16.52% One Piece: Emperor of the Seas / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

บท 18: Chapter 18


The Ashen Dragon and the Little Drake sailed across the waters of East Blue with the latter on the lead. Ace wanted to go to Baratie to see if he could recruit a cook.

The Newt Pirates already went there before and knew where it was today. The Baratie changes locations frequently. You can just kindly ask them where they would be on a specific day of the week. The Newt Pirates did just that, so they now know where the Baratie was.

Second, the strongest of Doppol's Doubles, stood on the helm and tailed Little Drake. The deck was full of music. Ace knew the song that was playing. Vash and Terzo learned it during the party two days ago.

"Gather up all of the crew! It's time to ship out Binks' Brew!"

Ace, Vash, and Terzo sang as they propped an arm over each other's shoulders and swayed to the music Doppol's Doubles were playing. As usual, Doppol was leaning against the railing, puking in the metal bucket he was holding.

Hepha was right. Doppol was a good musician. He's a one man band with a long list of instruments he could play. He made full use of his Devil Fruit powers. However, the song was interrupted when the door to a room in the ship opened.

"Vash! I need another batch of samples!" Hepha called out to Vash the moment she emerged from the door.

"Again? What are you even doing with the ones I gave you?" Vash raised his metallic hand and made a cube of Living Metal. Hepha quickly took it.

"I broke them down into powder and watched. Among various other things." Hepha said before dashing off inside, no doubt heading back to her forge.

"She's so busy! Here I was, hoping to ask her to forge us better weapons." Ace sulked slightly.

"Don't worry, maybe that's what she's doing," Terzo said. "She did say that Vash's metal was unique."

"Oh, well. We have plenty of time. Let's ask her next time," Ace said.

"Captain!" Second called out to Ace from the helm. "I see Newt waving a flag to us! We can see Baratie now!"

"Nice!" Ace ran up to the front of the ship and stood on the figurehead. He slightly squinted and saw something shining in the distance.

"Is that it?" Vash saw it first despite being farther away.

"It is!" Doppol's Second said after looking into his binoculars to look at the distance. "It's Baratie!"

"Oi, Hepha!" Terzo could be heard knocking on the door to Hepha's forge in the ship. "We'll dock at Baratie soon!"

It didn't take long for the two ships to arrive there. The Ashen Dragon was bigger than the Baratie, so it caught a lot of attention. It didn't help that the sails were already painted with the mark of the Royal Ace Pirates and there were jolly rogers hoisted atop the three masts.

Ace could see slight panic at the Baratie. Customers started leaving, but the chefs reassured them that they'll be safe. The Ashen Dragon and Little Drake soon docked beside Baratie. The pirates quickly got off their ships and entered the famous sea restaurant of East Blue.

Ace was leading the rather large group. Behind him was his crew and behind them was the Newt Pirates. Of course, Newt was leading his subordinates.

"Owner Zeff!" Newt called out to the owner of the establishment as he stepped aside so he could be seen. "It's me, Newt!"

Ace could see the customers start to panic when they saw around two dozen pirates. But, they were quickly calmed down by the chefs beside them. Another quirk of this restaurant were its chefs that are very much capable of fighting pirates. East Blue pirates, of course.

"Ahh! Newt! I remember you," a voice said from the back. Someone soon stepped out from inside the kitchen. Ace recognized him as Owner Zeff. "You ordered quite a lot of raw meat."

"Well, crocodiles are demanding friends," Newt said embarrassedly.

"So, if I'm not mistaken, I'm seeing new faces with you." Zeff looked at the Royal Aces closely.

"Yes. This is our Commodore. The captain of the Royal Ace Pirates!" Newt stepped forward and introduced Ace to Zeff.

"It's nice to meet you, Owner Zeff!" Ace said with a bow. "I'm Ace! I hope you won't mind us dining here in your establishment!"

"I don't mind," Zeff said as he chuckled. "Respectful pirates are a rare bunch. Follow me. There's a dining room that can fit all of you."

"Ahh, before that!" Ace said before turning to the other customers. "Please be at ease, everyone. We're not here to rob you or this restaurant."

Ace saw the customers visibly relax at his words and gestures. He then led the group and followed Owner Zeff.

"Thanks for that. You have to understand, pirates are usually a bad bunch."

"I understand, Owner Zeff. No worries."

"Well, here we are!" Zeff said as he opened a door to a rather spacious room with multiple tables. "Waiters will take your order shortly."

"Thank you, Owner!" Ace said to Zeff as the latter went away to do his other duties.

The big group went ahead and sat down on the tables. There were menu booklets for every chair on the table. They opened it to decide what they wanted to eat while waiting.

They didn't have to wait long. Waiters soon entered their dining room and took their orders. There was one waiter for every three tables. A red-haired young man who looked a few years younger than Ace went to their table to take their order.

"Good morning! I'm Soma and I'm here to take your-" the waiter named Soma stopped what he was saying when his eyes landed on Hepha. He was stunned… but not for the reasons Ace expected.

