88.57% The Prodigy and the Band Girls (BanG Dream x Touhou OC) / Chapter 29: XXVII - CiRCLE's New Members and Relationships Revealed

บท 29: XXVII - CiRCLE's New Members and Relationships Revealed

Shirasagi Residence 

May 31, 2021 - Monday - 6:00 A.M.

Chisato POV

Following my meeting with Aya-chan and others, I checked my social media account to see what others had to say about the photo.

And I was astonished that about half of the responses were aware of Riku's identity, which made me feel relaxed for a moment. But some people were attempting to make me and Riku appear terrible. And even putting some of the blame to Aya-chan and the others.

I notified the agency that I would explain everything today, and they expect me to share the details.

Today is Monday, and I just woke up. I wanted to see whether anything horrible had happened, but I chose not to. I took a brief shower as I prepared for school.

After the shower, I changed into my uniform, grabbed my bass and bag, and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Chisato: Good morning mom, dad. Where's Miya?

Sumire: Good morning my dear. Take a seat while I prepare your breakfast.

Aruto: Come and join us dear. Your sister is still asleep. She'll wake up at a later time.

Chisato: Ah...

(A/N: Ight, Chisato's mother and father's name is unknown so I am going with this. The mother is Sumire and the father is Aruto and for her sister, I'll go with Miya.)

I took a seat and I saw the news on TV and it was the picture with me and Riku at Tōtsuki Resort. It seems that the media is now aware of it...

Aruto: Good grief, these people really have nothing to do.....

Chisato: Dad.....

Aruto: Don't worry dear. Me and your mother know that is not the case. I'm more concerned on what will the Nagae do.

Chisato: That what I said yesterday to Aya-chan.

Aruto: So you discussed it with your band, what are your plans for the current situation?

Chisato: We plan to go to the agency after school and we cancelled our booking at CiRCLE for the meantime.

Aruto: A logical move. I trust you that you can do this on your own?

Chisato: I'm sure. I have to resolve this before Riku gets involved. He already has a lot on his plate, I don't want to give him a problem after all.....

Sumire: You really care for your big brother. Here you are dear, make sure you finish this.

Mother finished making my breakfast, and it's a white yolk omelette with fresh greens, turkey bacon and a glass of orange juice.

Chisato: Thank you very much. Itadakimasu.

I gave thanks and ate my breakfast.

Few minutes later

Hanasakigawa Girls High School - 7:20 A.M.

After eating breakfast, I received a message from Yuyuko-san requesting that we meet in her office before the start of classes.

I asked Dad whether it was okay for him to drive me to school today, and he agreed. We had just arrived at the school, and the car had stopped at the front gate.

Aruto: Well, we're here. Take care dear.

Chisato: I will. And good luck with work today.

Dad nodded and drove away. I turned back and Youmu is already there.

Youmu: You arrived early. Yuyuko-sama is expecting you.

I followed Youmu as we both head to her office.

Chisato: Youmu, what's the reason why Yuyuko-san called me?

Youmu: That I can't say. Yuyuko-sama didn't say a thing to me. But all will be revealed once we get there.

We continued walking till we reached Yuyuko-san's office. Youmu opened the door, and Yuyuko-san was there. But what surprised me was that Aya-chan, Eve-chan, and Riku were already there.

Yuyuko: You've finally arrived Chisato-chan~ Youmu, close the door and standby. Chisato-chan, find yourself a seat.

Youmu did what Yuyuko-san asked her to do, she closed the door and stood guard while I sat beside Aya-chan.

Yuyuko: Now that we're all here, let's talk some very important matters.

Riku POV

Me and my big mouth.

Why did I wind up jinxing it? I did suggest something bad was about to happen, but I didn't mean it. To think that someone took a photo of me and Chisato and placed it online...I was careless...

Chisato: It's about that post right?

Yuyuko: Looks like you're already aware of it. Do you have any plans in regards of this incident?

Eve: Chisato-san will explain everything to the agency after school, and we have cancelled our appointments at CiRCLE for the next few days.

Riku: It's no surprise that Hatate notified me that you had cancelled your arrangements. Still, an acceptable plan. Explaining things to your agency is your best chance, but it's unclear whether they'll believe it.

Chisato: Exactly. That's why if it's alright with you, can you come with us to the agency as well?

Riku: I would love to, but I can't. I have some guests that I need to entertain later at CiRCLE.

Chisato: Oh....

Riku: Don't get too down, I may visit if I have the time.

Aya: That is more than enough Riku-kun.

Riku: Then I expect that you girls resolve this cleanly.

Chisato: Eh? Riku, you're not getting involved?

Yuyuko: If it was back then, he might've. But right now, with a busy schedule, it's unlikely.

Riku: If you need any help, you can ask Hatate or Aya. As far as the situation is now, those two are the best option.

Chisato looked down as she is in her thinking pose. Aya-chan and Eve were calling her, but she wasn't answering.

Chisato: It's fine; 5 days is enough. I considered all possible outcomes. I'll ask Hatate and Aya for assistance if necessary.

Riku: Have you considered it in advance? Okay, I will let you do what you must. Aya-chan, Eve. Assist Chisato with what she wants in every way possible. And try to explain this to Maya and Hina later.

Aya: You can count on us Riku-kun!

Eve: On my honor, I will provide Chisato-san any help that she needed! For that is the way of the Bushido!!

Yuyuko: Now that's been resolved, can you girls go ahead? I want to have a talk with Riku-kun for a moment.

Chisato and the others only nodded as they left the room.

Riku: So, what do you want to talk about?

Yuyuko: I want your honest opinion in regards to that.

Riku: Simply put, it's really stupid. All I see is a bunch of bored humans making a huge deal out of nothing. If I hadn't had plans this week, I would have done something. Besides, I trust Chisato to handle this.

Yuyuko: I see that you trust Chisato-chan that much.

Riku: Chisato is aware of the entertainment industry's darker side. I am certain that she will perform well. Another reason I chose not to intervene was to observe their progress. Especially Chisato.

Yuyuko: I see. Now move along now. And be careful on the way.

Riku: I will. Oh right, before I forget, Gin-san is inviting you to dinner today.

Yuyuko: Eh?

Yuyuko-san was caught off guard as she blushed beet red.

Riku: I'll send you the details later. I'm outta here.

I left Yuyuko-san as she was still blushing.

Yuyuko POV

I was just standing silently when Riku-kun said that Gin was inviting me to dinner...I mean we haven't seen each other for a few years due to our busy schedule but...I wonder.....

Yuyuko: Youmu, what's my schedule for the rest of the day?

Youmu: You're free for the rest of the day after your meeting with the board later at 9.

Yuyuko: I see, thank you. Now move along now Youmu, I can take care of things here.

Youmu bowed and left the office, I returned to my seat as I was smiling with a light blush on my face.

Yuyuko: A dinner with Gin....ufufufu~


I heard my phone dinged and I looked at it, it was a message from Riku-kun. I opened the message, and when I saw the message, I nearly dropped my phone as the message is....

"No sweets for you for another month. Gin-san filled me in the details"

Yuyuko: I thought I could get away with it. Dammnit Gin, you snitched me.

Youmu who just opened the door stared at me with a deadpanned expression.

Youmu: I told you you'll get caught regardless.

Yuyuko: No matter.....I'll make sure that I'll wring him dry tonight ufufufufufu~


Hanasakigawa Girls High School Rooftop - 12:30 P.M.

Riku POV

After talking with Yuyuko-san, I went to class and was met by my classmates, who questioned whether I was going out with Chisato based on a photo they saw on the internet. I explained that, in addition to Chisato, Kokoro and Rinko were accompanying me, and they understood that it was a childhood friend outing.

Rinko, Sayo, and Kanon were concerned since this affected not just Chisato's career, but also mine. But Chisato reassured them that she had everything covered.

We're currently on the rooftop and just finished our lunch. I am with the band girls, minus Remi, Flan, and Sakuya-san. Yuyuko-san invited them to join her for lunch, therefore they are not with us.

The archery club asked Mafuyu to lunch so that they might get to know each other better. I gave the go-ahead, and Mafuyu followed her seniors into the club.

While the girls were talking, I observed Kokoro staring down.

Riku: You want to tell them right?

I asked her softly as I hold her hand and she just nodded slowly nod.

Riku: It's okay. I'll help you if you need it.

Kokoro nodded as she called everyone.

Kokoro: Everyone! I have something to tell you!

The girls stopped talking and turned to Kokoro.

Kanon: Is something wrong Kokoro-chan?

Rinko and Chisato seemed to understand Kokoro's intentions.

Rinko(whisper): Is it okay for her to say it here?

Riku(whisper): Don't worry, I've put up a barrier ahead of time.

Chisato(whisper): Are you sure of this?

I only nodded as I observe Kokoro.

Kokoro: The truth is...I've been hiding something from you...

Arisa: Hiding something?

Kokoro said nothing as she summoned a light orb that is the size of a basketball in her hand.

