87.5% Marvel a Story : Isekai / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – A Black Cat Crossed My Path So I Had To Go The Long Way

บท 5: Chapter 5 – A Black Cat Crossed My Path So I Had To Go The Long Way

AN: Here you go, I've rewritten this chapter over and over again in between watching Netflix's One Piece live action. I'm not really satisfied, but I don't know what else to add, so I just posted it. Teehee. Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 5 – A Black Cat Crossed My Path So I Had To Go The Long Way 


Midtown High – 10:00 AM, 11 September 2008

  A few days had passed since I found myself into the Marvel universe. Despite my efforts to lay low and avoid any interactions with the local Marvel characters, fate had other plans. It seemed that the prominent characters themselves were determined to come to me. At this point, I figured I might as well give up on my hopes for a quiet existence.

As the clock struck 10:00 AM, another school period began. The hallways were abuzz with the usual blend of conversations, locker slams, and the faint scent of cafeteria food wafting in the air. It was a scene straight out of countless teen dramas, minus the overly dramatic slow-motion walks – well, at least it felt like a teen drama setting.

Navigating through the crowd, the chatter around me felt like the background noise of a well-rehearsed TV show. Students hurried to their lockers, exchanged greetings, and swiftly swapped textbooks. It was almost as if a director was about to shout "action" any moment.

"Hey, Tiger!"

The all-too-familiar voice of MJ echoed through the hallway, and I resisted the urge to facepalm. Turning reluctantly, I found myself face-to-face with Mary Jane Watson, the embodiment of cheerful trouble. She was flanked by none other than Gwen Stacy, who wore an amused grin that made me suspect I was about to be roped into something I definitely didn't sign up for.

"Hey," I greeted halfheartedly, suppressing a sigh. "What's up?"

MJ exchanged a knowing look with Gwen before turning her attention back to me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "We've got someone we want you to meet."

My heart sank. I had a sinking feeling I knew exactly who they were referring to, and it wasn't someone I was particularly eager to meet. But before I could protest, Gwen took my arm playfully, and I realized there was no escaping this.

"Hey, Felicia!" MJ called out, waving over to a corner of the hallway.

I followed her gaze, my eyes landing on a black-haired girl who exuded an aura of elegance, grace and poise. She was clad in snug-fitting jeans that tastefully highlighted her figure, complemented by a scarlet short-sleeved blouse and a chic khaki overcoat. I don't know much about fashion but as far as I remember she's always dress to impress.

And so, I found myself facing a version of Felicia Hardy, the last of the trio. that defied expectations. Her Asian heritage added a layer of complexity to her character, making me ponder the twists and turns her life might take. Would she still become the infamous Black Cat? How would her journey intertwine with mine, if at all?

Now that I look at her up closely, I couldn't help but notice resemblances to Lana Lang from Smallville; the actress I mean. Though not an exact replica, there was a familiarity. Yet, while Lana exuded warmth and softness, the girl before me projected an air of icy aloofness, bordering on arrogance—at least to outsiders. It struck me that in the company of MJ and Gwen, she seemed to thaw, revealing a warmer side.

As if on cue, Felicia turned her gaze toward us, and our eyes locked for a brief moment that felt far longer.

"Great," I muttered under my breath, my attempt at nonchalance failing spectacularly.

MJ and Gwen approached Felicia with a natural ease, while I dragged my feet reluctantly behind them. This was a situation I wanted no part of, and yet here I was, stumbling into it headfirst.

"Hey, Felicia, we want to introduce you to someone," Gwen introduced, her voice cheerful and bright.

Felicia's eyes narrowed as they landed on me, and I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. Her gaze felt like a laser, dissecting every inch of my being, and I had the distinct feeling that I was being thoroughly assessed.

Felicia's eyebrow climbed to her hairline, and her eyes shot Mary Jane a look that could only be translated as, 'Are you for real, MJ?' look.

And then it came, swift and cutting, her words slicing through the air like a razor-sharp blade. 

"Who's this plain-looking emo guy?" Ouch. It was like a punch to the gut, a blow to my already fragile self-esteem. But Felicia was just getting started, her words dripping with sarcasm as she continued, 

"Did Hot Topic have a sale on all-black ensembles? Edgy much? Even goth kids would tell you to tone it down." Felicia raised her eyebrow at me. 

My brain decided to clock out for a quick coffee break because what just happened? Did she just serve me a plate of insult with a side of sass? I mean, seriously, what's her problem? Did I accidentally step on her invisible pet cat or something?

And what's with the critique on my wardrobe? Does she moonlight as a fashion guru? And what the heck is "Hot Topic"? Is that like some secret code for the fashionably inclined, an underground society in USA that I, clearly, missed the memo on?

And then there's this "even goth kids" remark. Are goth kids the arbiters of all things dark and brooding now? Did I just stumble into some bizarre fashion courtroom where they're the honorable judges? I'd like to plead the fifth, your Gothic Honors.

Oh, and let's not forget the comment about my face. well, I'm sorry for being plain looking, Captain Obvious. I wasn't aware that I had any say in how I came into this world. it's not like I could order how I want to look like some coordinator child from Gundam seed "Oh, let's see, I'll take the 'Plain-Looking Emo' preset with a side of 'Unintentional Fashion Victim' hairstyle.". My system doesn't even let me customized my character at character creation screen, you know?

But seriously, who does she think she is? When did Lana Lang become Regina George from "Mean Girls"? You can't just waltz into my life, drop a verbal bombshell, and expect me to play along with your high school drama script. I'm not an extra in this teen flick, and I sure as heck didn't audition for the role of 'Target for Insults.'

Okay... okay calm down you're an adult no need to get worked up over this, take a deep breath, whooo sah… whooo sah… there you go.

Before I could retort, Felicia turned her attention to MJ, 

"Did you take pity on him after he pestered you on a date?" her words dripping with mock sympathy.