"Tch! Great. A woman," Soma said as he stared down Hepha with obvious contempt.

"You got a problem with me, kid?" Hepha asked, more amused than annoyed.

"Not really. I just don't like women." Soma glared at Hepha.

"Well then, you better suck it up because I'm not leaving." Hepha glared back. Soma relaxed and just sighed.

"That's fine. Don't compare me with our idiot sous-chef. Just don't-" Soma was interrupted by a drop kick from someone very familiar to Ace from his memories.

"Don't talk to women like that, you damn Meat Head!" the blonde sous-chef Ace recognized as Sanji shouted at Soma after drop kicking him.

"...just don't let him see you," Soma said, finishing his sentence as he laid down on the ground. He quickly got up and shouted back at Sanji. "The hell was that for, Curly?"

Sanji and Soma butted heads. The other waiters just sighed and shook their heads. Ace suspected that this was a usual sight.

"You're not a man if you don't respect women!"

"You respect them too much!"

"Owner Zeff taught me so!"

"Hah! Owner Zeff didn't teach you to give all women free meals! You're costing the restaurant too much! And you wonder why I don't like women?"

"That's funny! The guy who runs off with pirates is concerned with the restaurant? If you're so concerned, stay here and work!"

They were about to argue more, but their heads were pummeled by a man with large forearms. Ace took a while to recognize him as Patty.

"Stop fighting, you idiots! Unless you want me to call Owner Zeff?" Sanji and Soma instantly went quiet after hearing Patty threatening to call Owner Zeff. "Good! Sanji, stick to your table! Soma, don't forget your training!"

Patty and Sanji returned to the table they were taking orders from. Soma went back to Ace's table. He took a deep breath before smiling at them. Even at Hepha.

"Apologies, I briefly forgot my training," Soma bowed slightly to Hepha. "Now, may I take your order?"

"HAHAHAHA! That was a fun show," Ace said before giving his order: the same kind of spaghetti his mom in the other world cooked for him.

The moment he saw it on the menu, he instantly chose it. He still hasn't figured out her recipe. So, he wanted to see if Baratie could give him what he was looking for. The others gave their orders after him.

Soma was about to go away when Ace called to him.

"Hey, Soma was it?"

"Yes?" Soma turned to Ace.

"You're a cook, right?"

"Yes. How'd you know?"

"You're dressed like one." Ace said, seeing Soma with a cooking apron on. Soma noticed it after Ace pointed it out. "Say, if it's not asking for much, would you mind personally cooking my order?"

"Didn't have to ask. I'm cooking for the tables I'm assigned to," Soma said before going to another table.

"Oi, Ace!" Hepha whispered under her breath. "Don't tell me you want that kid to be our cook?"

"That depends. If his food is great, I'll take him." Ace declared.

"Well, there goes our relatively quiet crew." Vash shrugged as he chuckled at a thought. "I wonder how often he and Hepha would argue? They look like siblings with that same hair color and all."

Their chat was interrupted when Sanji suddenly went to their table. As Ace expected, he went because of Hepha.

"I was right! It's you!" Sanji gasped when he took a proper look at Hepha. "Ahh, you're much lovelier in person!"

Sanji fawned over Hepha in front of Ace, Vash, Terzo, and Second. Doppol couldn't make it since Baratie was still a ship. He can't eat while he's seasick, so he sent Second to eat for him. Once Second disintegrates himself, all the nutrition and memories will go back to Doppol.

"Hey, Hepha. You know him?" Terzo nudged Hepha with his elbow.

"No. I'm sure I'd remember someone so… unique." Hepha whispered to Terzo before acknowledging Sanji. "Hey, Curly."

"Yes! Curly is my name from now on!"

"Uhh… sure. Anyway, do I know you?" Hepha said.

"Ahh, the ocean! The wide blue that runs across the world has eventually carried you to me," Sanji recited in what sounded like a poem before taking a rose out of nowhere to give to Hepha. "I am but a nobody next to your beauty! One I've known since your image found its way to me!"

Sanji held up a bounty poster he hid in his suit's chest pocket. Ace and the rest looked at the bounty poster and was surprised to see that it was Hepha's picture and name displayed. Just looking at the picture, Hepha gave off an air of confidence and power.

[WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE - 'War Hammer' Hepha: 2,100,325,000 Berry]

"What the hell?" Ace took the bounty poster from Sanji's hands.

"Hey! That's mine!" Sanji complained, but no one paid attention to him.

Ace, Vash, and Terzo focused on the bounty poster in Ace's hands. Sanji was about to complain more when Patty returned and pummeled his head again before dragging him back to the kitchen.

"So high!" Vash said when he realized the amount of Hepha's bounty.

"What the hell did you do on the Grand Line?" Terzo asked Hepha. He looked very impressed.

"Ahh, that's right. You guys don't know yet," Hepha said, referring to Vash and Terzo. She told them what she told Ace about her at the party two nights ago. "I sold weapons and took on jobs as a temporary fighter in different crews. In exchange, they paid me with money or knowledge."

