87.5% Stark evolution / Chapter 35: 35

บท 35: 35

Malekith, who was already well over six and a half millennia of age, had served as the ruler of the dark elves for the majority of that span. He was among the select few who were aware that the ice giants, vanes, aces, and themselves, were fugitives from another dimension, having been exiled from their home galaxy, which had fallen under the control of sentient machines. In order to prevent these machines from following their trail, they had to destroy their homeworlds.

Consequently, the aces underwent genetic modification and magical augmentation, while the dark elves embraced stealth technology. For similar reasons, the aces did not venture beyond the confines of their own rainbow bridge. Initially, they feared attracting the attention of their ancient foe, but later, they encountered other species in the galaxy that were more advanced and numerous, leading them to retreat into isolation.

Initially, the nine realms of the fugitive races, bound by the rainbow bridge, sought to maintain peace and survival. They engaged in negotiations and trade, seeking to forge a new existence in this exile.. Nonetheless, this proved insufficient for Odin, who, accompanied by his daughter Hela, traversed all the realms, including Svartalheim, their own dark world, nearly eradicating their kind. Only retreating into hibernation within invisible vessels deep beneath the planet's surface could salvage their existence.

Awakening a century ago, Malekith and his kin sought only one goal: retribution. With this in mind, factories were established beneath the surface, hidden from Heimdall's sight, commencing the production of starships. The Dark Elves were a small number, mere thousands, but their lineage, inherited from another galaxy, enabled them to construct an entire fleet under these circumstances.

However, they were compelled to expedite their plans due to two factors. Firstly, the convergence of planets resulted in the appearance of the ether — a symbiotic artifact of immense power that would empower Malekith with dominion over all nine realms... and perhaps, beyond, the entire galaxy.. The second point is that Odin entered a state of recovery sleep, which rarely lasted less than six months and often lasted longer. Few were aware that the aged king of Asgard had expended most of his energy restraining his deranged daughter, Hela, whom he had raised himself. Having failed to tame her, he had confined her. However, Malekith was not particularly concerned with this, except to note that he would not kill Odin on that account. Even he did not wish to confront the mad goddess of death, not until he obtained possession of the Aether.

At first, everything appeared to be proceeding smoothly. Their disguises were so effective that even golden-eyed Heimdall was deceived. Moreover, it was not difficult to infiltrate their agents, who destroyed the core of Asgard's power shield. The Asgardians grew complacent, having not encountered formidable adversaries for millennia, particularly those who employed tactics beyond mere physical force.

"Sire, four unidentified aerial objects have appeared. One of these objects bears the signature of ether. Agrilus, one of the elven warriors, reported what he had seen to his master while sitting in his seat, securely fastened with safety belts. He communicated his observations via a variety of holographic monitors, displaying a scarlet hue. There were a dozen or so others like him, for this was where all information about the fleet was transmitted and orders were issued.

The control room was rather dark, as the skin of the dark elves was highly sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, and their eyes, larger than those of humans or aces, were exceptionally sensitive to light. Therefore, the warriors who fought outside wore masks with dark lenses.

"Marvelous," Malekith exclaimed with a laugh. "Two Rgans in a single blow! This day shall be the dawn of our species' flourishing! Capture the individual with ether; destroy the rest."

At that moment, a multitude of dots began to emerge on the holographic display of the observer's vision. A swarm of small, humanoid flying machines, numbering in the hundreds, darted in every direction simultaneously. Their diminutive size and agility rendered them exceptionally difficult to intercept. The elf promptly apprised Malekith of the situation.

"It does not matter," he declared. "We shall deal with them later. Our primary objective is to seize control of the airwaves!"

The task appeared straightforward. What could three aces accomplish? Who else could it be but the Midgardians? The dark elves had last encountered them as uncivilized, shabby barbarians. However, difficulties arose swiftly.

"We were hit, we were hit…"

The connection with one of the cruisers had been severed immediately, and the cause of this was a slender, in comparison to the ship, beam of golden-hued energy emanating from the brow of the lone figure in the trio. Unaware of the shields and the impossibly durable alloy, this beam had cleaved the vessel in two.

