The next morning, I eagerly packed my bags, filled with excitement for my upcoming trip. Unable to contain my anticipation, I arrived at the airport earlier than I expected, oblivious to the constant stream of calls from Mitch. Deep down, I knew that he was going to ask for yet another favor, which made me slightly wary. "What's going on? Why are you calling me?" I polled, detecting a hint of frustration in Mitch's sigh on the other end of the line.
"Oh, nothing. I just thought you would take Alice or David with you, at least?" Mitch asked with curiosity.
"They would only disrupt my plans, you see? Besides, the three of us had already agreed that this trip would be only for my benefit," I insisted firmly, making my standpoint clear.
"Well, you didn't even tell me about this arrangement," Mitch enunciated, expressing his curiosity.
"Boss, I told you just yesterday about my vacation leave. At this point, you should be more concerned about other matters instead of looking after me on this trip," I comforted him, assuring him that I was perfectly capable of handling things on my own.
"I'm just kidding, you know," Mitch said with a playful tone. "But hey, don't forget about your job. And when you return to the office, make sure the manuscript is on my desk first thing in the morning." With that, he ended the call abruptly.
As I embark on this journey, I can't help but feel apprehensive about its effectiveness expecting the obstacles impeding my progress in moving forward with my life. Though they are my friends, their actions aren't pitching in positively to my mental well-being at this point. I refuse to feel accountable to update them on any incidents that occur during this journey.
And after that serious dialogue with my boss, I found myself on a plane headed toward Austin. I was awed by the picturesque venue that I knew would serve as the perfect backdrop for my friends Don and Vanessa's wedding. During the travel, a familiar face caught my attention, seated near me. However, only a side profile was visible, and I struggled to determine if this person was the same person I had encountered before, even though the memory remained elusive.
I couldn't take my eyes off this familiar person even after the plane had landed, but he disappeared from my sight as soon as the passengers started standing up. I couldn't believe that in such a vast country like America, we would end up on the same flight. And the fact that people were blocking his way only meant that it would be a matter of hours before I could see him again.
When I finally arrived at the ranch where my friends' wedding is taking place, I was thrilled to see Vanessa busy entertaining her other guests. It was so great to catch up with her. "How was your flight? Suffering from jet lag I suppose?" Vanessa questioned, a mischievous smile on her face.
"Jet lag? Oh, it's not a big deal. But tell me, are you excited about your wedding tomorrow?" I asked my excitement barely contained.
"Oh! And I can't thank you enough, Danni, for making it here," Vanessa replied warmly, embracing me tightly.
"I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world," I exclaimed eagerly, then my eyes pleading for permission. "Can I please have a short vacation here?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow curiously in response. "Oh? How long are you planning to stay in Austin? Just let me know and I'll make sure you have a comfortable stay."
I waved off her concern with a laugh. "Don't worry about me, Van. I'll be fine. Besides, you and Don have a beautiful ranch to set up for your wedding and honeymoon, perhaps? You should focus on that." After our brief conversation, I stopped bothering Vanessa with any more questions about her plans. I couldn't help but be intrigued by the beauty of the place and decided to take a walk before the bachelorette party scheduled for later that night.