
บท 21: Scum

The throne room of the Red Keep was bustling with activity. King Viserys Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne, his face composed as he greeted the nobles who had come from across Westeros. At the foot of the Iron Throne, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen sat on a smaller throne. Around them, the royal family stood in attendance.

Prince Daemon Targaryen, stood close to Rhaenyra, his eyes scanning the room. Queen Alicent Hightower stood with her father, Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, both looking attentive. Prince Aegon, with his fair hair and bored expression, stood beside his younger brother, Aemond, who watched the proceedings with a keen eye. Helaena and Daella, Rhaenyra's children, stood quietly with their brother Jace, who seemed thoughtful. Baby Daeron clung to his mother, Queen Alicent, his small fingers gripping her dress.

The Kingsguard, in their white armour, were stationed around the room, ready to protect the royal family at a moment's notice. Nobles filled the gallery, and many stood in the throne room, watching as families presented themselves to the king. It had been a moon since Daemon and Rhaenyra had returned, and families from all over Westeros had come for the tournament that would take place next moon.

First to present themselves was Borros Baratheon, a tall and imposing man with a presence that commanded attention. He bowed deeply before the king.

"Your Grace," Borros said, "House Baratheon is honoured to be here. We look forward to the tournament."

"Welcome, Lord Baratheon," King Viserys replied with a nod. "We are pleased to have you here."

Jason Lannister stepped forward next, his golden hair gleaming in the torchlight. He bowed gracefully.

"Your Grace," Jason said, "House Lannister brings its best wishes and looks forward to the festivities."

"Lord Lannister," Viserys responded, "your presence is most welcome."

Jeyne Arryn followed, her movements graceful as she approached and bowed.

"Your Grace," she said, "House Arryn is honoured to be here and partake in the celebrations."

"Lady Arryn," Viserys said with a smile, "we are glad to see you."

Cregan Stark, a young man with a serious expression, stepped forward. He bowed respectfully.

"Your Grace, I come representing my father, Lord Rickon Stark, who is ill. House Stark is honoured to be here."

"Lord Stark," Viserys said warmly, "we appreciate your presence and wish your father a swift recovery."

Matthias Tyrell, with his noble bearing, approached next and bowed.

"Your Grace," he said, "House Tyrell is pleased to be part of this grand event."

"Lord Tyrell," Viserys replied, "we are delighted to have you."

Finally, Prince Martell made his way forward, his movements regal. He did not bow but inclined his head respectfully.

"Your Grace," he said, "House Martell is honoured to be here."

"Prince Martell," Viserys greeted, "we welcome you as an equal and are pleased by your presence."

Beside Viserys, Rhaenyra watched with interest as the nobles presented themselves, each bringing their sons and daughters. The hopes for securing marriages within the royal family were palpable, and the air was thick with anticipation. Though Rhaenyra found it difficult to consider letting anyone be betrothed to her eldest son.

Jace glanced at his cousin and aunt, Helaena and Daella, who stood quietly beside him, then at Aegon and Aemond who watched the proceedings, Aegon looking slightly bored, while Aemond's sharp gaze missed nothing. Baby Daeron clung to Queen Alicent, who stroked his hair gently, her eyes on the nobles. The nobles in the gallery and those standing in the throne room watched intently. This was a rare gathering of the most powerful houses in Westeros, and the potential alliances and marriages were on everyone's mind. The king continued to greet the nobles, each one presenting themselves with varying degrees of formality and enthusiasm. The room was filled with the murmurs of conversation and the rustle of fine clothing as the families made their way forward.

King Viserys rose from the Iron Throne, his face glowing with warmth. "Your children look strong and beautiful," he said, his voice carrying through the throne room. "I look forward to them getting to know my own children and grandchildren. Perhaps love can blossom in this tournament." He laughed heartily, and the nobles joined in, the room echoing with their shared amusement.

Jace, however, began to drown out the rest of his grandfather's speech, feeling slightly annoyed at being stuck in these formal proceedings. He had things he needed to do—he had finally managed to scout out the buildings he planned to purchase and needed to finalize the details. Sensing his frustration, Helaena brushed her hand against his and sent him a reassuring smile.

Tuning back into the conversation, Jace heard Viserys say, "My family would be glad to befriend your own children."

Rhaenyra, ever vigilant, observed the interactions. When she noticed Jace's restlessness, she squeezed his shoulder and leaned in close. "Be friendly to the lords' children," she said with a stern expression. Jace gave her an innocent smile, but Rhaenyra could tell immediately that it was fake.

