23.8% Naruto: The forgotten Senju's / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - Goodnight

บท 10: Chapter 10 - Goodnight


Kurenai opened her weary eyes to a decent sized bedroom with a desk, bookshelf and a few pictures on the wall.

She sighed in relief after realizing she wasn't dead and tried to get up....

After trying once, she realized she couldn't and tried again....

And again....


Kurenai tried looking down, but her ample chest blocked the way so her hands felt around her waist and felt a pair of arms stuck around her waist.

She hastily tried looking behind her but didn't even have enough space to turn, she tried to remove the hands but was unable to make them even budge.

'What the hell is with this strength!' Kurenai's mind raced and slowly called out, ''Sukuna, wake up''

However, there was no response. Even after calling out harder and harder, only his soft breathing was heard in her ears which even made her embarrassed.

''You're awake?''

Kurenai heard a gentle voice coming from the hallway as the door opened, Sumure walked in with a teasing smile on his face.

''Thank you for saving us'' Kurenai politely said as she tried removing Sukuna's arms once more, but to no avail.

''Don't worry, I was quite surprised the kid actually asked for something for once. As for removing his hands, don't bother. We tried with both of us but couldn't make them budge'' Sumure shrugged with a shit-eating grin.

''What? Excuse me, but where are we right now?'' Kurenai asked with a confused expression.

''You're at the Senju Compound, you've been sleeping for 4 days so we had to hire a carriage and make a bed in the back so you two could sleep comfortably together, cuddling and all'' Sumure laughed as he finished his sentence which earned him a glare from Kurenai and asked,

''We have slept for four days? What even happened?''

''Both of your Chakra's were so depleted we thought you both were going to die, especially with your internal wounds. That stubborn blockhead was healing you before he passed out, so you woke up earlier. Otherwise, you would be out cold for at least a week or two'' Sumure shrugged as he walked out of the room.

''Hey, wait! Can't you help me do something? I have to report to the Hokage and lead my team!'' Kurenai cried out.

''Already done, the kid's mind is scary. He planned for you to be out of commission for a few weeks so take it easy, Satori is training your team until you're up and running while I already reported to the Hokage. As for removing his arms? Heh, if Tsunade doesn't come back then nobody will be able to do so. What a little monster'' Sumure smiled cheekily and left the room without heeding her calls.

Kurenai tried to wiggle her way out, but every time either her ample chest would block his muscled arms going further or her ass would refuse to budge even further than a certain place.

She did not want him to wake up and think she was assaulting him.

''You're awake right? Your breathing has changed'' Kurenai's eyes squinted while the arms around her shook lightly.

''Goodmorning to you too'' Sukuna said with a tired voice, clearly still being half-asleep.

''How does your body feel, any wounds?'' Kurenai asked in worry, she had seen his wounds and they weren't light.

''Mmm... no, it feels comfortable. I'm going to sleep more'' Sukuna hazily said he closed his eyes again.

''H..hey, wait! Let me out first!'' Kurenai felt the grip loosen and turned around to face him, her forehead at the height of his chin.

She shook him multiple times until he finally opened his weary eyes and looked down, ''Mmm? Goodmorning''

''Yeah, yeah, goodmorning. Brat, you have me locked down here!'' Kurenai said with a helpless expression.

''Mmm, good. Very soft and comfortable'' Sukuna said in a dreamy voice and fell asleep.

Kurenai wanted to pinch the shameless brat but lost that interest when she saw his eyes before he closed them again, one of them had clearly lost its light.

Her mind spun as she remembered the technique's teachings, she gave a helpless sigh and looked up at his face.

Feelings his arms around her wouldn't feel embarrassing if his arms were the size of a child's, or if he acted like a child, or if anything about him was childish.

The only childish thing about him was his height, but he was still only half a head smaller as her.

'Shameless brat' Kurenai gritted her teeth as she felt Sukuna tightening his grip around her waist.

Her gaze just lingered on his face as he slept with a peaceful expression, it seems that he had calculated something went wrong from the very beginning and planned beforehand.

When she had gotten the documents from the Third Hokage about him, she wanted to do it merely because it sounded interesting. Someone not from the direct bloodline would take over the main clan of one of the two founding clans and practically disowned the original matriarch.

Above all though, this seemed like the Senju's last bet. Yet, their last bet was on a child.