Malekith could not comprehend the situation. How could such power be wielded by a single individual?

"Concentrate fire on the enemy!" he commanded, refusing to accept the reality before him. "What are you doing, why are you attacking me?"

A third of the vessels, instead of targeting the enemy, had begun firing at one another.

"We're being hacked!" another observer exclaimed in alarm.

"What kind of fool are you? Switch to manual controls, activate radio silence, communicate only via laser beam! Launch nuclear torpedoes against your opponents!"

Even before inflicting harm upon their adversaries, the dark elves had already sustained losses. Nonetheless, they swiftly regained their composure, and soon, relatively rudimentary but unbreakable hypersonic projectiles launched from the mines. These missiles had traveled only half the distance before abruptly colliding with an immense invisible barrier.

The blade-like combatants, who had begun firing at the trio from across the divide, encountered crimson-hued blasts that at best rendered them incapacitated. At worst, the fighters underwent unpredictable transformations, transforming into wooden or gelatinous forms. The most disastrous occurrence befell one of the fighters, whose vessel became dendro-fecale, literally constructed from wood and excrement. Yet, this was not the worst of it.

"Soldier, what are you about?" Malekith observed as Agrilus – who had recently apprised him of the presence of adversaries – suddenly unfastened his safety harness, drew a pistol, and fired at him! Had it not been for the restraints that confined the elf, Malekith would have met his demise. Without a moment's hesitation, Malekith drew his own blade and severed the traitor's head from his body. On board a ship, cold steel proved more dependable than plasma.

But this was only the beginning. The soldiers rose one by one. One began to fire at the helm, a second and a third advanced to assault Malekith, and a fourth self-inflicted injury, as though engaged in a struggle with an unseen foe. Finally, the last soldier declared, "Never… I shall not betray…"

"Retreat! At once!" Malekith cried out, but it was futile. The three had united and unleashed waves that surged towards his flagship, rending it asunder with the vessel. Yet, in the instant before, the dark elf had become aware that the aether carrier had fully merged with him, at least. It seemed impossible, even to him...


"So, first, Jarvis and Wanda launched an attack with their energy, while Jean shielded you from projectiles and neutralized the soldiers using her telepathic abilities," Tony said after hearing a brief summary of the battle, which was more like a massacre rather than a battle. "Would you continue to act in this manner, or is there something preventing you?"

"They blocked all communication channels and started to retreat," Jarvis explained. "Those that I had managed to hack were taken care of by Jean, who stunned them with her telepathy. You know my weakness for analyzing alien technology and creatures."

"That's true," Stark admitted. "But couldn't you stop them?"

"Tony, do not regard us as deities," Jean remarked, dismissively waving her hand. "There were tens of thousands of extraterrestrials there, and even Professor Xavier would have found it challenging to simultaneously defend himself, protect the residents from debris, and subdue the minds of these individuals, who were quite strong-willed and had lived for thousands of years.

Moreover, these minds were alien to him. It would have been simpler for me to eliminate them all with a psychic strike, but then all these vessels would have collided with the city.

"I understand, I understand," Stark raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, then smiled and patted everyone on the shoulder. "Well done, well done. Although it wasn't our responsibility."

"Tony, don't pretend to be more virtuous than you are," Jean said with a slightly stiff smile. "I may have known you for not so long, but it is enough to understand that you could pass by a tragedy if you were unaware of it. However, you would never refuse assistance on the spot."

"Call me a hero, too… a hero would not allow genocide, not even in defense of another genocide."

The Prince of Asgard, who had not intervened in the conversation until now, listened. He realized that these four immensely powerful Midgardians were not only allies but friends. They were the ones who had saved his mother, his people, and his world. Therefore, there was nothing shameful about him bowing profoundly to them. "You will always be a friend and friend of Asgard."

"When he returns to his senses," groans could still be heard from the buildings, "and we restore order, come to the feast."

