15.7% One Piece: Emperor of the Seas / Chapter 17: Chapter 17

บท 17: Chapter 17

"So… she's our new crewmate?" Vash asked Ace, his eyes trained on the dangerous woman.

"Yup! I'm glad we ran into her! HAHAHAHA! She's really strong!" Ace was happy he managed to have Hepha join their crew.

"Amazing! You actually defeated her, Ace?" Terzo was impressed.

"As expected of our Commodore!" Newt had a fanatical glow in his eyes, as if he's worshiping Ace.

They were currently standing in front of Little Drake, watching the Newt Pirates properly fix the ship.

Vash, Terzo, and Newt just woke up. Ace and Hepha carried them all the way here after letting Hepha rest and recover for a few minutes to shake away the pain from Ace's Divine Departure.

Hepha wasn't fully healed yet, so Ace carried Vash and Terzo. Newt was the lightest so Hepha carried him. Ace was once again impressed by Hepha's strength and vitality.

Ace had Vash patch up Hepha the moment he was properly awake. Vash, the crew's doctor, wanted to inspect her injuries. But Hepha insisted there was no need and she was fine. She only had bruises and a few minor cuts that already closed.

So, Vash produced a metal ball that was cool to the touch. He had Hepha press it on her bruises.

"So, that's your ship?" Hepha asked Ace as she observed Little Drake.

"No. That ship is Newt's. We were just sailing with them."

Hepha turned to Ace with an incredulous expression.

"A pirate of your caliber doesn't even have a ship yet?"

"No." Hepha sighed at Ace's lack of concern.

"What kinda captain am I serving under right now?" Hepha whispered.

"The best kind! HAHAHAHA!" Ace shamelessly declared.

"Anyway, we can't have that. Let's take my ship." Hepha offered it to the crew.

"You have one?" Terzo asked. "Don't tell me that generic looking ship is yours?"

"No. I guess that's from the nuisances earlier."

"Where'd you dock your ship, then? Is there another cove?" Vash asked.

"It's docked at Midd Town's port in the north."

"So there is a town here! Let's go!" Ace said before calling to Newt, who just ran off to help his subordinates fix Little Drake. "Newt! Once you guys are done fixing Little Drake, sail to the north of the island and dock at Midd Town's port! We'll wait for you there!"

"Aye aye, Commodore!" Newt saluted before encouraging his men to work faster.

The first four members of the Royal Ace Pirates walked north to Midd Town. They chatted along the way to get to know each other. With Ace around, there was never any awkward silence. Unless, of course, one of them intentionally tries to make it awkward for Ace.

The topic of conversation inevitably went to Hepha just as they were walking through Midd Town buying supplies. Ace wanted to know about her hammer.

"Say, Hepha. That hammer of yours. Does it have a Devil Fruit power?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Hepha asked. "Objects having Devil Fruit powers are something the Navy and the World Government tries to keep a secret."

"There's an old Gramps who comes to visit me sometimes when I was a kid. He told me about it."

"He must've been a retired marine then," Hepha said. Ace just hid the smirk trying to form on his face.

"Yeah. Retired."

"So, what's the Devil Fruit your hammer ate?" Terzo asked, already holding a pen and journal.

"First of all, call my hammer Clear Sky," Hepha said after taking out the small hammer on her leg holster for everyone to see. "Clear Sky here has the power of the Size-Size Fruit. Its size and mass can change."

"That sounds frighteningly powerful. What's the limit?" Vash asked after being relatively quiet.

"Two things. First, Clear Sky can detect how much weight I can handle and adjusts itself accordingly. Second, the quality of materials the hammer is made from limits its minimum and maximum mass."

Hepha caressed Clear Sky lovingly, as if it was a child in her hands instead of a weapon.

"I enhance Clear Sky with great materials," Hepha said before turning to Vash. "Speaking of materials, I was wondering. Is that an actual metal arm?"

"It is! It's cool right?" Ace answered for Vash. Vash then explained briefly what Living Metal is to Hepha.

Ace chuckled at how Hepha seemed to have stars in her eyes after being told what Vash's arm is made of. Much like how Luffy goes when it comes to food. Especially meat. It seems Hepha has been curious about Vash's arm since he made the cold metal ball for her to press on her bruises.

"Do you mind producing some for me?" Hepha asked Vash.

