17.39% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 (Rewrite)

บท 12: Chapter 12 (Rewrite)


Standing on the small balcony that led from her study, Artoria watched the world from her perch.

She had practically scoured the whole of southern Britain searching for her daughter, and once Godrick and Lancelot returned with Marquess Grasso, she would then start pushing into the north.

Gripping the stone railing that was in front of her, she thought of the progress of the last two years.

It had been inefficient, and she knew something had to change if she were to find her daughter.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and a messenger walked in before kneeling before her.

"I bring news, my King. Sir Lancelot has been spotted riding towards the Castle." He said with a bowed head.

"Thank you." She said as she briskly walked past him out the door.

"Let a new chapter begin in our fight, Warlord." She said to a being she couldn't see.

She walked out to the massive long courtyard that led to the main gateway of the castle, and waited for Lancelot and Godricks approach.

Though, when the army neared, she didn't see her son.

She did hear screaming however, and as Lancelot got closer, it got louder.

"My King! I bring you news!" Lancelot shouted from atop his horse.

As he rode near her, she finally saw what was causing the noise, and saw Marquess Grasso being dragged behind Lancelot's horse.

She had to stop and look for a moment as she hardly recognized the man. His massive body had been literally ground down to half of what he had been before, leaving a long bloody trail from where they came from.

Lancelot looked behind him, and saw Grasso's mutilated body before turning towards Artoria nonchalantly.

"Oh don't worry, we stopped and healed him about three kilometers back. He should be fine for a little bit." He said before cutting the rope that held Grasso to his horse.

"Now, we must go," He said before he pointed to Anthrax and Noel who were walking beside his horse.

"They have told us where the Warlord now resides unattended. All they asked for the information was to be protected from her, and to live in peace." He said, waving a stable boy towards himself before he dismounted.

"Bring Llamrei and another horse for myself." He said before handing his reins over to the boy, who nodded.

Artoria just stared at Anthrax and Noel, not understanding why they would betray the Warlord.

Anthrax, who was standing behind Noel, put a hand on her shoulder as she placed one of her own on her stomach.

Suddenly it all made sense, and she turned towards Lancelot.

"We will discuss their treatment later. Tell me, where is Godrick, and where is the Warlord?" She asked.

"Godrick was left behind to complete his task of destroying Marquess Grasso's City, and will meet us on his way back. The Warlord is in a city known as Tyddewi (The city now known as St. Davids), and she is there alone, waiting for word." He replied.

"Does Godrick know all this?" She asked hesitantly.

"He does…" Lancelot said.

"But I gave him strict orders to meet us on our way back to Tyddewi." He finished.

The stable boy finally came back with Llamrei and another horse for Lancelot, which drew the two attention.

"Gather your brothers in arms, and meet me in Tyddewi!" She suddenly commanded as she took Llamrei's reins before jumping into the saddle.

"My King?" Lancelot asked, confused at her command.

"Have you ever known Godrick to step down from a challenge!?" She snarled at him.

He suddenly turned and ran for the massive gate of the Castle, while Artoria wrenched her reins to the right, galloping down the stone road towards the gate that lead out of the capital.

"COME ON LLAMREI!" Artora shouted, feeling the beast under her suddenly pick up in speed.

"COME ON!" She screamed.


Llamrei had been running for hours it seemed, sweat covering her white coat. But she seemed to feel Artoria's urgent calls for her to go faster, and she did, giving everything as she galloped across the land.

She almost looked like a white blur, but to Artoria, she wasn't going fast enough.

She could feel her horses fatigue, but her faithful steed continued to push herself.

Finally, the small city of Tyddewi came into view as Llamrei crested a ridge, and what Artoria saw made her breath hitch in her throat.

It was all gone, wiped off the face of the earth.

"No!" She shouted as she spurred Llamrei onwards.

Riding into the ruined city, Artoria frantically looked around, but all she could see were bodies of her people, and their ruined homes.

"GODRICK!" She shouted, Llamrei still trotting through the city.

Seeing a clear path of destruction to her right, she spurred Llamrei onwards, going towards the epicenter of the destruction.

There she saw massive rocks sticking from the bedrock, and a headless corpse in black armor having been impaled by a jagged rock.

And then she saw him.

"Godrick!" She called, only to get no response.

She leapt from Llamrei's back, sprinting as fast as she could to her son who was sitting on the ground, half of his back resting on a stone that overlooked the ocean.