As the formal proceedings drew to a close and the nobles began to leave the throne room, Jace slipped away, blending in with the departing lords and ladies. He moved quickly, taking advantage of the crowd to avoid further scrutiny. Once outside, he breathed in the cool air, savouring the brief moment of freedom.

Just as he was about to make his way towards his intended destination, he was stopped by a group of four girls around his age, some slightly older. Their dark hair and piercing blue eyes marked them unmistakably as Borros Baratheon's daughters, the Four Storms.

"Prince Jacaerys!" one of them called out in a girlish manner, her voice filled with excitement.

Jace pointed back towards the throne room. "He's inside," he said quickly, and without waiting for a response, he left the girls behind, making his way through the courtyard. He had business to attend to and no time for further distractions.


"Are you sure this is a good idea, Jace?" Edryck asked as he scratched his beard. They were both walking through Kings Landing, disguised as they made their way to the 'Rose Petal' one of the lower quality Brothels in Kings Landing, not the type Lords and Nobles went to, it was more for the Common Man. Cheap women selling themselves for coppers,  but these women usually weren't very comely, nor were they clean or skilled. The reason they were here was not because Jace was interested in this type of thing, but because the man they were meeting was; he was the owner of the buildings that Jace wanted to buy.

He had Hugh inquire around about purchasing a large group of buildings clumped together near the river row. After a few weeks, he finally found the man who owned them and after a few letters, he agreed to meet with Jace, though Jace imagined if he'd given his true identity the man would be on his knees crawling to meet him. "Scared of courtesans now?" Jace mocked as they walked through the alleyways.

Edryck snickered "These aren't courtesans, they're whores," he replied.

"What's the difference?" Jace asked.

"With a courtesan, I won't have to worry about my cock falling off," he said with a chuckle.

Jace shook his head before turning a corner and finally seeing their giant companion. Hugh dressed in a cloak that hid his features much like Jace, though his large frame and height gave him away to those who were looking for him.

"My Prince," Hugh said as he saw Jace and Edryck approach.

"Call me Jace while we are out here, don't use my title," he instructed as he approached the large man.

Hugh grunted. "The man's inside, he's currently fucking a couple of whores, so you might want to wait," he suggested.

Jace waited for a moment before declining and walking into the building with both men on his heels. As soon as they stepped inside, Jace was hit by an overwhelming stench, a nauseating mix of sweat, stale ale, and the unmistakable odour of unwashed bodies. It was as if they had walked into a fishmonger's stall that hadn't been cleaned in weeks. The air was thick and oppressive, making it hard to breathe.

The sound of moans and grunts echoed through the dimly lit hallways, mingling with the occasional raucous laughter of patrons. The flickering lanterns on the walls cast a sickly yellow light, revealing the squalor of the place. Women lounged about, their expressions a mixture of weariness and resignation. Their clothes were torn and dirty, their faces marked by dried seed or dirt, and their skin was blemished and red from the sun. They barely glanced at the newcomers, too accustomed to the endless parade of men who frequented the brothel.

Jace walked through the brothel with noticeable indifference, he ignited the smell, the sounds, even the taste and continued to walk through unbothered. He gestured to Hugh, who nodded and took the lead. Hugh knew this place better than him having been a frequent visitor in the past, and Jace trusted him to guide them to the room where the man they were looking for could be found. They moved deeper into the building, navigating the corridors. The smell grew stronger, the sounds more disturbing. Jace kept his eyes forward, ignoring the filth and decay around him. Hugh stopped in front of a door, his hand resting on the worn handle. He looked back at Jace and Edryck, his expression grim. "This is the place," he said quietly.

Jace nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "Let's get this over with," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. Hugh pushed open the door, and they stepped into the dimly lit room.

When Jace, Edryck, and Hugh entered the dimly lit room, they were greeted with a sordid scene. The man they were looking for, Damish, was rutting on a young blonde woman, his movements rough and desperate. The blonde's body, though young, bore the signs of wear, her skin pale and marked with bruises. Her eyes were glazed over, staring blankly at the ceiling.

In the corner, a brown-haired woman sat on a chair, a tired look on her face. Her youth was marred by the exhaustion etched into her features, and her body showed similar signs of wear and tear. She drank deeply from a cup of wine, her eyes dull and uninterested in the spectacle before her. Damish's grunts were loud and almost comical, a stark contrast to the lifeless atmosphere of the room. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he shouted repeatedly, his voice echoing off the grimy walls.

Then, in a breathless, almost pathetic tone, he asked, "How is it for you?"

The blonde woman, her voice deadpan and devoid of any real emotion, responded, "It's so good, Lord Damish."