"We're crewmates now. I don't mind," Vash answered. "Of course, that's as long as it's for study and creating weapons for our crew. You're a swordsmith, right?"

"Forgemaster," Hepha corrected. "I can make everything as long as it's made of mostly metal."

"Then that's your position! The Forgemaster of our crew!" Terzo announced as he continued writing in his journal.

"It does fit me best," Hepha said as a smile graced her face.

Once they were done shopping for supplies and other necessities the town could offer, Hepha guided them to the ship that will soon be carrying the Royal Ace Pirates across the seas.

The moment Ace, Vash, and Terzo saw the ship, their eyes shot wide open. They were expecting a small ship like another caravel or a brig. Not a galleon!

'Much bigger than the Thousand Sunny, but looks more like a traditional ship.'

Ace observed the galleon closely. It had sixteen cannons on each side. There were four front cannons as well. From his perspective, it was obvious the ship was well made. The ship had three masts carrying sails that bore no pirate symbol. The figurehead was a black dragon's head.

Ace walked to the stern of the galleon. It was where the name of a ship was usually placed. Since the galleon looked like a traditional ship, Ace guessed it had its name there. He found it and read the name.

'The Ashen Dragon! So, you'll be our ship?'

Ace was astounded at the Ashen Dragon. The ship felt alive. It was as if it had its own pride and soul. It must be a ship that sailed across many waters.

But, the more astounding sight was seeing dozens of men running around in preparation for the ship's departure. Normally, it wouldn't be such a strange sight. Until you realize all the men had the same face.

"Are they all… twins?" Vash didn't know the right question to ask.

"Their poor mother." Terzo just offered a silent prayer to the woman he assumed gave birth to all of them.

"No, that's Doppol. A shipwright and navigator that decided to sail with me. This ship is his, but knowing him, I'm sure he'll agree to be our shipwright," Hepha briefly introduced the man named Doppol to the rest of the crew. "Oi! Doppol!"

It was a strange sight, seeing dozens of men with the same face turning their heads all at once in a single direction. They were even speaking synchronously.

"Ahh, Hepha! Welcome back!"

"Don't answer all at once! Where's Second?" Hepha was annoyed at the volume of the combined voices of dozens of Doppols.

"Up here, as usual!" One of the Doppols waved his hand at Hepha and the crew. "Who're they?"

"Get us up there first before I introduce you!" Hepha said. The other Doppols instantly put down a wooden plank with steps on it for the crew to walk up on.

Hepha waited for Ace to go ahead first. So, Ace walked up first followed by the rest of the crew. He soon came face to face with Doppol's Second, if he understood what Hepha said.

"Devil Fruit?" Ace asked.

"Yeah. A Paramecia. The Double-Double Fruit," Doppol's Second answered.

"I assume you're not the real one?" Ace said. Hepha answered him.

"You're right. He's right over there," Hepha jutted her chin out to point at a Doppol leaning against the railing as he sat down on the deck.

That Doppol, the original one, looked miserable. He was unlike the rest of the Doppols. His face was pale and green as he hugged a metal bucket to his stomach.

"W-W-W-Welcome a-a-aboard my sh-sh-shi-BLEUUUUURGH!" Doppol tried greeting Ace and the rest before giving up to puke on his bucket instead.

"...that's the real one?" Terzo looked at the original Doppol strangely.

"What's wrong with him?" Ace was trying not to laugh at Doppol.

"Is he… seasick?" Vash asked. "The ship is docked! The waves are barely noticeable! How seasick is he?"

"Very," Doppol's Second and Hepha answered.

"How come you're fine, then?" Ace asked Doppol's Second after quickly getting used to Doppol's strange quirk.

"Doppol made me without the seasickness trait of his." The Second sighed at the original. "Well, while we're out at sea, just treat me as the original. He'll be fine. He may be like that, but he can still make Doubles."

As if to prove a point, Ace and the crew watched the original Doppol split into two. The original Doppol was still sitting as he leaned against the railing while the Double stood up and bowed at the crew. After he bowed, the Double disintegrated into dust.

"He splits his strength to create Doubles. He used most of his strength to create me, making me a Double that will act in his stead. Just call me Second," Second said to Ace and his crew. "Now then, if I still have my wits about me, I'm guessing you are now Hepha's crewmates?"

"We are," Ace confirmed the guess. "Since you're already here, join our crew!"

"I'm glad to have you, captain!"