Kasumi: Whoa!!!!

Tae: So bright.....

Arisa: You can use....magic?

Hagumi: This is awesome Kokoron!!

Misaki: Why am I not surprised....

Riku: You seem to take it very well Misaki.

Misaki: I had a hunch that Kokoro can do it too, since she's been clinging onto you.

Riku: A fair assumption. But there is more to it.

Kanon: Can you do something else Kokoro-chan?

Kokoro: Yup. In fact, I want to introduce someone to all of you!

Kokoro closed her eyes as she slumped down a bit, Misaki was showing concern as she was shaking her a bit.

Misaki: Kokoro...are you oka-

Shinzo: Stop shaking me dammit.

Misaki let go of Kokoro and the girls noticed that Kokoro's eyes became dark and hollow and she's speaking in a more dark tone.

Kanon: K-Kokoro-chan?

Shinzo: I'm not Kokoro. Call me Shinzo. I'm what you call Kokoro's Alter Ego.

Aya: A split personality?!

Arisa: How did that happen?!

Riku: The moment Kokoro awakened her magic, Shinzo came to existence. Take it as a means of balancing her magic.

Eve: So balancing between light and dark?

Shinzo: Looks like you get the gist of it. Kokoro controls light, while I control darkness. But make no mistake, just because I'm Kokoro's dark side, doesn't mean I'm all evil. And nii trusts you so I'll trust you as well.

Kasumi: "nii"?

Riku: Kokoro calls me "onii-chan" while Shinzo calls me "nii".

Shinzo nodded as she turned her attention to Kokoro's band mates.

Shinzo: HagumiKanon and Misaki. I want you to continue to be friends with Kokoro. I know she's a handful to some of you....but I want you to-

Misaki: No need to ask. We'll still be Kokoro's friends. Though a big pain in the head on my side, I would never replace her for the world.

Kanon: I agree with Misaki-chan. We'll stay with her till the end.

Hagumi: So am I!!

Shinzo only smiled as I notice that she's starting to fade.

Shinzo: Then I leave you to it. Guess my time is up. I'm giving Kokoro back the control.

As Shinzo said that, she closed her eyes and slumped a bit. And a few second later, Kokoro opened her eyes and her eyes were back to normal.

Kokoro: So, how was it?

Misaki: Does Shinzo pop up most of the time?

Kokoro: Nope, she only comes out if something bad happens.

Riku: I'm glad that you girls are not afraid of Shinzo. But I must remind you, don't call Shinzo's name with "chan".

Saaya: She doesn't like it right?

Sayo: Onto different matters. Riku-san, about the photo with you and Shirasagi-san?

Kasumi: You're right! What're you gonna do to it senpai?

Riku: Nothing at the moment. With my schedule packed this week, I can't involve myself. Besides, Chisato has it covered.

Chisato: If all goes well, then we have nothing to worry about.

Riku: Good. Now let's clean this place up. Class is starting in a few minutes.

The girls agreed as we cleaned up our mess and head back to our class.

This timeskip is brought to you by...cute...yet disturbing...

Live House CiRCLE - 3:30 P.M.

After classes, I went directly to CiRCLE to check whether everything was ready. Kasumi asked me to reschedule their session for Wednesday since Saaya is busy at her bakery and Arisa has to assist her grandmother. Same goes for Kokoro and HaroHapi, who will hold the tea party that was meant to take place a few days ago today. Chisato, Aya-chan, and Eve, as they said earlier, are on their way to their agency.

I'm here at the front desk, waiting for Johan and the others, as well as Dennojo-san and the Peakeys, to come. Marina is also with me, assessing the budgets for next month. I brought Fuyu with me since she was bored, so....

I called Hatate to do something for me as I had an idea.

Riku: Hatate, are you free at the moment?

Hatate: I have some time. What do you need me to do?

Riku: I'm sending you the link. Find anything that can be useful and send it to Chisato.

Hatate: To Chisato? What about you?

Riku: I've got my hands full remember?

Hatate: Ah right. Then I want a raise for this. The link you sent me will take me a lot of digging. As I was searching, a lot of theories pop up on your relationship with Chisato.

Riku: Alright, I'll raise your pay by half. If you finish it in 2 days, I'll double your wage...just don't flex it on Aya okay?

Hatate: Leave it to me. And two days? I can finish it before the day ends. Well I'm out, I'll send you what I find whenever I finish.

Hatate hanged up the call as she began to work. And right on time, the door opened and Johan and the boys arrived.

Johan: *whistle* I can see you made one hell of a renovation since the last time I was here.

Riku: My grandfather did this while we were in Stockholm. Anyway, welcome to CiRCLE. Let me show you around while we wait. Marina, keep an eye on things here as I show them around.

Marina: Alright.

I nodded as I got up while carrying Fuyu with me and gave the boys a tour around the live house while we wait for Dennojo-san and Peakey-Pkey to arrive.

30 Minutes Later

After showing the boys what CiRCLE has to offer, we returned to the front and I see Marina with Leo/need. Seems that they've arrived on time.

Riku: You're here. I expected that you'll be arriving a bit late.

Ichika: Well our schedule is open and we have no practice.

Riku: I see.

Marina: Riku, Saki-chan told me that they want to work here and she said that you approved.

Riku: Yes, starting today Leo/need are CiRCLE's new employees. Take them to the changing room so they could change to their uniforms.

Honami: We have uniforms?

Riku: Why yes. As for your measurements, I had someone to cover it. Once you girls get changed, meet me at the office so I could discuss your schedules.

The girls nodded as Marina took Leo/need to the changing room and right on time, Dennojo-san arrived along with Peakey-Pkey and....

Keigo: Aniki!!!

The young boy who was waving at me is a young man with short red hair, red eyes, wearing a white polo, a black tie with red diagonal stripes, he's wearing black fitted pants.

Riku: Nice to see you in high spirits Keigo.

He is Horikawa Keigo. Heir to the Horikawa Family and undoubtedly one of Japan's best drummers. He's also a second year student of Yoba Academy.

Esora: Now now Kei-chan, we just got here.

Keigo: Sorry Esora, but it's been a while since I've seen aniki. And I'm still a bit disappointed that I wasn't there when you performed here.

Riku: You know that your duty is a priority right? Don't worry. Peaky-Pkey will have another shot to perform here when the time comes.

Dennojo: Shall we go to the matter at hand?

Dennojo cut in as we remembered why they came here.

Riku: Right. This is Mikhail Agatov. OG's current captain and keyboardist. I told you the details earlier right?

I introduced Misha to Dennojo-san as he carefully observes him.

Dennojo: You did. And you want me to drill him the basics in just 3 days right? If I remember, your group has made a DJ unit right?

Johan: We did, but OG's DJ unit is still new and lacking experience. We asked Riku since he was taught by the best.

Dennojo: Hmmmm....I understand. I will teach you all I know in these 3 days, so prepare yourself as I won't go easy on you.

Dennojo-san tells this to Misha as he just nods at him to say that he was more than ready.

Dennojo: I like that look in you. Good. Riku, if you don't mind?

Riku: You can go to Studio 15 to begin your session.

Dennojo-san nodded as he took OG to the studio so they could begin.

Yuka: Then what about us?

Riku: If you want to have your practice here, then I don't mind. But I want to discuss something with Shinobu.

Shinobu raised a brow when she heard that I want something to say to her.

Shinobu: Ho? And what is it that you want from me?

Riku: Let's talk about this at my office.

Shinobu: Fine.

Kyoko: Then who'll be in charge of the front while we're at your office?

Riku: Good point. That's why I came prepared.

I took a huge basket and placed it on the table, as I put Fuyu on the basket and I took something under the table and it's a sign that says "Temporarily in charge" in front of the basket.

The girls sweatdropped at my idea and Shinobu just face palmed.

Riku: Hey, Fuyu may be a cat, but she can understand human speech. Am I right girl?


Riku: Good. Now keep an eye here for a while okay? If you do well, I'll give you a good brushing tonight.

Fuyu purred in my hand as a sign of agreeing. I looked at the Peakey's and Keigo as we head to my office.

Live House CiRCLE - Riku's Office

We've reached my office and the girls were surprised to see the amount of trophies that I have in the room. I just ignored them and went to my seat.

Shinobu: Now we're here, talk.

Riku: Alright. Reason why I brought you here is because I want you to do something for me Shinobu.

Shinobu: And what would that be?

Riku: This.

I turned one of the monitors facing them and opened a certain file so Shinobu can see.

Kyoko: Is that.....a lyric sheet?

Esora: Moonlit Festival?

Keigo: Aniki, are you-

Shinobu:........so you want me to make the music for this song....what's in it for us?

Shinobu understood immediately but as expected.....she wants something in return.

Riku: That's what I want to ask you. What do Peakey-Pkey want?

Shinobu looked at her friends as she was thinking of something, but she sighed and accepted the deal.

Shinobu: Fine, I'll accept your offer. In return, I want you to host the Sunset Stage this July.