'To think he could kill 20 Chuunins and a Jonin at his age' Kurenai sighed as she helplessly leaned her head foreward against his chest, yet instead of praise, her eyes just contained pity, she felt pity that the burder was falling on a child's shoulder.

It was clear from how he had fought that he had fought with no regards for his body, even when he came to help her, he had used the Bringer-Of-Darkness techniques and seemed to have lost eyesight in one of his eyes....

Depsite that, he still protected her at the end regardless of his own condition....

'Foolish brat' Kurenai sighed and undid her headband before putting her head against his chest.

It didn't take long until she fell asleep once more in his embrace once more. After a few minutes, Sumure walked in with a grin on his face as he looked at Sukuna with a doting look on his face.

It was the first time he saw the child sleeping so peacefully. In truth, they could remove his hands.... They just didn't want to.

'Damn, sleeping with a beautiful woman in your arms and leaving your uncles to clean the mess. Lucky brat' Sumure cursed under his breath with a doting smile as he left, closing the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Sukuna had a light smile on his face as he closed his grip tighter.


8 Hours later...

Kurenai's eyes sprung open as she jumped up at the familiar smell, she looked at the bed that was covered in sweat while her clothes were drenched.

She looked outside and noticed that the moon was in the sky, she smiled bitterly and creeped into the kitchen.

Sukuna was in a pair of sweatpants and an apron as he was cooking dinner... at night...

''Goodmorning Kurenai'' Sukuna turned around and smiled lightly, making Kurenai smile lightly as she noticed he didn't show any indication of still being hurt.

''The shower is upstairs, second door to the left. You can grab a pair of clothes from my drawers, I wear wide clothes most of the time so they should fit you fine'' Sukuna said as he got back to focusing on the food.

''Is this what you call a househusband? Now I know why most Kunoichi want to marry a civilian man'' Kurenai said with a smile as she leaned against the doorpost.

''What? You like my cooking that much?'' Sukuna grinned at her as he skillfully cut a piece of chicken breast without looking.

''I bet if you opened a restaurant that it would be the most popular in the village'' Kurenai grinned at him.

''In that case, move in'' Sukuna said as he turned back towards the food.

Kurenai's eyes opened in shock before she started laughing until tears appeared in her eyes, ''Brat, you really should watch your words. People might misunderstand you''

Sukuna looked at her in confusion for a brief moment before turning back and said, ''No, I meant what I said''

Kurenai looked at him in shock for a brief moment before shrugging her head helplessly.

''A woman living with a kid that isn't her own would be quite weird considering you're everything but a kid, your behavior, your work-ethic and even your appearance. Hell, even your height will catch up with mine within a year at this rate'' Kurenai gave him a deep look before nodding to herself, the one that got him in the future would be really lucky.

Sukuna gave her another confused look and said, ''I never meant as a mother though? I meant as a wife''




Kurenai's mind was spinning before she burst out laughing once more, tears appeared in her eyes as she nearly kneeled over from laughter for a few minutes before she caught her breath.

Sukuna walked over with plates of food in his hand and placed them on the table while mumbling, ''Damn, I thought the worst you could do was say no''

Kurenai looked at him in shock and asked, ''You were serious?''

''Ofcourse, you think I would make a joke out of spending my life with someone?'' Sukuna asked in a sarcastic tone.

''Brat, listen. Marrying isn't just done on a whim, besides, you're not even half my age. Although I can care less what others think, but you haven't even seen the world yet. Meet others, you will lose interest in me quite quickly, there are many more beautiful women than me on this planet. Besides, if you're the Senju's Patriarch, I doubt you have any issues marrying multiple wives'' Kurenai explained with a warm smile.

''Alright, then you be the first'' Sukuna replied with a non-chalant tone which made a vein appear on Kurenai's smile as she gave an angry laugh and said, ''Brat, did you not listen to what I said?''

''I did, the last part though. The first part, I'm aware of, second part, I'm not interested in appearance I care about character. Your obsession with Genjutsu is cute, you don't have the advantage Sharingan users have yet you came this far. It's clear to see how much effort you put into the subject'' Sukuna said seriously as he put pieces of meat on her plate.

'This little bastard sure knows his way with words' Kurenai's cheeks were slightly flushed as she sat down at the table aswell.

''Let's make a deal then'' Sukuna said with a smile on his face.

''I'm all ears'' Kurenai said while enjoying the rich flavor of chicken.