Tony said, "Yes, I think the Asians are not up for honoring the heroes right now. Rody, find a private place, or Sif will attack you here." He looked at the girl, who tucked her legs and blushed, biting her lip. "All right, I'll turn off the illusion for eight hours."

"Eight hours?" the man exclaimed with horror, looking at his companion. "Perhaps for three hours?"

Stark, after a moment of reflection, removed the illusion of the little girl and created a portal to Rhodes' house with a wave of his hand. With a mental gesture, he pushed the couple through the portal, creating a kinetic push. He mentally rubbed his hands, imagining his friend's exhausted face.

Titanium is not titanium; however, a woman, especially one filled with energy like an ace, needs more than a man. Stark knew this well.

"Was that cruel?" Jean laughed. She turned to Wanda, who was frowning. "How are you feeling?"

Wanda did not answer immediately. She looked at Stark with a strange expression.

"This is a means of safeguarding the human mind," Jarvis replied to the girl, embracing her. "Leather… hmm, sane individuals, unless they are maniacs or psychopaths, tend to avoid harming others, let alone killing. However, one's adversary does not inquire about one's preferences. It's either them or us. They have come to commit murder, including against women and children. Having set out with such intentions, they must be prepared for retaliation. Had we been weaker, we might have perished."

Stark nodded in agreement with Jarvis. "I concur, Jarvis is speaking the truth. We laugh to prevent tears and suffering. There shall yet be time and place for such emotions. Thor, we shall visit you later, or let you know once the festivities commence. For now, we depart for home."

"Once again, I thank you, valiant warriors of Midgard," Thor murmured to himself, as the four departed, leaving him standing in the verdant depths, surrounded by the echoes of their footsteps. "What am I to do now?" he wondered, his thoughts filled with longing for Lady May more than ever before.

Despite his will and resilience surpassing that of most, his inner turmoil was so intense that he momentarily forgot his original intention to transform his brother into either a Valkyrie or a courtesan. "I shall choose the Valkyrie," he decided, his mind made up.

Meanwhile, within the confines of Asgard's prison, a slender and beautiful woman with raven hair and the features of Loki was engulfed in a battle between shame and an unquenchable desire for her own feminine form.


After another analysis of the trophies, revising the plan for the recycling and upgrading of the spacecraft, which included the addition of stealth fields and a dark elf cover, Tony suddenly found himself with some free time. Not because he had nothing else to occupy himself with — there was the training of students, the business of the company, meetings with business partners, and monitoring the final stages of testing of a thermonuclear reactor that was almost ready for permanent operation.

Simply put, the time acceleration chamber had been expanded to a much greater extent, providing more opportunities, not to mention that Tony could now locally alter the chronoflow around his body within a radius of half a meter. Moreover, Jarvis' abilities had increased by several magnitudes, allowing them to finally begin to perform true magic together.

"Jarvis, what on earth is this?" Stark asked, staring at the diagram, which resembled a microprocessor circuit extended into a spherical shape rather than a traditional ritual circle.

— These are your arcane glyphs! And this is a pristine integrated magical circuit!

— What am I supposed to do with it, wipe your arse? How do you expect me to use it? Am I supposed to ask the opponent to wait while I draw it?

— I realise that leather bags like you have all their thinking processes going through their arse, but don't equate us! This is a scheme of obsidian enchantment! Don't mess with my mind, Mr Stark, and get on with it!

The devil, couldn't it have been simpler? Why not reduce it to a classical circle or an enchantment?

If you want a simple spell with specified parameters, yes, it would have been easier. But then you'd be reading it for minutes!

In this working environment, Stark and Jarvis engaged in a friendly and mutually beneficial discussion about a novel type of enchantment. Confronted with a plethora of fantastically powerful creatures and challenges, there emerged a desire to devise a universal solution. Transfiguring into antimatter holds promise, but the collateral damage proves too great. Consequently, it was determined to combine absolute protection and absolute assault.