"I already knew, but even I'm surprised!" Ace said. "I suspected your bounty was around the one billion mark. I guess it makes sense. You're strong. You even know Observation Killing."

"Ahh, that? Yeah. Shanks taught me," Hepha said. Ace's eyes widened.

"Red-Haired Shanks?" Terzo recognized the name.

"Yeah. That guy." Ace felt Hepha had an unpleasant history with the Red Hair Pirates.

"That's surprising. I was told he was a good guy. You didn't feel welcome in his crew?" Ace asked.

"No. Like I said, I was only hired to help," Hepha said, telling the story. "I was on board their ship to forge the sword he's using now. His Gryphon."

"You made his sword?" Ace was shocked. He knew Hepha must be very skilled since she came from the New World, but he didn't expect her to be on the level she actually is.

"Yes. In exchange for forging him a Great Grade level blade and my skills in battle for six months, I made him teach me Observation Killing." Hepha crossed her arms. "That was it. They never tried including me in anything else. Which was fine, honestly."

"Why am I feeling this animosity from you, then?" Ace raised a brow.

"How should I put this?" Hepha scratched the back of her head as she tried to find her words. "I just don't like him. The others were alright. But Shanks… I don't trust him."

"Gut instinct?"

"Yeah. Gut instinct," Hepha turned to Ace with a dead serious look in her eyes. "When we meet him, because I know we will, promise me to not let your guard down."

"I will," Ace took Hepha's words seriously.

This was real life. Shanks was no longer just a character. He was a person. A normal human. Even a 'good' man can commit atrocities in the name of his own justice.

"Good," Hepha said with a relieved smile. "I was worried you won't listen. The Grand Line is still dangerous. Let's not be overconfident."

"What about you, Doppol?" Vash turned the conversation to Doppol's Second. "You were born in the New World, too. Were you a pirate?"

"Me? Nah!" Second waved off the notion. "My parents were shipwrights. We had a family business. When I ate my Devil Fruit, they saw its potential and joined me in all my training."

"You're lucky," Ace commented. "Children who ate Devil Fruits can be a target of bullying."

"I know. Thankfully, my parents were there for me." Second continued the story. "Eventually, I grew tired of just building ships. I wanted to sail in one."

"Despite your unbelievable seasickness?" Terzo raised a brow.

"That's not gonna stop me. I wanna go around the world with a ship I built and prove that shipwrights don't need good wood to make an incredible ship. Just skills! I wanna have a ship of my own etched in legends!"

"So, you won't use Adam Wood to make your ship?" Ace asked.

"Nope. I'm developing a way to make normal wood incredibly strong. Sturdy as steel! Still needs some work though." Second shared Doppol's secret. Since he was Doppol too, the original Doppol won't mind.

"I don't suppose I can ask for your progress on it?" Ace asked. His shipwright was apparently hard at work in creating a way to make wood as strong as steel.

"It'll be done soon. Meeting Hepha made my work much faster," Second said with a small smile, trying to be all mysterious and amazing.

"So that's why you asked me to give you powdered steel!" Hepha said.

"How'd you two meet, anyway?" Vash asked.

"Hepha came to us looking to have a ship built. She was trying to sail on a small ship. Alone. From the New World to East Blue. I said it's reckless and stupid," Second said. "Then, she insisted. Then, out on a complete whim, I decided to build my dream ship and accompany Hepha. Now, here I am!"

"So, the Ashen Dragon is the ship you want to sail around the world in?" Hepha asked.

"It is! It's still incomplete, though. Very incomplete," Second said with a sigh. "In a way, that's a good thing. I'm pushing myself to actually work on my dream by doing something stupid like leaving home to be a free pirate!"

"It all worked out, didn't it?" Ace said as he grinned at Second. "You're here now with us!"

At that moment, the waiters that took their orders entered the room. Each of them pushed a cart carrying the food to their assigned tables. They quickly served it. Soma went to the table of the Royal Aces to serve their food.

"Here it is! I hope the food is to your liking!" Soma said with a smile.

Ace was impressed. For someone who didn't like women to the point he could scowl at seeing one, Soma remained respectful and professional.

'What kinda training did they put him under?'

Soma served Ace's food first, perhaps because he noticed that he was the leading figure of the group. It was common sense to serve the most important figure first, after all. Still, Ace wouldn't really mind if he wasn't first.

The aroma of the spaghetti instantly caught all of Ace's attention. The moment its scent wafted over to him, nothing else mattered.

Ace quickly picked up his utensils the way his mom in the other world taught him. Spoon on the left hand, fork on the right hand. Using the fork, he twirled the spaghetti inside the cusp of the spoon to get a big mouthful of the pasta.

Slowly, Ace brought the fork up to his opened mouth. He ate the spaghetti, slowly chewing to savor its very familiar taste before swallowing.

Tears welled up in Ace's eyes.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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