
ตอน 27: Intelligent Virus?

Hey everyone, exciting news! We've got a cool challenge ahead. If we can gather 100 power stones by Friday, brace yourselves because there's a fantastic bonus chapter coming your way on Saturday! Let the power stone hunt begin! #ChallengeAccepted


In the laboratory, Varion gazed at the petri dish before him, his expression a mix of astonishment and intrigue.

"Mousse, please record the results of this experiment," he instructed.

Under the electron microscope, the T-virus had seamlessly integrated into Alice's cells, creating a complex web of intertwining strands. Remarkably, Alice's cells had not succumbed to the usual fate of mutation associated with T-virus infection; instead, they seemed to have evolved.

Unlike ordinary individuals whose cells infected by the T-virus often struggled to accommodate its presence, leading to grotesque mutations and the transformation into zombies, Alice's cells had embraced the virus without any sign of resistance.

This unexpected development left Varion perplexed. He couldn't help but wonder if Alice's unique condition was the key to her seamless integration with the T-virus. She was, after all, a clone, and her body was currently immobilized due to neurogenic muscular atrophy, a condition akin to ALS. Perhaps it was this state of cellular decay that made her a perfect host for the T-virus.

While Varion found it challenging to fully accept this revelation, he acknowledged the rarity of such cases worldwide. Even with the protagonist's aura or other factors at play, one thing seemed clear: the T-virus might not be a viable option for him, at least in terms of creating zombies.

"Could it really be this simple? Is Alice somehow the chosen one, capable of flawlessly integrating the T-virus?" Varion pondered aloud, his thoughts racing. He couldn't help but entertain the notion that under certain conditions of cellular decay, the T-virus could harmonize with the host. However, he knew it couldn't be that straightforward. There had to be more to it than met the eye.

It was as if the universe favored certain individuals, making them immune to the virus's malevolent transformations.

Yet, despite the complexity of the situation, the direction was clear, and perfect control was within reach. Varion's mind wandered to a movie he had once watched called "World War Z."

In that film, a nightmarish virus rivaled the T-virus in terms of infection capabilities. Infected individuals transformed into irrational zombies within a mere twelve seconds. However, these zombies didn't merely seek sustenance; their primary drive was to infect new hosts relentlessly.

This raised a puzzling question: What motivated these zombies to prioritize reproduction over mere survival? Typically, biological beings only considered reproduction when they were assured of their own survival. However, the zombies in the film defied this conventional wisdom.

Moreover, this virus exhibited a peculiar weakness – it avoided infecting terminally ill or virus-ridden hosts.

Varion mulled over these mysteries, his mind racing with possibilities. "Could it be that this virus possesses a form of intelligence? How can it discern whether a host harbors viruses or diseases detrimental to its survival? Its ability to infect is astounding, and it seems to possess the capacity to evaluate a host's suitability, which is nothing short of incredible."

He couldn't help but wonder if the virus possessed an innate wisdom that guided its actions. How could it determine whether a human body was hospitable or not, and what prompted it to prioritize reproduction over immediate survival?

Amidst all these enigmas, one fact remained – the T-virus, while not without its own complexities, appeared to be the more perfected of the two. It required no concern for its own survival, as it encountered minimal resistance upon invading its host's cells. Furthermore, it could evolve and adapt to optimize its chances of multiplication.

Take the Licker, for instance. Every time it acquired new genetic material, it underwent a new mutation. This allowed it to adapt and develop abilities that best served its survival, from formidable armor to razor-sharp claws and even more infectious viral strains.

Regardless of the virus in question, it seemed that whenever it spread and infected a new host, that host had to provide an energy-rich environment conducive to reproduction and proliferation. Humans, infected or not, were evidently not the virus's preferred choice. After all, even zombies could only sustain themselves for a few months at most.

Nevertheless, the mystery deepened when considering the viruses' uncanny behavior. Both the T-virus and the virus in "World War Z" exhibited a penchant for lurking within dead bodies for extended periods, multiplying and surviving in a dormant state.

There were undeniable signs that these viruses possessed a form of intelligence. They selected their hosts carefully, adapting and evolving in a manner they deemed logical and strategic.

"Fortunately, not every zombie infected with the T virus possesses this ability," Varion mused.

His thoughts drifted to the licker, a gruesome creature seen in the first movie of the series. The licker had absorbed the DNA of Spence, triggering a dramatic mutation. It had grown larger, stronger, faster, and even developed razor-sharp claws. Its skin had transformed into a biological armor, and the ongoing mutations left Varion pondering the potential horrors that could arise. The appearance of creatures like the flying dragon in the sixth installment of the series seemed entirely implausible.

"It's no wonder that so many people are eager to study the T virus," Varion continued. "The power it holds, the potential it possesses, it's a truly tempting prospect."

"However, it's not wise for a child to toy with Pandora's box," he cautioned.

"Sir, this virus holds immense potential!" Mousse chimed in. "With the data we're collecting, we're getting closer to fully understanding how to apply this virus to Kryptonians."

External communications had been severed, civilian satellites had become inactive, and ground-based base station facilities lay dormant due to the lack of electricity. The T virus had decimated the population, leaving few people with access to these technologies.


"Sir, there are multiple teams approaching the base. It seems they have an interest in our location," a soldier reported.

Andre glanced in their direction. "Don't worry. Once they realize this is Umbrella's base, they'll leave willingly."

This situation wasn't new; encounters like these had become commonplace. With the global virus outbreak, no city could claim to be safe, especially in the United States.

Curious individuals often stumbled upon structures in the desert surrounded by barbed wire, but the outcome was predictable – they would either depart or engage in combat.

"But sir, Dr. Varion is up there on the surface," another soldier interjected.

Andre's concern grew instantly. "Where is he?"


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