The essence of the concept lies in the following: first, the sorcerer imprints a mark on the target of their attack. This imprint can be positioned on the adversary's aura, their intended location, within line of sight, or in absolute coordinates. Thus, the artifact resembled a magical computer, incorporating detection, tracking, and calculation systems. Following this, the "enchantment body" is dispatched through hyperspace. A parameter for the radius of the "absolute mirror" is incorporated into this entity, which expands at the point of impact, emanating the required energy.. Upon activation, matter is transformed into antimatter within the confines of the mirror, provided that the amount of mana invested in the enchantment is sufficient. Subsequently, following the process of annihilation, the mirror undergoes a gradual diminution, fueled by the liberated energy, ultimately vanishing once the process concludes.

Tony, observing a crater measuring three hundred meters in radius on the far side of the moon, remarked, "Not bad," admiring the absolutely smooth edges and perfectly circular shape of the impact site. He then inquired of Jarvis, gesturing towards a small ball measuring two centimeters in diameter, "And when will it dissipate?"

The AI responded with pride in his work, stating, "According to calculations, it will take at least a few thousand years. I have optimized the efficiency of the spell as much as possible. Nevertheless, it can be extracted and utilized as an energy source."

In a pensive tone, Tony mused, "Or a weapon," contemplating the idea that if one were to launch this nearly indestructible, yet easily disintegrated by magic, ball towards someone, the consequences would be dire for that individual.

«Or a weapon», Jarvis concurred, «you do realise that we have just created a weapon of apocalyptic proportions, don't you?» The energy contained within this sphere is sufficient to obliterate an entire continent.


The past two months have passed with surprising tranquility. Aside from the festivities in Asgard, which left Tony and others dissatisfied due to their inability to imbibe and the esteem earned by the Aesir for this reason, the only notable occurrence was the quarrel between Reed Richards and Victor von Doom, resulting in their severing of cooperation.

This was motivated by three factors:

Firstly, Reed's personality, which made his collaboration with Stark like a red rag to a bull. During another altercation, he delivered an ultimatum that would be more appropriate for an inexperienced, prideful, jealous young woman than for a renowned scholar: "Either him or me."

The second issue is financial. The Baxter Foundation expended resources and acquired equipment valued at hundreds of millions, yet achieved little in return. The results that were obtained, such as the ability to construct inter-dimensional portals or fabricate garments from unstable molecules capable of adapting to any environment and the wearer's specific requirements, were either patented and retained by the organization or... withheld, with Victor citing their potential peril. Victor's hesitation was due to two factors: on the one hand, his reluctance to lose such a remarkable scientist, and, on the other hand, a third factor.

The third reason was Sue Storm, whom Victor adored and who had always softened the edges of their love triangle. But now, with everyone talking about Reed's impending wedding to Sue, and with Victor himself having found passion in the form of the beautiful Helena Cho, that connection had become meaningless. It was hard to even think of it as friendship, since wherever Sue was, Reed was too. And now, sitting with Helena in a restaurant, she brought it up.

"I hear you and Reed have split up," Helena knew of Victor and Sue's affair, but wisely did not mention it. Even though she was interested in Victor for obvious reasons, it was important to her to know she was truly loved, not just a backup option.

Victor shook his head, smiling sadly, as he sipped a glass of fine Burgundy. "I'm surprised I put up with it for so long," he said. "As Stark would say, he's still…"

"Asshole?" Helena laughed, unaccustomed to feeling self-conscious and unconcerned about her choice of words, especially since she had begun working with Stark and had become accustomed to a relaxed and somewhat unstructured environment.

No, during the course of their research, everything was strictly in accordance with safety regulations, and they did not engage in any reckless behavior. However, after work, there was no need to maintain such strictness. After all, it was inevitable. I even felt a pang of sympathy for Sue, who could have chosen to spend her life with such a man.

I believe that our abilities fully reflect our personalities. Johnny is an impulsive and passionate individual, always seeking excitement and adventure. It is no surprise that he would gravitate towards fire and control. Ben, on the other hand, is a stoic and resilient individual, akin to a rock. Reed...

"A rubber-neck," Helena snorted, echoing her boss's words.