Keigo: Shino, you should know that the summer season is aniki's busiest schedule.

Riku: Actually, I might be able to squeeze that. When will the event start?

Esora: Usually before summer break starts. Which means by mid July.

Riku: Then I may be able to do something. Alright, I'll be the host. As for the song, I'll be performing it in September.

Shinobu: Works for me, I can do this if I have the time.

Riku: Alright. You girls can practice here if you want. You can go to the studio where you practiced during the last event.

Kyoko: Thanks a bunch Riku. Come on girls. Keigo, you coming?

Keigo: You girls go ahead. I'll follow suit.

The Peakey's looked at each other and just nodded as they left the room leaving me with Keigo.

Riku: So.....you want to say something?

Keigo: Aniki....are you coming out of retirement already? Aichi-nii told me everything.

Riku: Ah, that. Well, I came back since Misha was unable to obtain a VISA due to his Russian citizenship, leaving OG with only four members. If we choose a player from another team, OG will lose a significant number of points and fall behind in the PBC. And the reason they chose me is that I am a part owner of OG, and because I am theoretically a member of OG, we do not lose points.

Keigo: But why not the others?

Riku: That's the thing. Ceb was an alternative, but he is spending time with his family and is preparing to marry in four months, leaving just me. Furthermore, it was beneficial to me since I was able to demonstrate my coolness on stage to the girls.

Keigo: I see.....sorry for doubting you aniki. I wanna ask, when are you coming back to competitive?

Riku: I did say in the podcast that I'll return in a year or two, but let's see how it goes....you should go. Shinobu and the others are waiting for you and I have something to attend.

Keigo: Alright then, sorry for bothering you.

Riku: You're not a bother to me, not one bit.

Keigo only smiled as he left the room, and as he left, Ichika and the rest of Leo/need arrived at my office wearing their uniforms.

Their uniforms are a simple dark blue polo with the logo of CiRCLE on the left breast pocket and black pants.

Saki: So owner-san, how do we look?

Saki asked me on my opinion on how they look, and I just gave them the most blunt opinion that I have.

Riku: Honestly? You girls look good, especially Ichika.

Ichika: Eh!?

Ichika blushed hard at my compliment and from out of nowhere, Miku hijacked my computer and appeared at the monitor.

Miku: Bad Riku! You're picking on Ichika again!

Riku: I'm not!

Saki: Well how bout that Ichika~ owner-san has a thing for you~

Ichika: Saki!!

Honami: Now that you think about it, owner-san seems to be pretty chill when it comes to Ichika.

Shiho: Hm...strange.

Riku: Anyway. Let's discuss on your shifts. I have some work to do after this, so at least we can get on with it.

The girls listened to me as we began discussing their shifts.


Nagae Estate - 6:30 P.M.

After Leo/need and I agreed on their shifts for the month of June, I proceeded to give them an overview of how we work at CiRCLE. I assigned them specific tasks throughout the place. Shiho was assigned to instrument maintenance with Marina. Saki and Honami are at the café because they both volunteered, and Ichika is at the front, where she will alternate between herself, Aya, and Marina; Shiho will occasionally accompany her if she has nothing else to do.

Dennojo-san then came out from the studio with OG, beaming with satisfaction. I asked him how it went, and he said Misha absorbed his instructions quickly, and he was able to rework several of Dennojo-san's songs as his own, surprising him.

He asked if it was acceptable if they had another session at CiRCLE tomorrow, and I immediately said yes.

I just arrived back home with Fuyu walking behind me, and Eiji-san is already waiting for me.

Eiji: Welcome home Riku-sama.

Riku: Eiji-san? Where's Youmu?

Eiji: Youmu-sama has fencing lessons that she needs to attend and you have some guests waiting for you.

Riku: Guests? Very well, take me to them. 

Eiji-san nodded as he led me to the living room. And as we approach the living room, I notice Chisato, a woman with long brown hair wearing a suit on her left, and a man in his mid-50s with light blue hair and a calm attitude on her right.

Riku: Chisato, you're here. And who are these two that came along with you?

Chisato: The one in my left is Koetsuji Akina. She's Pastel*Palettes manager. And the one on my right is Endou Ryuichi, the agency's president.

Riku: I see. Chisato may have informed you about me, but I'll introduce myself just in case. I'm Nagae Riku, the Nagae Family heir, Chisato's childhood friend, and older brother. I appreciate you looking after her while she works for your agency.

Akina: No need to thank us Nagae-kun. It's kinda given we take care of her since she's one of our best.

Chisato: Akina-san, Riku prefers to call him by his first name. Calling by his family name makes him a bit uneasy.

Akina: I see. I'm sorry if I called you by your family name.

Riku: It's okay. Eiji-san, make sure that no one eavesdrop on our conversation. And take Fuyu to my room, I'll give her a good brushing later.

Eiji: Understood.

Eiji-san took Fuyu and left to make the necessary precautions as I began my talk with Chisato's boss.

Riku: So, what's the agenda here?

Ryuichi: Actually, we want your opinion in today's events in regards with Chisato and you.

Riku: Ah that. I did tell Chisato that I'll leave it to her. I do want to help personally, but I'm quite busy this week.

Ryuichi: I see. Chisato did tell us that. That is why we came here, to make sure we weren't bothering you.

Riku: But why come all the way here? Did Chisato not tell you everything?

Akina: Chisato did tell us everything to the last detail, but we need to hear it from you personally. If it's okay with you, can we record this conversation, to add this as proof.

Riku: Sure, I don't mind.

Ryuichi: Thank you for your cooperation Riku-kun.

Riku: If it is for my adorable little Chi-chan, then this is nothing much.

Chisato hearing me call her "Chi-chan" made her blush.

Chisato: O-Onii-sama!! I told you not to call me that!!

Riku: Why not? It kinda fits you....in a way.

Chisato: Mou!!! Onii-sama no baka!!

Akina: Umm.....shouldn't we get this under way?

Riku: Right, the interview. Let's start shall we?

They asked me questions about my relationship with Chisato, Aya-chan, and the rest of PasuPare. I told them the truth, without sugarcoating it. The questioning lasted around 30 minutes, and the smile on their faces indicates that they are happy with my answers.

Ryuichi: Thank you very much for answering our questions Riku-kun. You really are what Chisato said to us.

Riku: I'm glad that you were satisfied with my answers. It's getting late, let me-

Ryuichi: No need Riku-kun. We know you're a busy man so we'll see ourselves out.

Riku: Very well. Do be careful out there. I gave you my number just in case, call me if you have something that needs my help. Eiji-san, make sure that they leave the estate safely.

Eiji: Understood.

Eiji-san who just returned nodded and took Chisato, her manager and her boss out. And I got up from the couch and head back to my room as I promised Fuyu that I'll be giving her a good brush.

Riku's Room - 8:30 P.M.

Hours after Chisato and her employer arrived, I returned to my room and gave Fuyu a nice grooming; watching her purr so quietly indicated that she enjoyed it. After cleaning her fur, she went to bed and slept. After that, I ate dinner with Mafuyu and Tina. My grandfather had dinner with several of his friends outside, so it's just the three of us now.

After dinner, I took a quick shower and returned to my room to complete the job I had left.

Riku: Seems like it's way less than I expected.....grandfather did say that my workload will be cut but I didn't expect this much.

Normally, I would have at least two or three stacks of paper work here, but I just have one. Oh well. I looked through the documents to see what I was working on, and they were all about the Gensokyo Grand Festival, which we plan on holding next year, and The International, which Japan will host in five months.

I checked my email for additional information, and I received a reply from Genji-san stating that the Celestial Families will be accountable for everything in TI, and that the Prime Minister and his majesty had authorized it.

(A/N: Genji or Hinanawi Genji is Aichi and Tenshi's Father and the current head of the Hinanawi Family.)

Riku: Seems like we're gonna be busy this summer...hopefully I get to sneak in what Shinobu requested me.

I heard knocking on the door and I just told whoever was at the other side to come in, the door opened and it was Hatate.

Hatate: Sorry I came here uninvited Riku.

Riku: I don't mind. So, you found the culprit?

Hatate: No....but I found something worse.

What Hatate said worries me. She gave me a piece of paper and I read the contents and my eyes widen as I looked at Hatate with a very worrying face.

Riku: Hatate, are you sure that this is accurate?

Hatate: I wasn't the one who found this out, it was Aya. She gave me this so I can take a look at it and...

Riku: Fuck.....just when CiRCLE's Live was a success.....fucking hell China....where did you and Aya get this?

Hatate: Aya is looking for updates on the PBC Summer Tour, which starts in a few days. Then she came across an article that had the potential to permanently damage the circuit. She asked me for help to make sure it was real, and it was. I can't believe they did that.

Riku: No shit. Low-tier bands get paid less than higher-tier bands such as LGD and Aster. This will be a major blow to China next year...keep this information for now, and we'll see how VALVE reacts to it.

Hatate: Alright. And about the info on the culprit, I already gave it to Chisato and she said that she'll be able to settle it in 2 days.