My mental faculties spluttered like a glitchy computer trying to process an overload of information. Pestered on a date? I blinked, my brain buffering like a YouTube video struggling to play on a slow connection. Me? Pester MJ? It was laughable, considering my primary goal used to be avoiding them like a squirrel dodging traffic.

Mary Jane attempted to be the peacemaker, a referee in this showdown of epic proportions. "Be nice, Felicia. He's our classmate."

Felicia's eyes locked onto me, her expression a cocktail of skepticism and amusement. "Really? I've never seen him before. Did he transfer from the Witness Protection Program?"

"His name is Saga," Mary Jane tried to interject, but Felicia was already on a roll.

"Saga, huh? Sounds like a name from a cheesy soap opera" Felicia mused, her tone dripping with equal parts boredom and disinterest. "I hope you're not as dull as you appear"

I shot her a withering glare, "Well, I sure hope you're more pleasant than you sound." my voice dripping with a mock sweetness that matched her own.

The retort hung in the air, and I could practically feel the tension crackling between us. MJ and Gwen exchanged glances, clearly torn between amusement and concern for the brewing conflict.

"Um, guys… maybe we should…" Gwen tried to interject, but we ignored her.

"You know, it's truly fascinating how you manage to exude such an air of superiority while simultaneously reeking of insecurity. Daddy issues much?" I arched an eyebrow, challenging her to retort, my tone laced with a mix of mockery and amusement.

Her lips tightened into a thin line, and for a split second, I saw a crack in her composed facade. The tension between us rose, if this were an anime, our eyes would have crackled like electricity. 

"Oh, please," she scoffed, her attempt at nonchalance falling flat. "Like you're any better. Black clothes, brooding aura – but with that face, you're like a discount store version of a moody protagonist."

I couldn't help but chuckle, a low and humorless sound that danced on the edge of my lips. 

"Eh...At least I don't need to put on a show or seek validation." I shot.

"Fel… please…" MJ tried too, but we just ignored her too.

Felicia crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing as our verbal sparring escalated. "And what makes you think I seek validation, huh?"

I leaned in slightly, my voice a low and taunting whisper. 

"Really?... The way you dress, the way you talk – it all screams 'Look at me daddy, I need attention.' But hey, who am I to judge? We all have our coping mechanisms, right?" I said faking confuse expression.

Felicia's nostrils flared, her patience wearing thin. 

"You're one to talk, Mr. 'I'm too cool for colors.' You're like a walking advertisement for anti-social behavior."

"At least my wardrobe doesn't scream 'I shop at the existential crisis section." I chuckled; my amusement uncontainable now.

But Felicia wasn't backing down. Oh no, not on my watch. Her narrowed eyes locked onto me like a heat-seeking missile. 

"Listen here, wise guy, I don't need your attitude." her words sharp enough to slice through steel.

"And I don't need your sass, kitty." I leaned in, meeting her glare with a cocky grin.

The tension escalated faster than a plot twist in a telenovela. 

"You think you're funny, don't you?" Felicia's narrowed eyes threatened to bore holes through me.

"Bitch, please. I'm hilarious." I returned her gaze with a mocking smile that oozed sarcasm.

"You're like a mosquito. Annoying, persistent, and easily swatted away." Felicia's wicked smile revealed her amusement.

"Oh, that's it? I've heard worse insults from a malfunctioning vending machine." I shrugged my shoulder, laid back unbothered by her insult. 

It was clear that Felicia and I had passed the point of no return. We were two cosmic forces hurtling toward a collision course of epic proportions, destined to clash like titans in a mythology-inspired sitcom.

"Felicia, maybe we should give this a rest?" Gwen chimed in, her voice a blend of worry and exasperation.

Felicia tore her gaze away from me, her irritation palpable. "Fine, whatever. But this isn't over."

I turned to leave, not one to let the last word slip through my fingers. 

"Someone should really trim that kitty's claws." Under my breath, I muttered a parting shot that was sure to irk her further.

"You're infuriating." She glared at me; her facade of indifference shattered.

"Likewise," I shot back, disinterestedly.

Felicia and I went our separate ways.as far as first impression goes, I don't think we will be friends anytime soon.


Change POV

Midtown High – 12.15, 11 September 2008

During the break, as the bustling hallways of Midtown High School buzzed with the energy of students moving between classes, Felicia, Gwen, and MJ found themselves walking side by side. Felicia's usually confident demeanor was replaced with a simmering frustration that seemed ready to boil over.

"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" Felicia practically growled, her voice carrying a tinge of irritation as she unleashed her thoughts onto her friends.

Gwen exchanged a glance with MJ, clearly picking up on Felicia's agitation. "You mean Saga?" she asked cautiously, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear Felicia's take on the encounter.

"Of course, I mean him!" Felicia's hands clenched into fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palms as if trying to physically contain her anger.

"Ugh, did you see that guy's smug face?" Felicia practically hissed, her annoyance evident in her tone.

Gwen exchanged a worried glance with MJ before cautiously responding, "Yeah, Felicia, we were there."

"Who does he think he is?" Felicia continued, her voice dripping with disdain. "He waltzes in like he owns the place, dressed like a reject from a vampire fan club."

"Well, you did start it with the whole 'Hot Topic' comment, Felicia." MJ raised an eyebrow, attempting to inject a bit of reason into the conversation.

"Oh, please. That was just an observation. A very accurate observation, mind you." Felicia waved a dismissive hand.

Gwen exchanged a sidelong glance with MJ, an amused quirk tugging at her lips. "Come on, Felicia, you have to admit, you didn't exactly start things off on the right foot."

Felicia's eyes flashed with a touch of defensiveness, her annoyance bubbling to the surface. "He was practically begging for it with that brooding emo vibe he's got going on. I just couldn't resist."

"Look, I get it, Felicia. But maybe he's not as bad as you think." MJ tried to soothe Felicia's irritation.