Jace's stomach churned at the sight and sounds before him. A sharp laugh from Edryck cut through the sordid noises of the room, drawing everyone's attention to the newcomers. Lord Damish turned, his face twisting in anger and alarm. "Get out! Get out before I call the guards!" he shouted, his voice cracking.

Jace sighed, unimpressed by the bluster. He gestured to Hugh, who stepped forward with a menacing presence. Hugh grabbed the naked little man by the scruff of his neck and dragged him off the bed, tossing him into a nearby chair with such force that it nearly tipped over.

The two women in the room recoiled in fear, moving back against the wall. Jace approached them slowly, lifting his hood just enough to reveal a gentle smile. Their hearts fluttered at the sight of such a handsome boy. "I'm sorry for this, my ladies," he said softly, trying to soothe their fright. He reached into his cloak and handed each woman a gold dragon. Their eyes widened in astonishment as they looked at the coins, barely believing their good fortune.

"Thank you, my lord," they both stammered, bowing deeply before rushing out of the room, clutching the gold dragons as if they might vanish at any moment.

With the women gone, Jace turned his attention back to Lord Damish. The man was now attempting to reason with Hugh and Edryck, his voice pathetic and desperate. "Please, I can give you silver, plenty of it, just let me go," he pleaded, his eyes darting between the two men standing over him.

Hugh's grip tightened on the back of the chair, preventing Damish from making any sudden moves. Edryck smirked, clearly enjoying the man's fear. "We're not here for your silver, Lord Damish," Jace said calmly, stepping closer. "We have business to discuss."

Damish's face paled, and he swallowed hard, still shaken from the rough treatment. "Business? What business?"

Jace took a seat in front of him. "We're here to discuss the properties on River Row. We've exchanged letters about this."

Recognition dawned in Damish's eyes, and he began to calm down, though annoyance still flickered across his face. "Ah, the properties. Yes, I remember now. But did you have to handle it this way?" he grumbled, rubbing his sore arm.

Jace remained unfazed, meeting Damish's glare with a steady look. "I'm a busy man, Lord Damish. I couldn't wait for you to finish spilling your seed. Now that I have your attention, let's discuss the terms."

Damish sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Very well. The properties are valuable, but they come at a price."

When Damish said, "The properties are valuable, but they come at a price," he paused for effect before continuing. "Two hundred gold dragons."

Hugh burst out laughing, the sound echoing off the grimy walls. "Two hundred gold dragons? They aren't worth half that much!"

Edryck nodded in agreement, his expression stern. "He's cheating you, Jace. These buildings are old and barely standing. They're not worth anywhere near what he's asking."

Damish's face hardened, his resolve unwavering. "The price is fair. They're close to the Mud Gate, in a good location. I can't lower the price."

Jace listened to his companions' advice but made his decision. He met Damish's gaze and nodded. "Two hundred gold dragons it is."

Damish's eyes widened with surprise and greed. A wide grin stretched across his face as he realized his fortune. "Very well, then." He watched eagerly as Jace counted out the gold dragons, placing them into his waiting hands.

With a satisfied look, Damish walked over to a chest in the corner of the room. He unlocked it and pulled out a set of deeds, each one carefully rolled and tied with a ribbon, as well as the keys for the building. He handed them to Jace, who checked them over thoroughly. The documents were genuine, and everything appeared to be in order.

Jace nodded, satisfied. He handed the gold dragons to Damish, who counted them quickly, his grin widening with each coin.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Damish," Jace said, his voice calm and steady.

"Likewise," Damish replied, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Jace turned to Hugh and Edryck, gesturing for them to follow. They left the brothel, stepping back into the cool night air. Jace rubbed his eyes, feeling the weight of exhaustion. It had been a long day of training and dealing with lords and ladies, followed by a night of skulking through the shadows of King's Landing. Edryck, sensing his fatigue, suggested, "We should head back to the Red Keep to sleep."

Jace shook his head. "No, we're going to check out the buildings I just purchased." And so, they set off towards River Row. The streets of King's Landing were dimly lit by scattered lanterns, casting flickering shadows that danced on the cobblestones. The city was quieter now, with most respectable folk indoors and only the occasional drunkard or street vendor still about.

As they walked, the smells of the city enveloped them—stale ale, roasting meat, and the ever-present tang of the harbour. They passed narrow alleys where the sounds of whispered conversations and occasional laughter. Children darted in and out of shadows, playing games even at this late hour, and stray cats prowled for scraps. Jace, Edryck, and Hugh moved through the streets, their footsteps echoing in the night. The anticipation of seeing his new properties kept Jace alert, pushing back the fatigue.

