60% Blood King of BloodHeaven / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

บท 3: Chapter 3

Tom 1 Chapter 3

Viegord did not let Richard or any other Guardian into his bedroom. Although Richard insisted on accompanying him, he wanted time to think and at least a basic understanding of the new environment. So he only ordered them to watch the door and be alert to violent sounds or magical senses. It was a rather specific instruction, though he doubted his Guardians fully understood his order. But now that he had closed the ornate oak door, whose gold raven handles and Herb's painting looked great. According to Viegord's taste.

Viegord, full of mental fatigue, turned around and saw a really peculiar-looking bedroom.

Most of the furniture, decorations, bas-reliefs on the walls were made of really dark wood with dark gold ornaments. The bed itself had a really solid, ornate frame, dark purple sheets with white pillows. And the back frame went almost all the way to the ceiling, and it looked really majestic, despite the fact that if it fell on the bed, Viegord probably wouldn't survive it. However, visually it gave the bed a rich, slightly dark look due to the colors and numerous ravens and creepers made as sculptures.

To the left next to the bed is a large cupboard, as is the rest of the furniture here, made of dark wood with gold ornaments. Inside, Viegord found many robes, most of them dark in color, but that wasn't a problem.

Between the wardrobe and the bed, on the wall to which the bed also adjoined, Viegord saw a large oil painting. Depicting a young man seated on the Throne in the Throne Room, upright holding his hands resting on the royal scepter. With the crown that Viegord himself checked, he is also currently wearing. The face of the figure in the painting had slightly curly, medium-length hair, a hair style he didn't like very much. But by touching his own hair, Viegord guessed that the person in the painting was himself.

The figure in the picture was dressed in the same robe that he is wearing now. And it was a blue regal robe, which comes with a slightly lighter blue cloak with a really long collar. the cloak itself had numerous gold embellishments, Viegord preferring to use black gold if available. Under the cape, a slightly darker shirt, by the standards of the pseudo-medieval world. A quirky gold pendant with a giant blue gem. And with the most intense shade of blue shoulder straps and pants. And matching shoes. Seeing this image and seeing that his attire at the moment was identical, Viegord speculated that it must be some kind of official attire. Since several dozen minutes earlier his predecessor was giving a speech in it.

Right next to the Dressing Room was the entrance to the terrace, a really large passage that reached to the ceiling, which was covered with dark purple lorettos, only revealing part of the middle of the passage, allowing a minimum of daylight to enter the room. Viegord had drawn the curtains fully open to let in more light, but he hadn't yet looked out onto the terrace, wanting to explore his room thoroughly.

Just at the entrance to the terrace was an ornate desk containing several books, a candlestick, and a pen and ink. On the aforementioned desk there was also a book in which Derek had been writing down the testimony and data of Tom, a citizen of the state recently convicted by Viegord.

On the next wall, or rather in the corner of the room, there was a small bookcase reaching to the ceiling with a ladder attached to it. The bookcase occupied the corner of the room, but the number of books was really quite large. And probably, though he wasn't sure, this castle should contain a Library. Although there will be time to visit the castle.

Next to the Small Library, at a suitable distance between the mentioned objects, there is a stone fireplace in which the fire was not currently burning, but it added a kind of pleasant atmosphere to the room. Next to the fireplace, there is a small wood shed. On the last wall, close to the wood shed, there is the entrance door to the bedroom. And right next to them there is a mirror and another additional wardrobe, but this one contained completely different sets of clothes. Viegord was happy with his new bedroom, but it lacks an armor rack and some weapon racks instead of some paintings. Which depicted men and women, probably his ancestors.

After the reconnaissance, a slightly tired Viegord went to the balcony to breathe fresh air. As soon as he rested his hands on the protection of the balcony wall, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath and exhale. Then he looked around at the view of the city that appeared to him after opening his eyes.

The city itself did not seem so big, but from the very appearance of the walls that surrounded the city, Viegord guessed that the city was in the shape of a circle with a palace in the center. Viegord could see one entrance to the city at the moment, but he speculated that there should be an exit from the city on the opposite side, which is currently out of sight.

Viegord could now see the two widest streets, each of which ran towards the palace. One street from the entrance to the city to the palace, and the other 90 degrees from the previous one, led to a rather modest-looking church, which looked a bit dilapidated, but towered over the surrounding houses in size.

