12.04% Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED! / Chapter 10: Arc 2: Tokyo Tower Blitz

บท 10: Arc 2: Tokyo Tower Blitz

Howdy. Author here.

Word of warning:

This Arc takes place AFTER the NTR happened to SOMEONE. It is inspired by several NTR media I was very sad with and wanted someone to come in and save the day, fixing the damage and helping the characters. Naturally, I count on my guy Yuuto to save the day because that's just what he does. If you can bear through the NTR parts here, I promise an ending worth your read...

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this!


Yuuto's Terms Of Service:

8. You can pay in installments of 1,000 YEN for ten months (ONLY APPLIES FOR THE FULL PACKAGE).


Cheating and NTR...




Corruption! Madness! Stress and resignation! SUCH IS THE NATURE OF NTR!!






A beat.

Blue, humming light emerges from an old computer screen.

Yuuto grumbled, "Anti-NTR Man," as he sat in the dim glow of his computer screen, eyeing the framed 2,500 yen on his wall labeled "First Job! Wussy Tom Hardy's Cash."

"Or so I would've been called, if people would JUST. VISIT. THE SITE," he muttered passionately, his frustration evident as he pounded on the desk, each thump rattling the slightly reflective metal baseball bat propped beside him.

"People can be really shy... I don't bite—when I don't have to!" he exclaimed. "I'm a badass with a baseball bat who will baseball the shit out of scum trying to slither into taken people's DMs, and I save relationships dirt cheap! There's literally no one like me in the world! The police can't and won't do a thing! I am the only ray of light in this matter!"

He leaned back in his chair with a heavy sigh, the weight of unmet expectations pressing down on him.

"Well, I just gotta keep at it! Nothing good comes from despair," he resolved, forcing a smile as he rose from his seat. Yuuto began typing masterfully, responding to the sparse fan mail that trickled in.

"Dear Anti-NTR Man," he typed, his fingers dancing across the keyboard, channeling his determination into maintaining the unique service he believed in.

The delusional guy is now reading out loud with a light-hearted tone - fan mail he wrote to himself as he expectedly failed to receive any from actual people.

"Are your services limited to pre-cucking? Is that all you can do? You can't help someone who has already been cucked? Are you that incompetent? You loser, you suck, you have no ability, I am sorry I even came here..."

He chuckled, then straightened up, adopting a more serious tone as he prepared his reply to the imaginary grievance on his deserted website.

"Dear potential client! What a marvelous question! Indeed, it's rare for me to engage with a client before the signs of NTR begin. Most people, foolishly, only seek help after they've noticed something amiss. They turn a blind eye to unusual activities out of ignorance and denial until it's too late."

Yuuto continued, his voice growing enthusiastic, "They fail to take precautions and hire me for preventative measures, which could spare them from being NTR'd. You might think of it as stalking, but really, it's about being proactive—only those truly committed to their relationships would consider having someone discreetly...err...keep an all-watchful eye on their lives."

He leaned back, nodding approvingly at his own rhetoric. "So, most people don't care as deeply about their loved ones as they claim. But you, dear, intelligent, loving, and caring client, you can be smarter than most. Hire me now to safeguard your love life. Trust me to baseball the heck out of any interlopers who dare threaten the peace and sanctity of your relationship."

Yuuto paused, his gaze fixed on the empty chat window, and sighed.

He thrives on inducing paranoia in potential clients, ultimately preying on their cultivated insecurities by casting himself as the heroic savior in their imagined crises.

Yes, Yuuto Sakurai, in his free time, revels in...

Manipulating his own potential clients.


...If only such clients truly existed, which, fortunately, they do not.

However, his very first and admittedly only job did avert a real crisis... Perhaps there's something to his methods after all.

Suddenly, with a foolish grin, Yuuto energetically typed a response on his keyboard and posted it on his website for all to see—or not see, as the case may be.

"But what is there even left to save, Mr. Anti-NTR Man? If the NTR already happened and won, ruining someone's life and leaving them with mental trauma... why would you even jump into action when the damage is already done?"

He pondered for a moment, his face serious and thoughtful. Then, a bright smile spread across his face as he began to type a response.

"Because, dear potential client, to save—"

Suddenly, a notification popped up: "(19:11) You have (1) New Message(s)!"