"Oh, so now you're Team Saga? Defending the guy who waltzed in like the poster child for teenage angst?" Felicia's eyebrows shot up; her skepticism etched into every line of her expression.

"Whoa, I'm not taking sides here. I'm just saying, maybe there's more to him than meets the eye." MJ's eyes widened in surprise; her hands held up in a gesture of surrender.

"Please, enlighten me. What's the 'more' that I'm missing, MJ?" Felicia crossed her arms, her annoyance still palpable.

"Maybe he has a secret life as a fluffy kitten rescuer?" Gwen couldn't help but chuckle, her voice tinged with mischief.

"Well, he certainly seemed to get under your skin. I haven't seen you this worked up in a while, Felicia." MJ chimed in with a wry grin, unable to resist a teasing jab.

"Oh, ha ha, very funny, Red. This isn't a joke." Felicia shot MJ a withering look, her annoyance evident.

"Soooo…, how's your chemistry project coming along, Felicia?" Gwen attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction.

Felicia's expression shifted from anger to annoyance as if Gwen had just mentioned something utterly mundane. 

"Oh, don't even get me started on that. I had to partner with Mark Thompson, and you know how utterly useless he is. I practically had to do the whole thing myself."

MJ and Gwen exchanged amused glances. Felicia's ability to seamlessly transition from raging about Saga to complaining about a school project was truly a sight to behold.

"Well, on the bright side, at least you don't have to partner with Saga." Gwen tried once more to lighten the mood.

Felicia's frustration come back with revenge; it was far from abating. She continued her rant, steamrolling past Gwen's attempt to lighten the mood. 

"Did you hear the way he shot back? 'Look at me daddy, I need attention' he says."

MJ shot Gwen an exasperated look as if to say, 'Did you really have to bring that up?' Gwen had a sheepish expression, realizing her unintentional slip.

"Okay, let's all just take a deep breath. Maybe you're overthinking this." Gwen chimed in, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Oh, Gwen, sweetie, this is a matter of principle. Someone needs to take that guy down a notch or two." Felicia turned her sharp gaze on Gwen.

"Felicia, come on. Like we said, you both just got off the wrong foot." Gwen sighed, realizing that trying to calm Felicia down was like trying to stop a hurricane with an umbrella.

Felicia ignored her, her lips curled into a sarcastic smile. "Another person who clearly thinks he's too cool for colors. Did you see that hair? It's like he's auditioning for the role of 'Lead Vocalist in a Screamo Band.'"

"Alright, alright, we get it. You're not a fan of his fashion choices. But isn't this a bit excessive?" MJ couldn't help but chuckle at Felicia's relentless ranting.

"Excessive? MJ, my dear, you have no idea. This is just the beginning. I refuse to let him think he can walk all over me with his 'mysterious loner' act." Felicia's eyes practically glinted with determination.

"Felicia, can we please change the subject? This isn't worth getting worked up over." Gwen sighed, her patience beginning to wear thin.

Felicia finally took a deep breath, the anger in her eyes gradually giving way to a begrudging acceptance. 

"Fine, fine. Let's talk about something else then. But mark my words, that emo guy is not going to get away with insulting me like that." Gwen's attempt to shift the conversation was met with Felicia's lingering irritation. 

"By the way, why did you guys try to introduce him to me anyway?" Felicia asked, a hint of curiosity and annoyance in her tone.

Gwen exchanged a glance with MJ, each of them carrying a different part of the encounter with Saga. Felicia's question lingered in the air, and both girls found themselves explaining, each reflecting their unique perspective and emotions.

"Well, Felicia, you know how Peter is, kinda a pushover, right?" Gwen's began, She recalled the fury that had ignited within her when she first saw Saga, suspecting him of harming her brother. 

"Yeah, I thought Saga had hurt Peter or something. Turns out, he's just trying to cheer up Peter, after he drove away the bully. I realized that I might have overreacted a bit." Gwen gave a sheepish shrug.

MJ's eyes lit up, her words dripped with happy surprises. "See Fel, seems like our 'discount store moody protagonist' has a heart of gold." Her tone playful.

"That brooding emo guy?" Felicia said, disbelief in her tone.

Gwen's smile widened. "Yes 'That brooding emo guy'. And you know what? He was really cool about the whole thing. He didn't laugh at Peter or get angry at me for accusing him. He just went along with it."

"Sounds like Saga's got some patience." MJ's eyes danced with mischief as she teased Gwen.

Gwen rolled her eyes playfully at MJ. "Oh, definitely. But honestly, he handled it well." Gwen nodded, her expression softening as she remembered their interaction.

"Peter thought he was a hero just because he scared some bullies?" Felicia's expression shifted from disbelief to something resembling begrudging curiosity.

Gwen couldn't help but chuckle at the incredulity in Felicia's voice. "Yep, pretty much. Peter can be a bit... dramatic."

MJ chimed in, her tone light and teasing. "You mean he has an overactive imagination."

Gwen winked at MJ. "Exactly."

Gwen's eyes softened as she continued, her voice tinged with gratitude. "Peter's been through a lot, and anyone who helps him automatically earns our appreciation. Saga's actually a pretty decent guy."

Felicia's lips twitched, her annoyance giving way to curiosity. "Really now? And what about this encounter made you introduce him to me?"

Gwen shrugged playfully, her voice light. "I thought it's always good to have more friends."

Felicia turned her attention to MJ. "And you? How did you two meets?"

MJ smiled softly, a hint of an amused expression in her eyes. " "I was just walking down the street, you know? And then bam, I accidentally crashed right into Saga."

Felicia's expression was funny. "Of course, you did."

"Honestly, I was surprised. He's not his usual aloof self at school." MJ chuckled, the memory clearly lighting up her eyes.

Felicia's eyebrows shot up, caught in MJ's story.