Riku: Good.....

I stared down on my desk as I think of something and Hatate was trying to call me.

Hatate: Uh.....Riku?

Riku: Hatate, is Momiji available?

Hatate: Momiji? She's on standby at the moment, why?

Riku: I want to hire Momiji as a guard for Chisato and PasuPare. I get the feeling that the culprit won't make it easy.

Hatate: Alright, I'll inform Megumu-sama that you want to hire Momiji.

Hatate left the room as I leaned back on my chair.

Riku: Well that's one worry taken care of...

I looked at the remaining papers left on my desk as I continue to work on it so I can have some free time before I go to bed.

The next day.....

Hanasakigawa Girls High School - Rooftop

June 1, 2021 - Tuesday - 12:30 P.M.

3rd POV

The first half of the day went off without any problems. We go to the rooftop where Chisato and Riku are right now.

Riku: Hatate told me that she gave you the info.

Chisato: She did. and I can't believe that he was the one...

Riku: So you know him?

Chisato: He was one of PasuPare's most loyal fans.....he's been supporting us from day 1 and.....even in our lowest, he was there to cheer us on. He's been at every live event, signing, handshaking sessions that we have.

Riku: So we're dealing with a literal loyalist huh.....this will be a problem. So, what're you gonna do with it?

Chisato: What else, I plan to face him and clear everything up.

Riku: You do know that this could go south right? If he is in an unstable mindset right now, he might do something that he will regret.

Chisato: I know...but it's the only thing I can think of....

Riku: Alright.....I'll trust you. Do Aya-chan and the rest know what you're planning?

Chisato: I plan to tell them once we get to the agency today.

Riku: Okay. But do be careful okay?

Chisato: I will. By the way, I got a message from Akina-san that we will have a bodyguard of sorts starting today.

Riku: Ah, that. I decided to hire one to ensure that nothing bad occurs to you girls. Don't worry, the person I recruited can be trusted and has a strong sense of responsibility. You'll understand what I mean when you see her.

Chisato: Okay....wait, her?

Riku: Yes, her. I was planning on someone else but he has his hands full at the moment. Now let's head back. Lunch is almost over.

Chisato nodded as she followed Riku behind as they head back to their class.


Purely Promotions - Pastel*Palettes Practice Room - 4:00 P.M.

We go to the agency where Chisato and the rest of Pastel*Palettes have already begun their practice. Just as they got into their groove, their manager Akina entered the room, forcing them to stop rehearsing.

Chisato: Akina-san.

Akina: I'm glad that you girls are using your time to practice but....I would like you to put it on hold for now. Let me introduce you girls to your bodyguard.

Maya: Now that you mentioned it, the agency did say that we'll have a bodyguard.

Akina: I know that this is all sudden, but please do understand. With the current situation, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Aya: We understand. So.....is our bodyguard a boy?

Akina: Well you have to find out yourselves. You can come in now.

As Akina called their security, a girl in her early twenties appeared, with short silver hair, reddish brown eyes, and a scarlet tokin on her head. She's dressed in a long white sleeved shirt and a black top with flame designs down the borders of her skirt.

They were astonished to see a scimitar sheathed around her waist. When she saw Chisato and the others, she bowed lightly and introduced herself.

Momijo: I'm Inubashiri Momiji. From this day forth, I'll be Pastel*Palettes bodyguard. Pleasure to be working with you. You can call me Momiji.

Aya: Nice to meet you too Momiji-san. I'm-

Momiji: Don't need to introduce yourselves. I already know what you girls are. Akina-san, can we have some privacy?

Akina: Sure. But make it quick because I have something else to tell them.

Momiji nodded as Akina left the room leaving the six girls inside.

Momiji: Now the reason as to why you don't need to introduce yourselves to me, is because Riku and Hatate filled me in.

Eve: You know Riku-san as well? Then that means.....

Without saying anything, Momiji's appearance changed. white wolf ears appeared on her head and a white wolf tail appeared on her back.

Momiji: Unlike Hatate and Aya, I'm a Wolf Tengu.

Hina: So you're a youkai like Riku-kun too? That's so boppin'!!

Chisato: So that's why Riku was confident...Maya-chan?

While the other girls were trying to have a conversation with Momiji....Maya on the other hand....is shaking on her boots.....Momiji noticed this as she approached Maya.

Momiji: Maya-san, is something wrong?

Maya: HIIIIII~!!!!

Maya hid behind Eve as she was still shaking. Chisato understood immediately as she tried to explain to the wolf tengu.

Chisato: I'm sorry Momiji-san, I forgot to mention that Maya-chan is afraid of dogs. With you being a wolf....you get the gist of it.

Momiji: I see....

Momiji retracted her ears and tail till it was hidden, then at that moment, Maya stopped shaking. But she was still a bit hesitant to approach Momiji by herself. Momiji just approached Maya and extended her hand to her.

Momiji: I know that you're afraid of dogs, but you don't have to be afraid of me. Here's to working with you from now on.

Maya was still hesitating, but she slowly reached Momiji's hand and both of them shook hands.

Maya: S-same here.....

Akina returned to the room as she sees that Momiji is getting along with the girls.

Akina: Looks like you girls are getting along with your new bodyguard. Looks like Riku-kun's recommendation really worked out.

Eve: Riku-san recommended her to us?

Akina: He sure did. We were suspicious at first, then we looked at her credentials, we can confidently say that she is the perfect person for the job. Now, I'm gonna tell you girls something very important. And this regards to Chisato's situation with Riku-kun.

Chisato: About that. I've talked to Hatate and she already gave me the name of the one who posted the picture.

Everyone turned to Chisato quickly as they wait for the name.

Hina: You work fast Chisato-chan. We didn't even get to do anything.....

Chisato: The faster the better. anyways, the name of the culprit is Sawamura Takeo.

Chisato took out a piece of paper and showed it to the girls. In that paper is a picture of a young man in his early 20's with black hair, pale white skin, dark blue eyes and wearing a light red hoodie.

Hina: Wait a minute, I know this one. Isn't he one of our fans that always go to every event that we have?

Maya: Now that you mention it, you're right!

Aya: But why would he do this? Why would he try to ruin Chisato-chan's reputation.

Momiji: Hmmmmmm.....

Eve: What's wrong Momiji-san?

Momiji: I think I've seen this person...

Akina: Really? Where is he now?

Momiji: Well.....

Momiji scratched her head as she left the room for a while which made then ask why. Then after a few minutes, Momiji came back carrying a huge burlap sack and as Momiji took out the sack, the girls were shocked who was inside. It was Sawamura Takero all tied up and his mouth also taped up and he was muffling sounds trying to get out.

Aya: Wait, isn't this-

Chisato: Momiji-san, how did you manage to get him?

Momiji: Before I was recommended by Riku yesterday, I was doing my usual patrol around the city.

Hina: Usual patrol?

Momiji: Aside from me being a bodyguard of sorts, me and the others patrol the area and report anything odd to the boss to resolve the matter.

Maya: But how come we don't see you or any one doing patrols?

Momiji: Because we do it in high places. We jump from building to building.

PasuPare/Akina: You jump what now?

Momiji: Our training regimen is completely different compared to the police but anyways...as I was doing my usual patrol around the Tokyo area, I saw this man a few blocks away from here and he was just staring at the entrance. Knowing that he has some intentions, I did what I had to do and tied him up.

Akina: So he's tied up for a whole day?

Momiji: Well, I don't even know what to do with him. I was planning to bring him to Megumu-sama for questioning but since Hatate told me that he's the one you've been looking for...

Chisato: Can you untie him...

Aya: Chisato-chan!!

Akina: What you're asking for is risky Chisato. Who knows what he might do.

Momiji: Oh don't worry about that. I already took off anything that can be used as a weapon, so rest assured.

Chisato: Thank you....Akina-san, is there a vacant room that I can use? I want to have a word with him...alone.

Akina: We do, it's two doors to our left. Be careful.

Chisato: I will. Momiji will be there if I need it.

Momiji lifted Sawamura as the three of them went to the vacant room leaving Aya and the others behind.

Maya: So....what now? Without Chisato-san here, how can we practice?

Akina: That's up to you. If you girls have some homework need to be finished, might as well do it right now while waiting.

Aya was groaning when she remembered that she has some homework needed to be done, so she asked Hina or Maya for help and they agreed.


Chisato POV

Me and Momiji arrived at the room that Akina-san mentioned. It was a bit spacious, several chairs and tables were placed at the side of the room, I placed two chairs and a table in the middle of the room.

Chisato: Put him there.

Momiji only nodded as she puts Sawamura-kun on the vacant chair and proceeds to cut the rope tying him.

Momiji: Don't even try doing anything. I only untied you because Chisato-san requested it. If you need me, I'll be at the other side guarding the front door. Do what you have to do.

I just nodded as Momiji left the room, and they can see from the glass window on the door that Momiji was standing behind. I looked at the man with a very serious look.

