I switched POV back to Sunday as I scanned the landing zone. Even with the tent blocking my view, I could still see the people with {Imaging}. But since there were over 50 new Reapers, I had trouble finding specific people.
"Exa, how many Phantoms am I looking at?"
[Besides Logan Hart, 4 other Phantoms arrived].
"What are their abilities?"
[Foresight, elasticity, speed, and telepathy.]
"Shit! Why the fuck is Reuben Alford already here?!"
I quickly pulled out a magazine for the BLR 81 which was loaded with 7mm Remington Sacreds.
"Forget Logan and the others, we have to kill Reuben NOW!"
After cocking the lever action rifle, I prepared to take my shot. Without wasting another second, I aimed at Reuben's soul gem, which was at his throat.
Tense with anxiety, I squeezed the trigger.
A dazzling star erupted from my lever action rifle and blazed like a phoenix.
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Enjoy the read!
To God be all the glory!
Will return in May. Stay awesome everyone. Enjoy the read!