Yuuto's eyes widened in shock. A new user had sent a message— WAIT WHAT!!!!?!?!

He instinctively kicked his desk in surprise, inadvertently shutting off his computer. As the screen went black, panic set in.

"No, no, no! Let me see, let me see, come on!" he exclaimed, frantically pressing the power button, trying to turn his computer back on and see the content of the message that had arrived just before the abrupt shutdown.

Yuuto, in a frenzy of desperation, shouted at his computer, "Come on, baby, come on! I believe in you! Don't leave me! Don't die on me, come back! Come on! Turn on!" His frantic presses devolved into pummeling, the computer's casing bending under the force as he gasped for breath, clutching his chest as though struck by a heart attack.

In his panic, Yuuto scrambled for his phone, only to remember it had been broken several days earlier. "That's right, mom and dad... are on vacation!" he recalled in dismay.

With no options left at home, he bolted outside. He was running—anywhere, somewhere, desperate for a solution. But with no payphones in sight and no internet cafes nearby, the usually heroic and righteous Anti-NTR Man was driven to a dire choice...

...Yuuto was out to find a phone, even if it meant he had to borrow one by less conventional means—yes...


He sprinted breathlessly through the night after dressing in his black hoodie - without his glasses and his wig. Indeed, he was going out as ANTI-NTR MAN!

He frantically looked, for someone to rob. Whether that was a normal person just going about their life or a boxing champion on the way to a match. Some way, SOMEHOW, he would take them down!

He looked briefly to his side as he sprinted - IT WAS THE SCHOOL!


He ran into a wall, bruising his cheek and head as he fell backward.


'Right, The Kendo Club! I'll rob Sendo blind! He's injured, so it will be easy!' Yuuto shamelessly thought as he ran toward the gym, seeing Sendo outside with his Kendo outfit, drinking water from the small faucet nearby - while placing his wooden sword downwards next to the fountain.

He was off his guard! The chance to bring down an injured child was before his eyes, how could he refuse such a golden opportunity!

He wore his hoodie onto his head and hid his face, sneaking on Sendo and waiting until he finished drinking.

'Some dedication. Doing Kendo just days after being injured.' Yuuto thought.

After Sendo finished gulping the water remaining in his mouth, Yuuto leaped onto his back and strongly wrapped his arms around his neck as he brought him down to his level.

Sendo coughed and wheezed as he was brought down to his heels.

Yuuto kept dragging his body backward to prevent him from standing up.

"Who... What da fuck are-!?" He said as he flailed around with his arms, trying to escape Yuuto's grip.

The vile Yuuto then thickened his voice and began speaking to Sendo.

Yuuto(Thickened Voice): "Don't struggle kid! This is a robbery! Gimme your phone!" He uttered to his ear as he locked his head in place.

Sendo: "Fuckin... Thief... Ya won't-... Huh?" Sendo struggled and tried to unhand Yuuto's grip from his neck.

He tried pushing him away by separating his arms, but after touching them - something came to his mind.


"Sakurai-senpai?" He uttered after feeling his arms and shoulders.

Yuuto shat bricks as he heard these words while strangling Sendo outside of the gym, yet unbeknownst to the people inside.


He began sweating bullets beneath the large, long-sleeved hoodie as his face paled.

Yuuto (Less Thic, horribly trying to mimic a French accent): "Wh-who det Sakurai that you're thinking of-"

"I NEVER forget about a person's physique once I see and feel it!" Sendo confidently uttered.

Yuuto's eyes widened as he recalled Sendo passing him on the train, tapping his shoulder as he passed him.

'Just... Just from that, he figured it out..?' Yuuto smiled almost manically in excitement and anxiety after forgetting for a short period that he is standing on a thin thread.

Yuuto then stopped speaking as he held Sendo, without loosening his grip...

... just awkwardly stood there, as Sendo stopped resisting while he rested his neck in his arms as Yuuto slightly leaned against the gym's wall. Thinking about his next move with a blank, resigned expression on his face.

Sendo then slightly tilted his head a bit, trying to look up at Yuuto.

"... Ya broke yer phone, right - Senpai? If ya wanted ta borrow my phone, ya could have just asked! I'd have straight up borrowed it ta ya'." He uttered without hesitation as he was held in his death grip.

"..." Yuuto then without a word, released Sendo from his grip. Sendo then fell to his knees on the dirt they were standing on.