"He's actually quite chatty, and has a bit of a weird sense of humor. Mostly dirty jokes or old man jokes. It's so cringy but somewhat funny," said MJ, holding back a laugh.

"Isn't that an indication that he's just weird?" Felicia remarked with a teasing tone.

"He's been a ghost for two years." Gwen's chuckle filled the gap. 

Felicia's annoyance shifted, giving way to curiosity. "So, what's his deal then? Two years at Midtown High and he's invisible?"

"Well, maybe he's just really good at blending in." Gwen chuckled; her voice had tinge of humour.

"Let's just say, he used to be a lot quieter and reserved. But now? He's got this confidence…." MJ said

"And, you know this how?" Gwen chimed in with a curious question.

"O-oh, I sorta k-knew him." MJ's smile turned a tad strained, hinting at a hidden story.

Felicia's skepticism began to waver, replaced by a hint of genuine interest. "Huh, well, I didn't see that coming." 

MJ's eyes sparkled with amusement, sensing she had Felicia's attention. "Anyway. I was talking about finding part-time jobs, and I showed him the address. He took me there."

Felicia leaned forward; her curiosity now fully piqued. "Where?"

MJ grinned mischievously, relishing in the intrigue she was creating. "The Lucky Cat Café."

Felicia's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "I know that place."

Gwen chimed in with affectionate nostalgia, adding her own bit to the conversation. "They have really good pastries."

MJ nodded, her excitement palpable. "Yeah, turns out he knows the owner of the café? She's like his guardian or something."

MJ shrugged playfully, her smile warm and inviting. "I don't know all the details, but they seem pretty close. Aunt Cass the owner's name, and I bonded over cooking and stuff."

Felicia's initial skepticism seemed to bear down on MJ, her disbelief now mingled with curiosity. "You?, Cooking?, Seriously?"

"Hey, believe it or not, I do know how to cook," MJ asserted with a playful pout. "And you won't believe what happened next. Aunt Cass, accepted my application at the café!"

Felicia's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "No way! You got a job?"

Gwen chimed in with a playful grin. "Oh, by the way, me too."

Felicia's curiosity seemed to ignite even more, her eyes glinting mischievously. "So, both of you landed part-time gigs there?"

Gwen nodded with a smirk. "Yep, we'll be serving up coffee and pastries like the pros."

MJ added with a playful grin, "Saga is also helping out there, by the way."

Felicia leaned against the wall, her expression turning contemplative. "Hmmm… interesting…"

Gwen nudged her gently. "So, you are not upset anymore, right?"

Felicia shot Gwen a mock glare. "Let's not get carried away, Stacy."

MJ grinned, her playful spirit returning. "See? I knew you'd come around."

Felicia rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the hint of a smile. "Don't get too smug, MJ. I'm just... curious."

Felicia tilted her head, her playful smile revealing itself. "Well, who knows, I might drop by your café and give those lattes a chance." 

With that, the three friends headed off, their voices merging with the chatter of the bustling hallway as they left their candid conversation behind.


General POV 

Midtown High – 13:45, 11 September 2008

During gym class, as the students went through warm-up exercises, preparing for the upcoming basketball game, Felicia and Saga found themselves on opposing sides. The gymnasium buzzed with anticipation as the basketball teams took their positions on the court. Known as the prideful starter of the women's basketball team, Felicia had a determined glint in her eye. She was not about to let herself or her team be bested by Saga, considering him just another nobody. Her team consisted of three athletic guys and one other girl, and she was determined to prove that they could outshine anyone.

Saga, on the other hand, stood with a calm and aloof demeanor, his eyes focused on the game ahead. He knew Felicia was a formidable opponent, but he was confident in his own skills. He had a few 'tricks' up his sleeve that he was eager to use. As they faced off on the court, he couldn't resist flashing a smug, mocking grin in Felicia's direction. Her anger flared up again, and she was determined to teach Saga a lesson.

On the sidelines, MJ and Gwen watched the unfolding showdown with equal parts amusement and exasperation. They exchanged a knowing glance and shared sweat drop as they saw Felicia's determination to prove a point. It was like witnessing a clash of titans, and they could only hope that the competitive energy didn't escalate into something more chaotic.

As the referee blew the whistle, the game kicked off. Felicia wasted no time, dribbling the ball down the court with lightning speed. She was determined to score the first points of the match. Saga, however, wasn't about to let her have an easy victory. He moved with a calculated grace, his gaze fixed on Felicia as he skillfully intercepted her pass and took control of the ball.

Felicia's frustration was palpable as Saga effortlessly evaded her attempts to steal the ball back. She gritted her teeth and redoubled her efforts, her competitive spirit burning brightly. But rather than facing her one on one he just passed it to his teammates, but they missed a shot so the ball is in felicia team again.

Felicia attempted a swift two-point jump shot, but Saga's tall frame easily swatted the ball away, his timing impeccable. A smirk played on his lips as he snatched the ball and passed it again to one of his teammates which gave the ball back to him in one two fashion in which Saga finish it with 3 point shot. Felicia's pride stung as her attempt was thwarted, and her frustration began to show.

The back-and-forth continued, each player pushing the other to their limits. Felicia's team had the advantage in terms of height and strength, but Saga's agility and clever plays more than made up for it.

As the game continued, Felicia made it her mission to shut down Saga's attempts to score. She marked him with intensity, dogging his every move, determined to prove that her skills were superior. But Saga's approach was anything but conventional. He didn't engage in aggressive one-on-one confrontations with Felicia; instead, he utilized his agility and quick reflexes to slip through her defense.

At one point, Felicia lunged forward to intercept the ball, only to have Saga execute a deft spin move that left her momentarily off-balance. He took advantage of the opening and swiftly passed the ball to a teammate, who sunk an easy layup. Felicia's frustration was palpable, her pride wounded by Saga's evasive tactics.