Finally, they reached River Row, the district known for its commerce and bustling activity during the day. Now, it was mostly silent, the buildings dark and imposing against the moonlit sky. When they arrived at River Row, Jace saw the buildings arranged just as Hugh had described, forming a cross with a central courtyard. The main buildings stood to the north, south, east, and west. However, their condition was worse than he had anticipated. The structures were old and uncared for, with cracked walls and peeling paint. Windows were broken or boarded up, and the roofs sagged under the weight of neglect. Weeds choked the courtyard, and trash littered the ground. The air was thick with the smell of damp wood and decay.

Edryck laughed as they surveyed the dilapidated buildings. "Well, Jace, are you happy where your 200 gold dragons went?"

Jace ignored him, his eyes fixed on the task ahead. "Let's check the inside."

They approached the main building and unlocked the creaky door. It swung open with a groan, revealing an interior just as bad as the exterior. The floors were littered with debris, the walls were stained with grime, and the air was thick with the scent of mould and decay.

As they moved further in, the dim light from a broken shutter illuminated a surprising scene in the courtyard. Through the gaps, they saw a group of people huddled around a fire, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. The squatters looked up and scowled when they noticed Jace and his companions.

One of them, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, stood up and shouted, "Oi, this is property of the Muddy Prince! Get out or we'll fuckin' do ya!"

Hugh spat on the ground upon hearing the name. "These bastards are part of a damn gang. No wonder Damish was gonna sell this place. The cunt."

Jace remained unphased, his voice calm and steady. "You're mistaken. I bought this property from Damish, and it's mine now. You have one minute to leave before I force you to."

The criminals laughed, waking the others. Slowly, they all got to their feet, weapons in hand, ready to defend their territory. Jace drew his sword, the metal gleaming in the firelight. "Edryck, Hugh, kill them all. If they try to run, let them."

As the gang members charged at them, Edryck stepped forward, pushing Jace behind him and Hugh. His eyes focused and his movements precise, he was ready for the fight. The first man reached him, and Edryck lunged forward, thrusting his sword into the man's gut. He pivoted on his feet, smoothly dragging the blade out and slicing across the neck of the next attacker. Blood sprayed, and the man crumpled to the ground.

Another criminal swung a crude club at Edryck, who sidestepped effortlessly. With a swift kick, Edryck connected with the man's leg, popping his kneecap out of place. The man screamed in agony, dropping his weapon. Edryck ended his suffering with a quick thrust to the heart, his movements are fluid and unhesitating.

A burly thug swung a heavy axe at Edryck, who parried the blow with a sharp clang of steel. The thug tried to overpower him, but Edryck twisted his wrist, deflecting the axe and stepping inside the man's guard. With a powerful upward slash, he opened the thug's chest, the man staggering back and collapsing.

Edryck's blade was a blur, meeting every attack with deadly precision. He spun around, deflecting a dagger thrust aimed at his back, and countered with a swift slice that severed the assailant's hand. The man howled, clutching his bleeding stump, before Edryck's sword ended his life with a thrust to the throat.

Meanwhile, Hugh revealed a massive warhammer hidden beneath his cloak. The first criminal charged at him, but Hugh swung the hammer up in a brutal arc, connecting with the man's chin. The impact shattered his jaw, sending him sprawling backwards. Hugh followed up with a powerful kick to the man's chest, sending him crashing into another attacker behind him.

A second thug, wielding a rusty sword, charged at Hugh. Hugh sidestepped the clumsy swing and brought the Warhammer down on the thug's shoulder, crushing bone and sinew. The man screamed as he fell to the ground, and Hugh finished him with a crushing blow to the skull.

Another gang member came at Hugh with a spear. Hugh grabbed the spear's shaft, yanking the man forward. With a swing of his warhammer, he smashed the man's head in, blood and brains splattering across the ground. Hugh lifted another assailant off his feet, slamming him into the ground with bone-crunching force, the man's spine breaking under the impact. A particularly large thug swung a mace at Hugh, but he ducked under the blow and drove his shoulder into the man's gut, knocking the wind out of him. Hugh then brought his Warhammer up in a powerful uppercut, catching the thug under the chin and sending him flying backwards. The thug landed in a heap, his neck twisted at an unnatural angle.

One of the thugs, driven by desperation, managed to slip past Edryck and Hugh and charged at Jace with wild eyes. Jace, remaining calm, pivoted on his feet just as the thug reached him, slicing through his side with a swift, practised motion. As the thug stumbled, the blade in Jace's hand began to glow, the blood soaking into it and sharpening its edge. Jace swung again, slicing cleanly through the thug's legs at the knees. The man collapsed to the ground with a scream.

