83.01% Mob? More Like A Hidden Boss [Mobusekai/Armored Core] / Chapter 44: Chapter 44: End of Term Gala

บท 44: Chapter 44: End of Term Gala

"So," Daniel says, pouring himself some tea. "You'll be restricted to your territory for the duration of the break, you'll be making and teaching a brand new class, and then you'll be made to participate in a few military operations as reparations for the whole… duel."

"Don't forget the hefty fine and a heartfelt letter of apology to the King and Queen for my show of unprofessionalism and very nearly harming a member of the royal family." Leon adds. "Well. Former member, anyway."

"A little much, but then a woman-beater and a craven doesn't deserve to be royalty." Raymond nods. "Good riddance. The Kingdom is stronger without him."

"Where is he getting shipped off to anyway?" Daniel asks. "I don't recall any new border skirmishes or wars. At best, maybe some sky pirate suppression or monster culling in the western territories but not much else?"

"I heard from the grapevine that he's being sent to bootcamp first and foremost, then deployed to wherever he's needed." Harold answers from his side of the table. "Got good info that he'll be put in the 422nd's care."

"Have they heard about the duel?" Daniel asks, eager.

"It's been weeks since, the whole Kingdom must've heard of it by now!" Davian cackles. "Man, he's gonna be in for one hell of a hazing! I almost wish I was back in the army to watch, too!"

Leon and the other boys laugh. It's been a few weeks since the whole debacle with the former Founding Heirs, now retold as the Fall of Four Fools, and life in the Academy has… not quite returned to normal. Things can't return to normal after an event as significant as that and the utter change in political landscape, both in and out of the school.

Four heirs of prominent noble houses, one among them being the Crown Prince himself, had been disinherited. And in Julius' case, disowned entirely and made to enlist in the military– his punishment for such outrageous behavior in the academy and embarrassing the Royal Family as he had. But they weren't the only ones punished.

For sowing the seeds of this occurrence to even happen, the Lafans were investigated heavily for their part in contributing to the Fall of Four Fools and the embarrassment of multiple prominent noble houses. Efforts are ongoing, but various rumors paint a terrible picture for the family's future– with accusations ranging from embezzlement of state funds to misuse of power to duty of care negligence in regards to their children signaling the coming of a terrible fate to the Lafans.

Leon's men report laughter and whooping from Marie Fou Lafan's room, but chose not to investigate. She might have caused one hell of a fuck up, but even Leon can understand why she'd be so jubilant given her past and her family issues.

The duel also brought a significant change to the Academy's perception of Leon and his Ravens– even now people are stiff and cautious around them, fearful of drawing their ire as Julius and his cohorts had. But even that isn't enough to damper the excitement for the End of Term Gala.

Held at the end of every semester so the students could celebrate the fruits of their efforts or as a balm to any that underperformed. It was also one last chance for the various single noble heirs to find and perhaps charm a potential fiancee, however unlikely that outcome was.

The men were expected to wear their school uniforms as a show of humility and to ease the burden on their wallets, while girls were given the choice of dressing up or going with their school uniforms if they couldn't obtain nice attire. It was to be a night of youthful revelry under careful watch of the teachers.

Attendance wasn't mandatory, though it was strongly encouraged. Leon himself didn't want to go, and though his humbling of the Founding Heirs had all but catapulted him to the top of the metaphorical hierarchy in the school there is nothing forcing him to go. There are better things for him to do than posture and dance with some teenagers.

But the people he is close to had other plans.

"So, gentlemen." Daniel smirks. "With the End of Term Gala coming up in a few days, I'm curious who's going with whom."

"I have my lovely fiance to tide me over." Raymond sighs, happy. "Saint's breath, I still can't believe I can say that and not be lying about it. A fiance! And a good one, too!"

"You're welcome, by the way." Leon wryly reminds him. "You too, Daniel."

"And to think, you guys were moaning about never finding a woman of your own not too long ago." Harold heckles. "I'd call you sad if things weren't so dire."

"That's all in the past! We're new men, now! Better men!" Raymond nods. "But more importantly, who're you bringing as a date, Leon?"

"Yeah commander, who're you bringing?" Harold smirks. "Some of the boys think it's Olivia– she'll need a minder anyway beyond us Ravens and the commander's the best choice."