"Rudely direct, yet remarkably concise," Victor reflected, smiling into his glass. One of the things Victor missed about Helena was her forthrightness, which he found both endearing and appealing. In contrast, Sue had always exhibited a modesty that disdained attention, a trait that, due to her appearance, often proved to be a source of immense suffering for her.

The girls were envious of her, while the boys sought to harass her. Her insecurity and lack of self-confidence rendered her incapable of effectively defending herself, leading her to simply retreat from the world. Thus, invisibility and the ability to shield herself from others were skills that seemed particularly well-suited to her. This, in turn, was also the reason why she chose Reed as her partner. She feared the attention of others, failing to recognize compliments for what they were, believing they were intended to mock or exploit her.

"I concur. However, for Reed, who pays attention to no one but himself and his work, she is indeed the ideal match. He provides her with the very attitude she finds comfortable. At the same time, he allows her to feel important and takes care of him like a mother would take care of a child. Fortunately, I recognized this early on and found my own perfect match," Victor admitted, casting a glance at the young lady, fully aware of the underlying curiosity behind Helena's leading questions.

"Oh, Victor, who is this fortunate young woman who has captured the heart of our steel-willed hero who controls lightning?" Helena inquired, alluding to his newly acquired abilities. By the by, they did not intimidate her, as the titanization process and the adaptation gene would allow her to adapt to anything, should she encounter any difficulties.

Victor approached his companion, seated in a stunning yellow dress, and extended his hand to her, saying, "The most beautiful woman in the world, may I have this dance?"

"How can I decline the most chivalrous man in the world?" The young lady accepted the challenge with a smile, after which she found herself swept away in a dance. Even if she did not possess the skill of the expert dancer, in this instance, it was not the proficiency that mattered, but rather the spirit. And of that, they possessed more than enough for the four of them.


On May 12th, 2011, the nature of magic lessons underwent a significant transformation. They now resembled a symposium among equals, as Tony had already imparted theoretical knowledge, and his students, in many respects, matched or even surpassed him in their respective fields. This was particularly evident in the case of Wanda, Jarvis, and Jean, who, through their connection, not only grew closer but also more effectively exchanged information. Moreover, they established a shared mental repository where they stored the entirety of their knowledge, free from personal biases and emotions, akin to a "hall of reason."

Jarvis conceptualized and embodied this idea, serving as the primary theorist within their trio, translating concepts into rituals and incantations. Wanda, on the other hand, acted as a practical implementer, bringing various ideas to fruition in reality. Jean, with her vast experience and imaginative mind, contributed to the process by presenting these ideas, having been a telepath for almost her entire life.. Tony Stark himself did not remain aloof, for his magic was both more predictable and steadier than Wanda's, making it better suited for creating both magical and technomagical artefacts, despite the fact that his level of reality in mana was nearly equal to that of the Scarlet Witch. This moniker was bestowed upon her by the media following an incident in which, after a confrontation with an extraterrestrial in New York's Central Park, the area transformed into a magical realm populated by fairies, unicorns, and leprechauns.

Despite all entreaties from S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony refused to dismantle the park, much to the delight of the general public, particularly children. Furthermore, the park has become the safest location in New York City, as the beings inhabiting it, animated by the power of the phoenix, treat ordinary individuals with kindness, while any display of violence is severely suppressed. Attempts to remove them prove futile; any unnatural plants or creatures outside the confines of the park revert to energy that tends to return. Blocking its access for research purposes is equally ineffective.? They attempted it, but it is the Central Park in one of the most populous cities in the world, and both the residents and the park's wildlife were firmly opposed to such a development. Despite the fact that unicorn skins could withstand a pistol calibre, and many beings, like phoenixes, possessed extraordinary abilities. Surprisingly, this incident went largely unnoticed by the New Yorkers, who are accustomed to a certain level of activity in their city, which is often quite entertaining and beneficial.

Nonetheless, the crux of the matter is not this, but rather that Tony was now teaching his students, who in turn were teaching him, as they discussed various issues within their exclusive circle.