Edryck rushed over to check on Jace, concern etched on his face. "Are you alright?" he asked. Jace nodded, his expression calm and composed. Satisfied, Edryck returned to the fray, swiftly dispatching the remaining thugs with lethal efficiency.

Once the courtyard was silent, the bodies of the gang members strewn about, Edryck and Hugh returned to Jace. They found him sitting on a worn wooden seat, a murderous expression darkening his features. He looked up at the two men, his voice cold. "Bring Damish to me now," he commanded. Edryck and Hugh exchanged a glance, then nodded, setting off to fulfil his order.


Edryck and Hugh walked down the empty streets of King's Landing, the night air cool against their faces. Hugh dragged the beaten form of Damish, who they had discovered trying to flee the city. Damish had been in debt to the Muddy Prince and had given him the building to settle it. Criminals didn't care much for deeds, so he hadn't provided one, which allowed him to cheat Jace into buying it. He had hoped the Mud Gang would kill Jace when he went there.

As they walked, Damish pleaded desperately. "Please, I can give you gold, anything you want, just let me go!" he begged, his voice trembling.

They continued dragging him along, ignoring his pleas. As they approached the looming silhouette of the Dragonpit, Damish began to resist more forcefully. "Why are we going there?" he asked, his voice filled with fear.

Edryck laughed, the sound cold and mocking. "Just wait and see," he replied, his eyes glinting with dark amusement. Damish's struggles grew more frantic, but there was no escape from the fate that awaited him. Edryck and Hugh walked into the wide courtyard of the Dragonpit, their footsteps echoing in the vast, eerie silence. The moon cast long shadows, illuminating the massive structure where dragons once roamed freely. In the centre of the courtyard, Jace sat on a simple wooden chair. Hugh dragged Damish forward, throwing him to the ground in front of Jace.

Jace's eyes were cold as he looked down at the cowering man. "I'm disappointed in you, Damish," he said, his voice icy and detached.

"Did you not like the building?" Damish stammered, his voice shaky. On his knees, he looked up at Jace, desperation in his eyes. "I can give you your gold back, don't worry. I will."

"I know you will," Jace replied, his tone unyielding. "Dead men don't need gold."

"Please, my Lord, let me go. I'm sorry. I didn't know they'd be there," Damish begged, his voice trembling.

Jace's expression didn't change. "I didn't say there was anyone there," he interrupted, emotionless. He removed his hood, revealing his beautiful silver-gold hair that seemed to shine in the moonlight and his cold, almost glowing blue eyes.

Edryck stepped forward, his voice booming. "You are in the presence of Prince Jaehaerys Velaryon, future King of Westeros."

Damish's eyes widened in utter fear. He began to sob, pressing his head to the rough, sandy ground, begging for forgiveness. "Please, please forgive me, my Prince. I didn't know. I'm sorry."

Jace looked at him with disdain, unmoved by the man's pleas. He raised his voice, "Vermax, ēdruta." (Vermax, come.)

A deafening roar echoed through the Dragonpit as the large form of Vermax slammed onto the ground, rushing forward to Jace's side. Damish screamed in terror, trying to crawl away but slipping and falling in his panic. Even Edryck and Hugh felt a spike of fear as they beheld the snarling dragon.

Jace gestured for Hugh and Edryck to step aside. They complied, moving out of the dragon's path. Jace turned his attention back to Damish, who continued to plead for his life. "Please, my Prince, I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

Jace remained unmoved, his eyes cold and merciless. The man had no redeeming qualities; his deceit and cowardice had sealed his fate. "Vermax, dāezō." (Vermax, dinner.)

Vermax roared, his throat glowing with the buildup of dragonfire. A torrent of flames spewed forth, engulfing Damish. His screams were cut short as he was cooked alive in an instant. The dragon then reached forward, chomping the charred remains in half and swallowing them whole. Jace stood, placing a hand on Vermax's scales, whispering soothing words in Valyrian. The dragon rumbled in response, calming under his touch.

He then turned to Edryck and Hugh, who were waiting for him. "It's time to return to the Red Keep," he said, his voice weary. "I'm exhausted and need my bed." They nodded, and together they left the Dragonpit, the echoes of their footsteps fading into the night.

(AN: Tournament is getting closer, Jace has secured his building and is coming closer to his goal. He was a bit naive when it came to purchasing the building but he's only a child so it can be expected. However, he'll continue to build upon his growing enterprise. But at the moment he'll be to busy with his birthday approaching and the lords daughters that have no doubt been told to her close to him. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

(Btw ages for children in this will be altered to match with the new time line)

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