Amidst the flurry of action on the basketball court, MJ and Gwen stood shoulder to shoulder among the onlookers, their eyes riveted on the unfolding game. The players, Felicia and Saga, each displayed a unique blend of skill and determination that held their attention.

"Wow, he's surprisingly good," MJ remarked, her tone a mix of surprise and admiration.

Gwen nodded, a subtle raise of her brow indicating her agreement. "Yeah, for such a lanky guy he is."

But Felicia wasn't one to back down. She rallied her team, using her position as point guard to orchestrate swift passes and fast breaks. The game became a tug-of-war, with Felicia's team aiming to overpower Saga's more strategic and elusive playing style.

The spectators in the bleachers watched in awe as the match unfolded. MJ and Gwen exchanged impressed glances, recognizing Saga's unorthodox playing style. He wasn't just relying on raw strength or aggressive tactics; he was using his wits to outmaneuver Felicia at every turn.

When it came to shooting, Saga's preferences were clear. He hung back at the three-point line, waiting for the opportune moment to sink a shot from long range. Felicia's team struggled to keep up with his unorthodox style, and they found themselves trailing as Saga's three-pointers started finding their mark.

But Saga's talents weren't limited to scoring. He displayed an impressive knack for tricky passes, setting up his teammates for easy layups and jump shots. The crowd erupted in cheers as they witnessed his skillful assists, while Felicia's frustration grew with each point her team conceded.

With the score beginning to tip in Saga's favor, Felicia's competitive spirit flared. She dribbled aggressively; her eyes locked onto Saga as she attempted a crossover dribble. But Saga's reflexes were lightning-fast; he saw through her move and neatly stole the ball, leaving Felicia momentarily off-balance.

Saga found himself in possession of the ball. Felicia, her pride and determination fueling her every move, marked him closely. In a moment of sheer brilliance, Saga executed a breathtaking crossover dribble that left Felicia slipping on the court. Seizing the opportunity, he smoothly evaded her and went for the 3 points, scoring yet again. The gymnasium reverberated with a mix of awe and disbelief from both players and spectators alike.

Felicia's pride was wounded, and her determination only intensified. She rallied her team again, urging them to close the gap in the score.

The crowd watching the game erupted in a mix of cheers and gasps as Saga capitalized on the opportunity. With a smooth dribble, he executed faking shot movement with one hand while his other hand still dribbles the ball that sent one of Felicia's teammates jump early before quickly step over to side to score another 3 points. The crowd's collective "ooh" was drowned out by the sound of the ball swishing through the net, marking another successful play for Saga's team.

MJ and Gwen, observing from the sidelines, exchanged amused glances. MJ's lips curved into a knowing smile as she whispered to Gwen, "This is just a gym class, right?"

Gwen nodded, her eyes dancing with a mix of amusement and admiration. "They are taking this game way too seriously."

Meanwhile, Felicia's frustration had reached its peak. Her team huddled up, with Felicia's voice audible as she delivered a pep talk with a mix of determination and annoyance. "Alright, team, we're not losing to them. Keep your guard up, and let's shut down their tricky plays."

As Felicia dribbled down the court with tenacity, MJ couldn't help but let out a cheer. "Go, Felicia! Show 'em how it's done!"

Gwen added her voice to the mix, her encouragement steady and resolute. "Keep pushing, Felicia!"

Back on the court, Felicia's team adjusted their strategy, tightening their defense to counter Saga's unexpected moves. Felicia herself marked Saga closely, her competitive spirit burning brighter than ever. The game intensified, with both teams battling fiercely for control of the ball.

Saga, ever the enigmatic player, continued to surprise with his unorthodox moves. He utilized his preference for three-point shots, sinking shot after shot from beyond the arc, and his clever passes left Felicia's team scrambling to keep up.

As the final moments of the game approached, Saga found himself in possession of the ball once more. The score was neck and neck, and the outcome hung in the balance. With a burst of speed and agility, Saga executed a flawless drive to the basket, soaring through the air for a spectacular slam dunk that left the crowd roaring in amazement.

The buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game. The scoreboard displayed a close but undeniable victory for Saga's team. Felicia's shoulders slumped, a mix of frustration and begrudging respect in her eyes. She extended a hand to Saga, acknowledging his skill even as her competitive spirit burned on.

On the sidelines, MJ and Gwen exchanged amazed glances, their jaws practically on the floor.

Saga's surprising dunk had MJ letting out an exclamation of disbelief. "Did he just...?"

Gwen's response was equally incredulous. "...…. Yep, he did."

The match had been a rollercoaster of excitement, with Saga's unconventional tactics and Felicia's unwavering determination creating a spectacle that had everyone talking.

As the players left the court, a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration painted their expressions. The gymnasium buzzed with excited chatter as students and spectators alike relived the thrilling match between two teams. And in the midst of it all, Saga walked away with a sense of quiet satisfaction, his aloof demeanor masking the satisfaction of a hard-fought victory.

The gymnasium was still buzzing with energy as Felicia made her way back to her friends, Gwen and MJ. Her steps were a touch slower, her shoulders slightly slumped from the intensity of the game. But determination still burned in her eyes, a testament to her unwavering spirit.

"Hey, Felicia, you seriously rocked out there!" MJ's voice carried genuine enthusiasm, her grin infectious as she tried to lift Felicia's mood.

Gwen's nod was equally approving. "Absolutely, that game was a rollercoaster. You were on fire."

Felicia managed a small smile, appreciating their support. "Thanks, guys. Means a lot."

Their camaraderie was interrupted by the arrival of the cause of Felicia's annoyance, Saga, wearing that all-too-familiar smug grin. His taunting words cut through the air like a playful dagger. "You lost, kitty."

Felicia's irritation flared, her eyes narrowing at the sound of his voice. Her fingers curled into tight fists, ready to retaliate, but Saga was already sauntering away, leaving Felicia simmering in her frustration.

