand signs.

"Divine Dogs." I mutter.

Liquid shadows move as they form the now-familiar figures of the pair of twin wolves.

They are in front of me and my Uncle.

I take a look at my Uncle's face and he seems...

Frozen, his jaw trying its best to reach the floor, with his eyes being completely wide in shock.

A moment of awkward and apprehensive silence passes.

*SLAP* He slaps himself as he seems to have composed himself.

"This... How long have you been able to do this?" He asks with an unreadable expression and tone, the only emotion that he is letting through is his disbelief.

...I came prepared with an answer to this at least.

"Around 2 Days. I tried it out today in the forest when I went out." I nod and lie as best as I can, my fear of his reaction is quite evident in my tone.


At my words, he leans back into his chair and lets out an agonized sigh.

"How troublesome..." He complains a bit, hand on his face.

"It seems he created them from shadows..." He says in a whisper as he narrows his eyes sharply at the dogs, and subsequently... Me.

Making me wince. Which he notices.

"It's alright Akira, there's no need to be afraid of me. I won't reject you or treat you any differently because you seem to have formed a new Kekkei Genkai from our Clan's Yin Release" He explains, sounding more astounded at the meaning and weight of his words the more he speaks.

Okay... So far so good. My nerves were a bit pacified by him, calming me down.

But then...

A suffocating silence envelops the room, as Uncle seems to be contemplating something.

A minute passes.

The 2nd one passes.

The 3rd one passes and I dismiss my Divine Wolves, Chakra running low once again.

As the 4th minute is about to pass, Uncle sits up straight to look me dead in the eye.

"What a headache... You'll be getting the training you've asked for. Especially now that you have an unknown Kekkei Genkai, we'll need to learn about it. Keep it a secret for now. Don't tell Yoshino, or Shikamaru, unless you really want to. I'd recommend against it in the meantime. I'll be working on setting up a proper safety net for you." He tells me in an exhausted tone. However, his words contrast to his exhausted tone, as he is making an active effort to help me.

And that... Really makes me happy.

"Uncle, will you have to reveal my Kekkei Genkai to other people? Like the Hokage?" I ask in genuine and rather treasonous concern.

"Normally, to the Clan Elders. The Hokage has no word in the doing of Clans and their secret techniques. Kekkei Genkai or otherwise, there's no need to worry for you on that front. I'll take care of it." He throws me a reassuring nod and smile.

Just as I suspected, The Clan Elders will know about it... Well, there's no going back now. I just hope I won't regret this decision later on.

"Okay... Thanks, Uncle, I really, really, really appreciate it! I'll tell Shikamaru about it, at least." I immediately acted against his recommendations as I expressed my heartfelt and genuine appreciation.

I'll have to buy him a gift.

"*Sigh* You can't quite stop being troublesome can you?" He complains once again

"Well, what can I do? I am who I am." I say sagely.

"Move along brat, I've had enough of you for today. You've given me much more of a headache than this entire stack of paper could ever be." He says with faux rage, a teasing smirk on his face.

"Okay! Goodbye! Thanks again!" I nod and wave my goodbye, moving out of the room.

"A brand new Kekkei Genkai huh? How absurd..." I managed to hear this one last bewildered sentence from his mouth as I made my exit from the room.

Something tells me, his bewilderment will continue until the dawn of tomorrow.

"Hah... What a relief! It feels like a weight has been dropped from my shoulders." I say in genuine happiness.

Uncle's reaction went really well!

Don't know why I expected it to go really badly.

"Welp, time to go tell Shikamaru." I made my way to awaken the sloth from his slumber to give him a similar revelation regarding myself as his Father just got.

Though, I'm sure his reaction would be much more boring... And truthfully, that's a good thing.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

How'd I do? Leave some feedback! I respond promise! If there are any incorrections, inaccuracies etc... Tell me! I'll fix that as soon as possible! Yeah!

Heyo! The official first use and explanation of the Ten Shadows has finally come! As well as its reveal to the First Family Member... Shikaku! I hope this chapter is to your liking!

If the chapter was boring do tell me. In terms of spicing up the fic, I'm struggling to think what I can possibly do that makes narrative sense during the Academy arc. Except for the Uchiha Massacre, there isn't anything noteworthy that happened during that time. That I know of at least.

All the action really starts during the Genin stuff in Canon

Also, Akira's apprehension of Naruto is chasing him wherever he goes! Though, what did he expect? Having decided to eat at his favorite spot like the dumb dumb he is!

Pacing-wise, I'd like some feedback on how I'm doing and how I could improve it! Thanks!

Also, constructive criticism, opinions, questions, and suggestions are also appreciated!

I enjoy responding to you all!

Have a good day/week.

Cooking your Steak Well-Done is Blasphemous.

-Author Note End-

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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