On the left side, virtually invisible, Viegord had to lean out slightly from the Balcony, because one of the structures of the castle quite well blocked his view of the city on the left side. However, Viegord saw perfectly well that on the left, there is a large reservoir of water, or even the ocean or sea itself. He wasn't sure, but Viegord hoped to learn more about it from the books in his bedroom.

The castle was quite huge and from what he could see, the castle itself was made of dark gray stone and the tiles were purple. Overall, the castle had a spooky color scheme, if he were to describe it. It looked like the real estate of a Necromancer, or an evil sorcerer who is really rich and influential.

From the current point of view, Viegord saw that within the city there are areas that look richer, middle-income, and on the outskirts, areas that could be described as "slums". Outside the walls, Viegord could see a village less than 5-10 kilometers away, mainly because it was really high up from his vantage point, but determining the distance wasn't easy, but Viegord speculated that it must be the Gold Trigger village, the village Tom was from.

When Viegord got tired of admiring the city, he sat down on the balcony floor and leaned against the wall. And he rested his head on his knees and now the complexities of the current situation slowly dawned on him.

He had transmigrated into the body of the King of a country he did not even know the name of now. Moreover, he now had almost unlimited power in the city, and knew nothing of polity and such things.

He did not know the Hierarchical pyramid that was in force here, he already knew that there is Nobility, King, Knighthood and Peasants. But that's not enough, he didn't even know if he had a mother, although if he had parents present in this castle, he would have met them a long time ago. Although I can't be sure if he has any siblings. Viegord got up and walked over to the bookcase, and after several minutes found the Royal Family Biographies, it was the richest looking book. And apart from the many pages depicting previous rulers and their achievements. Viegord finally found the site and found his family tree. And from the fact that he was now crowned king and knew his name, finding himself on this list was not difficult.

(Viegord)- ,,Viegord Dimitri von BloodHeaven Son of King Pawlondir III and Agniertia of the Mounttreee family."

(Viegord)-,,I'm an only child, that's good news. However, the Minister is my father's cousin. Who would have thought. So I'd have to eliminate him. Whore. it later."-think Viegord

After reviewing the family chronicle, Viegord put it away. And he sat on the bed and thought about what had brought him here. In a past life, he was just a minor worm in the sandbox of his past life. If he had to define himself in simple words, it would be lonely, sadistic, caring, sometimes taciturn and sometimes talkative. Playing the clown in front of family and friends, addicted to novels and anime, a loser.

It was an abbreviated self-criticism, however, Viegord in a past life. He was a really peculiar case. Over the years, he changed from a naive push-along nerd in his school days to a silent psychopath pretending to be laughing. Who had the balls to threaten his superior at work without looking at the consequences.

Viegord thought about the family he had left behind in the previous world. He wasn't sure if he had died there or if the Viegord sea of this world had taken over his body. But surprisingly, he didn't care that much. His siblings and parents treated him like a second-class person or otherwise, as if he was still a child. They inhibited his display of intelligence by formulating, "So that he doesn't play the philosopher." Most of the time he either sat alone in the room or when he was with the family he played the joker, because it was easier for him that way.

Although it seemed to him that he loved his family, because that's how it should be. It worried him that he had so easily reconciled himself to being separated from them. However, now he had a new better life and the sea now he really lived. Although the risk of death in this world is much greater and we are not talking about death by assassination or disease. After all, stories of public executions of evil rulers are quite common. However, Viegord had no intention of playing the virtuous ruler. His goal was to become a ruler who would be feared and adored by his citizens. Until then, he had to do other things than dwell on what he had lost and would never gain.

The slight sadness he had felt about his previous thoughts vanished as Viegord remembered the magic. He was eventually healed with Magic, Viegord didn't know if he was a mage himself, but nothing prevented him from searching the Library himself for information.

As Viegord climbed the ladder to reach the top shelf, he decided to take out all the books he thought would contain relevant and useful information. So after climbing to the top shelf, Viegord started throwing books on the bed. He was throwing a bunch of them, which provoked Richard to come in, however, after a brief instruction and ordering Richard to pick up the books and stack them next to the desk. Viegord ordered him out of the bedroom.

As a result, Viegord pulled about 20 different books from the shelf. Which he decided to segregate before he started viewing them. He sorted them into those concerning the state and the world, magic and the judging system, rights and duties. I started by reviewing those concerning you and the world. There were only two books, one of his own country, the other of the world. They're geography books. But no less interesting, Viegord started with the one representing his own country.

Viegord learned that his country is called BloodHeaven, the same as his last name. The name sounds interesting, but according to the document, his ancestor Kazmierd named these lands after conquering them with his own name. It's not a very original way to call a country that way. However, due to the interesting sounding name, Viegord won't complain.