She slowed as she neared him, pulling off her helmet as she did. She saw the faintest signs of life from him as he heard her steps, though he only raised his head a small bit.

As she reached him, she knelt next to him, and took in his unfortunate state. He was missing his left hand, cuts littered his body and armor, his left cheek was cut clean open, and his left eye was now milky white. The most shocking sight, however, were the swords Clarent and Caliburn. Clarent was in his stomach, where he was missing the most armor.

Blood was dripping from the blade in his chest, though it was much worse than that. Clarent's destructive beam had done much more damage, leaving most of his muscles and bones in his chest exposed.

It looked as if his chest armor had been melted away, and she could only draw one conclusion from it.

Ever since she had ridden into Tyddewi, she had felt two powerful magics, both of which she recognized well for she had once wielded both.

The fact he was still alive at all after taking Clarent's Phantasmal power was a testament to his sheer strength and will to live.

Caliburn was gripped in his right hand that was trembling a slight bit.

He was wheezing, trying to breathe as deeply as he could, but it was no use.

"Godrick?" She asked. He slowly turned towards her, his eyes meeting hers.

"Mother." He said joyously, shocking her.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. I'm here now, ok?" She said in a quivering voice, grabbing his body and leaning him on her own.

He simply gave her a weak, tired smile as he continued to wheeze. She pulled Caliburn from his hand and replaced it with her own hand feeling that he was shaking uncontrollably,

She knew there was nothing that could be done for him now, but she still tried to make him feel better.

"If we just get the medics here, they'll be -" She was interrupted by a faint squeeze from his hand, letting her know that it was alright. He knew he wouldn't make it as well.

"Not this time." He said weakly.

"Din Eidyn." He continued.

"Din Eidyn?" She repeated, not understanding what he was talking about.

"She's being held at Din Eidyn." His voice started to weaken as he spoke, and all Atroria could do was hold him tighter.

Tears streamed down her face as she placed her head atop his own, gently kissing the crown of his head.

"We're going to be alright. I'm going to find Mordred and bring her home." She said in a reassuring tone.

"Good… Good…" He said weakly, looking towards the ocean.

The sun was setting, turning everything a shade of light blues, reds, and oranges. It was a beautiful sight to behold as the sun reflected off the water.

They stayed like this for a time before his wheezing got worse, and his shaking started to increase. She knew his end was near, so she looked at him one last time.

She reached up and wiped a stray tear that left his eye, carving its way down the dust still on his face.

"Mother? Are you… disappointed in me?" He asked softly.

She started to weep silently atop his head, letting her tears fall into his golden hair.

"Never, I've never been more proud of the man you've become." She said through her sobs.

"Ah." Was all she heard.

"When you find her, don't be angry with her. All the two of us ever wanted… was to be your Knight's…" He said in a whisper, his chest finally going still.

She took in a shuddering breath as she felt him go still before she started to sob harder, clinging to his broken corpse as she rocked back and forth, asking him to come back.

"My little cub!" She wailed, holding his limp head to her chest as she sobbed harder.

In her grief, she hadn't noticed a figure standing behind her until they came and knelt next to her.

Artoria looked up, and saw Morgan standing there, sorrow on her face.

She too knelt down, and mourned for her son as well.

Behind them all, stood the Knights of the Round Table.

Morgan had stopped them a little ways away from where Artoria was, so no one found her secret out.

But they all still heard her cries.

They all knew of her son's death.

Artoria continued to weep as she lowered her son to the ground below her as she knelt over his body.

Morgan helped her remove Clarent from his body and held the sword while Artoria placed her forehead against his. Her tears streamed from her face and onto his as she continued to hold his face in her hands.

After a while, she stood from his body and placed her helmet back atop her head before walking towards her Knights on unsteady feet.

Lancelot stepped forward, and spoke to her in a somber voice.

"Let us take him back to the capital and give him a proper burial." He said, to which she just nodded.

Godricks blood covered her as she stood by and watched her knights pick his body up and place it on their shields.

Morgan walked over to her after a moment and handed Clarent and Caliburn to her, having picked the blades up after Artoria had left.

Tears still streamed from her eyes behind her helmet as she watched her knights carry Godrick from the small city of Tyddewi.

They insisted that they carry him all the way to the city, a last honor to their fallen comrade.

Artoria, Morgan and the rest of the army rode behind them as they marched back to the capital.

They had achieved victory and had won the war. But Artoria could only think of the price that had been paid.