For the first time in his life, Yuuto was taken by surprise by another person's nature. He just stood there, scrambling his thoughts - unknowing what to think or how to react. He was lied to before and is a liar himself. A shameless, disgusting stalker who would stop at no point to get what he wanted. But, somehow - as if by instinct, he could tell Sendo was telling the truth...

But why?

Sendo coughed as he stood up.

"One sec, I'll go in and get it for ya from my bag." He said casually as he entered the gym without turning around to look at Yuuto.

Yuuto stood there.

20 seconds pass.

60 seconds pass.

'He probably called the police. If he didn't, he most likely told his classmates there. Just as I expec-'

Sendo walked out with the phone in his hand.

"Der." He uttered with a casual, yet stern expression on his face as he tried to look at Yuuto in the face - who was hiding it with his hoodie.

Yuuto stood there without moving a limb... Feeling increasingly agitated as he questioned Sendo's overly trusting actions and the reason behind them in his head.

"Take it, senpai. It's coo-"

Yuuto took his phone without hesitation, snatching it away from his palm with no resistance from Sendo's side.

He entered the web browser and looked for his website.

He didn't move from his position and so did Sendo - who was watching his actions attentively without chatter so as to not disturb him.

Yuuto entered his website and read the message the anonymous user left for him there.

His face paled and his eyes widened in shock.

"WHEN'S THE TRAIN TO SHIBUYA STATION!?" He asked anxiously as he turned to Sendo while trying to cover his face.

Sendo was startled by his reaction.

"I-It left 40 minutes ago! The next one's only at 8:25 pm!"

Yuuto then looked at the time on Sendo's phone.

Yuuto clicked his tongue.

'It's now 19:21... Not good..!! I need to hurry!!'

"I'm taking your phone, Sendo!" He yelled as he started sprinting away.

Sendo caught a glimpse of Yuuto's white and pale face as Yuuto turned and ran away.

"Wait, Senpai!! I got a-" Sendo let out a cry as Yuuto was sprinting towards Tokyo on foot. Sendo's cries gradually faded away as Yuuto ran further and further away.

'No time to worry about saving face. If I sprint right now toward Tokyo, I could get to Tokyo Tower in under 35 minutes if I sprint as fast as I can! It's just 12km, I can do this!!'

With a determined and worried expression on his face, he bolted.

"-enpai!!" Sendo's cries gradually grew closer all of a sudden. It seems he began catching up to Yuuto.

'Impressive. He was injured pretty badly... Must have come for his phone! No time to waste, I must keep running.' He thought as he kept running as hard as he could, without looking back.

As he sprinted, he frantically typed on Sendo's phone as he was logged in to his website.

"DON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITDON'T DO ITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT" He spammed endlessly on the tiny phone's keyboard with plenty of spelling errors without relenting, occasionally looking up to see if there are any obstacles ahead.

Sendo's cries kept getting louder and louder behind the thieving Yuuto.

'Well, he is athletic... Damn it, am I gonna have to waste time facing him now!!?' He ground his teeth as he ran even faster and faster... Gradually losing his breath...

Not good. His side which got battered at the fight several days ago was also slightly hurting. It wasn't something he couldn't endure, but it was hindering his running. If he keeps going like this, he might get permanently damaged in that area. He can't afford that right now... But he has to keep running at full speed - if he wants to get to his destination in time...

The more time he runs, the weaker and more in pain he gets...

-Until hearing a bicycle ring, alongside Sendo's calls for Yuuto's name.

"Senpai!" He called as he rode a bicycle while still wearing his Kendo outfit, riding it next to the running Yuuto, who swiftly turned his attention to him.

"... I don't have time for this, Sendo!! I'll give you your phone afterward!!!" He yelled as he panted while running.

"HOP ON, SENPAI!!! Ya need ta get somewhere quick, right!!? I'll take ya der!" He yelled with a worried expression on his face as he looked at the rushing Yuuto.

"... What?"


Hope you enjoyed the episode! Please comment to let me know what you thought!

Hazy_0832 Hazy_0832

MORE PEOPLE ADD MY NOVELS TO THEIR COLLECTIONS!!! EVEN THE OTHER ONE I WROTE! MANY THANKSSS!!!! I might continue working on the other one as well :)

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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