Although the fact that the names of all male representatives of the main royal line sound like they come from Norse myths. It's funny, but it gives an interesting touch of royal blood.

The Kingdom of BloodHaeven is in a truly peculiar position. On the north side it's surrounded by an ocean called the North Ocean, not a very original name, but at least Viegord knows where north is, because all you have to do is look out the window and look to the left.

Speaking within the Kingdom itself, there is a mountain range to the west of the capital, but these are not cold regions, except of course where the mountains are really high. The mountains extend over most of the western part of the country. Along the mountains there are two villages. IronWall is a medium sized village with two iron mines and another Gemrot. The village of Gemrot has one mine where mana gems are mined. Mana gems are crystals of many sizes containing energies, mana with affinities to one or more element or element subspecies. According to the book, this mine produces mainly low to medium quality Mana Gems with an affinity for fire and earth magic. With the dominance of those with affinity to the Fire element.

The land to the south is lowland with two villages, GoldenTrigger being the closest to the capital of all the villages. And the village of SilverCarrot, the poorest and smallest of all villages.

There was only one village to the east, surrounded by woods, Treemount Village. A village that mainly deals with logging and hunting animals and monsters. This village, like Gemrot, is the farthest village from the capital. However, like the aforementioned village, it is one of the most valuable for the state.

And when it comes to the neighboring Kingdoms, it looks like this.

To the west of BloodHeaven is the Dwarf Kingdom of Ferabor, with its capital Voria in the mountains in the south of the country.

And in the east there are three countries dominated by the human race. The last neighboring state of Bloodheaven is GreenSpear with Healord as its capital. South of Green Spear and adjacent to the east of Mordmar, the Kingdom of RoyalHorn with its capital in Light City. And east of Green Spear, the small kingdom of Aqurdin with its capital in Aqapol.

These three countries, according to the information contained in the book, have been in a coalition for many years, but left BloodHeaven because the country currently ruled by Viegord is tolerant of other races. Which makes a lot of sense, because these three countries profess the principle of the superiority of the human race and worship only the main 5 goddesses of the pantheon. But more on that at another time.

When heavy Geographical reading was well understood by Viegord. Although he still wants to read more about neighboring countries, especially from the coalition of three eastern countries. Because he has a vague feeling that they will be a serious problem in the future. However, now he started the most interesting topic magic and everything related to it. Really interesting reading.

After finishing a few books on the basics of magic, classes and the general power system that governs this world. Viegord could say one thing. "This is fucked up!". But starting from the base, every race has some bonuses, Dwarves have bonuses to physical strength and intelligence. And they have many classes that other races don't have access to because the requirements are either very hard to get elsewhere , or it is required to be a dwarf or have their bloodline, elves, vampires, undead, according to the race book, there are really many in this world, and each race has its own special features and unique abilities.

But let's explain it with an example. Steve, is a man who grew up in the port of the capital. He is a full-blooded human so he doesn't have a rare stat bonus, which is a weakness of the human race. However, he worked on a fishing vessel and from a young age he trained physically because his job required it. As he caught magical varieties of fish, he had a lot of contact with magic. So at the age of puberty, Steve went to church in Capital. To be evaluated and get your first Status. And as it turned out, Steve has a strong affinity for water, but also has a lot of skills that have combat use. Like "Harpoon Throw" and "High Harpoon Handling". And based on these and many other skills, he can choose a class as long as he meets all the requirements.

Currently, Steve, except for Civilian Classes, which are optional to choose, but provide perks to your profession. He can choose a mage subclass, Waterbender due to the fact that he has a large amount of mana, by staying for a long time in an environment rich in magic with a specific attribute. Or the Harpurser class, a combat class and opening his way to serve in the BloodHeaven army as a ranged fighter.

However, if Steve came from a rich family, or went to a public library if there was one, but it doesn't exist yet. He would find that if he leveled up some skills and met some specific requirements, he could unlock rarer class variations. But Steve was just a simple worker and he didn't know, but from the fact that he hadn't heard of the Harpourman in the army, nor did he believe in himself. After all, where would he learn magic if he didn't have the funds to go to the Magic Academy? And he didn't have time to study himself, since he spent most of the day on a fishing boat or drank liters of alcohol in a bar. So he chose the Fisherman class. And even though his income increased a bit, he still stayed forever in the port as fisherman Steve.