''My proposal, consider it in a waiting room. But open your heart a little, give me a chance to at least show you I'm serious. I understand you see me as a brat due to my age but I don't have the luxury to be kid, I have more important things to do than play with people my age or act as a happy family'' Sukuna said while munching down a piece of chicken himself.

Kurenai was in deep thought for a moment before sighing and smiling bitterly, ''Fine, but if you lose interest in me... Please don't force yourself to keep trying''

''No chance, but I will keep it in mind'' Sukuna gave her a smile as a teasing grin appeared on his face, ''Ofcourse, you're still free to move in everytime''

''You brat!'' Kurenai growled but couldn't help but laugh softly, he was way too shameless for his age sometimes.

''Grow up first, then think about those kind of things''

Sukuna shrugged his shoulders and continued eating, if it wasn't for those memories than he wouldn't even think about a wife yet. But memories of certain 'undercover' missions were truly a pain for his innocence.

'That man truly lived his life to the fullest' Sukuna smiled bitterly and finished his plate.

Kurenai eagerly looked at Sukuna, who merely smiled and got back to cooking. This woman sure knew how to take advantage of him.

Ofcourse, he could use a shadow clone to cook. But he liked cooking, it was his enjoyment.

Sukuna put more plates onto the table and wanted to sit down but was interrupted by knocking on the door.

''I'll go get it'' Kurenai said as she got up but Sukuna stopped her with a smile, ''Go eat first, I'll be right back''

Sukuna opened the door and saw a woman with long black hair and green eyes standing in front of him.

''Juri, it's been a while'' Sukuna smiled and let the woman in.

''I'm sorry for my late visit young master, but I saw the lights come on and I finished gathering the information'' Juri said politely with an emotionless voice.

''Come in, stop calling me young master already. We're family'' Sukuna said with a bitter smile as Yamame follow Sukuna into the living room while holding a few files under her arm.

Kurenai didn't continue to eat and instead waited for Sukuna to come back, her head tilted in confusion as she heard the woman's voice. She had heard this voice before but couldn't remember from where.

As Sukuna walked into the living room, he pointed at a chair at the dinner table and said, ''Sit down and eat with us''

Juri politely nodded and sat down but didn't move a finger towards the food, Sukuna sighed and put food on her plate and said, ''Finish the plate, that's an order''

Only after the first part did Juri stretch out her hand and started eating.

''Kurenai, this is Juri. She has a bit of a rough past so please forgive her manners'' Sukuna said with a sad smile on his face.

''I see... Nice to meet you Juri, I'm Kurenai. I currently work as a Jonin-Sensei'' Kurenai warmly smiled and stretched out her hand towards Juri who didn't even glance at her and only had eyes to complete the order she received.

Kurenai's mouth twitched and helplessly looked at Sukunai who helplessly shrugged his shoulders before picking up the file Juri had brought.

''Just continue eating, I will join you all in a bit'' Sukuna said towards Kurenai and started reading through the documents.

''Young Master, I will take my leave'' Juri interrupted as she finished the plate, Sukuna helplessly smiled and wished her farewell before she disappeared at a speed so fast that even Kurenai barely caught a shadow of her.

''She is quite special'' Kurenai said with a bitter smile while Sukuna continued reading through the file, his face becoming colder and colder to the point even Kurenai felt her back tingle.

''Everything alright?'' She asked hesitantly to which Sukuna just closed the file and smiled lightly, ''Ofcourse, just some clan stuff''

''I see'' Kurenai said with a deep look as she silently continued eating the food on her plate, his face just now definitely didn't belong to a child.

If anything, it just showed her why he didn't think like on either.

He was a ninja who had done plenty of missions, killed over a hundred people, had the hopes of one of the two founding clans on his shoulders.

'It seems that I'm the immature one' Kurenai smiled bitterly as she wiped her mouth with a tissue.

''Thank you for the food but I think it's better if I go now'' Kurenai said as she looked at Sukuna who just finished the food aswell.

''Mmm.. Alright, if you need me for anything just come on over'' Sukuna smiled lightly and started picking up the plates.

Kurenai smiled lightly and disappeared from her spot, Sukuna felt a soft sensation on his cheek before it disappeared just as fast.

He smiled lightly and touched his cheek, he looked at the spot Kurenai disappeared from before saying to himself with a grin, ''A way to a woman's heart is identical to a man's huh?''

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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