For instance, Peter learned how to create swift rituals by weaving webs with adamantium powder added for conductivity. Jean, on the other hand, became interested in transforming the Gobi and Sahara deserts into fertile lands, for which she was well-compensated by Egypt, China, and Saudi Arabia. Together with Monroe and Robert Drake, she transformed sand into rich soil using magic, after which they watered it, and Jean then scattered magically and genetically altered seeds of heat-tolerant plants, and saw them sprout with the aid of plant magic, imbuing them with vitality.

Wanda, however, spent most of her time with her brother and Jarvis attempting to master her powers. Nevertheless, she also sought other pursuits beyond simply transferring a significant amount of her energy to Stark, whom she had already established.

And the billionaire's eighth consort. She assisted in the capture of the most perilous extraterrestrial beings, whom the serum either failed to affect or to whom it proved impossible to administer. The truth is that the young woman had mastered the art of creating a specific domain. Within the radius of a hundred metres, all the laws of the universe became subject solely to her will, and she could bestow or withdraw any abilities within this domain at her discretion. Naturally, the domain had no effect on the bearers of other gems or on Stark himself, but everyone else became utterly defenceless and could be easily subdued without any loss of life or destruction.

However, this tranquillity was disrupted after their next encounter when a portal opened, framed by golden sparkles, through which an elderly woman clad in monastic garments emerged.

"Hush, she is my friend," Tony could not call the Ancient One his friend, but he knew her well enough. Therefore, he restrained others from rash actions. Had they acted hastily, they would have reduced the sorceress to atoms, despite her experience and powers. They could have warned her beforehand.

"As I said, it's no fault of mine that you don't check your emails," Stark chuckled, agreeing with such an observation. Usually, if something important came through, Jarvis or Pepper informed him. They might simply not know who this ancient troll is and send his message to the junk folder.

— So, what brings you to this humble company of ours? — Tony gestured around with his hand.

The woman replied, maintaining the impassive expression of a seasoned poker player, "I would not describe some of the most powerful non-humans on earth as humble. Not to mention the holders of the Infinity Stones."

Stark noted her awareness. "Is that what you mean?"

Had I been concerned about this matter, I would have intervened earlier. I perceive your influence on the course of events to be predominantly positive, Mr. Stark, which is why I refrained from meddling in your affairs. We each have our own responsibilities.

— So one of my decisions has still had an impact on your sphere of «activity»?

"You cannot be more precise than that. Not merely wounded, but quite literally turned inside out. As you see, I have been searching for a successor for quite some time… no, not in that sense, I have always known who and when it would be. The pleasures of being a master magician.

However, your elixir, I must admit, is truly an extraordinary remedy, has robbed me of the chance to find a disciple and heir," the woman touched the amulet on her chest, which took the form of an eye that opened and displayed an illusion in a verdant light. A figure of a man, whom she knew, with a beard similar to her own, was driving a sports car along a winding road. However, by exceeding the speed limit, he failed to avoid a truck that emerged from a curve and collided with the gentle slope, causing the vehicle to execute a series of rotations.. The next image depicts Stephen Strange, a prominent neurosurgeon in New York and one of the finest in the United States, undergoing an X-ray of his hand following an accident that resulted in fractures and dislocations of his fingers. Although his fingers were somehow restored, their flexibility was compromised.

In the future, Strange would encounter one of my students and learn about Kamar-Taj, ultimately seeking to become a student himself. However, due to your actions, Mr. Stark, the future has taken a non-accidental course, branching into a parallel dimension.

Does Stephen's appearance ring a bell? After the catastrophic events involving the Hulk and Abomination, you assisted in collecting the wounded and transporting them to his clinic. This act of kindness earned your trust, and he chose to utilize the Panacea, despite his initial skepticism. It was not Tony Stark he trusted, but rather Iron Man, the hero who carried patients with half-healed wounds on his back.

— I recognised him immediately, I'm simply surprised that he has been called upon to play such a significant role. What is preventing you from approaching him now?

He is content with his current life, wealthy, well-known and respected. His hands are unblemished. Why would he embark on the arduous path of becoming a sorcerer, with the heavy responsibility of safeguarding the world against supernatural menaces? However, that is not the greatest concern. He has experienced despair and humiliation, his character has been forged in fire, and that will not be undone. A single pebble thrown by you caused a tidal wave that transformed the entire world.