Chisato: Now that we're alone...I want you to answer my questions. Depending on your answer, you could either go unscathed or.....

The man only nodded as I just sighed.

Chisato: Tell me right now.....was it really you?

Sawamura: I-I don't know what you mean by that?

Chisato: Don't even bother. I ask you again. Was it you who posted the photo with me and Riku?

Sawamura was just staring down at the table and I can see that he was sweating a bit.

Sawamura: I-It wasn't me....someone.....made me do it...

My eyes widened to see that he wasn't the main culprit....but an accomplice.

Chisato: Then who? Who made you do it?

Sawamura: It's.....it's.....

While I was waiting for him to say the name, I started to notice something is wrong with him. I approached him to see if his is alright...

Chisato: Sawamura-kun?

But all of a sudden he started to hyperventilate as he fell of the chair.

Chisato: Sawamura-kun?! Are you okay?!

Due to my loud voice, Momiji-san opened the door as she came to us.

Momiji: What happened?

Chisato: I don't know! I just asked him who was the one responsible but...he started to hyperventilate out of nowhere.

I looked at Sawamura-kun and he lost consciousness from all that heavy breathing.

Momiji: What're we gonna do to him?

Chisato: Take him to the infirmary and keep an eye on him. Keep me posted on his situation and call me if he wakes up. I'm gonna head back to Aya-chan and the others.

Momiji nodded as she carried Sawamura-kun to the infirmary and I returned to the practice room.

With Aya and the others...

3rd POV

While waiting for Chisato to return, Aya and the others finished their homework. Though Aya had some difficulty, with the help of Hina and Maya, she finished it quicker than she would normally do. As they were doing their own thing, Chisato returned with a defeated look.

Aya: What happened Chisato-chan? Did he really do it?

Chisato: No. Someone made him do it.

Maya: So he's an accomplice. Did you get the name?

Chisato: No. Before he even gave me the name, he started to hyperventilate and collapsed. Right now, Momiji is keeping an eye on him.

Eve: Then that means we're back to square one right?

Chisato: Unfortunately. This is gonna be a setback. If we don't resolve this before the weekend starts...


The girls heard an explosion which scared them and looked at the direction where it came from.

Maya: W-What was that?!

Hina: An explosion?!

Chisato: But where?

Akina entered the room while she was panting to see the girls if they were alright.

Akina: Girls!! You're okay!!

Aya: Akina-san! What happened?

Akina: Someone showed up in the infirmary and took Sawamura. Momiji is currently in pursuit.

The girls eyes widened when they heard that Sawamura was kidnapped and Momiji is already chasing the suspect.

Akina: Anyway, all practices will be on hold until further notice. So for the meantime, we at the agency will take you girls home for good measure. And as much as I don't want to interrupt Riku-kun, I have to report this to him.

The girls just nodded as Akina took them outside as the cars were waiting for them.

Meanwhile with Momiji.....

Momiji had been hunting for the person who had taken Sawamura. She was a little far behind since the suspect was faster. Unfortunately for the culprit, Momiji can detect his location. Momiji comes to a halt when she realizes they're in a forest; she lets out her ears and tail while listening to what the suspect is saying.

???: You just had one job, and you failed spectacularly. Well, that was to be anticipated. With those tengu present, no information can be hidden. I intended to damage Shirasagi's reputation in order to compel the young Nagae to act, but what's done is done. With that, you're no longer useful to me.

Momiji was shocked. This individual was directly responsible for the current occurrences. Momiji quickly removed a blue stick from her pocket and broke it in two. What she saw next startled her. The man was about to stab Sawamura's heart with his own hands when Momiji unsheathed her scimitar, summoned her shield, and ran towards him, stopping the man's hand and preventing him from murdering Sawamura.

???: Looks like you caught up to me. Though you're a wolf tengu, you are no match for me.

Momiji: I don't care if I'm no match for you. I just have to stall you.

???: Ho? And who's gonna stop me?

???: I will! Wind Sign: "Tempest Edge"!!!

A huge blade of wind at high speed was coming for the man, he tried to jump in an attempt to dodge it, but the blade followed him and hits him in the chest.

Momiji: Aya!! Wait, why're you here? I used the signal to call Megumu-sama.

S. Aya: You did, however she is now at a meeting with the generals. She contacted me to assist you since I was free at the time, and I'm not sure why she instructed me to come here, but I sensed the bloodlust and it seemed that I arrived on time.

The man who was knocked down slowly got up, but his black cloak was in shreds as the hood was gone, it showed his ebony black hair, pale white skin and dark gold gleaming eyes.

???: So the fastest in Gensokyo has arrived to stop me. I wanted to retaliate, but my master urged me to hold back. It's a little setback to my master's plans, and this is only the beginning. With that, I wish you both farewell.

The man bowed as a black swirling portal appeared behind him. Before Aya and Momiji get to act, he entered the portal and he was gone.

S. Aya: What was that all about?

Momiji: I don't know...he just showed up and blew up a part of the agency.....luckily no one was harmed.

S. Aya: You know that Riku won't be happy with this.

Momiji: I know....let's just hope that he won't do something drastic. Wait a minute.....what is this?

Momiji noticed a dark violet book on the ground. As she got close, she felt a dark power coming from the book.

Momiji: A book?

S. Aya: More like a grimoire if you ask me. Let's get this checked out.

Momiji: I think Kosuzu or Patchouli might be able to identify what this is. But let's inform this to the family heads first. But first, let's get him to a hospital.

Aya nodded as she flew off the forest and Momiji dashed away following her.


Nagae Estate - Kyoya's Office - 7:30 P.M.

Riku POV

After classes finished, I informed Marina that I would be unable to attend CiRCLE since I had an appointment with Momo today. I also informed her that Dennojo-san and the rest of the OG will be at the live house for Misha's training.

After that, I head to the place where I instructed Momo to go so that I may begin teaching her what I know. Momo surprised me by being a great listener once we started. She follows my instructions exactly, plus she has a habit of adding cuteness to her designs, which I don't mind.

I showed her a few baking skills that she could use and add to her arsenal, and I saw Momo's Solar Hands were similar to mine. I informed her about it, and she became fascinated.

After an hour and a half, we decided to end the session. And before she left she informed me that on behalf of the Totsuki Elite Ten Council, she was grateful because not only was the school becoming much better than it used to be, but the Elite Ten also had much more time to focus on their craft than they had back then.

I just smiled because she was gradually improving and things were going well....but that all changed when I received a call from Akina-san....which is why I'm here my grandfather's office with Tina.

Tina is with us since we may need some intel from her organization...my grandfather was now reviewing the message I received from Akina-san and attempting to match it to the report he received just moments ago.

Kyoya: There's no mistaking it, what Akina-kun and the report of a bombing that I received are a match. Now the question is, who?

Riku: Akina-san told me that Aya and Momiji dealt with the situation. They'll share what they got once they arrive.

And right on time, the door opened and Aya and Momiji entered the room.

S. Aya: Sorry we got here late. We had to get something checked out before we come here.

Kyoya: We don't mind. Now, let us hear what you have to report.

S. Aya/Momiji: Hai.

One Report Later....

After Aya and Momiji gave their report, me and grandpa were rubbing the top of our noses as we know who the culprit is.

Riku: So all of this is Nergal and the Black Fang's doing....but why?

Kyoya: I don't know. But this is getting out of hand. If they could've targeted you or me, that would be reasonable, but targeting your friends in broad daylight is a different matter.

Riku: And let's not forget that the one who did this is something close to what happened to Shinomiya Oko.....

Kyoya: That is worrisome...Tina, have you heard anything about the fang from your father?

Tina: Father told me that the fang's movement has been very quiet as of late. But he did told me that we need to keep our eyes out here.

Kyoya: Then we'll increase the surveillance of the country a bit. Tina, you may go. Keine-sensei must be waiting for you.

Tina bowed as she left the room to continue her lessons with Keine-sensei.

Riku: Momiji, how're the girls?

Momiji: The girls were led back to their homes. Aya and I called a few tengus to keep an eye on them in case anything happened. Sawamura-kun has been brought to a medical facility. He will not be held responsible for anything that has transpired because he is also a victim. A few of our tengus are keeping an eye on him for good measure.

S. Aya: I know that you're worried for them, but don't worry, they're fine. The tengus we sent out are the best of the best.

Riku: Thanks......now onto other matters. About the book that you picked up from whoever that man is. What did you find out?

Momiji: Patchouli and Kosuzu are still figuring it out. They said that the language of the book is something that they've never seen before so it'll take them a longer time.

Kyoya: Hmmmmm.....did they say something before you left?

S. Aya: They did say something. They say that though they don't understand what was written on the book. But they told us that the grimoire contains ancient dark magic.

Kyoya: Thank you for taking the time. You may go, and do be careful.

Aya and Momiji bowed as they see themselves out. I looked at grandfather as he was staring through the window.

Riku: So, what's next?