"Ugh, I Hate that guy," Felicia seethed, she throw her arms upward, her voice tinged with a mix of anger and disbelief, the remnants of her temper palpable.

Gwen and MJ exchanged glances, amusement and sympathy dancing in their eyes. They knew just how much Saga's jab had struck a nerve.

MJ's chuckle was gentle, a soothing balm to the tension. "He sure knows how to get under your skin."

Gwen chimed in with a smirk, her tone playful. "Looks like you're his favorite target."

Felicia let out a huff of exasperation, her annoyance still simmering. "Seriously, who does he think he is?"

MJ shrug held a hint of mischief. "Maybe he's still annoyed from before."

Gwen couldn't resist adding a twist of teasing to the mix. Her eyes danced mischievously. "Or maybe he's got a secret crush on you and doesn't know how to handle it."

Felicia's reaction was a mix of surprise and incredulity. Her eyebrows shot up as she sputtered, "What? No way!"

Gwen's chuckle was genuine, a musical note in the conversation. "Hey, stranger things have happened."

Rolling her eyes, Felicia's cheeks tinted with a touch of pink. "Yeah, right. Like that's ever gonna be a thing."

As their banter continued, the weight of Saga's taunt began to lift, carried away on a wave of laughter and camaraderie. The gym's atmosphere shifted from charged to relaxed, a testament to the unbreakable bond between the trio. While Felicia might loathe that guy, her friends were there to remind her that a smug comment couldn't extinguish her fire for long.


Change POV

In a secluded corner of the gym, Saga leaned against the wall, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Despite his earlier bravado, the reality of his physical exhaustion was undeniable. He massaged his sore muscles and let out a low groan.

"[Physical exertion level: suboptimal. Muscular endurance: questionable. Conclusion: Not an athlete,]" A.D.A's robotic voice chimed in, its tone devoid of emotion.

Saga shot a glare in the general direction of the voice, even though A.D.A wasn't physically present. "Thanks for the insightful analysis."

"[You're welcome. My primary function is to provide accurate assessments,]" A.D.A replied matter-of-factly.

Saga rolled his eyes, his breathing finally starting to normalize. "You know, I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for your so-called 'impeccable guidance'."

A.D.A's digital chuckle resonated in Saga's mind. "[Acknowledgment: I take pride in facilitating your physical education endeavors.]"

"More like leading me into a disaster," Saga muttered under his breath.

"[Correction: I directed you towards an opportunity for personal growth,]" A.D.A said, maintaining its robotic demeanor.

Saga couldn't help but snort at the AI's clinical response. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just remind me to never do anything like this again."

"[Affirmative. Future reminders noted,]" A.D.A replied in a tone that sounded almost like a polite robot.

Saga pushed himself off the wall and began to make his way out of the secluded area, shaking his head with a wry smile. Despite his exhaustion and the banter with his AI companion, there was a sense of accomplishment that came from pushing his limits – even if it meant enduring A.D.A's deadpan humor along the way and realizing that he needed more training.

His body couldn't handle continuous Infusion from Dragon core; his control also sometimes slipped while on the move, resulting in his muscles getting sorer due to expending more energy than intended. But hey, desperate times called for desperate measures. It also served as real live training, and he really wanted to win against her, to give 'Miss Felicia' a one-way ticket to Humbleville.

The sting of Felicia's out-of-nowhere insults still lingered. Petty? Perhaps. But sometimes, the sweetest victories were the ones seasoned with a pinch of pettiness. It was like adding a dash of wasabi to bland sushi – a spicy kick that made it all the more satisfying. So he might as well pull out all the stops, and if he had to cheat (nah, let's call it... 'creative strategy'), then so be it. After all, his motto was "No Cheat No Glory". Let's be real, who ever won anything by playing fair?


Gwen's Apartement – 18:45, 11 September 2008

Here I stand, in front of Gwen's apartment, stomach growling like it's auditioning for a role in a horror movie. This invitation's a lifesaver, or should I say, a stomach-saver. I swear, this appetite could rival Goku's. Not that I shovel food down like savages, but I do enjoy a good feast. And after my 'victory' I deserve it.

I stepped into Gwen's apartment, the warm ambiance washing over me. She greeted me with that signature smile, playful yet welcoming.

"You barely made it in time, you know that, right?" she said, her tone light but mildly reprimanding.

I smile awkwardly, brushing off her comment. "Well… Einstein said time is relative right?..." I talk like I know what I was saying. "Maybe I am not late, but arrived when I needed it to be."

"Did you just mash up Einstein with Princess Diaries?" she asked, clearly amused.

"Oh, you understand that reference?" I said, genuinely surprised.

Gwen chuckled, leading me further into the room where her family sat around the dining table. As we made our way further into the apartment, the tantalizing aroma of dinner hung in the air. It was a welcome distraction from my growling stomach. May Parker, the heart of this warm abode, greeted us with a genuine smile. Her dad George Stacy, and Peter also were there.

I was surprised, to say the least. May and George could pass as their movie counterparts, and Peter had this Tom Holland resemblance going on, albeit a bit shorter and skinnier.

"Everyone, this is Saga," Gwen introduced, her voice cheerfully. "Saga, my stepmom May, my dad George, and you know Peter."

I nodded politely at each of them, "Oh, you must be Saga," May Parker said warmly, extending her hand. "Gwen and Peter have told us so much about you."

I shook her hand with a nod. "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Stacy."

"Please, call me May," she offered with a kind smile. At least someone's making it easy for me here.

"So glad you could make it," she exclaimed. "And on time too! I hope you're hungry."

The fragrance from the kitchen was answer enough. "You have no idea," I replied, my enthusiasm genuine. The day's training had left me famished, and the promise of a good meal was a beacon of hope.

Peter was practically radiating enthusiasm. "Saga, you made it!" he exclaimed, as if my appearance was the highlight of the century.