The Classes themselves provided more than just skill or stat bonuses. But they developed numerous opportunities to acquire spells and skills. And there were several options for getting skills and spells. You could buy, get, steal a skill book. The Skill Book is an item that can be obtained from Dungeons around the world. However, this is a rare drop from monsters, and to obtain it, you often need not only luck, but also strong combat strength. You could buy skill books at auctions in department stores, but these books reached really high prices. And steal of course. But this involves the risk of having your arm cut off or even death or becoming a slave. But it's a matter of who the person stole the item from.

When opened, the skill book transfers knowledge about the selected spell to the user's mind. Making the user able to use spells at the first level, almost instinctively. However, later training and fighting is required to level up a given spell.

Now that the Classes are more or less explained, let's move on to the levels. People, monsters, items and even food have their own level. The maximum level that a creature or being can reach in this world is level 1000. This is the general level of the being, the strongest person has reached level 700 and is now the head of the church. Of course, there are many legends about heroes who had much higher levels, but the head of the church is noted in this book and is still alive. Even though his life is coming to an end.

The higher the level, the higher the stats. But here too there is a class dependency. A person with no class gets a plus one stat point after being promoted. However, depending on the class, he can receive much more of these stat points. Also, the class itself, after receiving it, gives the user, depending on the said class, additional stat points.

Skills and enchantments are also subject to the 1000 max level rule. However, it is easier to hit 1000 skill level than the general level. Because almost every creature in their life will level up one skill at least once. For example, cooking. Once the person reaches level 1000, their skill evolves into Basic Cooking. The name seems quite specific, but it gives a drastic leap in the quality of cooked food. Although Cooking is one of the fastest evolving skills, there are requirements to level up. Because as the level of skill increases, a person has to cook with a variety of ingredients and increasingly complex dishes. However, you can level up Cooking even by repeated cooking of raw meat over a campfire. But after the first evolution, the stairs begin.

In terms of levels and stats, items are also important. Clothes, panties, pendants, weapons, armor literally everything you wear and hold in your hand makes up your equipment. Of course, you can't carry 10 swords in your backpack and expect your attack to be 11 swords strong. NO. It does not work like that.

In the Sword example, the Sword has limited strength and sharpness depending on what it is made of. And if the alloy from which it was made is not able to penetrate certain materials. Depending on the material from which the sword was made, it can affect not only durability and sharpness. Hence the attack power. But also for the bonuses that a given sword offers. Regular steel sword, no extra bonuses. Not counting the strength and agility bonus. Depends on what type of sword it is. However, if the material from which it was made is not ordinary, but it is a special ore. Even without the intervention of a blacksmith, a sword can acquire a special feature over time. Such as "Pyronic Blade". This skill makes the sword red-hot and temporarily increases attack power and penetration. However, each use affects the durability of the weapon. with humans and of course with deadly effect on the opponent. By training, the sword and inanimate objects are not able to level up like intelligent or living or undead creatures. Then stamina suffers, and when sleeping to zero, the sword breaks or is destroyed. sometimes it exceeds the value of buying a new one, and after repair the sword does not regain 100% strength, but depending on the skills of the blacksmith, its part.

Of course, there are items other than swords, and each of them gives the user numerous bonuses. And some of the items are even able to allow the user to access spells while wearing them. However, when the object is put down, the instinctive knowledge disappears. However, some scholars or simply intelligent people are able to learn skills, thanks to the given subjects. However, this takes time to study the subject.

The last bonus to statistics and theses that affect the unlocking of special classes. There is a Blessing, it can be received from God, the Dragon, the Mighty Spirit and many other beings. And depending on the essence, a given Blessing can have different effects on the user. I Blessing of the Spirit of Fire, gives bonuses to leveling up and learning Fire Magic. And a big bonus to Intelligence and stamina. Yes, if a given Fire Spirit was an expert in a particular skill, it can give the Blessed One knowledge of that skill. Giving an effect similar to the "Book of Skills".

Some classes require Blessings, so some wealthy rich, mostly young or high-level adventurers. They search for ghosts and try to get the Blessing. For example, to unlock a specific archetype or subcategory of a given class after leveling up a Class.

After studying for so long, Viegord was tired, and although the subject of this world's System was complicated, it still consumed him, and before he knew it, the sun was slowly setting in the sky. But even though Viegord wanted to just go to sleep. He still had to delve into the laws and structure of his kingdom. So, forcing himself to make an effort, he began to study the last books.


(author)-I drew a makeshift map. It's not perfect, but it should more or less help you imagine what a fragment of this presented world looks like.

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