"Bah, it's gotta be Angelica. We've been working with her and her people for months now." Davian laughs. "She certainly looks like she wants to ask, even if there's plenty of fidgeting on her part."

"I dunno– Lady Atlee's been giving Leon looks." Daniel grins at the aforementioned young man. "She definitely looks eager, but the lack of courage to walk up and ask is a little out of character."

"I'm going to drag your sorry asses out into the training field and make you run until sundown, don't tempt me." Leon grumbles. "Every time we get together, you fuckers always wind up talking about me love life– your worse than my mother sometimes."

"Has she been needling you about grandkids already, commander?" Harold laughs. "Wouldn't surprise me!"

Leon kicks him under the table as everyone else laughs. He rubs his forehead as he resigns himself to bearing the brunt of their teasing– he'll make sure to get back at them later; with the pettiest punishment he can think of. Ooh, the shit he'll make them do…


The gala is in full swing, the air merry with the sounds of music and laughter as young men dance with young women interact. Some talk, some eat, some dance, and some… loiter outside the ballroom like vagrants. Those are quickly brought inside by the Ravens and made to enjoy the food or at least try to socialize so they don't further embarrass themselves.

Clarice manages a quiet laugh as she pats a passing Raven on the shoulder, walking into the ballroom herself. The young man nods back with a smile, resuming his work with gusto.

In little over a single school term, Leon and his men have managed to light a fire under everyone's asses– forcing them to improve and be better through example and action. The results speak for themselves; heirs from border nobles walk with straight backs and strong expressions, the harpies and haughty bitches fall in line with little fuss, and there's a noticeable bit of genuine joy in the air now where the gala from the last term had been so fake that even Clarice couldn't stand it. It's as though things had genuinely changed overnight.

How refreshing.

"Clarice!" a familiar voice calls. "Over here!"

"Livia! Angie!" the upperclassman laughs, practically skipping to them. "You two look great! I told you I knew what I was doing!"

"Please, it was not as though I hadn't expected it." the Redgrave daughter rolls her eyes, but she's smiling. "I will admit that your taste in fashion suits Olivia very well. Her dress is very fitting."

"I-I'll pay you back for this." the commoner girl promises for the nth time, looking earnest. Clarice giggles, walking over and pulling the girl into a hug.

"Livia, that barely scratched the surface of my allowance. It was literally nothing for me to get you that dress." the Atlee heiress says, guiding her to a window. "Seeing you looking good in it is payment enough."

And Olivia does look good in it, her outfit for the night combining just the right amount of frills and lace to look sophisticated yet not overwhelm the simple beauty of it. It is sleeveless, with two thin shoulder straps keeping it on in addition to the way it hugs her waist– emphasizing her chest and hips. The skirt stops midway down her calves, and the front portion features an inverted V opening that shows off the inside of her lower legs, stopping at the knees. The top is simple and smooth with no decorative pieces or designs; which serve to further highlight her natural innocent attractiveness.

"Look at you." Clarice continues, hands on Olivia's bare shoulders. "Leon's not gonna know what hit him."

"L-Leon has nothing to do with this…!" Olivia pouts, pulling away from Clarice. "He'll be too busy looking at you, instead! You look amazing!"

Clarice laughs glancing at her reflection in the window– a strapless form-hugging dark green dress with a long slit on the skirt's side to reveal a generous amount of leg. Swirls and crescents and gentle curls are embroidered into the cloth with shining green thread. She channels magic into the dress on a whim and Olivia gasps as the embroidered patterns move, a depiction of a grassy field swaying a breeze. But the Atlee heiress' smile is sad and a little bittersweet as well as the memories come up.

"I had this dress commissioned last semester so I could wear it for this End of Term Gala." Clarice admits. "I hoped that Jilk would like it, but…"

"Clarice…" Olivia's expression softens as she reaches over for her hand. "It'll be okay."

"I know it'll be okay." the Atlee heiress laughs, a little self-depreciative. "I just feel like such a fool now, looking back. I was so naive, thinking my feelings for him were reciprocated…"

A hand falls on her shoulder, and Clarice turns to find Angelica on her other flank. Her normally stern face is softer now, red eyes warm and understanding.

"It's his own fault for thinking with his little head and not his big one. You're not the villain here." she tells her. "I should know– our circumstances are not too different."