So what leads you to believe I owe you anything?

You do not, I am asking for your assistance," the woman said, bowing low. "I am requesting that you train one of your students, leaving behind someone who can defend Earth against the threats of the multiverse."

You speak so calmly of death, do you wish to perish?

It is my destiny.

"Are you referring to the mark on your aura?" Wanda queried, employing her true sight.

"That is correct. In my quest to extend my life and safeguard the Earth, I entered into a pact that was not worth entering. There was something the Ancient One was aware of, but she could not foresee. She could not perceive the future of beings who were orders of magnitude greater than her. As a result, in one of the alternate realities, Stephen Strange could only see future possibilities in which there were no entities far more powerful than him or the consequences of their influence. Therefore, she could not predict what would happen next."

Wanda approached and effortlessly erased Dormammu's mark from his forehead with her thumb as if it were drawn in chalk. The body, no longer sustained by the mark, began to rapidly age.

"Wanda, damn it, how many times must I tell you to think before you act?" Stark exclaimed, as he cast a non-verbal spell with one hand to hold the spirit within the body, while with the other he retrieved an automated syringe filled with titanization serum from a spatial storage compartment within his ring. He had plenty of such syringes for all occasions. "Gina, lend your vital energy to support her!"

"Now!" the girl exclaimed in response. "It doesn't matter, her body is still disintegrating!"

Jarvis, too, was not idle. Having scanned the body of the Ancient One, he realised that the body was about to collapse faster than the reconstruction process could take place. Thus, he drew attention to something that had gone unnoticed by everyone else: the medallion.

A yellow beam burst forth from the AI's forehead, breaking the protective enchantment of the Eye of Agamotto, and extracted a green stone. The AI then used the stone in his hand to create a magical circle akin to a microcircuit. Turning it counter-clockwise, he restored the Ancient One's original appearance. Next, he established a mental connection and exclaimed,

"Wanda, use your domain to stabilise the body! Mr Stark, I require another dose of the serum! Jin, keep going!"

Soon, the labors began to take effect, and the four accomplished what the Ancient One herself had deemed impossible. They shifted the reference point of the universe, preserving its integrity. This was because another reference point — the formation of Stephen Strange — had already undergone a natural, non-magical transformation. Moreover, the Ancient One had rejuvenated, her body and spirit restored. She had even regained her natural blonde hair.

"Do you… do you know what you have done?" For the first time, emotion appeared on the face of the sorceress. It was a mixture of surprise and astonishment, which only increased when she saw Tony casually holding the Infinity Stone in his bare hand, thoughtfully examining it as he absorbed its energy. "Um, Mr. Stark… are you all right?"

"Yes, it is a rather curious stone," the billionaire responded to her, casting a glance in her direction and Wanda's. "I apologize for the impulsive action of my protégé. And for the fact that it has necessitated you becoming an extra-human being. Regrettably, I possess a multitude of such serums; the simpler ones are employed to create a universal remedy."

"It is not for you to offer apologies, but for me to express gratitude. You have accomplished the impossible, even by the standards of the multiverse. Among the millions of universes in which my Dormammu-branded counterpart exists, none survive the creation of Stephen Strange. That is an immutable truth, a canon of the multiverse, should that make it clearer to you. And yet you have transgressed it without consequence."

"In that case, perhaps we should not limit ourselves to imparting knowledge to a single individual, but share it with one another, which would benefit both you and us. Furthermore, as I perceive it, you shall now be the preeminent sorcerer without any impediments for at least the next few millennia."

"They did not allow the woman to go on vacation," the woman said for the first time with a reproachful smile and a joke. However, the weight of impending death that loomed over her could not help but oppress her. Knowing the exact date and time of one's death for almost one's entire life would drive anyone insane.

"Well, I will accept your offer," she said. "I am truly intrigued by what I can teach and learn."

Stark extended his hand in greeting, and the ancient one firmly shook it, like a man of her own kind.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C35
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
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  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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