Kyoya: For now, nothing. We will wait until Yukari returns. But you and Mafuyu's training will be increased a bit, in preparations in combating mages, especially dark mages. Tina can join in if she wants. Your training begins once we family heads think of a way.

Riku: Understood. If that's all, then I'll return to my room. I have a song to write. It's acting up again.

Grandfather raised a brow when I mentioned that.

Kyoya: Who is it this time showed up?

Riku: It's Kasen-san.....but two of them.

Kyoya: Okay, I won't ask anything. Do what you need to do. By the way, did you have dinner already?

Riku: I had dinner with Momo before we seperate.

Kyoya: I see. Then I'll tell Mafuyu and Tina to go on ahead.

I nodded and exited the room. As I walked down the corridor, my phone rang, and I noticed that it was a message from Johan. He's wondering if I have any free time tonight. I told him I'd be busy until 10. I asked why he needed me, and he said that a limited edition raid dungeon has appeared on the NFO Japanese Server with the reward of a Class Change Ticket. The dungeon will be open from 10:30 - 12:30, and the required level to enter is level 95 or higher. I wanted to invite Rinko and Ako-chan, but they said they wanted to take a break for a bit, so it will just be myself, Johan, and the rest. As for the song, I'll do it later; the scenes are still foggy right now, so I'm not sure what to write.

I actually answered, "You son of a bitch, I'm in!" and added that I'd meet him after I finished my job, to which he replied that the boys would also be joining in the fun.

I put my phone back in my pocket and make my way to my room, rushing to do the job as quickly as possible.

Riku's Room - 9:30 P.M.

It took me at least an hour and a half to accomplish the paperwork that was thrown at me, and before I logged in, I received a message from Aya-chan informing me that she and the rest of Pastel*Palettes had been asked to be special guests on a well-known talk show that airs every 6 p.m. She asked if it was okay for them to accept, and I replied OK, but Aya-chan thought they weren't ready yet. I told her that they are not yet prepared for this, but that they may use it as an opportunity to clear up any confusion from the previous few days, and she responded quickly since she grasped the issue. I wished her luck, launched my game, and logged in.

[OG.Iku is online]

I teleported to the guild base as Johan is already there as he readies everything for the raid.

OG.N0tail: Riku, you've made it on time.

Johan called me as I head to the guild's meeting room.

Name: OG.N0tail

Level: 100

Class: Enchanter

Johan belongs to the Spell Caster Class, specifically the Enchanter class. Enchanters lack offense and have the lowest HP stat in the game, but they compensate with a range of enhancement spells and debuffs. But the true disadvantage of this class is that enchanters cannot go alone, therefore they must always be in a party, and enchanters are extremely rare, with at least 8% of the player base choosing this class. 

OG.Iku: Aren't you a bit too early?

OG.N0tail: The boys were a bit lagging behind in getting their luggage ready for tomorrow, so I went ahead and logged in early.

I said nothing as I helped Johan in getting everything ready. From potions, antidotes and any miscellaneous materials that we need for the raid. After a few minutes, the boys logged in.

[OG.Yuragi is online]

[OG.bzm is online]

[OG.Taiga is online]

[OG.Misha is online]

The other boys finally logged in. I haven't played with them as I was at Japan before they joined the guild.

Name: OG.Yuragi

Level: 97

Class: Sniper

Name: OG.bzm

Level: 95

Class: Invoker

Name: OG.Taiga

Level: 100

Class: Dark Druid

Name: OG.Misha

Level: 100

Class: Guardian

Yuragi's class is Sniper, one of the most powerful Ranged Classes. Snipers are an invaluable asset to any dungeon raid, as they have the longest range and do the most critical damage. However, the negative is their damage output. If a sniper is near to the target, their damage is reduced by 60%; hence, cover is always required, and the majority of snipers have some mobility skills to compensate with this weakness.

bzm's class is Invoker, which is one of the rarest Spellcaster classes. Unlike the Sorcerer class, which focuses on a single element, invokers may wield lightning, fire, and ice magic together to create many spell combinations such as [Alacrity], [Deafening Blast], [Forged Spirits], [Ghost Walk], and many more. However, invokers have the game's longest spell cooldown, which is 35% longer than that of other spellcasters. Invoked abilities use twice as much mana.

Taiga is a Dark Druid, an extremely rare Healer Class. This class can use dark magic and may be called a sorcerer in some cases. The unique feature of this class is that they can turn 40% of their damage into health. If this class reaches level 100, they get the class-exclusive talent [Burrowed Time], which converts all damage dealt on the caster and allies surrounding the caster into healing for a brief period of time.

And lastly, Misha's a Guardian, a Tank Class which is the same as Sayo's. Though lacking in offense, they boast in high HP, Physical and Magical Defense and several skills that can taunt the enemy and survivability skills so they can last longer.

OG.N0tail: So you boys finished packing up? 

The boys nodded as Johan opens up a map and lays it on the table.

OG.N0tail: Here's the info that I got from our informants. The dungeon is called the "Eltrion Flying Fortress" and it's a very high level dungeon that focuses on platform jumping. Any player under level 90 will be instantly 1 shot.

Johan shows us the map and good lord...those are a lot of platforms, this requires a lot of thinking where to land and where to go next.

OG.Yuragi: Any details on the boss?

Johan took off the map as he activated the monitor board as he showed the image of the dungeon boss.

[Mechanical Monarch of the Sky: Eltrion MKII]

When we see what the boss looks like, one thing is on our minds...we're fucked.

OG.bzm: We're going to fight that thing?! Us 6 won't be enough to beat this!

OG.Taiga: And we have no idea how much HP this one has too.

OG.Iku: Wait....ain't this boss appeared in the South American Server 3 weeks ago?

OG.Misha: So it's a "Roaming Raid Boss".

Roaming Raid Bosses are among the most challenging bosses to defeat in the game. It starts on one server and stays there for a week or two before moving on to the next. The difficulty of this monster is that it does not show the HP meter; instead, it displays the overall damage dealt throughout its stay on that server. However, there is a catch while battling these kind of bosses.

OG.Iku: We need a lot of players to fight this thing. And from what I heard from Panda, the boss is at it's weakened state. We can take advantage of this.

OG.N0tail: Which is why I talked to the guilds of this server to help us with it.

OG.Iku: I can tell they want something in return.

OG.N0tail: Yup. They want a portion of the drops one the boss is defeated.

OG.Iku: Easy enough. So, which guilds are joining with us?

OG.N0tail: It'll be the [Westwind Brigade] & [DDD].

OG.Iku: So it's those two. We can make it work. anyway, the formation that we'll make for this is-

Just when I was about to begin creating the formation for our team, Rinko and ako-chan logged in from out of nowhere.

[OG.Rin-Rin is online]

[OG.Demon Princess Ako is online]

The two girls showed up in the meeting room and Ako-chan was looking mad and was glaring at me.


OG.Iku: Didn't you say that you want to take a break for a while?

OG.Demon Princess Ako: We did, but when we heard of this raid, no way we will let this one slide. I mean our level is up to par with you guys!

I looked at the status screens of Ako-chan and Rinko and...

Name: OG.Demon Princess Ako

Level: 97

Class: Summoner

Name: OG.Rin-Rin

Level: 100

Class: Sorceress (Ice)

Well how bout that, their levels took a huge leap. Rinko finally maxed out and Ako-chan just needs a bit more.

OG.N0tail: I think we can count this as a good thing. Riku, you take Rinko, Ako and Artem with you and I'll be with Taiga, Misha and bzm.

OG.Iku: I can work with that. I'll be the vanguard, Rinko, Ako-chan, you'll be my wings and Artem will fire from the rear.

The three nodded as I looked at Johan and nodded.

OG.N0tail: Good, now let's go. The other guilds are waiting. Let's set a record for this one before we go.

We followed Johan as we leave the guild house and meet up with the other guilds as we take on one of the hardest bosses in NFO.

(A/N: Yes, I added some Log Horizon and Elsword elements in NFO for this story. I like both, I played Elsword since it's release and I like Log Horizon more...way better than SAO ngl.....)

One hell of a raid boss attempt later...........

3 hours later....

This fight was fucking exhausting. I know I've been playing the piano all my life, so my fingers should be OK, but this one takes the cake. No one informed us that the boss might utilize Funnels and Fang Bits to screw us over, so we had to shift around a lot, and my fingers were numb from all of this; I can't even type, so I had to use voice chat. It took us a long time, but we finally beat it. We lost a few players along the process, but their deaths will not be in vain.

I'm alongside Rinko and Ako-chan, who were also weary on the ground, and I notice Johan and the guild heads of the West Wind Brigade and DDD gathered to discuss how the treasure would be distributed. Johan glanced at me as he called for me; while my fingers remained numb, I moved my avatar as I approached Johan.

OG.Iku: So, what did you call me for?

OG.N0tail: Well, me and the other leaders decided to give you this.

Johan opened the trade window and I opened mine and my eyes went wide as I saw what Johan and the other leaders were planning to give me.