Godrick and the Warlord's bodies were taken by Morgan. She would clean Godricks body, and examine the Warlords, to see if she could ascertain her identity. She showed no emotion as she took the two bodies, though Artoria could see the pain in her eyes. She asked her Knights to carry Godrick and the remains of the Warlord to her tower, where she would clean and examine the bodies.

After a while Artoria was called to Morgan's tower. When she had arrived she saw the two bodies on different tables. Morgan had carefully removed Godricks armor, and set it off to the side. She had cut and removed his clothing that was under his armor, leaving his body naked so she could clean it. On the other table was the headless body of the Warlord. Morgan had clearly shown no respect for it, as the armor was tossed into a large pile, and the body was still dirty.

"Sister." Morgan said in an emotionless tone to draw Artorias attention.

Morgan was standing next to Godricks body, looking down at him.

"He's changed." She stated.

"He's much larger than when he left. When I last measured him he was about seven feet tall. Now he is just over eight." She said looking at him.

"He also was wielding the sword Caliburn. He must have visited Dozmary pool." Artoria said emotionlessly, looking at her son's body.

"Caliburn was broken and returned to the lake. How could he have possessed it?" Morgan asked.

"I'm not sure." Artoria answered.

"I'll travel there as soon as the funeral service is over." She finished.

In the silence the two mourned in their own ways, though both of them knew not how to comfort the other.

"I've found something interesting." Morgan broke the silence.

She took one of the medical devices used to cut skin, and dragged it along Godricks right palm. Nothing happened as she did so. Not even a scratch appeared.

Artorias eyes widened as she looked at Morgan.

"I can't cut through his skin at all. I've tried everything except for Caliburn, Clarent, and Excalibur."

Artoria looked at the multiple wounds where Clarent was stabbed repeatedly and thought for a moment. She drew Excalibur from her side and carefully brought it to Godricks remaining right hand. Morgan's eyes narrowed as she watched Artoria drag the blade across his hand, and to her astonishment, the blade left a clean cut on his hand.

"This raises many questions." Morgan said.

"That it does, sister." Artoria replied.

She then turned to the headless body of the Warlord and asked her only question regarding her.

"Have you found any clue to the identification of?" She then gestured to the body, not finishing her sentence.

"No." Morgan lied. In truth she had discovered the Warlord's identity. She had recognized the scars and other distinguishing features of the headless body from many years ago. However she would never tell Artoria the identity of the body.

Unlike Morgan's disdain for her mother, Artoria had a bond with her. It might have been a small one, but it was a bond nonetheless.

Artoria looked at a few more things Morgan brought to her attention, then left. She asked Morgan to bring Godricks body to the funeral pyre, and to dispose of the Warlord's body.

They would have a mass burning for all the soldiers who died in the last battle, one last farewell before they sent them to the other world.


Hundreds of pyres were spread across the valley. Each one held a soldier who had been killed in the latest battle, their family's and friends surrounding them as they mourned.

Artoria, Morgan, and the rest of the Knights who wished to pay their last respects to Godrick stood before his pyre. Morgan had done an excellent job of cleaning and preparing him for his pyre, and Artoria told her so.

They each walked up to his pyre and placed an item on it to burn with him. It was an old tradition to burn a meaningful item with the dead, to give something to them for their journey.

The body would be cleansed by fire, then the remains would be buried in a tomb for the rest of time.

Agravain placed the old halberd Godrick had bent in one of their many spars next to him before backing away. Galahad then walked forward, and placed the remnants of his old shield he had trained Godrick with.

Lancelot then walked to the pyre. He looked down at his old apprentice. Godrick had been with him for so long, now… he would fight his battles alone.

He leaned down and kissed Godrick's forehead as a father might, before placing the rope used to tie Marquess Grasso to the back of his horse, hoping to give his old apprentice a laugh in the other world.

Morgan was next. She walked up and placed Godricks helmet which she had brought onto his chest. She then looked down at him then she too, placed a kiss on his forehead.

She then thought of all that had changed. The Warlord had wreaked havoc across the whole of Camelot. She was frustrated that someone other than her could make such a racket. She then made a truce with Artoria to help her till the Warlords defeat. It had been many years since that deal had been made. And among those years, she changed.

She no longer wanted Artoria dead, and no longer cared for the throne. Now that the Warlord was dead, the truce was over. But she would do nothing. She would continue with her research, and continue looking for Mordred.