I chuckled, "Hey Peter, you been good?" Yeah, kid, I missed you too.

But George, oh boy, he had that look in his eyes, part suspicion, part "I-will-break-you, I wonder why?"

"So…, you must be Saga," he said, his voice wrapped in barbed wire.

"Hi, nice to meet you sir." I spoke casually, shaking his hands, wow that's a grip.

"Yeah... hope you like Lasagna." He spoke in a clipped tone.

As we took our seats, I couldn't help but marvel at the exquisite spread before me. The rich aroma of freshly baked garlic bread mingled with the tantalizing scent of marinara sauce. A plate of steaming lasagna, its layers of pasta, ricotta, and savory meat sauce, beckoned invitingly. Next to it, a perfectly thin-crusted pizza, adorned with vibrant tomatoes, fresh basil, and bubbling mozzarella cheese, sat in all its culinary glory.

The table was a canvas of Italian delights, a symphony of colors and flavors. The lasagna, its edges golden and crisp, promised a delightful crunch with every bite. The pizza, a testament to the art of perfect crusts, promised a harmonious blend of tomato tang and creamy cheese.

The anticipation of tasting these mouthwatering creations made my senses dance with delight. The spread was not just a meal, but a gastronomic experience, a journey through the heart of Italian cuisine.

At that moment, I felt a surge of genuine gratitude towards Gwen for extending the dinner invitation, and of course, Aunt May, whose culinary talents were clearly on full display.

As the Stacys bowed their heads for grace, I couldn't help but reflect on the universality of this act. While my own faith guided me through different rituals, there was a profound beauty in sharing in the customs of others. It was a testament to the human experience - diverse yet bound by common threads of respect and gratitude.

After that, the room seemed to come alive with the clinking of utensils and the soft hum of conversation. Each bite was a delicious given form, a testament to Aunt May's culinary prowess. I made sure to express my appreciation to Gwen and Aunt May, their smiles radiating warmth and satisfaction.

Peter started to tell the story again about how we met, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow internally – I mean seriously kid it's not a big deal and it wasn't as monumental as he made it sound.

Nonetheless, I continued to enjoy the Italian spread, savoring each bite as I sought to appease my appetite.

I deftly navigated the buffet, skillfully adding various delights to my plate, all while maintaining proper table manners. Unbeknownst to me, the Stacy family exchanged incredulous glances, they look to me again wore expressions of disbelief, their eyes widening in subtle amazement as they watched me partake in the feast. Their expressions ranged from raised eyebrows to subtle smirks, clearly surprised by the extent of my appetite. They observed in a mix of amusement and astonishment as I continued to load my plate.

"Aunt Cass mentioned you had an appetite, but this is something else," Gwen exclaimed, her astonishment evident in her wide-eyed gaze. Each member of the Stacy family nodded in agreement.

May's eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and wonder. "Well, it's not every day we have a guest who appreciates my cooking this much!"

Even George, typically stoic, couldn't hide his surprise. "Impressive," he murmured, his gaze fixed on my steadily diminishing plate.

Peter, wide-eyed and awestruck, chimed in, "You're like a human vacuum, Saga!"

I was in Nirvana, each bite an exquisite journey through the flavors of Italy, a testament to both the culinary artistry of Aunt May and my own, admittedly hearty, appetite. I completely tuned out the outside world, only focusing on the food before me.

What's with auntie of this world, aunt Cass is also an artist in the kitchen specializing in the art of Eastern cuisine. From Japanese delicacies to Chinese feasts and Korean specialties, she could whip up any dish with finesse. After witnessing my surge of appetite, Aunt Cass seemed to make it her personal mission to pamper me with generous servings of her delectable creations. It left me with a lingering curiosity - why did she choose to run a café rather than a full-fledged restaurant? Her talent certainly extended beyond what a typical café could contain.

As the Stacys' disbelief diminished, the dinner conversation flowed again. George directed a question my way, attempting to be civil. "So, Saga, you also go to Midtown High?"

I stopped eating momentarily to address the host. "Yes, high school junior this year."

George started to shoot questions. "Gwen talks about you a lot. Almost like she's your personal PR manager."

Gwen turned an impressive shade of red. "Dad…?" she said in confusion.

I raised an eyebrow to Gwen. 'She did?' I thought to myself "All the good things, I hope?" I said with a polite smile on my face.

May chuckled, her amusement evident. "Oh, George, stop teasing. You know how Gwen is, always enthusiastic about her friends."

George, however, was resolute. "Just looking out for my girl."

"Dad, please?" Gwen's quiet plea came next, her embarrassment evident.

'Wait… wait… Didn't this dinner is for May to thank me for saving Peter, why it feels like the beginning of a shovel talk?' I thought, sweat dropping.

As dinner conversation flowed, it veered away from the awkward talk, well… for me at least. May tried to break the ice. "So, Saga, do you have any hobbies?"

"I'm into... a bit of everything," I replied, keeping it vague.

George's eyebrow arched. "Everything? That must be 'exciting'." He said sarcastically.

May interjected, her tone light but firm. "George, let the poor boy eat in peace."

Gwen stepped in, trying to diffuse the tension. "Dad, what are you doing?." Gwen whispered toward George.

"Just making sure he's up to the task," George retorted, keeping his focus on me.

Peter, ever the ball of energy, asked me totally unaware of what happens. "Hey, Saga, did you know I built a volcano for a science project once?"

I smirked. "Nice. Did it erupt?"

Peter's eyes lit up. "Yeah! With baking soda and vinegar!"

"Classic," I agreed.

Between bites of food, May turned her attention again to me. "So, Saga, how do you know Gwen?"

I was momentarily caught off guard. "Almost the same time I met Peter."

"Well… I may have shoved him, thinking he had done something to Peter," Gwen added with a hint of sheepishness.

May chimed in, her laughter carrying. "Well, that's quite the memorable introduction." Oh, absolutely, if by "introduction" you mean "aggressive initiation ritual."