[+0 Eltrion MKII Cannon]

Class: Phantasmal

Durability: 1500/1500

Req. Level: 100

Physical Attack: 12,000

Magical Attack: 10,500

Physical Defense: 6,500

Magical Defense: 6,500

HP: 85,000

MP: 55,000

Additional Stats:

Physical/Magical Attack: +30%

Physical/Magical Defense: +20%

HP/Mana: +20%

Unique Passive: Eltrion Spirit - Every 3 attacks will have a 30% chance to add [Eltrion Spirit], increases movement speed and jump speed by 5%. Lasts 30 seconds (Can be stacked. Max Stacks: 5)

Unique Skill: Eltrion Positron Laser - By removing 5 stacks of [Eltrion Spirit] can summon Eltrion and fires a laser that affects in a cone area, dealing huge magical damage and a guarantee chance to paralyze anything it hits. Paralyzed enemies will take 150% critical damage.

Weapon Enhancements: 6

Weapon can gain any bonuses from other armor sets.

Enhancement Bonuses:

+1: Critical Chance +10%

+2: All Elemental Resistance +35%

+3: Skill Life Steal +20%

+4: Skill Cooldown +15%

+5: Skill Damage Amplification +15%

+6: Movement/Attack Speed +25%

+7: Status Resistance +20%

+8: Physical and Magical Attack +15%

+9: Physical and Magical Defense +15%

+10: Mana Cost -15%

+11: Critical Damage +25%

+12: Max HP and Mana +20%

OG.Iku: Are you really giving this to me?

DDD.Krusty: You have done a lot in this operation. You gave us opening after opening and trying to lessen the casualties overall.

Krusty is the leader of DDD, one of the strongest Combat Guilds in NFO. With charisma that is befitting for a leader, his guild has amassed over 1,300 members.

WWB.Soujirou: And you have been taking most of the brunt of the damage throughout the entire thing. It's kinda deserving for you to have this don't you think?

Soujirou is the leader of the West Wind Brigade. Though small in number, the synergy of each player is considered to be top notched. But the questionable thing about this guild is...majority of the members are all women.

OG.Iku: Then I'll accept this. What am I gonna do with my current weapon?

DDD.Krusty: Hmmm.....I might be able to help you with it. If you plan to auction it, I know someone who can do it. Just give me a call once you're okay with it.

Krusty said that as he sent me a friend request, Soujiro also gave me a friend request as he told me that he had a blast playing with me, so I accepted both requests.

DDD.Krusty: I think it's time for me to leave. All loots have been distributed, and I have work for tomorrow.

WWB.Soujirou: Me too. I have a project to finish early as well.

Me and Johan nodded as the two leaders turned to their guildmates.

OG.Iku: I think we should log out too. I have school and you guys have.....well.....stuff to do.

OG.N0tail: Sure, you can go.

OG.Iku: Thanks. Rinko! Ako! Let's log out! We're done!

Ako-chan and Rinko nodded as the three of us logged out of the game. I turned off my computer and I just looked at my hands as they were still shaking.

Riku: Maybe a good nights rest will fix this.

I got to my bed and called it a night as I prepare for the next day.

The next day.....

June 2, 2021 - Wednesday - 6:30 A.M.

Today's Wednesday and I did my usual routine, did some stretches, took a quick bath and wear my uniform as I get ready for school. I told Aizawa to ready my Rezvani as I'm using it today. After that, I head to the dining room to eat a quick breakfast, and I meet up with Mafuyu as she was ready to go as well.

Mafuyu: Good morning nii-san.

Riku: Good morning to you too Mafuyu. Come, let's have breakfast, we have a long day ahead of us.

Mafuyu nodded as we eat our breakfast. The atmosphere was quiet while we were eating, but I noticed that Mafuyu was eating while looking at her phone.

Riku: Mafuyu, you do know it's a bit rude to eat while looking at your phone right?

Mafuyu: Sorry, it's just that I need to send these homework files that was left to me for Kanade.

Riku: Homework files? Does Kanade go to school in the first place?

Mafuyu: Kanade takes Online Courses because well...you know....

Riku: Ah...that makes sense. What about Ena and Mizuki?

Mafuyu: Ena and Mizuki goes to the same school at Kamiyama, but Ena takes the Night Classes, while Mizuki takes the Regular Classes.

Riku: I wonder how they balance it out.....aside from Mizuki, you take regular classes when you were still at Miyamasuzuka right?

Mafuyu: Well I was the class rep there before I transferred to Hanasakigawa and I have some other duties there as well.

Riku: I see. Then once you finish sending those to Kanade, finish your breakfast and met me at the garage okay? Gochisousama.

I finished breakfast as I leave Mafuyu and head to the garage. As I was getting everything ready for ten minutes, Mafuyu was in the garage with her bag.

Mafuyu: So you're using your car today?

Riku: I have something to do this afternoon and I might need to use this just because.

Mafuyu only nodded as she heads inside the car and took the seat beside the driver's seat. I checked my mirrors one more time and drove our way to school.

A shit ton of hours later....

Live House CiRCLE - Riku's Office

5:30 P.M.

Nothing much happened at school, save that Chisato, Eve, and Aya-chan were swamped with questions about what happened to the agency yesterday. They said that they were alright and nothing happened to them, but their classmates still expresses worry for them.

I questioned Chisato about the talk show that Aya-chan mentioned to me yesterday, and she said the agency may use this as an opportunity to clarify the misunderstanding, so I urged her to be cautious just in case.

The other thing happened is about Yuyuko-san. She is glowing.....literally. Even though she's a ghost, I can see that she's been revitalized for some reason. If it is what I think it is.....never the fucking mind then...

I'm at CiRCLE because I intend to manage everything required in preparation for TI. Youmu came along after Yuyuko-san informed her that it was time for her to return to my side.

As me and Youmu came earlier, Johan and the rest of OG, along with Dennojo-san, arrived early to prepare Misha for his final session. I informed them that the previous studio they used was ready to go, and they just went their way.

I questioned Dennojo-san about Shinobu and the other Peakeys, and he stated they won't be coming today since they have some important affairs to address at Yoba.

After Dennojo-san moved ahead to the studio, Ichika and the rest of Leo/need came to start their shift. Youmu introduced herself to the girls as this is the first time they've met. Following the introductions, the girls walked to the dressing room to change, while I returned to the office and Youmu went to the cafe to aid Saki and Honami.

I'm at my office going over all of the files that VALVE provided me, and the most of them are for the TI group stage. I had planned to watch the program where Aya-chan and the others are, but I have a meeting with the other live house owners who were chosen to host the group stage later via video chat.

I turned my chair around as I look through the window.

Riku: I hope those girls don't screw it up.....

Meanwhile with Pastel*Palettes

Tokyo TV - Studio 3

6:00 P.M.

3rd POV

We go to the Tokyo TV Studio as the show where Pastel*Palettes are is about to start.

Host: Hello and good evening everybody! Welcome to the Evening Hour! Tonight we will have a very special guest, they're the rising stars that has been the talk in the entertainment industry. Combining the concepts of an idol and bands into one. Let's welcome the Idol Band group, Pastel*Palettes!!

The camera slides as it shows Pastel*Palettes coming behind the curtains as they waved to the audience.

Host: Welcome, girls. Welcome. Can you introduce yourselves to the crowd tonight?

Aya nodded and tried to do her absolute best.

Aya: Good evening everybody! Colors on a round mountain! I'm the vocalist of Pastel*Palettes, Maruyama Aya!

Aya did a finger gun with both of her hands as she winked to the crowd.

Hina: I'm the guitarist, Hikawa Hina! It's super boppin' to be here! Nice to meet you!

Hina introduced herself with her usual hyper energetic self as she waved to the crowd.

Chisato: I'm the bassist, Shirasagi Chisato! Nice to meet you!

Chisato's intro might be simple, but it shows an aura of professionalism.

Maya: Hello, my name is a palindrome. I'm the drummer, Yamato Maya!

Maya tried her best not to fumble as the camera turned to Eve.

Eve: I'm the keyboardist, Wakamiya Eve! I do my best through the way of the Bushido!

Host: Now that you girls introduced yourselves, let's get on with the show!

45 minutes later....

The show started smoothly as the host asked the girls question in regards to their routine as an idol, their dreams, beliefs and hardships to reach where they are now. But, the next question is something that Chisato anticipated.

Host: Now, as a last question. I want Chisato-san to answer it.

The host pulls out a remote as she pressed a button and a photo showed on the screen and it's the picture where Riku is at the Totsuki resort along with Chisato and Riku's other childhood friends with Kokoro clinging on his arm.

Host: Before You say anything, I did my research. I just want to confirm your relationship with Riku so we can clear everything here.

Chisato: I don't know why is everyone making a fuss with me going out on a trip with my brother.

Everyone went quiet at Chisato's words. Aya and the girls looked at Chisato because they know that Chisato is risking it.

Aya: Chisato-chan.....

Chisato: Leave this to me Aya-chan. I know what I'm doing.

