Continue what? The madness of course.
Xu Feng thought the greatest pain he would ever feel was the piercing pain on his wedding night. He was wrong. This night was the night he wished he had never been born, and meant it with every fiber of his being.
He could wish he was never born as much as he wanted, but he wanted his children to be born. That's why he'd resorted to this stance.
Once he'd heard his adoptive mother talking with her friends—one who just so happened to be pregnant once again with her fifth child—about new and strange foreign trends. One of which she was considering trying.
The woman had relatively mild child birthing experiences, but had heard that water births were easier and more natural for babies. She had also heard that birthing on hands and knees was less strenuous for women.
Read author's note in ch.20 ch.547 or ch.501 for more!! TIA~