"That quick?" Vash and Terzo just stared and watched as the events unfold. In the blink of an eye, their crew gained two members and a galleon as its first ship.

"Since Hepha here accepted you as her captain, I'm sure you're someone incredible!" Second said before asking Ace an easy question. "Tell me, captain. To what extent do you plan to sail the seas?"

"Until I rule all of it," Ace simply answered, which made Second as well as Doppol smile.

"Then, our goals align! Captain, sail with this ship!" Second said. "I swear as your Shipwright that I will make sure the Ashen Dragon stays in the best condition to fulfill your goal! Our ambition!"

"Glad to have you on board!" Ace and Second, on behalf of Doppol, shook hands.

It was sundown when the Newt Pirates came and docked the Little Drake beside the Ashen Dragon. Ace invited them on board the Royal Ace Pirates' new ship.

The Ashen Dragon was a galleon, much bigger than a caravel. It had more space on the deck. After inviting the Newt Pirates, Ace started a celebration party in honor of the many boons this day gave them. A Forgemaster, a Shipwright, and a ship.

Doppol's Doubles worked on cooking all the food for the party. Doppol wasn't a cook, but the food was good enough to go along with all the booze they were drinking. Pirates cheered and laughed as they watched each other's pets perform tricks as entertainment.

The merry mood allowed the Royal Aces to get to know each other more. They were most curious about Hepha and Doppol, the newest members of the crew.

Apparently, they were born and raised in the New World. They were from different islands though. Doppol came from Woodchop Island, while Hepha was not so forthcoming with her origin.

So, the topic shifted to Doppol's ability. His Devil Fruit powers wouldn't work well if he himself wasn't strong. Doppol is a grown man around 30 years of age. He spent most of his youth strengthening his body.

Ace suspected that if Doppol disintegrated all his Doubles, he would be physically stronger. Coming from the New World, Doppol also knows Armament and Observation Haki. Ace resolved himself to have a spar with Doppol's Second the next time he could to properly measure his strength.

"So, how come you aren't seasick right now?" Ace asked the original Doppol. His Second disintegrated earlier.

"It's evening now! I become just fine when night comes!" Doppol said as he ate and drank, seemingly trying to recover all he puked out in the day.

"You're a really weird guy!" Ace laughed. He watched the deck of the Ashen Dragon roar with life.

But, there was someone missing.

'Where's Hepha?'

Ace used Observation Haki on the whole ship. Unlike last time, he saw Hepha with his Haki. Most likely because she is among allies, prompting her to slightly let her guard down.

Hepha was standing on the stern of the ship, leaning on a railing. Ace got up and silently disappeared from the rest of the crowd. No one noticed him leave. He quickly made his way to Hepha, but not before taking a couple bottles of booze.

No one else was on the stern. It was a rather secluded place, being the rear part of the ship. Ace saw Hepha lean with her elbows on the stern's railing, quietly taking in the sight of the gloomy dark sea as the moon was clouded over.

Ace wordlessly leaned on the railing as well beside Hepha. He raised a hand carrying one of the bottles he carried. Hepha looked at it before taking it. They both drank in silence. It was later broken by Ace.

"You know, I don't think you were there when the animals started doing tricks. They were amazing!"

"I'm sure they were," Hepha said before sighing contentedly. "But, I had my fill. It was a rather eventful day. This peace and quiet is just what I need."

"Am I bothering you?" Ace winced a little, which made Hepha laugh.

"No, not really," Hepha said to Ace before smiling gently at him. "You're not as tactless as you look."

"Well, I'm an amazing captain! I'm full of surprises!"

"Oh, shut up!"

They drank from their bottles again. Ace suddenly remembered that the woman beside him was obviously a strong pirate from the New World. He got curious.

"Say, Hepha. You're a pirate from the New World, right?"

"Well, not exactly," Hepha said, not knowing how to put her situation exactly into words. "I was more like… a traveling merchant. I sold weapons to fund my voyages to study different forging techniques. I never had a crew."

"You sailed in the Grand Line without a crew?" Ace was impressed.

"No, I meant more like… I never had a crew where I felt I belonged," Hepha said as she shook her bottle. It was empty. "I need a refill."

'Damn, she drinks fast.'

"On it," Ace said before his hand separated from his body.

Jets of flames spurted from the hand's wrist before flying off to the deck of the ship. With his Observation Haki, Ace could guide his hand in its flight. He took three unopened bottles before making his hand fly back to him.