Angelica looks gorgeous, clad in that red and black dress with bare shoulders and a plunging neckline that showed off her impressive cleavage and flawless skin. Her voluminous and sophisticated skirt features a leg slit bigger than Clarice's, giving her a mature and womanly air that draws stares from across the hall; by both men and women. If Clarice hadn't known any better, she might have thought that the ducal daughter was trying to seduce someone– and that thought brought a pang of jealousy that was immediately smothered with surprise.

Goodness, how improper.

"It doesn't make me feel much better, though." she sighs. "But… it's better to be weeping in the corner of my room, I suppose."

"Right. It wouldn't fit your 'delinquent' image anyway." Olivia grins, the gap in her teeth making the gesture more endearing somehow. "Besides, Leon wouldn't like that."

"Indeed he wouldn't." Angelica teases. "What would he, the Humbler of Men and Avenger of Women, think of you if you were to hole up in your room all sad and alone?"

"I'd first ask the young women talking about me while I'm in earshot to cease."

The three girls jump and turn to Leon, the young man walking over with his hands occupied holding drinks. He gives them the widest, toothiest, most unrepentant grin that has Clarice fuming even as her heart skips a few beats.

"L-Leon!" Olivia greets. "C-Clarice started it!"

"What?!" the Atlee heiress snaps to Olivia, betrayed. "I was comforting you so well and this is what I get?!"

"Easy girls, no need for a scene at a party." Leon chuckles, voice warm and deep and oh so knowing. "Let's have some drinks to calm down, hm?"

"G-Good idea, Leon." Angelica sighs, nodding as she takes a glass. "Really Clarice, you should know better than to resort to such puerile gossipping. You are an heiress to an earldom, you should at least act like it."

"...you know what?" Clarice snatches a glass from Leon's hand and downs its contents in one go. "Screw these two– dance with me, Leon."

"Wha– hey!" he protests, managing to give Olivia the remaining two drinks before Clarice grabs his arm and hauls him after her to the dance floor. "Clarice, slow down a minute! Clarice!"


"...I will admit, I hadn't expected you to be a capable dancer." Angelica admits as she moves with Leon, swaying and stepping in time to the music. "With your background, I had expected you to be a little more cumbersome with your footwork."

"Don't let this smoothness fool you, I spent a good week straight getting my feet stepped on by my knight." the young man grumbles. "She insisted I pick up some dancing lessons just to be safe. That she wore steel-toed boots was an extra incentive for me to learn quickly."

Angelica laughs as she dances with Leon, guiding his passable efforts around the other pairs on the dance floor. Despite what she says though, the ducal daughter is genuinely impressed at his skill. Not once has he stepped on her feet, and he keeps his movements at a manageable pace– not too fast but not too slow either; moving in time to the song. His hands do not stray from her waist and grip her hand with a comforting tightness that belies how they've killed before.

When had reported satisfactory results from her 'test run', Angelica had all but demanded he dance with her next. It might have been a little selfish of her but damn it, she's gone through so much already– she's earned this.

Something she is familiar with, actions that were predictable, motions that needed no deep thought, and the company of someone she trusted and knew she was safe around. A good distraction from her thoughts, especially those revolving around her latest meeting with him at the Royal Palace where he spoke to her about her… future engagement.

"You look troubled." her dance partner says. "Something on your mind?"

"This is hardly the place for it." she shakes her head. "Pay it no heed."

"Forgive me, milady but I find it difficult to do that." Leon drawls amused. "Your visage will be all that I see for a good while, and it makes this experience far less enjoyable when I know my partner is not able to fully partake in it."

Angelica purses her lips in thought. She sighs.

"My father is looking to find me a new fiancee. Someone of good pedigree and mature mindset, in possession of assets that House Redgrave and the Kingdom could use for the betterment of all." she admits. "The list of candidates is… depressingly short. Few meet the stringent conditions he has set, and fewer still are individuals he feels I would compliment well as a spouse. It is a little… disheartening, really."

Leon hums. He doesn't understand, not truly, to be someone who's mere presence would be enough to change… wait. No, of course he would– he's the greatest knight in the kingdom. He wields enough influence to give even a dukedom pause and has the loyalty of many in the Royal army.