Host: So you two are siblings, I take it that you have a sibling bond of sorts?

Chisato: Yes, aside from me, the girls in that picture also has a sibling bond with Riku.

Aya, Eve, Hina and Mya flinched at Chisato's words. What Chisato meant by those words include Rinko as well. They know that Rinko and Riku had feelings for each other, but Chisato covered it up. They have no idea why, but Chisato is more than aware of that.

Host: I see. If I may ask, how did it all start?

Chisato: Hmm...it was when I had just started out as a child actress. Riku saw me practicing my first part and offered to help me, but I was visibly wary at first. But I could see he wanted nothing more than to help me, and I could see in his eyes that he was sincere, so I let him help me, and in only a few days, I was able to get the lines straight with his assistance, and we have become friends ever since. But throughout the years, we've developed a tight friendship akin to siblings.

A lot of the crowd was amazed at how pure Chisato's relationship with Riku. Guess that they were worried for nothing.

Host: Last question. Have you ever confessed to him?

Chisato's band mates looked at her as they wait for her answer. Depending on her answer, will decide her future.

Chisato: I did.

Everyone gasped at Chisato's answer. Confessing one's love is something dangerous to an idol, especially Chisato. But she didn't care one bit.

Chisato: But I got turned down.

Host: Eh?

Aya: Riku-kun-

Hina: Rejected you?

Eve(thoughts): So this is what Riku-san meant when he said that one time...

Chisato just closed her eyes as she continued her answer.

Chisato: But that's okay. I know that he already has someone in his heart. And, frankly, I needed to get it off my chest. I'm glad I did. Even although he looks at me as his little sister....it's more than enough for me, since he cares for his family more than anything.

Host: Are you sure you're fine with that?

Chisato: I'm sure...Riku has lost his parents and his best friend, and he has almost given up music totally. He has gone through a lot. It is my responsibility as his younger sister to be there to help him. Whatever happens next, I'm not concerned. I will do everything for Onii-sama.

After Chisato's heartfelt response, there was stillness, followed by one person clapping. Then it was followed by another, and then another, until the entire audience began to clap. The host smiled warmly as she gazed at Chisato.

Host: What a dedicated sister you are....

Meanwhile with Riku.....

Nagae Estate - 8:00 P.M.

Riku POV

The meeting with the other live house owners ended on a high one for me as it went really well for us as we discussed information on what to do once the group stage starts. I gave them the run down on what the pro bands normally do, but it's up to them to figure things out.

I had dinner with the other owners together with Youmu as a way to get to know each other, and after that, we exchanged numbers so we may call each other if something happens.

I'm at the estate right now, finishing up the job that was left for me. The last file I have is from Totsuki. And the file contents are connected to the Autumn Festival, which is now awaiting approval. I looked over the file, and the proposed theme is "Curry". I loved the idea and accepted it without hesitation.

As I finish my work, I checked the PBC to see what I missed. And I noticed that Team Spirit is changing their line up a bit. Swapping Yatoro for drums and Collapse for their lead guitarist. I know Illya(A/N: Yes, Illya is Yatoro's real name) plays drums every now and then.....they might have something in mind.....

While I'm browsing on the internet, I got a message from Aya-chan. It says "Just be prepared for tomorrow". I'm not sure what that meant, but I'll be prepared just in case.

After reading Aya-chan's ominous message, the door opened, and Tina appeared, accompanied by...Flan? I know Tina and Flan get along well right away, but I'm curious how Remi thinks about this.

Riku: Tina, Flan. Is there something you need from me?

Flan makes her way to my desk and slammed something on the table.....it was a game called Valorant...and I know where this is heading.

Flandre: Onii-san, I want you to play this with us!!

Tina: It's a new game and we want to try it.

Riku: I just finished my work, so I have some time....sure. And Flan, is your sister aware that you're here?

Flan scratched her head as she avoided eye contact.

Flandre: I'm with Meiling and don't worry! Onee-sama said that it'll be fine if I stay here.

I just stared at Flan for a good few seconds and just sighed.

Riku: Alright....I'll believe you.....for now. But I still have to ask your sister about this okay?

Flan just says yes and left with Tina as they head back to their rooms so they can get ready.

I installed the game, waited a few minutes, and then saw the main menu.....this is an FPS...oh boy.....Tina is having a field day with this. I created an account, and then Flan and Tina invited me to join them.

Let's hope that the girls will hold back a bit...

The next day....

June 3, 2021 - Thursday

Hanasakigawa Girls High School - Entrance - 7:30 A.M.

After playing with Tina and Flan for around 3 hours, they both decided to call it a night. They didn't hold back. Both of them, particularly Tina, scored at least 2-3 kills every round. The minute she gets the sniper Rifle, she's begun tapping heads, even to the point of no scoping from time to time.

After I finished playing, I contacted Remi to ask how Flan was here in the estate. She merely stated she may go out at night as long as Meiling-san or Sakuya-san is with her and not making trouble, which made me relieved. But before I hung up the phone, Remi informed me that there were four strings of fate attached to me. One was grayish silver, the other one was sakura pink, the other was raven black and the last one was icy blue. I asked her about it, but she told me it was up to me to find it out before hanging up.

Today, Mafuyu, Youmu, and I decided to walk to school. We met Rinko and Sayo along the road, so they joined us. As we walked, Rinko asked whether I had seen the show where Chisato and the rest of PasuPare were, but I answered no, since I had a meeting with the other live house owners about TI and didn't have time to see it.

As we approached the school entrance. Chisato, Aya-chan, and Eve stood at the entryway, waiting for me. And Chisato gave me a confident smile.

Riku: I take it that everything went well?

Chisato: Yes. I told you it won't take long to settle the problem.

Riku: That's good. Sorry that I wasn't able to watch it. I had a meeting at that time.

Aya: It's okay Riku-kun! Chisato-chan did her best to convince everyone!

Eve: Aya-san is right! Chisato-san bravely faced the question thrown at her head-on!

Chisato: And after the show, I realized something on what I must do.

Riku: And that is?

Chisato: This.

Chisato came close to me as she kissed me on the cheek, shocking everyone around me especially Rinko.

Rinko: C-C-C-Chisato-san...

Sayo: W-What are you doing to Riku-san, Shirasagi-san?!

Aya: Told you to prepare for what's to come.

Aya-chan said in a deadpanned tone. So this is what she meant. But still.....

Riku: Chisato, may I ask why you did that?

Chisato: I may not be able to get your affection romantically anymore, at the very least I can be your favorite little sister~ And I'm just getting started. So prepare yourself, onii-sama~

Chisato gave me a wink as she separated from me, and I feel a killing intent coming from behind me.

Kokoro: Is that a challenge?

Behind me, Kokoro was letting out a bright yellow aura. I can feel that she's serious about this. Her position of the favorite little sister is in jeopardy, and it seems Chisato is challenging her.

Misaki and the other members of HaroHapi were just behind her and just shaking their heads when I look at them.

Riku(thoughts): I guess they don't want to get involved in the crossfire.

Chisato: Yes.

Shinzo: He~ is that so? Then bring it. Nii belongs to me and Kokoro. If you want him, then you'll have to take him...but you already knew that.

Shinzo took control of Kokoro from out of nowhere as she was glaring at Chisato. Chisato on the other hand was not fazed as she took Shinzo's glare head on.

Chisato: I had a feeling you'd say that.

Chisato is letting out a yellow aura as sparks were flying between Kokoro and Chisato. This is gonna be a normal occurrence right?

Udongein: Riku! Good thing I caught up to you!!

As the two blondes were fighting, Udongein showed up as she was running at our direction.

Riku: Udongein. What brings you here?

Udongein: This.

Udongein hands me a letter and on the letter is the insignia of the Houraisan Family.

Riku: Kaguya is inviting me.....to what?

Udongein: I don't know. She just told me to give this to you.

Riku(thoughts): What are you planning this time.....Kaguya.....

Meanwhile at Eientei

Kaguya POV

I'm at the gardens as I take my morning stroll around Eientei, then one of the rabbits showed up as they make their report.

Moon Rabbit 1: Kaguya-sama. Udongein-sama has successfully delivered the letter.

Kaguya: Good. Then I want everything ready by the weekend.

Moon Rabbit 1: Understood Kaguya-sama.

After the rabbit left, I looked at the pond as I gazed at my reflection.

Kaguya: I gotta do this...for Riku's sake and mine...

Moon Rabbit 2: Kaguya-sama, messengers from the Watatsuki clan will arrive later today.

Another moon rabbit arrived as she reported that one of the Watatsuki clan members are coming.

Kaguya: Who will be arriving here?

Moon Rabbit 2: It's Toyohime-sama along with Seiran-sama.

Kaguya: I see. Return to your duties.

Moon Rabbits: HAI!

The rabbits left the garden as I seat on the garden bench.

Kaguya: What could Toyohime want?

I gazed on the blue sky as I think what Toyohime's reason to come....

Next Chapter: XXVIII - Riku and Kaguya - A Bond Rekindled

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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