But George's tone pivoted playfully. "Gwen always did have a flair for dramatic entrances." I laughed in my head imagining Gwen needed to announce her presence like the opening act of a WWE match.

Gwen's glare spoke volumes. "Dad, seriously?"

George, ever the vigilant guardian, couldn't resist a pointed question. "So, Saga, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

Gwen's choking on food, quickly drank some water, while coughing her cheeks flushed.

"Dad, come on..." Gwen blushed, the embarrassment practically radiating off her by her father's blunt inquiry.

Intentions? Seriously? I mean, come on, did he just channel the spirit of every overbearing dad in rom-com history? My raised eyebrow felt like a billboard for my inner thoughts. Like, dude, really? You're just gonna put us on the spot like that?

"We're just friends, sir," I clarified, wondering if this was some sort of interrogation scene from a crime drama.

"Well, I hope you understand that I'll be keeping an eye on you.and since I'm pretty sure May will invite you again, I'm going to lay down some ground rules: Rule number one, the door stays open; rule number two, no funny business." George began to outline these peculiar guidelines.

Gwen's cheeks reddened further, her embarrassment tangible. "Dad, stop it." she half-muttered, half-begged.

"Oh, sure I guess your house, your rule," I stayed cool, meeting his gaze evenly. I'm really confused right now.

Gwen buried her face in her hands, mortified. May's laughter filled the room, breaking the tension.

May playfully elbowed George. "George, stop grilling the poor boy. We invited him to dinner, not an interrogation."

"I just think it's a bit odd inviting a boy over for dinner." George grumbled.

"Dad, it's not like that. he's just a friend. Besides, it was May who asked me to invite him," Gwen explained, her voice carrying a touch of explanation.

George crossed his arms, not entirely convinced. "Hmph, I've been a father long enough to know when something's going on."

In my mind, I couldn't help but think, 'No… no… no… there's nothing going on, old man. I'm just here for the food.' I couldn't help but sweat a little at that thought.

May's eyes twinkled with amusement. "George, you're overreacting."

He got a bit defensive. "I'm just being a good father. making sure he knows where he stands."

I offered a small smile. "Uh, yeah. Got it."

I leaned in closer to Gwen and whispered, "Is your dad always like this?"

She whispered back with a smile, "Just an overprotective dad thing. Don't take it personally."

"Well, Saga, it's nice to see someone can handle George's... 'warm welcome,'" May teased.

I nodded, a small smile quirking my lips. "Yeah, it's been... enlightening." 'And confusing.'

Gwen's face flushed deeper, her frustration showing.

"Can we please change the subject?" she mumbled.

Thankfully, dinner came to an end. I was stuffed and eager to head out. As we all finished cleaning up, May stood up with a warm smile.

"Thank you for joining us tonight, Saga. It was lovely getting to know you better."

George extended his hand, and this time there was a genuine warmth in his eyes. "You seem like a good kid. Remember the rules and we'll be getting along just fine."

I shook his hand with a nod. "Got it, your house, your rules."

As I made my way towards the door, Gwen walked me out and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about that," she said, nodding toward her dad. "My dad's... he's a character, to say the least."

I chuckled. "It certainly was an experience."

"Though as far as dinner goes, it was not bad," I continued. "The food, for one, is delicious. I have to admit, all that interrogation went over my head, as I really wanted to eat again."

"It's shocking to see all that food disappear like that," Gwen said. "I thought we were gonna have leftovers for tomorrow."

"Sorry," I said sheepishly, my hand instinctively reaching for my head.

"Eh, no biggie. May loves to cook," Gwen said casually. "Seriously though, for such a skinny guy, you eat a lot. Where does all that food disappear?"

"Oi, I'm not skinny, just slim fit," I protested in mock outrage.

"Whatever you say," Gwen replied playfully.

"Anyway, gotta go. Thanks again for dinner. I hope you invite me again to a feast." I said shamelessly.

"See you at school," she said with a smile.

As I strolled away from Gwen's place that night, I couldn't help but think about the evening. It was surprising how effortlessly I vibed with Gwen. She was just so darn friendly really…really… friendly, we talked as if we'd been friends for a long time. 


Weird really, I'm not someone who goes out and socializes easily, but since I came to the Marvel Universe it just came naturally. Not just Gwen it's the same with Mary Jane, it's easy to talked to them, is this the power of the heroines that makes Peter Parker attracted to them.

well with Felicia I'm pretty sure I burned that bridge…. hey it's not my fault really, she's the one who fire the first shot. On the bright side I only have to deal with two, I don't think I can hold my temper if I have to deal with Felicia on daily basis, it's still boggle me how those three are best friends I wonder how that happen, those three are very different from how the media portray them maybe that's the effects of those three becoming best friends.


With everything that will came in the future I couldn't distract myself doing this but I don't know... I don't want to have single track of mind focusing on gaining power You know, like those racehorses with blinkers?, I also want to live it, I want to experience it all, the good, the bad, and the questionable. whether it's wrong or right let future me deal with the consequences, right? Ganbatte, future me! You're in for a wild ride.

To be Continue…


AN2: This chapter introduces the last of the Trio, Felicia Hardy. Yes, I know she is not of Asian descent in every media (comic/cartoon/game/movie), but whenever I picture her character, especially from Marvel's Spider-Man PS5, I can't help but imagine Ada Wong from Resident Evil 2 & 4 Remake. The best fit I could find for her features is Lana Lang, played by Kristin Kreuk from Smallville. So, because of that, Felicia in my fic became like this.

As for MJ and Gwen, if I had to cast them, my choices for the actresses to play these characters are more inclined towards Sadie Sink or Josephine Langford for MJ and Emma Myers for Gwen. What do you guys think?

S464_SpRingFielD S464_SpRingFielD

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Anyway Vote and review I would love to hear from you guys.

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