Shaking her head of the thoughts, she returned to reality. She looked down at Godricks still face one last time, then backed away.

Artoria took her place and looked down at her son. Her little lion cub. He looked almost like he was sleeping, so peaceful in his slumber that he might open his eyes and sit up.

How she wished that could happen.

"I promise I'll bring Mordred back." She said to his stone cold face.

"She will know of your sacrifice."

She then placed the top part of his halberd she was holding into his chest. She then placed his right hand over it, and backed away.

Artoria then took the torch Lancelot had lit and began to speak to her small group in her distorted voice.

"This night, we remember those who fought and died for their country and people." She said as she walked to the pyre.

"This night, we remember the price that is required for victory." She then lowered the torch to the pyre, and lit it.

"This night, we remember." She stopped her sentence.

"A soldier." Lancelot said.

"A friend." Galahad said.

"A brother." Morgan said.

"A son." Artoria finished, her voice almost a whisper.

"This night, we remember a warrior who brought ruin to his enemies to protect his family. So that is what he shall be known as." She said.

"This night, we remember. Godrick the Knight of Ruin."

As she finished speaking the fire took hold, and the pyre was lit ablaze.

Across the valley similar fires began to spring up, and soon the valley looked as if on fire itself.

They stayed like this for an hour or so, watching the pyres burn in complete silence.

Occasionally a cry could be heard from a grieving wife, or mother, but other than the sound of the fires, it was silent.

One by one the family's of the dead began to leave, till none were left save the guards who would watch over the dead to make sure the fires didn't spread and make sure no one put any of the fires out till morning.

Artoria stood with Lancelot and Morgan, the others having already left.

"I must ride to the lake for answers." She said.

"I'll be back tomorrow evening if everything goes according to plan."

"Do you need anyone to go with you?" Lancelot asked.

"No." She answered. "I need to be alone for a time." She stated.

She then turned and walked away to Llamrei who was nearby, mounted her, and left.

Morgan turned to Lancelot, and spoke to him.

"You may leave. I'll watch the fire for tonight. I'll make sure he's safe." She said as she turned back to the fire.

Lancelot didn't argue, as he knew she needed to be alone now as well.

"Lady Morgan." He said as he simply bowed and left.

Morgan, left alone with her thoughts, sat on a small stone that was near the pyre, and just watched. She began to notice small blue particles mixed in with the orange flame, but paid it no mind.


After hours of journeying, Atroria finally reached Dozmary pool. She dismounted and began to walk to it. When she reached the water's edge she stopped.

Suddenly a ghostly white figure approached out of the mist on the water's surface.

Artoria stood at the water's edge, holding Caliburn in both hands.

As Vivian walked closer, she suddenly stopped, not seeing who she was hoping for.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"My lady?" Artoria asked hesitantly.

"Where is my son?" Vivian asked more forcefully.

"Your son?" Artoria asked in disbelief, connecting the dots.

"My son, the one you call Godrick, where is he!?" Vivian said, almost screaming.

Artoria reeled at the realization, unable to keep the shock from her face. She reached up and removed her helmet before dropping it on the stone covered ground.

"He was killed by the Warlord. But she also died in their battle." She stated.

There was a moment of silence before Vivian whispered to herself.

"No… No, it can't be. The prophecy…"

She suddenly went down to her knees, tears forming in her eyes before she started to weep.

"That foolish boy left here with the idea he could save you and everyone else in his head, and I'm the one who put it there!" She cried out, unable to blame anyone but herself.

She had been told that he would kill the Warlord and bring peace to the land for a time, which he did. But it had cost him his life, which she didn't know..

Artoria didn't know how to comfort the woman in front of her, and she was reeling from the new information that Godrick was Vivian's son. Though that now left the question of who his father was, and given Vivian's history with Merlin, she pretty well knew.

She left feeling heartbroken. In part she blamed herself for Godricks death, thinking if she had just gotten there sooner, or if she had sent out orders for Lancelot and Godrick to stick together, things might have turned out different.

Artoria looked at the massive Caliburn in her hands before setting it down on the lakes surface, unsure what to do otherwise before walking back to her horse.

She then left, leaving a mother to mourn.

But it would take years for both women to know that Godrick would never blame either of them for his death. It was his decision to fight in her place. But in their broken minds… the two never considered that fact.

As she returned to the fires that were now smoldering she looked emotionless at her son's featureless burnt corpse.

"Did you find anything?" Morgan asked

"Only more questions." Artoria said. She then told Morgan what happened, and they discussed what their next plans were. They would move into the north, and free Mordred.