And isn't that daunting? To be in the presence of such a powerful young man, a Viscount and future Earl rather than the child of either. He must have such heavy thoughts in his mind, he didn't need her worries to think about on top of that. Such a presumption is ill-suited for someone like–

"Have you spoken to him about it?" he asks suddenly, and her thoughts snap back to the present.

"W-What?" Angelica stammers.

"Have you spoken to your father in regards to whatever future betrothal you would be having?" Leon clarifies. "As I recall, the last time you let him decide your future for you, the royal family lost its heir."

"I…" she blinks. "C-Can I? I– Leon, my father's a Duke."

"And it's your future." Leon retorts. "Age doesn't always equate to wisdom. Maybe instead of relying on his judgement, you could spend some time with this perspective fiancee so you can get a feel for his character? See if he's anything like what your father said he is?"

"...I suppose you're right." Angelica smiles at him. "Could I spend the break at your residence, Leon?"



"...I'm on that list of possible fiancees, aren't I?" the young man sighs


Olivia laughs as she moves, heart light and feet even light– following Leon's lead as the music speeds up.

She'd forgotten what it felt like to have fun to the fullest. In the Academy, a place full of rules and all sorts of restrictions, moments like this had been few and fleeting; forcing her to cherish what bits of reprieve she'd managed to get. Now, though? There were no rules, no restrictions– not when the music is fast and laughter fills the halls from the girl and boys dancing on it.

Onlookers clap and sing in time to the band's music, a northern folk song that Olivia doesn't know. But the notes are cheery and fast and happy– something completely opposite to the subdued, slow, and dull air of the Academy. It felt like she had gone home to Freycross on the Night of Frey's Gifts, when lovers would trade gifts under the light of the full moon and the blessing of her hometown's resident guardian spirit. Though there are no gifts to be traded here, the air is no less celebratory and joyous.

Perhaps that was her getting too invested in things, but screw it– she's earned this!

Strong arms wrap around her and pull her close before hauling her up. The world around her spins and she laughs as she braces her hands on two powerful shoulders, looking down at the young man that holds her up.

Leon Fou Bartford. War Hero, Kingslayer, Raven. A young man who went through a terrible life but emerged unbroken and more determined than ever. The warrior who duels kings and fights armies alone, yet possesses the warmth of a leader and the wisdom of a scholar. The nobleman who befriended a commoner girl when no-one else would because he saw her as a person rather than an annoyance.

Is it any wonder that she fell for him?

He sets her down and they keep dancing, moving and laughing until the music ends and all applaud. Olivia is left breathless and tired, managing a tired laugh even as she's brought off the dance floor and set down on a chair.

"Wow…" she giggles, skin flushed and breathing heavy. "I haven't had so much fun in ages."

"Yeah, me too." Leon laughs beside her, lowering himself down to one knee to catch his breath. "Man, that was great."

"It was!" the blonde nods. "I hope Clarice and Angelica have fun too. They need it after what's happened."

"I'd argue you need it the most, what with you missing a tooth."

"Then we should all have fun together. The more the merrier as they say." Olivia answers. "A shame we won't be seeing much of each other during the break."

"...oh, right, you'll be staying at the Academy right?" Leon blinks. "Why not go home to Freycross? Hell, I'll even give you a lift."

"Thank you Leon, but… I don't want to go back to Freycross. At least, not yet." she pats his arm as she shakes her head. "It's… I'm an orphan. So my house would be all sad and empty anyway."

"Oh, Olivia I'm so sorry." the young man immediately consoles, a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories."

"It's alright. My mother passed away in her sleep and my father… was never in the picture." she sighs. "It's been years, though. I'm not sad about it anymore. But I just… I don't want to be alone right now. Not after what happened."

"You know the Academy's gonna be mostly empty, right?" Leon reminds her.

"I can still go to the dungeon or walk around the capital! It's not too bad!" Olivia laughs.

"A sweetheart like you? Walking all alone?" Leon snorts. "I have a better idea. Why not come with me during the break?"

Olivia stares at him. He grins.

"It's not like I won't have room, and there's plenty to do. Plus, we can get to work on that tooth gap of yours sooner." Leon's grin softens into a warm and welcoming smile. "What do you say?"

What could she say besides 'yes'?

Notes: A slice of life chapter and some fluffiness! We also passed the 1k milestone for power stones! Thanks everybody!

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