The hand reattached itself to Ace's wrist. Ace put the three bottles on the railing between him and Hepha.

"I didn't know Logias could be used like that," Hepha said after watching what Ace did. It barely took five seconds for Ace to get them three bottles.

"Most Devil Fruits need imagination to be used to its fullest." Ace drank from his bottle. Hepha followed his lead and opened another bottle.

"So, is it the same with us?" Ace asked.


"Being with us. Do you feel like you won't belong?"

Hepha was silent at Ace's question. Ace just let the question hang there. He didn't insist Hepha to answer nor did he change the topic. It took a few moments for Hepha to speak. In the end, she answered Ace.

"I don't think so. You guys are fun," Hepha said before turning to Ace. "Especially you. You don't act like a captain at all!"

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Ace was annoyed, but Hepha just laughed.

"It's not bad! I meant it in a good way," Hepha said before sighing. "All the captains I met were just… overbearing assholes who think the world revolves around them."

"Well, most pirates are like that. Sorry for your bad experiences." Ace drank from his bottle.

"It's okay. I fully expected to deal with people like that when I first sailed." Hepha drank from her bottle.

"Why did you, anyway?" Ace asked. "It doesn't make sense to sail and be… a traveling merchant with a goal like yours. Building a kingdom?"

Hepha didn't answer. Instead, she emptied her second bottle. She set aside the empty one and opened one of the two remaining bottles. She drank from it, taking big gulps. She answered after drinking..

"I didn't have a choice. My home island was wiped off the map." Hepha said, and Ace understood.

'Buster Call.'

"Our island was called Frotha Island. Doctor Vegapunk studied how to make items eat Devil Fruits with our scientists and forgemasters there. After the research was done and Doctor Vegapunk left, an Admiral Fleet came…"

Hepha didn't need to finish her thought. Ace drank with her.

"Why am I even telling you all this?" Hepha laughed, mostly at herself. "Sorry. This was supposed to be a fun night."

"Don't worry about it." Ace reassured Hepha. He wasn't bothered at all. "I'll make it another reason to kick out the Navy. The sea belongs to the free."

Hepha turned to Ace. He felt her staring, so he looked at her in return. Hepha was red faced. From the alcohol or something else, Ace didn't bother to find out.

"That's not a very good joke, Ace. It's the Navy we're talking about!"

"I'm not joking," Ace said, shedding his carefree demeanor. "I know what I said. Ask everyone back on the deck. It's part of my promise."


"Yeah. The Navy has a good cause in their name… but right now, they're nothing more than lapdogs of the deeply corrupt World Government."

Ace stood straighter as he turned his whole body to face Hepha.

"A New Age of Pirates is coming, Hepha! An age I aim to lead at its helm! Big changes are coming! It's the age of recklessness and insanity!" Ace proudly preached. Hepha was seemingly put in a trance.

A while later, Hepha burst out laughing. But it wasn't aimed at Ace. It was a laugh of joy.

"You really are crazy! But why do I believe you?"

"I do tend to have that effect on people. Just look at those guys partying their asses off."

It took a little while for Hepha's laughs to die down. Ace just let her be. It was the first time he saw her laugh.

'I guess she's become more comfortable? That's good.'

Ace stared out at the dark sea and finished his bottle. He was about to reach for the remaining one, but Hepha interrupted him.

"You know, I suddenly had an idea." Hepha turned to Ace. "Did you know Doppol is a musician too?"

"He is?" Ace was surprised. He wasn't hearing any music. Doppol never offered to play too.

"He is! He's just shy, I guess. He's really good!" Hepha took Ace by the wrist and led them back to the deck. "A party should have music! Let's ask him to play songs!"

Ace laughed, agreeing at Hepha's comment. They went to the deck, convinced Doppol to play, and had a great night partying in celebration of their growing crew.

Ehnvy Ehnvy

Thank you all for your input last chapter. I'll be sure to look to you guys for guidance whenever I feel lost or unsure about where to go with certain plot points in this story.

With that said, I feel that simply deleting the R18 Chapter I wrote aboute Ace and Hepha would be a waste. I put some degree of effort into it after all. So, I decided to upload it in the Auxiliary Volume as some kind of R18 Omake.

Feel free to comment there what you guys think. It's my first time writing such a scene.

Thank you!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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