And nothing would stop them.


Many hours had passed since Merlin had learned of Godricks death.

He was actually surprised when he heard the news, not because he thought Godrick would survive, because he knew he wouldn't.

But because of the grief he felt. He didn't feel much, but a small part of him felt like it died, which he found curious.

"I guess a mortal can't withstand the might of Phantasmal power. Though I'm sure there was more than that to it." He said to himself as he walked along a treeline before walking into its depths.

There he found a small camp with two people around a campfire.

One was polishing a massive bow, while the other was laying down, trying to regain some of his lost flesh.

"You couldn't have picked a better arm?" An old but sharp voice asked, looking to his companion.

"Well, if you had just done what I had told you in the beginning, we wouldn't be here in the first place, now would we?" The man with the bow retorted.

"But now what will we do? With the Warlord dead, who will fill her place?" The archer asked.

"No one. We will go our separate ways. Though we must pay a visit to Anthrax and Noel, seeing as they betrayed our cause." The old man said.

"But we will wait. Wait for their child to be born. And I must fill my container of souls if we are to take back what we've lost." He finished.

Merlin calmly walked into the campsite, surprising the two occupants.

"Who the hell are you?" The archer asked, readying his bow with a massive black arrow.

Merlin just flicked his hand, and the arrow flew from the bow before burying itself into the man's chest.

He gurgled for a moment, shock on his face before he fell over into the fire, which quickly started to eat at his flesh.

The other man stood, holding his staff in his hand.

"Merlin! What are you doing here?!" He asked, fear written on his face.

Merlin actually chuckled as he answered.

"I'm not sure myself. I just started walking, and here I am." He said, telling the truth for once.

"Leave me be, and I promise I'll leave!" The old man said.

"Oh Grizrig. I must say, I'm surprised by your fear." Merlin said, pulling a sword from his waist.

"All mages around the world know of your name, let me go in peace."

Merlin just shook his head, feeling something he had never felt before creep into his mind.

"For some reason… I just can't do that. You see, I heard a couple hours ago of a certain death. And for some reason… It angered me." Merlin said uncharacteristically.

"I'm sorry for your loss Merlin, but I must be on my way." Grizrig said, continuing to back away into the forest.

Merlin had the fire to his back, making him look like a demon as his eyes took on a red tint.

" Do you know who this particular Knight was, Grizrig?" He asked, his voice losing it's usually happy tone.

The man just shook his head.

"My son." Merlin answered, suddenly blitzing forward and smashing Grizrig into a tree.

"MY SON!" He screamed, swinging the sword with all his strength, cutting the man's head from his shoulders as well that the tree behind him.

He was breathing deeply as he looked at the corpse at his feet in rage.

Again he felt surprised at his own actions.

"Is this what grief feels like?" He asked himself before he walked away.


"Godrick." A voice said.

He opened his eyes and found he was standing in what looked like a massive library.

A blue orb with halos was floating in front of him, before it commanded him to follow it.

He looked around confused, seeing that the library-like room he was in seemed to stretch on forever. There were marble pillars holding the ceiling up.

"You are in an area called the throne of heros." The Orb spoke to him.

"My name is Alaya, and i oversee the Heroic Spirits in this place. You died, but your actions were deemed enough to bring you here!" She said.

"Now, looking at your actions you seem to fit multiple classes that we have, mainly the berserker class, but we need you for something else."

As she was talking information was being downloaded into his head. He now knew where he was, and what he would be doing. He learned of all the classes, and their parameters.

"We are introducing a new class. The class of the Juggernaut. All your abilities will be enhanced to godlike standards. You will be assigned to protect a Ruler class being. You will be her shield and sword, and you will protect her in the Holy Grail war she is overseeing. Do you understand?" The Orb asked him, to which she didn't give him time to respond.

"Good, now be gone." She said in a tone he felt wasn't warranted.

He began to fade from existence as he knew he was going to participate in his first holy grail war.


As he opened his eyes once more he found himself in a barren wasteland kneeling in front of a woman.

He noticed he was in his armor, and holding his massive halberd in his right hand with the butt buried in the sand.

He could feel the command seals he had been given on his left arm, he had fourteen of them. They looked like jagged symbols climbing up his whole arm. He finally looked at the woman as she turned to him.

"Hello Juggernaut, I am Jeanne D'Arc. The ruler of this holy grail war."

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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